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To support investigations of flood tolerance occurring at a field‐based research facility, changes in soil volumetric water content, temperature, redox potential, dissolved oxygen content, and pH over the course of flood events were monitored. Electronic sensors connected to dataloggers for continuous monitoring of these parameters were installed, and soil redox potential and pH were also monitored manually for comparison. Soil volumetric water content showed that soils became saturated quickly following inundation. Soil redox potentials revealed a reduction of the soil with inundation; however, stagnant water treatments did not result in lower redox potentials than flowing water treatments. Similarly, dissolved oxygen content was not lower in the stagnant water treatment. The automated and manual systems detected similar trends in redox potential response to flooding; however, redox potentials measured manually were generally higher and significantly different from those obtained with the automated system. Anomalous readings were detected with the automated measurement of soil pH, indicating further need for improvement of this system.  相似文献   

西南喀斯特地区典型土壤碳通量原位监测的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究西南喀斯特地区典型土壤碳通量特征,以不同植被类型和不同土石界面为研究对象,原位测定3种土壤(红壤、棕色石灰土和黑色石灰土)2个界面(土面、土石面)的乔木林地和灌丛的土壤碳通量,并用土壤碳通量的日变化和季变化指示土壤有机碳转化过程.结果表明,在雨季各土壤碳通量均高于旱季.棕色石灰土在2种植被类型条件下均没有红壤土壤碳通量稳定,受湿度影响大于红壤.黑色石灰土中,灌丛的土石面土壤碳通量与土面差异小于乔木林地,乔木林地中土面土壤碳通量显著大于土石面,土面在7月出现最高值(3.0μmol m2/s),土石面在6月出现最高值(1.5μmol m2/s);灌丛土面土壤碳通量最高值出现在7月(3.0μmol m2/s),土石面6月出现最高值(1.9 μmol m2/s).喀斯特地区土壤碳通量的变化因土壤类型不同而存在差异,土面和土石面的喀斯特土壤碳通量差异受气候、季节和植被的影响较大.  相似文献   

Effects of different kinds of anion exchange membrane (AEM) on soil P extracted by AEM (AEM P) were investigated in three soils (Cumulic Andosol, Yellow soil, and Gray Lowland soil). There was no significant difference in AEM P among the AEMs tested (BDH-Prolabo 551642S, AGC Engineering Selemion AMT, and AGC Engineering Selemion AMV). The AEM P was greater than water-soluble P in all soils. Although AEM P was greater than Truog-extractable P in Cumulic Andosol, the reverse was true in the Yellow soil and Gray Lowland soil.  相似文献   

本文通过相关分析和通径分析研究了无机磷各组分间的转化关系及其对有效磷的影响 ,结果表明 :苏打碱土的Ca2 -P、Ca8-P、Al-P和Fe -P对有效磷贡献量较大 ,O -P对有效磷表现为负贡献 ,Ca10 -P对有效磷几乎无影响。草甸碱土的Ca2 -P和Fe -P主要通过直接作用影响有效磷 ,Ca8-P和Al -P主要通过间接作用影响有效磷 ;碱化草甸土的Ca2 -P对有效磷的影响主要表现为直接作用 ,Ca8-P、Al-P和Fe -P对有效磷的影响主要表现为间接作用。在苏打盐渍土的磷素循环系统中 ,无机磷各形态间存在一定的转化关系 ,Ca2 -P、Ca8-P和Al-P易于相互转化 ,Fe -P和O -P易于相互转化  相似文献   

土壤磷向地表径流迁移的提取系数研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农田土壤磷随降雨径流进入地表水体是水环境富营养化的主要污染源。通过天然降雨径流小区,动态监测溶解态磷在降雨径流-土壤系统中的迁移,研究坡耕地表层土壤水浸提磷(WEP)和降雨径流溶解态磷(DTP)之间的关系。应用SPSS统计软件线性回归土壤WEP和径流DTP关系,拟合方程,y=0.281x-0.179(R=0.943)。方程斜率表示降雨径流溶解态总磷浓度对土壤不稳定磷浓度的提取系数。经最小二乘法线性回归检验,该模型拟合优度较高,整体性显著。土壤磷提取系数方程可实现磷素从农业营养元素向水环境污染因子内涵的转换,为农业非点源污染防治和水环境保护规划提供了一种估算农业非点源磷素污染潜在负荷的简单有效工具。  相似文献   

