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灌排调控的稻田排水中氮素浓度变化规律   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4  
基于农田排水氮素浓度及湿地进出口断面总氮(TN)、氨态氮(NH4+-N)、硝态氮(NO3--N)浓度的监测,研究了灌溉排水措施以及沟塘湿地对农田排水中氮素浓度变化的影响。结果表明,控制灌溉的水稻全生育期稻田排水中TN、NH4+-N和NO3--N浓度分别较常规灌溉处理低12.08%、20.33%和13.51%;控制排水处理下稻田排水中TN、NH4+-N和NO3--N浓度分别较常规排水处理低2.21%、7.08%和20.92%;湿地出口水体中TN、NH4+-N和NO3--N浓度分别比入口降低了16.8%、14.4%和50.9%,湿地水体中TN、NH4+-N、NO3--N浓度随时间近似服从指数函数衰减趋势。控制灌溉、控制排水及沟渠塘湿地系统的调控措施对农田排水中氮素的净化效果比较显著。  相似文献   

In improved hill-peat a rapid increase in rhizosphere soil bacteria occurs following clover defoliation. The increase in bacterial-cell N is equivalent to 19% of the N released from the clover roots in the first 5 days after cutting. Subsequent ammonification of the immobilized N is dependent on the resistance of the microbial fraction to further degradation. In three fertilized hill soils examined, [15N]labelled bacterial N was mineralized quite rapidly, some 20% of the bacterial N being taken up by grass over 17 days. Under glasshouse conditions the rate of mineralization is different in the three soils examined, the peat providing a more favourable environment than brown earth for bacterial N transfer.  相似文献   


An equation was developed which relates average annual nitrogen concentration of Pensacola bahiagrass to applied nitrogen and harvest interval. The equation incorporates linear decrease with harvest interval (up to 7 weeks) and exponential increase with applied nitrogen. Regression analysis of field data from five studies in Georgia, Florida and Alabama allowed evaluation of the four coefficients in the equation. An attempt was made to interpret the significance of the coefficients. These results are relevant to forage production and environmental quality  相似文献   

Species N use traits was evaluated as a mechanism whereby Bromus inermis (Bromus), an established invasive, might alter soil N supply in a Northern mixed-grass prairie. We compared soils under stands of Bromus with those from three representative native grasses of different litter C/N: Andropogon gerardii (Andropogon), Nassella viridula (Nassella) and Pascopyrum smithii (Pascopyrum); in ascending order of litter quality. Net mineralization (per g soil N) measured in year-long laboratory incubations showed no differences in comparisons of Bromus with two of the three native grasses: Andropogon and Nassella. Higher mineralization in Pascopyrum stands relative to Bromus was consistent with its higher litter quality. However, an unusually high occurrence of an N-fixing legume in Pascopyrum stands, potentially favoring high mineralization rates, confounded any conclusions regarding the effects of plant N use on N mineralization. Instead of an initial flush of net mineralization, as would be expected in laboratory incubation, we observed an initial lag phase. This lag in net N mineralization coincided with high microbial activity (respiration) that suggests strong N limitation of the microbial biomass. Further support for the importance of immobilization initially came from modeling mineralization dynamics, which was explained better when we accounted for microbial growth in our model. The absence of strong differences in net mineralization beneath these grasses suggests that differences in plant N use alone were unlikely to influence soil N mineralization through substrate quality, particularly under strong N control of the microbial biomass.  相似文献   


Alfalfa/grass (Medicago sativa/Dactylis glomerata, Bromus) yield and quality responses to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilizer applications are well documented. The magnitude of the P response and in turn N, may however, be limited by the relative immobility of P in the soil. A two‐year field study was conducted to determine the response of an established alfalfa/grass stand to combinations of a one‐time broadcast application of N, P, and sulfur (S) rates with fall or spring applications of P. Nitrogen and P applications increased forage production, nutrient concentration and nutrient content, particularly in the first production year. No S response was observed. Fall P applications were superior to spring applications only in the first year of production. If annual broadcast applications of P are made to existing alfalfa/grass stands in Intermountain areas, fall applications are recommended.  相似文献   


