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Tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) were grown in 9.46‐L plastic pots in a glasshouse for evaluation of their growth and nitrogen (N) losses through leaching. Plants were fertilized with either ammonium nitrate (AN) or one of three slow‐release N fertilizers. The slow‐release N fertilizers were Georgia Pacific liquid 30‐0‐0 (L30), Georgia Pacific granular 42‐0‐0 (N42), and Georgia Pacific granular 24‐0‐0 (N24). Each fertilizer was applied at 112 low N rate (L) and 224 high N rate (H) kg N ha?1. The pots were filled with either a sandy soil from Florida or a loam soil from Georgia. Increasing the N rate did not influence shoot biomass at 19 days after transplanting (DAT) and increased biomass production at 77 DAT. Shoot biomass differed significantly among fertilizer treatments. The accumulation of N in shoots was significantly influenced by fertilizer source, rate, and soil type. The plants grown in the loam soil accumulated significantly more N than those grown in the sandy soil with the same treatment. In the loam soil, the highest and lowest N accumulations occurred in the N42‐H and N24‐L treatments, respectively; and in the sandy soil the corresponding treatments were AN‐H and N24‐L. The amount of N leached varied with the different fertilizers, soils, and time. The net leaching of N ranged from ?0.4% to 6.3% of the fertilizer N applied for the loam soil and 6.5% to 32.9% for the sand soil. The net amount of N leached from the loam soil at both high and low application rates declined in the following order: AN > N24 > N42 > L30; the corresponding order for the sandy soil was AN‐H > N42‐H > L30‐H > N24‐H. L30 had the least leaching potential, and ammonium nitrate had the most. Slow‐release fertilizers had significantly less leaching N than did ammonia nitrate.  相似文献   

The crop production in rainfed semi‐arid tropical (SAT) Alfisols is constrained by low soil organic matter, poor soil fertility, soil structural infirmities, and scarce moisture availability. To offset some of these constraints, a long‐term study of tillage [conventional (CT) and reduced (RT)] and conjunctive nutrient‐use treatments was conducted in SAT Alfisol at Hyderabad, India, under sorghum–mung bean system. The order of performance of the treatments in increasing the sorghum yield was 2 Mg gliricidia loppings + 20 kg nitrogen (N) through urea (T4) (93.2%) > 4 Mg compost + 20 kg N through urea (T3) (88.7%) > 40 kg N through urea (T2) (88.5%) > 4 Mg compost + 2 Mg gliricidia loppings (T5) (82.2%). In the case of mung bean, where half as much N was applied as was to the sorghum, the order of performance of the treatments in increasing the grain yields was T3 (63.6%) >T5 (60.3%) >T4 (58.0%) >T2 (49.6%). Tillage significantly influenced the hydraulic conductivity only, whereas the conjunctive nutrient‐use treatments significantly influenced the predominant physical, chemical, and biological soil‐quality parameters. Among the conjunctive nutrient‐use treatments, T5 was found to be superior in influencing the majority of the soil‐quality parameters and increased the organic carbon by 21.6%, available N by 24.5%, dehydrogenase activity by 56.1%, microbial biomass carbon by 38.8%, labile carbon by 20.3%, and microbial biomass nitrogen by 38.8% over the unamended control and proved superior most in improving soil quality.  相似文献   

The process of biomass, nitrogen (N), and potassium (K) accumulation over time as affected by N forms is poorly understood. The objective of this study was to identify the effects of N form on growth as well as on N and K nutrition of flue‐cured tobacco plants (Nicotiana tobaccum L.). The plants were grown in a greenhouse with pots of soil for 117 days after 200 days of preculture. Three treatments (calcium nitrate [Ca(NO3)2], ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), and ammonium nitrate plus straw (NH4NO3 + straw)) were used. The results showed that there were no significant differences in shoot dry mass of tobacco among the three treatments during the entire growth stage except at 30 and 117 days after transplanting. At these two growth stages, shoot biomass with the Ca(NO3)2 treatment was significantly less than that with NH4NO3 with or without straw. The NH4NO3 + straw plants had more mature leaves and greater leaf dry weight than the other two treatments. At an early stage (before 66 days), N concentration of Ca(NO3)2‐fed plants was less than with the other two treatments. The leaf K concentration and shoot K content of NH4NO3 and NH4NO3 + straw plants were more than with the Ca(NO3)2 treatment before maturity. Also, K concentration in mature leaves with these two treatments was greater than with Ca(NO3)2 treatment. All these results indicated that NH4NO3 application had benefits to the maturity and K accumulation in leaves of tobacco.  相似文献   


