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“法人资格否认制度”又被形象的称之为“揭开公司面纱”理论 ,即剥去不法公司的独立法人的外衣 ,其不适用独立责任原则与有限责任原则 ,令其母公司或股东直接承担法律责任。德国将其形象的比喻为债权人穿过独立的法人实体向其背后的股东直接追偿债务。一、法人资格否认制度产生的原因众所周知 ,公司是现代企业最主要的组织形式 ,在法律上表现为现代公司法人制度。现代公司法人制度有两大原则 :独立责任原则与有限责任原则。所谓独立原则即公司以其全部资产对外独立承担民事责任。公司股东不直接对债务承担责任。所谓有限责任原则 ,是指公司…  相似文献   

正[本刊辑]2016年3月3日,新三板挂牌公司赛科星发布公告称,公司实际控制人杨文俊女儿杨奕,间接获得了公司4.15%股份。赛科星一度是蒙牛乳业的子公司,而杨文俊是蒙牛乳业的前总裁和创始人之一。赛科星最初是蒙牛集团的控股公司,蒙牛集团、赛科星生物和李喜和的出资比例分别为65%、20%和15%。2015年10月29日,赛科星挂牌新三板。公开转让时,公司共有60位股东,其中自然人股东50位,法人股东10位。  相似文献   

2005年10月27日第十届全国人大常委会第十八次会议对1993年颁布的《公司法》作出修订,其中对“一人有限责任公司”法律制度的突破创设.引起了整个社会广泛、密切的关注。由于已于2000年1月1日施行的《个人独资企业法》中规定了个人独资企业法律制度.许多有投资经营愿望的自然人纷纷向本刊“法律顾问”栏目咨询:“一人有限责任公司”与“个人独资企业”有何区别?个人如何选择最佳的经营组织形式?本刊特约请江苏省盐城工商局法制处朱军华予以解答。供读者参考。[编者按]  相似文献   

法人是指具有民事权利能力和民事行为能力,依法独立享有民事权利,承担民事义务的组织。首先,法人是一种组织,这是它和作为公民的自然人的根本区别。法人必须具备以下条件:一是依照法律和法定程序成立,其经营内容和经营性质不能违反国家法律。二是要有必要的财产或者经费。这是法人独立进行社会经济活动,享受权  相似文献   

法人是具有民事权利能力和民事行为能力,依法独立享有民事权利和承担民事义务的组织,即法人是法律创设的民事主体,是一个组织,而不是一个自然人。项目法人是指为实  相似文献   

随着证券市场的发展,内幕交易的主体日益复杂化和多样化,短线交易的规制制度就是在这样一种背景下产生的,它赋予上市公司以归入权,对内部人的短线交易行为进行规制。我国修订后的证券法第四十七条也规定了这一制度,在赋予公司归人权的同时,还规定当公司怠于行使权利时,股东可以提起派生诉讼,并且负有责任的董事需承担连带责任。但是公司或股东要如何适用这一条款实际行使权利,条文的规定缺乏操作性,因此,需要从(客观要件、适用主体、交易期间、交易行为),主观归责原则,以及归人权的行使三个方面来具体确定。  相似文献   

行政许可是指国家行政机关根据公民或法人的申请,依法赋予特定公民或法人某种权利能力或法律资格的一种具体的行政行为。《中华人民共和国进出境动植物检疫法》(以下简称“检疫法”)第五条规定:“国务院设立动植物检疫机关(以下简称国家动植物检  相似文献   

中华人民共和国行政强制法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第一章 总则 第一条 为了规范行政强制的设定和实施,保障和监督行政机关依法履行职责,维护公共利益和社会秩序,保护公民、法人和其他组织的合法权益,根据宪法,制定本法。 第二条 本法所称行政强制,包括行政强制措施和行政强制执行。  相似文献   

股东的权利简称股权,是指股东基于在公司中所持有的股份或者出资,而依照法律或者公司章程规定,参与公司事务并在公司中享有财产利益的法定权利.新修订并已于2006年1月1日起生效施行的《中华人民共和同公司法》(以下简称新《公司法》)针对公司运作过程中发生的诸多问题,在维护资本多数决定权的前提下,从保护公司中小股东合法权益出发,对1993年颁布的《公司法》中规定的许多制度和规则作出重大突破和创新,赋予了公司股东更广泛、充分的权利和自由.  相似文献   

