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小麦是我省三大作物之一 ,常年播种面积在 5 3万公顷左右 ,总产和单产水平较低 ,生产水平相对滞后 ,加之我省尤其是黔西南州小麦“三锈”和白粉病发生严重 ,外引品种在生产上难以应用推广 ,为此我所育成的丰产、优质、抗病小麦丰优 2号因其良好的丰产性和广泛的适应性而在生产上大面积推广 ,至 2 0 0 2年累计推广 6 4.2 3万公顷 ,新增粮食总产 2 76 79.34万公斤 ,新增产值32 770 .5 9万元 ,新增纯收益 2 70 16 .6 8万元 ,取得了显著的社会经济效益 ,大幅度提高了我省及周边云南、广西等省区小麦生产科技含量。在丰优 2号推广中 ,主要作了以…  相似文献   

配置方式与密度对夏直播花生产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用2个中早熟大花生品种,研究了5种配置方式与密度对夏直播花生产量及其产量构成因素的影响。结果表明:不同配置方式与密度对夏直播花生产量影响很大,在产量构成因素中影响最大的是单株结果数量。生产上,实收株数以掌握在24万~28万株/hm~2,采用宽垄密植或窄垄稀植配置方式和单粒精播技术有利于夏直播花生高产。  相似文献   

1980年兴安盟复建以来,各级种子公司的生产由1980年的不足667hm^2,发展到5333—6667hm^2,种子经营由不足100万kg增加到600万kg,种子的新品种推广由10余个品种发展到50余个品种,品种布局由不合理发展到现在六个积温带主推品种和搭配品种明确,种子市场管理由不完善,到现在的证照点生产经营,原种生产由不规范,  相似文献   

2001~2002年在云南省保山市隆阳区示范推广粳稻新品种滇系4号7593.73hm2,平均单产11026.5kg/hm2,比对照当地主栽品种增产1479kg/hm2,增产幅度达15.49%;2a累计总产8373.23万kg,新增总产1123.11万kg,新增总产值2475.06万元;推广滇系4号平均每公顷获得新增纯收益3405.73元。  相似文献   

【目的】研究长江流域棉区麦棉两熟种植制度下,不同种植模式对棉花产量、种植效益及氮素利用率的影响,为棉花高产高效生产提供依据。【方法】采用裂区设计,研究麦后棉花不同种植方式(育苗移栽和直播)、品种(中熟和早熟)和氮肥运筹(不施氮和适宜氮肥运筹)对其生育进程、生物量累积与分配、产量、种植效益与氮素利用率的影响。【结果】与育苗移栽方式相比,直播棉花生育进程快,尤其苗期缩短10~17 d;直播棉花生育中后期生物量和氮素累积量较高,且经济系数均以早熟品种较高。适宜氮肥运筹下,直播早熟品种与移栽中熟品种霜前皮棉产量均较高,且两者间差异不显著。适宜氮肥运筹下,移栽棉花的籽棉产值是直播方式的1.0~1.2倍,总成本是直播方式的1.8~2.0倍,收益仅为直播方式的23.0%~43.1%。氮素效率的结果表明,种植方式对农学利用率和氮素表观利用率的影响大于品种和氮肥运筹,直播方式的氮素农学利用率和表观利用率分别比移栽方式提高40.0%和76.4%(2017年);品种对氮素生产效率的影响大于种植方式与氮肥运筹,早熟品种的氮素生产效率比中熟品种提高45.3%(2017年)。【结论】长江流域棉区,适宜氮肥运筹下早熟品种麦后直播有利于实现棉花高产稳产、生产总成本低而效益高;其氮素农学利用率、表观利用率和生产效率均较高,是该棉区麦后棉高产高效生产模式。  相似文献   

高龄牡丹泰山开花:2005年4月,山东泰山风景区的一株150岁的牡丹又开花了。这株高龄牡丹生长在泰山红门弥勒院正殿前面,1987年被联合国科教文组织列入世界自然遗产名录,有专人管护,现开了50余朵花。菏泽牡丹品种将增至1300个:山东省菏泽市牡丹品种两年内将新增300个牡丹品种,到2006年将达到1300个。据菏泽市种苗花卉站介绍,为了提高牡丹的花色品种,提高牡丹的国际竞争力,计划投资200万元在今、明两年新增300个花色品种,届时将达到1300个品种。菏泽市现有牡丹品种1000余个,但有的花色品种差异不大,在国际花卉市场上占有的份额在下  相似文献   

