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Development of nitrogen (N)‐use‐efficient genotypes could reduce N fertilization and nitrate leaching; however, screening in field trials can be costly and time consuming. This study evaluated a rapid and economical methodology for screening of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars for N‐use efficiency. A hydroponic experiment was conducted with two solution NO3 ? concentrations (0.05 and 1.0 mM) and five potato cultivars (Atlantic, Chieftain, Red Pontiac, Russet Norkotah, and Shepody). Plants were harvested 30 days after transplanting. Root dry weight in combination with plant N accumulation was considered as a good indicator of N uptake efficiency in low solution NO3 ? concentration. Plant total dry weight (TDW) and plant N accumulation (PN) were highly correlated; therefore, TDW can be considered as an alternative criterion for PN when screening for N‐uptake efficiency. Chieftain had high N‐uptake efficiency and high N‐utilization efficiency whereas Russet Norkotah had low N‐uptake efficiency.  相似文献   

Soil sampling is an integral component of fertility evaluation and nutrient recommendation for efficient use of nutrients in crop production. Little attention has been devoted to evaluating methodology for sampling watersheds under dryland agriculture. A stratified random sampling methodology for sampling the Appayapally watershed in Mahabubnagar district of Andhra Pradesh state in the semi‐arid tropical region of India was adopted and evaluated. The watershed has an area of about 500 ha, with gentle sloping lands (<1% slope), and 217 farmers own land in the watershed. The soils are Alfisols. A total of 114 soil samples were collected from the top 15‐cm layer to represent the entire watershed. Each sample was a composite of 7–8 cores, randomly collected from the area represented by a crop and group of farmers. The soil samples were air dried, ground, and analyzed for pH, electrical conductivity (EC), organic carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), and extractable phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), sulfur (S), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and boron (B). Statistical analysis of the results on soil fertility parameters showed that the mean‐ or median‐based results of soil tests performed in the study did not differ significantly when the sample set size varied from 5 to 114 (100% of the population). Our results indicate that farmers' fields in the Appayapally watershed are uniform in the chemical fertility parameters studied, and even a small sample set size can represent the whole population. However, such a sampling strategy may be applicable only to watersheds that are very gently sloping and where fertilizer use is very low, resulting in an overall low fertility in the whole watershed.  相似文献   


Mineralization of soil organic nitrogen (N) and its contribution toward crop N uptake is central to developing efficient N‐management practices. Because biological incubation methods are time consuming and do not fit into the batch‐analysis techniques of soil‐testing laboratories, an analytical procedure that can provide an estimate of the mineralizable N would be useful as a soil‐test method for predicting plant‐available N in soil. In the present studies, the ability of boiling potassium chloride (KCl) to extract potentially mineralizable and plant‐available N in arable soils of semi‐arid India was tested against results from biological incubations and uptake of N by wheat in a pot experiment. Mineralization of organic N in soils was studied in the laboratory by conducting aerobic incubations for 112 days at 32°C and 33 KPa of moisture. Cumulative N mineralization in different soils ranged from 8.2 to 75.6 mg N kg?1 soil that constituted 2.7 to 8.8% of organic N. The amount of mineral N extracted by KCl increased with increase in length of boiling from 0.5 to 2 h. Boiling for 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 h resulted in an increase in mineral‐N extraction by 9.3, 12.7, 19.6, and 26.1%, respectively, as compared to mineral N extracted at room temperature. The boiling‐KCl‐hydrolyzable N (ΔNi) was directly dependent upon soil organic N content, but the presence of clay retarded hydrolysis for boiling lengths of 0.5 and 1 h. However, for boiling lengths of 1.5, and 2 h, the negative effect of clay was not apparent. The ΔN i was significantly (P=0.05) correlated to cumulative N mineralized and N‐mineralization potential (N0). The relationship between N0 and ΔN i was curvilinear and was best described by a power function. Boiling length of 2 h accounted for 78% of the variability in N0. Results of the pot experiment showed that at 21‐ and 63‐day growth stages, dry‐matter yield and N uptake by wheat were significantly correlated to boiling‐KCl‐extractable mineral N. Thus, boiling KCl could be used to predict potentially mineralizable and plant‐available N in these soils, and a boiling time of 2 h was most suitable to avoid the negatively affected estimates of boiling‐KCl‐hydrolyzable N in the presence of clay. The results have implications for selecting length of boiling in soils varying widely in clay content, and this may explain why, in earlier studies, longer boiling times (viz. 2 or 4 h) were better predictors of N availability as compared to 0.5 and 1 h.  相似文献   