The knowledge of nitrogen (N) losses in direct‐drilling agrosystems is essential to develop strategies to increase fertilizer efficiency and to minimize environmental damage. The objectives were i) to quantify the magnitude of N volatilization and leaching simultaneously as affected by different urea fertilization rates and ii) to evaluate the capacity of these specific plant–soil systems to act as a buffer to prevent nitrate leaching. Two experiments were conducted during 2001/02 and 2002/03 growing seasons in Alberti, Argentina. The crop was direct‐drilled maize and the soil a Typic Argiudoll. Ammonia losses, N uptake by crop at flowering and harvest, grain yield, N in previous crop residues, and soil nitrate content up to 2‐m depths were determined. Nitrogen availability, soil nitrate (NO3)‐N up to 1 m plus fertilizer N, was linearly and highly associated with crop N uptake at flowering (R2=0.93, P<0.01) and at harvest (R2=0.852, P<0.01). Around 17.5% of fertilizer N was lost by volatilization in 10 days. The obtained values of residual nitrate N up to the 150‐cm depth were associated (R2=0.960, P<0.001) with those predicted by the nitrate leaching and economic analysis package (NLEAP) model. Maize in the direct‐drilling system was able to cycle N from the previous crop residues, N from soil organic matter, and N from fertilizers with few losses.  相似文献   

Hail damage to an experiment that was being used to investigate nitrogen (N) nutrition of soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] with 15N methodology provided a unique opportunity to study the effects of hail damage at the R3 stage of development on N uptake and partitioning through stage R5.8. Field plots were established on a silt loam soil (Typic Hapludol 1). Severely damaged (mean 72% leaf loss) and slightly damaged (mean 26% leaf loss) soybeans were compared for total reduced N and for 15N concentration in leaflets, petioles, stems, roots, pod walls, and seeds during the 28 days following the hailstrom. The concentration of total N and of 15N in all organs in both damage treatments declined significantly after the storm, but less in green leaflets (total N), and in green leaflets, green petioles, and pod walls (15N) of severely than of slightly damaged plants. Measurements on senesced leaflets and petioles showed that the concentration of 15N also decreased to a greater extent than that of the total N in these organs. This differential loss of 15N compared with total N suggests that the 15N was in a form that was less refractory than was the bulk tissue N, and provides evidence of separate mobile pools of N in the plant. Nitrogen budgets were calculated to compare the loss of N and 15N from abscising leaflets and petioles to the N accumulation of the damaged plants during podfill. These showed that loss from the leaflets and petioles contributed only 7% of the total N accumulated by the plants between R3 and R5.8. This study has exemplified the usefulness of 15N methodology in investigations of the nutrition and physiology of soybeans suffering leaf damage by hail.  相似文献   


Changing conventional tillage to conservation tillage systems affects nitrogen (N) cycling in agroecosystems. Our objective was to evaluate the role of soil organic pools, specially plant residues, as sources‐sinks of nitrogen in an humid and warm temperate environment cropped to wheat, under plow‐ and no‐tillage. The experimental site was in the Argentine Pampa on a Typic Hapludoll. A balance‐sheet method was used: Nupt+Nres=Nsow+Nmin, where Nupt=N uptake by the crop at harvest; Nsow=soil mineral N as NH4 and NO3 at 0–90 cm depth, one month before sowing, plus N added as fertilizer; Nres=residual soil mineral N as NH4 and NO3 at 0–90 cm depth, at harvest; Nmin=N mineralized from humus and plant residues during wheat growing period. Nupt did not differ between tillage systems. Nitrogen supply by the mineral N pool, estimated by the difference Nsow‐Nres, was ca. 150 kg N ha‐1 in both tillage systems. Plant residues decomposed and released N under both treatments. This organic N pool decreased 77% along the crop cycle. Nmin, calculated using the balance equation was 83 kg N ha‐1, and did not differ between tillage managements, representing 35% of Nupt. This results highlight the importance of the organic pools as sources of N for wheat in the Humid Pampa. They also brink our attention on the importance for evaluate residue decomposition and humus mineralization in warm‐temperate regions when fertilizer requirements are determined, in order to minimize environmental hazard and economic losses by overfertilization.  相似文献   

