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A thermostatic incubation experiment was carried out to estimate the effects of flooding periods,stalk application and P addition of Fe transformation and P availability in calcareous soils.Submergence increased amorphous Fe,especially in the case of stalk application.The newly formed amorphous Fe with a great surface area played an important role in Psorption;and submergence also stimulated the dissolution of inorganic P,thus increasing the availability of soil P in calcareous soils.Meanwhile,a part of soluble P was absorbed and fixed again on the surface of newly formed amorphous Fe,thus resulting in a decrease of P availability.Soil rapidly available P increased after 150-day incubation.There existed significantly negative correlations between soil amorphous Fe content and soil Fe-P and rapidly available P contents.Submerged conditions promoted the transformation of inorganic P added toward Fe-P in calcareous soils,especially in the case of stalk application.  相似文献   

The objectives of this research were to determine inorganic phosphorus (P) fractions in calcareous soils of southern Khorasan and find their relationship with sorghum‐available P. Eighty soil samples were obtained and analyzed for some physical and chemical characteristics, among them 24 samples that varied in plant‐available P and soil properties were used for soil testing. From 24, 8 samples were selected for P fractionation as well. Five extraction procedures were used for soil testing. Results indicate that the extracted plant‐available P by the Olsen et al. (1954 Olsen, S. R., Cole, C. V., Watanabe, F. S. and Dean, L. A. 1954. Estimation of available phosphorus in soils by extraction with sodium bicarbonate (USDA Circ. 939), Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.  [Google Scholar]) and Paauw (1971 Paauw, F. V. 1971. An effective water extraction method for the determination of plant available phosphorus.. Plant and Soil, 34: 497481.  [Google Scholar]) methods show the greatest correlation coefficients with plant P uptake and sorghum dry matter. The sequential inorganic P extraction analyzing indicated that the abundance of various inorganic fractions was in the order Ca10‐P > Al‐P > Ca8‐P > Ca2‐P > Oc‐P > Fe‐P. The results also indicate Olsen P correlates positively and significantly with Ca2‐P and Fe‐P fractions and positively but not significantly with the Al‐P fraction.  相似文献   


Quantitative assessment of soil nitrogen (N) that will become available is important for determining fertilizer needs of crops. Nitrogen‐supplying capacity of soil to rice and wheat was quantified by establishing zero‐N plots at on‐farm locations to which all nutrients except N were adequately supplied. Nitrogen uptake in zero‐N plots ranged from 41.4 to 110.3 kg N ha?1 for rice and 33.7 to 123.4 kg N ha?1 for wheat. Availability of soil N was also studied using oxidative, hydrolytic, and autoclaving indices, salt‐extraction indices, light‐absorption indices, and aerobic and anaerobic incubation indices. These were correlated with yield and N uptake by rice and wheat in zero‐N plots. Nitrogen extracted by alkaline KMnO4 and phosphate borate buffer and nitrogen mineralized under aerobic incubation were satisfactory indices of soil N supply. For rice, 2 M KCl and alkaline KMnO4 were the best N‐availability indices. Thus, alkaline KMnO4 should prove a quick and reliable indicator of indigenous soil N supply in soils under a rice–wheat cropping system.  相似文献   

The transformation and availability of various forms of Zn applied into a cinnamon soil and a carbonate meadow soil as well as the effects of fertillizer-P on them were studied by using the field experiment method and chemically sequential extraction procedure.Zn added into the soils was found to be rapidly transformed into the various forms. In the cinnamon soil,the amount of Zn transformed into the carbonate bound form was the highest,and the carbonate bound form was proven by the analyses of intensity factor and capacity factor to be the primary available Zn pool.But in the carbonate meadow soil,the Zn transformed was relatively homogeneously distributed in the various forms though the amount of Zn transformed into the Mn-oxide bound form was relatively high,and the organically bound,Mn-oxide bound and amorphous Fe-oxide,bound forms were found to be the main available Zn pool.Fertilizer-P took part in the regulation and control of available Zn in the soils to a certain degree.In the carbonate meadow soil,application of P fertilizer probably aggravated Zn deficiency at low Zn rate,while it was favorable to the storage of available Zn in the case of high Zn rate.  相似文献   