2005年6月,季某、姚某、张某、周某、陈某、柳某6名股东共同出资200万元成立了一家奶业制造有限责任公司(以下简称"奶业公司"),其中:季某出资120万元,其他5名股东各出资16万元.公司章程规定:"股东会决议由股东按照出资比例行使表决权;公司设董事长、副董事长,均由董事会选举产生,公司董事长为公司法定代表人".奶业公司首次股东会选举季某、张某、周某和柳某4人担任公司董事并成立董事会.公司董事会选举张某担任公司董事长,季某担任副董事长.季某因自己出资最多却没有被选举担任董事长而一直耿耿于怀,并在公司经营管理方面与张某产生矛盾.  相似文献   


Consumers perceive pasture-based systems of milk production as natural and therefore better for cow welfare than confinement systems. However both systems are heterogeneous and continually evolving, varying from total confinement to total pasture with many hybrid intermediaries. To compare the welfare of dairy cows in these various systems, we use the three spheres framework, comprising biological functioning, natural behaviour and affective states. Considering biological functioning, pasture-based cows are less at risk of subclinical and clinical mastitis, claw lesions, lameness, metritis, early embryonic mortality, culling and mortality, but at more risk of internal parasitism, malnutrition and delayed onset of oestrous activity postpartum than confined cows. Regarding natural behaviours, pasture-based cows exhibit less agonistic behaviour, better lying behaviour, more normal oestrous behaviours and better synchronicity of behaviours than confined cows. They also have the opportunity to graze, which is one of the main features of the behavioural repertoire of dairy cows, but, they may also experience long periods away from pasture in larger herds, and severe climatic stresses which will become increasingly important as the climate changes. Our current ability to assess the affective state of dairy cows is poor. For example, hunger is an important subjective state that cannot be measured directly. The growing focus on ensuring that animals have lives worth living, means that dairy cows should garner some positive emotions from their lives, and it seems clear that pasture access is essential for this. Clearly measurement of affective state is an important challenge for future dairy cow welfare research. At the extremes of management systems, there can be major differences in animal welfare but in hybrid systems, dairy cows experience elements of both confinement and pasture which may ameliorate the negative effects of each on cow welfare. Ultimately, the optimal system gives cows an element of choice between both environments. Moreover management of the system, whether it is confinement or pastured-based, may be as important as the system of management in ensuring good dairy cow welfare and addressing societal concerns.

Abbreviations: BCS: Body condition score; TMR: Total mixed ration  相似文献   

The effectiveness of cleaning and disinfecting broiler farms and the persistence of Salmonella species in two integrated broiler companies was investigated for two years. Both companies used a cleaning and disinfection regime which included the application of a spray of phenolic disinfectant followed by fogging with formaldehyde solution, and this was highly effective in preventing carry-over of infection in the broiler houses. The disinfection of service areas and areas outside the houses was less effective but it had no influence on the Salmonella status of later flocks. Both companies had persistent problems with the contamination of pellet cooling systems in their feedmills with Salmonella 4, 12:d:- in company A, and with Salmonella binza and Salmonella ohio in company B. The hatcher incubators of both companies were also persistently contaminated with Salmonella livingstone and Salmonella thomasville in company A and with Salmonella senftenberg in company B. At both companies sites Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium Tr104 were also isolated occasionally from various locations.  相似文献   

大学生就业难是社会普遍关注的焦点问题之一。大学生就业中的伦理道德缺失不容忽视。要解决这一问题,除学校加强道德教育、企业提升自身魅力外,根本在于大学生自身的觉悟与个人素养的提高。  相似文献   

陈光  杨坤 《中国饲料》2021,(2):102-105
作为种植业与畜牧业中间重要产业之一的饲料企业的发展已经较为成熟,近年来,随着市场环境等因素的变化,饲料企业必须对未来的发展谋求更大的突破,因此也对饲料企业管理等提出了更高的要求。供应链管理是在现代生产经营方式的基础上发展起来的一种更加科学的管理方式,整合资源、优化流程,进而提升企业竞争力。饲料企业应积极更新管理理念,切实将供应链管理落实到企业战略中,提升信息化建设水平,整合供应链资源,优化流程,提高饲料企业未来发展的竞争力。  相似文献   

最高额抵押制度是一种特殊的抵押制度,最高额抵押权有着不同于一般抵押权的特征,在实践中也表现出特殊的成立与实现要件。我国对最高额抵押权的基础关系采取限制主义,在实务中最高额抵押担保债权的确定与最高额抵押担保的债权变动都存在一些缺陷,我国立法应予完善。  相似文献   

