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不同种类绿肥翻压对土壤肥力的影响   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
通过模拟试验,研究了旱地翻压箭筈豌豆(Vicia sativa L.)、苕子(Vicia villosa Roth. Var.)和山黧豆(Lathyrus palustris l. Var. Pilosus ledeb)三种绿肥对土壤肥力特性的影响。试验结果表明,在绿肥翻压腐解过程中,土壤pH(原始pH值为5.95)均呈现出先升高后降低最后趋于平缓的趋势,在翻压0~25 d内高于不翻压绿肥对照,之后始终低于对照。翻压绿肥处理的土壤有机碳含量均高于对照,增幅为1.6%~6.2%。土壤无机氮含量显著高于对照,无机氮形态0~20 d以铵态氮为主,30~70 d以硝态氮为主,翻压70 d时,硝态氮含量较对照增加了15倍以上。翻压绿肥后土壤速效磷的含量均高于对照,增幅为11.9%~37.7%。翻压绿肥的土壤速效钾含量在翻压15 d时达最高且均比对照增加1.5倍以上。不同绿肥对土壤养分特性的影响不同,山黧豆处理的土壤pH变化幅度最大,土壤有机碳和无机氮含量最高,箭筈豌豆处理的土壤速效钾和速效磷含量最高。本试验条件下,三种绿肥翻压均能够改变土壤pH值,提高土壤硝态氮和速效钾含量,土壤有机碳和速效磷含量略有增加。  相似文献   

猪粪和稻草对铬污染黄泥土生物活性的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过培养试验研究了猪粪和稻草对Cr污染黄泥土生物活性的影响。结果表明,Cr污染土壤的生物活性下降。施用有机肥料后,土壤有效态Cr含量降低,降幅约为30%,而微生物量C、N、P含量和脲酶、过氧化氢酶的活性增高,增幅为15%~273%。微生物量C、N与土壤有效态Cr之间有显著的负相关关系,可作为污染土壤的生物指标。  相似文献   

有机肥与无机肥在提高土壤肥力中的作用   总被引:49,自引:2,他引:49  
以在山东禹城试验区持续近20年的定位试验为依据,对长期施用有机肥、无机肥、有机无机结合等不同施肥条件下的土壤养分演变进行了系统总结。结果表明,在同等施肥情况下,有机肥不但在增加土壤有机营养,改善土壤有机质质量等方面具有极其显著的作用,而且随着年限的增长,在增加土壤速效养分方面,有机肥的效果也逐渐超过无机肥。  相似文献   

In a long-term experiment conducted (1967?–?2001) at Hisar, India, pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides) and wheat (Triticum aestivum) was grown during summer and winter in a rotation. The treatments consisted of farmyard manure (FYM) at the rate of 15, 30 and 45 Mg ha???1 during one or both the seasons. A treatment without FYM was maintained as a control. This made the total number of treatments 10, along with 2 levels of nitrogen at 0 and 120?kg ha???1. Samples from 0?–?15, 15?–?30 and 30?–?45?cm soil depths were collected and analysed for DTPA extractable and total content of zinc, iron, manganese and copper. Application of FYM significantly increased the DTPA extractable and total content of all the studied micronutrients in all soil depths. The increase was higher in the surface layer than in the lower depths. The time of application of FYM influenced the content of soil micronutrients. DTPA extractable and total content of micronutrients was higher when FYM was applied in winter as compared to summer. Application of N has no effect on DTPA extractable or total micronutrients content.  相似文献   

施用有机肥对土壤有机磷转化的影响研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用室内淹水灭菌培养方法,研究施用有机肥后,水稻土有机磷含量动态变化特征,并分析有机肥对水稻土有机磷各组分转化的影响。结果表明,水稻土施用有机肥后有机磷含量呈上升趋势,平均增加43.65 mg.kg-1,且随着施肥量的增加而显著增加;有机肥施用对水稻土有机磷不同组分影响强度不同,依次为高稳态有机磷>活性有机磷>中稳态有机磷>中活性有机磷;有机肥施用量与活性有机磷增加量(r=0.486**)、高稳态有机磷增加量(r=0.713**)均呈极显著正相关关系,有机肥磷素可以直接转化为活性有机磷和高稳态有机磷;无机磷降低幅度与中稳态有机磷增幅(r=0.381*)、高稳态有机磷增幅(r=0.300*)均呈显著正相关关系,施用有机肥可间接促进土壤无机磷向中稳态有机磷和高稳态有机磷转化。  相似文献   