The critical leaf and the threshold values of leaf color chart (LCC) and chlorophyll meter (SPAD‐502) for cassava have been evaluated. The nitrogen (N) rates and cultivars had a significant effect on LCC score, SPAD values, and leaf N concentration of leaf 1 in most cases. Among the three leaf positions studied, the youngest fully expanded leaf (YFEL) blade (leaf 1) had significant, positive correlation of tuber yield with LCC score, SPAD value, and leaf N concentration. The regression between LCC score and leaf N concentration of leaf 1 was LCC = 0.358 (Leaf N) + 0.78 (r2 = 0.81) and that between LCC score and SPAD value was SPAD = 10.981 (LCC) – 3.51 (r2 = 0.82). A threshold LCC score of 2.65 and threshold SPAD value of 25 were suitable to determine the optimal timing of N top‐dressing for cassava.  相似文献   


The effect of liming on mineralization and soil nitrifier activity (NA) was investigated with Brookston clay (pH 5.7) and Haldimand clay (pH 4.7). Liming increased the rate of mineralization in both soils but at a rate about 4‐times greater in Haldimand clay than Brookston clay. A significant increase in N mineralization due to liming occurred in both soils only when pH was raised above 6.0. The rate of mineralization was greater than nitrification in the Haldimand soil resulting in NH4 + accumulation. Nitrifier activity increased with liming of Brookston clay, but decreased in Haldimand clay after 15 days of incubation. There was a significant increase in nitrifier activity due to liming from 15 to 60 days in Haldimand clay. After 60 days nitrifier activity in limed treatments increased by five times over the unlimed control.

The nitrification of urea powder (1000 mg N.kg‐1) mixed into the soil was also studied in several soils incubated at 15°C for 28 days. There was evidence up to 14 days that nitrification of urea was correlated with initial nitrifier activity. Between 14 and 28 days, other factors such as soil pH and possible ammonia toxicity in coarser textured soils as well as nitrifier activity were important. Accumulation of nitrite occurred mainly in soils with a pH above 7.0 up to 28 days especially where nitrifier population enrichment was not done.  相似文献   


The nitrate distribution in the soil profile varies with fertilization and tillage practices in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) production. Band‐applied fertilizers localized near the seed at planting must diffuse through the bulk soil during the growing season. The hilling operation transforms soil surface into an undulating field landscape and redistributes the split‐applied nitrogen fertilizers between the hill and the interrow. The soil sampling procedure during the growing season thus becomes extremely tedious when searching to quantify nitrate accumulation in the entire soil volume. The objective of this study was to assess seasonal nitrate accumulation in a soil volume from a single boring in the potato hill. An intensive sampling was conducted at four places in the 0‐ to 50‐cm profile in potato fields receiving three rates of split-applied nitrogen (N) before hilling. Treatment and time effects provided a large range of nitrate concentrations throughout the soil profile. Nitrate content increased with N fertilization and organic‐matter mineralization and decreased as a result of plant uptake and nitrate leaching. Averaged across the season, nitrate accumulation in the 0‐ to 50‐cm profile represented 78% of that accumulated in the center of the hill on a per ha basis (r2=0.90). A single boring in the center of the hill considerably reduced sampling time and cost and provided a fair estimate of seasonal nitrate accumulation in the 0‐ to 50‐cm soil profile.  相似文献   