Fly ash from the coal‐burning industry may be a potential inorganic soil amendment to increase rice productivity and to restore the soil nutrient balance in paddy soil. In this study, fly ash was applied at rates of 0, 40, 80, and 120 Mg ha?1 in two paddy soils (silt loam in Yehari and loamy sand in Daegok). During rice cultivation, available phosphorus (P) increased significantly with fly ash application, as there was high content of P (786 mg kg?1) in the applied fly ash. In addition, high content of silicon (Si) and high pH of fly ash contributed to increased available‐P content by ion competition between phosphate and silicate and by neutralization of soil acidity, respectively. With fly‐ash application, water‐soluble P (W‐P) content increased significantly together with increasing aluminum‐bound P (Al‐P) and calcium‐bound P (Ca‐P) fractions. By contrast, iron‐bound P (Fe‐P) decreased significantly because of reduction of iron under the flooded paddy soil during rice cultivation. The present experiment indicated that addition of fly ash had a positive benefit on increasing the P availability.  相似文献   


A previous study indicated that agricultural biosolid applications increased the concentration of EPA3050‐digestible trace elements in soils on Pennsylvania production farms but could not indicate potential trace‐element environmental availability. This study was conducted to determine if biosolid application had altered the distribution of trace‐elements among operationally defined soil fractions and the relationship of trace element concentrations in soil and crop tissues. Biosolid‐amended and unamended soils from production farms in Pennsylvania were extracted using a modified Bureau Communautaire de Référence (BCR) sequential fractionation technique and analyzed for chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn). Trace‐element concentrations in crop tissues (soybean silage, sudangrass, corn grain, alfalfa hay, and orchardgrass hay) from the same farms were also determined. Fractionation results indicated that the proportion of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn that is potentially bioavailable is quite small in unamended soils. Biosolid applications significantly (P≤0.1) increased concentrations of Cu in all soil fractions (average increase over unamended soil=1.14, 8.27, 6.04, and 5.84 mg kg?1 for the exchangeable, reducible, oxidizable, and residual fractions, respectively), Ni (0.41, 1.65 mg kg?1 for the reducible and residual fractions, respectively), Pb (5.12 and 1.49 mg kg?1 for the reducible and residual fractions, respectively), and Zn (8.28, 7.12, 4.44, and 8.98 mg kg?1 for the exchangeable, reducible, oxidizable, and residual fractions, respectively) but did not significantly increase Cr in any soil fraction. Concentrations of Cu in all soil fractions were significantly (P≤0.01) correlated with concentrations of Cu in orchardgrass tissue (r=0.70, 0.66, 0.76, and 0.69 for the exchangeable, reducible, oxidizable, and residual soil fractions, respectively). Concentrations of exchangeable and reducible Zn were significantly correlated with Zn in sudangrass tissue (r=0.81 and 0.67), and reducible Zn was significantly correlated with Zn concentrations in orchardgrass tissue (r=0.65). Application of biosolids had little effect on bioavailability of Cr, Ni, or Pb, whereas higher loadings of Cu and Zn led to a shift toward the more labile soil fractions. Loadings of Cu and Zn were much smaller than cumulative loadings permitted under U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Part 503 regulations. Chemical soil fractionation was able to detect increases in labile soil Cu and Zn that relate to increased phytoavailability.  相似文献   


The large variation in phosphorus acquisition efficiency of different crops provides opportunities for screening crop species that perform well on low phosphorus (P) soil. To explain the differences in P efficiency of winter maize (Zea mays L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), a green house pot experiment was conducted by using P‐deficient Typic ustochrept loamy sand soil (0.5 M NaHCO3‐extractable P 4.9 mg kg?1, pH 7.5, and organic carbon 2.7 g kg?1) treated with 0, 30, and 60 mg P kg?1 soil. Under P deficiency conditions, winter maize produced 76% of its maximum shoot dry weight (SDW) with 0.2% P in shoot, whereas chickpea and wheat produced about 30% of their maximum SDW with more than 0.25% P in shoot. Root length (RL) of winter maize, wheat, and chickpea were 83, 48, and 19% of their maximum RL, respectively. Considering relative shoot yield as a measure of efficiency, winter maize was more P efficient than wheat and chickpea. Winter maize had lower RL/SDW ratio than that of wheat, but it was more P efficient because it could maintain 2.2 times higher P influx even under P deficiency conditions. In addition, winter maize had low internal P requirement and 3.3 times higher shoot demand (i.e., higher amount of shoot produced per cm of root per second). Even though chickpea had 1.2 times higher P influx than winter maize, it was less P efficient because of few roots (i.e., less RL per unit SDW). Nutrient uptake model (NST 3.0) calculations satisfactorily predicted P influxes by all the three crops under sufficient P supply conditions (CLi 48 µM), and the calculated values of P influx were 81–99% of the measured values. However, in no‐P treatment (CLi 3.9 µM), under prediction of measured P influx indicated the importance of root exudates and/or mycorrhizae that increase P solubility in the rhizosphere. Sensitivity analysis showed that in low P soils, the initial soil solution P concentration (CLi) was the most sensitive factor controlling P influx in all the three crops.  相似文献   


