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Zinc adsorption by 10 (pH 4.0–6.5) cultivated mineral soils from Finland was studied in batch experiments. Additions of Zn ranged up to 600 mg kg?1 of soil and the corresponding equilibrium concentrations were 0.1–13 mg 1?1. In each soil, Zn adsorption conformed to the Freundlich isotherm. Despite a relatively low initial Zn adsorption by the acidic soils, each of the soils proved to have a high potential to adsorb Zn, but the capacity was highly pH dependent. In addition to the conventional Freundlich adsorption isotherms, calculated separately for each soil, extended Freundlich-type isotherms that also incorporate soil pH and other soil characteristics were used to describe Zn adsorption of several soils simultaneously in one equation. The pH-dependent Freundlich adsorption isotherm proved to serve as a practical tool to assess Zn adsorption by soils varying in pH and other characteristics.  相似文献   

Decomposition of organic matter with previous Cd adsorption (thereafter referred to as OMACd) in soils and in water was studied in order to clarify the mechanism of Cd-induced inhibition of organic matter decomposition in soil. Two types of organic materials (sludge, rice straw) with or without previous Cd adsorption were mixed with a Gley soil or a Light-colored Andosol in a proportion of 1%. In the soils amended with the Cd-free organic materials, a CdCl2 solution was added to the soils. The decomposition of the organic matter was examined by measuring the CO2 evolution for 4 weeks at 28°C. Although the same amount of Cd was added to the soils, the decomposition of OMACd was inhibited to a greater extent than that in the soils to which a CdCl2 solution had been added.

Furthermore the decomposition of sludge with previous Cd adsorption (thereafter referred to as SACd) in water after inoculation of soil microorganisms was investigated. Although the control sludge without Cd was markedly decomposed at 30°C during 4 weeks, SACd was not appreciably decomposed. These results suggest that OMACd cannot be readily decomposed by microorganisms.  相似文献   

The adsorption isotherms indicated that the adsorption of boron (B) increased with its increasing concentration in the equilibrium solution. The Langmuir adsorption isotherm was curvilinear and it was significant when the curves were resolved into two linear parts. The maximum value of adsorption maxima (b1) was observed to be 7.968 mg B kg?1 in Garhi baghi soil and the bonding energy (k) constant was maximum at 0.509 L mg?1 in Jodhpur ramana soil. The Langmuir isotherm best explains the adsorption phenomenon at low concentrations of the adsorbent, which of course was different for different soils. There was significant correlation between b1 and clay (r = 0.905**), organic matter contents (r = 0.734*), and cation exchange capacity (CEC; r = 0.995**) of soils. A linear relationship was observed in all the soils at all concentration ranges between 0 and 100 mg B L?1, indicating that boron adsorption data conform to the Freundlich equation. Soils that have a higher affinity for boron adsorption, like Garhi baghi, tended to desorb less amount of boron, that is, 43.54%, whereas Ballowal saunkhari desorbed 48.00%, Jodhpur ramana 48.42%, and Naura soil 58.88% of the adsorbed boron. Boron desorption by these soils is positively and significantly correlated with the sand content (r = 0.714**) and negatively with clay content (r = ?0.502*) and CEC (r = ?0.623**). The maximum value of 37.59 mg kg?1 for desorption maxima (Dm) was observed in Garhi baghi soil and also a constant related to B mobility (Kd) was found to be maximum in Garhi baghi (0.222 L kg?1) soil Note: *P<0.05; **P<0.01.  相似文献   


Soil nitrogen (N) supply plays a dominant role in the N nutrition of wetland rice. Organic matter has been proposed as an index of soil N availability to wetland rice. This is based on the finding that mineralizable N produced under waterlogged conditions is related to soil organic carbon (C) and total N. The relationship between organic matter and mineralizable N is a prerequisite for determining the N requirement of wetland rice. However, no critical analysis of recent literature on organic matter–mineralizable N relationships has been made. This article evaluates current literature on the relationships of mineralizable N or ammonium N production with soil organic C in wetland rice soils. A number of studies with diverse wetland rice soils demonstrate a close relationship of N mineralized (ammonium‐N) under anaerobic conditions with organic C or total N. However, a few recent studies made on sites under long‐term intensive wetland rice cropping showed that strong positive relationships of mineralizable N with organic C or total N do not hold. Clearly, both quantity and quality of organic matter affect N mineralization in wetland rice soils. Future research is needed to clarify the role of quality of organic matter, especially its chemistry, as modified by the chemical environment of submerged soils, on the mineralization of organic N in wetland rice soils.  相似文献   

