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Abstract The effect of grinding force, time, and weight of soil on the NH 4HCO 3 ‐DTPA extractable levels of Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, P and K from 10 Colorado soils were studied. It was found that the amount of extractable iron and zinc increased, with an increase in force or time of grinding. The significant interaction between time and force of grinding indicates that the combined effect of the larger force and the longer time in increasing the extractable levels of Fe and Zn was greater than the additive effects of these factors. The weight of soil being ground had a small effect on extractable Fe (significant at 10% level) and no effect on other elements. Extractable levels of Mn, Cu, P, and K were not affected by the grinding treatments. Iron was increased 112% and zinc was increased 44% due to the combined effects of the larger force and the longer time of grinding in soils averaging 12.8 and 1.1 ppm in Fe and Zn, respectively. It is concluded that grinding variables should be standardized, otherwise interlaboratory comparisons and standardized interpretations of results are not possible. 相似文献
Abstract Tests were made to determine the effects of grinding, type of extraction vessel, type of shaker, speed of shaking, time of shaking, time of filtering, soil to solution ratio and other variables on DTPA‐extractable Zn, Fe, Mn, and Cu from soils. Time of grinding, force of grinding, and the quantity of soil being ground greatly affected the amount of extractable Fe. At the lower grinding force, the quantity of soil being ground only slightly affected extractable Fe, but at the higher grinding force, more Fe was extracted from the smaller sized samples especially at the longer grinding period. Extractable Zn was also increased by longer grinding time and greater grinding force, but increases were much less than increases for Fe. Increasing grinding time tended to increase extractable Mn. The effects of grinding on Cu was inconclusive. Increasing the ratio of extractant to soil increased the amount of extractable Fe from soils and tended to increase Zn, Mn, and Cu but to a lesser extent. Both shaker speed and type of extracting vessel affected the ex‐tractability of all nutrients except Cu. Greatest differences between extracting vessels occurred at the lowest shaker speed, while these differences were smaller or disappeared at the higher shaker speeds. The more thorough the mixing of soil and extracting solution, the higher were the levels of extractable Fe and Mn. A reciprocal shaker extracted more Fe and Mn from soils than a rotary shaker. The rate of dissolution of all four nutrients by DTPA was greatest during the first 5 minutes of extraction. There were large and significant correlation coefficients between levels of nutrients extracted after 15 or 30 minutes of shaking and those extracted after 120 minutes. The findings indicate that the levels of micronutrients extracted under one set of conditions can be related to levels extracted under other conditions by use of a simple linear regression equation for each nutrient. