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Fundamental knowledge about decomposition, fate of crop residue, and allocation of residue-derived carbon (C) in soil aggregates is essential to understand the C dynamics in soil. The incorporation of C derived from corn residue in water-stable aggregate fractions, particulate organic C (POC), and mineral-associated C (MAC) in soil were examined using the 13C tracer technique. Soil was treated with corn straw at the rate of 1% dry mass of soil brought to 66% of field capacity and incubated for 70 days at 25 °C. Samples were taken at 20, 35, and 70 days and analyzed for water-stable aggregates. Values for POC and MAC were analyzed for total C and 13C enrichment. The addition of corn straw caused a shift in the distribution of recoverable particles with significant decreases in <53-μm silts and clays, microaggregrates (53–250 μm), and smaller macroaggegates (250–2000 μm); however, the large macroaggegates (>2000 μm) increased significantly. Macroaggregates contained greater amount of C than microaggregates. The proportion of 13C recovered in the fractions <53 μm (silt and clay), 53–250 μm, and 250–2000 μm increased during decomposition of corn straw, whereas there was no significant change in >2000-μm fraction. Most (70–76%) of the soil organic C was affiliated with MAC (<53 μm). Carbon (13C) derived from corn straw decreased in POC but increased in MAC as decomposition proceeded. In the long term, microaggregate fraction appears to be involved in storage and stabilization of the C derived from corn straw and is important for soil quality and soil C sequestration point of view.  相似文献   

A pot culture experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of increasing levels (30.0 and 60.0 mg kg?1 soil) of chromium and lead on the yield, chemical composition of essential oil, and phytoaccumulation of heavy metals of three mint species (Mentha arvensis, M. piperita, and M. citrata). The fresh herbage yield of M. arvensis was not significantly affected by the application of chromium and lead, but its essential oil yield was significantly decreased by the application of chromium and lead as compared to the control. The fresh herbage, root yield, and essential oil yield of M. piperita were significantly increased and those of M. citrata were decreased by the increase in the levels of chromium and lead applications. The levels of α-pinene, β-pinene, sabinene, β-myrcene, limonene, menthone, and isomenthone in M. arvensis and M. piperita oil and of sabinene, pinene, and linalyl acetate in M. citrata oil were considerably affected by the application of chromium and lead to soils as compared to control plants. The concentrations of chromium in shoots and roots of mint species significantly increased as the levels of chromium in soil increased. The increases in the levels of lead in soil enhanced the concentrations of lead in the shoots and roots of mint species as compared to the control. The accumulations of chromium and lead were greater in the roots than in the shoots in all the three species of mint. Mentha piperita was found to be the most suitable crop for cultivation in the chromium- and lead-contaminated soils, followed by M. arvensis and M. citrata.  相似文献   

Aluminum concentrations in organoaluminum complexes, mineral polymers, Al(H2O) 6 3+ , Al(OH)(H2O) 5 2+ , Al(OH)2(H2O) 4 + , AlH3SiO 4 2+ , and Al(OH)3(H2O) 3 0 extracted with 0.001 M CaCl2 from the main genetic horizons of a podzolic soil on two-layered deposits were determined experimentally and calculated from thermodynamic equations. It was found that aluminum bound in organic complexes was predominant in extracts from the AE horizon, and mineral polymer aluminum compounds prevailed in extracts from the E and IIBD horizons. In the AE horizon, organoaluminum compounds were a major source of aluminum, which passed into solution predominantly by exchange reactions. In the E horizon, aluminum hydroxide interlayers in soil chlorites were the main source of aluminum, which passed into solution by dissolution reactions. In extracts from the IIBD horizon, aluminum was solubilized by the dissolution of aluminosilicates inherited from the parent rock.  相似文献   


Loss‐on‐ignition (LOI) and concentration of organic carbon (Cc) were determined on pristine forest soils and soils from afforested arable fields. The objectives were to investigate the relation between the Cc of soil estimated indirectly from LOI and true Cc from dry combustion (CLECO) and further to evaluate how the applied analytical method affects the carbon pool estimates. According to results, LOI was a good indicator of Cc in the organic layer. As regards mineral soil, however, CLECO/LOI ratio significantly decreased with increasing depth, and the ratio changed differently in soils underlying forest sites as opposed to the soils from former fields. The results indicate that estimation of carbon pools from conversion factors would lead to considerable bias and that direct measurement of Cc is preferable to the use of any Cc/LOI ratio. The results also emphasize the need for elimination of carbonate carbon when measuring Cc from the soil of arable fields.  相似文献   

