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Soil nitrogen (N) supply plays a dominant role in the N nutrition of wetland rice. Organic matter has been proposed as an index of soil N availability to wetland rice. This is based on the finding that mineralizable N produced under waterlogged conditions is related to soil organic carbon (C) and total N. The relationship between organic matter and mineralizable N is a prerequisite for determining the N requirement of wetland rice. However, no critical analysis of recent literature on organic matter–mineralizable N relationships has been made. This article evaluates current literature on the relationships of mineralizable N or ammonium N production with soil organic C in wetland rice soils. A number of studies with diverse wetland rice soils demonstrate a close relationship of N mineralized (ammonium‐N) under anaerobic conditions with organic C or total N. However, a few recent studies made on sites under long‐term intensive wetland rice cropping showed that strong positive relationships of mineralizable N with organic C or total N do not hold. Clearly, both quantity and quality of organic matter affect N mineralization in wetland rice soils. Future research is needed to clarify the role of quality of organic matter, especially its chemistry, as modified by the chemical environment of submerged soils, on the mineralization of organic N in wetland rice soils.  相似文献   

Rice is one of the essential foods of the human diet and advances in agronomic crop management, such as nitrogen (N) rate management, can improve productivity and profitability and reduce adverse environmental impacts. Nitrogen fertilization rates in Chile are generally based on crop yield without considering the soil's capacity to supply it. Five rice soils of the Inceptisol, Alfisol, and Vertisol orders in central Chile were incubated at 20°C for 21 d in the 2011–2012 season, and their N mineralization capacity was determined before sowing the rice crop. These soils were cropped in field conditions with rice fertilized with 0, 80, and 160 kg N ha?1; grain yield, harvest index, and grain sterility were determined. Mineralized N was associated with some chemical properties of each soil, and with the response to N rates in grain yield and grain sterility. Results indicated that the N rates to be used in rice must consider soil N mineralization capacity and crop yield potential. Finally, the best response to the N rates used in this study and the effect on both harvest index and grain sterility was achieved with 80 kg N ha?1.  相似文献   

An important source of nitrogen (N) for crops is mineralization of soil organic matter during the growing season. Awareness is growing that dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) plays an important role in mineralization and plant uptake. We studied the influence of temperature and time on extractable organic nitrogen (EON) levels, which is a measure of DON, and their relationship with N mineralization. Aerobic incubation experiments were conducted in the laboratory for five soils at different temperatures (4 20, and 30 °C) and different time intervals with optimal water content (60% of its water-holding capacity). Net N mineralization ranged between 14 and 155 mg kg–1 within 84 days and was correlated with the initial amount of EON. Net N mineralization among the soils, time, and incubation temperatures was linearly related to the square root of time multiplied by temperature, with mineralization rate k being independent of time and temperature. Because initial EON values were also related to these kvalues, we were able to describe the net N mineralization at different temperatures based on an analysis of initial EON. Preliminary validation with results from pot experiments in the literature suggests that the approach is promising, although the proposed model needs to be calibrated with more soils.  相似文献   

To evaluate whether the capacity of interlayer sites affects the dynamics of fixed ammonium (NH4+) in a paddy soil, a combination of potassium (K)–saturation treatment and stepwise extraction of nonexchangeable K with 0.01 mol L?1 hydrochloric acid was applied to a soil incubated anaerobically up to 70 days. The capacity of interlayer sites increased with an increase of weakly fixed NH4+ during the initial 28 days (r = 0.78, P < 0.01), and remained stable thereafter. On the other hand, the concentration of exchangeable NH4+ increased curvilinearly during the whole incubation period, which was correlated with an increase of weakly fixed NH4+ (r = 0.85, P < 0.01). These results suggested that the dynamics of weakly fixed NH4+ in a paddy soil is regulated not only by the chemical equilibrium between exchangeable and weakly fixed NH4+ but also by the capacity of interlayer sites within a few weeks after flooding.  相似文献   


