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Changing conventional tillage to conservation tillage systems affects nitrogen (N) cycling in agroecosystems. Our objective was to evaluate the role of soil organic pools, specially plant residues, as sources‐sinks of nitrogen in an humid and warm temperate environment cropped to wheat, under plow‐ and no‐tillage. The experimental site was in the Argentine Pampa on a Typic Hapludoll. A balance‐sheet method was used: Nupt+Nres=Nsow+Nmin, where Nupt=N uptake by the crop at harvest; Nsow=soil mineral N as NH4 and NO3 at 0–90 cm depth, one month before sowing, plus N added as fertilizer; Nres=residual soil mineral N as NH4 and NO3 at 0–90 cm depth, at harvest; Nmin=N mineralized from humus and plant residues during wheat growing period. Nupt did not differ between tillage systems. Nitrogen supply by the mineral N pool, estimated by the difference Nsow‐Nres, was ca. 150 kg N ha‐1 in both tillage systems. Plant residues decomposed and released N under both treatments. This organic N pool decreased 77% along the crop cycle. Nmin, calculated using the balance equation was 83 kg N ha‐1, and did not differ between tillage managements, representing 35% of Nupt. This results highlight the importance of the organic pools as sources of N for wheat in the Humid Pampa. They also brink our attention on the importance for evaluate residue decomposition and humus mineralization in warm‐temperate regions when fertilizer requirements are determined, in order to minimize environmental hazard and economic losses by overfertilization.  相似文献   


Four treatments (no‐tillage plus subsoiling, no‐tillage, conventional tillage plus subsoiling, and conventional tillage) were continuously in place for 6 yr and a second set of no‐tillage plus subsoiling and conventional plus subsoiling treatments were continuously in place for 3 yr to study the long‐term effects of conventional and no‐tillage corn on soil organic matter (OM) and N contents. Soil samples were taken at random between the rows and in the rows to a depth of 60 cm, in 5‐cm increments to a depth of 30 cm, and then in 15‐cm increments from the 30 to 60‐cm depth for OM and N determination. No‐tillage resulted in A3 and 20% more Kjeldahl N than conventional tillage in the 0 to 5‐cm soil depth after 6 and 3 yr, respectively. after 6 yr, the 0 to 5‐cm depth had 36% more OM in no‐tillage treatments than in conventional tillage treatments, and soil from no‐tillage treatments averaged 27% more OM than the conventional tillage plus subsoiling treatment at the 0 to 15‐cm soil depth.  相似文献   


Efficient soil fertility management is essential for sustained production of high crop yields. Field experiments were conducted on an Entisol soil during 1984 to 1987 at Bidhan Chandra Agricultural University, West Bengal, India, to study the changes in soil N, P, and K in sub‐humid tropics under irrigated intensive cropping in rice‐potato‐mung bean (Oryza sativa L.‐ Solanum tuberosum L.‐ Vigna radiatus Roxb.) and rice‐potato‐sesame (O. sativa L.‐ S. tuberosum L.‐ Sesamum indicum L.) cropping sequences. The crops were grown with or without application of farmyard manure and with or without incorporation of crop residues. Different quantities of inorganic fertilizers based on locally recommended practices for fertilization were applied to rice and potato, and their residual effects on succeeding mung bean or sesame crops were assessed. At the end of experimentation, the total N status of soil improved more under the rice‐potato‐mung bean sequence than under the rice‐potato‐sesame sequence. The available phosphorus status of soil showed a positive balance in both sequences except in the treatment receiving 50% of the recommended amounts of N, P, and K. A reduction in the recommended fertilization without a compensating application of manure or crop residues resulted in the depletion of soil‐available K. All treatments reduced nonexchangeable K, and depletion was low wherever manure or crop residues were added into the cropping system. Integration of inorganic fertilizers with organic fertilizers, such as manure or crop residues, maintained soil N, P, and K under intensive agriculture and sustained soil productivity.  相似文献   

