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灌溉方法对保护地土壤有机氮矿化特性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用Stanford和Smith提出的长期间歇淋洗通气培养法,对连续7a采用渗灌、滴灌和沟灌灌溉,栽培番茄的保护地不同剖面层次土壤的有机氮矿化特点进行了研究。渗灌管为发汗式半软管,埋深为30cm;渗灌、滴灌和沟灌灌水方法及施肥、田间管理同当地农业生产。当20cm深处的土壤水吸力达到40kPa时开始灌水,渗灌和滴灌每次的灌水量是沟灌灌水量的1/2。试验结果表明,土壤矿化氮含量随着土层深度的增加而降低。从累积矿化氮量—时间曲线变化的趋势看,可将保护地土壤0~50cm剖面分为三个层次,其中渗灌与滴灌处理相似,为0~20cm、20~40cm和40~50cm土层,而沟灌处理则为0~30cm、30~40cm和40~50cm土层。保护地不同层次土壤有机氮的矿化可以用Twopool模型表达。比较不同灌溉处理,在0~10cm土层,易矿化有机氮含量(N1)表现为滴灌>沟灌>渗灌,易矿化有机氮矿化速率(k1)常数也以滴灌处理最大,说明滴灌更有利于表层土壤易矿化有机氮的形成。与渗灌和沟灌相比,长期使用滴灌灌溉有利于改善保护地土壤有机氮的品质。  相似文献   

Surface irrigation is the oldest and the most widely used method of irrigation. One disadvantage of surface irrigation is soil erosion. New technology employing water-soluble polymers may provide a technique that is effective and affordable to control soil erosion. Water-soluble anionic organic compound known as polyacrylamide polymer (PAM) is the most successful polymer in controlling soil erosion. This study investigated the effect of spraying PAM on the soil surface to control soil erosion and to increase soil infiltration on a Jordanian clay loam soil. Different PAM concentrations, namely 5, 10, and 20 mg/l in addition to the control (0 mg/l) were used in this study. The highest effect of PAM on the measured properties was attained at 20 mg/l. We noticed that PAM's efficiency was decreased with subsequent irrigations. The reduction in soil erosion was 72 and 47.6%, the reduction in runoff water turbidity was 83 and 35%, the increase in water advance time was 6 and 0.9% and the increase in soil infiltration was 36 and 20.8% for the first and fourth irrigation, respectively. PAM's efficiency in flocculating soil particles was studied in the lab where we noticed that its efficiency in sedimentation was increased as its concentration increased.  相似文献   

不同用量的氮磷化肥对棉田土壤微生物区系及活性的影响   总被引:34,自引:5,他引:34  
1996、1 997年连续对灌耕灰漠土棉花试验地土壤进行观测 .结果表明 ,适宜的氮磷化肥用量 ,可促进土壤氨化细菌、硝化细菌、纤维分解菌、固氮菌等氮素生理群微生物数量显著增加 .土壤呼吸强度、纤维分解强度等活性指标均有所增大 ,从而有利于作物生长 ,提高产量 .  相似文献   

施氮和灌溉管理下作物产量和土壤生化性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
氮和水对作物生长非常重要,研究施氮和灌溉管理下作物产量、土壤性质以及它们的关系对我国农业科学有重要意义。本文以中国科学院封丘农业生态试验站为平台,研究了施氮(每季施氮150 kg·hm?2、190 kg·hm?2、230 kg·hm?2、270 kg·hm?2,以不施氮为对照)和灌溉(灌溉量达到0~20 cm、0~40 cm、0~60 cm土壤的田间持水量,以雨养为对照)管理下小麦-玉米轮作系统作物产量和土壤生化性质,以及它们之间的关系。研究结果表明,150~270 kg·hm?2施氮量对2008年、2009年玉米产量和2009年、2010年小麦产量无显著影响;灌溉对2010年玉米产量无显著影响,而2008年、2009年玉米产量随灌溉量增大而增加。尽管2008—2011年小麦产量随灌溉量变化趋势不一致,但与雨养相比灌溉提升了小麦产量。施氮在不同程度上提升了土壤全氮和速效氮含量、脱氢酶和脲酶活性、微生物生物量碳、基本呼吸和硝化势,稍微降低了土壤pH并大幅降低了速效磷含量(降幅48.7%~51.6%);灌溉提升了土壤全氮含量和脱氢酶活性,降低了全钾含量、脲酶活性、基本呼吸、硝化势。多元回归分析显示,某些土壤生化性质(全氮、溶解性有机碳、速效磷含量及微生物生物量碳氮、呼吸熵、硝化势)与2009年、2010年玉米产量很好地线性拟合。综上,土壤生化性质因施氮和灌溉发生不同程度的分异,因施氮和灌溉而分异的土壤生化性质能部分地鉴定作物产量。本研究方法可为产量主导因子的筛选及产量估算模型的建立提供一定参考依据。  相似文献   