In the present work, an ultrasoundic procedure for the extraction of phosphorus (P) available in soil is described. The proposed method is based on extraction by 0.5 M sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), following with sonication under different conditions. Phosphorus was determined by the Murphy and Riley method. Sonication time and soil–extractant relative quantities were optimized. A statistical analysis approach was used to find suitable conditions for the ultrasoundic extraction. The main advantages of the sonication method are the reduced times of extractions, which take 10 min in contrast to the 30 min required by a shaking method, and the possibility to reduce soil and extractant quantities from 5 g–100 mL to 2 g–40 mL. Performance of the method was evaluated, and the procedure was utilized to analyze soils from Santiago del Estero, Argentina.  相似文献   

石灰性土壤磷素的化学活化途径探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
用草酸、草酸钠、柠檬酸和柠檬酸钠作为活化剂,加人不同含磷水平土壤中,通过室内培养试验和分析,结果表明:(1)0.1M草酸和0.1M柠檬酸都有一定的活化土壤磷素的作用,草酸作用最为显著。而相同浓度的草酸钠和柠檬酸钠未显示对土壤磷素的活化效果。(2)对土壤磷素的活化作用,草酸随其浓度的增加而增强,而柠檬酸活化土壤磷的能力有限。(3)柠檬酸在加人的6h之内,对活化土壤速效磷作用明显;而草酸在加人的48h之内,对活化土壤速效磷有十分显著的作用。无论是柠檬酸还是草酸,在其对土壤速效磷发挥活化作用期间,均随加人时间的延长而减弱。  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is both a macronutrient for plants and an effective amendment to reduce lead (Pb) toxicity in soil. Thus, in Pb-polluted soil with low P availability, P will act as a nutrient as well as a Pb-immobilizing agent. However, this has not been fully investigated. A soil with 2.50 mg kg?1 Olsen P was spiked with soluble Pb and then amended with superphosphate to examine the effect of P on soil Pb availability and ryegrass (Lolium perenne L. cv. Aubisque) growth. It was found that P/Pb = 2 increased ryegrass yield by 804% and decreased root Pb concentration and soil diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable Pb concentration by 25.6% and 1.0%, respectively. As P amendment increased to P/Pb = 4, both plant yield and root Pb concentration declined compared with P/Pb = 2. Results of the sequential extraction indicated that the proportion of carbonate phase Pb decreased, while that of the manganese oxide phase increased as P was added. The proportion of residual Pb was little affected by the amendment. The results suggest that in soils with low P availability and high Pb availability, availability of soil Pb and root concentration of Pb are less affected, whereas the toxicity of Pb is greatly depressed by the P amendment; P/Pb = 2 is high enough to alleviate the stresses of low P availability.  相似文献   


Porous plates or cups are commonly used to collect soil solution samples in field studies or from intact soil columns. Some commonly used materials for porous plates may adsorb soil solution constituents such as phosphorus (P). An alternative to using a porous plate is to use a membrane filter with a known pore size and bubble point. The objective of this study was to evaluate the utility of polyethersulfone membranes (pore size 0.45 µm and bubble point >200 kPa) to extract soil solution from in situ soils and intact soil columns for phosphate analysis. In situ soil solution samplers were constructed from modified reusable polysulfone membrane filter holders equipped with polyethersulfone membranes (47 mm diameter). A ?10 kPa vacuum was maintained in the samplers, which enabled soil solution collection at soil water potentials of 0 to ?4 kPa in loamy sand, 0 to ?10 kPa in sandy loam, and 0 to ?12 kPa in sandy clay loam soils. In a laboratory study, soil solution samplers continued to hold a vacuum to ?77 kPa soil water potential. Soil solution samplers were further evaluated in a field study at 45‐, 90‐, and 135‐cm depths in two soils. Samplers operated with relatively few difficulties for the first 12 months of field evaluation. Membranes apparently dried during periods of low soil water potential but increases in soil moisture were sufficient to rewet the membrane. Sampler failures in the field increased during 13–18 months because aged vacuum tubing and root interferences with samplers at 45 cm. Improvements in sampler design may improve the durability for implementation in long‐term field experiments. Membrane filters worked near flawlessly to maintain unsaturated conditions in intact soil columns. The filter units facilitated easy collection of soil water from the intact soil columns without altering the chemical composition of the percolate.  相似文献   