Limited research has been conducted on how atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) affects water and soil nitrogen (N) transformation in wetland ecosystems. A stable isotope technique is suitable for conducting a detailed investigation of mechanistic nutrient transformations. Nutrient ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4 input in culture water under elevated CO2 (700 μL L?1) and ambient CO2 (380 μL L?1) was studied to analyze N transformations with N blanks for both water and soil. It was measured by 15N pool dilution using analytical equations in a riparian wetland during a 3-month period. Soil gross ammonium (NH4 +) mineralization and consumption rates increased significantly by 22% and 404%, Whereas those of water decreased greatly by??57% and??57% respectively in enriched CO2. In contrast, gross nitrate (NO3 ?) consumption and nitrification rates of soil decreased by??11% and??14% and those of water increased by 29% and 27% respectively in enrichment CO2. These may be due to the extremely high soil microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN), which increased by 94% in elevated soil. The results can show when CO2 concentrations are going to rise in the future. Consequently soil microbial activity initiates the decreased N concentration in sediment and increased N concentration in overlying water in riparian wetland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Crop species and their varieties vary in phosphorus (P) requirements for optimum production and response to P application. As crop recovery of added P often ranges from 10 to 40%, the rest accumulates in soil and may create potential for P leaching, depending upon the soil characteristics, duration of P applications, and cropping systems. Accumulation and distribution of Olsen P (plant-available labile P), total inorganic P, and total organic P were investigated in soil profiles of three field experiments differing in rate (9–44 kg P ha–1), frequency (applied once or twice annually), and duration (4–34 years) of fertilizer P applications, crop rotations, soil characteristics, and irrigation pattern (upland irrigated and flooded-rice crop) in a subtropical region. Profile samples were collected from soil depths of 0–15, 15–30, 30–60, 60–90, 90–120, and 120–150 cm of different treatments in these experiments and analyzed for different forms of P and soil characteristics. The results revealed that (i) annual applications of fertilizer P either to one crop (alternative-applied P) or to both crops (cumulative) led to the accumulation of residual fertilizer P in the form of Olsen P, varying from 44 to 148 kg P ha–1, and the magnitude of accumulation was proportional to applied fertilizer P rate, frequency, and duration; (ii) majority of residual fertilizer P accumulated as inorganic P (74–89%) followed by organic P (11–26%) and Olsen P (9–19%), illustrating that the inorganic P pool is a major sink for fertilizer P; (iii) application of fertilizer nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) alone or in combination with fertilizer P did not affect residual fertilizer P accumulation in soil profile; (iv) incorporation of farmyard manure enhanced the P enrichment of soil profile; (v) irrigation pattern, soil pH (7.1–7.7), and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) (trace–0.33%) did not influence P movement to deeper soil layers; silt, clay, and soil organic C (SOC) showed strong relationships with Olsen P (r = 0.827, 0.938, and 0.464, P < 0.01) and enhanced the retention of labile P in the plow layer; and (vi) only 6–29% total residual P moved beyond 30 cm deep in fine-textured soils under 22-year rice (Oryza sativa L.)–wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and 34-year maize (Zea maize L.)–wheat rotations, whereas 41, 27, 20, 9, and 3% were located in soil layers 0–30, 30–60, 60–90, 90–120, and 120–150 cm deep, respectively, in coarse-textured soil profile under 4-year peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)–sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) field. These findings confirmed that interplay between the fertilizer P management (alternative vis-à-vis cumulative P application and optimal vis-à-vis excessive rates of fertilizer P in different crop rotations), amount of labile P accumulated in soil profile, and soil characteristics (silt, clay, and SOC) largely controlled the downward movement and resultant potential for P leaching in subtropical irrigated soils.  相似文献   