Freeze–thaw cycles can promote soil N losses as a result of microbial and root cell lysis; however, minimal freeze–thaw effects have typically been observed in studies that have imposed moderate temperature cycles. We conducted laboratory incubations on surface soil (top 3 cm) collected in a temperate old field from late fall through mid-winter to examine how variation in freeze–thaw amplitude, number, timing of collection, and freezing rate altered soil extractable N. We varied freeze–thaw amplitude by imposing minimum cycle temperatures of 0, −1, −2, −5, and −10°C for a series of either one or two cycles and held control samples constant at 3°C. We also examined the effects of freezing rates of 1, 3, and 30°C h−1. We hypothesized that extractable N would be highest for both the maximum freezing amplitudes and rates. While multiple freeze–thaw cycles at −10°C and freeze–thaw cycles associated with artificially high freezing rates increased extractable N, freeze–thaw cycles representative of field conditions at our site had no effect on extractable N in late fall and early winter. By mid-winter there was a significant freeze–thaw cycle effect but, contrary to our prediction, less N was extracted from freeze–thaw treated samples than from the control samples, which remained thawed over the treatment period. Increased extractable N in control samples was driven by increased organic N rather than increased inorganic N. Our results suggest that freeze–thaw damage to soil organisms does not contribute substantially to N release in our system. Instead, soil extractable N may increase during mid-winter thaws as a result of increased soil proteolytic activity above freezing temperatures.  相似文献   


Wheel‐traffic induced soil compaction has been shown to limit crop productivity, and its interaction with tillage method could affect soil nutrient transformations. A study was conducted during 1993–1994 to determine interactive effects of tillage method (conventional tillage and no‐tillage) and wheel‐traffic (traffic and no traffic) on soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) at a long‐term (initiated 1987) research site at Shorter, Alabama. The cropping system at this study site is a corn (Zea mays L.) ‐ soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr] rotation with crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.) as a winter cover crop. Soil organic C, total N, and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) were not significantly affected by six years of traffic and tillage treatments. However, conventional tillage compared to no‐tillage almost doubled the amount of CO2‐C respired over the entire observation period and during April 1994 field operations. Soil respiration was stimulated immediately after application of wheel‐ traffic, but nontrafficked soils produced greater amounts of CO2‐C compared to trafficked soils during other periods of observation. Nitrogen mineralization was significantly lower from no‐tillage‐trafficked soils compared to conventional tillage‐trafficked and no‐tillage‐nontrafficked soils for the 1993 growing season. A laboratory incubation indicated the presence of relatively easily mineralizable N substrates from conventional tillage‐trafficked soil compared to conventional tillage‐nontrafficked and no‐till‐trafficked soils. For the coarse textured soil used in this study it appears that conventional tillage in combination with wheel‐traffic may promote the highest levels of soil microbial activity.  相似文献   


Ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate nitrogen levels in the root zone of blight‐affected and healthy trees in a 35‐year‐old commercial orange grove were monitored at 30‐day intervals for 2 years. There was essentially no difference in NH4‐N and NO2‐N; however, at four sampling dates and overall, the NO3‐N level was slightly higher under healthy trees.  相似文献   

Soil–plant water dynamics is a major driving factor on crop yield which could be improved under optimal irrigation strategy. The soil water dynamics under partial root-zone drying (PRD) and its consequent effects on maize economics returns were investigated in a two-year field study in the research field of Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University. Irrigation treatments included full irrigation (FI) and two PRD treatments including PRD1 and PRD2, receiving 100%, 75% and 55% of crop water demand at each irrigation event, respectively. TDRs were used for measuring soil water contents on a daily basis. Economic analysis was done based on net present value (NPV), benefit-to-cost ratio (B/C) and internal rate of return (INRR) indices. Applying PRD1 treatment increased soil wetting front advance by 110–330% compared those for other treatments which caused 50% increase in root water uptake. Improved soil water dynamics under PRD1 prevented a significant reduction in maize grain yield, leading to 37.7%, 6.14% and 192% increase in NPV, B/C and INRR, respectively, under PRD1 than those for FI treatment. Thus, PRD1 was the most economic water-saving irrigation strategy under which 25% of irrigation water would be saved due to a better utilization of soil water supply.  相似文献   

