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Bypass flow, the vertical flow of free water along the walls of macropores or preferential flow paths in the soil, can lead to movement of fertilizer nutrients beyond the reach of plants. Fertilizer type and the rate of application, as well as the amount, frequency, and intensity of rainfall, can influence the amount of fertilizer nitrogen (N) loss in leaching or bypass flow. The effect of fertilizer N form and rate of application on N recovery in bypass flow in a Kenyan Vertisol was determined. Calcium nitrate and ammonium sulfate, used to supply nitrate (NO3 ?)‐N and ammonium (NH4 +)‐N, respectively, were surface‐broadcast to 40‐cm‐long undisturbed soil columns at equivalent rates of 50, 100, and 200 kg N ha?1. Using a rainfall simulator, two rainfall events (30 mm of water applied in 1 h) were applied to the soil columns, one before and the other after fertilizer application. Total N, NO3 ?‐N, and NH4 +‐N concentrations in the bypass flow were determined after the second rainfall event. The application of NH4 +‐N, regardless of the rate, had no effect on N recovery in the bypass flow. When nitrate N was applied, the amount of fertilizer N recovered in the bypass flow significantly increased with the rate of NO3 ?‐N application. Of the total N in the bypass flow, 24 to 48% was derived from the soil, the bulk of which was organic N. It is concluded that following the application of NO3 ?‐N, bypass flow is an important avenue of loss of both fertilizer and soil N from Vertisols.  相似文献   

The present article deals with the natural nitrogen-15 abundance of ammonium nitrogen and fixed ammonium in different soils.Variations in the natural ^15N abundance of ammonium nitrogen mineralized in soils under anaerobic incubation condition were related to soil pH.The δ ^15N of mineralizable N in acid soils was lower but that in neutral and calcareous soils was higher compared with the δ ^15N of total N in the soils.A variation tendence was also found in the δ ^15N of amino-acid N in the hydrolysates of soils.The natural ^15N abundance of fixed ammonium was higher than that of total N in most surface soils and other soil horizons,indicating that the increase of δ ^15N in the soil borizons beneath subsurface horizon of some forest soils and acid paddy soils was related to the higher δ ^15N value of fixed ammonium in the soil.  相似文献   

The measurement of soil carbon dioxide (CO2) respiration is a means to gauge biological soil fertility. Test methods for respiration employed in the laboratory vary somewhat, and to date the equipment and labor required have limited more widespread adoption of such methodologies. A new method to measure soil respiration was tested along with the traditional alkali trap and titration method. The new method involves the Solvita gel system, which was originally designed for CO2 respiration from compost but has been applied in this research to soils with treatments of increasing dairy manure compost. The objectives of this research are to (1) examine the relationship between the CO2 release after 1 day of incubation from soils amended with dairy manure compost that have been dried and rewetted as determined using the titration method and the Solvita gel system, and (2) compare water‐soluble organic nitrogen (N), as well as carbon (C), N, and phosphorus (P) mineralization after 28 days of incubation with 1‐day CO2 release from the titration method and Solvita gel system. One‐day CO2 from both titration and the Solvita gel system were highly correlated with cumulative 28‐day CO2 as well as the basal rate from 7–28 days of incubation. Both methods were also highly correlated with 28‐day N and P mineralization as well as the initial water‐extractable organic N and C concentration.

The data suggest that the Solvita gel system for soil CO2 analysis could be a simple and easily used method to quantify soil microbial activity and possibly provide an estimate of potential mineralizable N and P. Once standardized soil sampling and laboratory analysis protocols are established, the Solvita method could be easily adapted to commercial soil testing laboratories as an index of soil microbial activity.  相似文献   

