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Characteristics of Clay Minerals in Podzols and Podzolic Soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The clay minerals in Podzols and podzolic soils developed under coniferous forests in the Subarctic and Cool-temperate zones are characterized by the predominance of smectite and/or mica-smectite interstratified minerals in the eluvial horizons and chlorite-vermiculite intergrade in the illuvial horizons. A large amount of vermiculite is present in the eluvial horizons of some podzolic soils in the Cool-temperate zone. The illuvial horizons of these soils also contain free iron oxides such as goethite. Imogolite and allophane are present in the illuvial horizons of several soils derived from volcanic ashes. It is suggested that the critical bioclimate for the release of interlayered aluminum from the 2:1-type minerals lies between the Cool- and Warm-temperate zone. In the eluvial horizons of Podzols and podzolic soils, mica minerals and chlorite, as primary minerals, have been transformed to smectite through the pedogenic process. Based on previous studies on the structure and degradation of the dioctahedral mica minerals, it is considered that smectite is transformed from 1M-type mica minerals directly, and from 2M-type mica minerals via mica-smectite interstratifled minerals. The formation of a smectite lattice in the eluvial horizon should be a clay-mineralogical indicator of podzolization.  相似文献   


After removal of the ‘free Fe-oxyhydroxides’, a high-gradient magnetic separation (HGMS) procedure was used to separate the minerals of the clay fraction in soil samples from different horizons of two Alfisols, a Mollisol, an Ultisol and a Spodosol into a magnetic and a non-magnetic fraction. The magnetic fraction constituted 12–19% of the total clay fraction in the Alfisols, 28–35% in the Mollisol, 9–10% in the Ultisol and 11–16% in the Spodosol. X-Ray diffraction (XRD), Mossbauer spectroscopy and total elemental analysis (TEA) were used for the characterization of the different fractions. The CBD-treated magnetic clay contained mainly paramagnetic 2:1 layer silicate clay minerals, including hydroxy-interlayered clay minerals (HICM) high in Fe. The nonmagnetic clay was composed of diamagnetic minerals such as quartz, feldspars, gibbsite, kaolinite and the diamagnetic 2:1 layer silicate clay minerals.  相似文献   

Chemical and mineralogical properties of ochreous brown earths have been studied with particular reference to: (1) the distribution within the profiles of Fe and Al compounds; (2) the occurrence of smectite-like clay minerals in surface horizons. Ochreous brown earths studied belong to a developmental sequence of forest soils, from acid brown earths to ferric podzols, developed on sandy or loamy-sandy acid parent materials. In such a soil sequence, both selective chemical and mineralogical data show clearly that podzolization is already active in ochreous brown earths, whereas such an incipient podzolization is quite undetectable by direct morphological observations. The distribution patterns of amorphous Fe and Al hydrous oxides and organic associations, clearly show the intergrade character of ochreous brown earths, when compared with the vertical distribution of Fe and Al forms in acid brown earths and podzolized soils. The Fe/Al ratio of both an NH4-oxalate extract and an NaOH/Na-tetraborate extract buffered at pH 9.7, measured in the A1B diagnostic horizon of ochreous brown earths, is a particularly appropriate and useful genetic criterion for the detection of incipient podzolization. Moreover, the presence of expansible clay minerals (degradation smectites) in the clay-sized fraction of the surface horizons of ochreous brown earths (A1 and A1B) can be considered as supplementary evidence of incipient podzolization.  相似文献   

In the northern forest-steppe of European Russia, under the conditions of surface waterlogging (freshwater) and a stagnant-percolative regime, gleyic podzolic chernozem-like soils with thick light-colored eluvial horizons are formed. These horizons are close or similar to the podzolic horizons of bog-podzolic soils in many properties of their solid phase. They are bleached in color and characterized by the removal of Ca, Mg, Fe, Al, and Mn and the relative accumulation of quartz SiO2. These soils differ from leached chernozems in their acid reaction and very low CEC, the presence of Fe-Mn concretions and coatings, and the significant decrease in the clay content in the A2 horizon as compared to the parent rock. The soils studied differ significantly from loamy podzolic and bog-podzolic soils by the composition of the clay minerals in the A2 horizons: (1) no essential loss of smectite minerals from this horizon was found as compared to the rest of the solum, (2) pedogenic chlorites (HIV and HIS) are absent, and (3) the distinct accumulation of illites is observed as compared to the subsoil and parent material, probably, due to the process of illitization.  相似文献   