We tested how amendments of different forms of nitrogen (N) affect microbial respiration rates by adding six different forms of N (NH4NO3, (NH2)2CO (urea), KNO3, NH4Cl, (NH4)2SO4, Ca(NO3)2) to three distinct soils. All inorganic N forms led to a net reduction in microbial respiration, and the magnitude of the observed response (up to 60 % reduction) was consistent across all soils and negatively correlated with N concentration. Urea also reduced respiration rates in nearly all cases, but the effect was attenuated by the associated input of labile organic carbon. We observed decreases in respiration regardless of soil type, the specific N counter ion, N added as NH4+ or NO3, or the effects of N form on soil pH, suggesting that decreases in respiration rates were mainly a direct result of the increase in soil N availability, rather than indirect effects caused by the form of N added.  相似文献   

为解决吉林省半干旱区覆膜滴灌条件下合理施氮问题,通过两年(2016—2017年)田间试验,研究了覆膜滴灌等氮量投入条件下,不同运筹模式(N1:100%基肥;N2:50%基肥+50%拔节肥;N3:30%基肥+50%拔节肥+10%大口肥+10%开花肥;N4:20%基肥+30%拔节肥+20%大口肥+20%开花肥+10%灌浆肥)对春玉米产量、氮素利用效率、关键生长节点氮素积累特征以及生育期内土壤无机氮含量变化和氮素平衡的影响。结果表明,分次施氮各处理(N2、N3、N4)玉米产量显著高于100%基肥处理(N1),其中N4处理玉米产量最高,较N1处理分别提高22.44%(2016年)和35.31%(2017年)。与N1处理相比,N2、N3、N4显著提高了玉米氮素吸收利用率、农学利用率和偏生产力,提高幅度依次为52.02%~83.21%、63.69%~120.78%、11.85%~22.46%(2016年)和92.44%~129.38%、127.23%~203.09%、22.10%~34.01%(2017年),且均以N4处理最高。施氮显著提高了玉米拔节期至成熟期氮积累量,其中开花期至成熟期氮积累量以N4处理最高。与N1处理相比,N2、N3、N4提高了玉米开花期至成熟期0~20 cm土壤无机氮含量,并降低成熟期40~100 cm土壤无机氮含量。土壤-作物系统氮素平衡中,N2、N3、N4处理较N1处理显著降低了氮素表观损失量,其中N4处理氮素表观损失量最低。综上所述,在本试验条件下,总施氮量210 kg·hm-2时,20%基肥+30%拔节肥+20%大口肥+20%开花肥+10%灌浆肥为该区域覆膜滴灌条件下氮肥最佳运筹模式。  相似文献   

