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随着经济的发展和社会环境的变化,农民收入也发生了许多新的变化。"三农"问题的核心问题是农民收入问题。随着经济的发展和社会环境的变化,农民收入也发生了许多新的变化。为了更清楚地认识农民收入问题,按区域观察农民收入是非常必要的。本文从东部地区、中部地区、西部地区农民人均纯收入角度入手,研究农民收入变化特点。一、东部地区、中部地区、西部地区划分  相似文献   

为探讨我国北方草地净初级生产力(Net primary productivity,NPP)的变化及其影响因子,本研究利用光能利用率模型(Carnegie-ames-stanford approach,CASA)和遥感数据,模拟了2000—2015年我国北方地区的草地NPP时空动态格局,并对其动态变化的稳定性、持续性及其与气象因子的相关关系进行分析。结果表明:2000—2015年间我国北方草地NPP呈显著增长趋势,空间上表现为由东北向西北逐渐降低;草地NPP高值区主要集中在青藏高原东部、新疆北部,低值集中在青海省西南部及内蒙古中部等地;青海东部、甘肃南部和陕北地区的草地NPP呈显著增加,而新疆北部草地NPP显著减少;不同类型草地NPP在研究期限内均呈波动增加的趋势,其中坡面草地增长率最高;我国北方大部分地区草地NPP处于中等波动状态,青藏高原东北部的草地NPP较为稳定;未来青海省南部及东部,黄土高原中部和新疆北部地区的草地NPP将持续显著增加。总体而言,我国北方草地NPP与气温呈负相关关系,与降水呈显著正相关性关系。  相似文献   

实施西部地区大开发战略,加快中西部地区的发展,是以江泽民同志为核心的党中央根据邓小平同志关于我国现代化建设“两个大局”的战略思想,面向新世纪做出的重大决策。朱镕基总理在政府工作报告中指出,西部大开发对于扩大内需、推动国民经济持续增长,对于促进各地区经济协调发展,最终实现共同富裕,对于加强民族团结、维护社会稳定和巩固边防,都具有十分重要的意义。 当人们的目光从东部转向西部时,不可回避地关注起东西部之间的一个广大地域──中部地区,东部大发展,西部大开发,中部怎么办?作为中部地区之一的河南省在西部大开…  相似文献   

通过对门源农区、牧区、半农半牧区牛羊棘球蚴病流行情况进行了调查,结果表明:门源地区绵羊感染率为10.17%,牦牛感染率为7.21%。西部牧区绵羊和牦牛感染率分别为16.15%和13.58%;中部农区绵羊和牦牛感染率分别为6.10%和3.17%;东部半农半牧区绵羊和牦牛感染率分别为10.38%和7.14%,今后防制重点应放在牧区。  相似文献   

中国南方干旱灾害风险评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
干旱灾害风险评估是灾害风险管理的关键途径。通过分析干旱灾害风险成因,从干旱灾害的致灾因子危险性、孕灾环境脆弱性、承灾体暴露性和防灾减灾能力四大因子入手,以灾害学理论为基础,构建干旱灾害风险评估模型,然后根据相关气象、地理环境和社会经济数据,在GIS平台上对中国南方地区进行了干旱灾害风险评估。得到以下结论:1)干旱致灾因子的高危险区主要位于云南省的中东部以及与四川的交界处,川西高山高原区和东部盆地的遂宁、宜宾市,以及广东东部沿海地区;2)孕灾环境的高脆弱区主要分布在云南中东部、四川东部盆地以及贵州西北部;3)承灾体的高暴露区主要位于广东东部、雷州半岛和沿海地区,广西南部以及四川盆地的大部分地区;4)防灾减灾能力较高的区域主要位于重庆西部、四川西部、云南东北部、贵州中部、广西南部以及广东中东部地区;5)干旱灾害的高风险区主要位于四川东部盆地、四川与云南交界处、云南东北大部分地区、广西西南部以及广东东北部和雷州半岛;干旱灾害的低风险区主要位于四川北部山区以及广东和广西的北部。  相似文献   

本文报道了云南瘤牛的产地,分布,习性和形态特征,并探讨了其起源与形成。云南瘤牛产于云南省中部,南部和西南部热带及地亚热带地区,性能耐热,耐湿,抗蜱;据出土文物和历史记载,云南瘤牛可能起源于云南,云南是中国瘤牛的重要起源地。  相似文献   

中心产区的自然概况 1.地理位置岷县位于甘肃省武都地区的西北部,地处洮河中游,西南和西北部与甘南藏族自治州相毗邻,北部、东部和东南部接连天水地区,南部紧靠宕昌县,是我省甘南高原与陇中黄土高原及陇南山区的接壤区。  相似文献   