Seven short‐fallow plant species were evaluated for their aboveground biomass production, nutrient accumulation, and weed suppression potential in Nkolbisson, Cameroon. The fallow species included Arachis pintoi, Vigna radiata, Desmodium intortum, Centrosema pubescens, Indigofera hirsutus, Indigofera spicata, and Pueraria phaseoloides. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications and seven treatments (fallow species). Twelve months after planting, highly significant differences (p < 0.01) were observed among fallow species for phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) concentrations, respectively, in plant tissue. Similarly, highly significant differences (p = 0.0013) occurred among fallow species for aboveground biomass production, which ranged between 3.12 t ha?1 (I. spicata) and 9.16 t ha?1 (A. pintoi). Potassium only showed highly significant differences among plant species for nutrient accumulation (p = 0.0001). However, A. pintoi, C. pubescens, I. hirsutus, and P. phaseoloides yielded substantial amounts of recycled N (>100 kg ha?1 year?1) that can benefit the subsequent crop. For small‐scale producers, these species are likely to supply adequate nitrogen for cereal crops. A total of 26 weed species belonging to 15 botanical families were encountered in the various plots. Weed dry weight differed significantly (p = 0.02) among the fallow plots and ranged from 0.12 t ha?1 (in P. phaseoloides plots) to 2.32 t ha?1 (in A. pintoi plots). Results of this study suggest that there are a wide range of plant species that could be used in improved fallow technologies aimed at improving nutrient‐degraded soils and suppressing weeds.  相似文献   


A greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the effect of rice straw residue on growth and uptake of added 15N‐labeled ammonium nitrogen (NH4‐N) (3% 15N abundance at the rate of 150 kg N ha?) by rice in Crowley silt loam soil (Typic Albaqualfs). Higher rates of rice straw addition had an adverse affect on plant growth from the first to sixth week. After 6 weeks, the high rice straw treatment had a positive effect on plant growth (P<0.05). The 15N‐labeled ammonium or fertilizer nitrogen (N) uptake by rice was significantly lower (P<0.05) in the high rice straw treatment as compared to lower rice straw treatments. Greater plant growth was recorded under alternate flooding and draining condition as compared to continuously flooded treatment (P<0.01).  相似文献   


Lead arsenate was extensively used to control insects in apple and plum orchards in the 1900s. Continuous use of lead arsenate resulted in elevated soil levels of lead (Pb) and arsenic (As). There are concerns that As and Pb will become solubilized upon a change in land use. In situ chemical stabilization practices, such as the use of phosphate‐phosphorus (P), have been investigated as a possible method for reducing the solubility, mobility, and potential toxicity of Pb and As in these soils. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of calcium carbonate (lime), P, and iron (Fe) amendments in reducing the solubility of As and Pb in lead‐arsenate‐treated soils over time. Under controlled conditions, two orchard soils, Thurmont loam (Hapludults) and Burch loam (Haploxerolls), were amended with reagent‐grade calcium carbonate (CaCO3), iron hydroxide [Fe(OH)3], and potassium phosphate (KH2PO4) and incubated for 16 weeks at 26°C. The experimental results suggested that the inorganic P increased competitive sorption between H2PO4 ? and dihydrogen arsenate (H2AsO4 ?), resulting in greater desorption of As in both Thurmont and Burch soils. Therefore, addition of lime, potassium phosphate, and Fe to lead‐arsenate‐contaminated soils could increase the risk of loss of soluble As and Pb from surface soil and potentially increase these metal species in runoff and movement to groundwater.  相似文献   


Samples of seven controlled‐release fertilizers, Nutricote Total 13–13–13, Nutricote Total 18–6–8, Osmocote Plus 15–9–12, Osmocote 13–13–13, Polyon 18–6–12, Polyon 14–14–14, and Plantacote 14–8–15, were placed in leaching columns containing acid‐washed sand. Samples of all leachates were analyzed weekly to determine release rates of ammonium‐nitrogen (N), nitrate‐N, phosphorus (P), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), and iron (Fe). Release rates for P from all products were slower than those for NH4‐N, NO3‐N, and K. Release of Mg, Mn, and Fe was very poor, with less than 50% of the total amount of each of these elements ever being released from the prills for some products. Nutricote products released Fe and Mn more effectively than did Osmocote or Plantacote.  相似文献   