Soil nitrogen (N) mineralization indicators are useful only if they are sensitive to management practices. The precision of measurement and the sensitivity of the following indicators to crop sequence, tillage, and liming effects were compared: (i) mineral N production during a 24‐day incubation under aerobic conditions, (ii) ammonium (NH4)‐N production under waterlogged conditions, (iii and iv) hot potassium chloride (KCl)–extractable and hydrolyzable NH4‐N (the latter obtained by subtracting initial NH4‐N from extracted NH4‐N), and (v) protease activity. The coefficients of variation decreased in this order: protease activity>KCl‐hydrolyzable NH4‐N>aerobic incubation>KCl‐extractable NH4‐N=anaerobic incubation. Most of the test results obtained using the indicators were correlated with each other. Mineralizable N measured by aerobic and anaerobic incubation was sensitive to tillage, liming, and crop sequences, especially when using soil 5‐cm deep. Hot KCl‐extractable NH4‐N was influenced by tillage but not liming, and less sensitive than the incubation procedures to crop sequence. The protease assay produced no significant test. It was concluded that anaerobic incubation can provide a relatively sensitive assessment of management effects on soil mineralizable N.  相似文献   

Interval leaching long‐term water‐logged incubation and interval leaching long‐term aerobic incubation were carried out to study the changes of different soil organic nitrogen (N) forms and their contributions to mineralized N during N‐mineralization process on 10 kinds of farmland soils with markedly different physical and chemical properties on the Loess Plateau. The results showed that the N‐mineralization capability and capacity using the two incubation methods were evidently different. After 217 days, cumulative mineralized N, the decreased amounts of total acid‐hydrolyzable N, acid‐hydrolyzable ammonia N, and acid‐hydrolyzable amino acid N in the water‐logged incubation were about twice those in the aerobic incubation. Soluble organic N leached in the aerobic incubation was four times that in the water‐logged incubation, which implied that organic N in the aerobic incubation mineralized more thoroughly than that in the water‐logged incubation. The correlation analysis of the changes of soil organic N forms with crop N uptake showed that the reduced amount of total acid‐hydrolyzable N in the water‐logged incubation was closely associated with total N uptake by two successive‐season crops (winter wheat and summer maize), and the decreased amounts of total acid‐hydrolyzable N and amino acid N in the aerobic incubation were highly significantly related to the N uptake of both the first season crop (winter wheat) and successive‐season maize. Multiple regression analysis, path analysis, and partial correlation analysis of the changes of soil organic N forms with mineralized N indicated that ammonia N was a main contribution to mineralized N in the water‐logged incubation, whereas both acid‐hydrolyzable amino acid and ammonia N were main contributions to mineralized N in the aerobic incubation. These results suggested that acid‐hydrolyzable ammonia was the primary contribution to mineralized N during N mineralization process with the two incubation methods.  相似文献   

研究了黄土高原12种土壤(农地和林地)35 d好气培养过程中可溶性有机氮(SON)含量及其占可溶性全氮(TSN)的比例,以及SON与土壤矿化氮间的关系。结果表明,随着培养过程的进行,不同类型土壤SON的含量均呈明显增加;土壤SON占TSN的比例在培养的前3 d内明显下降,随后这一比例基本保持在24%左右。根据总可溶性氮确定的供试土壤氮素矿化势No平均为45.8 mg/kg,较由矿化的无机氮确定的土壤氮素矿化势No(平均36.5 mg/kg)高约1/4左右;培养过程中土壤SON含量与利用无机氮拟合得到的土壤氮素矿化势No间的相关性未达显著水平。研究表明,评价土壤氮素矿化特性时仅仅测定矿化的无机氮数量,可能会低估土壤氮素矿化潜力和氮素损失的数量和效应。  相似文献   

