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Summary Laboratory cultures, soil cultures, and natural samples of N2-fixing blue-green algae (BGA) from rice fields were analyzed for dry matter, ash, N, C, P, and a few other constituents.Results show a very large variability of the composition. Dry matter contents ranged from 0.28% to 13.6% (average 3.3%). Ash contents ranged from 15.6% to 71.3%. Nitrogen contents ranged from 1.9% to 11.8% on an ash-free basis (average 6%). Carbon content was less variable, ranging from 37% to 72% and averaging 43.7%.A decrease in N and pigment contents, and an increase in reducing sugars, was observed in aging laboratory cultures.Large differences in composition were observed between field samples and material grown in artificial medium. Soil-grown BGA and field samples were characterized by very high ash contents, N contents lower than those in laboratory cultures, and P deficiency.Extrapolation from (1) average dry matter, ash, and N contents and (2) records of BGA biomass in rice fields indicates that an algal bloom has a potentiality of about 15–25 kg N per hectare and that a BGA biomass of agronomic significance is visible to the naked eye.  相似文献   

The effect of Nostoc spp. (Cyanobacteria) inoculation on soil structure was studied in two clay soils (Calanco and Biancana) originating by erosion processes from Pliocenic marine sediments of central Tuscany (Italy). Two axenic Nostoc strains, AfS49 and KaS35, selected for their soil colonization and exopolysaccharide (EPS) production capacities, were inoculated in Petri dishes on the two clay soils sterilized by autoclaving. The soils, inoculated with an amount of cyanobacterial biomass corresponding to 1.0 g dry wt. m-2, were incubated under continuous light at 27°C for 3 months and periodically wetted using a pipette. The two strains showed different growth rates and EPS production on both soils: KaS35 produced more biomass, while AfS49 produced more EPS. This different behavior was also documented by scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations. The effect of cyanobacterial inoculation on soil structure resulted in the protection of soil porosity by reducing the damaging effect of water addition. Indeed, the incidence of transmission pores in the inoculated soils (about 30%) was higher with respect to the control soils (about 5%). Data also showed the beginning of a primary aggregation as a consequence of interaction between the secreted EPS and the morphological units of the fine soil fraction. However, no significant differences in water soil structure stability were measured between inoculated and non-inoculated soils. In this paper the interactions between the EPS produced by the two strains and the clay aggregates are discussed in order to understand the role of cyanobacterial inoculation in maintaining soil structure.Dedicated to Professor J. C. G. Ottow on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   


Recently there has been developments in the measurement of N2 fixation due mainly to the C2H2 reduction method (1). This method, however, has several disadvantages, especially for submerged soil, and the estimated amount of fixed N2 on the basis of the C2H2 reduction activity is not very reliable. The tracer 15N2 technique which gives a reliable estimation of the fixed N2 is too expensive for common use. Development of an alternative method suitable for submerged soil would therefore be desirable. The present authors expected that the measurement of the ratio N2/Ar in the soil solution might provide advantages for the estimation of the fixed N2 in submerged soil.  相似文献   

Biological nitrogen(N) fixation(BNF) plays a significant role in maintaining soil fertility in paddy field ecosystems. Rice variety influences BNF, but how different rice varieties regulate BNF and associated diazotroph communities has not been quantified. Airtight,field-based ~(15)N_2-labelling growth chamber experiments were used to assess the BNF capacity of different rice varieties. In addition,both the 16 S rRNA and nifH genes were sequenced to assess the influence of different rice varieties on bacterial and diazotrophic communities in paddy soils. After subjecting a rice-soil system to 74 d of continuous airtight, field-based ~(15)N_2 labelling in pots in a growth chamber, the amounts of fixed N were 22.3 and 38.9 kg ha~(-1) in inbred japonica(W23) and hybrid indica(IIY) rice cultivars planted in the rice-soil systems, respectively, and only 1%–2.5% of the fixed N was allocated to the rice plants and weeds. A greater abundance of diazotrophs was found in the surface soil(0–1 cm) under IIY than under W23. Sequencing of the 16 S rRNA gene showed significantly greater abundances of the cyanobacterial genera Nostoc, Anabaena, and Cylindrospermum under IIY than under W23.Sequencing of the nifH gene also showed a significantly greater abundance of Nostoc under IIY than under W23. These results indicate that the hybrid rice cultivar(IIY) promoted BNF to a greater extent than the inbred rice cultivar(W23) and that the increase in BNF might have been due to the enhanced heterocystous cyanobacteria Nostoc.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of the soil physical properties on soybean nodulation and N2 fixation in the heavy soil of an upland field (UF) and an upland field converted from a paddy field (UCPF) in the Hachirougata polder, Japan. Seeds of the soybean cultivar Ryuho were sown in each field with or without inoculation of Bradyrhizobium japonicum A1017. The soybean plants were sampled at 35 (V3) and 65 (Rl) d after sowing (DAS), and then nodulation and the percentage of N derived from N2 fixation in the xylem sap were determined. The soil physical properties were different between UF and UCPF, especially the air permeability and soil water regime. Nodule growth was restricted in UCPF irrespective of rhizobial inoculation, though rhizobial infection was not inhibited by the unfavorable soil physical conditions. Soybean plant growth was closely related to the nodule mass and N2 fixation activity, and the inoculation of a superior rhizobium strain was effective only at 35 DAS. These results indicate that soybean nodulation and N2 fixation was considerably affected by the physical properties of heavy soil, and that it is important to maintain the N2 fixation activity and inoculate the soybean plants with a superior rhizobium strain at a later growth stage in order to increase soybean production in heavy soil fields.  相似文献   