Nitrogen (N) mineralization makes a considerable contribution to crop‐available N and is difficult to estimate. Reliable methods for measuring N mineralization are needed to produce data sets for developing N‐mineralization models, as a component in fertilizer recommendation algorithms, and to assess the effect of management practices on N mineralization. Numerous methods are available for estimating N mineralization. Laboratory methods are relatively easy but may not reflect conditions in the field, and field methods are usually labor‐intensive. A study was conducted to compare N‐mineralization estimates using anaerobic and aerobic laboratory methods and an in situ field method for the 0‐ to 15‐cm depth of a silt loam soil under irrigated corn (Zea mays L.). Mineralization estimates were also compared to N mineralization based on crop N content. Estimates of N mineralization were 101 kg ha?1 for the anaerobic laboratory method, 284 kg ha?1 for the aerobic laboratory method, and 134 kg ha?1 for the in situ field method. The in situ field method provided a reasonable estimate of N mineralization (0 to 15 cm) when compared to the estimate of mineralized N (root zone) based on crop N content (215 kg ha?1). The in situ field method can be used to measure N mineralization during the growing season and for comparing N mineralization among management practices.  相似文献   


Soil analysis for small‐scale farms in developing countries is often inconvenient and prohibitively expensive using currently available procedures, yet the information gained from these soil tests could result in economical and environmental benefits. The pressurized hot water (PHW) extraction coupled with colorimetric or turbidimetric analysis shows promise as a viable alternative based on tests done on a limited range of soils. Before this extraction and analysis can be used in developing countries, testing is needed across the range of soils found in these countries. At Brigham Young University (BYU), 228 soils from different areas of Guatemala and Morocco were analyzed for NO3‐N, phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) using standard methods (water–CTA, Olsen–molybdic acid, and ammonium acetate–atomic absorption, respectively). Results were correlated to values obtained from the PHW extraction coupled with colorimetric or turbidimetric analytical procedures. The relationships between the values for these tests were good (r2 of 0.96, 0.71, and 0.52 for NO3‐N, P, and K, respectively). Soils from each country were concurrently analyzed for NO3‐N and P in laboratories in Guatemala and Morocco, and these results were correlated with those from BYU. Positive correlations between BYU values and those from other laboratories were obtained, with the data from the Guatemalan laboratory showing overall closer correlation than the Moroccan laboratory. In an additional study comparing several P extraction methods for Guatemalan soils, relationships between PHW‐extracted P and Olsen‐, Bray I‐, and Mehlich I‐extracted P and measured at BYU (r2 of 0.75, 0.67, and 0.46, respectively) indicate that PHW is a promising alternative P extraction for use even with the highly variable soils of Guatemala. Overall, the data support PHW extraction and accompanying analyses as a less expensive alternative to current soil nutrient extraction and analysis procedures for the soils of Morocco and Guatemala.  相似文献   

The critical leaf and the threshold values of leaf color chart (LCC) and chlorophyll meter (SPAD‐502) for cassava have been evaluated. The nitrogen (N) rates and cultivars had a significant effect on LCC score, SPAD values, and leaf N concentration of leaf 1 in most cases. Among the three leaf positions studied, the youngest fully expanded leaf (YFEL) blade (leaf 1) had significant, positive correlation of tuber yield with LCC score, SPAD value, and leaf N concentration. The regression between LCC score and leaf N concentration of leaf 1 was LCC = 0.358 (Leaf N) + 0.78 (r2 = 0.81) and that between LCC score and SPAD value was SPAD = 10.981 (LCC) – 3.51 (r2 = 0.82). A threshold LCC score of 2.65 and threshold SPAD value of 25 were suitable to determine the optimal timing of N top‐dressing for cassava.  相似文献   

