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During the incineration of turkey manure, a wide variety and concentration of nutrients are conserved in the turkey manure ash (TMA). In particular, the high concentration of citrate-soluble phosphorus (P) (43 g kg?1) may make it a suitable P source for crop production. The ash is alkaline with a pH of 12.2. We conducted a soil incubation study using a low-P soil with a pH of 6.2 to evaluate the effects of TMA on soil pH and extractable P. Two TMA rates, based on citrate-soluble P (10.9 and 21.9 mg kg?1), were compared with equivalent rates of triple superphosphate (TSP). In addition, a 0-P control was included. At the rates tested, TMA slightly increased soil pH, but this increase would be of minor agronomic importance. At equivalent P rates, changes in water-soluble P (WSP) concentrations with TMA and TSP were similar. Changes in iron-oxide-strip–extractable P (FeO P) and Bray 1 P concentrations were greater with TMA than with TSP. In contrast, changes in Olsen P concentrations were greater with TSP than with TMA for up to 32 days. For TMA, the ability of the tests to extract P was ranked, from highest to lowest, as Bray 1 P > FeO P > Olsen P > WSP, and for TSP they were ranked Bray 1 P ≥ Olsen P ≥ FeO P > WSP. However, the Bray 1 P and FeO P tests tended to overestimate plant-available P because they measured more citrate-soluble P than that added with TMA. We conclude that TMA can be used as a P source for crop production and that the Olsen test may provide a better estimate of plant-available P in TMA-amended soil.  相似文献   

A power plant that utilizes turkey manure as fuel to produce energy was built in Benson, Minnesota, and started full energy production in 2007. The plant was built to meet legislative requirements governing the use of renewable sources to generate energy in Minnesota. Although the use of turkey manure as biofuel generates energy, it also results in turkey manure ash (TMA) as a by‐product that contains phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sulfur (S), and zinc (Z) as well as other essential and nonessential elements. A 2‐year study was conducted to compare TMA with triple‐superphosphate and potassium chloride fertilizers as a source of nutrients for alfalfa (Medicago sativa) at three locations: Lamberton, Morris, and Appleton, Minnesota. The soils at Lamberton and Appleton were acidic with P and K concentrations ranging from medium‐high to very high, whereas the soil at Morris was alkaline with high concentrations of P and K. The experiment consisted of a control (0 P and 0 K) and annual and split applications of TMA and fertilizer. Annual TMA and fertilizer rates were 84 kg P2O5 ha?1, 118 kg K2O ha?1, and 34 kg S ha?1. Split rates were 42/42 kg P2O5 ha?1, 59/59 kg K2O ha?1, and 17/17 kg S ha?1. However, because of an overestimation of citrate‐soluble P in 2005 for the TMA, the total amount of available P applied with the TMA for the 2‐year study was 168 kg P2O5 ha?1 compared with 286 kg P2O5 ha?1 for the fertilizer. In the first year, fertilizer resulted in greater alfalfa biomass yield than TMA and the control, whereas in the second year, alfalfa yields with TMA and fertilizer were similar and both more than the control. In 2005, TMA resulted in more copper (Cu) and S tissue concentrations than the fertilizer. In 2006, application of both sources increased tissue P and S concentrations compared with the control. The TMA increased tissue Cu concentration and Zn plant uptake compared with fertilizer. Bray P1–extractable soil P concentrations were less with TMA and control treatments than with the fertilizer treatments. Ammonium acetate–extractable soil sodium (Na) concentrations were greater with TMA than with fertilizer and the control. By the second year, both ash and fertilizer treatments resulted in more K uptake than the untreated control with no difference in K uptake between the two sources or time of application. Both sources were effective in increasing P uptake compared with the untreated control. TMA was shown to be an effective source of nutrients for alfalfa production.  相似文献   

The application of partially decomposed animal manure can acidify the soil by nitrification and may cause problems with phosphorus (P) availability. This study investigated the influence of applying wood ash to two soils amended with partially decomposed cattle or chicken manure on pH and P. The treatments consisted of two soils, a clay loam and sandy loam, each amended with partially decomposed chicken or cattle manure applied at 0, 5, or 15 t ha?1, and wood ash was applied to each manure treatment at rates of 0 or 2 t ha?1. The addition of wood ash significantly increased pH, thereby making more P available in soil and maize (Zea mays L.) tissues for both soils after being amended by manure. Both chicken and cattle manure significantly increased all the measured variables compared to the unamended soils. These results suggest that wood ash is an important amendment that could be used to amend partially decomposed manure, thereby not jeopardizing P availability to crops.  相似文献   