Although attempts have been made in developing soil and plant analysis procedures for cotton (Goseipium hirsutum) , N nutrition is not completely understood. To the present it has not been possible to predict when the maximum N utilization efficiency could be achieved. By exposing cotton plants to a 15N enriched solution for 5 periods of 30 days each in a temperature controled greenhouse, the accumulation and redistribution of N within the plant was followed in order to define the main N sources and sinks for each period. The main N source within the cotton plant after the first square stage was the leaves. Stems and burs acted as temporary storage organs remobilizing N to the seeds late in the growing season, while the roots were fairly neutral. Dry matter accumulation during the reproductive stage was not related to N redistribution in the plant, except for bolls. So at this stage, dry matter accumulation was not a important component in the N source‐sink relationship within the cotton plant.  相似文献   


A greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the effect of rice straw residue on growth and uptake of added 15N‐labeled ammonium nitrogen (NH4‐N) (3% 15N abundance at the rate of 150 kg N ha?) by rice in Crowley silt loam soil (Typic Albaqualfs). Higher rates of rice straw addition had an adverse affect on plant growth from the first to sixth week. After 6 weeks, the high rice straw treatment had a positive effect on plant growth (P<0.05). The 15N‐labeled ammonium or fertilizer nitrogen (N) uptake by rice was significantly lower (P<0.05) in the high rice straw treatment as compared to lower rice straw treatments. Greater plant growth was recorded under alternate flooding and draining condition as compared to continuously flooded treatment (P<0.01).  相似文献   


Quantitative assessment of soil nitrogen (N) that will become available is important for determining fertilizer needs of crops. Nitrogen‐supplying capacity of soil to rice and wheat was quantified by establishing zero‐N plots at on‐farm locations to which all nutrients except N were adequately supplied. Nitrogen uptake in zero‐N plots ranged from 41.4 to 110.3 kg N ha?1 for rice and 33.7 to 123.4 kg N ha?1 for wheat. Availability of soil N was also studied using oxidative, hydrolytic, and autoclaving indices, salt‐extraction indices, light‐absorption indices, and aerobic and anaerobic incubation indices. These were correlated with yield and N uptake by rice and wheat in zero‐N plots. Nitrogen extracted by alkaline KMnO4 and phosphate borate buffer and nitrogen mineralized under aerobic incubation were satisfactory indices of soil N supply. For rice, 2 M KCl and alkaline KMnO4 were the best N‐availability indices. Thus, alkaline KMnO4 should prove a quick and reliable indicator of indigenous soil N supply in soils under a rice–wheat cropping system.  相似文献   


In the high Andes, the traditional rotation is two or three years cropping with potatoes and cereals after 5 to 10 years of fallow. In the Bolivian Altiplano, the balance of available soil nitrogen (N) was monitored during 2 years of cultivation after 3 years of fallow. Two varieties of potato were planted in the first year as the head of the rotation. Potatoes or barley were planted in the second year. Fertilization with sheep dung was only applied for potato cropping. The dynamics of decomposition and N‐release of the amendment and the plant residues were measured using litterbag incubation in the field. Using the N‐release rates provided by the litterbag experiment, we modeled the fate of the mineralizable N originating from the sheep dung and the potato residues decomposition of a 2‐year succession to assess if the N supply from fertilization covered the plant demand.  相似文献   


Studies of potassium (K) fixation in the soil were conducted by evaluating the effect of applied K on the extractability of K with time. A series of five K‐sorption treatment solutions, 0.11, 0.22, 0.45, 0.90, and 1.80 cmol/kg were prepared and applied as potassium chloride (KCl) to three sets of soils. The first set of soil samples was extracted with one normal ammonium acetate (1N NH4OAc) extractant for K after one day of incubation. The second and third sets were extracted with the same extractant after seven and 42 days of incubation, respectively. The amount of K fixed was determined. Correlation between applied K and K fixed was carried out. The mean proportion of K fixed ranged from 0 in soils from Kurmin Biri to 55% in soils from Funafuna upon addition of 0.11 cmol K/kg. While fixation increased with increase in the concentration of added K, there was no linear relationship between the proportion of K fixed and the amount added at higher incubation periods. Potassium recovered also increased with added K in all the incubation periods with the 42‐day period having the highest amount of K recovered. Potassium added was highly correlated (P<0.01) with K fixed during all the incubation periods.  相似文献   