The mineralogical composition of the clay fraction and microfabrics of the cryogenic soil-loess sequences of the Middle and Late Pleistocene ages have been studied near the northern boundary of loess sediments on the East European Plain. Poorly ordered mixed-layered mica-smectitic minerals with different portions of smectitic layers predominate in the clay fraction; di-and trioctahedral hydromicas occupy the second place. The clay fraction also contains chlorite, clay-size quartz grains, and feldspars. Individual smectite is present in some of the samples. Interstadial chernozem-like paleosols are specified by the higher content of clay, the maximum concentration of smectitic layers in the mixed-layered minerals, and the presence of individual smectite. The clay fraction in the profiles of interglacial paleosols is sharply differentiated: in the eluvial part, it is depleted of smectite and enriched in kaolinite, hydromica, and clay-size quartz. These features allow us to suppose that interglacial paleosols were subjected to podzolization processes. According to the mineralogical indices, Middle Pleistocene paleosols can be differentiated into those subjected to lessivage (the Kamenskii interglacial paleosol) and podzolization (the Inzhavin interglacial paleosol).  相似文献   

Field observations and laboratory analyses of podzols developed on sandy Triassic parent material in the Vosges have demonstrated clay accumulation in the upper parts of spodic horizons, especially in the Bh horizons. To see whether clay accumulation corresponds to real clay illuviation, two types of podzol profiles have been studied. The first is an iron podzol, called “podzol forestier”, because it has been entirely developed under climax forest environment. The second, an iron-humus podzol, called “podzol de dégradation”, was first developed under forest and more recently (the last 1000 to 2000 years) under heath vegetation. Methods used in the study of the two profiles were the “isoquartz” alteration balance, clay mineral identification by X-ray analyses and micromorphholigical examination.For the podzol forestier, the data strongly support a hypothesis of illuviation of very fine micaceous clays (vermiculite), especially the ferriargillans in the Bh horizon. Consequently, it is believed that illuviation of the greatest part of clays promoted differentiation of podzol horizons. Podzolization is strongly redistributive.In the podzol de dégradation, the identified clay minerals are the same as in the podzol forestier but the pedological features in the Bh horizon correspond to those of classic spodic horizons (mixed concentration and grain coatings). Moreover, podzolization is geochemically strongly subtractive in this second type of podzol.Inasmuch as the podzols de dégradation are developed from the podzols forestiers, the authors define an evolutionary time-sequence: the first phase of forest soil genesis is regulated by the double process of clay illuviation and redistributive podzolization. The following degradation phase connected to the particular nature of heath vegetation and to abundant chelating organic compounds induces the disruption of the ferriargillans previously formed in the Bh horizon, the formation of an agglomeroplasmic fabric microstructure and above all, the elimination of hydrolyzed products of minerals from the profile. During this last phase, a strongly subtractive podzolization prevails over clay illuviation.  相似文献   

Data on the mineralogical composition of clay (<1 μm), fine silt (1–5 μm), medium silt (5–10 μm), and coarser (>10 μm) fractions of meadow solonchakous solonetzes (Calcic Gypsic Salic Stagnic Solonetz (Albic, Siltic, Columnic, Cutanic, Differentic)) developing from loesslike loam and clay in the North Crimean Lowland are presented. Fractions >5 μm constitute nearly 50% of the soil mass and are characterized by the same mineralogical composition in the entire profile; they consist of quartz, plagioclases, potassium feldspars, and micas (biotite and muscovite). The eluvial-illuvial redistribution of clay in the course of solonetzic process is accompanied by changes in the portion of mixed-layer minerals and hydromicas in the upper part of the profile; a larger part of the smectitic phase is transformed into the superdisperse state. In the eluvial SEL horizon and in the illuvial BSN horizon, the clay fraction is impoverished in smectitic phase and enriched in trioctahedral hydromicas. Upon calculation of the content of clay minerals per bulk soil mass, the distribution of mixed-layer minerals is either eluvial, or eluvial-illuvial, whereas the distribution of hydromicas has an illuvial pattern without distinct eluvial minimum in the SEL horizons. The eluvial-illuvial distribution pattern of clay minerals in solonetzes of the North Crimean Lowland is compared with the distribution pattern of clay minerals in solonetzes of the West Siberian Lowland. Coefficients characterizing differentiation of solonetzes by the contents of particular mineral components are suggested.  相似文献   

