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视听资料是指用录音、录像、拍照或电子计算机储存等方法记录下来的有关案件的真实材料,如录音带、录像带、摄影胶片和照片、计算机软盘等。近年来随着录音、录像和拍照等先进取证手段的使用,视听资料作为《行政诉讼法》规定的7种行政诉讼证据之一,成为介于书证与物证之间的一种独立证据,以其独特的优势而被广泛应用。为行政诉讼、行政复议和行政处罚提供充分证据起了极其重要的作用。但是视听资料只有经法庭、复议机关、处罚机关审查属实,才能做为定案依据。为此,笔者就视听资料作为证据的特点与采集时的注意事项总结如下。1祝听证…  相似文献   

竣工资料是指在工程项目建设过程中形成的,如实反映施工过程和建设项目实体状况的,具有利用、保存价值的各种文件材料、图纸、录音、录像等,是对建设项目进行稽查、审计、监督、管理、验收以及铁路设备养护、维护及破损后修复的依据,是改建、扩建和实施质量保修的重要凭证。本文主要针对铁路建设工程项目竣工资料的编制和移交工作做了探讨和阐述。  相似文献   

当前规模化养猪场兽医工作的思路   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
养猪业从传统、分散的饲养方式向规模化、工厂化发展 ,对兽医工作提出了新的要求。为了开创规模猪场兽医工作的新局面 ,必须用现代的、科学的、新的兽医防疫技术取代固有的、传统的、旧的防治模式和经验。文章就如何做好规模猪场兽医防疫工作提出了新思路 ,从健康猪群 ,加强监测 ;科学免疫 ,规范操作 ;强化消毒 ,讲究实效 ;定期驱虫 ,提高效益 ;标准饲养 ,全程保健 ;科学管理 ,与时俱进六个方面阐述了作者彻底的全程防疫保健的兽医工作新思路  相似文献   

李志忠 《北方蚕业》2008,29(1):27-27
简要总结了多年来阳城就地饲育、就地制种这种蚕种生产形式,和为提高蚕种质量,在严格选点,强化消毒防病,精心饲养,规范技术操作,加强合作,全程服务等方面所采取的一系列行之有效的技术措施。  相似文献   

屠宰检疫的强化举措   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肉食品安全是一项从"畜舍到餐桌"全程控制与管理的系统工程,这项工作点面广、环节多、过程长。云南省水富县动物卫生监督所针对动物离开产地及屠宰前后等环节,认真开展检疫工作,加强对流通环节的监督检查。主要采取“三强化一规范”四项措施实施屠宰检疫监督长效机制,有效地保障了全县人民的肉食品安全。  相似文献   

普种繁育系数低的人为因素及改进措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对影响家蚕普种繁育过程中对交品种饲养比例失调,催青环境因子调节不到位,全程消毒不全面不彻底,种养管理粗放,上蔟及蔟中管理不规范,采茧、运茧和售茧方法不当,削茧、鉴蛹操作粗暴,蛹期保护管理粗放,发蛾失调,制种过程管理不到位等人为因素,采取了周密计划,严格标准化催青,加强桑园管理,狠抓全程消毒,加强饲养和蔟中管理,适时合理采茧售茧,严格削茧、鉴蛹过程的监管,加强蛹期保护工作,严把制种及保种质量关等技术措施,取得了春季克蚁收茧量3.5~4.0 kg、克蚁制种量15~18张,夏秋季克蚁收茧量3.0~3.5 kg、克蚁制种量12~15张的较好成效。  相似文献   

一、体成熟与性成熟同步的重要意义 在蛋鸡行业里,做好鸡群体成熟与性成熟同步工作,是一直关注的问题。如果二者同步发育成熟,鸡群开产会适时整齐,容易达到产蛋高峰,并且高峰维持时间也持久。相反,两者发育差异大会导致鸡只开产提前或推迟,鸡只进入产蛋高峰不集中,很难达到高峰及每只人舍母鸡全程产蛋,带来较大经济损失。  相似文献   

在分析了影响畜产品质量安全因素的基础上,提出了在加大畜产品检测和抽检力度、实行对畜禽生产企业全程监控、加强动物饲养管理和疫病防控、实行全程质量控制、加强畜产品质量安全体系建设等方面提高畜产品质量安全的措施。  相似文献   