The formation and fate of soluble nitrogen (N) forms and their response to organic-matter mineralization is not obvious yet, and results are often inconsistent despite intensive research. The available N supply of the soil is very important for plant nutrition and environmentally sound N fertilization. The determination of actual N supply is very important for sustainable agriculture in Hungary, especially in acidic sandy soils, which are very sensitive to environmental effects and inefficient human treatment. Therefore, the aim of this article is to provide further information about N mineralization processes and organic–mineral interactions of soil. To establish the potentially mineralized N content and available N supply of soil, a biological (incubation) method was carried out an acidic brown forest soil of the Nyírlugos long-term field experiment in Hungary. The incubation was carried out in the laboratory with differently treated soils of the long-term field experiment to investigate the effect of treatments on N mineralization processes of soil. The incubation period was 16 weeks long. The pH and the easily soluble mineralized and organic N fractions of soil were measured periodically from leached solution (0.01 M calcium chloride; CaCl2). The leaching process was repeated after 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, and 16 weeks. The potentially mineralized N content of soil and the actual rate of N mineralization were calculated from periodically collected data. The results of the incubation method can be summarized as follows: the kinetics of incubation of 0.01 M CaCl2 soluble organic N is similar to mineral N; 0.01 M CaCl2–soluble N fractions were mainly in inorganic forms in the incubation period but the content of the organic form was significant too; and the mineralization rate is greater where the microbiological activity of the soil is expressed and the soil properties are more favored as a result of applied treatments.  相似文献   

为探明稻秸(稻草)及其不同组分(腐解稻秸、可溶性有机物和去活稻秸)对红黄泥水稻土微生物量碳、氮(MBC、MBN)和可溶性有机碳、氮(DOC、DON)含量的影响。通过室内恒温培养试验,研究了长期淹水条件下,添加稻秸及其组分对MBC、MBN、DOC和DON的影响。结果表明,与对照(S处理)相比,添加稻秸(RS+S处理)、腐解稻秸(DRS+S处理)和去活稻秸(NARS+S处理)均提高了MBC,提高幅度分别为11.17%(p0.01),1.83%和6.25%(p0.05),添加可溶性有机物(DOM+S处理)处理降低了MBC,降低幅度为2.67%;RS+S处理提高了MBN,提高幅度为15.29%,DRS+S、DOM+S和NARS+S处理均降低了MBN,降低幅度分别为15.19%,3.09%和15.92%。与S处理相比,RS+S、DRS+S、DOM+S和NARS+S处理均极显著提高了红黄泥DOC(p0.01),提高幅度依次分别为13.33%,10.88%,6.81%和11.41%;RS+S、DRS+S和DOM+S处理均显著提高了红黄泥DON(p0.05),NARS+S处理极显著提高了红黄泥DON(p0.01),提高幅度依次分别为6.96%,10.84%,10.12%和13.41%。与S处理相比,DRS+S和NARS+S处理极显著提高了MBC/MBN,RS+S处理显著降低了MBC/MBN,DOM+S处理对MBC/MBN几乎没有影响;各处理对DOC/DON没有显著影响。稻秸及其不同组分对红黄泥水稻土MBC、MBN、DOC和DON含量的影响基本一致,但影响程度存在差异,稻秸和去活稻秸影响较大。结果可为稻秸及其不同组分对MBC、MBN、DOC和DON的影响机理提供基础数据,进一步揭示稻田土壤速效养分的来源与转化关系,为农业生产中秸秆的科学利用和稻田土壤肥力定向培育提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Field incubations have been pointed out as the more realistic method to provide estimates of nitrogen (N) mineralization. The aim of this study is to evaluate the quality of the results obtained in a field incubation using an open reactor to estimate net N mineralization and N leaching. The incubation experiment was initiated with 24 reactors. At each date, the reactors were destructed and mineral N in the soil and adsorbed on the exchange resins was determined. Net N mineralization and N leaching were estimated as 23.3 and 18.0 mg/kg, respectively. The results revealed an acceptable repeatability, with coefficient of variation (CV) of 9.0%, a significant adjustment (r2 = 0.991), and a low root mean square error (Syx = 4.2) for the regression model used. The use of this type of reactor may be considered as a reliable alternative to assess N mineralization kinetics from native organic matter and probably for organic residues applied to soils in field studies.  相似文献   