A study was carried out to compare the difference or N-yield method with the 15N natural abundance method for the estimation of the fractional contribution of biological N2 fixation in the different plant parts of nodulating and non-nodulating isolines of soybeans. The results indicated that the δ15N values of most plant parts of soybeans were significantly lower (p<0.05) in the nodulating than in the non-nodulating isoline. However, in the case of the root+nodule component, the δ15N value was higher in the nodulating than in the non-nodulating isoline possibly due to isotopic discrimination of 15N over 14N which may have occurred in the nodules. Inoculation of soybeans with the Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain CB 1809 increased significantly (p<0.05) the δ15N value of the root+nodule component implying that the effectiveness of the soybean-rhizobium symbiosis had increased by inoculation.

Percentage of plant N derived from atmospheric N2 fixation (%Ndfa) estimated by the 15N natural abundance method was highly correlated (r=0.762, p<0.01) with that by the difference or N-yield method and the differences between the two methods were not statistically significant. The agreement between the two methods was closer at maturity than at the early reproductive stage.

The %Ndfa obtained by the difference method ranged from 48.4 to 92.6% whereas the %Ndfa obtained by the 15N natural abundance method ranged from 43.2 to 92.4% in the different plant parts. Based on the 15N natural abundance method, approximately 15% of the N in pod, shoot, grain, and shell was derived from the soil but in the case of stover, this fraction was about 55%.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of incorporation and surface application of straw to a wetland rice field on nitrogen fixation (C2H2 reduction), bacterial population and rice plant growth were studied. Rice straw (5 t ha–1) was chopped (10- to 15-cm pieces) and applied to the field 2 weeks before transplanting IR42, a long-duration variety, and IR50, a short-duration variety. The acetylene-reducing activity (ARA) of IR42 and IR50 measured at heading stage for 3 consecutive days showed significantly higher ARA in IR42 as a result of the 2 straw application methods. Mostly up to 20 days after straw surface application and incorporation, the dark ARA in the soil, total and N2-fixing heterotrophs, and photoorganotrophic purple nonsulphur bacteria (POPNS) in the soil and in association with degrading straw were stimulated. Higher bacterial populations were associated with straw on the surface than with straw incorporated. The POPNS counts, in particular, were increased hundreds fold in the surface-applied straw treatment. Straw applications also increased the root, shoot and total plant biomass at heading stage and the total dry matter yield at harvest in both varieties. The data show the potentials of straw as a source of substrate for the production of microbial biomass and for the non-symbiotic N2 fixation to improve soil fertility and plant nutrition.  相似文献   