河北旅游职业学院畜牧兽医专业为加强校内孵化育雏实训基地建设,突出"学生为主体,教师为主导"的教育理念,积极引入政府机构参与孵化育雏教学实践环节,探索形成了"教、学、训、练"同时,产学研育人同步,校政合作全程指导,学生分组操作,根据生产效益评定教学效果的"教学同步,理实一体,分组竞赛式"教学模式,成效显著。  相似文献   

邵晞 《动物保健》2008,(11):19-19
为了贯彻实施《中华人民共和国防疫法》,全面加强动物疫病防控工作,提升畜产品质量安全水平,各地相继启动、实施了动物标识及疫病可追溯体系建设工作,从而推进了全程动物疫病防控和产品质量建设进程。动物标识及疫病可追溯体系建设工作的相应措施,主要从动物免疫及标识佩戴、动物检疫、动物饲养环节监管和防疫信息报送等四个方面人手,建立起较为完善的全程动物疫病和产品质量控制体系,从而确保动物防疫工作的及时性与有效性、  相似文献   



To validate the use of digital audio recording and analysis for quantification of coughing in horses.

Materials and methods

Part A: Nine simultaneous digital audio and video recordings were collected individually from seven stabled horses over a 1 h period using a digital audio recorder attached to the halter. Audio files were analysed using audio analysis software. Video and audio recordings were analysed for cough count and timing by two blinded operators on two occasions using a randomised study design for determination of intra-operator and inter-operator agreement. Part B: Seventy-eight hours of audio recordings obtained from nine horses were analysed once by two blinded operators to assess inter-operator repeatability on a larger sample.

Results and conclusions

Part A: There was complete agreement between audio and video analyses and inter- and intra-operator analyses. Part B: There was >97% agreement between operators on number and timing of 727 coughs recorded over 78 h. The results of this study suggest that the cough monitor methodology used has excellent sensitivity and specificity for the objective assessment of cough in horses and intra- and inter-operator variability of recorded coughs is minimal.  相似文献   

通过系统化分析现有教学动物医院在实践教学过程中面临的问题,以云技术为基础设计了交互式教学平台。平台通过临床信息数字化,以及LIS、HIS、PACS平台整合与音视频交互,克服了动物医学临床实践教学时间与空间的限制,实现了教学、临床实践和病例档案建设无缝对接,产生了一定的教学效果和社会反响,为大学生创新创业搭建了一个重要平台。  相似文献   

This article describes a computerized case-based CD-ROM (CD) on international animal health that was developed to give veterinary students an opportunity to "virtually" work alongside veterinarians and other veterinary students as they try to solve challenging disease problems relating to tuberculosis in South African wildlife, bovine abortion in Mexico, and neurologic disease in horses in Rapa Nui, Chile. Each of the three case modules presents, in a highly interactive format, a problem or mystery that must be solved by the learner. As well as acquiring information via video clips and text about the specific health problem, learners obtain information about the different countries, animal-management practices, diagnostic methods, related disease-control issues, economic factors, and the opinions of local experts. After assimilating this information, the learner must define the problem and formulate an action plan or make a recommendation or diagnosis. The computerized program invokes three principles of adult education: active learning, learner-centered education, and experiential learning. A medium that invokes these principles is a potentially efficient learning tool and template for developing other case-based problem-solving computerized programs. The program is accessible on the World Wide Web at . A broadband Internet connection is recommended, since the modules make extensive use of embedded video and audio clips. Information on how to obtain the CD is also provided.  相似文献   

This article is intended to serve as a guide to sources of information on avians. College and university libraries, abstract and index services, bookstores, journals, and veterinary literature are listed. Avian conferences, computer search services, natural history libraries and museums, and places to obtain video and audio tapes and slides are included.  相似文献   