Changes in land use alter the natural cycling of phosphorus (P) in soil. Understanding the chemical nature of these changes is important when developing sustainable management practices for cultivated soils. In this study, we evaluated the ability of commonly used laboratory methods to characterize land use–induced changes in various P pools. Also, the characteristics of soil P revealed by different methods are discussed. Soil samples were taken from three differently managed field plots of the same clay soil: uncultivated grassland and organic and conventional crop rotations. Soil P reserves were characterized using Chang and Jackson and Hedley sequential fractionation procedures and by sodium hydroxide (NaOH)–ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) extraction followed by 31P NMR spectroscopy. Both of the tested fractionation methods identified differences in the P pools and provided evidence regarding land use–induced changes. However, the 31P NMR analysis suggests that the quality of organic P in this soil was not affected by the change in land use.  相似文献   

不同浓度螯合剂和浸提时间对土壤磷素提取效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为确定螯合剂活化土壤磷素的最佳浓度和最优浸提时间,参考水肥一体化技术,在室内浸提条件下,研究了不同浓度(0,0.05,0.1,0.25,0.5,1.0g/L)乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)和柠檬酸螯合剂(pH=4)在不同浸提时间(1,12,24,48,72h)下对粮田、菜田土壤和有效磷被钝化后菜田土壤中磷素提取效果。结果表明:EDTA和柠檬酸在粮田土壤上对磷素提取中最佳条件为螯合剂浓度0.05g/L,浸提时间12h。EDTA和柠檬酸在菜田土壤、明矾钝化和混合钝化(明矾∶白云石为1∶1)菜田土壤上提取磷素的最佳条件为螯合剂浓度0.5g/L,浸提时间12h;而在白云石钝化土壤中则为螯合剂浓度0.5g/L,浸提时间1h。总体来看,柠檬酸的活化提取磷素效果优于EDTA,尤其是在采用明矾和白云石钝化的土壤上。  相似文献   

套种是杉木人工林经营的重要措施,磷是南方森林生态系统中主要限制性养分元素之一,但套种模式对土壤磷素的影响尚不明确。以亚热带杉木人工林表层(0-10 cm)土壤为对象,研究套种林(杉阔套种幼林、杉阔套种成熟林)和杉木幼林土壤理化性质和土壤各形态磷含量差异,分析套种对杉木人工林土壤磷含量的影响。结果表明:(1)不同套种林显著改变土壤总磷、土壤总无机磷、土壤总有机磷、土壤微生物生物量磷(MBP)和土壤酸性磷酸酶活性(APA),大小顺序均为杉阔套种成熟林>杉阔套种幼林>杉木幼林。(2)土壤各磷组分中活性磷含量较低,其中NaHCO3-Po在活性组分中占主导;土壤NaOH-Po是中等活性磷的主要组分,杉阔套种成熟林尤为显著;闭蓄态磷(Residual-P)在总磷含量中最高。(3)与杉木幼林相比,杉阔套种成熟林显著增加了树脂提取态磷(Resin-Pi)、碳酸氢钠提取态有机和无机磷(NaHCO3-Pi、NaHCO3-Po)、氢氧化钠提取态有机和无机磷(NaOH-Pi、NaOH-Po)、氢氧化钠残留提取态有机磷(NaOHu.s-Po)、盐酸提取态磷(HCl-Pi)和闭蓄态磷(Residual-P)含量;土壤总无机磷、NaHCO3-Po、HCl-Pi、NaHCO3-Pi、NaOHu.s-Pi和Residual-P对杉阔套种幼林的响应不敏感。(4)除含水率外不同林龄下杉阔套种林土壤磷形态与土壤理化性质(土壤总碳氮、土壤可溶性有机氮、土壤微生物生物量磷、酸性磷酸酶)呈正相关性(P<0.05)。冗余分析表明,土壤磷组分的变化主要受MBP调控,且MBP与有机磷组分(NaOHu.s-Po、NaOH-Po)和HCI-Pi呈显著正相关。总之,套种林的土壤磷素有效性高于杉木幼林,土壤养分状况更佳。  相似文献   

