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要用固定的信号和动作进行训练,使鸭群建立起听指挥的条件反射。放牧训练要从雏期开始,用固定的口令训练,这种口令因地因人而异。在训练指挥信号的执行过程中,必须非常严格。例如在前进的行列中,要根据指挥人的要求,有固定的队形和行列,不能擅离队伍,不允许争先恐后。  相似文献   

王美玲 《山东饲料》2013,(21):14+45
健美操作为一项融体操、音乐、舞蹈为一体的运动项目,它是以有氧练习为主,以健、力、美为特征,充满现代气息,深受广大青年学生的喜爱。本课教材选自国家体育总局体操中心出版的《全国大众健美操锻炼标准(三)》,它一共有六套健美操,一至三级是本套动作的初级套路,练习的目的是进行中等强度的有氧练习和低难度的腰腹力量及上肢力量  相似文献   

服从比赛规则是以我国工作犬训练比赛标准为基础,参考国际相关规则标准而制定。比赛共分为8个科目,按排列顺序依次进行。服从比赛总要求:1.各科目均以基本姿势(犬左侧坐)开始和结束。2.参赛者指挥犬比赛中,口令与手势可同时使用,使用正确口令以外  相似文献   

<正>互动性教学是体育课程的一个特点,在体育课堂中经常表现出学生和学生互动,教师和学生互动的现象,但如何能更好的使师生和生生的互动更加有效、更加合理是体操课堂教学的一个着眼点。怎么能达到有效的互动性的体操课堂呢?琢磨之后发现,只有能够更好的服务培养目标和课程目标的互动性教学才是有效的教学。首先,培养目标的达成需要各门课程的课程目标的实现来保证。作为体育教育专业学生的培养目标是,培养德、智、体全面发展的中等学校合格师资,并为他们今后成为中等学校的体育骨干教师、体育教  相似文献   

正口令是以一定语言组成的具有指令性的声音刺激,主要通过犬的听觉引起相应的活动。在犬训练使用或调教过程中,口令的应用是必不可少的。口令作为指挥犬行为的信号,使犬根据不同的口令及其音调的变化,顺利地做出相应的行为动作。犬具有敏锐的听觉分析器,它不仅能对  相似文献   

正在远距离指挥警犬搜捕训练的情况下,普遍存在着训导员口令因为距离远导致警犬行为失控的情况。同时,在警犬实战使用中,还存在着因为训导员高分贝口令指挥警犬,容易引发警力位置暴露的不利因素。本文在警犬搜捕训练中,为犬佩戴超声波设备,建立警犬对超声波指令形成条件反射,达到隐蔽、高效指挥警犬进行作业的效果。超声波是一种频率高于20000赫兹的声波。它每秒的振动次数甚高,超出了人耳听觉的一般上限,  相似文献   

跳抱是指犬在主人的指挥下,能够根据口令或手势做出跳入主人怀中的行为。它是一项娱乐性的服从科目,在国内外犬展犬赛等视频资料中出镜率较高,颇有观赏性、实用性。跳抱的口令为:“抱”;手势:两大臂下垂,小臂平伸向前,掌心向上,十指伸开。[训练方法]常规训练犬进行跳抱的方法有  相似文献   

柔韧通常指柔韧性,是人体关节活动幅度以及关节韧带、肌腱、肌肉、皮肤和其他组织的弹性和伸展能力。在体育教学中,特别是中小学体育课,体育教师通常会将柔韧性练习纳入常规教学中去,本文就体育教学中柔韧练习的方式方法,柔韧性辅助练习的方法及柔韧性练习在体育教学中的作用进行分析。  相似文献   

分布在欧亚大陆北部有一种狗,最适合在雪地上拉雪橇。它们温驯、有耐力、有很好的辨向能力和强壮的体质。对于拉雪橇犬,必须教它们熟悉自己的名字听指挥。训练员的手势是驾驭雪橇的人用以指挥犬的。手势有各种各样,在多数地区训练员的手势是在头上划圆圈,并挥动手臂,伴随着打口哨。管理拉雪橇犬的口令,  相似文献   

正当前,国内有些地方反恐、防恐形势非常严峻,警犬技术参与反恐行动越来越多,警犬在搜捕暴恐分子行动中的作用越来越显著。但目前在指挥警犬进行搜捕的训练和实战中,还是依赖传统的手法,即带犬民警通过口令和手势,近距离地指挥警犬作业,一旦远离警犬,就难以达到有效指挥,尤其在高原山区,因高原缺氧和地势起伏不平,或沟壑纵横山路崎岖,带犬民警在实战中,  相似文献   