Major weathering sequences in soils are well established; however, knowledge on rates of mineral transformations remains unknown, because it is often difficult to date precisely soil processes. This work was carried out on soils developed on recent (< 188 y) sand dunes on the W coast of Oléron Island (France). The coast has been protected against marine and wind erosion by constructing five consecutives barriers close to the coastline since 1820 (1820, 1864, 1876, 1889, 1948) defining the maximum age of the soil parent material, as before the areas between the barriers were under water. Soils on the older dunes have low clay content (> 94% of sand) and exhibit a bleached E horizon that overlies a yellowish brown B horizon. The process responsible for their formation is podzolization promoted by the high permeability of the material and complexing organic matter produced by coniferous vegetation. Initial mineralogy of C horizons is homogenous and constituted of chlorite, illite, illite/smectite mixed‐layer minerals, and kaolinite, quartz, calcite (≈ 8% related to shell fragments), and feldspars. The initial clay‐mineral assemblage of the E horizons is dominated by illite (well‐crystallized WCI and poorly crystallized PCI) and chlorite. With progressive podzolization, poorly crystallized illite is first transformed to illite/smectite mixed‐layer minerals and in a further step into smectite. In addition, transformation of well‐crystallized illite leads to formation of ordered illite/smectite mixed‐layer minerals in the E horizons, which is not commonly described in soils. In the B horizons, illite/smectite mixed‐layer minerals are present with traces of smectite, as well as Al and Fe oxi‐hydroxides as revealed by DCB and oxalate chemical extractions. This chronosequence illustrates that over short distances and short time (< 188 y) intense mineral weathering and soil development occur. Major clay‐mineral changes occur between 132 and 188 y in agreement with development of the pine forest producing acidic litter.  相似文献   

Statistical data on the bulk contents of iron and aluminum oxides in iron-depleted and iron-enriched horizons of a wide range of taiga and tundra soils were compared. It was found that the soils could be arranged into the following sequence characterized by an increase in the relative contribution of iron oxides and a decrease in the relative contribution of aluminum oxides to the differentiation of sesquioxides in the soil profiles: sandy podzols—soddy-podzolic soils—loamy micropodzols and iron-illuvial svetlozems—cryogenic ferruginated gleyzems. It was concluded that the bleaching of eluvial horizons and the depletion of sesquioxides from them, as well as the accumulation of sesquioxides in the illuvial horizons, are controlled by different processes in different soils. In sandy podzols, the differentiation of sesquioxides is due to the Al-Fe-humus podzolization; in loamy micropodzols and iron-illuvial svetlozems, due to the redox-Al-Fe-humus podzolization; in podzolic and soddy-podzolic soils, due to the selective podzolization and lessivage; and, in cryogenic ferruginated gleyzems, due to the reduction-oxidation processes.  相似文献   