以天津市桃园土壤为研究对象,采用Tiessen磷分级方法研究绿肥栽培并利用条件下土壤磷组分含量变化和磷素活化周转特征。试验共设3个处理:绿肥覆盖(SC)、翻压(BU)和清耕对照(CT)处理。分别于绿肥处理1,4,7年后采集0—20,20—40 cm的土壤样品,测定全磷、活性磷库(Resin—Pi和NaHCO3—P)、中稳性磷库(NaOH—P)和稳定态磷库(Dil.HCl—Pi、Conc.HCl—P和Residual—P)含量。结果表明,与CT处理相比,SC和BU处理在各采样年份均提高了土壤全磷、Resin—Pi、NaHCO3—P、NaOH—P和Residual—P含量,降低Dil.HCl—Pi和Conc.HCl—P含量,处理间差异性随绿肥利用年限的增加而增加;其中,各指标BU处理均优于SC处理,且0—20 cm土层变化最为明显。绿肥利用7年后,BU处理0—20 cm土壤Resin—Pi、NaHCO3—P、NaOH—P和Residual—P含量较CT处理分别显著增加48.82%~128.41%,145.93%~231.16%,206.26%~590.06%和34.67%~37.66%,Dil.HCl—Pi和Conc.HCl—P含量分别显著降低12.37%~15.79%和43.72%~91.39%。综上,相对于清耕对照处理,果园绿肥栽培并利用可显著增加土壤活性磷库和中稳性磷库的比例,并显著降低稳定态磷库的比例;同时,随着绿肥利用年限的增加,土壤活性磷库和中稳性磷库的比例随之增加,稳定态磷库的比例随之降低。研究结果表明,果园绿肥栽培并利用可以有效促进土壤难溶性磷的活化周转,提高土壤磷素生物有效性。  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to study the kinetics of phosphorus (P) desorption in different calcareous soils of Hamadan Province of Iran. Soils were fertilized with poultry manure at 50 ton ha–1 and incubated at 25 ± 1 °C at 15% moisture for 6 months. The release rate of P was studied by successive extraction with 0.5 M sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) over a period of 1–1752 h. Also, available P was determined. The results showed that available P in fertilized and unfertilized soils ranged from 13.3 to 55.1 and 10.0 to 50.1 mg kg–1, respectively. Phosphorus desorption from the fertilized and unfertilized soils began with a fast initial reaction, followed by a slow secondary reaction. The amount of P released after 1752 h in fertilized and unfertilized soils ranged from 319.2 to 623.9 and 309 to 586.7 mg kg–1, respectively. The amount of P released was significantly correlated with available P. The kinetics of cumulative P release were evaluated using the five kinetic equations. Phosphorus desorption kinetics were best described by the parabolic diffusion law, first order, and power function equations. Rate constants of these equations different in fertilized and unfertilized soils.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) availability in soil is closely related not only to soil P content but also to soil physicochemical and biological properties, which are closely associated with P sorption and biochemical transformation. The aims of this study were to determine the effects of pig manure compost (PMC) or decaying rice straw (DRS) added to a paddy soil on soil pH, soil organic carbon (SOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), acid phosphatase, microbial biomass P, soil test P (Olsen P), and P uptake by rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. ‘Liaoyan’). Phosphorus adsorption characterization affected by PMC‐ or DRS‐derived DOC was also studied. Compared with the control, both PMC and DRS treatments increased soil pH, SOM, DOC, microbial biomass P, and Olsen P, and the activity of acid phosphatase during the 110‐day incubation period. Phosphorus adsorption in soil decreased with DOC extracted from PMC and DRS and was well fit by the Langmuir equation. The Olsen P in the PMC‐ and DRS‐treated soil was correlated with both DOC content and acid phosphatase activity. Both PMC and DRS treatments significantly increased dry‐matter yield and P uptake in rice shoot. In conclusion, the increased P availability in the paddy soil was not only a result of direct P supplied following organic manure incorporation, but also an indirect result of reduction in P sorption on the solid phase of the paddy soil by DOCs which were derived from DRS or PMC.  相似文献   