The effect of repeated application of farmyard manure (FYM) on resistance and resilience of some of soil biological functions was compared between two soils [chemically fertilized soil (CF soil) and chemically and organically amended soil (CF+FYM-soil)]. The impact of chloropicrin and metam sodium disinfection on organic matter (glucose and chitin) decomposition activity and number of ammonia oxidizing bacteria in the soils was measured periodically from just after disinfection to evaluate stability of soil biological functions to soil disinfection. Glucose and chitin decomposition activity and number of ammonia oxidizing bacteria was suppressed by soil disinfection more seriously in the CF soil than in the CF+FYM soil. The decomposition rates recovered in the disinfected CF+FYM soil 2 to 12 weeks after disinfection, but not in the CF soil during 12 weeks incubation. These results demonstrated that soil resistance and resilience of the selected biological functions may be higher in the CF+ FYM soil than in the CF soil. The ratios of fungal and bacterial contribution to glucose decomposition activity were evaluated by the substrate-induced respiration method. Chloropicrin and metam sodium disinfection decreased fungal contribution throughout the incubation period (12 weeks) in the CF soil. A similar tendency was observed in the CF+FYM soil, but the fungal contribution tended to recover more rapidly in the CF+FYM soil than in the CF soil. Repeated applications of FYM may be an effective way to enhance soil functional stability.  相似文献   

有机肥种类对土壤有效磷累积量的影响及其流失风险   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为研究不同有机肥种类对土壤有效磷累积量的影响,采用鸡粪、猪粪、牛粪3种有机肥,于2008~2009年间在河北省廊坊进行了大田试验。结果表明:在总磷量相同条件下施入不同种类有机肥,耕层土壤中水溶性磷和有效磷含量显著不同。施入牛粪、鸡粪、猪粪的土壤0~5 cm土层中土壤水溶性磷分别为15.64、12.06、9.95mg/kg,有效磷含量分别为91.87、73.47、65.26 mg/kg;综合0~20 cm土层,施入牛粪、鸡粪、猪粪的土壤水溶性磷分别为6.42、4.84、4.41 mg/kg,有效磷含量分别为47.60、35.50、35.14 mg/kg。表现出有机肥中有效磷含量高则表层土壤中水溶性磷和有效磷含量也高。由于表层土壤的高量水溶性磷和易溶性磷在降雨条件下易于造成农田磷素流失,在确定环境友好的有机肥施用量时,不仅要考虑有机肥带入的总磷量,还要重视有机肥中有效磷含量对农田表层土壤水溶性磷和易溶性磷富集的影响。  相似文献   

Limited information exists as to the effect of liquid swine manure on soil phosphorus (P) availability in Western Canadian soil. Swine manure is most often applied to meet additional requirements for nitrogen (N) and research to date has emphasized N effects. The effect of swine manure and urea on P supply to canola was investigated under controlled environment condition. Canola (Brassica napus) was grown in pots with manure or urea added to two Saskatchewan soils (sandy loam and clay loam) at 0 and 100 mg N kg‐1. Plants were grown to maturity, and yield and nutrient content were determined. Phosphorus supply rates in soils were measured in the pots using anion exchange resin membrane probes. Additions of swine manure and urea enhanced canola P accumulation and led to a higher proportion of P in seeds. This response was more evident in the manure treatment than with urea. Soil amended with manure significantly increased N and P supply rates in soils as the manure contains N and P. On the contrary, application of urea significantly increased N supply rate, but led to a slight decrease in the measured soil supply rate of available P. Despite the apparent decrease in soil supply of available P in urea treatment, canola maintained its N:P ratio by increasing P absorption, possibly due to a greater root mass.  相似文献   