不同灌溉处理对夏玉米氮素吸收及转移的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过田间试验, 研究了两个生长季夏玉米4 个不同水分处理(灌溉1 水、灌溉2 水、灌溉3 水、灌溉4 水)对其各个生育阶段氮素吸收、分配、转移的影响。结果表明, 拔节抽雄期灌水可以增加夏玉米茎叶的氮素积累量和氮分配比, 生育后期灌水各处理之间单株氮素积累量无显著差异; 穗部的氮素积累75%来源于扬花后期氮素同化吸收, 25%来自营养器官茎叶的氮素转移, 说明灌浆至成熟期穗部氮素主要吸收利用土壤中的氮, 充足的水分可以保证营养器官积累更多的氮素, 但后期同化氮素比率随着灌水的增加而减小。因此, 灌浆至成熟期需要维持适中的水分条件, 在保证吸收利用土壤氮素的同时, 增加储存在茎叶中的氮素向籽粒的转移, 从而提高氮素利用效率。  相似文献   

 Identifying the determinants of the N dynamics of plant prunings or litter is important for the efficient management of agroecosystems in order to improve their productivity. The plant materials in these ecosystems are managed as soil surface mulches or are incorporated into the soil. Numerous studies have been conducted to investigate which plant chemical parameter best governs N release. In these studies, different plant materials have been incorporated into a soil with a set of known characteristics. The objective of the present study was to examine the effects of different soil properties on N release from plant leaves, when they were incorporated into soils under non-leaching conditions. A laboratory incubation experiment (for 8 weeks) was carried out with dried and ground leaves of six leguminous plants and wild sunflower, which were mixed with three soils (alfisol; ultisol, udult; ultisol, humult). Leaf cellulose was the major chemical parameter that determined leaf N release in the alfisol and ultisol, udult. In the ultisol, humult, the C/N ratio and hemicellulose concentration were better related to N release. Cellulose was not a good indicator of N release in the ultisol, humult, possibly due to a low soil pH which did not favour the activity of the cellulose-degrading enzymes of microbes active in decomposition. Soil pH determined the specific C source that was used to generate energy for microbial action and N mineralization/immobilization. It also had an effect on the nitrification of the mineralized N. The levels of labile soil C fractions governed the mode or nature of N release (i.e. mineralization or immobilization). The levels of labile leaf C fractions incorporated into the soils governed the extent of N release. The soil N concentration in the decomposable organic matter pool, as compared to the leaf N concentration, determined whether leaf N limited its own release. It is recommended from this study that, in grouping different leaf materials as sources of N, the properties of soils into which they are incorporated should also be considered, in addition to leaf quality in terms of its chemical composition. In future studies, the relationships identified under laboratory conditions in this experiment should be verified under field conditions. Received: 3 December 1997  相似文献   

优化灌溉与施肥对冬小麦冠层结构的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
试验研究优化灌溉与施肥对冬小麦冠层结构的影响结果表明,与限量灌溉处理相比,优化灌溉和传统灌溉处理小麦最上部3个节间明显伸长,导致株高增高10cm,旗叶叶面积减小7%,但倒2叶和倒3叶叶面积分别增加7%和20%;优化灌溉处理小麦旗叶茎叶夹角明显减小。与未施N肥处理相比,施用N肥有增大小麦株高、叶面积和茎叶夹角的趋势,且传统施N比优化施N更加明显。优化水N管理麦田各层次透光率与传统处理差异较小,但它们均显著低于限量灌溉和未施N处理。  相似文献   