稻田固氮对土壤维持肥力有着重要的作用,但水稻种植与固氮菌及其活性之间的关系尚不清楚。本试验利用15N2直接标记法测定了下位砂姜土发育的简育水耕人为土在种水稻和不种水稻条件下的生物固氮量,及其在土壤不同层次(0~1、1~5、5~15 cm)和水稻中的分配,并通过实时荧光定量PCR技术测定了土壤中固氮菌nifH DNA及RNA基因数量。结果表明:种水稻处理显著提高了土壤各层固氮量,尤其提高了1~5 cm和5~15 cm土层土壤固氮量对总固氮量的贡献;种水稻处理的总固氮量是不种水稻处理的10.3倍;水稻植株中生物固定的氮占总固氮量的31.48%;在0~1 cm土层,种水稻处理显著提高了nifH RNA基因数量,而对nifH DNA基因数量的增加不显著。可见,水稻种植没有增加固氮菌的数量,稻田固氮量的增加是因为水稻种植极大地促进了固氮菌nifH基因的表达,提高了固氮菌的固氮活性。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of supplemental irrigation on the amount of N2O emissions on a sandy soil in north-east Germany. N2O flux measurements were carried out over two vegetation periods from the emergence of plants to harvest. The level of N2O emissions was low, which is typical for sandy soils in north-east Germany. In both periods, irrigation had no increasing effect on N2O emissions. Relevant factors were the soil temperature and the soil water-filled pore space (WFPS), which were mainly influenced by weather conditions. This may indicate that nitrification was the main source of N2O emissions. In conclusion, this study has confirmed that sandy soils under weather conditions of north-east Germany generally have a very low potential for N2O emissions.  相似文献   

Effect of different 15N labeled sources on the estimation of N2 fixation was investigated. The combination of 15N labeled ammonium sulfate, 15N labeled plant material, and 15N labeled ammonium sulfate with unlabeled plant material, was examined in pot experiments. Two cultivars of soybean (Glycine max) and one of mungbean (Vigna radiata) were used. No significant difference was observed among the treatments for the estimation of N2 fixation. This was due to the homogeneity and stability of the 15N abundance in soil which resulted in a similar N uptake from the soil by the N2 fixing and reference crops. The plant yield, total N uptake and amount of N2 fixed were higher in the Yellow Soil than in the Andosol. The amount of N2 fixed was strongly influenced by the plant growth and consequently it affected the plant yield. The slow decomposition of plant material in the Andosol resulted in a low yield in both the N2 fixing and reference crops. Thus, the artificial decrease of the available N content in soil, by application of plant material, did not stimulate N, fixation but suppressed plant growth and N2 fixation.  相似文献   

Legume plants are an essential component of sustainable farming systems. Phosphorus (P) deficiency is a significant constraint for legume production, especially in nutrient-poor soils of arid and semi-arid regions. In the present study, we conducted a pot experiment to evaluate the effects of a phosphorus-mobilizing plant-growth promoting rhizobacterial strain Bacillus cereus GS6, either alone or combined with phosphate-enriched compost (PEC) on the symbiotic (nodulation-N2 fixation) performance of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) on an Aridisol. The PEC was produced by composting food waste with addition of single super phosphate. The bacterial strain B. cereus GS6 showed considerable potential for P solubilization and mobilization by releasing carboxylates in insoluble P (rock phosphate)-enriched medium. Inoculation of B. cereus GS6 in combination with PEC application significantly improved nodulation and nodule N2 fixation efficiency. Compared to the control (without B. cereus GS6 and PEC), the combined application of B. cereus GS6 with PEC resulted in significantly higher accumulation of nitrogen (N), P, and potassium (K) in grain, shoot, and nodule. The N:P and P:K ratios in nodules were significantly altered by the application of PEC and B. cereus GS6, which reflected the important roles of P and K in symbiotic performance of soybean. The combined application of PEC and B. cereus GS6 also significantly increased the soil dehydrogenase and phosphomonoesterase activities, as well as the soil available N, P, and K contents. Significant positive relationships were found between soil organic carbon (C) content, dehydrogenase and phosphomonoesterase activities, and available N, P, and K contents. This study suggests that inoculation of P-mobilizing rhizobacteria, such as B. cereus GS6, in combination with PEC application might enhance legume productivity by improving nodulation and nodule N2 fixation efficiency.  相似文献   