Phosphorus in soils is found to be present in organic combinations, inorganic form or in adsorted form on clay complex. Different forms of soil phosphorus have different solubilities and consequent availability in soils. A knowledge about the content and types of soil phosphorus enables one to understand the organic behaviour and predict the response of added phosphatic material to crops (Parker 1953). The form in which phosphorus is present in soil is directly related to pH and CaCO3 in the soil as well as the intensity of the development of the soil. Williams (1950) has found that in calcareous soils of South Australja most of the phosphorus was in combination with calcium, whereas in acid soils it forms compounds with alumina and iron. Hibbard (1931) concluded that in alkaline and calcareous soils, phosphorus exists mostly in the form of hydroxyapatite, chloroapatite, and the like. Kanwar and Grewal (1959) studied fractionation of phosphorus in Punjab soils and reported that differences in the nature and amounts of the phosphorus present in acid and alkaline soils of the State explain the causes of different phosphatic fertilizer responses to the crops. A similar report has been given by Goel and Agarwal (1959) who studied the fractionation of phosphorus in Kanpur soils and concluded that the mature soils are rich in iron and aluminium bound phosphorus and respond better to phosphatic fertilizer than the immature soils rich in Ca2+ and Mg2+ bound phosphorus. Chai Moo Cnoo and Caldwell (1959) reported that Fe3+ and Al3+ bound phosphorus was abundant in acid soils while Ca2+ and Mg2+ bound phosphorus content in alkaline soils, and organic phosphorus agreed, in general, with the content of organic matter, with some deviations.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated atmospheric SO 4 2? deposition on S cycling in forest soils were assessed in an irrigation experiment using stable S isotopes. Over a period of 20 months, core lysimeters of five acidic forest soils from Southern Germany with different parent material and pedogenesis were irrigated with solutions chemically similar to canopy throughfall. Sulfate deposition in three experimental variants corresponded to 23, 42 and 87 kg S ha?1 yr?1. The SO 4 2? used for irrigation had aδ 34S ratio of +28.0‰ CDT (Canon Diablo Troilite standard), differing by more than +25‰ from natural and anthropogenic S in Southern Germany. A combination of chemical and isotopic analyses of soil and seepage water samples was used to elucidate the fluxes and transformations of simulated wet SO 4 2? deposition in each soil core. Retention of experimentally deposited S ranged from 57±5% in coarse-grained soils low in sesquioxides and clay, to 80±8% in loamy soils with high sesquioxide content. The sesquioxide content proved to be the major factor governing S retention. The ratio of S retained as inorganic SO 4 2? (mainly by adsorption) to that incorporated into organic compounds (presumably by microbial synthesis) ranged from 2 to 4. For the organic S pool, the amount of S retained as C-bonded S exceeded by far that immobilized as ester sulfate in four of the five soils. Application of34S-enriched SO 4 2? appears to be a suitable experimental tool to assess fluxes and transformations of deposited S in forest soils, if aerobic conditions are maintained. In contrast to radioactive S tracers, the concept should be applicable not only in laboratory and lysimeter experiments, but also in long term studies of whole forest ecosystems (e.g., experimental watersheds).  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) dynamics and availability in soils are influenced by P fertilization. This paper aimed to evaluate inorganic P fractions bonded to calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), and aluminum (Al), associating them with soil mineralogy. The experiment was carried out using an acidic kaolinitic–oxidic soil, located in an irrigated area cultivated with coffee plants (Coffee arabica L.), submitted to successive annual fertilizations with triple superphosphate doses of 0, 50, 100 200, and 400 kg ha?1 phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) in randomized blocks with three replications. Phosphorus fractions were determined in soil samples collected at two depths, 0–10 and 10–20 cm, according to the methodology used by Chang and Jackson (1957 Chang, S. C. and Jackson, M. L. 1957. Fractionation of soil phosphorus. Soil Science, 84: 133144. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]). The inorganic P fractions presented the following sequence: P-Al > P-Fe > P-Ca. The dynamics of forms of inorganic P showed that P-Al is controlling the P bioavailability as a result of an acidic pH and a very simple and thermodynamically stable clay mineralogy, typical of very weathered and old tropical soils.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of lead (Pb) form (free or complexed) and type and concentration of chelants [citric acid and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)] on the growth and ability of wheat to accumulate Pb. Wheat variety Auqab-2000 was exposed to four levels of EDTA and citric acid (0, 500, 1000, and 1500 μM) in the presence of Pb (1000 μM). Both the free Pb (1000 μM) and high concentration (1500 μM) of EDTA and citric acid reduced the plant biomass. Without the addition of chelants, only a little Pb was accumulated by wheat shoots. This demonstrates that organic acids used in enhanced phytoextraction applications do not merely serve to increase metal mobility and plant availability but also can help to increase translocation rates of metals absorbed by the plant roots. Greater translocation of Pb from roots to shoots was observed with EDTA than that with citric acid.  相似文献   