灌溉方式和施氮量对直播稻氮素和水分利用的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为研究不同灌溉方式和施氮量对直播稻的光合生产、干物质积累、氮素利用、水分利用和稻谷产量的影响,采用裂区试验设计,主区因素为品种:‘德香4103’和‘金农丝苗’,副区因素为3种灌溉方式:浅水灌溉、轻干湿交替灌溉和重干湿交替灌溉,副副区因素为4个施氮量:0 kg(N)·hm~(-2)、120 kg(N)·hm~(-2)、180 kg(N)·hm~(-2)、240kg(N)·hm~(-2),分析测定直播稻的干物质积累量、氮素积累量和利用率、水分利用率和产量等指标。结果表明:灌溉方式和施氮量对直播稻氮素利用和产量形成的影响存在显著的互作效应。与浅水灌溉相比,轻干湿交替灌溉处理下‘德香4103’和‘金农丝苗’抽穗期剑叶净光合速率、拔节—抽穗期干物质积累量、结实期茎叶氮素转运量、成熟期籽粒中氮素积累量、氮素农艺效率和氮肥回收效率显著增加;抽穗期叶面积指数、拔节前干物质积累量、成熟期茎叶氮素积累量显著降低。施氮量对‘德香4103’和‘金农丝苗’氮素积累量、氮素利用效率、产量的影响存在差异。浅水灌溉处理中,与无氮相比,‘德香4103’和‘金农丝苗’施氮后产量分别提高31.79%~48.77%和29.72%~45.36%;施氮量超过180 kg·hm~(-2)后,‘德香4103’的产量显著下降,而‘金农丝苗’相应指标却无显著变化。轻干湿交替灌溉处理中,与无氮相比,‘德香4103’和‘金农丝苗’施氮后产量分别提高32.58%~61.10%和36.49%~48.45%;施氮量超过180 kg·hm~(-2)后‘德香4103’的产量无显著变化,氮肥回收效率、氮素农艺效率均显著下降,‘金农丝苗’的产量和干物质积累量无显著变化,成熟期氮素积累量显著提高。重干湿交替灌溉处理中,与无氮相比,‘德香4103’和‘金农丝苗’施氮后产量分别提高37.01%~42.88%和30.11%~42.63%;施氮量超过180 kg·hm~(-2)后,‘德香4103’和‘金农丝苗’的产量无显著变化;但‘德香4103’成熟期氮素积累量显著增加,‘金农丝苗’氮素积累量却无显著增加,两个品种氮素农艺效率均显著降低。综上所述,轻干湿交替灌溉更适合于直播稻高产、节水、高效栽培,其中‘德香4103’产量在轻干湿交替灌溉下施纯氮240 kg·hm~(-2)处理最高,‘金农丝苗’产量在轻干湿交替灌溉下施纯氮180 kg·hm~(-2)处理最高。  相似文献   

节水灌溉对盐渍土盐分调控与土壤微生物区系的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
河套灌区是我国大型自流灌区之一,盐渍化是该区土壤主要障碍因素之一。目前,河套灌区葵花田生育期灌溉量约为1 100~1 200 m3hm-2,灌溉用水量偏大和地下水位偏高已成为制约当地灌溉农业可持续发展的主要障碍:一方面,水资源浪费严重;另一方  相似文献   

为提高辽西地区花生产量和水氮利用率,本文以‘白沙1016’为对象,采取裂区试验,主区为雨养(W0)和测墒补灌(W1)两种灌溉模式,子区为0 kg·hm~(-2)(N0)、40 kg·hm~(-2)(N1)、60 kg·hm~(-2)(N2)和80 kg·hm~(-2)(N3)4个施氮水平,研究施氮对测墒补灌条件下花生干物质积累和氮素积累及分配的影响。试验结果表明:在雨养和测墒补灌条件下,花生成熟期的单株干物质量分别为64.66~74.92 g和71.65~92.81 g,以W1N3处理最高,W0N0最低,且随施氮量呈现二次曲线变化趋势。花生植株氮积累量随施氮量变化趋势与干物质量一致,W1N2较其他处理显著提高了氮素积累量、产量和水分利用效率。测墒补灌优化了花生植株中氮素的分配,延长了叶片氮素积累时长,同时提高了叶片氮素向荚果的转移量,继而相对雨养处理显著增加了花生荚果氮积累量所占植株氮积累总量的比重(氮收获系数)2.13%、氮肥农学利用率78.57%、氮肥表观回收率25.90%。花生收获后,土壤硝态氮主要分布在0~40 cm土层内,占0~60 cm土层的77.75%,且累积量随着施氮量的增高而增加,但补灌会使土壤硝态氮下移造成硝态氮淋失。因此,综合考虑水氮利用效率,在辽西半干旱地区推荐W1N2为适宜花生生产水氮管理,其产量、水分利用效率和灌溉水利用效率最高,分别为6 485.03 kg·hm~(-2)、2.02 kg·m~(-3)和10.21kg·m~(-3)。  相似文献   