Soils under no‐tillage gradually increase in organic matter and phosphorus (P) content from the top layer. Because of lack of knowledge about the organic phosphorus fraction contribution to plant nutrition, this research was conducted to estimate the availability of phosphorus fractions to plants. Soil samples of a very clayey Rhodic Hapludox that received 0, 156 and 312 kg P ha?1 were submitted to 15 successive crops in pots without replacing P extracted by plants. 31P nuclear magnetic resonance analysis was performed to detect P fractions before cultivation and after the sixth, ninth and fifteenth crops. Inorganic phosphorus was the unique P fraction acting as P source to plants in soils with previous P addition. Contribution of organic P was observed only when inorganic P content was extremely low, with plants showing severe P stress. Contribution of organic P was not enough to supply the required P for normal plant growth.  相似文献   


Lead arsenate was extensively used to control insects in apple and plum orchards in the 1900s. Continuous use of lead arsenate resulted in elevated soil levels of lead (Pb) and arsenic (As). There are concerns that As and Pb will become solubilized upon a change in land use. In situ chemical stabilization practices, such as the use of phosphate‐phosphorus (P), have been investigated as a possible method for reducing the solubility, mobility, and potential toxicity of Pb and As in these soils. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of calcium carbonate (lime), P, and iron (Fe) amendments in reducing the solubility of As and Pb in lead‐arsenate‐treated soils over time. Under controlled conditions, two orchard soils, Thurmont loam (Hapludults) and Burch loam (Haploxerolls), were amended with reagent‐grade calcium carbonate (CaCO3), iron hydroxide [Fe(OH)3], and potassium phosphate (KH2PO4) and incubated for 16 weeks at 26°C. The experimental results suggested that the inorganic P increased competitive sorption between H2PO4 ? and dihydrogen arsenate (H2AsO4 ?), resulting in greater desorption of As in both Thurmont and Burch soils. Therefore, addition of lime, potassium phosphate, and Fe to lead‐arsenate‐contaminated soils could increase the risk of loss of soluble As and Pb from surface soil and potentially increase these metal species in runoff and movement to groundwater.  相似文献   


The effectiveness of the application of raw (PR‐1), and partially acidulated phosphate rock (PR), at 25% (PR‐25) and at 50% (PR‐50), was investigated to reduce extractability and plant uptake of Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn in three calciorthids soils.Furthermore, the effects of soil treatments on metal extractability were evaluated by sequential extraction. Similarly, such effects were assessed on the phytoavailability of metals of maize (Zea mays L.) through a pot experiment. Water‐soluble and exchangeable metal fractions (the bioavailable fractions) were influenced distinctively by PR treatments and soil properties. In addition, decrease of soluble and exchangeable metal fractions was compensated by an increase in metal extracted from other fractions. Most bioavailable soil metals correlated significantly with their associated level in plant tissue. Finally, plant metal uptake decreased with PR treatments, suggesting that PR application was likely to be effective in controlling metal immobilization in these soils.  相似文献   


Four procedures were employed to extract phosphorus (P) from volcanic soils for 31P‐NMR experiments. The procedures involve 0.5 M NaOH extraction, 0.5 M NaOH and Chelex 100 cation exchange resin extraction, NaOH‐EDTA extraction, and HCl‐NaOH two step sequential extraction with Chelex 100 clean up. Results showed that inorganic‐P, monoester‐P, diester‐P and pyrophosphate were present. Their detection was dependent on the extraction procedure used.

The NaOH procedure gives only a broad and vaguely defined signal with poor signal to noise ratio. The incorporation of Chelex 100 in the extraction enhanced the signal to noise ratio and allowed the distinction of inorganic‐P, monoester‐P, diester‐P and pyrophosphate. The two step sequential extraction involving HCl, NaOH, and Chelex 100 significantly improve the signal to noise ratio. The NaOH‐EDTA extraction procedure is efficient only in samples with low OC contents.