D. Righi  F. De Connick 《Geoderma》1977,19(4):339-359
Soils of the nearly level “Landes du Médoc” in southwestern France have a pattern of alternating bodies of hydromorphic podzols (Haplaquods) and low humic hydromorphic soils (Psammaquents). The soils are formed in a sedimentary mantle of coarse, quartzose sands with a slight microrelief consisting of low, elongated ridges and shallow, intervening troughs. The water table is at shallow depths throughout the plain, even at the surface in places. The podzols on the crests of the low ridges have distinct A2 and cemented B2 h horizons. Podzols persist down the sides of ridges but going downslope first lose the A2 horizon and then the cementation of the Bh horizon. Soils in the shallow troughs have A1 and Cg horizons without B horizons.The fine silt (2–20 μm) and clay (0–2 μm) fractions of the parent sand contain primary trioctahedral chlorite, mica, feldspars, and quartz, with the last mineral predominant. During soil development, the first three minerals undergo weathering at different rates and to different extents. Chlorite is most strongly weathered, followed in order by plagioclases and K-minerals. In the fine silt fraction, weathering seems to occur mostly by fragmentation of particles. In the clay fraction, the phyllosilicates successively form irregularly interstratified minerals with contractible but not expandable vermiculitic layers, interstratified minerals with contractible and expandable smectitic layers, and finally smectites.The extent to which the silicate minerals are weathered becomes progressively greater from the low humic hydromorphic soils to the podzols with friable Bh horizons to the podzols with cemented Bh horizons. Smectite is present only in the A2 horizons of these last podzols.The aluminum release by weathering of silicate minerals is translocated in part in the form of organo-metal complexes into the Bh horizons of the podzols. Greatest concentrations of Al are associated with coatings of monomorphic organic matter on mineral grains in the cemented Bh horizons, in which some Al has also crystallized into gibbsite. That mineral was not detected in friable B horizons of podzols nor in the low humic hydromorphic soil. Contrary to expectations, the mobile Al did not enter interlayer spaces of expanding 2:1 clay minerals.  相似文献   


The cation exchange capacity (CEC) at pH 7 was measured for samples of 347 A horizons and 696 B horizons of New Zealand soils. The mean CEC was 22.1 cmolc/kg for the A horizons and 15.2 cmolc/kg for the B horizons. Multiple regressions were carried out for CEC against organic carbon (C), clay content, and the content of seven groups of clay minerals. The results, significant at p <0.001, were consistent with most of the CEC arising from soil organic matter. For the samples of A horizon, the calculated CEC was 221 cmolc/kg per unit C and for the B horizons was 330 cmolc/kg C. There was also a contribution from sites on clay minerals. Multiple regression indicated that smectite had a higher CEC (70 cmolc/kg) than other minerals but it was not as high as that of type smectites; kaolin minerals had the lowest CEC. There was a significant effect of interaction between organic matter and some clay minerals on the CEC. Samples from B horizons containing allophane had lower CEC than those not containing allophane which is consistent with allophane reacting with carboxyl groups on organic matter. For the samples from the A horizons, however the CEC was higher when allophane was present.  相似文献   

Changes in the mineralogical composition of the clay fraction (<0.001 mm) sampled from soils of the model lysimetric experiment of Moscow State University have been studied. The mineralogical composition of clay is represented by the paragenetic association of minerals typical of noncalcareous mantle loams in the center of the Russian Plain. The predominant smectitic phase consists of complex mixed-layered minerals (mica-smectite with high and low contents of the smectitic layers, chlorite-smectite with different ratios between the chloritic and smectitic layers) and individual smectites. Tri-and dioctahedral hydromica, kaolinite, chlorite, and clay-sized quartz are present in lower amounts. At the early stages of the experiment, the distribution of the smectitic phase in the soil profile is more contrasting than the distribution of the clay fraction. Under the impact of artificially planted meadows, forests, and agrocenoses, soil profiles with different distribution patterns of the clay fraction are formed. The weakly pronounced eluvial distribution pattern of the clay fraction has been registered. Under spruce and mixed stands, the loss of the clay fraction from the upper horizons is due to the hydrolysis of smectitic minerals in the acidified medium. Under broad-leaved stands, perennial herbs, agroecenoses, and fallow, the depletion of smectites from the upper horizons is due to lessivage. The relative accumulation of hydromica and kaolinite is observed in the uppermost soil layer.  相似文献   

