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The effect of drought stress and inoculation with an indigenous Mozambican and a commercial arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) inoculant on root colonization and plant growth and yield was studied in two peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cultivars—a traditional, low-yielding Mozambican landrace (Local) and a modern, high-yielding cultivar (Falcon)—grown in a non-sterile Mozambican soil. In these cultivars, AM mycorrhizal colonization was not substantially reduced by drought stress. Growth and yield of inoculated plants subjected to drought stress were increased in comparison with non-inoculated ones. The indigenous Mozambique inoculant significantly increased leaf and root growth in both cultivars under drought stress by preventing an increase in root weight ratio (RWR) and maximum root-length to leaf-area ratio (MRLAR). The commercial Hannover inoculant had a positive effect on growth only under well-watered conditions, this result was due most likely to a lesser ability to adapt to drought conditions to which the AM fungal strains in Mozambique inoculant are frequently exposed. Such drought-stress effects on growth could be alleviated by inoculation with Mozambique inoculant, particularly because of its ability to decrease sensitivity of the host plant to reduction in leaf expansion. Therefore, an adequate management of the AM symbiosis may improve peanut productivity, particularly under drought stress and in small-scale farming systems.  相似文献   

To compare the effect of substrate-based and commercial arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in salt stress tolerance of Romaine lettuce a bifactorial analysis was carried out. Under non-saline conditions, only plants inoculated with formulation 1 stimulated shoot weight but not related with greater root AMF colonization. Phosphorus and potassium concentrations in leaves were improved by mycorrhizal association. Irrigation with 100 mM sodium chloride (NaCl) did not affect leaf relative water content and we observed no osmotic adjustment in leaves from non-mycorrhizal plants. However, root dry biomass and its starch content decreased, while leaf starch and root soluble sugar concentrations were enhanced. Lettuce inoculated with formulation 2 and substrate-based Glomus intraradices showed the highest root colonization percentages. Nevertheless, none of the mycorrhizal treatments induced a significant improvement on growth of lettuce subjected to salt stress. Romaine lettuce seems to be a moderately tolerant variety to salinity and therefore, the contribution of AMF was minimized.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As), which is present in all living tissues, water, and soil, is considered toxic to humans and animals. Because of the presence of arsenic-contaminated sites throughout the world, there is a renewed interest in studying the status of As in water, soil, and plants. Concentrations of As above the permissible limit have been reported in Lower Ganges Plains (West Bengal in India and Bangladesh). The present investigation aimed to examine the concentration of As in water, soil, and rice plants in the Upper/Trans-Ganges Plains covering Punjab in northwestern India. In total, 200 water samples were collected from different locations in Punjab. Corresponding soil, rice grain, and straw samples were collected from the same locations as the water samples had been collected. In addition to deep tube well water (>125 m deep), water samples from shallow hand pumps (<50 m deep) and canals were also collected. The samples were analyzed for total As concentration using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer equipped with a hydride generating system (AAS-HG). The concentration of As in tube well water samples varied from 5.33 to 17.27 μg As L–1, with about 40% samples having As concentrations greater than the permissible limit (10 μg As L–1). None of the hand pump and canal water samples had As concentrations greater than permissible limits. The As concentration of surface soils varied from 1.09 to 2.48 mg As kg–1. There was no trend in the distribution of As with depth of soil. The concentration of As in rice straw varied from 4.05 to 15.06 μg As kg–1 and that of grain from 1.48 to 6.87 μg As kg–1. The concentration of As was lower in edible grain than in inedible straw. There was a positive and significant correlation between As concentration in tube well water and As concentration in surface soils. The buildup of As in soils was directly related to the As concentration of tube well waters. There was a significant correlation between As in water and As in plants. However, a nonsignificant correlation existed between As in soil and As in plants. This indicates that plants absorbed more As from irrigation water than that from soil. This also suggests that irrigation with such waters over a longer period of time may have detrimental effects on soil and on plants, animals, and humans. There is thus a need to continuously monitor the As concentration in undergroundwater.  相似文献   