稻田绿肥轮作提高土壤养分增加有机碳库   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
综合评价中国南方不同稻田绿肥轮作模式,筛选与优化绿色高效的稻田多熟种植系统,有利于南方双季稻区农业可持续发展。通过田间试验,研究不同绿肥轮作模式(A冬闲-稻-稻→冬闲-稻-稻(对照)、B紫云英-稻-稻→油菜/花生-稻、C油菜/花生-稻→马铃薯/玉米+大豆-稻、D马铃薯/玉米+大豆-稻→蔬菜/花生+玉米-稻、E蔬菜/花生+玉米-稻→紫云英-稻-稻)对土壤养分中pH值、有机质、全氮、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾及总有机碳库、活性有机碳、碳库管理指数的影响。结果表明:绿肥轮作各处理的土壤有机质、碱解氮和速效钾均显著高于对照处理(P0.05),增加幅度分别为8.73%~15.59%、11.79%~19.64%和5.80%~37.19%。绿肥轮作处理B、C的总有机碳质量分数与对照相比有显著(P0.05)增加,分别增加了15.59%、11.19%。与对照相比,绿肥轮作B、C、D、E均可以显著(P0.05)提升土壤活性有机碳质量分数,提高幅度分别为29.03%、19.96%、16.67%和21.75%。与冬闲对照处理相比,绿肥轮作系统中处理B的土壤碳库指数显著(P0.05)增加了15.70%。相比冬闲对照处理,绿肥轮作处理B、C、D、E的土壤碳库管理指数分别显著(P0.05)增加了32.07、21.32、17.91和23.74,其中紫云英-稻-稻→油菜/花生-稻种植模式达到最大。土壤有机质与全氮、有效磷、总有机碳、活性有机碳、碳库管理指数存在极显著(P0.01)的相关性,土壤全氮、碱解氮、有效磷均与碳库管理指数存在显著的相关性(P0.05)。此外,总有机碳与活性有机碳和碳库管理指数存在极显著的相关性(P0.01)。可见在当地土壤肥力条件下,绿肥轮作尤其是紫云英-稻-稻-油菜/花生-稻能提高土壤有机碳质量分数和土壤碳库管理指数,有利于改善土壤质量,提高土壤肥力,为建立农田可持续的土壤管理和土地利用提供科学依据和参考价值。  相似文献   

In this study, we performed a greenhouse experiment to investigate the effect of cow manure biochar on maize yield, nutrient uptake and physico‐chemical properties of a dryland sandy soil. Biochar was derived from dry cow manure pyrolysed at 500 °C. Cow manure biochar was mixed with a sandy soil at the rate equivalent to 0, 10, 15 and 20 t biochar per hectare. Maize was used as a test crop. Results of the study indicated that cow manure biochar contains some important plant nutrients which significantly affected the maize crop growth. Maize yield and nutrient uptake were significantly improved with increasing the biochar mixing rate. Application of biochar at 15 and 20 t/ha mixing rates significantly increased maize grain yield by 150 and 98% as compared with the control, respectively. Maize net water use efficiency (WUE) increased by 6, 139 and 91% as compared with the control, with the 10, 15 and 20 t/ha mixing rate, respectively. Nutrient uptake by maize grain was significantly increased with higher biochar applications. Application of cow manure biochar improved the field‐saturated hydraulic conductivity of the sandy soil, as a result net WUE also increased. Results of the soil analysis after the harvesting indicated significant increase in the pH, total C, total N, Oslen‐P, exchangeable cations and cation exchange capacity. The results of this study indicated that application of cow manure biochar to sandy soil is not only beneficial for crop growth but it also significantly improved the physico‐chemical properties of the coarse soil.  相似文献   

间作绿肥作物对玉米产量和土壤肥力的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
在甘肃省河西绿洲灌区,通过田间试验研究了间作不同绿肥作物及不同翻压措施对玉米产量、经济性状、土壤肥力和土壤微生物数量的影响。结果表明:第一年玉米间作草木樨压青处理的产量最高,为12 523 kg/hm2,较单作玉米增产6.4%;第二年麻豌豆压青处理的玉米产量最高,为16 726 kg/hm2,较对照增产6.7%,草木樨压青处理次之,增产4.2%;绿肥压青处理的产量均高于根茬处理与对照;玉米间作针叶豌豆压青处理能促进微生物活动,其中细菌数量较对照增加60.3%。玉米间作草木樨、麻豌豆和针叶豌豆并压青处理具有较好的增产、培肥效果。  相似文献   


Using predictably excessive rates of N, P and K for potatoes on a well decomposed and intensively fertilized organic soil, it was observed that while N depressed yields somewhat, there were neither deleterious nor beneficial effects from the application of P or K. The highest rates of P and K used were 1792 and 3584 kg/ha respectively. Increasing rates of N decreased B concentrations in the potato leaf tissue while increasing rate of K resulted in increasing concentrations of B. Zinc tended to be higher in leaf tissue as excessive phosphorus application rates increased.  相似文献   