The ability of plants to utilize P efficiently is important for crops growing in P‐deficient soils or on soils with a high P‐fixing capacity. The purpose of this work was to investigate early physiological changes which occur when wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings were grown under P‐deficient conditions. Wheat plants were grown in a greenhouse and watered with nutrient solution containing or lacking P. During the interval 12 to 18 days after planting, the dry weight of wheat seedlings was similar regardless of P treatment, although the P‐deficient plants had a greater proportion of the total plant weight in the roots. Sixteen days after planting, the roots and leaves of P‐deficient plants had only 20 to 30% the P content of P‐sufficient plants. After 16 days, plants grown under P stress had 41% more p‐nitrophenol phosphatase activity and 70% more β‐glucosidase activity in shoot homogenates than was found in P‐sufficient plants. Changes in both enzyme activities may be involved in the mobilization of plant resources during the early stages of P‐deficient growth.  相似文献   

Bypass flow, the vertical flow of free water along the walls of macropores or preferential flow paths in the soil, can lead to movement of fertilizer nutrients beyond the reach of plants. Fertilizer type and the rate of application, as well as the amount, frequency, and intensity of rainfall, can influence the amount of fertilizer nitrogen (N) loss in leaching or bypass flow. The effect of fertilizer N form and rate of application on N recovery in bypass flow in a Kenyan Vertisol was determined. Calcium nitrate and ammonium sulfate, used to supply nitrate (NO3 ?)‐N and ammonium (NH4 +)‐N, respectively, were surface‐broadcast to 40‐cm‐long undisturbed soil columns at equivalent rates of 50, 100, and 200 kg N ha?1. Using a rainfall simulator, two rainfall events (30 mm of water applied in 1 h) were applied to the soil columns, one before and the other after fertilizer application. Total N, NO3 ?‐N, and NH4 +‐N concentrations in the bypass flow were determined after the second rainfall event. The application of NH4 +‐N, regardless of the rate, had no effect on N recovery in the bypass flow. When nitrate N was applied, the amount of fertilizer N recovered in the bypass flow significantly increased with the rate of NO3 ?‐N application. Of the total N in the bypass flow, 24 to 48% was derived from the soil, the bulk of which was organic N. It is concluded that following the application of NO3 ?‐N, bypass flow is an important avenue of loss of both fertilizer and soil N from Vertisols.  相似文献   


Open pollinated ‘York Imperial’ apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) seeds were germinated and grown for a period of 7 months in: (1) sand with complete nutrient solutions added; (2) limed and unlimed soil, (3) limed and unlimed soil amended with two different sewage sludges at rates of 25, 50 or 100 dry kg ha‐1. A third composted, lime stabilized sludge was added either sieved or non‐sieved (to remove wood chips) at the same rates. The sludge materials used were: (1) a high metal, composted sludge from Baltimore, MD (BALT); (2) a high Cd sewage sludge (CITY) and (3) a low metal, composted sewage sludge from Washington, D.C. (DC).

Germination was unaffected by treatments. After 7 months, the best growth was obtained from the sand plus nutrient solution media. Two of the three sludge materials increased seedling growth over that of the soil, either limed or unlimed. The BALT compost treated soils produced the lowest growth, particularly when unlimed. Elevated tissue metal levels indicated that Mn, Zn, Cu and Ni were the probable causes of reduced growth noted from the BALT compost treatment. The use of soil with or without low metal sludges as media for early apple seedling growth when compared to standard sand culture is not recommended.  相似文献   