黄少卿 《中国蜂业》2009,60(2):43-44
一、我国蜂业合作组织发展面临的主要问题 1、地区发展不平衡 近几年来,随着国际、国内市场形势不断变化,我国对蜂蜜、蜂王浆的质量要求越来越严格,建立了溯源体系。各地以出口企业为龙头,组织培训蜂农。许多蜂业合作组织应运而生,特别是县级养蜂组织得到了较快发展。但各地发展极不均衡,东、中部蜂产品出口大省发展速度较快,而蜂产品出口相对较少、甚至没有出口的省份行业协(学)会发展较慢,有的养蜂人个体经营,自生自灭。  相似文献   

美姑县位于四川省西南部,凉山州东北部,全县人口20万人,其中彝族占98%,是国家扶贫开发工作重点县,同时也是半农半牧县。2008年以养羊为主的畜牧业产值占农业总产值的60%以上,因此大力发展“种草圈养”羊业,对促进县域经济发展和彝族农民脱贫致富,解决“三农”问题具有重要意义。  相似文献   

口蹄疫土耳其仅上半年发生135起,均由O型病毒引起。希腊发生95起,主要在克桑西州、莱斯沃斯岛、罗多波州等地,传染源是由于从土耳其非法引进染疫绵羊而引起的。非洲猪瘟意大利发生86起,仍在撒丁岛努奥罗的东部地区。西班牙发生13起,主要在西南部老疫区一科尔多巴和韦尔瓦地区。2月24日在塞维利亚省为首次发生。猪瘟德国发生115起,主要在北部和东部的24个地区。意大利21起均发生在撤丁岛。比利时发生48起,主要在东佛兰德省和西佛兰德省。保加利亚在1993年12月16日一1994年3月28日期间发生5次,以后未再发生。爱沙尼亚1月15日在Y小nd…  相似文献   

山东省小麦田杂草组成及群落特征   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
采用倒置“W”型九点取样法对山东省小麦田杂草进行了调查,明确了山东省小麦田田间杂草的种类组成及群落结构。调查结果表明:山东省小麦田杂草共有 69种,隶属于21科,54属,其中禾本科、菊科和十字花科杂草种类最多,禾本科杂草为15种,菊科杂草11种,十字花科杂草8种,优势杂草有播娘蒿、荠菜、猪殃殃、雀麦、麦瓶草、小花糖芥、麦家公、看麦娘、节节麦和打碗花等10种,这10种杂草是构成山东省各地区小麦田杂草群落的优势种,此外区域性优势杂草有15种,一般性杂草有44种。从杂草区域分布来看:山东省7个区域中鲁西南平洼区的物种丰富度、物种多样性和均匀度指数均最高,其次是鲁南山区和鲁中山区,而鲁西北平原区和鲁北滨海区的辛普森指数最高。经聚类分析,山东省小麦田杂草群落分为4组:鲁西南平洼区和鲁南山区群落结构类似为一组,此组杂草种类和数量均多,发生重;胶东丘陵区、胶潍河谷平原区和鲁中山区群落结构类似为一组,此组杂草种类和数量介于中等,发生较重;鲁西北平原区和鲁北滨海区与其他地区差异较大,单独划为两组,这两组杂草发生种类和数量均少,跟其他组差异均较大。  相似文献   

以甘肃天祝和玛曲为例,研究了青藏高原东北缘和东缘地区高寒草甸植物群落特征和多样性的分异性。结果显示,青藏高原东北缘和东缘地区高寒草甸植物群落的优势种均为高山嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea);东缘地区植物群落高度和盖度大于东北缘地区;植物群落均表现为双层垂直结构。东缘和东北缘地区高寒草甸植物群落的物种丰富度指数差异不显著(P>0.05);物种均匀度指数、α多样性指数、β多样性指数和地上生物量均表现为东缘地区显著大于东北缘地区。本研究结果说明,青藏高原周边地区高寒草甸群落特征、植物多样性和草地初级生产力具有较大分异性,因此,制订经营策略时应因地制宜,以维持高寒草甸的稳产和保育植物多样性。  相似文献   

甘肃省文冠果产业发展分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
申登峰 《草业科学》2010,27(5):157-160
甘肃省中部、东部及东南部大多属于黄土高原沟壑区,森林植被稀少,生态环境十分脆弱,降水多集中在7-9月,30%~50%的降水以暴雨形式出现,干旱与水土流失并存。通过分析文冠果Xanthoceras sorbi-folia的适生习性,确立该地区为文冠果的最佳适生区之一。调查结果表明,该地区适宜种植文冠果的宜林荒山面积达39万hm2,具有规模发展文冠果的条件。并通过调研分析,指出了该地区文冠果发展的制约因素。  相似文献   

The prevalence and control of blowfly strike in England and Wales was investigated by a postal survey of 2451 sheep farmers, divided into five regions, who were asked about the blowfly seasons of 1988 and 1989. These were important years for the control of blowfly strike because the number of compulsory dips for the control of sheep scab was reduced from two to one in 1989. The response rate was 74.2 per cent. A larger proportion of farmers in the south west and south east reported strike (90 per cent), than in the north of England (60 per cent). The proportion of sheep with strike showed a similar regional variation (0.7 per cent in the north of England to 2.8 per cent in the south west). Dipping was the most common method of blowfly control, followed by tail amputation, dagging, spraying and cyromazine. Twenty per cent of farmers reported reducing the frequency of dipping in 1989, and of those 20 per cent increased the frequency of spraying and 20 per cent used cyromazine.  相似文献   