在编辑学理论关于大学学报的研究中,一个所谓重要的命题就是"特色生命论"。这个命题没有把学报特色与真正的历史使命和功能这个根本关系摆正,难以成立。首先,科学和登载它的学报不一定非要有什么特色,"学术乃天下之公器"。其次,学报是高等学校主办的、以反映本校科研和教学成果为主的学术理论刊物。学报的本质是学术期刊,它的安身立命要求必须按照学术期刊的办刊规律来办刊,放弃自己的历史使命而去追求所谓的"特色",是本末倒置。再次,学报不看重"特色",并不意味着不需要策划也并不意味着放弃地域文化优势的发挥。  相似文献   

One of the most important considerations in treating herbal ingestions is product quality assurance. Although most herbal companies are reputable, there are numerous reports of adulterated products (addition of substances not noted on the label). This has been particularly true of Chinese herbal products, which frequently contain pharmaceutical agents. Plant identification errors occur, and entire batches of product have been mixed using the wrong herb. In some cases, labels are written in a foreign language or only contain directions for mixing, making interpretation difficult. In cases where a known ingestion produces unexpected clinical signs, the potential for adulteration or other errors should be considered. When a product is not standardized, a consumer cannot be sure what dose of active constituents has been used or how bioavailable the product may be. Standardization also provides assurance that the actual herb is in the product [26]. Clients who use herbal products should be advised to treat them as a medication and to keep them away from pets. Specifically, ask clients if they take or use any natural or herbal products. Many people do not consider these substances drugs or assume, "If natural, it is harmless." Clients should be encouraged to learn about the herbal and neutraceutical products they are taking or giving their pets. Owners need to discuss the proper use of herbal products in pets with their veterinarian. Clients can be encouraged to discuss alternative therapies by discussing a pet's diagnosis and suggested treatments thoroughly. Discuss the client's expectations and opinions of alternative and conventional medicine. Issues of safety and efficacy must be fully explained to clients. Clients should be encouraged to report potential adverse reactions or to discuss different routes of therapy if a pet's medical condition is not improving. Clients who want to use alternative medical treatments should obtain a thorough medical workup so as to make a correct diagnosis and be referred to a veterinarian trained in alternative medicine. In choosing an alternative medicine practitioner, the same criteria would be used as for any other specialist: education, training, and professionalism [14].  相似文献   

This literature review gives information about important behaviour patterns concerning feeding, reproduction and dust bathing of laying hens kept in aviary systems. The behaviour of hens in aviaries is compared to the behaviour of hens living under "close to natural" conditions. Feeding behaviour can be performed to a great extent in aviaries. The same is true for nesting behaviour, while mating behaviour can only be shown in mixed flocks. Dust bathing behaviour in aviaries should be further investigated. Although a litter area is provided and therefore dust bathing is basically possible, further research is needed, to which amount dust bathing behaviour is performed and how it is influenced by composition and height of the dust bathing substrate. Feather pecking and cannibalism can cause more deaths in housing systems with large groups of birds than in cage systems. Considering these results and the results of a first paper dealing with social and resting behaviour, aviaries provide an environment, where hens can perform a large part of their species typical behaviour repertoire. Therefore, under the aspect of behaviour, for laying hens in aviaries the potential to experience good welfare can be evaluated as fairly high.  相似文献   

贵南县发展现代畜牧业的条件分析与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
麻守德 《青海草业》2006,15(1):29-31
本文从贵南县发展现代畜牧业前提出发,对该县社会经济现状、资源状况、基础设施建设、市场和政策环境等方面进行分析,提出了发展现代畜牧业的对策,为宏观决策、编制规划和畜牧业基地建设提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Ethics deals with moral behavior in a professional context; ideally, it leads to a set of governing principles through which the appropriateness of any activity may be determined or assessed. Environmental ethics specifically deals with how humans interact with the biosphere. It is clear, however, that, as a species, we are failing in our duty of environmental stewardship. The encroachment of human activity into the natural environment is inexorable, and almost always deleterious. Any response to mitigate loss of taxa or ecosystems will have economic implications, and these are often considerable. In finding effective solutions, a process soon becomes political. In light of this we must reflect upon the leadership role that biologists have, especially our impact on policy development that pertains to natural resource management. Although our track record is no worse than any other professional group, biologists by way of training usually have a greater understanding of natural processes and must be prepared to articulate these publically. We have an ethical mandate to question decisions, policies and legislation that impact negatively upon biological systems: a mandate guided through logic, grounded in empirical science, and hopefully coupled with a deep understanding of the true value of both the living world and the physical world which sustains it. This paper uses Australian examples to demonstrate the frequent clashes between economics and biology, in anticipation that we should strive to achieve the underlying principles of sustainability, environmental stewardship and resource management in both daily decision‐making and in long‐term planning.  相似文献   

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