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Application of 10 mM urea to the flag leaf of wheat plants enhanced in vivo urease activity several fold. Photosynthetic rate was also increased considerably. There were significant differences in the leaf internal carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations between the urea‐treated and untreated leaves. The finding that carbon (14C) was detected in the ethanol extract of the leaves fed with 14C‐urea suggests that CO2 released from urea is re‐fixed by the leaves.  相似文献   


The role of intrinsic soil properties and management induced changes in bulk density on legume shoot biomass‐nitrogen (N) turnover to soil mineral N [nitrate (NO3) plus ammonium (NH4)], SMN, through soil microorganisms is poorly understood. In this study, the influence of intrinsic soil properties and changes in bulk density in soils amended with red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) on N immobilization/remineralization was investigated. Time in incubation, soil type, bulk density, and legume amendment had significant influence on the amounts of microbial biomass carbon (C) (MBC), N (MBN), and the SMN measured during incubation. During the first 32 days in incubation, MBC and MBN in the legume‐amended soils were higher than the control whereas an opposite trend existed for SMN. The SMN measured at the end of incubation, i.e., 70 days after incubation, was significantly higher than the unamended control. The ratio of SMN to MBN (SMN:MBN) was < 1.0, in general, during the first 32 days in incubation in legume amended soils, indicating N immobilization in microbial biomass during this period. Forty‐two days after incubation, the SMN:MBN ratios in the legume amended soils were >1.0, indicating remineralization of the immobilized N, derived, at least partially, from the legume. In the unamended control, these ratios were > 1.0 throughout the incubation. Over time, 63% to 76% of the variability in N‐immobilization/remineralization (SMN:MBN) was accounted for clay content, water (WFP) and air (AFP) filled porosities, volume fraction of pores (VFP) <1.5 μm, total N, C to N ratios in soils, bulk density, and legume amendment. The results indicate the influence of intrinsic soil properties and bulk density on microbially mediated legume N turnover to SMN changed over time.  相似文献   


A laboratory study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of phenylphosphorodiamidate (PPD) and N‐(n‐butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBT) in retarding urea hydrolysis in four flooded rice soils under simulated oxidized and reduced conditions. Urea (400 μg N g‐1soil) with PPD or NBT (2.0% w/w) was added to preincubated soils and analyzed for urea content 1, 3, 5, 7 and 15 days after N application. N‐(n‐butyl) thiophosphoric triamide was more effective in delaying urea hydrolysis under oxidizing conditions and at 5 days 57% of the added urea remained in the oxidized soils compared to only 4% under reduced soil conditions. In three soils, PPD was observed to be effective under reducing soil constraints. At 5 days 56 and 31% of the added urea was unhydrolyzed under reducing and oxidizing soil conditions, respectively, with the addition of PPD. For two soils 48% of the added urea remained at the 15 day sampling for the urea + NBT treatment  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that carbon (C) mineralization in saline or sodic soils is affected by various factors including organic C content, salt concentration and water content in saline soils and soil structure in sodic soils, but there is little information about which soil properties control carbon dioxide (CO2) emission from saline-sodic soils. In this study, eight field-collected saline–sodic soils, varying in electrical conductivity (ECe, a measure of salinity, ranging from 3 to 262 dS m−1) and sodium adsorption ratio (SARe, a measure of sodicity, ranging from 11 to 62), were left unamended or amended with mature wheat or vetch residues (2% w/w). Carbon dioxide release was measured over 42 days at constant temperature and soil water content. Cumulative respiration expressed per gram SOC increased in the following order: unamended soil<soil amended with wheat residues (C/N ratio 122)<soil with vetch residue (C/N ratio 18). Cumulative respiration was significantly (p < 0.05) negatively correlated with ECe but not with SARe. Our results show that the response to ECe and SARe of the microbial community activated by addition of organic C does not differ from that of the less active microbial community in unamended soils and that salinity is the main influential factor for C mineralization in saline–sodic soils.  相似文献   