Interest in manure management and its effects on nitrogen (N) mineralization has increased in recent years. The focus of this research was to investigate the N‐mineralization rates of different soil types in Coastal Plain soils and compare them to a soil from Illinois. Soils with and without dairy composted manure addition were subjected to different wetting/drying cycles [constant moisture at 60% water‐filled pore space (WFPS) and cycling moisture from 60 to 30% WFPS] under laboratory conditions at three different temperatures (11°C, 18°C, and 25°C). Samples were collected from three different soil types: Catlin (Mollisols), Bama (Ultisols), and Goldsboro (Utilsols). Soil chemical and physical properties were determined to help assess variations in N-mineralization rates. Addition of composted manure greatly impacted the amount of N mineralized. The amount of manure‐derived organic N mineralized to inorganic forms was mainly attributed to the soil series, with the Catlin (silt loam) producing the most inorganic N followed by the Goldsboro (loam) and then Bama (sandy loam). This was probably due to soil texture and the native climatic conditions of the soil. No significant differences were observed between the constant and cycling moisture regimens, suggesting that the imposed drying cycle may not have been sufficient to desiccate microbial cells and cause a flush in N mineralization upon rewetting. Nitrogen mineralization responded greatly to the influence of temperature, with the greatest N mineralization occurring at 25°C. The information acquired from this study may aid in predicting the impact of manure application to help increase N‐use efficiency when applied under different conditions (e.g., climate season) and soil types.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of rice nitrogen (N) management on the dynamics of plant nitrogen accumulation (PNA) during internodal elongation (IE) in relation to grain yield. Four field experiments were conducted in two soils with six preflood N treatments. The PNA was monitored for 3 weeks, starting at the beginning of IE (BIE). The PNA explained 54–72% of yield variability. The effect of midseason N application on yield varied with fields, indicating a need for assessing midseason N requirement for each field. One week after BIE was a better time to assess the N requirement of rice crop. The greatest grain yields in Cocodrie and Wells cultivars corresponded to PNA of 10.9 and 11.1 g m?2 at BIE. A midseason application of 50 kg N ha?1 as urea at 7–10 days after BIE increased the rice yield in the Glossaqualfs field when the PNA at BIE was less than 8.3 g m?2.  相似文献   

传统原位培养法测定的氮素矿化量与无氮区水稻吸氮相关性不高。为此对传统培养方法进行改进,以期为准确测定土壤供氮提供方法。传统培养方法是在插秧前取土,按水土比约1:1装入自封袋中于田间原位连续培养,每隔约30 d取样测定土壤无机氮含量。改进培养方法则采取阶段培养的方法,在插秧前取土,同上法装入自封袋,再将自封袋放入装满水的离心管中于田间培养,在下次取土样(约30 d后)的同时取出上次培养的土袋,并测定土壤无机氮含量。2013—2015年的试验结果表明,随着培养时间的延长,传统培养方法测定的矿化氮先增加后降低,与最高值相比,矿化氮下降了6.7%~28.6%;而改进的阶段原位培养法测定矿化氮未出现下降情况,因此传统方法测定的矿化氮较改进方法降低了30.0%~67.7%(p0.05)。培养时间对矿化氮量影响显著,土样在田间连续培养约40 d就有抑制氮素矿化的风险,因此,每次培养时间不宜过长。改进培养方法测定的矿化氮量与田间无氮区水稻吸氮量之间具有正相关关系,决定系数R~2为0.621(p0.01)。在测定稻田土壤矿化氮时,应采用阶段培养法,每次培养时间不宜超过40 d。该方法测定矿化氮量可以作为评价土壤供氮能力的指标。  相似文献   