When soils have low OC content, any of the four extraction procedures can be successfully used. If the OC and the Fe concentration in the extracted solutions are high, the Chelex 100 became essential in clean up the metallic ions. Both the NaOH and Chelex 100 and the HCl‐NaOH‐Chelex produced satisfactory results and the later procedure by far the best resolved spectra.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the development of a sequential extraction method to separate the Ca-bound and Fe-and Al-bound humus from soils.First,comparative analyses were carried out on dissolution of synthetic organo-mineral complexes by different extractants,i.e.0.1M Na4P2O7,0.1M NaOH 0.1M Na4P2O7 mixture,0.1M NaOH,0.5M (NaPO3)6 and 0.5M neutral Na2SO4.Among the five extractants,0.1M NaOH 0.1M Na4P2O7 mixture was the most efficient in extracting humus from various complexes.0.5M Na2SO4 had a better specificity to Ca than 0.5M (NaPO3)6,by only extracting Ca-bound humus without destorying Fe-and Al-bound organo-mineral complexes.Then sequential extractions first with 0.5M Na2SO4 and then with 0.1M NaOH 0.1M Na4P2O7 mixture were applied to a series of soil samples with different degrees of base saturation.The cations were dominated by Ca in the 0.5M Na2SO4 extract and by Al in the 0.1M NaOH 0.1M Na4P2O7 mixture.The sequential extraction method can efficiently separate or isolate Ca-bound and Fe-and Al-bound humus from each other.  相似文献   


Although numerous soil‐test methods for estimating extractable phosphorus (P) have been developed around the world, their results are difficult to compare because of the very different scale levels used. In the present study, the Bray–Kurtz method (Bray‐P) is used as a reference value. Two other methods [lactate‐P and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)‐P] were modified to facilitate the comparison of extractable‐P determinations, mainly by adjusting the shaking time. These three methods were applied to 101 soil samples from an extensive region of Argentina with soil pH values ranging from 5.5 to 8.5. The results confirm that the Bray‐P and the two modified methods (lactate‐P and NaHCO3‐P) determine similar contents of extractable P but are not applicable to all types of soils and conditions. Equations that minimize the statistical error were selected for soil properties such as organic carbon (OC) content, pH, soluble salts, and calcium carbonate content. Correlation coefficients between Bray‐P and NaHCO3‐P increased to 0.91 and 0.95 in soils with high and low OC levels, respectively. It was also demonstrated that the lactate‐P test is not suitable for soils rich in calcium carbonate or soluble salts. These two modified methods are expected to be useful for testing P values that impact agricultural production.  相似文献   


Accurate analyses of large numbers of soil samples are needed in order to reduce the uncertainty of carbon inventories. Loss‐on‐ignition (LOI) is still considered the most convenient assessment method, but its accuracy and precision for predicting total organic carbon (TOC) is questioned. However, our estimation of measurement precision for different samples showed comparable relative standard deviations (RSDs) for LOI and TOC determinations. Highest precision was found in forest floor samples (RSD<1.2%) and lowest (RSD 5–10%) in sandy soil samples low in organic matter. Forest floor samples (n=66) and non‐calcareous mineral soil samples (n=654) were used to calibrate and validate predictive equations. Excellent linear relationships were found. For a wide range of soils the bivariate predictive equation TOC=?0.1046 Clay+0.5936 LOI (r2=0.98) was developed and validated. After correction for clay content, slopes averaged remarkably close to the traditional 0.58 conversion factor.  相似文献   


Phosphorus (P) deficiency is one of the most yield‐limiting factors in lowland acid soils of Brazil. A field experiment was conducted during two consecutive years to determine dry‐matter and grain yield, nutrient uptake, and P‐use efficiency of lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown on an acidic Inceptisol. Phosphorus rates used in the experiment were 0, 131, 262, 393, 524, and 655 kg P ha?1 applied as broadcast through termophosphate yoorin. Dry‐matter yield of shoot and grain yield were significantly (P<0.01) and quadratically increased with P fertilization. Concentrations (content per unit dry‐weight leaves) of nitrogen (N), P, and magnesium (Mg) were significantly increased in a quadratic fashion with the increasing P rates. However, concentrations of potassium (K), calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and iron (Fe) were not influenced significantly with P fertilization, and Mn concentration was significantly decreased with increasing P rates. Phosphorus use efficiencies (agronomic, physiological, agrophysiological, recovery, and utilization) were decreased with increasing P rates. However, magnitude of decrease varied from efficiency to efficiency.  相似文献   

The diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technique is acknowledged as an adequate method for predicting soil phosphorus (P) availability. However, the relatively low binding capacity of the DGT gel can be problematic when soils have recently been amended with fertilizers of high P solubility. We studied the performance of commercially available DGT devices with P concentrations from below to several magnitudes above their reported capacity. We found a binding capacity of 15 µg P per DGT unit binding gel, but P recovery increased considerably above this level without any detectable limit. This could be explained mainly by equilibration between the aqueous phase in the hydrogel and the ambient solution. For quantitative assessment of P availability in soils recently amended with a concentrated P source, a DGT binding gel with a higher capacity would be needed. However, even when the binding capacity is exceeded, different soil amendments can still be ranked qualitatively.  相似文献   


Surface‐applied manures create a potential phosphorus (P) runoff hazard, especially when unincorporated. In such cases, the concentration of water‐extractable P in the manure has been correlated to soluble P concentrations in runoff. This study evaluated the influence of holding time, sample‐handling procedure, and filtration method on measurement of the water‐extractable P content of manures in a 3×3×2 factorial arrangement of treatments. A two‐way interaction between holding time and sample‐handling procedure occurred for most samples. Six samples had water‐extractable P concentrations that were less than or equal to dried and dried/ground treatments. Only one sample had higher water‐extractable P concentrations for fresh than for dried and dried/ground treatments. When significant differences occurred as a result of the filtration method, results for Whatman No. 40 filters, with a larger pore size than 0.45 µm nitrocellulose membranes, were usually higher. There was no significant difference in the coefficient of variation across sample‐handling procedures, suggesting that efforts to dry and/or grind samples were not needed. These results support the adoption of a standardized protocol for measuring water‐extractable P in manures that represents the appropriate balance between the ease of implementation and the strength of the correlation to P runoff concentrations.  相似文献   


Plant‐available phosphorus (P) measured by routine soil‐test methods is poorly correlated with rice grain yield in Arkansas. Our objective was to determine whether soil water pH (pHw) and Mehlich‐3 P were correlated with growth and yield of rice grown on silt loam soils. Data from 35 field studies were used to correlate Mehlich‐3 P and pHw with relative yield, dry matter accumulation, and P concentration at the midtillering stage. Significant linear or nonlinear relationships between pHw or Mehlich‐3 P with rice growth parameters were delineated but explained less than 27% of the variability in dry matter and P concentrations at the midtillering stage and grain yield at maturity. Mehlich‐3 P and pHw together explained 61% of the variability in midtillering P concentrations. Midtillering whole‐plant P concentrations were positively related to relative grain yield and dry matter production and will be used to identify soils with limited P availability for rice in Arkansas.  相似文献   


No studies have been conducted to evaluate the potassium (K) quantity‐intensity (Q/I) relationships that exist in eastern South Dakota soils and how that may affect K fertility interpretations. The objectives of this study were to i) evaluate the K status of smectite‐dominant soils through quantity‐intensity relationships and (ii) relate the findings to current research on soil K release and plant availability. Soil and plant tissue samples were collected from eight different corn production fields across east‐central South Dakota. Samples were collected from areas where corn plants did or did not exhibit K deficiency symptoms. Quantity‐intensity plots were developed and used to derive the typical Q/I parameters. Little difference existed in Q/I parameters and the form of Q/I plots among field sites. The ARe K and ΔK0 values ranged from 0.0013 to 0.0113, and ?0.47 to 0.18 cmolc kg?1, respectively, and most sites were considered K insufficient. The predominant phyllosilicate present in the clay‐sized fraction was montmorillonite with an estimated 17% tetrahedral charge. These soils would not be expected to contribute much plant‐available, nonexchangeable K and would be in need of frequent K fertilization. Presumably, these and similar soils, upon K exhaustion, rely heavily on K released from K‐bearing silt‐sized particles and may be highly dependent on surface‐controlled dissolution processes for labile K replenishment. Additional research needs to be conducted concerning the release kinetics of K from K‐bearing minerals of these soils.  相似文献   

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