Abstract: A laboratory experiment involving the use of leaching columns reproducing the topmost portion of a Hyperdystric Acrisol (FAO 1998 FAO. 1998. World reference base for soil resources, Rome: FAO, ISRIC, and ISSS. (World Soil Resources Report No. 84) [Google Scholar]) or plinthic Palexerult (Soil Survey Staff 2003 Soil Survey Staff. 2003. Soil taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. (Agriculture Handbook No. 436) [Google Scholar]) treated in its Ap horizon with sugar foam wastes and phosphogypsum was conducted. The amendments increased the contents in exchangeable calcium (Ca) of the Ap horizon and, to a lesser extent, also that of the AB horizon. However, the contents in exchangeable magnesium (Mg) and sodium (Na) decreased as much in Ap as they did in AB; by contrast, the potassium (K) content exhibited a less marked decrease. The potassium chloride (KCl)–extractable aluminium (Al) of the Ap horizon was dramatically decreased much more than that of the AB horizon by the amendments. In the soil solution from Ap, the amendments raised the pH and decreased the Al concentration; in that from AB, however, they caused an initial pH decrease, a tendency that reversed as the gypsum was leached and eventually led to the pH exceeding that in the soil solution from control. The first few water extractions exhibited increased Mg concentration. This trend was reversed in the second leaching cycle, where the concentrations of Mg in the amended columns were lower than those in the controls. In the soil solution, the variation of the Ca and sulphate (SO4 2–) concentrations was influenced by the salt‐sorption effect. The total Al content in soil solution from AB increased during the first leaching cycle and then decreased during the second. The amendments decreased the activities of Al3+, AlOH+2, and Al(OH)2 + in the Ap horizon and increased those of Al3+, AlSO4 +, Al(SO4)2 ?, and AlF+2 in the first leaching cycle in the AB horizon. The productivity of the Ap horizon after the treatments was assessed using a wheat crop (T. aestivum, var. ‘Jabato’) in a greenhouse.  相似文献   

The fluxes of N–NO 3 ? , N–NH 4 + , S–SO 4 2? , Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ from bulk precipitation to throughfall, stemflow and soil water surface flows were studied during 1999–2003 in planted Norway spruce forest stands of different ages (11, 24, 91 and 116 years in 1999). Also, runoff from the corresponding Potok Dupniański Catchment in the Silesian Beskid Mts was studied. N deposition was above the critical load for coniferous trees. The interception increased with stand age as well as leaf area index and so did the leaching from the canopy of almost all the analysed elements, but especially S–SO 4 2? , H+ and K+. The nutrient fluxes varied with age of the spruce stands. Throughfall showed a high amount of S and of the strong acids (S–SO 4 2? and N–NO 3 ? ) deposited to the soil, especially in older spruce age classes. Decomposition of organic matter caused a rise in water acidity and an increase in the concentrations of all the analysed ions; the leaching of minerals, however, was low (under 1%). The horizontal soil water flow showed an increase in the amount of water and amount of ions and contributed to a further decrease of pH at the soil depth of 20 cm. Element concentrations and their amounts increased with water penetrating vertically and horizontally on the slopes. Considerable amounts of ions, especially S and alkaline cations, were carried beyond the reach of the root system and then left the catchment. In the long term, these mineral losses will adversely affect health and growth of the spruce stands, and the increased acidity with stand age will presumably have negative effects on the runoff water ecosystem.  相似文献   



Input of N as NH4 + is known to stimulate nitrification and to enhance the risk of N losses through NO3 ? leaching in humid subtropical soils. However, the mechanisms responsible for this stimulation effect have not been fully addressed.

Materials and methods

In this study, an acid subtropical forest soil amended with urea at rates of 0, 20, 50, 100 mg N kg?1 was pre-incubated at 25 °C and 60 % water-holding capacity (WHC) for 60 days. Gross N transformation rates were then measured using a 15N tracing methodology.

Results and discussion

Gross rates of mineralization and nitrification of NH4 +-N increased (P?<?0.05), while gross rate of NO3 ? immobilization significantly decreased with increasing N input rates (P?<?0.001). A significant relationship was established between the gross nitrification rate of NH4 + and the gross mineralization rate (R 2?=?0.991, P?<?0.01), so was between net nitrification rate of NH4 + and the net mineralization rate (R 2?=?0.973, P?<?0.05).