黑龙江地区不同类型水稻土有机碳、氮含量及其密度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合第二次全国土壤普查(1979年)-黑龙江省水稻土分布及其相关数据,2011年采取调查取样与室内分析的方法,研究了黑龙江地区4种类型(黑土型、白浆土型、草甸土型和沼泽土型)水稻土表层有机碳、氮含量及其密度的状况。结果表明:目前(2011年)4种类型水稻土表层平均有机碳、氮含量范围分别为21.18±7.27~30.91±9.99 g kg-1、1.83±0.44~2.49±0.74 g kg-1,表层平均有机碳、氮密度范围分别为5.32±1.42~6.95±0.98 kg m-2、0.46±0.07~0.56±0.08 kg m-2,其中沼泽土型水稻土表层有机碳、氮含量及其密度最大,黑土型则最小;沼泽土型与黑土型水稻土之间表层有机碳、氮含量及其密度差异均达1%显著水平,与草甸土型水稻土之间表层有机碳、氮含量差异均达1%显著水平,其有机碳、氮密度差异均达5%显著水平,与白浆土型水稻土之间表层有机碳及其密度差异达1%显著水平。与第二次全国土壤普查的相关数据相比较,黑龙江地区4种类型水稻土表层有机质(碳)、氮含量呈现明显下降趋势,但其表层有机碳、氮含量及其密度仍处于较高水平。  相似文献   


Nitrogen (N) as a major constituent of all plants is one of the most important nutrients. Minimizing input of mineral nitrogen fertilizer is needed to avoid harm to the environment. Optimal input of mineral nitrogen should take the nitrogen supply of the soil into account. Many different soil tests have been proposed for determining soil nitrogen availability. In this article we present a new approach that is based on the measurement of nitrate, ammonium, and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in a 0.01 M CaCl2 soil extract. Eighteen agricultural soils, differing widely in the availability of nitrogen were used, fertilized and unfertilized. It is shown that the nitrogen uptake by maize plants (Zea Mays L.) in both “N‐fertilized” and “N‐unfertilized” soils as measured in a pot experiment can be described with a simple model using the measured nitrogen fractions in the extract. The main source of nitrogen uptake by the plants is the mineralized organic nitrogen during the growing period. It is shown that the initial measured DON fraction is a good indicator of the nitrogen mineralized during plant growth.  相似文献   

不同氮肥运筹模式对稻田田面水氮浓度和水稻产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过构建包括不同氮肥类型、氮肥用量、施肥方式和施肥次数的6种氮肥运筹模式,分析了不同氮肥运筹模式对稻田田面水各形态氮浓度变化和水稻产量的影响。结果表明:不同时期施用缓控释肥和尿素后,总氮和铵态氮浓度均在1天达到峰值,硝态氮浓度在2~3天达到峰值,之后逐渐下降趋于稳定。铵态氮为各处理施肥后初期的主要氮形态,1天时铵态氮占总氮比例达50.6%~92.8%,而硝态氮仅占3.8%~22.6%。田面水总氮和铵态氮峰值浓度大小与氮肥类型、施用用量和施肥方式均存在相关性,等氮量施用条件下,田面水总氮和铵态氮峰值浓度大小顺序为撒施尿素处理撒施缓控释肥处理侧深施缓控释肥处理,在N施用量48 kg/hm~2条件下,撒施尿素处理、撒施缓控释肥处理、侧深施缓控释肥处理的总氮和铵态氮平均峰值浓度分别为38.44,16.44,7.55 mg/L和34.39,13.00,3.82 mg/L。等氮施用量和相同施肥次数条件下,基肥采用侧深施缓控释肥的处理4,5,6比相应的撒施缓控释肥的处理1,2,3的产量分别提高2.8%,3.5%,2.7%。基肥采用侧深施缓控释肥和一基一穗2次施肥的处理6的水稻产量,在氮肥总施用量减少30%条件下,仅比基肥采用撒施缓控释肥和一基一蘖一穗3次施肥的处理1的水稻产量减少0.3%。侧深施缓控释肥可以有效降低施肥初期田面水铵态氮峰值浓度,从而减少氨挥发和降低径流流失风险,并在一定程度减量条件下不会对水稻产量产生影响。  相似文献   

生物炭对引黄灌区水稻产量和氮素淋失的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为解决宁夏引黄灌区稻田因过量施肥导致的土壤质量降低和养分淋失加剧问题,通过田间小区试验研究了施用外源生物炭对水稻产量、氮素淋失和平衡特征的影响。结果表明:同等施氮条件下,施用生物质炭对水稻子粒产量有显著的影响,生物炭用量达13 500kg/hm~2时水稻增产显著。施用生物炭也提高了氮肥利用率,施用生物炭9 000kg/hm~2和13 500kg/hm~2处理,氮肥利用率分别提高了6.7和7.8个百分点。田面水中总氮(TN)浓度和土体中TN淋失量随着生物炭用量的增加而降低,TN淋失量降幅在8.03%~13.36%之间,施用生物炭处理的氮素表观损失量分别降低了11.8%~45.2%。综合考虑引黄灌区水稻产量和环境效益,生物炭施用量控制在9 000~13 500kg/hm~2效果最佳。  相似文献   