The means of orientation is studied in the Vietnamese pygmy dormouse Typhlomys chapensis, a poorly known enigmatic semi‐fossorial semi‐arboreal rodent. Data on eye structure are presented, which prove that Typhlomys (translated as “the blind mouse”) is incapable of object vision: the retina is folded and retains no more than 2500 ganglion cells in the focal plane, and the optic nerve is subject to gliosis. Hence, Typhlomys has no other means for rapid long‐range orientation among tree branches other than echolocation. Ultrasonic vocalization recordings at the frequency range of 50–100 kHz support this hypothesis. The vocalizations are represented by bouts of up to 7 more or less evenly‐spaced and uniform frequency‐modulated sweep‐like pulses in rapid succession. Structurally, these sweeps are similar to frequency‐modulated ultrasonic echolocation calls of some bat species, but they are too faint to be revealed with a common bat detector. When recording video simultaneously with the ultrasonic audio, a significantly greater pulse rate during locomotion compared to that of resting animals has been demonstrated. Our findings of locomotion‐associated ultrasonic vocalization in a fast‐climbing but weakly‐sighted small mammal ecotype add support to the “echolocation‐first theory” of pre‐flight origin of echolocation in bats.  相似文献   

We studied the costs of the veterinarian and physical work load for the farmer of anaesthetizing piglets before surgical castration compared with castration without anaesthesia on seven organic pig farms . Based on experiences from farmers and veterinarians in Norway a protocol 'Castration with anaesthesia' was formulated. This protocol was tested on the Experimental Farm at Raalte and then applied on six organic pig farms. By means of video recording it was measured how much time it takes to castrate and anaesthetize the piglets. The veterinarian anaesthetized the piglets with lidocaine. The work load for the farmer was measured by scoring the physical load for the back and the upper limbs. It took 142 and 81 seconds per litter, respectively, to castrate and anaesthetize the piglets. The waiting time between anaesthesia and castration varied from 10 to 20 minutes on the six farms. Based on these measurements, it was calculated that the costs of the veterinarian (excluding call out fee) of anaesthetizing piglets are Euro 1.73 per litter with five boars. The costs of lidocaine are Euro 0.25 per litter with five boars. The costs per kg organic pig meat are Euro 0.012. The farmers and their veterinarians were asked to react on some theses. They all agreed that the pig farmer should perform the anaesthesia with lidocaine. Anaesthetizing piglets before castration did not affect the physical load for the back and the upper limbs of the pig farmer.  相似文献   

We quantified the behavioral perturbation induced in kenneled dogs using a classical procedure of video equipment installation. Using 14-minute sessions of videorecording, 136 hours of recordings were collected from 14 healthy, individually housed Malinois shepherds. Our results show that dogs trotted, jumped, and ran more during the first 2 minutes of recording. These behaviors suggest an intense but brief agitation following installation of the video equipment. These results lead us to advise researchers, when studying the behavior of kenneled dogs by videotaping, to evaluate the duration of perturbations stemming from their particular experimental procedure and to carefully examine it.  相似文献   

A trained observer direct count method to measure horn fly population was evaluated to determine the reliability (inter-observer agreement) and its validity when compared with a "gold standard" method (video film). All the counts were performed with the animals restrained in a chute in a single herd. A direct count of horn flies by each of two observers on opposite sides of the animal was made. In addition a videotape recording of the counting surface on each animal was made. Horn flies were counted on 80 cows in the morning twice monthly from 22 October 1999 to 24 March 2000. The correlation between observer counts was high as was the correlation between observer counts and counts made from a videotape recording. Direct counts by trained observers were highly reliable and had good validity. However, videotape recording can be useful when the horn fly population is high, because it is faster in the field than the direct count method. The results of this study suggest that the direct count method can be used with confidence under field conditions.  相似文献   

A practical and safe method of angiocardiography for the horse is described. The technique involved the rapid injection of 50 to 150 ml contrast agent via catheters in the right and left heart, pulmonary artery and aorta. The examination was carried out with the horse in the standing position or under general anaesthesia. Angiocardiograms were performed on 10 normal horses and satisfactory pictures of the right and left ventricles, pulmonary arteries, aorta and coronary circulation were obtained. The technique was also used in a foal with severe congenital heart disease. The most practical methods of recording the images in the standing position were cinefilm or video taperecording. In the recumbent position both cinefilm and radiographs were taken. No damage to the heart was inflicted by the catheters and only a few ventricular premature contractions (less than five) were produced by the pressure of injection. No signs of toxicity were recorded using repeated injections of contrast material (ie, less than 600 ml).  相似文献   

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