Stimulation effect of N input on the gross rate of nitrification of NH4 +-N in the acid soil, partially, resulted from stimulation effect of N input on organic N mineralization, which provides pH-favorable microsites for the nitrification of NH4 + in acid soils (De Boer et al., Soil Biol Biochem 20:845–850, 1988; Prosser, Advan Microb Physiol 30:125–181, 1989). The stimulated gross nitrification rate with the decreased gross NO3 ? immobilization rate under the elevated N inputs could lead to accumulation of NO3 ? and to enhance the risk of NO3 ? loss from humid forest soils.



In summer 2007, biweekly benthic fluxes of the biogenic elements carbon (C), nitrogen (N), silicon (Si), and phosphorus (P) were studied in the Se?ovlje saltern (salt-making facility) in the northern Adriatic Sea, Slovenia in order to determine the impact of stromatolite (??petola??) on the geochemical properties of saltern sediments.

Materials and methods

The brine and pore waters were analyzed for salinity, NH 4 + , NO 3 ? , PO 4 3? , SiO 4 4? , total dissolved nitrogen, total dissolved phosphorus, and fluorescent dissolved organic matter. The sediment was analyzed for organic carbon (OC), total nitrogen (TN), total and organic phosphorus (OP), and biogenic Si concentrations, as well as values of ?? 13COC and ?? 15NTN.

Results and discussion

Nutrient concentrations in brine water increased along the salinity gradient due to different processes, such as the evaporative concentrations of seawater, bacterial activity, more pronounced transformation and degradation of organic matter, and regeneration of nutrients. The petola from the Se?ovlje saltern, which is predominately composed of cyanobacterial and diatom communities, develops during the early evaporation stage and survives during high salinity and halite crystallization. Nitrogen fixation and P removal were the principal biogeochemical processes controlling dissolved inorganic N and P concentrations. At higher salinities, N limitation was more important. Microbes decomposed at higher salinities, and the remineralized N and P nutrients were released from surface pore waters to the brine. OP remineralization was also an important process influencing the distribution of PO 4 3? concentrations in pore waters deeper in the sediments. The increasing SiO 4 4? concentrations with increasing salinity in the brine waters were due to dissolution of diatom frustules, while the decrease in pore water SiO 4 4? was probably the consequence of microbial uptake.


This study provides a better understanding of nutrient cycling and the geochemical processes in the Se?ovlje saltern.  相似文献   



Soil carbon dynamics were studied at four different forest stands developed on bedrocks with contrasting geology in Slovenia: one plot on magmatic granodiorite bedrock (IG), two plots on carbonate bedrock in the karstic-dinaric area (CC and CD), and one situated on Pleistocene coalluvial terraces (FGS).

Materials and methods

Throughfall (TF) and soil water were collected monthly at each location from June to November during 2005–2007. In soil water, the following parameters were determined: T, pH, total alkalinity, concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and Cl? as well as δ13CDIC. On the other hand, in TF, only the Cl? content was measured. Soil and plant samples were also collected at forest stands, and stable isotope measurements were performed in soil and plant organic carbon and total nitrogen and in carbonate rocks. The obtained data were used to calculate the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and DOC fluxes. Statistic analyses were carried out to compare sites of different lithologies, at different spatial and temporal scales.

Results and discussion

Decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) controlled by the climate can explain the 13C and 15?N enrichment in SOM at CC, CD, and FGS, while the soil microbial biomass makes an important contribution to the SOM at IG. The loss of DOC at a soil depth of 5 cm was estimated at 1 mol m?2 year?1 and shows no significant differences among the study sites. The DOC fluxes were mainly controlled by physical factors, most notably sorption dynamics, and microbial–DOC relationships. The pH and pCO2 of the soil solution controlled the DIC fluxes according to carbonate equilibrium reactions. An increased exchange between DIC and atmospheric air was observed for samples from non-carbonate subsoils (IG and FGS). In addition, higher δ13CDIC values up to ?19.4?‰ in the shallow soil water were recorded during the summer as a consequence of isotopic fractionation induced by molecular diffusion of soil CO2. The δ13CDIC values also suggest that half of the DIC derives from soil CO2 indicating that 2 to 5 mol m?2 year?1 of carbon is lost in the form of dissolved inorganic carbon at CC and CD after carbonate dissolution.