The knowledge of nitrogen (N) losses in direct‐drilling agrosystems is essential to develop strategies to increase fertilizer efficiency and to minimize environmental damage. The objectives were i) to quantify the magnitude of N volatilization and leaching simultaneously as affected by different urea fertilization rates and ii) to evaluate the capacity of these specific plant–soil systems to act as a buffer to prevent nitrate leaching. Two experiments were conducted during 2001/02 and 2002/03 growing seasons in Alberti, Argentina. The crop was direct‐drilled maize and the soil a Typic Argiudoll. Ammonia losses, N uptake by crop at flowering and harvest, grain yield, N in previous crop residues, and soil nitrate content up to 2‐m depths were determined. Nitrogen availability, soil nitrate (NO3)‐N up to 1 m plus fertilizer N, was linearly and highly associated with crop N uptake at flowering (R2=0.93, P<0.01) and at harvest (R2=0.852, P<0.01). Around 17.5% of fertilizer N was lost by volatilization in 10 days. The obtained values of residual nitrate N up to the 150‐cm depth were associated (R2=0.960, P<0.001) with those predicted by the nitrate leaching and economic analysis package (NLEAP) model. Maize in the direct‐drilling system was able to cycle N from the previous crop residues, N from soil organic matter, and N from fertilizers with few losses.  相似文献   

Hail damage to an experiment that was being used to investigate nitrogen (N) nutrition of soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] with 15N methodology provided a unique opportunity to study the effects of hail damage at the R3 stage of development on N uptake and partitioning through stage R5.8. Field plots were established on a silt loam soil (Typic Hapludol 1). Severely damaged (mean 72% leaf loss) and slightly damaged (mean 26% leaf loss) soybeans were compared for total reduced N and for 15N concentration in leaflets, petioles, stems, roots, pod walls, and seeds during the 28 days following the hailstrom. The concentration of total N and of 15N in all organs in both damage treatments declined significantly after the storm, but less in green leaflets (total N), and in green leaflets, green petioles, and pod walls (15N) of severely than of slightly damaged plants. Measurements on senesced leaflets and petioles showed that the concentration of 15N also decreased to a greater extent than that of the total N in these organs. This differential loss of 15N compared with total N suggests that the 15N was in a form that was less refractory than was the bulk tissue N, and provides evidence of separate mobile pools of N in the plant. Nitrogen budgets were calculated to compare the loss of N and 15N from abscising leaflets and petioles to the N accumulation of the damaged plants during podfill. These showed that loss from the leaflets and petioles contributed only 7% of the total N accumulated by the plants between R3 and R5.8. This study has exemplified the usefulness of 15N methodology in investigations of the nutrition and physiology of soybeans suffering leaf damage by hail.  相似文献   

The point at which nitrogen (N) applied approaches 100% recovery in the soil once plant and microbial sinks have been saturated has not been determined in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production systems. In dryland winter wheat, subsoil accumulation has not been found to occur until N rates exceed that required for maximum yield. Many conventional N rate experiments have not properly evaluated subsoil N accumulation due to the lack of equally spaced N rates at the high end of the spectrum over which accumulation is expected to occur. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to (i) determine when soil profile accumulation efficiencies reach 100% in continuous winter wheat production and (ii) to evaluate the potential for nitrate‐nitrogen (NO3 N) leaching in continuous winter wheat when extremely high rates of fertilizer N are used. Two field experiments (T505 and T222) were conducted for two years using ten N rates (preplant‐incorporated) ranging from 0 to 5376 kg N ha1. No additional preplant fertilizer was applied in the second year. Following the first and second year wheat harvest, soil cores were taken to 2.4 m and bulk density, ammonium‐nitrogen (NH4‐N) and NO3‐N were determined. Crop N‐use efficiency (NUE) (N uptake treated ‐ N uptake check/rate applied) and soil profile inorganic N accumulation efficiencies (NAE) [net inorganic N accumulation in the soil profile/(fertilizer applied ‐ net N removed in the crop)] changed with fertilizer rate and were inversely related. Priming (increased net mineralization of organic N pools when low rates of fertilizer N are applied) may have occurred since increased NUE was observed at low N rates. The highest N‐accumulation efficiencies were at N rates of 168 and 448 kg ha‐1 in experiments T505 and T222, respectively. At both T222 and T505, no subsoil accumulation of NH4‐N or NO3‐N beyond 100 cm was observed for any of the N treatments when compared to the 0‐N check, even when N rates exceeded 448 kg ha‐1.  相似文献   