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of standardizing the methods of preparation and extraction of soils used in the DTPA micronutrient soil test. A standard method for soil grinding and extraction is proposed for DTPA soil test. 相似文献
St. Augustinegrass [ Stenotaphrum secondatum (Walt.) Kuntze] is a home lawn grass widely used in the southern United States. At present, phosphorus (P) fertilization of St. Augustinegrass is based primarily on Mehlich 1 P test. One criticism of Mehlich 1 extractant is that it extracts some fraction of soil P pool that is not available to plants, whereas, iron (Fe) oxide P and water‐extractable P methods are reported to be better related to plant growth in some cases. Literature relative to the soil test procedure comparison for St. Augustinegrass was not found. The objective of this study was to evaluate Mehlich 1 P, Fe oxide P, and water‐extractable P to identify the most suitable soil test method for St. Augustinegrass growth. Established pots of ‘Floratam’ were subjected to P application of 0, 0.14, 0.27, 0.54, and 1.07 g m ?2 every 4 wk for 12 wk. Measurements included tissue growth rates, tissue P concentration, soil Mehlich 1 P, Fe oxide P, and water‐extractable P concentrations. Phosphorus application increased soil test P concentrations. Soil Mehlich 1 P, Fe oxide P, and water‐extractable P concentrations were closely correlated to each other. Three soil test P levels and tissue P concentrations were highly correlated with Mehlich 1 P, which best predicted tissue P levels. Three soil test P levels were also closely correlated to the St. Augustinegrass top growth rate. Critical minimum Fe oxide P and water‐extractable P concentration was 3 mg kg ?1. Overall, Mehlich 1 P was the best soil P test for St. Augustinegrass among the three extractants tested. 相似文献
Abstract Although the basic chemistry and behavior of potassium in the soil is well understood, little of this knowledge is used in soil testing and practical soil fertility mangement. In this study the K buffer behavior of three individual soils (Hagerstown silt loam (Typic Hapludalf), Gatesburg sand (Entic Haplorthod) and Gilpin channery silt loam (Typic Hapludult)) was investigated. The buffer relationships determined indicated very different K behavior for these soils even though exchangeable K soil tests indicated similar K levels. It was also determined that for these soils the buffer relationship was apparently independent of previous K management, indicating that the K buffer behavior could be included as part of soil characterization data. The role of nonexchangeable