不同施肥和灌溉组合对烤烟化学成分和香气质量的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
以烤烟(Nicotiana tabacumL.)品种吉烟9号为材料,通过田间试验研究了不同施肥和灌溉组合对烤烟化学成分、香气成分含量、组成及其作用机理的影响。结果表明,N∶P2O5∶K2O为1∶2∶3和限量灌溉组合使烟叶的糖碱比和氮碱比均较适宜,蛋白质含量较低,化学成分较为协调,苯丙氨酸类、棕色化产物类和类胡萝卜素类致香物质含量较高,改善了烟叶的综合品质,表现为香气质纯净、香气量较足、杂气较少、刺激性较低、余味舒适、烟气浓度大、燃烧性好等,能较好满足延边烟区烤烟的生长发育,有利于提高烟叶香气质量。  相似文献   

以两年生红富士/平邑甜茶苹果为试材,采用15N同位素示踪技术,研究牛粪与生物炭不同配比对苹果根系生长、土壤特性和氮素吸收利用的影响,为苹果生产中合理施肥及可持续发展提供依据。试验共设6个处理:对照(CK)、100%牛粪(T1)、75%牛粪+25%生物炭(T2)、50%牛粪+50%生物炭(T3)、25%牛粪+75%生物炭(T4)和100%生物炭(T5)。结果表明,牛粪和生物炭混施可显著改善土壤理化性状,增加土壤有机质、碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量,降低土壤容重。苹果根际土壤中的微生物均以细菌占绝对优势,放线菌次之,真菌含量最少;添加牛粪和生物炭均显著提高了根际土壤的细菌、放线菌和真菌数量,其中T2处理细菌、放线菌和真菌数量均达到最高。牛粪和生物炭混施还可促进苹果根系生长,根尖数、根表面积和根系活力等指标均在T2处理达到最高,分别较对照提高47.90%、33.47%、44.67%。表明T2处理可显著促进苹果根系的生长和根系活力的提高。与对照相比,牛粪和生物炭混合处理显著提高了苹果各器官的Ndff值、全氮量和15N吸收量,提高了15N利用率和15N残留率,降低了15N损失率。各处理15N利用率和15N残留率趋势为牛粪和生物炭混合处理最高,单施牛粪或生物炭处理次之,对照最低; 15N损失率呈相反的变化趋势。其中以T2处理效果最好,15N利用率和15N残留率最高, 15N损失率最低, 15N利用率较对照提高5.51%, 15N损失率较对照降低14.52%。综合分析认为, 75%牛粪+25%生物炭处理(T2)对苹果根系生长、土壤特性和氮素吸收利用的效果最好。  相似文献   

苏永中  杨荣  杨晓  王婷  王敏 《土壤学报》2014,51(6):1192-1201
在黑河中游边缘绿洲通过田间试验研究不同土壤条件下节水灌溉对棉花产量及灌溉水生产力(Irrigation Water Productivity,IWP)的影响,为区域农业土壤的合理利用和制定不同土壤的灌溉对策提供依据。田间试验涉及不同肥力和粒级组成梯度的5种土壤(砂土S1、S2;壤砂土S3和砂壤土S4、S5三个质地类型),设三个灌溉水平:常规充分灌溉(I1)、减量10.5%节水灌溉(I2)和减量21.0%节水灌溉(I3)。结果表明,与充分灌溉相比,减量10.5%和21.0%的节水灌溉,在棉花不同生育期的地上单株生物量和叶面积及收获时的茎干生物量有所降低,但籽棉产量增加了11.6%和11.2%。在减量10.5%和21.0%的节水灌溉下棉花IWP分别为0.51 kg m-3和0.57 kg m-3,较传统灌溉(0.41 kg m-3)提高24.4%和39.0%。不同质地土壤棉花生物量、产量及棉花IWP有显著差异。棉花IWP随土壤黏粉粒和有机质含量的增加而增加,但在黏粉粒和有机质含量最高的土壤出现下降,呈多项式关系。土壤质地与灌溉量对棉花霜前花率、生物量及产量有显著的交互效应。有机质和黏粉粒含量最高的砂壤土S5在充分灌溉下营养生长过旺、吐絮期延后,导致霜前花率降低、籽棉产量和IWP降低。节水灌溉可显著提升棉花IWP,在水资源紧缺的边缘绿洲区,对新垦的砂质土壤种植耗水量较低的棉花、并进行节水灌溉管理,是实现区域节水和合理土地利用的适宜选择。  相似文献   