The critical leaf and the threshold values of leaf color chart (LCC) and chlorophyll meter (SPAD‐502) for cassava have been evaluated. The nitrogen (N) rates and cultivars had a significant effect on LCC score, SPAD values, and leaf N concentration of leaf 1 in most cases. Among the three leaf positions studied, the youngest fully expanded leaf (YFEL) blade (leaf 1) had significant, positive correlation of tuber yield with LCC score, SPAD value, and leaf N concentration. The regression between LCC score and leaf N concentration of leaf 1 was LCC = 0.358 (Leaf N) + 0.78 (r2 = 0.81) and that between LCC score and SPAD value was SPAD = 10.981 (LCC) – 3.51 (r2 = 0.82). A threshold LCC score of 2.65 and threshold SPAD value of 25 were suitable to determine the optimal timing of N top‐dressing for cassava.  相似文献   


Individual soil tests are used to assess plant nutrient element needs. Separate soil tests, however, are time consuming and costly. Our objective was to develop a 0.5M sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) soil phosphorus (P) test in combination with 0.005M diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) so macronutrient dements: ammonium‐nitrogen (NH4‐N), nitrate‐nitrogen (NO3‐N), P, potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg); and micronutrients: iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) could be quantified in one extraction. The NaHCO3‐DTPA extracting solution is a combination of 0.5M NaHCO3 and 0.005M DTPA and has a pH of 7.60±0.05. Sodium in the solution enhances the NH4, K, Ca, and Mg extraction; bicarbonate (HCO3) is for P extraction; DTPA chelates Ca, Mg, and micronutrients; and the water is for NO3 extraction. Soil samples (0–15 cm depth) came from two sources. The first set was from 12 N x P dryland proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) experiments, conducted from 1985 through 1987 in eastern Colorado. These soils were extracted with potassium chloride (KCl), NaHCO3, ammonium acetate (CH3‐COONH4), DTPA, ammonium bicarbonate DTPA (AB‐DTPA), and with the NaHCO3‐DTPA solutions. The second set included 25 soils from Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina and were analyzed only for available P with the NaHCO3 and NaHCO3‐DTPA methods. Simple linear correlations for macronutrient elements and micronutrients were highly significant. Critical levels for the macronutrient elements: NO3‐N, P, and K were 27, 11, and 144 mg kg‐1, respectively; and the critical levels for the micronutrients: Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu were 3.9, 0.35, 0.97, and 0.24 mg kg‐1, respectively.  相似文献   

A commonly occurring auxin indole‐3‐aceticacid (IAA) and a rarely occurring chlorosubstituted auxin (4‐Cl‐IAA) were compared for their impact on growth and nitrogen metabolism in mung bean for the first time. The plants were generated from healthy and Rhizobium coated seeds in earthen pots. The seedlings at 7 and/or 14 days were percolated with 0, 10?10, 10?8, or 10?6 M of IAA or 4‐Cl‐IAA. The plants were sampled at 30 days after sowing (DAS) to assess the growth and various biochemical characteristics. The auxins significantly enhanced the growth (length and dry mass of shoot and root), nodule fresh mass, nitrogenase activity in fresh nodules, leaf carbonic anhydrase activity, chlorophyll content, and rate of photosynthesis. The effect of the auxins lasted up to the harvest where the seed yield, 100 seed mass, and number of pods per plant were significantly affected by the auxins. At a moderate concentration (10?8 M), 4‐Cl‐IAA generated the best response. However, a comparable response was generated by the higher concentration (10?6 M) of 4‐Cl‐IAA. The application of the hormone twice (at 7 and 14 DAS) was much more effective than single application (at 7 or 14 DAS). It was concluded that IAA and 4‐Cl‐IAA improved the growth and nitrogen fixation in mung bean. The 4‐Cl‐IAA proved more effective than IAA.  相似文献   