The composition and the regularities of the profile distribution of the clay minerals in the solods of the Baraba Steppe (ground moistening) and the Priobskoe Plateau (atmospheric moistening) were studied. The two profiles have the distinct eluvial-illuvial distribution of the clay fraction. The composition of the clay fraction in the eluvial layer is dominated by illite. The content of chlorite and labile minerals of the montmorillonite group increases downwards in the profile. The revealed regularities in the profile distribution of the clay fraction and some groups of clay minerals are explained by the joint influence of the mineral dissolution under the influence of the gleying and alkaline hydrolysis, as well as the processes of illitization and lessivage. The major differences in the content and distribution of the clay minerals between the solods and the podzolic soils are the following. The solods have a clear illuvial layer in the clay, while the majority of podzolic soil profiles have the eluvial distribution of the silty fraction. The solods in the eluvial part of the profile and sometimes in even the bottom layers have an unusually high content of the illite minerals in the clay fraction due to illitization. The podzolic layers of the solods do not contain soil chlorites common for the eluvial layers of the podzolic soils, which is due here to a less acidic medium that can not provide the proper conditions of aluminum mobilization and migration needed for the development of chloritization.  相似文献   

The soils of montane cloud forests (MCF) are still insufficiently studied. A number of researchers report Podzols to be the main soil group for MCF ecosystems; however, a great deal of contradictory data exists. We studied an altitudinal sequence of soils formed on ferrous chlorite shale under natural MCF vegetation in Sierra Juárez, Southern Mexico, from 1500 to 2500 m asl. The soils of the upper part of the toposequence were Folic Stagnic Podzols, with inclusions of Folic Stagnosols in local depressions, while the soils of the lower part of the toposequence were Folic Cambisols (Humic, Hyperdystric). All the soils in the toposequence were extremely acid, and had thick organic surface horizon. Mineral horizons of all soils were poor both in exchangeable and total reserves of bases; the bases were concentrated mainly in organic topsoil. With decreasing altitude both the thickness of albic horizons, the depth of the maximum acid oxalate-extractable Fe and Al concentrations, and the difference in clay content between the eluvial and illuvial horizons decreased. In the upper part of the toposequence the composition of soil clays was similar to that of parent material (chlorite and mica), with some mixed-layered 2:1 minerals. However, gibbsite and kaolinite were also present in the soils of the other site within the same upper MCF belt. The phenomenon was ascribed to parent material heterogenity. In the medium and lower parts of the toposequence gibbsite and kaolinite were the dominant minerals. We consider that the main pedogenic processes in the study area are raw humus accumulation, weathering in situ, podzolization, and iron reduction due to water stagnation in mineral topsoil. The intensity of weathering decreases, while the extent of water stagnation increases with altitude. To a great extent the genesis and altitudinal distribution of the soils in the MCF depends on parent material.  相似文献   

We combine high‐resolution soil sampling with lead (Pb) analyses (concentrations and stable isotopes) in two temperate podzols, together with previous data obtained with selective Al and Fe dissolution techniques. We aim to assess how atmospheric Pb is incorporated into the soils during pedogenesis. Partial least squares modelling for Pb concentrations shows that the podzolization process has the largest effect on Pb concentration (80·3% of the variance). The proportion of inorganic secondary compounds, the input of fresh organic matter from the soil surface and the relative abundance of Fe versus Al are responsible for a small part of the Pb concentration variance. Lead isotopic composition (206Pb/207Pb ratios) depends on soil organic matter content either fresh/poorly humified (57·3% of the variance) or humified (24·7% of the variance). The Pb linked to inorganic compounds and the overall podzolization process play a minor role in isotopic signature (5·3 and 3·7% of the variance respectively). Soil pH appears to be the controlling variable of the different transport and retention mechanisms. The relatively low isotopic ratios observed in spodic horizons result from geogenic Pb released through the preferential dissolution of the isotopically distinct most weatherable minerals of the parent material in the eluvial horizons, which undergoes downward mobilization. An accurate knowledge of soil reactive components and formation mechanisms is essential to a correct diagnose of the scope of Pb pollution and a more effective design of remediation strategies. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Placic (Bsm) and spodic (Bhs) horizons are common in subalpine or alpine forest soils in Taiwan. Bsm horizons are found more usually in finer textured soils than those with Bhs horizons. To understand the different formation processes in Bsm and Bhs horizons in a humid subtropical ecosystem, we identified micro‐morphological features by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) and electron probe micro‐analysis (EPMA), and determined the physiochemical properties by chemical extractions and clay mineralogy. The study included four pedons with well‐developed Bsm horizons from our previous study and four with well‐developed Bhs horizons at other sites. Both sites were in subtropical mountain forests with similar climate, topography and general geology but over regoliths with distinctly different textures. Micro‐morphology revealed a vughy (small cavities lined with in‐washed materials) microstructure in Bsm horizons but a granular structure with bridge microstructures between coarse grains in Bhs horizons. Chemical analysis revealed more free pedogenic iron (Fed) and aluminium (Ald) in Bsm than in Bhs horizons, but more organically complexed Al (Alp) in Bhs horizons. Energy dispersive spectrometry revealed predominant Fe, oxygen (O) and carbon (C) in the matrix of the Bsm horizons, whereas Al, silicon (Si) and C were the major elements of interstitial materials in Bhs horizons. Polarizing microscopy and EPMA spectra confirmed the illuvial nature of organic Al complexes in Bhs horizons. The transformation of clay minerals showed more intense podzolization in Bhs horizons than in Bsm horizons. The different formation mechanisms in Bsm and Bhs horizons result from contrasting texture; redox processes are predominant in Bsm horizons because of the clayey texture whereas podzolization is predominant in sandy Bhs horizons.  相似文献   