In a long‐term maize–wheat rotation at the Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India (subtropical climate), the effects of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) addition on soil fertility and forms of inorganic P and K in the plow layer of an alkaline sandy loam soil were measured after 11 and 22 years of cropping. The treatments comprised four rates of N (0, 60, 120, and 180 kg N ha?1) as urea, three rates of P (0, 17.5, and 35 kg P ha?1) as single superphosphate, and two rates of K (0 and 33 kg K ha?1) as muriate of potash. The treatments selected for the present study were N0P0K0, N120P0K0, N120P17.5K0, N120P35K0, N120P17.5K33, and N120P35K33. A significant year × treatment interaction in decreasing available N [alkaline potassium permanganate (KMnO4)–oxidizable N) status of soils was found in all the treatments. Available P (Olsen P) in the control plot decreased over time whereas in plots with added P, available P increased significantly after years 11 and 22, with the greatest increase in the N120P17.5Ko treatment. Compared to the initial values, continuous P fertilization resulted in greater total P and chloride P concentrations after 11 and 22 years. Although sodium hydroxide (NaOH) P and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) P increased in P‐treated plots from the start of the trial to year 11, they decreased from year 11 to year 22. Among these inorganic P forms, chloride P was significantly positively correlated with P uptake (r = 0.811*). When only N and P were applied, available K [ammonium acetate (NH4OAc)–extractable K] significantly decreased over time. In plots without K addition, water‐soluble and exchangeable K decreased from their initial status. Compared to year 11, water‐soluble K increased, whereas exchangeable K decreased after year 22 in plots receiving no K fertilizer. Compared with NPK treatments, a significant decrease of total K in NP treatment plots suggests the release and uptake of nonexchangeable K. Water‐soluble K and exchangeable K were not correlated with K uptake. These results suggest that long‐term application of P fertilizers resulted in the accumulation of P in the soil, which could have resulted in saturation of P binding sites. Of the soil inorganic P fractions, only chloride P appears to be a good indicator of plant‐available P. The gradual loss in native soil K and release of nonexchangeable K indicates the need for adding K fertilizer to maintain soil fertility.  相似文献   

Total nitrogen(N) loss and ammonia volatilization from urea applied to flooded rice grown on a paddy soil in Zhejiang Province were measured by ^15N balance and micro-meteorological methods,respectively.Floodwater properties and ammonia loss from the circular plot were compared with those from the microplots.And the effectiveness of urease inhibitor,NBPT [N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide],was also tested Results showed that the total losses from urea broadcast and incorporated at transplanting (basal dressing) were similar with those from urea broadcast 12 days after transplanting (top-dressing)(51.5% and 48%,respectively,of applied N),and ammonia losses were low,the corresponding figures were 10.8% and 7.0% of applied N,respectively.Thus,denitrification was a much more important pathway of nitrogen loss than ammonia volatilization under the particular conditions.Addition of NBPT retarded urea hydrolysis,reduced pHs and ammoniacal nitrogen concentrations of floodwater for either the application of urea as basal or as top-dressing,but these effects were not translated into the reduction of total nitrogen loss.Floodwater pHs and ammonia loss in the microplots were apparently lower than those in the circular plot from urea applied as basal dressing;however,such differences were not found when urea was top-dressed.The frequently raining days occurred after top-dressing may be responsible for the insignificant effect of plot size on floodwater pHs and ammonia volatilization.It seems that the effects of phot size on ploodwater properties and ammonia loss mainly depend on weather conditions,in addition to the height and leaf area index of the crop.  相似文献   


Long‐term field experiments are the most suitable tools for determining the optimal nutrient‐supplying technologies that contribute to sustainable agriculture. Under certain environmental conditions (low precipitation, deep groundwater table, negative water balance), part of the applied nitrogen (N) can be found in the soil profile for a longer period and provide N nutrition for crops. A long‐term field experiment has been running at Nagyhörcsök in Hungary since 1973. The nitrogen–phosphorus–potassium (NPK) application rates follow the overall nutrient‐supplying categories (weak, medium, adequate, excessive) by the main nutrients and their combinations. The seasonal dynamics of exchangeable NH4 and NO3 were followed in 1983 and 2003. From certain treatments, two parallel average samples (20–20 subsamples were mixed to get average composite samples by plots) were collected 19 times from March through November from three soil layers. There was no difference in NH4‐N between years, and its seasonal fluctuation was slight in both years, whereas there was an increase in NO3‐N in accordance with the applied N rates. No significant difference occurred in the NO3‐N of the N0P0K0 and the N1P1K1 treatments during both years. A significantly higher NO3‐N content was observed in the higher rate nutrient treatments. Both soil N forms were higher in 1983 than in 2003. Based on the experimental results, the fate and behavior of the surplus N in the soil can be characterized and the residual amount can be taken into account during the calculation of the N‐fertilization demand of arable crops in relation to the N‐fertilizer advisory system.  相似文献   