There are problems associated with teaching bovine rectal palpation to undergraduate veterinary students. The students need opportunities to examine enough cows to develop the required skills, but increasing student numbers and limitations on access to cows have made this more and more difficult to achieve. A virtual reality-based teaching tool, the Bovine Rectal Palpation Simulator, has been developed as a supplement to existing training methods. The student palpates computer generated virtual models of the bovine reproductive tract while interacting with a haptic (touch feedback) device. During training sessions, the instructor follows the student's actions inside the virtual cow on the computer screen and gives instruction. A trial integration of the simulator into the fourth-year bovine reproduction course was undertaken at the University of Glasgow Veterinary School during the 2003/2004 academic year. Students were offered two training sessions, and feedback was gathered using questionnaires. In the first session, all students were taught a range of basic skills using a standardized teaching protocol. The second training session was customized to each student's learning needs and included practice in dealing with a range of on-farm scenarios. Student feedback indicated that the training had been useful for learning various aspects of bovine rectal palpation and provided information that helped in the further development of the simulator as a teaching tool.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of a self-learning computer module (SLCM) versus traditional instruction in teaching how to pass a nasogastric tube (NG) in the horse. DESIGN: A double-blind, monocentric study. SAMPLE POPULATION: 52 third-year students in the DVM program were randomly assigned to two groups: traditional instruction (N = 25) or SLCM instruction (N = 27). PROCEDURE: Traditional instruction consisted of an instructor and live demonstration; SCLM students were given a CD-ROM each. Both sessions lasted one hour. The students were then united in one session to practice passing the NG tube. Their performance was videotaped and evaluated by two evaluators. Students were then given a multiple-choice knowledge quiz. One week later, a second demonstration of the same procedure by the two methods was administered, and students were allowed to choose either method of instruction. A Likert-scale questionnaire about their comfort, their confidence, and the appropriateness of the teaching method was given after the second demonstration. Data were analyzed by non-parametric tests. A focus-group study was conducted to determine students' perception of each teaching method. Nine participants in the experiment volunteered for these focus-group sessions. The sessions were audiotaped and transcribed. RESULTS: Students in the SLCM group performed significantly better on the test of knowledge than traditionally instructed students. The questionnaire found significant perceived benefits to computer-based instruction, including a preference for the computer-based module, better learning, and greater preparedness. In hands-on skill, time to pass the NG tube on the successful attempt was significantly shorter in the SLCM group than in the traditionally instructed group. The data from focus-group sessions suggest that while participants expressed satisfaction with both modes of instruction, the SLCM group reported somewhat higher levels of confidence in their skills prior to performing the procedure. Whereas the traditional group reported a strong preference for continued live demonstrations of the procedure, the SLCM group stated that the computer-assisted module alone provided them with effective instruction. CONCLUSION: Computer-assisted learning is an acceptable and effective method of training students to pass an NG tube with potential welfare, proficiency, and knowledge advantages.  相似文献   

手绘设计草图是电脑设计不可替代的设计表现形式,手绘设计草图的学习是学生提高设计能力的一个关键因素,在现今艺术院校设计专业学生的系统学习中应加强快速手绘草图的训练,并对其技法进行探索和总结。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy of a reusable plastic model mimicking the anatomy and hemodynamics of the canine female genital tract for teaching basic surgical skills and ovariohysterectomy. SAMPLE POPULATION: 40 veterinary students of the class of 1998. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective study. METHODS: Students'confidence level and experience in private practice was evaluated via questionnaire before training. Students in 2 groups performed an ovariohysterectomy on cadavers (group C, n = 20) or on the model (Group M, n = 20) for 2 hours. Students' psychomotor and basic surgical skills were objectively assessed by the following tests: ligation of a foam cylinder, passing a needle through the eyelets of an electronic suture board, and ligating latex tubing. Results were compared before and after training and within and between groups. The ability of students to perform an ovariohysterectomy in a live dog after training was compared between groups with a scoring system. RESULTS: Students in both groups had similar surgical experience and basic skills before training. The results of the psychomotor and basic surgical skills tests were better in group M after training than group C. The improvement of each student in performing these tasks also increased when students were trained with the model. Scores assigned to students performing an ovariohysterectomy in a live dog were higher in group M (31.45 +/- 1.15) than in group C (20.7 +/- 1.42). CONCLUSION: The model was more effective than cadavers in teaching basic surgical skills and ovariohysterectomy in dogs.  相似文献   