Reduced tillage systems may be an option to allow rapid crop establishment in areas constrained by a short growing season, but such methods need to be adapted to soil tillage requirement and crop establishment needs. Rotation and tillage studies were conducted during a 6-year period on a fine sandy loam (Podzol) with silage maize (Zea mays L.) under the cool, humid climate, and relatively short growing season of Prince Edward Island, Atlantic Canada. The objective was to compare a continuous maize rotation with a maize–barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) rotation, using both no-tillage and conventional mouldboard ploughing for the maize, and to evaluate treatment effects on maize growth and productivity, weed populations, and soil quality. Plant population and maize yield were not consistently influenced by the tillage or rotation treatments. Mean maize yield ranged from 7.2 to 7.7 Mg ha−1. An increasing density of weeds over the 6-year period, especially perennial species, was evident under no-tillage, compared to mouldboard ploughing. Except for slight changes in soil pH, spatial variation in extractable soil P, and a higher level of organic C and labile forms of C (microbial biomass and mineralizable C), soil chemical quality was similar among treatments. An apparent decline in soil physical quality, as indicated by a reduction in macro-porosity volume and increase in soil penetration resistance below the 8 cm soil depth, was evident under the no-tillage at the end of the 6-year period. However, macro-pore continuity was less affected by a reduction in tillage, while field measurements of soil hydraulic conductivity increased under no-tillage compared to ploughing. The latter result may be related to the observed increase in earthworm population where tillage was reduced. Use of rotational tillage resulted in an intermediate soil physical condition between continuous no-tillage and ploughing. Overall, no-tillage appears a promising strategy to facilitate a fast and early establishment of maize on sandy loam soils in Atlantic Canada, but some ongoing monitoring of the soil physical condition would be required.  相似文献   

Conservation tillage crop production systems have become common in the central Great Plains because they reduce soil erosion and increase water‐use efficiency. The high residue levels associated with no‐tillage systems can cause soils to be cool and wet which can reduce nutrient uptake and growth of crops. Starter fertilizer applications have been effective in improving nutrient uptake even on soils high in available nutrient elements. Resent research indicates that corn (Zea mays L.) hybrids differ in their responses to starter fertilizer. No information is currently available concerning grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] hybrid response to starter fertilizer. The objective of this study was to evaluate grain sorghum hybrid responses to starter fertilizer in a no‐tillage environment on a soil high in available phosphorus (P). This field experiment was conducted from 1995 to 1997 at the North Central Kansas Experiment Field, located near Belleville, on a Crete silt loam soil (fine, montmorillonitic, mesic, Pachic Arguistoll). Treatments consisted of 12 grain sorghum hybrids and two starter fertilizer treatments. Fertilizer treatments were starter fertilizer [34 kg nitrogen (N) and 34 kg P2O5 ha‐1] or no starter fertilizer. Starter fertilizer was applied 5 cm to the side and 5 cm below the seed at planting. Immediately after planting, N was balanced on all plots to give a total of 168 kg N ha‐1. In all three years of the experiment, grain yield, total P uptake (grain plus stover), grain moisture content at harvest, and days to mid‐bloom were affected by a hybrid x starter fertilizer interaction. Starter fertilizer consistently increased yields, reduced harvest grain moisture, improved total P uptake, and reduced the number of days needed from emergence to mid‐bloom of Pioneer 8505, Pioneer 8522Y, Pioneer 8310, Dekalb 40Y, Dekalb 48, Dekalb 51, Dekalb 55, and Northrup King 524, buthadno effect on Pioneer 8699, Dekalb 39Y, Northrup King 383Y, and Northrup King 735. When averaged over the three years, starter fertilizer increased grain yield of responding hybrids (hybrids in which the 3‐year average grain yield was significantly increased by the application of starter fertilizer) by 920 kg ha‐1. In responding hybrids, starter fertilizer reduced grain moisture at harvest by 54 g kg1 and also shortened the period from emergence to mid‐bloom by five days. Starter fertilizer increased V6 stage aboveground dry matter production and N and P uptake of all hybrids tested. Results of this work show that in high residue production systems even on soils high in available P, starter fertilizer can consistently increase yield of some hybrids, whereas other hybrids are not affected.  相似文献   