采用蒋柏藩-顾益初无机磷分级体系和Bowman-Cole建议的土壤有机磷分组方法对长期定位试验0~100cm土层土壤无机、有机磷的形态组成进行了分级测定,并运用相关分析、通径分析和逐步回归分析对土壤磷各组分与速效磷之间的关系进行了研究,结果表明,对速效磷贡献(通径系数)的相对重要性依次为:Ca2-P(0.8941)>Ca8-P(0.1603)>Al-P(-0.0683)>O-P(-0.0297)>Fe-P(0.0248)>活性有机磷(0.0193)>高稳性有机磷(-0.0187)>中稳性有机磷(-0.0178)>中活性有机磷(0.0077)>Ca10-P(0.0029)。由逐步回归分析得出Ca2-P、Ca8-P是速效磷的主要磷源。  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) availability in acid soils is affected and hence it is important to monitor the distribution of P in acid soils. Here, the relationship was investigated taking 81 surface (0–0.20 m) soil samples into consideration collected from 21 mothbean cultivated areas and were analyzed for different phosphorus fractions in relation to their physical and chemical properties. Results revealed that available P ranged from 8.19 to 15.46 kg ha–1 which lies in a slightly low-to-medium range. Available P was significantly positively correlated with organic carbon and cation exchange capacity (CEC). The content of soil total P increased significantly with organic carbon and was found in range between 201.00 and 596.11 mg kg–1 which was in suffice category. Various phosphorus fractions under study viz., Al–P, Fe–P and Ca–P ranged between 20.23–32.28, 34.80–51.44 and 8.57–15.00 mg kg?1, respectively. Among the various P fractions, organic carbon was positively correlated with Fe–P and Ca–P.  相似文献   

选取南方典型坡耕地红壤为试验区,采用田间小区试验方法,在自然降雨条件下,于2008—2010年连续3 a对不同农业管理方式下地表径流及氮磷流失特征进行田间实地监测。结果表明,试验区域干湿季极其分明,3 a平均降雨量为838.6 mm,主要集中在5月到10月,坡耕地红壤地表径流、养分流失时间、流失量与降雨量之间具有显著的相关性,在常规施肥处理下径流量和氮磷流失量之间呈极其显著的指数相关性,相关系数分别为R=0.897 4**和R=0.529 7**。坡耕地红壤地表径流量、径流系数及氮磷流失量变化规律一致,不施肥条件下,总氮、总磷流失量最大,优化施肥、揭膜、横坡垄作及秸秆覆盖等农艺措施能降低氮、磷流失量,尤其是横坡垄作种植,相对于顺坡垄作氮、磷流失总量降低了2/3左右。不同处理之间径流中各种形态氮磷含量无显著差异,说明不同农业措施主要通过地表径流流失量而影响坡耕地地表径流氮磷流失量的多少。坡耕地红壤地表径流氮磷流失以颗粒态为主,TDN占TN比例年均为24.58%,TDP占TP的比例年均为7%,TN流失量是TP的3倍左右;优化施肥和揭膜条件下可溶性氮磷所占比例增加,横坡垄作和秸秆覆盖条件下降低。在可溶性氮素中,NO3-N、NH3-N占TN的比例年均分别为8.41%、12.65%,但是2009、2010年NH3-N均小于NO3-N。因此,关于坡耕地地表径流不同流失氮素形态的影响因素较多,目前研究结果不确定,且年际之间差异较大,尚需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the effect of four eucalyptus species on (i) selected surface soil properties and (ii) the distribution of inorganic and organic phosphorus (Pi and Po) fractions. Soil samples were collected from soil 0–20 cm deep beneath and between trees. The Pi forms were determined by sequential extraction with sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3‐P), ammonium acetate (NH4OAc) (OAc‐P), ammonium fluoride (NH4F‐P), sodium hydroxide (NaOH)–sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) (HC‐P), citrate dithionite (CD‐P), and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) (H2SO4‐P). The Po forms were sequentially extracted with NaHCO3 (NaHCO3‐Po), NaOH (NaOH‐Po), and H2SO4 (H2SO4‐Po). The NaOH‐Po was subdivided into moderately stable (NaOH‐Pom) and highly stable Po (NaOH‐Pos). Organic matter, clay and silt contents, total nitrogen, and available potassium of the soil beneath the trees increased. The OAc‐P and HC‐P forms beneath the trees were less than of that between them, which shows that these fractions probably are labile inorganic P pools. The NaHCO3‐Po and NaOH‐Pos forms were greater beneath the trees than those of interspaces, whereas NaOH‐Pom and H2SO4‐Po were not affected by plantation.  相似文献   