A reliable soil test is needed for estimating mercury (Hg) availability to crop plants. In this study, four extraction procedures including 0.1 M hydrochloric acid (HCl), 1 M ammonium acetate (NH4OAc) (pH 7.0), 0.005 M diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA), and 0.1 M calcium chloride (CaCl2) (pH5.0) were compared for their adequacy in predicting soil Hg availability to crop plants of a rice–cabbage–radish rotation system. The amounts of Hg extracted by each of the four procedures increased with increasing equilibrium time. The optimal time required for extraction of soil Hg was approximately 30 min, though it varied slightly among the four extractants. The amounts of Hg extracted decreased with increasing soil/solution ratio, and a soil/solution ratio of 1:5 appeared to be adequate for soil Hg availability tests. The amounts of Hg extracted increased in the order of NH4OAc < CaCl2 < DTPA < HCl in silty loam soil (SLS) soil, and the order was NH4OAc < CaCl2 ≈ DTPA < HCl in yellowish red soil (YRS) soil. Significant positive correlations among the four extractants were obtained in SLS soil. In contrast, the correlations were poor in YRS soil, especially for HCl. There were significant correlations between concentrations of Hg in edible tissue of three plants and the amounts of soil Hg extractable to the four extractants for soil–rice system and soil–radish system, but not for soil–Chinese cabbage system. The 0.1M HCl extraction overall provided the best estimation of soil‐available Hg and could be used to predict phytoavailability of Hg in soil–crop systems.  相似文献   

The suitability of loss‐on‐ignition (LOI) as an alternative to direct measurement of organic carbon (OC) has been debated for decades without resolution. The literature contains an abundance of different linear regression models to describe the LOI–OC relationship, most based on untransformed values of LOI and OC. Such regression is suspect because the variables are unable to occupy Euclidean space. Logratio transformation—based on relative rather than absolute differences—eliminates this constraint. Re‐analysis of the relationship on new and 10 previously published datasets using logratio techniques reveals that the relationship is nonlinear and that the profusion of regression models is in part a function of the range of LOI. Although LOI may offer a crude estimate of OC at high LOI levels, OC/LOI ratios when LOI is less than about 25% are too variable for reliable OC estimation, and interstudy comparisons remain dubious. Direct measurement of OC is recommended.  相似文献   


Buffers for determining a soil's lime requirement (LR) sometimes contain hazardous chemicals. Our objective was to implement a single‐addition titration with calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] to determine the LR of soils. The soil pH buffering capacity is calculated from the rise in pH from a single addition of base. The LR is calculated from the soil pH buffering capacity, the target pH, and initial soil pH. The LR of 531 randomly selected client samples determined by single‐addition titration were slightly higher than by the Adams–Evans (AE) buffer procedure when LRs were less than 1800 lb per acre. The new procedure recommended about 11% less lime than AE at LRs greater than 1800 lb per acre. Independent evaluations of samples that gave the most widely different LR revealed that the single‐addition titration was more accurate and more precise than the AE buffer.  相似文献   


Quantitative assessment of soil nitrogen (N) that will become available is important for determining fertilizer needs of crops. Nitrogen‐supplying capacity of soil to rice and wheat was quantified by establishing zero‐N plots at on‐farm locations to which all nutrients except N were adequately supplied. Nitrogen uptake in zero‐N plots ranged from 41.4 to 110.3 kg N ha?1 for rice and 33.7 to 123.4 kg N ha?1 for wheat. Availability of soil N was also studied using oxidative, hydrolytic, and autoclaving indices, salt‐extraction indices, light‐absorption indices, and aerobic and anaerobic incubation indices. These were correlated with yield and N uptake by rice and wheat in zero‐N plots. Nitrogen extracted by alkaline KMnO4 and phosphate borate buffer and nitrogen mineralized under aerobic incubation were satisfactory indices of soil N supply. For rice, 2 M KCl and alkaline KMnO4 were the best N‐availability indices. Thus, alkaline KMnO4 should prove a quick and reliable indicator of indigenous soil N supply in soils under a rice–wheat cropping system.  相似文献   