Nitrogen (N) fertilizer is a key factor of yield increase but also an environmental pollution hazard. The sustainable agriculture system should have an acceptable level of productivity and profitability and an adequate environmental protection. The objectives of this study were to determine the relationships between N rate, DM yield, plant N concentration (NC) and residual soil nitrate‐nitrogen in order to improve the predicted N rate in corn (Zea mays L.) silage. The experiment was conducted over a period of three years in the province of Quebec on three soil series in a continuous corn crop sequence. Treatments consisted of six rates of N: O, 40, 80, 120, 160, and 200 kg N ha‐1 as ammonium nitrate applied at planting: broadcast and side banded. Four optimum N rates were calculated using different models: (i) economic rate base on fertilizer and corn price using the quadratic model (E); (ii) economic rate based on fertilizer and corn price using the quadratic‐plus‐plateau model (QP); (iii) critical rate based on linear‐plus‐plateau model (P); (iv) lower than maximum rate (L) corresponding to 95% of maximum yield. The optimum plant NC at all growing stages and the N uptake at harvest were calculated depending on these N rates and yields.

The NC of whole plant at 8‐leaf stage (25–30 cm plant height) of ear leaf at tasselling and of whole plant at harvest stage, the N rate, the N uptake at harvest and the DM yield were all significantly intercorrelated and affected by soils and years, but not affected by N fertilizer application method. The DM yield was linearly and significantly related to NC of whole plant at 8‐leaf stage (rv = 0.932**). At this stage, the average NC corresponding to the optimum N rate and yield was of 3.71, 3.68, and 3.66% as calculated with E, L, and P model, respectively. Our data suggest that the NC of whole plant at 8‐leaf stage may be used to evaluate the N nutrition status of plant and the required optimum N fertilizer rate. The NC of ear leaf at tassel stage was also significantly correlated to corn yield (r = 0.994**). It may be used as an indicator to evaluate the near‐optimum N rate in the subsequent years.

The N uptake by whole above‐ground plant at harvest was quadratically related to corn yield. Data show that at high fertilizer N rate, the N uptake still increased without significantly increasing yield. The N uptake was of 176.5, 163.0, and 155.0 kg N ha‐1 using the E, L and P rates of 146, 126, and 115 kg N applied ha‐1, respectively. The optimum N rate and yield were affected by soil type and year, but not by the method of N fertilizer application. The yield increased rapidly up to a N rate of about 120 kg N ha‐1 and then quite slightly to a maximum N rate of 192 kg N ha‐1. The optimum N rate was of 115 and 126 kg N ha‐1 using the P and L model respectively and as high as 146.8 kg N ha‐1 using the E model. The L model, using a much smaller N rate, gave a reasonably high yield compared to E rate (12.2 and 12.5 Mg ha‐1, respectively). The data show that a relatively much lower N rate than maximum did not proportionally diminish the yield. Thus, for a difference of 40.4% between maximum N rate and P rate a difference of only 7.4% in yield was observed. Using the L model the differences in rate and yield were of 34.4% and 4.7%, respectively. The QP model gave no significant difference compared to E model.

At harvest the residual soil NO3‐N increased significantly with increasing N fertilizer rate in whole of the 100 cm soil profile, but mainly in the top 40 cm soil layer. The total NO3‐N found in 0–100 cm profile at rate of 0, 120 and 200 kg applied N ha‐1 at planting was as high as 33.7, 60.5, and 74.5 kg N ha‐1 respectively in a light soil and 37.5, 97.5, and 145.5 kg N ha‐1 in a heavy clay soil. The difference in NO3‐N content in the 60–100 cm layer between different applied N rate suggests that at harvest, part of fertilizer N applied at planting was already leached below the 100 cm soil layer. Results, thus, show that reasonably high corn yields can be obtained using more adequate N fertilizer rates which avoid the overfertilization and are likely to reduce the air and ground water pollution.  相似文献   


The objective of the investigation was to compare the predominant forms of P in fields of an acid Matapeake soil under no‐till and conventional‐till management. The fields, which differed in extent of contact between soil and fertilizer P, also differ in forms of P. Fertilizer P remained in the uppermost layer of no‐till fields and was, therefore, not in as close proximity to the plant (corn) roots as P was in conventional‐till fields. Nevertheless, fertilizer P in the no‐till fields underwent only limited conversion to forms less available to plants and thus, in part, may have accounted for similar plant uptake rates of P in no‐till and conventional‐till fields.