Differences in soil phosphorus (P) contents measured by various techniques may have implications for agronomic and environmental testing. Reduced-tillage systems combined with surface manure application increase the potential risk of nutrient losses by surface runoff. A field trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of livestock slurry on nutrient accumulation at the surface layer of an acidic soil rich in organic matter with excess P levels and loamy texture. Two reduced-tillage systems, no tillage (NT) and minimum tillage (MT), and four different fertilizer treatments were assessed. The amounts of P extracted by anion-exchange resin (AER) and by Mehlich 3 (M3) were compared; in addition, differences between two determination methods of P contents extracted by Mehlich 3, namely molybdic acid colorimetric standard procedure (M3-COL) and inductively coupled plasma–mass spectroscopy (M3-ICP), were evaluated. Ninety-six soil samples were taken from the 0- to 5-cm surface layer in three successive dates after increasing manure addition. Colorimetric Mehlich 3 P ranged from 49 to 431 mg dm–3. The ranks of mean extractable soil P concentrations were AER < M3-COL < M3-ICP. The linear correlation coefficient between M3-COL and M3-ICP was highly significant (R2 = 0.89; P < 0.01), but a two-straight-lines model or a quadratic relationship were more adequate for describing the dependence between the two determination procedures after M3 extraction. Relative and absolute differences between M3-COL and M3-ICP showed a tendency to increase as organic carbon content increased. Phosphorus content extracted by AER and M3-COL or M3-ICP reported a significant but much less predictable relationship with R2 values of 0.27 and 0.21 (n = 96), respectively. The P in the surface layer accumulated more under NT than under MT.  相似文献   

以菜子湖地区退耕还湖后苔草、芦苇和酸模植被群落下的湿地土壤为研究对象,分析了3种植被群落类型对湿地土壤有机质、全磷、速效磷含量及其在土壤剖面分布特征的影响。结果表明:(1)0-6cm土层土壤有机质含量表现为:酸模>苔草>芦苇,而6-13cm,13-25cm,25-40cm,40-55cm土层均表现为:芦苇>苔草>酸模,总体表现为随着土壤剖面深度增加而下降(2)土壤全磷含量均为0-6cm土层全磷含量较高,6-13cm土层含量最低,全磷含量总体表现为随着剖面深度的增加而递增,递增趋势的强弱表现为:酸模>苔草>芦苇(3)土壤速效磷含量除酸模在0-6cm土层显著大于苔草和芦苇外,其它各个层次间土壤有效磷含量无显著性差异,总体上均表现为随土层加深而下降的趋势(4)除酸模在0-6cm和6-13cm土层的土壤磷素有效率显著高于苔草和芦苇外,其它不同土壤层次间无显著差异。(5)不同植被群落凋落物和根系分布特征差异是引起退耕后湿地土壤剖面有机质和磷素分布差异的主要原因,而水产养殖农家肥投放也促进了湿地表层土壤养分积累。  相似文献   

[目的]探明设施栽培条件下土壤磷素随种植年限的变化规律,揭示温室土壤无机磷积累和淋溶损失的主体成分,为设施农业合理施用磷肥和可持续发展提供依据.[方法]采集了辽宁省铁岭县(2~28 a)和海城市(2~33 a)不同种植年限的设施土壤,以土壤全磷、有效磷、无机磷组分含量的变化及磷素释放曲线为切入点,分析了设施栽培条件下土...  相似文献   

以棕壤为研究对象,采用室内培养的方法,通过加硅酸钙处理、硅酸钙+1 mmol/L柠檬酸处理和硅酸钙+2 mmol/L柠檬酸处理,研究了柠檬酸存在下施硅对棕壤中磷素吸附和解吸特性的影响,并用Langmuir方程、Freundlieh方程与Temkin方程对其进行拟合分析,其中磷吸附解吸试验采用恒温批处理平衡法.结果表明,Langmuir与Temkin模型对处理后棕壤磷的吸附拟合效果最好.硅酸钙+1 mmol/L柠檬酸处理的棕壤对磷的吸附量最大,为500mg/kg;硅酸钙+2 mmol/L柠檬酸处理的棕壤对磷的解吸量及解吸率最大,最大解吸率可达45.2%.因此,硅酸钙+1 mmol/L柠檬酸处理的棕壤对磷肥的储存能力最强,硅酸钙+2 mmol/L柠檬酸处理的棕壤对磷活化能力最强,即供磷能力最强.  相似文献   

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