Although attempts have been made in developing soil and plant analysis procedures for cotton (Goseipium hirsutum) , N nutrition is not completely understood. To the present it has not been possible to predict when the maximum N utilization efficiency could be achieved. By exposing cotton plants to a 15N enriched solution for 5 periods of 30 days each in a temperature controled greenhouse, the accumulation and redistribution of N within the plant was followed in order to define the main N sources and sinks for each period. The main N source within the cotton plant after the first square stage was the leaves. Stems and burs acted as temporary storage organs remobilizing N to the seeds late in the growing season, while the roots were fairly neutral. Dry matter accumulation during the reproductive stage was not related to N redistribution in the plant, except for bolls. So at this stage, dry matter accumulation was not a important component in the N source‐sink relationship within the cotton plant.  相似文献   


Phosphorus (P) runoff from poultry litter applied to fields can adversely impact water quality. The majority of P in runoff from poultry litter is soluble, so decreasing the solubility of P could lessen the impact of poultry litter on water quality. The objective of this study was to determine long‐term P solubility in soils receiving poultry litter treated with aluminum (Al), calcium (Ca), and iron (Fe) amendments at various soil pHs. Soil pH was adjusted to 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0 using elemental sulfur (S) or CaCO3 with some soil left at its native pH. The pH‐adjusted soil was then incubated with either no litter (control), litter alone (litter control), or litter amended with alum, A12(SO4)3.16H2O, (100 or 200 g/kg), Ca(OH)2 (25 or 50 g/kg), or FeSO4 .7H2O (100 or 200 g/kg). The soil was then allowed to equilibrate in the dark at room temperature for 0, 7, 49, 98, and 294 days. After equilibration, soils were extracted with deionized water and soluble reactive P levels were determined. Water‐soluble P levels decreased with time in all treatments, including the control and litter control treatments. Soil pH also affected soluble reactive P levels, with the lowest levels generally observed at pH 8.0. Addition of both unamended and chemically‐amended litter to soil significantly increased P concentrations at all combinations of pH and sampling time. Addition of chemically‐amended litter to soil significantly reduced soluble reactive P compared to unamended litter. With all treatments, an apparent equilibrium was reached at 98 d after treatment. Amendment of litter with either FeSO4 .7H2O or alum resulted in the lowest soluble reactive P levels after 294 days. Use of chemical amendments to limit P solubility has potential and should be pursued as a means of reducing eutrophication of sensitive surface waters where poultry litter is applied as a fertilizer.  相似文献   


Mehlich‐1 and DTPA extractants are frequently used to predict metal availability in soils. Metal extractability by the acid or chelate extractant reflects the metal characteristics and metal‐soil interactions. In this study, samples of eight topsoils from the southeastern United States were incubated with added lead (Pb) at the rate of 40 mg#lbkg‐1. After five months in the greenhouse, Mehlich‐1 and DTPA extractants were employed to extract Pb in both metal‐amended and natural soils. For the natural soils, Pb concentration in the DTPA extractant was always higher than that in the Mehlich‐1 extractant. This indicates that the DTPA chelate extractant is able to dissolve some Pb in soils which is not solubilized by protons. The negative correlation found between Mehlich‐1‐extractable Pb and soil clay content might result from two mechanisms: i) strong association between Pb and soil surfaces, or ii) readsorption of Pb during extraction. None of the correlations between DTPA‐extractable Pb and soil properties was significant, suggesting that the DTPA‐extractable Pb is not heavily dependent on soil properties. The DTPA extractant showed a high ability to solubilize Pb in the natural soils possibly due to a high affinity of Pb for soil organic matter.  相似文献   