强还原处理中pH对硫酸根去除效果及产物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟天竹  朱同彬  张金波  蔡祖聪 《土壤》2016,48(1):117-122
强还原灭菌法(reductive soil disinfestation,RSD),即淹水加有机物料创造强还原条件,可以有效修复退化土壤,但对硫酸根(SO42–)去除效率低。为探索RSD处理时p H对SO42–去除效果的影响,本试验选取SO42–积累严重的退化蔬菜地土壤(SO42–-S 939 mg/kg),设置5个处理:淹水(CK);淹水+紫花苜蓿(RSD0);淹水+紫花苜蓿+石灰,调节土壤至不同p H(分别标记为RSD1、RSD2和RSD3)。培养结束后CK处理中SO42–含量仍高达S 691 mg/kg,显著高于RSD处理中SO42–含量。在RSD处理中,SO42–含量随着p H的提高而下降,但其他形态硫含量显著升高,且施加石灰处理的土壤中总硫含量高于不加石灰的处理。由此说明,在强还原处理时施用石灰生成硫酸钙沉淀,可有效降低SO42–含量,但不利于降低总硫含量。  相似文献   

温慧洋  焦燕  杨铭德  谷鹏  白曙光  杨洁 《土壤》2019,51(4):724-731
为揭示盐碱土壤中参与氨氧化过程和硝酸盐还原过程的amoA和narG基因丰度与N_2O排放的响应规律,本研究选取内蒙古河套灌区3种不同盐碱程度土壤(轻度盐土SA、强度盐土SB和盐土SC),通过控制室内温度和土壤质量含水量进行室内培养试验,并运用荧光定量PCR(real-time PCR)技术研究了盐碱土壤中N_2O排放速率、氨氧化细菌和narG(膜结合型硝酸还原酶)型反硝化细菌丰度与土壤环境因子之间的偶联关系。结果表明:SA、SB和SC3种盐碱土壤中,N_2O平均排放速率随着土壤盐碱程度的升高而升高,值分别为16.9、30.8、69.6μg/(kg·d);氨氧化细菌和narG型反硝化细菌丰度分别为0.415×10~4、6.91×10~4、9.44×10~4 copies和2.61×10~4、5.36×10~4、13.5×10~4 copies,表明在一定盐分条件下,土壤中的盐分能够促进氨氧化细菌和narG型反硝化细菌丰度。RDA分析结果显示,N2O平均排放速率与氨氧化细菌和narG型反硝化细菌丰度具有显著的正相关(r=0.863、0.975,P0.01);土壤pH、EC、速效钾和有机碳是盐碱土壤中影响N2O排放速率的主要环境因子,其中,土壤pH、EC、速效钾和N_2O排放速率存在显著正相关(r=0.968、0.983、0.987,P0.01),土壤有机碳和N_2O排放速率存在负相关(r=–0.800,P0.05),土壤有效磷和总氮与N_2O排放速率的相关性未达到显著水平(P0.05)。  相似文献   

Mitigation of agricultural N2O emissions via management requires quantitative information about the regulation of the underlying processes. In this laboratory study, short-term evolution of N2O from repacked soil was determined using an arable sandy loam soil adjusted to three water potentials (−15, −30 or −100 hPa) that were reached by adjustment of partly air-dried soil with nutrient solutions or water; a water retention curve of repacked soil had been determined prior to the incubation experiment. The amendments included a control treatment receiving water (CTL), and aqueous solutions of carbon in the form of glucose (C), ammonium sulfate (N), or both (CN). Rates of CO2 and N2O evolution were followed during 14 days. Soil inorganic N and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) composition were analyzed by the end of incubation. Across all nutrient treatments, the soil at the lower moisture content (−100 hPa) showed little or no N2O evolution irrespective of nutrient treatment. Adding glucose alone reduced N2O evolution relative to CTL. The addition of N alone had no effect on soil respiration, but significantly increased nitrate accumulation and N2O evolution. The CN treatment resulted in higher respiration than with C amendment alone, but less N2O evolution than with N alone, at least at −15 and −30 hPa. Whole-soil PLFA fingerprints at the end of incubation reflected the complex response of gaseous emissions. At −15 hPa growth of Gram negative bacteria, probably including denitrifiers, in the CN treatment was indicated by low cyclopropane-to-precursor ratios. At −100 hPa differentiation of branched-chain fatty acids was taken as evidence for an effect of C amendment on Gram positive bacteria. The highest potential for N2O evolution was observed at the intermediate soil wetness level; the corresponding gas diffusivities indicated that this parameter may be a better predictor of N2O emissions than water-filled pore space.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) cvs. Akisengoku and Peking, and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata Walp.) cv. Kegonnotaki were inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum AlO17, Shinorhizobium fredii USDAI93, and B. sp. Vigna MAFF03-03063, respectively and were cultured hydroponically with supply of CO2-free air, 3dm3 m-3 CO2 air, or 25 dm3 m-3 CO2 air to study the effects of the CO2 concentration in the rhizosphere on plant growth, nodulation, and nitrogen fixation. Increase of the CO2 concentration in the rhizosphere led to the increase of the plant dry weight in the symbiosis between Peking and USDAI93, and that between Kegonnotaki and MAFF03-03063. On the other hand, dry matter accumulation in the symbiosis between Akisengoku and AI017 decreased under the supply of 25 dm3 m-3 CO2 air aimed at increasing the CO2 concentration in the rhizosphere beyond the optimum CO2 concentration for growth. Nodule mass and nodule number per plant were highest in Akisengoku, followed by Kegonnotaki and lowest in Peking. Also the increase of the CO2 concentration in the rhizosphere led to the increase of the nodule mass and number in Kegonnotaki, while no changes were observed in Akisengoku and Peking. Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) was highest in Akisengoku, followed by Kegonnotaki, and lowest or near zero in Peking. BNF in Akisengoku and Kegonnotaki showed a similar tendency to that of dry matter accumulation. BNF of Peking was especially low under the supply of CO2-free air, and it increased with the increase of the CO2 concentration in the rhizosphere. For the symbiosis of Bradyrhizobium strains with soybean and cowpea, the most suitable CO2 concentration for N2 fixation and plant growth was estimated to be about 10 dm3 m-3, while for the symbiosis of S. fredii with soybean, the value was estimated to be above 30 dm3 m-3.  相似文献   