The process of biomass, nitrogen (N), and potassium (K) accumulation over time as affected by N forms is poorly understood. The objective of this study was to identify the effects of N form on growth as well as on N and K nutrition of flue‐cured tobacco plants (Nicotiana tobaccum L.). The plants were grown in a greenhouse with pots of soil for 117 days after 200 days of preculture. Three treatments (calcium nitrate [Ca(NO3)2], ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), and ammonium nitrate plus straw (NH4NO3 + straw)) were used. The results showed that there were no significant differences in shoot dry mass of tobacco among the three treatments during the entire growth stage except at 30 and 117 days after transplanting. At these two growth stages, shoot biomass with the Ca(NO3)2 treatment was significantly less than that with NH4NO3 with or without straw. The NH4NO3 + straw plants had more mature leaves and greater leaf dry weight than the other two treatments. At an early stage (before 66 days), N concentration of Ca(NO3)2‐fed plants was less than with the other two treatments. The leaf K concentration and shoot K content of NH4NO3 and NH4NO3 + straw plants were more than with the Ca(NO3)2 treatment before maturity. Also, K concentration in mature leaves with these two treatments was greater than with Ca(NO3)2 treatment. All these results indicated that NH4NO3 application had benefits to the maturity and K accumulation in leaves of tobacco.  相似文献   


Nitrogen (N) management may be improved by a thorough understanding of the nutrient dynamics during previous‐crop residue decomposition and its impact on fertilizer N fate in the soil–plant system. An experiment was conducted in the Argentine Pampas to evaluate the effect of maize and soybean as previouscrops and plow‐till and no‐till methods on N dynamics and 15N‐labeled fertilizer uptake during a wheat growing season. Maize and soybean residues released N under both tillage treatments, but N release was faster from soybean residues and when residues were buried by tillage. Net immobilization of N on decomposing residues was not detected. A regression model that accounted for 92% of remaining N variability included time, previous crop, and tillage treatment as independent variables. The rapid residue decomposition with N release was attributed to the high temperatures of the agroecosystem. The recovery of 15N‐labeled fertilizer in the wheat crop, soil organic matter, and decomposing residues was not statistically different between previous crop treatments or tillage systems. Crop uptake of fertilizer N averaged 52% across treatments. Forty percent of fertilizer N was removed in grains. Immobilization of labeled N on soil organic matter was substantial, averaging 34% of the 15N‐labeled fertilizer retained, but was very small on decomposing residues, averaging 0.2–3.0%. Fertilizer N not accounted for at harvest in the soil–plant system was 12% and was ascribed to losses. Previous crop or tillage system had no impact on wheat yield, but when soybean was the previous crop, N content of grain and straw+roots increased. Discussion is presented on the potential availability of N retained in wheat straw, roots, and soil organic matter for future crops.  相似文献   

The Fengqiu long-term field experiment was established to examine effects of organic manure and mineral fertilizers on soil total nitrogen (N) and natural 15N abundance. Fertilizer regimes include organic manure (OM), one-half N from organic manure plus one-half N from mineral N fertilizer (1/2OMN), mineral fertilizers [N–phosphorus (P)–potassium (K), NP, NK, PK], and a control. Organic manure (OM and 1/2OMN) significantly increased soil total N and δ15N, which was expected as a great amount of the N applied remained in soils. Mineral NPK fertilizer and mineral NP fertilizer significantly increased total N and slightly increaed δ15N. Phosphorus-deficient fertilization (NK) and N-deficient fertilization (PK) had no effect on soil total N. Significantly greater δ15N was observed in the NK treatment as compared to the control, suggesting that considerable N was lost by ammonia (NH3) voltalization and denitrification in this P-deficiency fertilization regime.  相似文献   