The intent of the experiments was to analyze impact of cadmium (Cd) and/or zinc (Zn) on membrane functionality, nutrient acquisition, antioxidant defense, and osmolyte accumulation in nodules of two pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) genotypes (Sel 85N and P792) with and without arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Funneliformis mosseae. Findings demonstrated that accumulation of Cd and Zn in nodules resulted in membrane destabilization, nutrient imbalance, increased antioxidant enzyme activities [superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POX), and glutathione reductase (GR)], and osmoprotectants such as total free amino acids (FAA), total soluble sugars (TSS), proline, and glycine betaine (GB). Cd had higher negative effects than Zn. P792 was comparatively more metal sensitive and displayed higher reductions than Sel 85N. Application of Zn decreased Cd uptake and reduced the phytotoxic effects of Cd. Zn1000 in combination with F. mosseae restored nodular membrane stability; enhanced nutrient pool [phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and iron (Fe)]; and boosted antioxidant enzyme activities and osmolyte synthesis in a genotype-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Ninety-four barley genotypes were used to investigate the genotypic differences in arsenic (As) uptake and translocation and their relationships with As tolerance index (TI) and translocation factor (TF). Two As treatments (300 µM and 500 µM) were applied in the initial screening and the confirmatory experiments, respectively. The results showed significant (p < 0.05) differences in tissue biomass, shoot height, root length, As TI and TF among genotypes. Based on As TI, 11 barley genotypes were selected and divided into 3 groups, i.e. tolerant, mildly tolerant and sensitive. There was more As uptake in the roots of the As tolerant genotypes, while the As sensitive genotypes contained more As in shoots, which was further proved by the greater TF. Significantly negative correlation was observed between shoot and root As concentration. The results showed that As tolerant genotypes are able to restrict the upward movement of As, thus developing their tolerance.  相似文献   

Addition of biochar in agriculture soil and bioinoculation of several fungi have been proved to benefit the growth and yield of crops; however, these have been mostly studied separately. Therefore, to perceive the effect of biochar along with Aspergillus niger K7, the present investigation was planned in soybean. Maximum solubilization was found at 20°C in vitro. Further, the strain was morphologically and molecularly identified. In plant-soil experiment, all the treatments showed a significant (p < 0.05) increase in growth, root nodulation, and yield of soybean plants; however, biochar supplemented with K7 treatment was the best. Hence, it can be concluded that the addition of both bioinoculant and biochar simultaneously can be a good practice to improve soil fertility and crop yield. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on comparative study of the effect of biochar and phosphorus (P)-solubilizing K7 strain on growth, yield and P uptake in soybean plants grown in Kumaon Himalayas.  相似文献   

张立  雷风华  崔玉军  杨元江  王恩宝 《土壤》2021,53(4):850-857
基于多目标区域地球化学调查数据,采用地统计分析与GIS空间分析方法,对松嫩平原黑土核心区土壤As含量进行冷热点分析和空间变异特征分析,运用地累积指数法、潜在生态风险指数法对研究区土壤As污染进行了评价。结果表明:研究区土壤As含量范围在2.1~107.7 mg/kg,平均含量9.09 mg/kg,略高于黑龙江省松嫩平原土壤As含量背景值;土壤As高值聚类区主要分布在呼兰河上游,低值聚类区主要分布在呼兰河下游和松花江流域;土壤As含量具有强烈的空间自相关性,以结构性变异为主,空间分布受成土母质、水系等因素影响显著;研究区98.52%的地区为无污染的状态,99.88%的地区为低潜在生态风险。建议通过改善农业耕作方式、调整种植结构、减少农药和化肥使用量等人为因素来减缓土壤中As含量增加的趋势。  相似文献   

Seedlings of two soybean genotypes, BX10 [aluminum (Al)-tolerant] and BD2 (Al-sensitive), were treated with Al to evaluate the relative root growth (RRG), callose content, Al-sensitive zone, lipid peroxidation, and the anti-oxidative enzyme activities by histochemical and biochemical assays. Under Al toxicity, the RRG reduction of BD2 was more significant than that of BX10, while callose content displayed a contrary trend. The 2–5 mm zone of root apex was the main Al-sensitive zone for soybeans. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT), and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) were found to be higher in the two genotypes under Al toxicity than that of the controls. The SOD, POD, and CAT activities of BX10; however, were significantly lower than those of BD2. These results implied that producing low quantity of ROS may be one aspect of the Al-tolerant mechanism for soybeans, which in turn helps them adapt to Al stress.  相似文献   