More than 90% of the nitrogen (N) in soils is bond as organic N compounds. The available N can be estimated on the mineral N released during time‐consuming incubations of soil. Several chemical methods have been developed as substitutes for incubations. On the other hand, there has been an increase in waste production. Residues could potentially offset the need for mineral fertilizers, being both an economic and environmental benefit. Thus, the development of a routine method for prediction of N supply both from soil organic matter (SOM) and the application of organic residues is of great interest. An incubation experiment was performed in a Cambic Arenosol to evaluate different chemical methods. Air‐dried soil was mixed with increasing amounts of composted solid municipal waste, secondary pulp‐mill sludge, hornmeal, poultry manure, the solid phase from pig slurry, and composted pig manure. Samples were incubated for 244 days under a controlled environment. Among the chemical extractants studied, hot 2 M potassium chloride (KCl) and hot 0.01 M calcium chloride (CaCl2) showed promise in indicating values of N0 (potentially available nitrogen), and these simple methods are suitable for use in routine laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Use of the nitrogen balance sheet method as a fertilization strategy in the semi-arid Pampas of Argentina is restricted because of a lack of available information regarding nitrogen mineralization in its coarse soils. Our objective was to determine nitrogen mineralization during corn (Zea mays L.) and following wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) growing cycles under contrasting tillage systems in a representative soil of the region. Mineralized nitrogen from decomposing residues was estimated using the litter bag method and mineralization from soil organic matter using a mass balance approach. Soil water content was higher under no-till during the corn growing season and no differences were detected for wheat during this period. Soil temperature was practically not affected by tillage system. Biomass and nitrogen absorption were higher under no-till than under disk till in corn (p ≤ 0.05), as were nitrogen mineralization from residues and organic matter (p ≤ 0.05). In wheat, no differences in biomass, nitrogen absorption and mineralization were detected between treatments. Mineralization during crop growing cycles accounted for 44.8–67.5% of the absorbed nitrogen. Differences in nitrogen mineralization between tillage systems resulted from the greater water availability under no-till than under disk till during the summer.  相似文献   

Peatland soils are the most effective and important long-term terrestrial carbon (C) storages. To estimate potential C loss, a valid characterization of soil decomposability, in particular the labile fraction, is of great interest. One of the most labile fractions is hot-water-extractable organic matter (HWOM), often measured as hot-water-extractable carbon (Chwe) and nitrogen (Nhwe). Various studies describe different extraction procedures for mineral soils. Because of methodical differences, it is difficult to compare extracted HWOM amounts directly to each other. For peatland soils, few studies exist. The aim of the present study is the development of a standardized method for the hot-water extraction of peat materials. Therefore, we extracted HWOM in various replicates from different peats on the basis of a standardized extraction method for mineral soils (1 h extraction at 100 °C). We tested how differences in soil/water ratios, extract treatment (filtering vs. not filtering), and sample pretreatment (freeze drying vs. air drying) influence HWOM amounts. The results clearly illustrated the influence of changing soil/water ratios on HWOM amounts. Mean Chwe concentrations ranged between 8 and 34 g kg?1 whereas Nhwe ranged between 0.2 and 2.6 g kg?1. We recommend the extraction under soil/water ratios of 1/800 to provide sufficient volume of solvent for Chwe. If relative differences for Nhwe amounts are greater than 15 percent, samples should be extracted again under soil/water ratios greater than 1/300 to avoid analytical errors due to unintended dilution effects. Filtering of centrifuged and decanted extracts before analysis is not necessary. Peat material should be either air dried or freeze dried before extraction.  相似文献   

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