A greenhouse leaching column study was conducted to compare the effects of surface‐applied langbeinite (LB), phosphogypsum (PG), Ca‐ silicate slag (SS), and calcitic lime (CL) on subsoil Al and growth of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. ‘Florida 77') in Toula silt loam soil (Typic Fragiudult). Langbeinite was found to be more effective than PG in the reduction of subsoil exchangeable Al, apparently through SO4 2‐‐induced Al precipitation. This study demonstrated that high exchangeable Al levels are not always indicative of Al toxicity in the soil solution phase. The primary factors limiting alfalfa growth in the Toula soil were found to be surface soil pH and Mn toxicity rather than subsoil Al toxicity. The liming materials, SS and CL, effectively corrected the surface soil Mn and pH problems, but had no effect on subsoil chemical properties.  相似文献   


The chemical characterization of soil phosphorus (P) desorbed by anion and cation exchange membranes is of major importance to better understand which P forms are available to plants in short‐ and long‐term time periods. Two distinct soils, one acidic and one calcareous, were analyzed for P using two extraction procedures with mixed anion and cation exchange membranes. The short‐term (ST) experiment evaluated the effect of increasing the extraction periods up to 24 h, whereas the long‐term (LT) experiment consisted of a sequential extraction procedure using up to seven successive 24‐h extractions. In both experiments, the Chang and Jackson inorganic P fractionation methodology was carried out after each extraction treatment, and each treatment consisted of three replicates. Data were statistically analyzed by ANOVA and nonlinear regressions. In the ST experiment, increasing the extraction time increased the extracted P according to an asymptotic relationship (y=c?ab x ). Extracted P proceeded from the most labile fractions in the acidic soil. In calcareous soils, calcium phosphates may also contribute for extractable P. The LT experiment revealed that a single extraction, regardless of that extraction method, cannot predict the long‐term capacity of soils to supply P to the plants. An exponential relationship (P=a×n b ) was found between extracted P and the extraction number. Desorbed P proceeded from the most labile fractions in the acidic soil. However, in calcareous soils, some precaution is needed when considering the biological meaning of the results, because the occluded Fe phosphates also revealed significant decreases, probably due to the redox conditions in which these long extractions are performed.  相似文献   


Squash (Cucurbita pepo), cucumber (Cucranis sativus), and sweet melon (Cucumis dudain) were grown in sand cultures with N supply concentrations as the variable. For several reasons, total‐N values were found to be less satisfactory than NO ‐N for the purpose of determining the critical nitrogen concentration for maximum growth. Concentrations of total‐N in mature petioles were higher in plants severely deficient in N than in less deficient plants, characteristic of a Piper‐Steenbjerg effect.  相似文献   


Influence of long‐term sodic‐water (SW) irrigation with or without gypsum and organic amendments [green manure (GM), farmyard manure (FYM), and rice straw (RS)] on soil properties and nitrogen (N) mineralization kinetics was studied after 12 years of rice–wheat cropping in a sandy loam soil in northwest India. Long‐term SW irrigation increased soil pH, exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and decreased organic carbon (OC) and total N content. On the other hand, application of gypsum and organic amendments resulted in significant improvement in all these soil properties. Mineralization of soil N ranged from 54 to 111 mg N kg?1 soil in different treatments. Irrigation with SW depressed N mineralization. In SW‐irrigated plots, two flushes of N mineralization were observed; the first during 0 to 7 d and the second after 28 d. Amending SW irrigated plots with GM and FYM enhanced mineralization of soil N. Gypsum application along with SW irrigation reduced cumulative N mineralization at 56 days in RS‐amended plots but increased it under GM‐treated, FYM‐treated, or unamended plots. Nitrogen mineralization potential (No) ranged from 62 to 543 mg N kg?1 soil. In the first‐order zero‐order model (FOZO), the easily decomposable fraction ranged from 5.4 to 42 mg N kg?1 soil. Compared to the first‐order single compartment model, the FOZO model could better explain the variations in N mineralization in different treatments. Variations in No were influenced more by changes in pH, SAR, and ESP induced by long‐term SW irrigations and amendments rather than by soil OC.  相似文献   