K in determining K buffer behavior was also investigated. It was found that the levels of solution K where the release of nonexchangeable K becomes measurable (0.27 ‐ 0.83 × 10 ‐4 M) are similar to solution K levels reportedly required for crop growth (0.02 ‐ 0.95 × 10 ‐4 M). It was also found that these soils were capable of maintaining a relatively high level of exchangeable K even after extraction of significant amounts of nonexchangeable K with sodium tetraphenyl boron. It was concluded that K buffering behavior of individual soils could and should be included in K management decisions involving corrective soil treatments and/or crop removal estimation. Otherwise, based on current soil tests, soils with very different K buffer behavior will be treated similarly. 相似文献
Abstract This study was carried out to determine if ammonium bicarbonate‐DTPA soil test (AB‐DTPA) of Soltanpour and Schwab for simultaneous extraction of P, K, Zn, Fe, Cu and Mn can be used to determine the availability index for Se. Five Mollisols from North Dakota were treated with sodium selenate and were subjected to several wetting and drying cycles. These soils were extracted with hot water and with ammonium bicarbonate‐DTPA (AB‐DTPA) solution for Se analysis. Alfalfa plants were grown in these soils in a growth chamber to determine plant uptake of Se. In addition to the above experiment, coal mine soil and overburden materials from Western Colorado were extracted and analyzed as mentioned above. It was found that hot water and AB‐DTPA extracted approximately equal amounts of Se from Mollisols. A high degree of correlation (r =0.96) was found between Se uptake by plants and AB‐DTPA extractable Se. Extractable level of Se in treated soils was decreased with time due to change of selenate to less soluble Se forms and plant uptake of Se. An AB‐DTPA extractable Se level of over 100 ppb produced alfalfa plants containing 5 ppm or higher levels of Se that can be considered toxic to animals. Soils with about 2000 ppb of extractable Se were highly toxic to alfalfa plants and resulted in plant concentrations of over 1000 ppm of Se. The high rate of selenate (4ppm Se) was less toxic to alfalfa plants in soils of high organic matter content. This lower toxicity was accompanied with lower extractable levels of Se. The AB‐DTPA solution extracted on the average about 31% more Se than hot water from the mine and overburden samples and was highly correlated with the latter (r =0.92). The results indicated the presence of bicarbonate‐exchangeable Se in these materials. 相似文献