Yu  Zhan  Zhang  Yangzhu  Sheng  Hao  Zhang  Liang  Zhou  Qing  Yan  Xiong 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2020,20(3):1558-1570

The aims of this study were to investigate the composition of clay minerals in soils derived from different parent materials and to elucidate how parent materials and pedogenic environment affect the distribution of clay minerals and reveal the implications for pedogenetics and taxonomy in Stagnic Anthrosols.

Materials and methods

Clay mineralogy and physicochemical properties of the Hydragric horizon of Stagnic Anthrosols derived from granite (GR), plate shale (PS), quaternary red clays (QRC), limestone (LS), purple sandy shale (PSS) and fluvial-lacustrine deposit (FLD) located in Hunan Province of China were analysed to explore the relationships between the conditions influencing the formation of the soil and the composition of clay minerals.

Results and discussion

Results indicated that the composition of clay minerals is closely related to both parent material and type of Stagnic Anthrosols: the soils derived from GR, PS and QRC, which are mostly classified as Fe-accumulic-Stagnic Anthrosols, are dominantly 1:1 type kaolinite and vermiculite and illite/vermiculite mixed layer minerals of widespread distribution. However, soils derived from LS, PSS and FLD were mainly classified as Hapli-Stagnic Anthrosols and are mainly composed of 2:1 type illite/smectite mixed layer minerals, where chlorite is commonly found. Illite is widely distributed and its content varies the least among different parent materials. An extremely significant relationship between pH and kaolinite, chlorite and mixed layer minerals was noted, and the two kinds of mixed layer minerals showed highly significant negative correlation.


This study revealed that the types and quantities of clay minerals in the soil are closely related to the types of parent material. This reflected better direction and degree of development in Stagnic Anthrosols, which is related to the physicochemical properties of parent material and can be used as one of the bases for the classification of soil groups and subgroups within the soil family for Stagnic Anthrosols in Chinese Soil Taxonomy.


This study is based on a sequence of soils on a typical slope of the Himalayas in central Nepal from 2300 m to 4000 m. Above 2300 m the land is forested and at 4000 m forest gives way to alpine meadows.The soils have developed in silty loam materials derived from weathering of micaschists. They are humic, acid and strongly desaturated. Their spatial distribution is related to the bioclimatic zonation: acid brown soils and deep humic acid soils occur in the mountain zone and podzols and brown podzolic soils in the subalpine and alpine ones.Biological activity and “maturation” of humus decrease with increasing elevation. The podzolization process dominates. There is intense weathering of ferruginous phyllosilicates in eluvial horizons and accumulation of amorphous products in B horizons.  相似文献   