A logistic equation was used to relate dry matter yield to applied nitrogen for Pensacola bahiagrass. Data from Georgia with 5 N rates and for 5 years were used. Procedures were outlined for evaluation of the 3 parameters. The 2nd order Newton‐Raphson method was used to optimize parameters. The error matrix provided estimates of the standard error for each parameter, which were used for sensitivity analysis. Probability contours were constructed for the nonlinear parameters at 75% and 95% confidence levels. Finally, it was shown by analysis of variance that each parameter had a common value for all 5 years of data. Additional work is underway to relate model parameters to water availability and harvest interval.  相似文献   

自然生草对渭北旱塬苹果园土壤氮及果实品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了减少土壤硝态氮的积累,防止苹果缺钙症状的发生,该研究以果园清耕为对照,探讨渭北旱塬果园自然生草(繁缕和牛繁缕群落,自然生草2、4、6和8 a)对土壤有机质、全氮、硝态氮、铵态氮、水溶性钙含量和苹果果实中的氮、磷、钾、钙含量及果实缺钙症状和果实品质等的影响.结果表明果园自然生草可提高0~40 cm土层土壤有机质、全氮...  相似文献   

【目的】临界氮浓度是指在一定的生长时期内获得最大生物量时的最小氮浓度值,具有明确的生物学意义。探究不同水氮供应对番茄地上部生物量、氮素累积的影响,构建临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型,并基于氮素吸收和氮营养指数模型进行番茄氮素营养诊断,可为番茄水肥一体化提供一定的理论依据。【方法】于2013年在日光温室内进行了盆栽试验,供试番茄品种为金鹏M6088。设置3个灌水量为低水W1(60%70%θf)、中水W2(70%80%θf)和高水W3(80%90%θf),θf为田间持水率;施氮量设置3个水平为低氮N1(N 0.24 g/kg土)、中氮N2(N 0.36 g/kg土)和高氮N3(N 0.48 g/kg土),试验采用完全随机区组设计,共9个处理,每个处理重复15次,研究了不同水氮条件下番茄的地上部生物量、氮素累积及氮浓度的动态变化,构建了番茄不同水分条件下的临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型。【结果】番茄地上部生物量、氮累积量随移栽时间的动态变化符合Logistic模型,不同水氮供应对番茄地上部生物量理论最大值的影响不同,中水和高水条件下,番茄地上部生物量理论最大值随着施氮量的增加呈先增加后减小的趋势;而在低水条件下呈递增趋势,说明适量增施氮肥可以减轻干旱对干物质量累积的抑制;番茄地上部生物量快速累积起始日较氮快速累积起始日晚8 17 d,且不同水氮处理番茄地上部生物量最大生长速率、氮累积量最大累积速率均出现在中水中氮(W2N2)处理;在相同的水分条件下,番茄地上部生物量氮浓度随施氮量的增加而提高,随生育进程的推移呈下降趋势;氮浓度与地上部生物量之间符合幂指数关系,适当增大灌水量可以提高植株对氮的容纳能力,并且可以缓解氮浓度随植株生物增长量下降,使植株稳步有序地生长;不同的水氮供应对番茄产量影响显著,随着灌水量和施氮量的增加,产量显著提高,但当灌水量和施氮量达到一定数量时产量不仅没有提高反而随其增加而降低。【结论】基于临界氮浓度构建的氮营养指数、氮吸收模型对番茄的适宜施氮量诊断结果一致,均以中水中氮(W2N2)为最佳条件,即当灌水量和施肥量分别为62.1 L/plant、15.1 g/plant时,番茄单株产量达到最大(1602 g),构建的模型合理可行。  相似文献   

The intensification of livestock yield requires advances in the management and fertilization of forage crops. This study was conducted to determine the dry weight yield (DWY) along with the concentration and amount of nutrients of Megathyrsus maximum cv. Mombasa. The treatments were arranged in a factorial scheme 6?×?2, six leaf rates of Zn chelate and two soil types (Entisols and Ultisol) with low and medium Zn content and four replicates. Entisols with low Zn content and Ultisol with average Zn content were used plus a control treatment with Zn sulfate. The Zn chelate and Zn sulfate foliar application did not affect the DWY. The tillering and DWY were higher in Ultisol than in Entisol. The Zn content in DWY was directly proportional to rate chelated Zn. The root dry weight yield of Mombasa grass reduced with the chelated Zn foliar application in Entisol and had no effect on Ultisol.  相似文献   