Abstract The literature published on the use of the Soltanpour and Schwab Ammonium Bicarbonate‐DTPA (AB‐DTPA) soil test shows that it can be used to determine availability and toxicity indices for many elements. It has been shown to be an effective test for measuring the availability indices of P, K, Zn, Fe, Mn, Mo, Pb, Ni, Cd and Se. Theoretically, it can also be used to determine the availability indices for S, Cu and As. The AB‐DTPA test can predict toxicity of B as well as the standard hot water rest, although within the non‐toxic range of B, it is not as effective as the hot water test. The hot water test alone predicts B availability well, but the AB‐DTPA B test result requires inclusion of soil water pH, organic matter and clay contents in a regression equation for predicting B availability. This test is not suitable for determination of exchangeable plus soluble Ca and Mg (high levels), as these precipitate as carbonates during extraction. The AB‐DTPA test procedure with analysis by an inductively‐coupled plasma spectrometer for simultaneous determination of elements, makes soil and overburden testing very efficient. 相似文献
为了研究不同植物群落土壤养分的时空动态变化特征及其养分计量比特征,选择滇中高原5种典型植物群落的土壤为研究对象,分析了旱、雨季不同营养元素及其计量比在土壤不同深度中的分布特征,并应用灰色关联分析探讨了不同群落的土壤综合肥力及其改良效应。结果表明:①在空间尺度上,土壤全氮、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾和有机质含量随土壤深度增加而降低,全钾含量则随土壤深度增加而增加,而磷含量在土壤剖面中相对保持稳定;除全钾含量外,植物群落对上层土壤的改良效益较高,导致表层土壤养分明显高于中下层;②在时间尺度上,除常绿阔叶林雨季肥力略有下降外,其他4种群落雨季的综合肥力均比旱季有所增加。总体看来,常绿阔叶林对土壤养分的影响改良效益最高,而云南松林对土壤养分的改良效益最低;③不同植物群落上层土壤C︰N、C︰P和N︰P总体上高于中层与下层土壤,雨季植物群落除桉树林外土壤C:N小于旱季,雨季土壤C:P、N:P总体上高于旱季;土壤养分化学计量比结果表明土壤氮、磷养分是限制植物群落发展的主要限制因子。因此,从不同群落对土壤养分的影响及其生态水文过程上差异的角度出发,建议在滇中脆弱区的生态修复过程中,尽量控制桉树林的种植面积... 相似文献
土壤具有自相似特征或尺度不变特征。许多研究表明,土壤质量(重量)分形维数是土壤内在属性之一。但是,在计算土壤质量分形维数的推导过程中需要做一些假设,而有些假设,如不同粒级的土壤颗粒具有相同的密度等假设,已受到一些学者的批评。此外,用传统的比重法测量土壤颗粒分布不仅工作量大,且操作结果更易受人为因素的影响。鉴此,本文提出了土壤体积分形维数的概念。通过对宜兴不同土地利用方式下178个土壤样品的体积分形维数的测定发现:土壤体积分形维数和土壤质量分形维数一样,都是土壤的固有属性;土壤颗粒体积分形维数与土壤颗粒体积百分含量具有显著的对数相关关系;对茶园、菜地和农田土壤剖面上土壤颗粒体积分形维数的变化分析表明,在茶园和菜地土壤剖面上,随着土壤剖面深度的增加,土壤粘粒体积百分含量增加,土壤颗粒体积分形维数也随之增加;在农田土壤剖面上,随着深度的增加,土壤粘粒体积百分含量和土壤体积分形维数也表现出基本保持一致的变化规律。此外,农业管理措施对土壤颗粒的组成会产生影响,使土壤粘粒体积百分含量发生变化,从而使土壤颗粒体积分形维数也随之变化,如菜地土壤体积分形维数随着种植年限的增加而出现下降趋势。 相似文献
采取野外调查和室内试验相结合方法,分析了雅江中游4种土地利用方式基本理化性质,并运用土壤颗粒体积分形维数模型研究了不同土地利用方式土壤颗粒分形特征及与土壤粒径、性状关系。结果表明:(1)不同土地利用方式0~30 cm土壤理化性质差异显著(P0.05),土壤容重表现为稀疏灌丛农耕地荒草地人工林地,随着土壤层次增加,土壤容重呈增大趋势。总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度、饱和持水率、毛管持水率均与容重规律相反;(2)4种土地利用方式主要以粉粒、砂粒为主,黏粒含量仅占到0.36%~4.27%,土壤质地偏砂性;(3)0~30 cm土壤颗粒体积分形维数平均值的顺序为:农耕地荒草地人工林地稀疏灌丛。人工林地具有较好的土壤结构,相对疏松、通透性好。而稀疏灌丛受到砾石影响,分形维数最小,但在保水保肥能力上最弱;(4)土壤颗粒体积分形维数与砂粒体积百分含量呈极显著负相关(r=–0.873,P0.01);与粉粒体积百分含量呈极显著正相关(r=0.860,P0.01);与黏粒体积百分含量呈极显著正相关(r=0.913,P0.01)。这表明,一定程度上,研究区分形维数可作为评估水土流失的指标;(5)土壤颗粒体积分形维数与各土壤单一物理性质具有不同程度相关性,其中与总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度、饱和含水量、毛管含水量均为正相关关系,而与容重、有机质呈负相关关系。 相似文献