选择来自猪粪和稻草的水溶性有机质(DOM),用室内模拟试验方法研究了我国常用抗生素金霉素(CTC)在受到内源和外源DOM作用下在猪粪中的吸附和解吸附行为。研究表明,金霉素能被猪粪便快速吸附,等温线呈非线性,用Freundlich方程可以很好地拟合吸附数据;添加DOM能抑制猪粪对CTC的吸附,其能力大小与加入的DOM种类有关,其中内源性猪粪DOM的解吸附效果明显大于外源性稻草DOM;形成阳离子复合体和加入DOM的性质可能是抑制CTC在猪粪便上吸附的主要机制。  相似文献   

通过盐酸酸化法来去除4种不同利用方式黄棕壤的活性有机碳(AOC),得到相对稳定的有机碳土壤,用于研究去除活性有机碳前后对Cu2+吸附行为的影响。结果表明,黄棕壤去除有机碳前后,对Cu2+吸附量与平衡液浓度的关系符合Langmuir方程和Freundlich方程,其拟合都呈现极显著相关(P〈0.01),去除AOC后,黄棕壤各层次对Cu2+的最大吸附量明显降低,是原土Cu2+最大吸附量的10%~30%。盐酸酸化法对4种不同利用方式的黄棕壤有机碳的去除率为30%~75%,对Cu2+吸附的减少率为54%~86%。去除活性有机碳前后,有机碳含量与对Cu2+的吸附量都呈显著线性相关。土壤有机碳的去除率与对Cu2+吸附的减少率间相关性达到极显著水平。  相似文献   


Zinc (Zn) deficiency is believed to be a consequence of reactions taking place between soluble Zn and the soil solid phase. This study was carried out to obtain quantitative relationships between Zn in equilibrium solution and that retained by the soil solids in calcareous soils. Twenty calcareous soils (saturated paste pH 6.9–7.9; calcium carbonate equivalent 4.64–22.80%) from Tehran province, Iran, were equilibrated with varying solution concentrations of Zn, and the amounts removed from the solution were used to check the fit to five adsorption isotherms, namely, Freundlich, Langmuir, Temkin, Gunary, and two‐surface Langmuir. Adsorption data of all soils showed statistically significant fit to the first four adsorption isotherms, but only 7 of the 20 soils tested showed fit to the two‐surface Langmuir. Coefficients of the adsorption isotherms showed statistically significant relationship with soil characteristics. Clay percentage, calcium carbonate equivalent percentage, and cation exchange capacity appeared to be the most influential soil characteristics with regard to Zn adsorption, whereas soil organic matter seemed to be of no importance under the conditions of this study.  相似文献   

采用实验室土柱纵向淋溶法,研究了离子强度及pH变化对常熟乌栅土原状、扰动土柱以及东北黑土、江西红壤扰动土柱土壤胶体释放的影响。结果表明离子强度变化对我国不同类型土壤胶体释放影响不同:淋洗液电解质为NaCl时,对于常熟乌栅土以及东北黑土,离子强度减小促进胶体的释放,反之抑制胶体的释放;对于江西红壤,离子强度变化对土壤胶体释放则不产生影响。淋洗液电解质为CaCl2条件下,土壤胶体的释放量低于淋洗液为NaCl,且离子强度变化对三种土壤胶体的释放均不产生明显影响。相同条件下,常熟乌栅土及东北黑土胶体释放量远远大于江西红壤,pH变化则对上述类型土壤胶体释放的影响不明显。研究结果有助于进一步阐明水化学条件的变化对我国不同类型土壤胶体释放的影响规律。  相似文献   


Copper (Cu) is bound strongly to organic matter, oxides of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn), and clay minerals in soils. To investigate the relative contribution of different soil components in the sorption of Cu, sorption was measured after the removal of various other soil components; organic matter and aluminum (Al) and Fe oxides are important in Cu adsorption. Both adsorption and desorption of Cu at various pH values were also measured by using diverse pasture soils. The differences in the sorption of Cu between the soils are attributed to the differences in the chemical characteristics of the soils. Copper sorption, as measured by the Freundlich equation sorption constants [potassium (K) and nitrogen (N)], was strongly correlated with soil properties, such as silt content, organic carbon, and soil pH. The relative importance of organic matter and oxides on Cu adsorption decreased and increased, respectively, with increasing solution Cu concentrations. In all soils, Cu sorption increased with increasing pH, but the solution Cu concentration decreased with increasing soil pH. The cumulative amounts of native and added soil Cu desorbed from two contrasting soils (Manawatu and Ngamoka) during desorption periods showed that the differences in the desorbability of Cu were a result of differences in the physico‐chemical properties of the soil matrix. This finding suggests that soil organic matter complexes of Cu added through fertilizer, resulted in decreased desorption. The proportions of added Cu desorbed during 10 desorption periods were low, ranging from 2.5% in the 24‐h to 6% in the 2‐h desorption periods. The desorption of Cu decreased with increasing soil pH. The irreversible retention of Cu might be the result of complex formation with Cu at high pH.  相似文献   