Successful placement of an i.v. catheter in horses is a core competency required by the AVMA COE accreditation policy (section 7.11, #2,#3,#5). Therefore, we determined whether the use of a novel intravenous (i.v.) catheter placement training tool would improve confidence, time to successful placement and accuracy with which third- and fourth-year veterinary students acquire competence regarding this skill in adult horses. Students lacking earlier experience with i.v. catheter placement in horses were randomly assigned to either Group 1 (n = 15) or 2 (n = 10). Students with prior experience with the technique were assigned to Group 3 (n = 14). Group 1 students were instructed on i.v. catheter placement using the model and then assessed using a live horse. Group 2 students were instructed on i.v. catheter placement using a live horse and then assessed using a live horse. Group 3 students were assessed using a live horse. Assessments included number of placement attempts, number of redirects and time needed to achieve correct intraluminal placement. Student perceptions regarding the use of this model for the purpose of learning i.v. catheter placement in horses were evaluated using a questionnaire. Results of this study demonstrated that students receiving initial instruction with the model achieved better scores in terms of both time to accomplish the task and accuracy for catheter placement in a live horse when compared with students that received their first instruction on a live horse. The use of this i.v. catheter placement training tool therefore served to lessen the cost of training and to minimise animal discomfort during this component of veterinary student training.  相似文献   

RATIONALE FOR THE STUDY: In 2000, funding was awarded by the University of Glasgow's Learning and Teaching Development Fund (L&TDF) for the authors to develop an interactive, online learning resource for veterinary biomolecular sciences teaching. This course is a core component of the veterinary undergraduate curriculum at the university. Evaluations were carried out to gauge students' experiences of using the resource as a basis for exploring students' attitudes toward online, independent learning. METHODOLOGY: Peers were asked to review the design and content of four modules, also evaluated by students using questionnaires and focus group discussions. Additionally, students were observed using the modules. Both first-year students and second-year direct-entry students (i.e., students entering the veterinary program with advanced training) participated in the evaluation, which allowed for some comparison between the groups. One cohort used the modules independently, and their responses were compared with the cohorts that used the modules in scheduled classes. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The evaluations indicate that this is a useful resource that could act as a template for other courses within the veterinary undergraduate curriculum, particularly for learning of basic sciences. On average, first-year and timetabled students rated the program more highly overall, rated the program more highly in relation to previous instruction, and rated tutor presence as more important than second-year direct-entry and independent students did. The lower rating given to tutor presence by second-year direct-entry and independent students indicates that they are more confident using the modules without tutor supervision.  相似文献   

Basic animal-handling skills are essential for any veterinary practitioner to work safely and confidently. This short article offers the reflections of two students who undertook training in basic animal-handling skills at the University of Sydney as part of the Veterinary Science degree program. Several students attending their final-year clinical rotation at the University of Sydney were asked to informally assess their own basic animal-handling skills at the beginning of the course and in their final year. These perceptions were matched to career choices and demonstrated the positive effect of skills training in career choice. As with any skills-based training program, limitations such as time and finances place restrictions on student learning, and there is a continual need to assess and, where possible, make improvements to the program.  相似文献   

高等职业教育畜牧兽医专业教学资源库内容丰富,在课程教学中为教师和学生提供了多种应用途径和手段,实现了各类资源的相互调用,满足了教师教学需求,增强了学生学习的主动性和趣味性,提高了教学效率,提升了人才培养质量。  相似文献   

Psychological distress has been shown to affect the academic success, health, emotional well-being, and dropout rates of medical students. Although it can be assumed that stress has similar effects on veterinary students, there is a paucity of research pertaining to the psychological stressors and coping strategies of this group. This article focuses on selected non-academic areas (as identified through a survey of currently enrolled students) that can create significant stressors for veterinary students. Also assessed and discussed here are poor coping strategies (e.g., substance abuse) and gender differences in perceived stressors and coping strategies that emerged from the survey. Results suggest the need for veterinary programs to integrate academic and professional skills instruction with personal life balance training and access to psychological services.  相似文献   

The need for alternative methods of teaching veterinary medicine and surgery has increased in recent years because of increasing costs and changing public opinion. For these reasons a hemostasis model was developed that mimics the arteries and veins of the peripheral vascular system, and can be used to teach the basic skills involved in blood vessel ligation and division. This study evaluated the effectiveness of the fluid hemostasis model compared with using live animals for teaching these skills. Forty sophomore veterinary students participated in the study. Two groups of 20 students each received identical instruction in the basic techniques required for vessel ligation and division. The students then completed various exercises using inanimate models to objectively evaluate their psychomotor skills. Both groups then practiced the techniques for equal time periods; one group used the hemostasis model and the other performed a splenectomy on live dogs. After the practice session, the students were videotaped (for later evaluation), as they performed vessel ligations and divisions. The students then repeated the exercises using the inanimate models for evaluation of skills improvement. Questionnaire responses before and after the project were obtained to determine the students' views on the need for inanimate models for teaching purposes. Results of this study indicate that the hemostasis model was as effective as live animals for teaching the basic skills involved in blood vessel ligation. The students' opinions regarding the use of properly designed inanimate models for teaching these skills were dramatically changed.  相似文献   

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