Disturbance induced by two contrasting irrigation regimes (groundwater versus urban wastewater) was evaluated on a sandy agricultural soil through chemical and microbial analyses. Contrary to wastewater, groundwater displayed very high nitrate contents but small amounts of ammonium and organic matter. Despite these strong compositional shifts, soil organic carbon and nitrogen, nitrate and ammonium contents were not significantly different in both types of irrigated plot. Moreover, neither microbial biomass nor its activity, determined as fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis activity, was influenced by irrigation regimes. Bacterial community structure, assessed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S ribosomal DNA fragments, was also weakly impacted as molecular fingerprints shared an overall similarity of 85%. Ammonia-oxidizing bacterial community (AOB) was monitored by DGGE of the functional molecular marker amoA gene (alpha subunit of the ammonia monooxygenase). Surprisingly, no amoA signals were obtained from plots irrigated with groundwater, whereas signal intensities were high in all plots under wastewater. Among the last, compositional shifts of the AOB community were weak. Overall, impact of irrigation water quality on soil chemistry could not be evidenced, whereas effects were low on the total bacterial compartment but marked on the AOB community.  相似文献   

Summary Irrigation of sugarcane crops with combined pulp and paper mill effluent increased soil pH, organic C, N, P, and K. Over a period of 15 years effluent application increased exchangeable Na by 4.5-fold compared with control soil (well-water irrigated), which ultimately elevated the Na adsorption ratio of the soils. The combined effluent irrigation increased the soil populations of bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, rhizobia, and yeasts. The populations of soil microorganisms were higher after 15 years of effluent treatment, followed by 3, 2, and 1 year of effluent treatment; these populations were directly proportional to soil organic C and to the available nutrient status of the soils. Regular monitoring of microflora showed a considerable change in the populations from one sampling month to another. Soil samples, including the control, collected in May (summer) showed maximum counts of bacteria, fungi, rhizobia, and yeasts.  相似文献   

Summary Soil enzyme activities (acid and alkaline phosphatase, arylsulfatase, -glucosidase, urease and amidase) were determined (0- to 20-cm depth) after 55 years of crop-residue and N-fertilization treatment in a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-fallow system on semiarid soils of the Pacific Northwest. All residues were incorporated and the treatments were: straw (N0), straw with fall burn (N0FB), straw with spring burn (N0SB), straw plus 45 kg N ha–1 (N45), straw plus 90 kg N ha–1 (N90), straw burned in spring plus 45 kg N ha–1 (N45SB), straw burned in spring plus 90 kg N ha–1 (N90SB), straw plus 2.24 T ha–1 pea-vine residue and straw plus 22.4 T ha–1 of straw-manure. Enzyme activities were significantly (P<0.001) affected by residue management. The highest activities were observed in the manure treated soil, ranging from 36% (acid phosphatase) to 190% increase in activity over the control (N0). The lowest activities occurred in the N0FB (acid phosphatase, arylsulfatase and -glucosidase) and N90 treated soils (alkaline phosphatase, amidase and urease). Straw-burning had a significant effect only on acid phosphatase activity, which decreased in spring burn treated soil when inorganic N was applied. Urease and amidase activity decreased with long-term addition of inorganic N whereas the pea vine and the manure additions increased urease and amidase activity. There was a highly significant effect from the residue treatments on soil pH. Arylsulfatase, urease, amidase and alkaline phosphatase activities were positively correlated and acid phosphatase activity was negatively correlated with soil pH. Enzyme activities were strongly correlated with soil organic C and total N content. Except for acid phosphatase, there was no significant relationship between enzyme activity and grain yield.Journal Paper No. 8072 of the Agricultural Experimental Station, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA  相似文献   