以江西红壤地区双季稻田肥料定位试验为依托,研究了不施肥(CK)、单施化肥(NPK)及3种不同比例有机无机肥配施(LM、MM、HM)对红壤性水稻土全土、颗粒有机质(POM)和矿物结合态有机质(MinOM)组分碳、氮含量及其化学结构的影响.结果表明:施肥处理全土、POM和MinOM组分中有机碳、全氮含量均显著高于CK处理(...  相似文献   


Experiments were conducted to study the adsorption kinetics and isothermal adsorption mechanism of nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin onto the black soil of northeastern China. The nitrapyrin adsorption kinetics of the black soil were fitted with a quasi-second-order kinetics equation before and after organic matter removal (R2 ≥ 0.8320, p < .05). The adsorption isotherm was obtained by the Langmuir equation (R2 ≥ 0.9400, p < .05). Isothermal adsorption requires less energy and is a spontaneous endothermic reaction with an L-type isothermal curve (n > 1), dominated by surface physical adsorption. With the decrease of organic matter content in black soil, the adsorption mechanism of nitrapyin changed from distribution mechanism to surface adsorption. The black soil’s organic matter content exhibited a quadratic relation with the maximum adsorption capacity and adsorption constant (Kf) at the different temperatures, reaching significant levels (R2 ≥ 0.6484, p < .05).  相似文献   

Laboratory and greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine the influence of soil properties on adsorption and desorption of boron (B) as well as to estimate the degree of reversibility of adsorption reactions. The utility of Freundlich and Langmuir equations for characterizing the plant availability of applied B in soils was established using soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] as a test crop. The adsorption-desorption study revealed that Fe2O3 and clay were primarily responsible for retaining added B in all the 25 different soils under investigation. Organic carbon, pH and cation exchange capacity (CEC) positively influenced the adsorption of B while free Fe2O3, organic carbon and clay retarded release of B from these soils. The degree of irreversibility (hysteresis) of B adsorption/desorption increased with increase in organic carbon and CEC of these soils. Freundlich isotherm proved more effective in describing B adsorption in soils as compared to Langmuir equation. The split Langmuir isotherm demonstrated that any of the adsorption maxima, calculated from lower, upper or entire isotherm, could be of practical use. Contrary, bonding energy coefficient, calculated either at lower or higher equilibrium concentration failed to show any practical benefit. Regression models as a function of B application rate and adsorption equation parameters to predict B uptake from applied B, demonstrated the utility of Langmuir and Freundlich equation parameters.  相似文献   

可溶性有机碳在典型土壤上的吸附行为及机理   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
徐基胜  赵炳梓 《土壤》2017,49(2):314-320
定量分析可溶性有机碳(DOC)在不同土壤上的吸附行为可为DOC在不同地区土壤中的去向及污染风险评估提供理论基础。本研究以河南潮土(包括砂质、壤质和黏质3种质地)、江苏黄泥土、江西红黏土和海南砖红壤等典型土壤为吸附介质,采用一次平衡法比较了DOC在不同土壤中的吸附容量及平衡液中DOC的结构变化。结果表明,供试土壤对DOC的吸附可用修正的Langmuir模型拟合。最大吸附量(Q_(max))从高到低依次为红黏土(2 892.67 mg/kg)、砖红壤(1 969.77 mg/kg)、黏质潮土(1 803.03 mg/kg)、黄泥土(1 003.84 mg/kg)、壤质潮土(989.31 mg/kg)和砂质潮土(441.18 mg/kg)。黄泥土的亲和系数(k)最大(2.53×10~(–3)),其次为砖红壤、红黏土和3种潮土。吸附后,除砂质潮土和壤质潮土外,其他土壤平衡液的芳香性均降低。相关性分析表明无定形氧化铝显著影响了Q_(max),而氧化铁的形态(无定形、络合态和低结晶态)决定了k值大小。红黏土、砖红壤和黄泥土更容易吸附DOC中的芳香族成分,主要吸附机制可能为配位体交换;砂质潮土和壤质潮土主要为阳离子架桥,而黏质潮土同时存在这两种吸附机制。  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) sorption processes in soils contribute to important problems in agriculture: a deficiency of this plant nutrient and eutrophication in aquatic systems. Soil organic matter (SOM) plays a major role in sorption processes, but its influence on P sorption remains unclear and needs to be elucidated to improve the ability to effectively manage soil P. The aim of this research was to investigate the influence of SOM on P sorption. The study was conducted in sandy soil profiles and in topsoils before and after removal of SOM with H2O2. The results were interpreted with the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. Our results indicated that SOM affected P sorption in sandy soils, but that P sorption also depended on specific soil properties (e.g. values of the degree of P saturation (DPS), P sorption capacity (PSC) and pH) often related to land use. Removal of SOM decreased PSC in most of the topsoils tested; other soil properties became important in controlling P sorption. An increase in P desorption observed after SOM removal indicated that SOM was potentially that soil constituent which increased P binding and limited P leaching from these sandy soils.  相似文献   