长期绿肥与氮肥减量配施对水稻产量和土壤养分含量的影响   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
为探明湘南双季稻区绿肥还田下的氮肥适宜施用量,设计了始于2008年冬季开展的长期田间定位试验(2009-2017),研究绿肥与氮肥减量配施对双季稻的产量、氮肥农学效率、氮肥偏生产力以及2017年稻田耕层土壤养分含量的影响。共设计6个施肥处理:不施氮肥空白对照、仅紫云英、习惯施肥、紫云英与100%无机氮配施、紫云英与80%无机氮配施、紫云英与60%无机氮配施。结果表明:与习惯施氮量相比,绿肥结合习惯施肥以及绿肥与化肥氮减量20%~40%配施均能保持甚至提高2009-2017年稻谷周年产量,显著提高早、晚稻氮肥偏生产力和氮肥农学效率。绿肥与化肥氮减40%时,产量变异系数最低和产量可持续指数最高。试验9 a后,与2008年相比,稻田土壤有机质和全氮含量呈上升趋势。与习惯施肥相比,绿肥与化肥氮减量20%~40%能维持土壤磷素与钾素的供给。综合考虑,紫云英还田下,化肥氮减施40%仍能获得高产稳产,且氮肥利用率最高,产量稳定性最好,并可缓慢提高土壤肥力,是湘南双季稻种植区较好的施肥模式。  相似文献   

通过盆栽试验研究了3种夏绿肥(羊角豆、柽麻、决明)种植和翻压对设施土壤养分和盐基离子含量的影响,旨在为温室大棚夏季休闲期种植绿肥改良土壤提供科学依据。结果表明:1)种植羊角豆、决明、柽麻60 d后,与对照处理相比,羊角豆、决明、柽麻处理均显著增加了土壤的有效磷含量,增加比例分别为8.6%、13.2%、25.7%;羊角豆和决明处理显著降低了土壤电导率,降低比例分别为25.0%和33.3%,对设施土壤次生盐渍化具有显著的改良趋势。决明、柽麻处理显著降低了(K~++Na~+)/(Ca~(2+)+Mg~(2+)),降低比例分别为17.0%、35.6%,有助于土壤胶体的凝聚和土壤团粒结构的形成。2)绿肥翻压110 d后,与对照处理相比,羊角豆和决明处理电导率变化不显著,柽麻处理显著增加了电导率,增加比例为50.0%。羊角豆、决明、柽麻均显著增加了土壤的速效钾含量,增加比例分别为23.7%、5.7%、9.4%;羊角豆和决明处理显著增加了土壤全氮含量,增加比例分别为17.8%和26.0%;决明、柽麻均显著降低了(K~++Na~+)/(Ca~(2+)+Mg~(2+)),降低比例分别为24.1%、18.5%,表明3种绿肥翻压后,培肥效果显著。3)综合来看,种植绿肥有显著改良土壤次生盐渍化的趋势,而绿肥翻压后培肥效果更为显著。因此,温室大棚夏季休闲期,可通过种植生长周期短、吸附能力强的夏绿肥降低土壤的盐基离子总量,改良土壤,但不宜翻压。3种夏绿肥中,推荐决明作为设施大棚夏季休闲期改良土壤的填闲作物。  相似文献   

不同降雨强度下土壤结皮强度对侵蚀的影响   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
为定量分析土壤结皮对坡面侵蚀的影响,该文选择塿土、黄绵土、黑垆土和黄墡土4类土壤,分析其在3种雨强(60、90、120 mm/h)下的结皮强度变化规律。结果表明,当土壤含水率高于30%时,不同降雨强度下结皮强度差异不显著(P0.05),当含水率小于30%时,结皮强度随降雨强度增大而增强。以杨凌塿土10°坡面为例,进行坡面人工模拟降雨试验,分析计算不同强度结皮坡面的侵蚀产沙、径流剪切力、阻力系数以及流速,结果表明:结皮对坡面产流的影响并不显著,但其存在有效地减少坡面的侵蚀产沙量。结皮存在能有效地减少坡面产沙量,无结皮坡面的产沙量是结皮坡面产沙量的1.24~8.72倍。相同降雨条件下,结皮强度越大,其产沙量越小。进一步通过灰色关联分析得出:随着坡面结皮强度增加,水流功率对坡面侵蚀的作用效益不断减小,而阻力系数的作用效益增加,即水流增加产沙的正效应不断减弱;另一方面,结皮强度增大使得坡面土壤抗蚀性增强,因此,结皮强度越大,坡面侵蚀量将大幅度减少。研究可为准确有效预报坡面土壤侵蚀提供重要依据。  相似文献   