A laboratory experiment evaluated the rate of urea hydrolysis and ammonia volatilization from urea (U) mixed in organo‐mineral (O‐M) fertilizers. These fertilizers were incubated in soil in the presence or absence of N‐(n‐butyl)thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) as a urease inhibitor. Two organic matrices, leather (L) and peat (P), were used to prepare the O‐M fertilizers. In the absence of NBPT, the highest ammonia losses and the fastest rate of urea hydrolysis were in the soil treated with the fertilizer containing leather (UL50). Significantly lower ammonia losses occurred with peat‐based fertilizers. Although the fertilizer containing peat (UP50) stimulated the rate of urea hydrolysis with respect to the urea alone, no increase in ammonia volatilization was detected. NBPT‐containing fertilizers were stored for different times (0,7, 30, and 60 days) and temperatures (25°C and 40°C), and the NBPT recovery was monitored by extraction and analysis by HPLC. The NBPT recovery decreased by increasing either the storage time or the storage temperature. Differences among the fertilizers occurred after storage at 40°C for 30 or 60 days. With UN, in spite of about 25% extracted amount of NBPT, the ammonia losses did not increase with respect to the non‐stored fertilizer. On the contrary, no inhibitor was recovered from either of the O‐M fertilizers (UNL and UNP). However, in the presence of leather, NBPT reduced the volatilization losses by 35 to 40%, whereas in the presence of peat, a complete loss of NBPT efficiency occurred. In general, either the inhibitor recovery or efficiency were affected by the storage conditions or the type of organic matrix.  相似文献   

Nitrogen mineralization and nitrification in the soil of sub-alpine ruderal community of Mount Uludağ, Bursa, Turkey was measured for 1 year, under field conditions with Verbascum olympicum and Rumex olympicus being the dominant pioneer species under dry and wet sites, respectively. Seasonal fluctuations were observed in N mineralization and nitrification. The net N mineralization and nitrification were high in early summer and winter, due to high moisture. The annual net N mineralization rate (for the 0–15 cm soil layer) was higher under R. olympicus (188 kg N ha−1 yr−1) than under V. olympicum (96 kg N ha−1 yr−1). A significant positive correlation between net N mineralization and soil organic C (r2 = 0.166), total N (r2 = 0.141) and water content (r2 = 0.211) was found. Our results indicate that N mineralization rate is high in soils of ruderal communities on disturbed sites and varies with dominant species and, a difference in net N mineralization rate can be attributed to organic C, total N and moisture content of soils.  相似文献   


Quantitative assessment of soil nitrogen (N) that will become available is important for determining fertilizer needs of crops. Nitrogen‐supplying capacity of soil to rice and wheat was quantified by establishing zero‐N plots at on‐farm locations to which all nutrients except N were adequately supplied. Nitrogen uptake in zero‐N plots ranged from 41.4 to 110.3 kg N ha?1 for rice and 33.7 to 123.4 kg N ha?1 for wheat. Availability of soil N was also studied using oxidative, hydrolytic, and autoclaving indices, salt‐extraction indices, light‐absorption indices, and aerobic and anaerobic incubation indices. These were correlated with yield and N uptake by rice and wheat in zero‐N plots. Nitrogen extracted by alkaline KMnO4 and phosphate borate buffer and nitrogen mineralized under aerobic incubation were satisfactory indices of soil N supply. For rice, 2 M KCl and alkaline KMnO4 were the best N‐availability indices. Thus, alkaline KMnO4 should prove a quick and reliable indicator of indigenous soil N supply in soils under a rice–wheat cropping system.  相似文献   