采用室内水培试验方法,研究了砷胁迫(0~50mgAs·L^-1)对砷超富集植物大叶井口边草(Pteris cretica vat.nervosa)和非砷超富集植物剑叶凤尾蕨(Pteris ensiformis)叶片的过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性以及丙二醛(MDA)含量和自由基0i·产生速率的影响,并研究了25mgAs·L^-处理下上述6种指标的时间动态。结果表明,随着砷浓度升高,除APX外,剑叶凤尾蕨叶片的CAT、POD和SOD活性受到很大抑制,而大叶井口边草叶片这3种酶的活性能够维持,特别是POD活性显著增加;大叶井口边草叶片的MDA含量降低,剑叶凤尾蕨则升高;剑叶凤尾蕨叶片中的O2^-·产生速率比大叶井口边草增加显著。从时间动态看,随处理时间的延长,大叶井口边草叶片中的CAT和APX活性先降低再升高,POD活性显著增加,SOD活性变化不显著;剑叶凤尾蕨叶片的POD和SOD活性显著降低,APX活性无显著变化,CAT活性则先降低后升高;两种供试植物叶片的MDA含量第6d时均出现明显下降,但大叶井口边草叶片中O2^-·的产生速率在第6d则显著增加,而后降至实验初始时的水平。总起来看,砷超富集植物大叶井口边草比非砷超富集植物剑叶凤尾蕨具有更强的抗氧化能力,并且POD在其抗氧化体系中起关键作用。  相似文献   

南方红壤区林下侵蚀劣地近地表植被覆盖度低,导致林下水土流失严重。接种AM真菌能够促进植被生长,改善土壤肥力,进而可以减少土壤侵蚀。以马尾松退化林地为对象,设置引种灌木(S)和引种灌木并接菌(S+AMF)2个处理,研究AM真菌接种对林下侵蚀劣地土壤碳氮及球囊霉素的影响。结果表明:接菌近1年后,菌根侵染率(MCR)在S+AMF处理的坡上部和全坡位上显著S处理(P0.05);SOC、TN、SMBC、EE-GRSP和T-GRSP含量在S+AMF处理的坡下部均显著坡中部(P0.05),而在S处理下各坡位差异均不显著(P0.05);AN、SMBN和pH在各处理不同坡位差异均不显著(P0.05);与未接菌S处理相比,接菌(S+AMF)处理对MCR、SOC、TN、SMBC、SMBN、EE-GRSP、T-GRSP、AN和pH的平均贡献率分别为43.83%±15.10%,5.33%±1.57%,14.69%±7.92%,27.88%±4.89%,39.25%±4.82%,6.90%±2.56%,12.47%±7.95%,-13.18%±6.63%和-0.71%±2.74%。简单相关和逐步回归分析表明,MCR、SOC、TN、SMBC、SMBN和球囊霉素之间呈显著正相关(P0.05),TN、SMBC和MCR解释了SOC 80.5%的变异,SOC、SMBC、SMBN和MCR共同解释了TN 90.4%的变异,而TN、SMBN、pH和MCR解释了AN 48.9%的变异,说明接菌提高了紫穗槐根系的菌根侵染率,从而间接促进了林下土壤碳氮及球囊霉素的增加,为有效改善林下侵蚀劣地土壤质量和促进植被恢复有重要的意义。  相似文献   

采用温室盆栽试验方法,研究了镉(Cd)、锌(Zn)污染土壤中,8种不同丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)Glomus lamellosum(G.la)、Acaulospora mellea(A.m)、Glomus mosseae(G.m)、Glomus intraradices(G.i)、Glomus etunicatum(G.e)、Glomus constrictum(G.c)、Diversispora spurcum(D.s)、Glomus aggregatum(G.a)对紫花苜蓿(Medicagosativa L.)吸收Cd、Zn的影响。结果表明,Cd、Zn污染下AMF仍然明显侵染紫花苜蓿,并促进紫花苜蓿对Cd、Zn的吸收积累,但不同AMF影响的效应和植株不同部位对重金属的吸收积累规律存在差异。AMF处理下紫花苜蓿根部Cd、Zn含量和积累量明显增加,但地上部Cd、Zn的含量则降低,地上部Zn的积累量也减小,这表明AMF处理减弱了Cd、Zn由根部向地上部的运移,减轻了植物地上部毒害。接种AMF条件下,植株尤其是根部生物量增加是Cd、Zn在其体内含量和积累量增加的重要因素,不同种类AMF促进植株生物量增加的幅度不同,导致植株对Cd、Zn的积累和抗性存在差异。  相似文献   