Diffusion methods for quantitative determination and isotope‐ratio analysis of inorganic N in soil extracts were modified for use with Kjeldahl digests. The digest was diluted to 25 mL with deionized water, and an aliquot (to 6 mL) was transferred in a shell vial (17 mm dia., 60 mm long) to a 473‐mL (1‐pint) wide‐mouth Mason jar containing 15 mL of 8 M NaOH. The NH3 liberated by overturning the vial inside the sealed jar was collected for 48 h at room temperature (24 h with orbital shaking) in 3 mL of boric acid‐indicator solution in a Petri dish, or in an acidified glass‐fiber disk, suspended from the Mason‐jar lid. Determinations of N and 15N by diffusion were in close agreement with analyses using conventional steam‐distillation and concentration techniques.  相似文献   


A field trial was conducted during the short‐day period of 2004–2005 at Ona, Fl., to study the factorial effect of nitrogen (67, 90, and 134 kg N ha?1) and phosphorus (0, 5, 10, 20, and 40 kg P ha?1) rates on forage dry‐matter yield, quality, nutrient uptake, and leaf pigment concentration of limpograss (Hemarthria altissima). The N and P fertilizers were applied 45 days before each of two harvests. There was no interaction between N and P rates on any of the measured variables. Cool‐season forage yield increased curvilinearly from 137 to 350 kg ha?1 in winter and 237 to 1389 kg ha?1 in early spring, whereas crude protein (CP) concentration increased from 145 to 158 g kg?1, as P was increased from 0 to 40 kg ha?1, but yield and CP were not affected by N rate. There was a decreasing linear relationship between leaf concentration of anthocyanins and P rate of application such that forage obtained with 0 kg P ha?1 had 61% more leaf anthocyanins and purple pigmentation than with 40 kg P ha?1. There was no effect of N on anthocyanins content. It was concluded that increased level of leaf anthocyanins was due to the cumulative stress from cool weather and lower plant‐tissue P levels, which resulted in reduced growth and yield of limpograss. In cool weather, P played a critical role in controlling leaf purple pigmentation and forage yield.  相似文献   


Field experiment was conducted for 7 years continuously to evaluate the influence of combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizer on soil fertility buildup and nutrient uptake in mint (Mentha arvensis) and mustard (Brassica juncea) cropping sequence. Maximum organic carbon was observed under full supply of organic manure (T2; FYM at 20 t ha?1) averaged across all the Stages of cropping sequence. It was increased by 38, 50, and 51% in T2 in Stages I (after mint harvest/presowing of dhaincha), II (after incorporation of dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata)/presowing of mustard), and III (after harvest of mustard/preplanting of mint), respectively, over their respective controls. In general, magnitude of organic carbon was recorded higher in Stage II after green manuring of Sesbania compared with Stages I and III. Nitrogen availability in treated plots was increased by 26.0–89.9, 15.2–64.5, and 4.9–52.0% in Stages I (after mint harvest/presowing of Sesbania), II (after incorporation of dhaincha/presowing of mustard), and III (after harvest of mustard/preplanting of mint), respectively, over their respective control. Average across all the three Stages showed a positive balance of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in soil under different treatments. Mean of the three Stages indicated that maximum available N, P, and K were increased by 36.1, 129.0, and 65.20% in T4 (N:P:K: 133:40:40 and FYM at 6.7 t ha?1), T4 (N:P:K::133:40:40 and FYM at 6.7 t ha?1), and T3 (N:P:K::100:30:30 and FYM at 10 t ha?1), respectively, over their initial status. Supply of organic and inorganic fertilizer (T4; N:P:K::133:40:40 and FYM at 6.7 t ha?1) was found most suitable combination with respect to N, P availability in soil, and productivity of mint and mustard crop.  相似文献   

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