The effects of different fertilization techniques—mineral [21% nitrogen (N)], organomineral (10% N), mycorrhiza inoculumns, wine-producing residues (three different formulas: distiller's residue, 2.2% N; anaerobic digestate, 2.8% N; and the same plus mycorrhizas inoculum), and compost by farm residues (2.0% N)—on adsorption of boron (B) were investigated. The soils, collected after a triennial lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. ‘Bacio’) cultivation, were equilibrated using six B concentrations [0, 1, 5, 20, 50, and 100 mg B L?1, as boric acid (H3BO3)]. The B adsorption was studied at two soil mass (ms) to solution volume (vs) ratios, ms/vs = 0.5 and 1, and the Langmuir, Eadie–Hofstee, Freundlich, and Temkin adsorption equations were fitted to the B adsorption data. The proportion of adsorbed B was gradually less in the more concentrated solutions, with differences in ms/vs ratio and in treatments: the percentage of B adsorbed was greater for ms/vs = 0.5 and for distiller's residue and mineral fertilizer. The Freundlich isotherm represented the measured B adsorption data well; at ms/vs = 0.5, the values of Freundlich adsorption maxima Xm varied from 93.14 to 111.88 mg kg?1 (organomineral fertilizer and distiller's residue, respectively; at ms/vs = 0.5) and from 32.14 to 40.32 mg kg?1 (mineral fertilizer and control, respectively; at ms/vs = 1). In our study, generally the B adsorption was greater with mineral fertilizers and distiller's residue, whereas the organomineral fertilizer led to a decrease in B adsorption. The parameters of adsorption isotherms were significantly correlated, at various degrees, with the exchangeable cation sodium. The adsorption isotherms were well explained by the lower soil mass to volume solution ratio in the order Freundlich > Temkin ≌ Langmuir > Headie–Hofstee.  相似文献   

利用田间试验,探讨生物炭与强还原处理(RSD)对退化设施蔬菜土壤可溶性有机质(DOM)的影响.处理为对照(CK)、生物炭修复(BC)、淹水(SF)、淹水覆膜(SFF)、强还原修复(RSD)、RSD与生物炭联合修复(RSD+BC),对比研究不同处理对0-20,20-40 cm 土壤DOM含量及光谱特征的影响.结果表明:0...  相似文献   

盐渍化土壤施用有机物-脱硫石膏改良剂效果的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了在盐渍化园田土壤上施用有机物与脱硫石膏混合改良刺对土壤理化性状和白菜产量的影响.试验采用改良剂的2种配方(成分比例不同)、3个施用量,以不施改良剂处理为对照,7个处理,3次重复.结果表明t施用有机物-脱硫石膏混合改良剂Ⅲ、Ⅳ可降低土壤容重最多为10.34%,11.30%;增加土壤总孔隙度最多达8.94%,9.84%.0-5 cm土壤全盐量由0.72%降至0.26%~0.46%;5-20 cnl土壤全盐量由0.32%降至0.14%~0.19%.改良剂2种配方的不同施用量与对照相比,土壤ESP、pH、土壤交换性Na~+和土壤Cl~-占阴离子总量分别下降了2.59%~16.28%,0.12~0.19,2.87%~24.53%和9.26%~213.05%.增加土壤SO_4~(2-)和Ca~(2+)最多达137.45%和228.24%.与对照相比,白菜增产10.19%~30.99%.施用有机物-脱硫石膏混合改良剂不仅能够改善土壤的理化环境,同时也为作物提供了丰富的腐殖酸及Ca,S等营养物质.  相似文献   

通过实验室模拟,研究不同含量外源有机质存在下(5%、10%和15%),钙铝交互作用(钙/铝摩尔浓度比为1∶2、1∶1和2∶1)对茶园土壤铝的吸附能力和活性的影响。结果表明,钙铝交互作用显著增加了茶园土壤对铝的吸附量,外源有机质对钙铝交互作用下茶园土壤铝的吸附作用影响不明显;钙铝交互作用使茶园土壤水溶态铝含量增加,交换态铝含量下降,且随钙/铝比的增大交换态铝含量下降越显著;但外源有机质使钙铝交互作用下茶园土壤的水溶态铝含量下降,同时交换态铝含量显著增加。总的看,外源有机质使钙铝交互作用下茶园土壤活性铝含量增加,且随外源有机质含量的增加,活性铝含量增加的越显著。  相似文献   

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