The interaction between legumes, rhizobial and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) partners benefits plant nutrition and improves plant tolerance to water stress. The present research evaluated the effectiveness of symbioses between cowpea plants (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.), AM fungi (Glomus intraradices) and two strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum on the mycorrhization, acid phosphatase activity (APase), enzymes related to nitrogen fixation and assimilation, and biomass accumulation at three soil moisture levels. The results revealed that the soil moisture optimal for the formation of active symbiotrophic associations in cowpea cultivation was about 60% water-holding capacity (WHC), where both Bradyrhizobium strains and AM fungi function well with respect to mycorrhization, nitrogen and phosphorus uptake, nitrogen fixation and plant biomass production. Under conditions of reduced water supply, the symbiotic association between Br. japonicum-273 and Gl. intraradices was better for cowpea cultivation, while in elevated soil moisture association between Br. japonicum-269 and Gl. intraradices was more appropriate.  相似文献   

Water, Air, &; Soil Pollution - The hydrochemical study of the area surrounding the Hisarc?k (Emet-Kütahya) colemanite mine shows extremely high arsenic contamination in ground water...  相似文献   

为了研究土著丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, AMF)与间作模式对坡耕地红壤径流氮形态变化的响应,通过自然降雨条件下的径流小区模拟试验,设置不同种植模式(单作玉米、玉米/大豆间作、单作大豆)和不同菌根处理(抑菌(喷施苯菌灵)、未抑菌)进行研究。根据2017年6—9月采集的6次径流水样,分析比较菌根与间作复合处理下径流氮形态变化迁移特征。结果表明:在6次取样时间内,地表径流总氮浓度呈先上升后下降的趋势,硝态氮浓度呈先上升后下降再上升的趋势,而铵态氮浓度则表现出整体下降的趋势,并趋于平缓。所有复合处理中,间作-未抑菌处理的径流总氮浓度最低,较单作玉米-抑菌与单作大豆-抑菌处理显著降低35.0%和42.1%。无论何种种植模式,未抑菌处理的径流硝态氮浓度均明显低于抑菌处理,其中间作-未抑菌处理的径流硝态氮浓度较抑菌处理下的单作玉米与单作大豆处理显著降低,降幅分别为26.2%和33.9%。无论是否抑菌,间作处理的径流铵态氮浓度均低于单作玉米与单作大豆处理,间作-未抑菌处理下其浓度最低,较单作玉米-抑菌与单作大豆-抑菌处理明显降低34.8%和28.2%。由此可见,土著AMF与玉米/大豆间作对径流氮流失具有一定的协同削减潜力。  相似文献   

攀援植物在北方水土保持生态修复中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
水土保持生态修复过程中,陡坡和垂直陡壁一直是治理的难题。我国北方地区山多,坡多,坡陡,是生态环境较难修复的原因之一。就攀援植物在坡面、垂直陡壁的绿化方面进行了探讨研究,筛选了5种北方常见的攀援植物,分别对其生长特性、优缺点等方面做出了评价,并根据坡面的不同特性阐述了植物配置的原则和配置的种类,提出了栽植中宜采取的一些辅助措施。  相似文献   

在东北黑土区,水土流失是生态安全最重要的胁迫因子.从水土流失的角度出发,通过对东北黑土区水土流失成因、危害、现状以及防治等4方面因素的具体分析,引入一系列相关评价指标,结合指标选取的一些基本原则,参考压力(P)-状态(S)-响应(R)模型框架模式和专家的建议,对初选指标进一步筛选和分类,建立了东北黑土区水土流失胁迫下的生态安全评价指标体系.该指标体系分为系统压力P,系统状态S,系统响应R共3大部分;由8个一级指标,21个二级指标构成.  相似文献   