不同有机厩肥输入量对土壤团聚体有机碳组分的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
刘中良  宇万太  周桦  马强 《土壤学报》2011,48(6):1149-1157
土壤是重要的有机碳库,其微小变化可能引起大气CO2浓度水平的较大变异。土壤团聚体对土壤有机碳具有物理保护作用。有机厩肥的输入既可以提高土壤有机碳含量,又可以促进土壤团聚体的形成,对土壤有机碳的截获和保持有重要意义。本实验采用湿筛的方法分离土壤团聚体,并对团聚体进行有机碳组分分离。通过对连续8年施加不同量有机厩肥试验的研究发现:适量的有机厩肥施用可以显著地提高土壤的平均质量直径(MWD),改善土壤结构;过量施用有机厩肥则明显降低了>2 000μm团聚体含量。潮棕壤有机碳主要分布在250~53μm和2 000~250μm团聚体中,两者相加约占有机碳全量的73.7%~78.5%。并且随着有机碳输入量的增加,土壤有机碳主要贮存在2 000~250μm团聚体中。有机厩肥的施加明显地加快了>2 000μm团聚体的更新速率。土壤轻组分有机碳含量也随有机厩肥输入量的增加而不断增加,高量有机厩肥下占全量的22.1%。土壤固定有机碳的能力有限,存在明显的等级饱和现象。因此,在有机质匮乏的土壤施用有机肥意义重大,应尽量减少向高有机质土壤输入有机碳。  相似文献   

The effects of copper (Cu) application on the Cu distribution in various pools were investigated in laboratory and pot culture experiments with two Alfisols. The total soil Cu was fractionated into water‐soluble plus exchangeable (CA‐Cu), inorganically‐bound (AAC‐Cu), organically‐bound (PYR‐Cu), oxide‐bound (OX‐Cu), and residual (RES‐Cu) forms. The relative contribution of these fractions to Cu uptake by wheat was calculated through path coefficient analysis, a statistical technique that differentiates between correlation and causation. Copper fertilizer was applied at rates of 0, 5, and 10 mg (kg soil)—1 and FYM at rates of 0 and 10 t ha—1. Results indicated that the amounts of Cu present in CA‐Cu were very small. The CA‐Cu, AAC‐Cu, PYR‐Cu, and OX‐Cu fractions were increased and RES‐Cu was not significantly affected by the Cu application. No significant variation (P ≤ 0.01) was observed between Cu application with and without FYM on the distribution of different fractions of soil Cu except PYR‐Cu in Patancheru soil. Among the levels, application of 10 mg Cu (kg soil)—1 showed the maximum increase in different fractions of soil Cu. The per cent increase in Cu concentration in different fractions followed the order CA‐Cu > AAC‐Cu > PYR‐Cu > OX‐Cu > RES‐Cu. The path analysis showed that the PYR‐Cu and AAC‐Cu are the most important fractions for maintaining the available Cu pool in soils.  相似文献   

施用有机肥对土壤肥力的影响   总被引:34,自引:7,他引:34  
在潮棕壤上进行了5年的定位试验,研究不同有机肥用量对作物产量和土壤肥力的影响。结果表明,施用有机肥处理与对照处理相比,施用有机肥有明显的增产和稳产作用。不施肥处理,除土壤全钾以外,土壤其他各项养分指标(C、N、P)均有所下降;施用有机肥能显著提高速效P、K养分含量和有机碳及全磷含量。5年时间,低量有机肥处理土壤碱解氮含量下降了9.19mg/kg,说明低量有机肥并不能保证土壤氮的供给;中量有机肥处理土壤碱解氮含量略有上升,土壤全氮收支基本平衡;高量有机肥处理土壤碱解氮含量有明显增加,土壤全氮也有较大程度的盈余。  相似文献   

Parham  J. A.  Deng  S. P.  Da  H. N.  Sun  H. Y.  Raun  W. R. 《Biology and Fertility of Soils》2003,38(4):209-215
Studies were conducted to evaluate microbial populations and community structures in soils under different management systems in a long-term continuous winter wheat experiment. These soils had been treated with cattle manure for over a century, and P, NP, NPK, or NPK plus lime for over 70 years. Cattle manure application promoted the growth of bacteria, but not fungi, when compared with the control soil. Application of chemical fertilizers enriched the K-strategist bacterial community, while application of manure enriched both r- and K-strategists. DNA recovered was most abundant in the manure-treated soil. Effects on bacterial species richness and evenness following long-term soil treatments were also demonstrated by analyzing bacterial community DNA using amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis and repetitive extragenic palindromic-polymerase chain reaction fingerprinting. The richness and evenness of the bacterial community were enhanced by manure treatment and treatments that included N and P, which were positively correlated with soil productivity.  相似文献   

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