灌溉量和施氮量对油用亚麻茎秆抗倒性能及产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为明确灌水和施氮对油用亚麻(Linum usitatissimum L.)抗倒伏能力和产量的影响,以‘陇亚杂1号’为材料,于2012—2013年以灌溉量为主处理(W1:2 700 m3·hm-2;W2:3 300 m3·hm-2),施氮量为副处理[纯氮量分别为N0:0 kg·hm-2(CK);N1:37.5 kg·hm-2(低氮);N2:112.5 kg·hm-2(中氮);N3:225 kg·hm-2(高氮)],研究灌溉量和施氮量对与油用亚麻抗倒性能相关的形态学特性、茎秆强度、抗倒伏指数及茎秆化学组分含量、产量构成因子及产量的影响。结果表明,随灌溉量的增加,茎秆强度和抗倒伏指数下降,株高增加,重心上移,茎粗、茎壁厚度降低,地上部干重增加,根干重减少,根冠比下降,同时茎秆中纤维素、木质素、可溶性糖和淀粉的含量下降;随施氮量的增加,茎秆强度和抗倒伏指数先升高后降低,株高和重心高度增加,茎粗、茎壁厚度、根干重和根冠比先增后减,地上部干重增加,茎秆中各化学组分含量及产量也先增加后降低。进一步分析发现抗倒伏指数与茎秆强度、茎粗、茎壁厚度、根干重、根冠比、纤维素含量、木质素含量、可溶性糖含量及淀粉含量均呈正相关关系,与株高、重心高度、地上部干重呈负相关关系。低灌水处理(W1)的茎秆强度、抗倒伏指数和产量分别比高灌水处理(W2)高30.55%、41.06%和0.53%,过多灌水不利于油用亚麻茎秆抗倒伏性能和产量的提高;中氮处理(N2)的茎秆强度分别比不施氮(CK)和高氮(N3)处理高36.8%和3.95%,产量分别高15.9%和0.8%,可见油用亚麻的栽培中施氮量不能过高或过低。因此,生产上采用适宜的灌溉量和施氮量是防止油用亚麻倒伏、获得高产、提高生产效益的重要措施。在本试验区,同等肥力土壤条件下,以灌溉量2 700 m3·hm-2和纯施氮量112.5 kg·hm-2为宜。  相似文献   

This study evaluated how deficit irrigation and method of transplanting irrigated rice affected soil physical properties in the short term and rice yields under cultivation that did not involve wet levelling (puddling). Field experiments were conducted in 2009 and 2010 at Sakha Agric. Res. Sta., Egypt. Planting methods were as follows: traditional transplanting into flat flooded soil (M1), transplanting into furrows (M2) and into beds (M3). The deficit irrigation treatments were as follows: irrigation every 6 days between transplanting and 2 weeks before harvesting, reference method (I1), irrigation as in I1 but with a continuous period of 12 days without irrigation (i.e. one irrigation event missed) at heading (I2), irrigation as in I1 but with an event missed at the beginning of tillering and at the start of head development (I3) and irrigation as in I1 but with 3 missed events, one each at the beginning of tillering, the start of the head development and panicle initiation (I4). Results showed that relative to soil conditions before planting, both rice transplanting methods and deficit irrigation decreased soil bulk density, water holding pores percentage, fine capillary pores percentage and soil shear strength, whereas drainable porosity percentage increased. Soil cracked more under the reference treatment than under the other treatments. Rice transplanting into beds and maintaining irrigation every 6 days without any irrigation skip, treatment (I1 × M3), appeared appropriate for growing rice. This combination resulted in soil physical properties favourable for plant growth, producing the largest grain and straw yields of all the treatments.  相似文献   

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