Seventeen Mollisols having pH(1:2) in the range of 6.00 to 8.42 were analyzed with five extractants, and the extractable zinc (Zn) ranges were 0.84 to 2.75 mg Zn kg?1 soil for diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) (pH 7.3), 0.91 to 2.72 mg Zn kg?1 soil for DTPA + ammonium bicarbonate (pH 7.6), 1.82 to 7.18 mg Zn kg?1 soil for Mehlich 3, 1.22 to 3.83 mg Zn kg?1 soil for ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) + ammonium carbonate, and 0.88 to 1.18 mg Zn kg?1 soil for 1 mol L?1 magnesium chloride (MgCl2) (pH 6.0). Zinc extracted by DTPA (pH 7.3) and Mehlich 3 showed significant positive correlation with sand content, whereas only Mehlich 3 showed negative correlation with soil pH. All extractants showed significant positive correlation with each other except for 1 mol L?1 MgCl2‐extractable Zn, which had significant positive correlation with only Mehlich 3– and EDTA + ammonium carbonate–extractable Zn. A greenhouse experiment showed that Bray's percentage yield of rice was poorly correlated to extractable soil Zn but had a significant and negative linear correlation with soil pH (r = ?0.662, significant at p = 0.01). Total Zn uptake by rice had a significant positive correlation with 1 mol L?1 MgCl2– and Mehlich 3–extractable Zn. A proposed parameter (p extractable Zn + p OH?) involving both soil extractable Zn and pH terms together showed significant and positive correlation with Bray's percentage yield and total Zn uptake of rice. The calculated values of critical limits of soil Zn in terms of the proposed parameter were 14.1699 for DTPA (pH 7.3), 13.9587 for DTPA + ammonium bicarbonate, 13.7016 for Mehlich 3, 13.9402 for EDTA + ammonium carbonate, and 14.1810 for 1 mol L?1 MgCl2 (pH 6.0). The critical limits of Zn in rice grain and straw were 17.32 and 22.95 mg Zn kg?1 plant tissue, respectively.  相似文献   


No‐tillage corn (Zea mays L.) culture normally entails the placement of N fertilizer on the soil surface without mechanical incorporation. This field investigation was conducted to compare the N fertilizers that are most widely used in Virginia, when applied in this manner, for their effectiveness in producing notillage corn. Comparisons of the time of applying NH4NO3 were also made. Grain and stover yields, in addition to N removed in the crop, were used to draw conclusions. The experiments were conducted on both fertile and infertile soils in 1972 and 1973, both of which were relatively wet years. The fertilizers tested, urea, NH4NO3, and N solutions, were equally effective, per unit of N applied. Split applications of NH4NO3 showed no statistically significant advantage over all applied at planting but slightly trended to do so. N deficiency reduced grain yields relatively more than stover yields.  相似文献   


Changing conventional tillage to conservation tillage systems affects nitrogen (N) cycling in agroecosystems. Our objective was to evaluate the role of soil organic pools, specially plant residues, as sources‐sinks of nitrogen in an humid and warm temperate environment cropped to wheat, under plow‐ and no‐tillage. The experimental site was in the Argentine Pampa on a Typic Hapludoll. A balance‐sheet method was used: Nupt+Nres=Nsow+Nmin, where Nupt=N uptake by the crop at harvest; Nsow=soil mineral N as NH4 and NO3 at 0–90 cm depth, one month before sowing, plus N added as fertilizer; Nres=residual soil mineral N as NH4 and NO3 at 0–90 cm depth, at harvest; Nmin=N mineralized from humus and plant residues during wheat growing period. Nupt did not differ between tillage systems. Nitrogen supply by the mineral N pool, estimated by the difference Nsow‐Nres, was ca. 150 kg N ha‐1 in both tillage systems. Plant residues decomposed and released N under both treatments. This organic N pool decreased 77% along the crop cycle. Nmin, calculated using the balance equation was 83 kg N ha‐1, and did not differ between tillage managements, representing 35% of Nupt. This results highlight the importance of the organic pools as sources of N for wheat in the Humid Pampa. They also brink our attention on the importance for evaluate residue decomposition and humus mineralization in warm‐temperate regions when fertilizer requirements are determined, in order to minimize environmental hazard and economic losses by overfertilization.  相似文献   