滴灌番茄临界氮浓度、氮素吸收和氮营养指数模拟   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
作物的氮浓度随生物量的增加而下降,临界氮浓度是指在一定的生长时期内获得最大生物量时的最小氮浓度值。该文在滴灌条件下,基于3a不同的氮素水平试验,构建了加工番茄地上部生物量的临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型。结果表明,临界氮浓度与地上部最大生物量之间符合幂指数关系,相关系数为R~2=0.947,加工番茄最高(%Nmax)、最低(%Nmin)临界氮浓度稀释模型亦符合幂指数关系,相关系数分别为R~2=0.959、R~2=0.925。基于临界氮浓度建立了加工番茄氮素吸收模型(Nupt)、氮素营养指数模型(NNI),可作为加工番茄氮素营养状况的判别指标,氮素吸收和氮营养指数模型对新疆北疆加工番茄种植区的适宜施氮量诊断结果一致,均以300kg/hm2为最佳施氮量。该研究所建立的临界氮浓度稀释曲线模型较前人建立的模型更具机理性,因此,该模型所得出的分析结果是合适和可靠的,并且可用于指导加工番茄动态精准施肥及为氮素优化管理的建立提供参考。  相似文献   

This project aimed to investigate the release of mineral N following the ploughing of clover-rich and grass-dominated swards, previously subject either to cutting or grazing regimes. The hypotheses tested were firstly that N mineralisation and losses following incorporation of grass-clover swards are greater than from grass swards, and secondly that N mineralisation and losses following incorporation of previously grazed swards are greater than from previously cut swards. Following ploughing of previously grazed swards in 1992 and swards that had been subjected to an unfertilised, ungrazed regime in 1993, N uptake, N leaching losses (measured by soil solution samplers with drainage estimation from a nearby experiment) and N2O losses (measured by the closed chamber method) were determined on both resown and fallow plots. Results showed: (1) higher N release after ploughing from the grass-fallow treatment (449 kg N ha-1) than from the grass-clover fallow treatment (244 kg N ha-1) over 18 months; (2) the net release of N after ploughing and reseeding, compared with a continued unfertilised sward, was about 85 kg ha-1 for the grass-clover plots and 140 kg ha-1 for the grass-only plots, over the following 18 months. Of this, the net releases in the second cropping season after incorporation were 19 and 25 kg N ha-1 on the resown grass-clover and grass-only plots, respectively; (3) the net release of mineral N after ploughing in 1993/1994, when swards had not been grazed for over a year, was only about 40 kg ha-1 and no effect of the previous sward was evident; (4) in the 7 weeks after the 1992 ploughing, there was a considerable short-term input of N2O to the atmosphere (1.5-3.7 kg N ha-1), due to the supply of readily available C. Leaving swards ungrazed and unfertilised over winter before ploughing in spring has the potential to reduce such emissions considerably. We conclude that N release following cultivation of grazed swards is more a function of grazing intensity and history prior to ploughing rather than of sward composition.  相似文献   

Nitrogen uptake and nitrate-N concentration in forage sorghums, which are related to ground water pollution or feed quality under conditions of crop fertilization by only animal wastes, were examined. Seventy-four genotypes of sorghum and Sudan grass were tested. They were classified into 4 groups; grain type and dual purpose type sorghums (6 and 13 genotypes, respectively, Sorghum bicolor Moench), sorgo type sorghum (21, S. bicolor), Sudan type sorghum (22, S. bicolor × S. sudanense (Piper) Stapf), Sudan grass (12, S. sudanense). There was a strong correlation between dry matter (DM) yield and N uptake, with the sorgo type producing the highest DM matter yield and showing the highest N uptake. Nitrate-N, which causes nitrate poisoning of ruminants, was detected mostly in the stem of all the genotypes. The nitrate-N concentration based on DM could be calculated accurately by multiplying the nitrate-N concentration of stem on a fresh matter basis by the DM partitioning ratio of stem divided by the DM concentration of stem. The grain type and the dual purpose type of sorghums with dry stem showed the lowest nitrate-N concentration because these plants had a lower DM partitioning ratio of stem and higher DM concentration of stem. Sudan grass and Sudan type sorghum with the genetic background of Sudan grass showed higher nitrate-N concentrations owing to their ability to accumulate nitrate-N.  相似文献   