Major difference in soil carbon dynamics between the four forest ecosystems is a result of the combined influence of bedrock geology, soil texture, and the sources of SOM. Water flux was a critical parameter in quantifying carbon depletion rates in dissolved organic and inorganic carbon forms.

A modeling study on fertilizer by-products fate and transport was performed in an unconfined shallow aquifer equipped with a grid of 13 piezometers. The field site was located in a former agricultural field overlying a river paleochannel near Ferrara (Northern Italy), cultivated with cereals rotation until 2004 and then converted to park. Piezometers were installed in June 2007 and were monitored until June 2009 via pressure transducer data loggers to evaluate the temporal and spatial variation of groundwater heads, while an onsite meteorological station provided data for recharge rate calculations via unsaturated zone modeling. The groundwater composition in June 2007 exhibited elevated nitrate (NO 3 ? ) and chloride (Cl?) concentrations due to fertilizer leaching from the top soil. The spatial distribution of NO 3 ? and Cl? was heterogeneous and the concentration decreased during the monitoring period, with NO 3 ? attenuation (below 10?mg/l) after 650?days. A transient groundwater flow and contaminant transport model was calibrated versus observed heads and NO 3 ? and Cl? concentrations. Cl? was used as environmental tracer to quantify groundwater flow velocity and it was simulated as a conservative species. NO 3 ? was treated as a reactive species and denitrification was simulated with a first order degradation rate constant. Model calibration gave a low denitrification rate (2.5e?3 mg-NO 3 ? /l/d) likely because of prevailing oxic conditions and low concentration of dissolved organic carbon. Scenario modeling was implemented with steady state and variable flow time discretization to identify the mechanism of NO 3 ? attenuation. It was shown that transient piezometric conditions did not exert a strong control on NO 3 ? clean up time, while transient recharge rate did, because it is the main source of unpolluted water in the domain.  相似文献   



Forest soil respiration is an important component of global carbon budgets, but its spatial variation is inadequately understood. This research aimed to measure soil respiration (R s), soil water content (M s-5), soil temperature (T), and carbon dioxide (M co2) in a coastal protection forest (CPF), which is one kind of man-made forests designed for coastal protection primarily along the coast in China, to determine the relationships among them, and to analyze their spatial distributions in a small scale.

Materials and methods

We measured R s, M s-5, T, and M co2 of 100 plots in an approximately flat grid (totally 4 hm2) by LI-8100A in a Casuarina equisetifolia L. forest on a state-owned forest farm of 326 hm2 in SE China. Traditional statistics and geo-statistics including semivariance, Moran’s I index, and fractal dimension were used to analyze data.

Results and discussion

Key findings were that (1) the spatial mean of R s, M s-5, T, and M co2 were 1.194 μmol m?2 s?1, 11.387 mmol mol?1, 14.153 °C, and 407.716 ppm, respectively, in the forest; (2) the relationship between soil respiration and the other three factors was weak, while M s-5, T, and M co2 have strong relationships with each other; and (3) the four factors, especially soil respiration, had strong autocorrelation within given limits and showed great heterogeneity with 95 % confidence intervals around the means in the study area, all of which can provide important value for the study of carbon cycling and for the sustainable management of coastal protection forests.


According to geo-statistical analysis and field investigations, soil respiration in the coastal forest is less than in some broad-leaf forests but higher than in some conifers. Strong heterogeneity and autocorrelation are clear; however, its relation with other three factors is weak. CPF is a considerable potential forest for carbon conservation if it is well managed.



Hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii) is a nitrogen (N)-demanding native Australian softwood plantation species. Litter quality and its effects on soil mineral N and 15N transformations have not been well studied in the hoop pine plantation and adjacent native forest. The present study was conducted to determine the impact of 15N injection depth and litter additions on the dynamics and fate of mineral 15N and also to compare the difference in litter quality, 15N dynamics, and fate between the hoop pine plantation (HP) and the adjacent native forest (NF).

Materials and methods

The experiments were done in the Yarraman State Forest (26°52′ S, 151°51′ E), southeastern Queensland. Materials of litter addition were prepared on the basis of ten random samples of litters taken from the NF and HP sites using a 1?×?1-m quadrat. Litter additions were defined as: SL represented the average condition of forest floor in the forest ecosystems and DL represented the double average amount of litters in the forest ecosystem. Experiment 1 covered 2 forest types (NF and HP)?×?3 litter rates (nil litter, SL, and DL)?×?3 15N injection depths (0, 2.5, and 5.0 cm). Experiment 2 included 2 forest types (NF and HP)?×?2 litter rates (nil litter and SL)?×?3 injection depths (0, 2.5, and 5.0 cm) of distilled water. The in situ core incubation method was used with an incubation period of 28 days. The isotope ratio of mineral N or/and total N (soil and litter) were analyzed using an isotope ratio mass spectrometer with a Eurovector elemental analyzer (Isoprime-EuroEA 3000).