Abstract The boron sorption isotherm method of soil testing may provide an estimate of the fertilizer required to bring the soil to an optimum boron level. Data from the boron isotherm experiment suggests that at low concentrations a plot of added boron vs equilibrium solution boron will be linear. The boron concentration at which this plot becomes linear will depend on the characteristics of the soil tested. The data, from this and other studies, suggest that 0.5 ppm boron in the equilibrium solution should be the approximate upper limit of boron concentration where this relationship is linear. Since boron added is linear with respect to boron in equilibrium solution, boron fertilizer required to adjust the equilibrium solution concentration can be calculated from the least squares regression equation of these two variables. This fertilizer requirement can only be determined when the optimum level of boron in equilibrium solution is known. Thus, further study is needed to establish this optimum level for all plant species. 相似文献
Abstract Changes in soil chemical properties were investigated in conjunction with an ongoing study of fertility and irrigation relationships of cotton. Four irrigation methods and five nitrogen fertilization rates were the primary focus of the study. The four irrigation regimes studied were: high frequency center pivot, low frequency center pivot, furrow irrigated, and unirrigated. Nitrogen rates were 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 lb N/A. Soil samples were collected from each plot in 6‐in‐ increments to a depth of 24 in. in 1982 and again in 1986 after four years of continuous cotton production. The soil samples were analyzed for pH, organic matter (OM), P, K, electrical conductivity (EC), and NO 3 ‐‐N. All background soil characteristics were found to vary with depth with the exception of NO 3 ‐‐N. The follow‐up sampling and testing in 1986 showed significant differences in soil properties as a function of irrigation, N‐fertilization, depth, and their interactions. Nitrates were accumulated in the 18 to 24‐in. depth under high (120 lb N/A) fertilization, and in the 0 to 6‐in. depth under the four lower treatments (0, 30, 60, and 90 lb N/A). Soil pH was highest in the furrow and high frequency center pivot irrigated regimes and lowest in the unirrigated regime. Soil pH also decreased with depth. Electrical conductivity of the soil was highest in the high frequency regime and not significantly different among the other three irrigation methods. The 0M content of the soil was greatest in the high frequency regime but not significantly different in the low frequency, furrow, or unirrigated blocks. Soil 0M was found to decrease with depth through 18 in. in all cases. The P and K status of the soil was not changed as a result of the N fertilization or irrigation treatments. 相似文献
为了探讨耕地土壤pH的空间变异及影响因素,以贵州省毕节市为研究区域,开展了耕地土壤pH的实地监测调查,获取了各监测点的空间位置和属性数据。结合地统计学和GIS方法,探讨了耕地土壤pH的空间变异特征。结果表明:毕节市0~10 cm层耕地土壤pH分布于5.12~9.20,土壤pH最优插值模型:趋势指数为1,插值模型为有理二次方程式,块金值与基台值之比为65.10%,表现出中等的空间相关性,说明结构性因素(自然因素)对0~10 cm层耕地土壤pH影响较大。在不同母质中,耕地土壤pH从小到大为:基性岩类、砂页岩类、河流冲积物、碳酸盐岩类、紫色岩类、泥质岩类、石英岩类。在不同土壤类型中,耕地土壤pH由小到大为:6.29、6.83、7.07、7.17、8.20,对应土壤类型分别为:石灰土、黄壤、黄棕壤、紫色土、棕壤。与地形的相关分析表明,耕地土壤pH与高程、坡度、坡向分别为中等相关、弱相关、中等相关。总的来说,耕地土壤pH受结构性因素(自然因素)和人为因素影响的共同作用。 相似文献