One method used to analyze P in the Matapeake soil was the double‐acid‐extraction method. This method is used by several state soil‐testing laboratories of the eastern and southeastern United States, where acid soils like Matapeake are common. The double‐acid‐extraction method underestimated the soil P available for plant uptake.  相似文献   


A new method for microsite assessment of soil nutrient supply in forest soil was developed. The method involves the use of ion exchange membranes to assess differences in soil nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) supply rates in‐field over small depth increments in the forest floor (i.e., the L, F, and H horizons). Ion exchange membranes were buried and retrieved from the forest floor in an aspen forest stand in Saskatchewan, Canada. Small (6 mm diameter) sections of the membrane were cut out and ion concentration on the sections measured to provide a nutrient supply rate at that location. Soil nutrient supply rates at the site ranged from 4.6–6.0, 7.3–8.5, 11.6–21.5, and 122–196μg 10 cm2#lb2 h‐1 for NH4 +‐N, NC3 ‐N, P, and K, respectively. On average, the highly humified H horizon had the highest N and P supply rates, followed by the F horizon, with the surface litter (L horizon) having the lowest N supply rates. The simplicity and sensitivity of the procedure make this method appropriate for in‐field assessment of differences in soil nutrient supply over small vertical and horizontal distance and was especially appropriate for the forest floor horizons in forest soils.  相似文献   

Oriental tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Myrodata Agrinion) were grown without nitrogen (N) fertilization (N0) and with added ammonium nitrate at a rate of 50 kg‐ha‐1 (N1) and 100 kg‐ha‐1 (N2). Non‐uniform patterns for leaf FW and DW changes per node showed a decreasing trend from lower to upper nodes during the vegetative stage. From approaching flowering to fruit set, these patterns became more uniform. Plants which were fertilized with N had increased leaf FW and DW accumulation levels and non‐uniform distribution patterns, primarily during the reproductive stage, and leaves of the lower nodes were found in the older plants. By contrast, the median values of leaf FW for the unfertilized plants were reduced during the reproductive period. The DW/FW×100 ratio values revealed a stable relationship between leaf FW and DW from the vegetative to the reproductive stage, while modified patterns of DW/FW×100 appeared later in the plant cycle. Nitrogen fertilization resulted in an early appearance of modified patterns of DW/FW×100 in the plant life cycle and higher accumulation of dry matter per unit leaf area. Patterns of total leaf N concentration showed an increasing trend from the lower to the upper nodes for all plant ages and treatments. Total N concentration values varied from 1.6%, 1.9%, and 1.8% on a dry matter basis, for the lower node up to 5.5%, 6.3%, and 6.1% for the upper node in young tobacco plants in the N o , N1, and N 2 treatments, respectively. After fruit set, a more uniform distribution of total leaf N was observed among the leaves in all treatments. Concentration values for total leaf N in older plants varied from 1.9%, 2.1%, and 2.2% for the lower node up to 3.4%, 3.3% and 3.2% for the upper node in the N 0 , N1, and N2 treatments, respectively. These results suggest a progressive decrease with plant age for total leaf N concentration in the plant as a whole. The increased N fertilizer level affected the total N level in young plants but not in the older ones. Inflorescence and fruit set periods are critical for plant N balance except for the plants which received the increased N fertilization. The determined total stem N concentration was less than that for the leaves. This change in the stem, similar to leaves, showed an increasing trend from the basal to the upper part and a decreasing trend from the vegetative to the reproductive stage. The total stem N level declined from 1.0–1.2%, 1.6–1.7%, and 2.2–2.9% on a dry matter basis to 0.5–0.6%, 1.0–1.2%, and 1.2–1.6% for the basal, middle, and upper part of the stem, respectively.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) supply increased yield, leaf % N at 10 days after silking (DAS) and at harvesting, the contents of ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase (RUBISCO) and soluble protein, and the activities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), and ferredoxin‐glutamate synthase (Fd‐GOGAT), but not of glutamine synthetase (GS) for six tropical maize (Zea mays L) cultivars. Compared to plants fertilized with 10 kg N/ha, plants inoculated with a mixture of Azospirillum sp. (strains Sp 82, Sp 242, and Sp Eng‐501) had increased grain % protein, and leaf % N at 10 DAS and at harvest, but not grain yield. Compared to plants fertilized with either 60 or 180 kg N/ha, Azospirillum‐inoculated plants yielded significantly less, and except for GS activity, which was not influenced by N supply, had lower values for leaf % N at 10 DAS and at harvest, for contents of soluble protein and RUBISCO, and for the activities of PEPC and Fd‐GOGAT. Yield was positively correlated to leaf % N both at 10 DAS and at harvest, to the contents of soluble protein and RUBISCO, and to the activities of PEPC and Fd‐GOGAT, but not of GS, when RUBISCO contents and enzyme activities were calculated per g fresh weight/min. However, when enzyme contents and enzyme activities were expressed per mg soluble protein/min, yield was correlated positively to RUBISCO and PEPC, but negatively to GS. These results give support to the hypothesis that RUBISCO, Fd‐GOGAT, and PEPC may be used as biochemical markers for the development of genotypes with enhanced photosynthetic capacity and yield potential.  相似文献   