Grazing management in autumn can influence the botanical composition and productivity of a sward. Cycling of nutrients as a result of grazing livestock activity and variable canopy growth rates may influence mineral nutrient supply and demand in a dynamic canopy. An experiment was conducted to determine the influence of autumn grazing practices on the growth and composition, including minerals in terms of ruminant requirements, of a grass/legume sward. Paddocks were established and three replicates grazed by growing lambs for 30‐, 60‐, or 90‐d intervals beginning in late summer. Herbage samples were collected at the beginning of the grazing interval and at the end of each interval (closing date). Herbage mass, and nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), and sulfur (S), as well as copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) were examined in terms of the influence of sampling date, closing date, year, and the interaction of these factors from stockpiled and grazed canopies. Soil mineral composition was determined as well. Concentrations of all minerals declined with increasing soil depth and P, Na, Mg, and Ca increased in soil over the course of the experiment. Soil N concentration was reflected in the pattern of herbage growth in autumn. In general, closing date had no influence on herbage mineral composition and concentrations were within the recommended levels for a range of livestock. Phosphorus was the exception and concentrations in herbage were low in terms of requirements for high producing livestock such as lactating dairy cattle. Uptake or mineral reallocation within the plant remained constant during the autumn growth interval, since mineral yields were stable as growth rates declined in 1991 and increased when growth rates were stable in 1992. Mineral related nutritional problems in grazed mixed‐species pasture, would most likely be a function of mineral bioavailability or interactions, rather than low concentrations in the herbage.  相似文献   


Mineralization of soil organic nitrogen (N) and its contribution toward crop N uptake is central to developing efficient N‐management practices. Because biological incubation methods are time consuming and do not fit into the batch‐analysis techniques of soil‐testing laboratories, an analytical procedure that can provide an estimate of the mineralizable N would be useful as a soil‐test method for predicting plant‐available N in soil. In the present studies, the ability of boiling potassium chloride (KCl) to extract potentially mineralizable and plant‐available N in arable soils of semi‐arid India was tested against results from biological incubations and uptake of N by wheat in a pot experiment. Mineralization of organic N in soils was studied in the laboratory by conducting aerobic incubations for 112 days at 32°C and 33 KPa of moisture. Cumulative N mineralization in different soils ranged from 8.2 to 75.6 mg N kg?1 soil that constituted 2.7 to 8.8% of organic N. The amount of mineral N extracted by KCl increased with increase in length of boiling from 0.5 to 2 h. Boiling for 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 h resulted in an increase in mineral‐N extraction by 9.3, 12.7, 19.6, and 26.1%, respectively, as compared to mineral N extracted at room temperature. The boiling‐KCl‐hydrolyzable N (ΔNi) was directly dependent upon soil organic N content, but the presence of clay retarded hydrolysis for boiling lengths of 0.5 and 1 h. However, for boiling lengths of 1.5, and 2 h, the negative effect of clay was not apparent. The ΔN i was significantly (P=0.05) correlated to cumulative N mineralized and N‐mineralization potential (N0). The relationship between N0 and ΔN i was curvilinear and was best described by a power function. Boiling length of 2 h accounted for 78% of the variability in N0. Results of the pot experiment showed that at 21‐ and 63‐day growth stages, dry‐matter yield and N uptake by wheat were significantly correlated to boiling‐KCl‐extractable mineral N. Thus, boiling KCl could be used to predict potentially mineralizable and plant‐available N in these soils, and a boiling time of 2 h was most suitable to avoid the negatively affected estimates of boiling‐KCl‐hydrolyzable N in the presence of clay. The results have implications for selecting length of boiling in soils varying widely in clay content, and this may explain why, in earlier studies, longer boiling times (viz. 2 or 4 h) were better predictors of N availability as compared to 0.5 and 1 h.  相似文献   

The relationships between potential laboratory indices for plant‐available nitrogen (N) and the plant N uptake in a pot experiment with ryegrass were assessed for 13 mineral soils and 2 peat soils. The methods included aerobic soil incubation, soil incubation in a bioreactor, hot potassium chloride (KCl)–extractable mineral N, 0.01 M calcium chloride (CaCl2)–extractable N, and N loss at heating. The indices for total plant‐available N accounted for 63–93% of the variance in N uptake in a statistical analysis with all soils (n = 15) and 27–89% for the mineral soils (n = 13). Most indices were not a direct quantitative measure of the plant N uptake. The N mineralization indices accounted for 57–86% of the variance in N mineralization for all soils and 5–50% for the mineral soils. Hot KCl‐extractable mineral N and 0.01 M CaCl2–extractable N were the most promising rapid indices for plant‐available N.  相似文献   

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