十七届三中全会之后,土地流转步伐加快的同时,也存在一定的盲目性,因法规不健全,体制机制不配套,一些地方借土地流转损害农民利益,引发一些矛盾和纠纷,甚至出现群体性事件,迫切需要从立法、执法、监督和社会保障等方面建立一套较为完备的机制,加强对农民权利的保护。  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the species composition and prevalence of ixodid ticks infesting horses in three agroecological zones in central Ethiopia. For this purpose, a total of 1,168 horses were examined for tick infestation. An overall prevalence of 39.04% of tick infestation on horses was recorded. A total of 917 adult ticks were collected from infested horses. Amblyomma, Boophilus, Rhipicephalus, and Hyalomma genera with the respective prevalence of 3.2%, 1.8%, 29.2%, and 4.7% were identified. In the study, Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi was encountered with the highest prevalence (15.8%) whereas Amblyomma gemma was with lowest prevalence (1.5%). From the highland, Hyalomma marginatum rufipes (3.1%), Hyalomma truncatum (1.0%), and Boophilus decoloratus (0.3%) were identified. From the midland, R. evertsi evertsi (27.5%), Rhipicephalus pulchellus (18%), Amblyomma variegatum (3.6%), B. decoloratus (2.8%), H. marginatum rufipes (2.6%), H. truncatum (1.8%), and A. gemma (1.5%) were identified. R. evertsi evertsi, 107 (27.5%), was with the highest prevalence in the midland. From the lowland, R. pulchellus (22.3%), R. evertsi evertsi (20%), H. truncatum (3.6%), A. gemma (3.1%), B. decoloratus (2.3%), H. marginatum rufipes (2.1%), and A. variegatum (1.5%) were identified. In the lowland, R. pulchellus, 87 (22.3%), was the most abundant tick species. The overall prevalence of tick infestation on horses was significantly (P < 0.05) higher both in the midland, 225 (57.8%), and the lowland, 214 (54.87%), than the highland, 17 (4.4%). This suggests that horses in midland and lowland are at higher risk of tick infestation than those horses in the highland. Further studies on the role of ticks in transmission of diseases to equines and the importance of horses as alternative hosts in different parts of Ethiopia are needed.  相似文献   

采用社会调查与研究的方法对重庆市北碚区失地农民最低生活保障制度实施的现状和实施过程中出现的问题进行了讨论和剖析,并有针对性地提出了有关对策及建议。  相似文献   

From 1790 to 1791 the surgeon William MOORCROFT studied veterinary medicine in Alford. He was the first Englishman with a complete formal veterinary education. In 1808 he gave up his horse practice and went into service of the East India Company as superintendent of the Company's Indian stud. Search for appropriate stud-horses and his efforts for opening up trading-routes from India to inner Asia induced him to exploring expeditions into the regions of the southwest Himalayas, the Hindu kush, Samarkand and Afghanistan. There he made also a lot of geographical and biological observations. He was not only one of the European pioneer Himalaya explorers but became also an early participant of the later so called "Great Game", the struggle between England and Russia for supremacy in Central Asia.  相似文献   

The nematode parasite Angiostrongylus vasorum is a source of increasing concern in several parts of the world, where it causes significant disease in dogs. Wild canids, especially foxes, are likely to have a role in the epidemiology of canine infection, and the parasite could also affect fox health and population dynamics. The heart and pulmonary vasculature of 546 foxes culled mostly by gamekeepers in Great Britain in 2005–2006 were examined by dissection and a modified flushing technique. Forty foxes were found to be infected, giving an overall prevalence in the UK fox population of 7.3% (5.3–9.9). Prevalence varied widely between regions, from 0% (0–3) in Scotland and northern England to 23% (16–32) in south-east England. This closely matches the perceived incidence of disease in dogs, which is commonly diagnosed in the south-east but rarely in the north. In the Midlands, where disease has recently appeared in dogs, prevalence in foxes was 4.8% (2–11). Close geographical overlap of parasite distribution in foxes and dogs does not necessarily indicate an important wildlife reservoir of infection, but does suggest that A. vasorum might be spreading northwards. The hearts of infected foxes had thicker right ventricles than those of uninfected foxes, suggesting that the parasite could affect fox health and fitness. Burdens ranged from 1 to 59 adult nematodes. Sex, age and body condition were not significantly associated with infection. Eucoleus aerophilus and Crenosoma vulpis, nematode parasites of the respiratory system, were found in 213 and 11 foxes respectively, with slightly higher prevalence of E. aerophilus in the south and east. No specimens of the heartworm Dirofilaria immitis were found, giving an upper 95% confidence interval for prevalence of 0.84%.  相似文献   

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