Climate warming and increased climate variability are both predicted to increase the frequency of soil freeze–thaw cycles in temperate regions. We exposed intact soil-plant mesocosms to freeze–thaw cycles and examined the effects on nitrogen leaching losses. Freezing treatments were performed by incubating the mesocosms in the soil with their tops exposed to air to impose freezing from the top down, such that realistic freezing rates and cycle amplitudes were experienced across the soil profile. Leaching events were then initiated by water addition the following day for both the freezing treatment and control mesocosms. While water addition alone explained the major part of soluble organic nitrogen leaching, nitrate leaching approximately doubled in response to freeze–thaw cycles, and nitrogen leaching remained high after 11 freeze–thaw cycles. In a second experiment, pulses of warming were applied in situ to mesocosms over fall, winter or spring, in order to melt snow, and thereby increase freeze–thaw cycling by exposing soils to diurnal fluctuations in air temperature. Warming pulses had little effect on sub-surface soil temperatures and no effect on soil nitrogen leaching. However, warming pulses over spring severely reduced the abundance of the legume Coronilla varia in the following growing season. Overall, the results of these experiments indicate that while increased soil freeze–thaw cycles combined with leaching events are capable of increasing soil nitrogen losses, warming pulses will only promote increased freeze–thaw cycles if they are followed by cold, snow-free weather. The strong effect of warming on the N-fixer C. varia highlights that changes in plant species composition in response to warming may have stronger implications for soil nitrogen dynamics than the direct effects of freeze–thaw cycles on soil nitrogen leaching losses.  相似文献   


Fertilizer placement for corn (Zea mays L.) has been a major concern for no‐tillage production systems. This 3‐yr study (1994 to 1996) evaluated fertilizer phosphorus (P) or potassium (K) rates and placement for no‐tillage corn on farmers’ fields. There were two sites for each experiment involving fertilizer P or K. Treatments consisted ofthe following fertilizer rates: 0,19,and 39 kg P ha‐1 or 0, 51, and 102 kg K ha‐I. The fertilizer was broadcast or added as a subsurface band 5 cm beside and 5 cm below the seed at planting. Early plant growth, nutrient concentrations, and grain yields were measured. At the initiation of the study, soil test levels for P and K at the 0–1 5 cm depths ranged from optimum (medium) to very high across sites. Effects of added fertilizer and placement on early plant growth and nutrient concentrations were inconsistent. Added fertilizer had a significant effect on grain yields in two of twelve site‐years. Therefore, on no‐tillage soils with high fertility, nutrient addition, and placement affected early plant growth and nutrient utilization, but had limited effect on grain yield. Consequently, crop responses to the additions of single element P or K fertilizers under no‐tillage practices and high testing soils may not result in grain yield advantages for corn producers in the Northern cornbelt regardless of placement method.  相似文献   


No‐tillage corn (Zea mays L.) culture normally entails the placement of N fertilizer on the soil surface without mechanical incorporation. This field investigation was conducted to compare the N fertilizers that are most widely used in Virginia, when applied in this manner, for their effectiveness in producing notillage corn. Comparisons of the time of applying NH4NO3 were also made. Grain and stover yields, in addition to N removed in the crop, were used to draw conclusions. The experiments were conducted on both fertile and infertile soils in 1972 and 1973, both of which were relatively wet years. The fertilizers tested, urea, NH4NO3, and N solutions, were equally effective, per unit of N applied. Split applications of NH4NO3 showed no statistically significant advantage over all applied at planting but slightly trended to do so. N deficiency reduced grain yields relatively more than stover yields.  相似文献   