[目的] 植物生物力学特性是水土保持植物措施研究的重要内容,在固土保水,阻流拦沙等方面发挥着重要作用。利用CNKI和Web of Science数据库检索植物生物力学特性相关文献,分析植物生物力学特性在水土保持研究领域的进展和未来发展趋势。[方法] 通过Citespace和VOSviewe软件对年发表论文数、热点期刊、主要研究国家、主要研究作者、关键词等进行可视化展示。[结果] 1990—2010年植物生物力学特性在水土保持领域研究的发文量较少,2010年以后,国内和国外的发文量都出现明显增长。在国际上,美国发表论文数位居首位,中国发文量位居世界第二,但研究成果的国际影响力还有待提升。国内形成了以胡夏嵩、格日乐、刘静、陈丽华为首的4大研究团队,国际上目前尚未形成权威的大型团队。[结论] 国内研究主要聚焦于沙漠植物和坡面植物生物力学特性分析,侧重于植物生物力学特性对其防风抗蚀作用的影响,国际上对坡面植物根系加筋作用、沙漠先锋植物防风抗蚀作用、水生植物的衰减波浪的作用均进行了研究,研究内容更加多元化。  相似文献   

广州市蔬菜和菜地土壤砷含量及其健康风险研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了广州市郊区菜地土壤(n=120)、菜地蔬菜(n=109)和市售蔬菜(n=237)中砷含量,结合广州居民蔬菜消费情况,分析了砷对广州居民的健康风险影响.结果表明:不同类型菜地土壤砷含量不同,为菜园土(12.94±9.78)mg/kg>水稻土(8.67±10.24)mg/kg>赤红壤(4.17±3.70)mg/kg,土壤质量主要属于二级标准以内;菜地蔬菜砷含量范围为ND~0.179 mg/kg,均值为(0.017±0.024)mg/kg;市售蔬菜砷含量范围为ND-0.314 mg/kg,含量变化为豆类(0.038±0.047)mg/kg)>根茎类(0.027±0.031)mg/kg>茄类(0.025±0.030)mg/kg>叶菜类(0.024±0.022)mg/kg>葱蒜类(0.019±0.025)mg/kg>瓜类(0.017±0.020)mg/kg,所有蔬菜均没有超过我国食品中砷的限量卫生标准(GB-4810-94).广州市居民从蔬菜中摄入的砷为0.045 mg/d,叶菜类和根茎类蔬菜是主要的贡献者.  相似文献   

尹秀英  许文良  冯君 《土壤通报》2002,33(3):207-211
土壤中的营养元素是评价土壤自然肥力的主要因素之一。本文对吉林省大豆种植区土壤中的主要营养元素N、P、K的供应水平进行了分析 ,并探讨了它们与大豆产量之间关系。研究表明 :吉林省大豆种植区土壤供氮水平属于中级 ,供磷和供钾水平属于高级 ,并当土壤碱解氮 :有效磷 :有效钾接近 1∶0 .3~ 0 .4∶1.7~ 1.8时 ,大豆单产水平较高 ,为提高大豆单产、指导科学施肥提供了科学依据  相似文献   

Background, Aim and Scope   Humic acids (HAs) are the most important humified component of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) present in sewage water used for irrigation. It is well known that HAs affect the toxicity and availability of heavy metals (HMs) in soil-plant systems, and may increase the human exposure to HMs in contaminated soil through plant uptake. This study was conducted to assess the effects of HAs on HM availability, plant growth and HM uptake. Materials and Methods: With wheat (Triticum aestivum) as a test plant, a greenhouse pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of HAs in irrigation water on the phytoavailability of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in soil. Cd and Pb were added to the soil at concentrations of 1.5 and 150 mg/kg, respectively. Wheat seedlings grown in Cd and Pb-contaminated soil were watered with 4 levels of HA solution (0, 140, 280 and 560 mg/kg of HAs, respectively). Results: In control and Pb treatments, both plant biomass and plant HM concentrations increased with increasing concentrations of HAs in the solution. Plant biomass was markedly decreased when metal concentrations in plants increased, particularly in Cd and Cd/Pb treatments. In the soil, extractable metals, and water soluble organic carbon (WSOC) and its fractions significantly increased with increasing HA concentrations. Discussion: The results suggested that the application of HAs in barren soils may improve plant nutrition by mobilizing soil nutrients and providing plants with carbon sources. On the other hand, HAs present in sewage water may increase both the availability and transfer of HMs in the soil-plant continuum and subsequently increase human exposure to HMs in polluted soil. Conclusions. Conclusions: HA solution as irrigation water significantly increased HM availability to plants cultivated in the HM-amended soil and may increase the environmental risk of sewage irrigation. Recommendations and Perspectives: These results suggested that, when assessing the effect of sewage irrigation on soil quality, HAs contained in sewage water should be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

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