通过2002年秋后对甘肃省金昌市1县1区12个乡镇10万hm2耕地的601个土样化验分析,结果表明:土壤有机质含量平均15.1g/kg,大面积处于较缺和中等状况,而且较缺面积在扩大,中等面积在减少。土壤碱解N含量平均38mg/kg,以缺和较缺占据了绝大部分面积,而且缺的面积在扩大,较缺面积在减少。土壤有效P含量平均20.9mg/kg,明显增加,已处于中等和较丰富状况,也有一定面积处于较缺状况。土壤速效K含量平均158mg/kg,明显下降,大面积处于较丰富和中等状况,中等面积大幅度增加。 相似文献
采用中子水分仪定位监测方法,研究黑土区平水年大豆地、草地和裸地3种覆盖类型土壤水分变化特征.结果表明:土壤水分空间垂直动态变化随深度增加而降低,基于变异系数(CV)将土壤水分垂直变化分为4层,即水分速变层、活跃层、次活跃层和相对稳定层.不同覆盖类型下,土壤水循环深度依次为大豆地>草地>裸地,土壤水循环强度依次为草地>大豆地>裸地;3种覆盖类型的土壤剖面含水量在作物生长季节内呈增长型变化特征,裸地0~20 cm土层各时段土壤含水量均高于草地和大豆地;30 cm土层以下土壤水分含量依次为草地>裸地>大豆地.该区土壤储水量主要受降雨调控,3种植被覆盖类型下,土壤水分的总蒸散量依次为草地>大豆地>裸地. 相似文献
运用分形理论研究陕北安塞五里湾流域5种典型植被0~200 cm土壤剖面土壤颗粒大小分布(particle size distribution,PSD)及其体积分形维数分布特征,并进一步分析土壤PSD的分形维数与土壤有机碳、全氮和含水量的相关性。结果表明:研究区典型植被群落土壤颗粒组成主要为细颗粒(黏粒和粉粒),其中粉粒体积分数占总颗粒的56.82%~71.99%;铁杆蒿草地的细颗粒平均体积分数最大(78.86%),乔木林的最小(65.77%)。5种典型植被群落土壤PSD的体积分形维数介于2.498~2.599,均表现出随着土层深度的增加呈递增趋势;相同土层深度的分形维数呈现出铁杆蒿草地黄芪草地农田灌木林乔木林的趋势,灌木林和农田间差异不显著,其他植被群落间差异显著。典型植被土壤PSD的体积分形维数与黏粒、粉粒的体积分数和含水量呈极显著正相关(P0.01),但与砂粒的体积分数呈极显著负相关(P 0.01),与有机碳含量呈显著负相关(P 0.05)。 相似文献
以贵州省毕节植烟区为研究对象,探讨了毕节烟区土壤pH变异的主要影响因子,通过地统计插值方法获得了土壤pH空间变异特征,并对该地区以改良酸化土壤为目的的炭基有机肥施用适宜性等级进行了划分。毕节烟区土壤pH均值为6.5,其中大方和威宁两县的pH均值较低,仅为6.2,而织金、金沙和黔西三县的pH均值超过了7.0。因子分析表明,成土母岩和土壤类型是毕节烟区土壤pH变异性的主控因子。从空间分布特征来看,土壤pH整体分布呈现东部高于中西部,金沙县西北部、大方县东部、黔西县中部等地区pH均较高,而威宁县南部、赫章中北部和七星关区中西部等地区的土壤pH整体低于其他区域;土壤pH处于适宜等级(5.5 相似文献
目的pH是土壤质量和土壤健康的重要指标,掌握全国农田耕层土壤pH变化可为国家制定耕地保护和质量提升措施提供科学依据。 方法pH数据来源于2005—2014年测土配方施肥项目与全国第二次土壤普查农田耕层土壤pH测定结果,包括《中国土壤普查数据》、全国第二次土壤普查典型土种pH数据、部分省级第二次土壤普查图书和公开发表文献中的全国第二次土壤普查耕地pH数据、《测土配方施肥土壤基础养分数据集》的846万个测土配方施肥数据。对比分析了近30年来全国农田耕层土壤pH变化和分级情况。依据GB/T 33469—2016《耕地质量等级》将研究区域分为9个区,分析了不同区域土壤的pH空间分布和变化速率。 结果30年来我国25省区市农田耕层土壤pH平均值均呈下降趋势。1979—1985年全国第二次土壤普查时期,35.79%的农田耕层土壤pH平均值<6.5,25.62%在6.5~7.5,36.22%在7.5~8.5,2.22%在8.5~9.0。2005—2014年测土配方施肥项目时期,以上4个等级的土壤面积占比分别为42.92%、18.49%、35.95%、2.62%。区域空间分布变化表明,相比全国第二次土壤普查时期,测土配方施肥时期东北区、黄淮海、长江中下游区、华南区pH<5.5的耕地面积占比分别增加了2.61%、2.24%、14.93%、1.16%,这4个区域耕层土壤酸胁迫程度加剧,酸性土壤和弱酸性土壤面积增加。相对于酸性土壤的酸化,东北区的中性土壤和弱碱性土壤及黄淮海的弱碱性土壤酸化速率大,应采取合理的措施降低其酸化速率。 结论30年来,我国大部分地区农田耕层土壤pH下降,长江中下游和华南区所属的福建、海南、江西、广东和浙江等省农田耕层pH≤5.5所占比例最高,土壤酸化尤为严重。需要引起注意的是,与全国第二次土壤普查时期相比,<6.5等级的土壤比例增加了7.13个百分点。 相似文献
系统地总结和探讨了土壤盐分空间分异的静态和动态研究方法、特点及其发展 ,展望了今后土壤盐分空间分异研究方法的发展方向 ,并从科研和应用的角度探讨了这些方法 相似文献
针对土壤压实度检测的需求,本研究应用CFBLS-100型拉压传感器和基于PCMCIA总线的DAQP-12数据采集卡,在LabVIEW环境下设计了一套土壤压实度现场测试系统。该系统能够实时显示传感器输出电压及所对应的压力变化曲线,并将所采集到的数据存储到计算机中,完成对数据的分析。经标定试验证明:该测试系统所拟合的方程为线性,其相关系数较高,线性度较好,灵敏度较高,系统精度等级小于1级,工作时系统稳定可靠。由室内试验知,在不同水平分层处,土壤压实度与不同模拟压力间均表现出3次多项式的函数关系,显著性较强(α0.05)。且在不同模拟压力下,不同土壤水平分层处的土壤压实度和土壤容重表现出相似的特性,随着模拟压力的增加和土壤分层逐步加深,土壤压实度和土壤容重的增加趋势趋于一致。为研究作物地下组织与土壤之间的根土系统及合理耕层的构建提供理论基础,并为农业机械的研发具有一定的意义。 相似文献
根据田间实测的作物生理数据和土壤水动态观测资料,确定了冬小麦拔节-开花生长阶段两个根系吸水函数(Feddes,van Genuchten)的特定解析式。在实验小区实测的气象数据和室内外试验得到的土壤水力特性参数基础上,对吸水函数进行田间模拟检验,并依据灵敏度分析结果比较两者间的差异、评价各自的特点。尽管两个根系吸水函数得到的模拟结果与土壤含水量实测值间的差异均较小,但Feddes函数要比后者在土壤水分条件改变和根系吸水强度差异对作物根系吸水量的影响上反应更灵敏,故模拟结果应更趋合理、切合实际。 相似文献