Nodulated soybean (Glycine max. (L) Merr. cv. Williams) plants were hydroponically cultured, and various combinations of 1-week culture with 5 or 0 mm nitrate were applied using 13-d-old soybean seedlings during three successive weeks. The treatments were designated as 0-0-0, 5-5-5, 5-5-0, 5-0-0, 5-0-5, 0-5-5, and 0-0-5, where the three sequential numbers denote the nitrate concentration (mm) applied in the first-second-third weeks. The size of the individual nodule was measured periodically using a slide caliper. All the plants were harvested after measurement of the acetylene reduction activity (ARA) at the end of the treatments. In the 0-0-0 treatment, the nodules grew continuously during the treatment period. Individual nodule growth was immediately suppressed after 5 mm nitrate supply. However, the nodule growth rapidly recovered by changing the 5 mm nitrate solution to a 0 mm nitrate solution in the 5-0-0 and 5-5-0 treatments. In the 5-0-5 treatment, nodule growth was completely inhibited in the first and the third weeks with 5 mm nitrate, but the nodule growth was enhanced in the second week with 0 mm nitrate. The nodule growth response to 5 mm nitrate was similar between small and large size nodules. After the 5-5-5, 5-0-5, 0-0-5, and 0-5-5 treatments, where the plants were cultured with 5 mm nitrate in the last third week, the ARA per plant was significantly lower compared with the 0-0-0 treatment. On the other hand, the ARA after the 5-0-0 and 5-5-0 treatments was relatively higher than that after the 0-0-0 treatment, possibly due to the higher photosynthate supply associated with the vigorous vegetative growth of the plants supplemented with nitrate nitrogen. It is concluded that both soybean nodule growth and N2 fixation activity sensitively responded to the external nitrate level, and that these parameters were reversibly regulated by the current status of nitrate in the culture solution, possibly through sensing of the nitrate concentration in roots and / or nodules.  相似文献   

Summary The legume Medicago sativa (+Rhizobium melilott) was grown under controlled conditions to study the interactions between soluble P in soil (four levels), or a mycorrhizal inoculum, and the degree of water potential (four levels) in relation to plant development and N2 fixation. 15N-labelled ammonium sulphate was added to each pot for a qualitative estimate of N2 fixation, in order to rank the effects of the different treatments.Dry-matter yield, nutrient content and nodulation increased with the amount of plant-available P in the soil, and decreased as the water stress increased, for each P-level. The mycorrhizal effect on dry matter, N yield, and on nodulation was little affected by the water potential. Since P uptake was affected by the water content in mycorrhizal plants, additional mechanisms, other than those mediated by P, must be involved in the mycorrhizal activity.There was a positive correlation between N yield and nodulation for the different P levels and the mycorrhizal treatment at all water levels. A high correlation between plant unlabelled N content and atom% 15N excess was also found for all levels of P. In mycorrhizal plants, however, the correlation between unlabelled N yield and 15N was lower. This suggests that mycorrhiza supply plants with other N sources in addition to those derived from the improvement on N2 fixation.  相似文献   