Several nitrogen (N)‐rate field experiments were carried out in cotton to define dilution curves for critical N concentrations in individual plants (i.e., the minimum N concentration required for maximum growth at any growth stage). Nitrogen application rate had a significant effect on aboveground dry matter, N accumulation, and N concentration. As expected, shoot N concentration in plants decreased during the growing period. These results support the concept of critical N concentration in shoot biomass of single plants as described by Lemaire et al. (2007) and reveal that a dilution curve for critical N concentrations in cotton plants can be described by a power equation. The pattern of critical–N concentration dilution curves was consistent across the two sites. Nitrogen concentration for a given biomass varied greatly with the supply of N. After initial flowering, the N‐nutrition index (NNI) for aboveground biomass of individual plants increased with increasing N rates. Relationships between plant total N uptake and accumulated dry matter in the aboveground biomass can be described by the allometric‐relation equations for each dose of N. Nitrogen‐dilution curves can be used as a tool for diagnosing the status of N in cotton from initial flowering to boll opening. The relationship can also be used in the parameterization and validation of growth models for predicting the N response and/or N requirement of cotton.  相似文献   


The corn-grass intercropping system began to be used in the dry season, as it provides increased straw production for the no-tillage system. However, corn and grass are plants demanding in nitrogen. The corn cultivated in the dry season is called out-of-season corn in Brazil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the productivity and nutrients concentrations of out-of-season corn and Congo-grass intercropped in the no-tillage system, as a function of the nitrogen rates applied in sidedressing. The treatments were four nitrogen rates, 0, 30, 60 and 90?kg?ha?1. The experimental design was randomised complete blocks with four replicates. The experimental period corresponded to the harvests of 2015 and 2016. There were evaluated: corn grain yield, dry mass production and nutrient concentration in the shoots of the plants intercropped. The evaluations were carried out at the physiological maturity stage of the corn and at the time of desiccation of the grass. Nitrogen increased grain yield and dry mass production of the plants intercropped. Nitrogen maximised the magnesium concentration in out-of-season corn and the nitrogen, calcium, magnesium and sulphur concentrations in Congo grass. Excess nitrogen promoted reduction of the phosphorus in the Corn-Congo grass intercropping system in the dry season.  相似文献   

氮肥用量对玉米体内养分浓度和养分分配的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过5年的田间试验,研究了不同施氮量对玉米产量、玉米体内养分浓度、养分分配及对每形成单位籽粒产量的吸收养分量的影响。结果表明,玉米籽粒和秸秆中P、K浓度随氮肥用量的增加有逐渐降低的趋势。玉米收获产品中N、K含量在籽粒和秸秆中的分配比与产量均呈现较好的相关性。玉米生长愈好(单产愈高),每形成单位经济产量的磷、钾消耗量愈少,说明良好的作物生长条件有利于提高作物体内养分的转化效率。  相似文献   

试验采用裂区设计,以硝态氮和铵态氮两种氮素形态为主处理,5个供氮水平为副处理,在大田条件下研究了水田与旱地烤烟在团棵、旺长、脚叶采烤、腰叶采烤和顶叶采烤等5个生育期烟叶的总氮浓度、硝酸还原酶和谷酰胺合成酶活性的氮肥效应。结果表明,水田与旱地烤烟在各氮肥处理下团棵期烟叶的氮浓度最高,旺长期稍有下降,至脚叶采烤期则迅速降低;烟叶中的硝酸还原酶和谷酰胺合成酶活性从团棵到旺长期迅速升高,进入采烤后逐渐降低。水田烤烟烟叶总氮浓度和硝酸还原酶活性比旱地烤烟大,而谷酰胺合成酶则水田小于旱地,说明烤烟在水田状况下吸氮能力比旱地烤烟强;然而水田烤烟氮同化能力比旱地烤烟弱。试验结果还表明,水田与旱地烤烟烟叶的总氮浓度、硝酸还原酶和谷酰胺合成酶活性分别在09~0.kg/hm2和07~5.kg/hm2范围内随施氮量的增加而提高;由于土壤中铵态氮的转化与硝态氮淋溶损失,导致铵态氮的肥效优于硝态氮。  相似文献   