为探索适宜独山县大面积推广应用的直播稻播种密度,在相同株距和播种量条件下,开展了1.11万穴/667m2、1.19万穴/667m2、1.28万穴/667m2、1.37万穴/667m2、1.49万穴/667m2、1.62万穴/667m2等6个不同密度的试验研究。结果表明:直播稻在不同密度下对水稻生育期没有影响。从农艺性状来看,随密度的增加,株高有增高的趋势,穗长有缩短的趋势,有效穗有增加的趋势,但穗粒数、结实率则逐渐有减少和降低的趋势,各处理间千粒重无明显差异。从产量上看,从1.11万穴/667m2增加到1.37万穴/667m2时,产量呈递增趋势,密度从1.37万穴/667m2增加到1.62万穴/667m2时,产量呈递减趋势。密度在1.37万穴/667m2与1.49万穴/667m2时,其产量无显著差异。说明在独山县或者相似生态条件地区,以C两优华占为应用品种的前提下,直播密度在1.37万~1.49万穴/667m2时可获得较高产量,可在大面积生产上应用。  相似文献   

杂交棉直播稀植高产栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,新疆兵团农七师为不断提高棉花产量和质量,在杂交棉品种引进、筛选、试验、示范、推广等诸多方面,开展了研究探索,总结出一套种植管理杂交棉的新技术,尤其是推广杂交棉直播稀植技术,是在新疆植棉史上的一次飞跃.直播稀植技术充分发挥杂交棉结铃性强、叶枝发达、成铃率高、衣分高、个体发育好等优势.2008-2009年农七师杂交棉直播稀植种植3460hm2,平均单产子棉416kg.平均667m2净利润1200余元,达到了团场增效、农户增收的目的,杂交棉直播稀植技术走在了新疆杂交棉种植技术的前沿.  相似文献   

用优质杂交油菜新品种陕油15为材料,种子经厚膜包衣处理后,通过密度(x1),播种期(x2)和纯氮施用量(x3)三因素二次正交回归旋转组合设计试验,得出了在包衣直播栽培方式下,油菜新品种陕油15高产栽培的数字模型.优化分析表明,影响该品种产量主要因素中,密度(x1)>播种期(x2)>纯氮施用量(x3),明确了在油菜直播生产中种植密度应作为栽培措施首先考虑的因素,并提出了在包衣直播种植方式下,油菜新品种陕油15产量达52 704 kg/hm2以上高产的最佳密度、播种期与纯氮施用量分别为20.4万~23.4万株/hm2、9月24 ~ 28日、185.66~227.5 kg/hm2.  相似文献   

栽培条件对水稻直播生产至关重要,以黑米杂交稻紫两优润香为材料,采用两因素3水平3重复随机区组设计,考察了与水稻抗倒性相关的12个性状,分析了播种量和施肥水平对黑米杂交稻的抗倒伏影响。结果表明,水稻抗倒伏是一个复杂性状,不仅与品种特性密切相关,且与栽培条件密切相关。在提高紫两优润香直播生产中的抗倒伏性和产量上,最佳的栽培处理为播种量1.5kg/667m2,复合肥施肥水平3.00kg/667m2。直播栽培中,在科学管控杂草的基础上,应采取稀播、匀播种子,适当施用复合肥,有利提高品种的穗部性状,增加穗粒数,在确保产量的前提下提高品种抗倒伏力。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to establish genomic relationships among G. sojii, G. max, and ‘G. gracilis’ based on cytogenetic analyses. All three species hybridized readily, though pod set was low (2.2 %—5.3 %); seeds produced viable, vigorous and totally fertile F, plants which were normal in meiotic pairing. This suggests that all three species-belong to one gene pool and should be considered as forms of one species.  相似文献   

Differential rates of growth and decentralization are processes that characterized U.S. urban areas over the past three decades. This paper examines the determinants of growth in cities and suburbs during the 1970s, the 1980s, and the 1990s. The modeling approach adopted in the study allows for simultaneity between population and employment, and between cities and suburbs, while also taking into account a range of other explanatory factors. Results indicate that population and employment growth in cities tend to be jointly determined, but that growth of employment in the suburbs tends to drive growth of suburban population. Results also suggest that suburban and city growth are interrelated, but that the nature of these interrelationships varies over time: suburban growth promoted city growth during the 1970s and 1980s, while city and suburban growth were jointly determined during the 1990s. Other factors that consistently explain variation in city growth include demographics, population density, crime rates, and income inequality. Factors consistently explaining suburban growth include regional location and climate.  相似文献   