Zinc (Zn) speciation was determined in a Zn pre‐treated Andosol, Inceptisol, and a Vertisol before and after adding phosphate. The fractions obtained, i.e., soluble, exchangeable, iron‐manganese (Fe‐Mn) bound, chelated and insoluble organic forms had a different distribution in the three soils. The exchangeable form predominated in the Andosol, followed by Fe‐Mn oxide bound Zn and minor amounts of the chelated forms, whereas Fe‐Mn oxide bound Zn was very abundant in the Inceptisol and Vertisol. Sizable amounts of the exchangeable form were also present. Phosphate pre‐treatment of the Inceptisol and Vertisol did not alter the distribution of the different forms of Zn, whereas in the Andosol the exchangeable as well as the Fe‐Mn oxide bound Zn increased markedly, chelated Zn also increased somewhat.  相似文献   


Time dependent zinc (Zn) desorption in eight benchmark soils of India was studied in relation to various pH values and ionic strengths. Soil samples were equilibrated in solutions containing 10 μg Zn g‐1 soil at pH 5.5,6.5, and 7.5 for 48 h at 25±2°C, and adsorbed Zn extracted with calcium chloride (CaCl2) for various periods of time. Desorption of Zn decreased with increasing pH, and the desorption rate decreased abruptly at pH 7.5. In contrast, an increase in the equilibration period and ionic strength of the background electrolyte increased Zn desorption. Four rival kinetic models were fitted and evaluated for their suitability for describing the Zn desorption process. Reaction rate constant (ß) calculated from the Elovich model for the different soils ranged from 9.99 to 25 (mg Zn kg‐1)‐1. The different kinetic models tested indicated that Zn desorption in soils was a diffusion controlled process. The desorption was rapid in the first 4 h, followed by slower phase in the rest of the time at all the pH values indicating a biphasic desorption, characteristic of a diffusion controlled process. The ß value for the Elovich equation showed a strong association with soil clay content and cation exchange capacity (CEC). Further, the best prediction of Zn desorption reaction rate constant could be made using multiple‐regression equation with soil clay content and CEC as variables.  相似文献   


Previously employed urea hydrolysis method (4) for the determination urease activity on phylloplanes fails if pre‐applied urea is present as a residue from fertilizer, urine or other sources prior to assay. Under such conditions the total urease activity is underestimated and the extracellular component is overestimated. A modified method is proposed that employs an additional measurement where mercuric chloride is a component of the assay incubating medium, which enables a correction to be made to urease activities estimated under such conditions. However, where no urea is present prior to the assay, previously employed methods are acceptable. Using the proposed modifications, urease activities on the phylloplane which had received urea dressings previously were shown to be depressed over the following 2 or 3 days due to the presence of ammonium ions.  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants were grown over a 30‐day‐period in nutrient solutions containing increasing copper (Cu) concentrations (0.002, 0.01, 0.05, 0.25, 1.25, and 6.25 mg/L). It was observed that in both root and leaf tissues the total activity of l‐aminocyclopropane‐l‐carboxylate synthase decreased at concentrations above 0.05 mg/L Cu treatment, whereas the total activity of the ethylene forming enzyme slightly increased until the 1.25 mg/L Cu treatment. In the root and leaf tissues, the 1‐aminocyclopropane‐l‐carboxylic acid concentrations decreased after the 0.05 mg/L and 0.01 mg/L Cu treatments, respectively, whereas the ethylene production decreased in both tissues after the 0.05 mg/L Cu treatment. It is proposed that excess Cu in both root and leaf tissues decrease the conversion of S‐adenosylmethionine to 1‐aminocyclopropane‐l‐carboxylic acid through the inhibition of the total l‐aminocyclopropane‐l‐carboxylate synthase activity. The concomitant effect of this inhibition on adventitious root formation and leaf senescence is evaluated.  相似文献   

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