Bypass flow, the vertical flow of free water along the walls of macropores or preferential flow paths in the soil, can lead to movement of fertilizer nutrients beyond the reach of plants. Fertilizer type and the rate of application, as well as the amount, frequency, and intensity of rainfall, can influence the amount of fertilizer nitrogen (N) loss in leaching or bypass flow. The effect of fertilizer N form and rate of application on N recovery in bypass flow in a Kenyan Vertisol was determined. Calcium nitrate and ammonium sulfate, used to supply nitrate (NO3 ?)‐N and ammonium (NH4 +)‐N, respectively, were surface‐broadcast to 40‐cm‐long undisturbed soil columns at equivalent rates of 50, 100, and 200 kg N ha?1. Using a rainfall simulator, two rainfall events (30 mm of water applied in 1 h) were applied to the soil columns, one before and the other after fertilizer application. Total N, NO3 ?‐N, and NH4 +‐N concentrations in the bypass flow were determined after the second rainfall event. The application of NH4 +‐N, regardless of the rate, had no effect on N recovery in the bypass flow. When nitrate N was applied, the amount of fertilizer N recovered in the bypass flow significantly increased with the rate of NO3 ?‐N application. Of the total N in the bypass flow, 24 to 48% was derived from the soil, the bulk of which was organic N. It is concluded that following the application of NO3 ?‐N, bypass flow is an important avenue of loss of both fertilizer and soil N from Vertisols.  相似文献   


The objective of the present study was to assess the ability of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) to analyze chemical soil properties and to evaluate the effects of different phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) fertilization rates on soil quality in different layers of a long‐term pasture. The NIRS calibrations were developed for humus, total Kjeldahl nitrogen (NKjeldahl), and several humic substances (HA1, “mobile” humic acids fraction; ΣHA, sum of humic acids; FA1, “mobile” fulvic acids; ΣFA, sum of fulvic acids, etc.) using soil samples of rather heterogeneous origin, collected during 1999–2003. Different spectral preprocessing and the modified partial least squares (MPLS) regression method were explored to enhance the relation between the spectra and measured soil properties. The equations were employed for the quality prediction of a sod gleyic light loam (Cambisol) in five PK fertilization treatments. The soil was sampled in 2000 and 2003 in three field replicates at depths of 0–10, 10–20, 20–30, and 30–50 cm, n=60 samples yr?1. The best coefficients of correlation, R2, between the reference and NIRS‐predicted data were as follows: for NKjeldahl, 0.965; humus, 0.938; HA1, 0.903; HA2, 0.905; HA3, 0.924; ΣHA, 0.904; and FA1, 0.911; and ΣFA, 0.885. Our findings suggest that it is feasible to use NIRS for the assessment of the effects of the inorganic PK fertilizer on the soil quality in different depths of a long‐term pasture.  相似文献   


Nitrogen (N) fertilizers increase yield and quality of grass forage, and may also alter soil chemical properties. A field experiment was conducted in south‐central Alberta to determine the effect of long‐term application of ammonium nitrate to bromegrass on concentration and downward mobility of soluble NO3‐N, extractable NH4‐N, P, Ca, Mg, and K, and total C and N in a Thin Black Chernozemic loam soil. The fertilizer was applied annually in early spring for 16 years at 0 to 336 kg N/ha. There was little accumulation of NO3‐N in the soil at N rates of 112 kg/ha or less. However, at rates higher than 112 kg N/ha there was accumulation of NO3‐N in the 15–30 and 30–60 cm layers, but very little in the 90–120 cm depth. The NH4‐N accumulated in the 0–5 cm layer when the fertilizer was applied at rates between 168 to 280 kg N/ha and in the 5–10 cm layer at N rates exceeding 280 kg/ha. There was a decline in extractable P in soil with N application up to 84 kg N/ha rate, while it increased with high N rates. The increasing amounts of applied N resulted in a decline in extractable soil Ca, Mg and K, and this decrease was more pronounced in the 0–5,5–10,10–15, and 15–30 cm layers for K, 0–5 and 5–10 cm layers for Ca, and 0–5, 5–10, and 10–15 cm layers for Mg. There was a build‐up of total C and N in the surface soil with increasing rate of applied N.  相似文献   