Total N and δ 15N were significantly higher, and C/N ratios and δ 13C were significantly lower in the NF litters than in the HP litters. The NF litters had significantly lower total 15N and total 15N recovery than the HP litters after 15N addition. Litter addition had no significant effect on mineral 15N transformations and δ 15N in the NF soil, but decreased 15NO 3 ? –N, mineral 15N, and δ 15N and increased immobilized 15N in the HP soil. The depth of added 15NH 4 + significantly altered total 15N, δ 15N, and total 15N recovery in the litters, whereas it did not influence 15NH 4 + –N, 15NO 3 ? –N, mineral 15N, or immobilized 15N in soils in the two forest ecosystems.


The NF litters had significantly higher δ 15N than the HP litters, indicating that the NF soil had a higher rate of nitrification than the HP soil. Higher litter quality in the NF was an important driving force for N cycling to promote strong N dynamics in the NF soil over the HP soil. The HP litters had significantly higher total 15N than the NF litters after 15N addition, implying that soil mineral N was relatively deficient in the HP in comparison with the NF. Litters decreased nitrification and increased immobilization in the HP soil, showing forest litters resulted in more N immobilization to prevent the loss of substantial quantities of NO 3 ? through leaching or denitrification. The depth of 15N injection did not significantly alter concentrations of 15NH 4 + –N, 15NO 3 ? –N, mineral 15N, and immobilized 15N in the NF and HP soils, suggesting that the depth of 15N injection had no significant influence on the evaluation of soil N transformations.


The NF litters had significantly higher total N and δ 15N and lower C/N ratios and δ 13C than the HP litters. Mineral N was relatively insufficient in the HP soil relative to the NF soil. The HP litters facilitated more N immobilization in the soil to reduce the loss of substantial quantities of NO 3 ? through leaching or denitrification. The depth of 15N added did not significantly alter concentrations of 15NH 4 + –N, 15NO 3 ? –N, mineral 15N, and immobilized 15N in the NF and HP soils. The application of 15N solution by uniform sprinkling onto the soil surface can be used to study in situ field N (including mineral 15N) transformations in the 10-cm depth soils of both forest ecosystems.  相似文献   



Nitrate (NO 3 ? ) is often considered to be removed mainly through microbial respiratory denitrification coupled with carbon oxidation. Alternatively, NO 3 ? may be reduced by chemolithoautotrophic bacteria using sulfide as an electron donor. The aim of this study was to quantify the NO 3 ? reduction process with sulfide oxidation under different NO 3 ? input concentrations in river sediment.

Materials and methods

Under NO 3 ? input concentrations of 0.2 to 30?mM, flow-through reactors filled with river sediment from the Pearl River, China, were used to measure the processes of potential NO 3 ? reduction and sulfate (SO 4 2? ) production. Molecular biology analyses were conducted to study the microbial mechanisms involved.

Results and discussion

Simultaneous NO3 ? removal and SO4 2? production were observed with the different NO 3 ? concentrations in the sediment samples collected at different depths. Potentially, NO 3 ? removal reached 72 to 91?% and SO 4 2? production rates ranged from 0.196 to 0.903?mM?h?1. The potential NO 3 ? removal rates were linearly correlated to the NO 3 ? input concentrations. While the SO 4 2? production process became stable, the NO 3 ? reduction process was still a first-order reaction within the range of NO 3 ? input concentrations. With low NO 3 ? input concentrations, the NO 3 ? removal was mainly through the pathway of dissimilatory NO 3 ? reduction to NH 4 + , while with higher NO 3 ? concentrations the NO 3 ? removal was through the denitrification pathway.


While most of NO 3 ? in the sediment was reduced by denitrifying heterotrophs, sulfide-driven NO 3 ? reduction accounted for up to 26?% of the total NO 3 ? removal under lower NO 3 ? concentrations. The vertical distributions of NO 3 ? reduction and SO 4 2? production processes were different because of the variable bacterial communities with depth.  相似文献   

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