Forest fires can change the greenhouse gase (GHG) flux of borea forest soils. We measured carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes with different burn histories in black spruce (Picea mariana) stands in interior Alaska. The control forest (CF) burned in 1920; partially burned (PB) in 1999; and severely burned (SB1 and SB2) in 2004. The thickness of the organic layer was 22 ± 6 cm at CF, 28 ± 10 cm at PB, 12 ± 6 cm at SB1 and 4 ± 2 cm at SB2. The mean soil temperature during CO2 flux measurement was 8.9 ± 3.1, 6.4 ± 2.1, 5.9 ± 3.4 and 5.0 ± 2.4°C at SB2, SB1, PB and CF, respectively, and differed significantly among the sites (P < 0.01). The mean CO2 flux was highest at PB (128 ± 85 mg CO2-C m?2 h?1) and lowest at SB1 (47 ± 19 mg CO2-C m?2 h?1) (P < 0.01), and within each site it was positively correlated with soil temperature (P < 0.01). The CO2 flux at SB2 was lower than that at CF when the soil temperature was high. We attributed the low CO2 flux at SB1 and SB2 to low root respiration and organic matter decomposition rates due to the 2004 fire. The CH4 uptake rate was highest at SB1 [–91 ± 21 μg CH4-C m?2 h?1] (P < 0.01) and positively correlated with soil temperature (P < 0.01) but not soil moisture. The CH4 uptake rate increased with increasing soil temperature because methanotroph activity increased. The N2O flux was highest [3.6 ± 4.7 μg N2O-N m?2 h?1] at PB (P < 0.01). Our findings suggest that the soil temperature and moisture are important factors of GHG dynamics in forest soils with different fire history.  相似文献   

The long-term (9 years) effect of pig slurry applications vs mineral fertilization on denitrifying activity, N2O production and soil organic carbon (C) (extractable C, microbial biomass C and total organic C) was compared at three soil depths of adjacent plots. The denitrifying activities were measured on undisturbed soil cores and on sieved soil samples with acetylene method to estimate denitrification rates under field or potential conditions. Pig slurry applications had a moderate impact on the C pools. Total organic C was increased by +6.5% and microbial biomass C by ≥25%. The potential denitrifying activity on soil suspension was stimulated (×1.8, P<0.05) 12 days after the last slurry application. This stimulation was still apparent, but not significant, 10 months later and, according to both methods of denitrifying activity measurement (r 2=0.916, P<0.01 on sieved soil; r 2=0.845, P<0.001 on soil cores), was associated with an increase in microbial biomass C above a threshold of about 105 mg kg−1. The effect of pig slurry on denitrification and N2O reduction rates was detected on the surface layer (0–20 cm) only. However, no pig slurry effect could be detected on soil cores at field conditions or after NO3 enrichments at 20°C. Although the potential denitrifying activity in sieved soil samples was stimulated, the N2O production was lower (P<0.03) in the plot fertilized with pig slurry, indicating a lower N2O/(N2O + N2) ratio of the released gases. The pig-slurry-fertilized plot also showed a higher N2O reduction activity, which is coherent with the lower N2O production in anaerobiosis.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of applying hairy vetch foliage on nodulation and atmospheric nitrogen (N2) fixation in soybean cultivated in three soil types in pot experiments. Soybean plants were grown in Gley Lowland soil (GLS), Non-allophanic Andosol (NAS), and Sand-dune Regosol (SDR) with hairy vetch foliage application in a greenhouse for 45 days. In GLS, the nodule number was not influenced by the application, however, nodule dry weight and N2 fixation activity tended to increase. In NAS and SDR, nodule formation was depressed by foliage application. Soybean plant growth was promoted in GLS and SDR but not in NAS. These promotive effects of hairy vetch foliage application on soybean plant growth in GLS were considered to be mainly caused by the increase in N2 fixation activity of the nodules, whereas it was considered to be mainly caused by the increase in nitrogen uptake activity of the roots in SDR. The varying effects of hairy vetch foliage application on soybean nodulation may be due to soil chemical properties such as pH and cation exchange capacity, which are related to soil texture. Therefore, we conclude that it is important to use hairy vetch for soybean cultivation based on the different effects of hairy vetch on soybean plant growth in different soil types.  相似文献   

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