Plant wax compounds (n-alkanes and alcohols) were used to trace C from the dominant pasture species to different water-stable aggregate (WSA) size classes to investigate if changes in the plant community composition caused by grass ley age and N amendment were reflected in the dynamics of intra-aggregate SOM. Age of the ley influenced the formation of aggregates, and fertilizer N application decreased %C and %N of the macroaggregates. Although changes in the plant community composition due to N amendment and ley age were reflected in the concentrations of plant wax compounds in the different WSA classes, the results of this study are more indicative of the direct effect of N fertilizer, than of the effect of dominant plant species, on intra-aggregate OM dynamics. The results of this study were found to support the suggestion that N amendments increase intra-aggregate OM dynamics especially in the smaller WSA size classes.  相似文献   

小黑麦氮利用效率基因型差异及评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为小黑麦氮高效基因型育种提供依据,以31个代表不同遗传背景的小黑麦品种为对象,采用盆栽试验,设低氮和正常供氮2个处理,对小黑麦在分蘖期、拔节期和最佳刈割时期抽穗期的氮素利用效率和相关性状指标进行研究。结果表明,小黑麦的氮素利用效率在低氮和正常供氮条件下都有较大的基因型差异,并在抽穗期时变异系数达到最大(低氮条件下CV为19.07 %,正常供氮为19.50 %)。根据小黑麦在两供氮条件下不同生育期的氮素利用效率可将小黑麦分为3个类型:氮高效利用基因型,氮低效利用基因型和中间类型,并由此确定氮高效利用基因型为:CIxt82、PI429186和PI429228,氮低效利用基因型为:CIxt74、CIxt75、CIxt76、PI428955、PI587238和PI587241。小黑麦株高与地上部生物量在两供氮条件下各生育期表现出氮高效利用基因型高于氮低效利用基因型的趋势。相关性分析表明,小黑麦株高和地上部生物量与氮素利用效率呈现较强的正相关性。因此,这两个植株性状可作为小黑麦氮高效利用基因型评价的辅助指标。  相似文献   

Ozone (O3) concentration and air temperature/relative humidity were monitored using diffusive samplers (weekly, 3 m above ground) and Tinytag loggers (10 min sampling, 1 m above ground, self-ventilating radiation shields), respectively, in the forested landscape of south-west Sweden, 40 km north-east of Gothenburg. Two forest sites were included, one at a hilltop (175 m a.s.l.), and one in a nearby (~1 km) valley (110 m a.s.l.). In addition, a valley site (~3 km from the forest sites, 60 m a.s.l.) in an agricultural landscape was included, where ozone was measured using both a UV-based monitor and diffusive sampling. At the agricultural site measurements of temperature and relative humidity were made using a radiation shield with forced ventilation and with Tinytags, as on the forest sites, in addition to observations of wind speed and the vertical temperature gradient. Furthermore, comparison with O3 concentrations at urban and coastal sites in the region was made. The temperature dependent, systematic error of using a self-ventilating radiation shield was estimated and corrected for. It was found that the elevated forested site experienced higher O3 concentrations and lower evening cooling rates in calm situations as compared to the forest site in the valley and in particular as compared to the agricultural site. This can be explained by a stronger coupling with the planetary boundary layer at the elevated site and more pronounced night-inversions at the valley sites. The difference in weekly O3 concentration between the two forested sites was correlated with the difference in average minimum night-time temperature. The coastal site had the highest ozone concentrations, related largely, but not fully, to higher night-time O3 concentrations. The urban site showed a depression in O3 concentration associated with the combination of large NO emissions and slow air mixing during the morning traffic rush hours.  相似文献   

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