Summary The interspecific (C. arabica × tetraploid C. canephora) F1 hybrid showed a low but highly variable fertility. An almost complete restoration to normal fertility was observed in individual trees of BC1 and BC2 generations with C. arabica as recurrent parent. From a comparison of various tests of fertility, it was found that pollen viability is a satisfactory measure of fertility.  相似文献   

S. S. Maan 《Euphytica》1977,26(3):601-613
Summary Triticum aestivum L. em Thell. (2n=42; AABBDD), and T. durum Desf. (2n=28; AABB) genomes were substituted into the cytoplasms of Aegilops mutica Boiss. (2n=14; MtMt), Ae. heldreichii Holzm. (2n=14; MM), Ae. uniaristata Vis. (2n=14; MuMu), and Ae. ovata L. (2n=28; CuCuMoMo), to identify the M-genome diploid cytoplasm donor of Ae. ovata. Substitution of the T. durum genome into Ae. uniaristata cytoplasm resulted in a large proportion of shriveled inviable seeds. A few plump viable seeds were obtained all of which produced male-sterile plants having one univalent or telocentric chromosome from Ae. uniaristata. The T. aestivum plants having Ae. uniaristata or Ae. mutica cytoplasms were fertile. However, Ae. mutica was similar to Ae. ovata in the induction of delayed maturity and tall robust growth habit to the T. durum and T. aestivum plants. Cytoplasms of the other C- and M-genome diploids Ae. umbellulata Zhuk. (2n=14; CuCu) and, Ae. heldreichii (2n=14; MM) earlier had been shown to differ from that of Ae. ovata. Therefore, Ae. mutica is the most likely cytoplasm and M-genome donor to Ae. ovata.  相似文献   

W. Lange 《Euphytica》1971,20(1):14-29
Summary From crosses between diploid and autotetraploid cytotypes of Hordeum vulgare L. (cultivated barley) and H. bulbosum L. (bulbous barley grass) diploid, triploid and tetraploid interspecific hybrids were produced. Both directly and after vegetative segregation crosses in either direction also gave rise to haploids and dihaploids resembling H. vulgare. The use of embryo culture was necessary. Plant morphology of the hybrids was much like that of H. bulbosum, although the hybrid plants were less vigorous. Meiosis in the hybrids was more or less disturbed, and this seemed to be the main cause of the high level of sterility.  相似文献   

崖城割手密11号与拔地拉核型比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热带种与割手密种是甘蔗有性杂交育种的主要亲本材料,为探讨其染色体的数目、类型等特征,采用核型分析方法对崖城割手密11号(Saccharum.spont.YC No.11)和拔地拉(Badila)进行了研究。结果表明:崖城割手密11号染色体数目为2n=64,核型公式为:2n=64=56m(2sat)+8sm,核型类型为2A型。拔地拉染色体数目为2n=80,核型公式为:2n=80=80m,核型类型为1B型。崖城割手密11号和拔地拉的核型在进化上属于比较原始的类型,而且崖城割手密11号的核型比拔地拉的核型更原始。  相似文献   

Summary Germination and storage trials were carried out with pollen of several rose varieties. The pollen grains germinated well in a 15% sucrose solution with 40 ppm boric acid. Staining the pollen with a 0.1% tetrazolium solution and standardizing the degree of colour at which the pollen grains are counted as viable, provided a good viability estimate, simpler to carry out than in vitro germination. Germination capacity and staining ability of the pollen were greatly impeded-about halved-by dehydration during storage in desiccators at low humidity. This effect could be corrected by humidifying the pollen beforehand for about one hour, though this pre-treatment increased the percentage of germinated pollen grains more than the percentage stained. There was no difference between the two percentages in fresh or in deep-frozen pollen.Pollen stored at 1°C and high relative humidity soon lost its germination capacity: between 0 and 20% humidity a considerable proportion of the pollen remained viable for 9 months and longer. Storage for the same period in vacuum-sealed glass tubes at –24°C maintained viability as well or better and would probably prolong it further. Some of the cold-stored pollen induced a reasonable seed set after one year, a low seed set was obtained even after two years of storage at 1°C and low humidity.  相似文献   

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