Morphological, geochemical and mineralogical studies were carried out in a representative soil catena of the low‐elevation plateaux of the upper Amazon Basin to interpret the steps and mechanisms involved in the podzolization of low‐activity clay soils. The soils are derived from Palaeozoic sandstones. They consist of Hydromorphic Podzols under tree savannah in the depressions of the plateaux and predominantly of Acrisols covered by evergreen forest elsewhere. Incipient podzolization in the uppermost Acrisols is related to the formation of organic‐rich A and Bhs horizons slightly depleted in fine‐size particles by both mechanical particle transfer and weathering. Weathering of secondary minerals by organic acids and formation of organo‐metallic complexes act simultaneously over short distances. Their vertical transfer is limited. Selective dissolution of aluminous goethite, then gibbsite and finally kaolinite favour the preferential cheluviation of first Fe and secondly Al. The relatively small amount of organo‐metallic complexes produced is related to the quartzitic parent materials, and the predominance of Al over Fe in the spodic horizons is due to the importance of gibbsite in these low‐activity clay soils. Morphologically well‐expressed podzols occur in strongly iron‐depleted topsoils of the depression. Mechanical transfer and weathering of gibbsite and kaolinite by organic acids is enhanced and leads to residual accumulation of sands. Organo‐metallic complexes are translocated in strongly permeable sandy horizons and impregnate at depth the macro‐voids of embedded soil and saprolite materials to form the spodic Bs and 2BCs horizons. Mechanical transfer of black particulate organic compounds devoid of metals has occurred later within the sandy horizons of the podzols. Their vertical transfer has formed well‐differentiated A and Bh horizons. Their lateral removal by groundwater favours the development of an albic E horizon. In an open and waterlogged environment, the general trend is therefore towards the removal of all the metals that have initially accumulated as a response to the ferralitization process and have temporarily been sequestrated in organic complexes in previous stages of soil podzolization.  相似文献   


Clay minerals significantly affect the physical, chemical, and biological processes of soils. They undergo spontaneous modification and transformation depending to the climatic conditions. Information concerning the compositions and transformation of clay minerals in nanoparticle colloids (NPs) (25–100 nm) is severely lacking. Studying clay mineral transformation is important approach to understand soil formation. This study was conducted to determine the transformation sequence of clay minerals in several zonal soil NPs.

Materials and methods

Four soils (Haplustalf, Alf-1; Hapludalf, Alf-2; Hapludults, Ult-1 and Ult-2) were collected from B horizons developed under three different climatic zones of China. Alf-1 (36° 05′ N and 117° 24′ E) was located under a warm temperate zone and Alf-2 (30° 38′ N and 115° 26′ E), Ult-1 (29° 13′ N and 113° 46′ E), and Ult-2 (19° 27′ N and 109° 17′ E) under a subtropical zone. The clay particles (<?2000 nm) (CPs) and nanoparticles (25–100 nm) (NPs) of tested soils were separated. The element composition of CPs and NPs was identified by microwave digestion method. The mineralogy and chemical bonding of clay minerals were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR).

Results and discussion

With decreasing latitude, NPs and CPs showed that the molar ratio of SiO2 to Al2O3 trends to diminish, indicating the phenomenon of desilication and allitization in the tested soils. XRD analysis revealed that the main clay mineral of Alf-1 NPs was illite, followed by vermiculite, kaolinite, and kaolinite interstratified minerals (KIMs). The clay minerals of Alf-2, Ult-1, and Ult-2 NPs were dominated by kaolinite (and KIMs), followed by illite, with a little content of hydroxyl-interlayered vermiculite (HIV) in Ult-1 NPs and trace content of gibbsite in Ult-2 NPs. With decreasing latitude, vermiculite and HIV decreased in NPs. When compared to CPs, smectite as well as illite-vermiculite mix-layer mineral (I-V) and illite-HIV mix-layer mineral (I-HIV) were not detected in NPs. The analysis of d060 region by XRD showed that with decreasing latitude, the main clay minerals in NPs were dioctahedral minerals (e.g., illite or kaolinite). These clay minerals resulted from the transformation of trioctahedral minerals in CPs. The disappearance of 2:1 swelling minerals and trioctahedral minerals showed that the NPs were more susceptible to weathering than CPs.


With decreasing latitude, the transformation of clay minerals followed the sequence of illite?→?HIV?→?kaolinite?→?gibbsite in tested NPs.


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