Denitrification rates under various tillage systems were determined in the corn (Zea mays L.) cycle of a corn‐oats (Avena sativa L.) rotation. Denitrification was measured directly with an in‐situ soil cover method which supplied the soil with acetylene (C2H2) and evacuated the nitrous oxide (N2O) produced. Denitrification rates were measured in both a field or non‐wheel track (NWT) area and in a compacted wheel track (WT) area for the no‐till (NT), chisel plow (CH), moldboard plow (MP) tillage systems after nitrogen (N) was applied by broadcast/incorporation with 112 kg N/ha as ammonium nitrate. Nitrogen was also applied to the NT treatment by injection with modified anhydrous ammonia knives prior to planting. Most of the cumulative N loss occurred over a 22 day period following heavy rainfall in June. Denitrification was greatest on days after rainfall events for the NT systems. Cumulative N loss was estimated at 25, 16, and 11 kg N/ha from May 29‐September 8 for NT, CH, and MP treatments, respectively, for the broadcast/incorporated N application. Mean denitrification rates from WT areas were about 1.6 times greater than the NWT areas.  相似文献   


The interaction of gamma‐irradiated sewage sludge, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on dry matter production, phosphorus concentration and phosphorus uptake of sorghum was examined. Three crops of sorghum were grown in the greenhouse in 19 1 plastic buckets. The phosphorus and sludge treatments were applied at the initiation of the experiment only. Nitrogen was applied to the corresponding nitrogen treatment pots before each of the three croppings.

There was a significant nitrogen x sewage interaction for dry matter production, phosphorus concentration and phosphorus uptake in each harvest. There was a significant phosphorus sewage sludge interaction in the first harvest for phosphorus uptake. All other possible interactions were not statistically significant. The 67 metric ton/ha sludge rate produced nearly the same yield as the nitrogen treatment. In the first harvest, sludge significantly increased plant phosphorus uptake from the fertilizer phosphorus. The phosphorus uptake in sorghum from 472 and 944 kg P/ha from the sludge treatments was comparable to that from 1299 and 2598 kg P/ha from triple superphosphate.  相似文献   


Understanding seasonal soil nitrogen (N) availability patterns is necessary to assess corn (Zea mays L.) N needs following winter cover cropping. Therefore, a field study was initiated to track N availability for corn in conventional and no‐till systems and to determine the accuracy of several methods for assessing and predicting N availability for corn grown in cover crop systems. The experimental design was a systematic split‐split plot with fallow, hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth), rye (Secale cereale L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), rye+hairy vetch, and wheat+hairy vetch established as main plots and managed for conventional till and no‐till corn (split plots) to provide a range of soil N availability. The split‐split plot treatment was sidedressed with fertilizer N to give five N rates ranging from 0–300 kg N ha‐1 in 75 kg N ha‐1 increments. Soil and corn were sampled throughout the growing season in the 0 kg N ha‐1 check plots and corn grain yields were determined in all plots. Plant‐available N was greater following cover crops that contained hairy vetch, but tillage had no consistent affect on N availability. Corn grain yields were higher following hairy vetch with or without supplemental fertilizer N and averaged 11.6 Mg ha‐1 and 9.9 Mg ha‐1 following cover crops with and without hairy vetch, respectively. All cover crop by tillage treatment combinations responded to fertilizer N rate both years, but the presence of hairy vetch seldom reduced predicted fertilizer N need. Instead, hairy vetch in monoculture or biculture seemed to add to corn yield potential by an average of about 1.7 Mg ha‐1 (averaged over fertilizer N rates). Cover crop N contributions to corn varied considerably, likely due to cover crop N content and C:N ratio, residue management, climate, soil type, and the method used to assess and assign an N credit. The pre‐sidedress soil nitrate test (PSNT) accurately predicted fertilizer N responsive and N nonresponsive cover crop‐corn systems, but inorganic soil N concentrations within the PSNT critical inorganic soil N concentration range were not detected in this study.  相似文献   

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