Calcareous soils vary considerably in their characteristics which need to be considered in soil test interpretation. Yield data from 22 corn and 13 wheat field experiments were used to relate yield response, expressed in relative terms (Y%), to phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and zinc (Zn) soil test results based on NaHCO3, NH4OAc, and DTPA extraction procedures, respectively. The experiments were conducted for three years on newly reclaimed desert soils in Egypt. Relative infuence of different soil components was evaluated as modifiers of the critical levels (CL) based on 95% of maximum yield. The CL values obtained for corn were close to those for wheat. Therefore, results presented here were based on the combined data of the 35 corn plus wheat experiments. With Olsen P, a backward elimination regression procedure indicated that the variance in Y% that was accounted for increased in significance from 21 to 52% by including the CaCO3 content of the soil. The CL increased from 9 to 17 mg P/kg as CaCO3 increased from 1 to 30%. Coarser textured soils had lower CLs for K than finer textured ones. The critical exchangeable K levels were 200 and 500 mg K/kg for soils having more than 85% and 85 to 45% sand, respectively. With an increase in organic matter content, the response to applied Zn was observed at higher levels of extracted Zn. The DTPA‐critical levels for Zn were found to be 0.5 and 0.8 mg Zn/kg for soils containing less than 1% and 1.7% organic matter, respectively.  相似文献   


Sustaining agricultural productivity and environmental quality requires efficient use of nitrogen (N) fertilizer by crops. A zero‐tillage study was conducted over a 9‐yr period in southwestern Saskatchewan to determine the influences of snow trapping and N fertilizer management, on efficiencies of N uptake and of N utilization for annually grown spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). We assessed the effects of rates (0–100 kg/ha), placement (deep banding, broadcast), and time of application of N (fall, spring). Multiple regression, was used to relate the N in grain, straw, and plant (above‐ground), the efficiencies of N uptake and N utilization, and N harvest index (NHI) to water use by the crop (WU), soil nitrate‐N (NO3‐N) in 0–60 cm depth measured in fall (SN), rate of fertilizer N(FN), and years of study (Yr). The relationships for N in grain and plant were highly significant (R2 = 0.85***); those for straw N (R2 = 0.68 ***) and N utilization efficiency (R2 = 0.60***) were significant but less precise, while that for NHI (R2 = 0.40***) had poor precision. Plant N was greater for springthan for fall‐applied N, and for deep‐banded than for broadcast‐N. Nitrogen utilization efficiency ranged between 20–42 kg grain/kg plant N, was inversely related to FN, and lower for spring‐applied than fall‐ applied N, but placement had little effect. Available water and FN had greater influence on characteristics studied than placement or timing of N application. Uptake efficiency of N increased with SN but decreased with FN, probably indicating more efficient uptake of SN in this zero‐tillage continuous wheat study. The relationships developed should be useful to modellers for estimating the characteristics studied, on medium‐textured, aridic and typic borolls.  相似文献   

Yu Zhang  Li  Chen  Wang  Maolin 《Eurasian Soil Science》2020,53(7):892-901
Eurasian Soil Science - Grain for Green Program (GFGP) by establishing revegetation on degraded cropland has been considered effective to capture soil carbon (C) in terrestrial ecosystems. However,...  相似文献   


A single biosolids application was made to 1.5×2.3 m confined plots of a Davidson clay loam (Rhodic Kandiudult) in 1984 at 0, 42, 84, 126, 168, and 210 Mg ha?1. The highest biosolids application supplied 750 and 600 kg ha?1 of Cu and Zn, respectively. Corn (Zea mays L.), from 1984 to 2000, and radish (Raphanus sativus L.) and romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. longifolia), from 2001 to 2004, were grown at the site to assess heavy‐metal bioavailability. Extractable (0.005 diethylenetriamine (DTPA) and Mehlich 1) Cu and Zn were determined on 0 to 15‐cm depth samples from each plot. Corn yield increased with biosolids rate each year until 1993 to 1997, when yield decreased with biosolids rate because of phytotoxicity induced by low (<5.0) soil pH. The corn yield reduction was reversed between 1998 and 2000 upon raising the soil pH to approximately 6.0 by limestone addition following the 1997 season. Between 2001 and 2004, radish and lettuce yields were either not affected or slightly increased with biosolids rate, even as soil pH declined to below 5.5. Plant‐tissue metal concentrations increased with biosolids rate and as pH declined but were always within the normal range of these crops. Mehlich 1 and DTPA extractable metals increased linearly with biosolids rate. Extractability of Cu and Zn decreased approximately 50% over the past 20 years despite a decrease in soil organic matter concentration and greater than 95% conservation of the metals.  相似文献   

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