研究了施用鸡粪土壤中磷养分在自然降雨过程中随地表径流流失的变化规律.结果表明:颗粒附着态磷(PP)占总磷(TP)的61.1%~79.5%,是土壤中磷索在自然降雨过程中随地表径流流失的主要形态.基于作物需磷量计算鸡粪用置较基于作物需氮量能有效降低地表径流中不同形态磷浓度,其中TP降幅为8.0%~46.3%.PP降幅为6.0%~48.2%.TDP降幅为15.1%~46.0%,DIP降幅为29.4%~55.5%.表明基于作物需磷量计算鸡粪施用量能有效降低土壤中磷索在自然降雨过程中随地表径流的流失风险.添加沸石或铁盐可有效降低地表径流中TP和PP浓度,从而有效降低磷随地表径流损失的风险.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) from manure can become an environmental pollutant if applied to soil at rates in excess of plant uptake. This research examined the effects of composted beef cattle manures from two feeding regimens on soil P storage and forms. Composted manures were applied in the spring before planting (preplant) with incorporation, in spring after planting (postplant) without incorporation, or in winter without incorporation. Soils were sampled following 1 and 2 years of treatment at depths to 15.0 cm. All P fractions from both composted manures increased over pre-amended levels. High-P composted manure increased total P (TP) and inorganic P (IP) more than low-P composted manure. Total P and IP were greater in soils receiving low-P composted manure postplant than in those receiving manure preplant. Accumulation of TP and IP in uppermost depths was greater in the second year of composted manure application than in the first year. Appropriately managing composted manure requires integrating P concentration, time of application, and incorporation.  相似文献   

Liming or adding organic matter may improve productivity of soils receiving phosphorus (P) fertilizers. This study assessed the effectiveness of amendment of acidic soil with limestone and organic matter on growth of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), corn (Zea mays L.), and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) with different P fertilizers. These crops were grown in a greenhouse to evaluate superphosphate, bone meal, and rock phosphate as fertilizers and calcitic limestone and peat moss as amendments. Superphosphate was the superior P source to sustain crop growth, limit deficiency symptoms, and enhance P accumulation. Bone meal was less effective than superphosphate but exceeded rock phosphate in these capacities. Rock phosphate was better than adding no P fertilizer. The amendments of limestone or organic matter singly or together had little effect on growth, appearance, or P accumulation. The availability of P in the fertilizers governed the growth responses of the plants.  相似文献   


Accurate measurement and characterization of phosphate rock dissolution are important for a better understanding of phosphorus (P) availability in soils. An incubation study was carried out on two New Zealand topsoils (0–15 cm; high P buffering capacity Craigieburn and low P buffering capacity Templeton) amended with North Carolina phosphate rock (NCPR) and water‐soluble phosphate (WSP) at 218 mg P kg?1 (equivalent to 60 kg P ha?1). Isotopic exchange kinetics was carried out after 12 h and 28 days of incubation to characterize P availability. This study showed that sensitivity of capacity factors (r1/R, n) to explain changes in E1min values was affected by the P buffering capacity of the soils. The recovery of applied P in the E pool (RecinE%) with extended incubation time was similar from the NCPR and WSP treatments (3.1–3.3%) in the Craigieburn soil compared with the Templeton soil in which RecinE% values were greater in WSP (9%) than NCPR (1.3%) treatment. The higher values of P derived from the applied P fertilizers in the E pool (PdffinE%>80%) suggested that the NCPR application in both soils would be efficient for increasing P availability to plants.  相似文献   

采用土柱培养的模拟试验方法研究了在不同磷水平土壤上大量施用磷肥和有机肥对土壤测试磷、土壤磷渗漏的影响及影响机理。结果表明,不同磷水平土壤施用磷肥或有机肥土壤CaCl2-P、Olsen—P和土壤渗漏液中可溶性磷均显著增加;单位量磷肥或有机肥所增加土壤各形态磷量随土壤磷水平的增加而增大;随着磷肥或有机肥用量的增加,单位量磷肥或有机肥所增加各形态磷量也逐渐增大,差异均达到显著和极显著水平。在施用磷肥的基础上增施有机肥可以提高土壤CaCl2-P、Olsen—P含量和土壤渗漏液中可溶性磷的增长幅度。土壤磷的渗漏量与土壤测试磷呈显著正相关;单位量磷肥或有机肥所增加的土壤渗漏磷量随着磷肥或有机肥用量以及土壤磷水平的增加而增加。Olsen—P含量与土壤磷吸持指数(PSI)呈显著负相关关系,与土壤磷的吸附饱和度(DPS)呈显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

Plants affect soil phosphorus (P) solubility through root exudates, but studies are lacking on species used as relay or cover crops in tropical environments. We evaluated the effect of cover crops on soil phosphorus (P) availability in an oxisol. Ruzigrass (Brachiaria ruziziensis), pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), peanut (Arachis hypogaea), crambe (Crambe abyssinica), and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) were grown in pots with soil. Phosphorus uptake, soil inorganic and organic P, maximum P adsorption capacity, and plant root systems were assessed. When root length density is high, the efficiency of P uptake is low due to root competition. Crambe results in greater soil P availability, while peanut and sorghum decrease the soil maximum P adsorption capacity, probably by exuding or stimulating microbial production of organic acids and phenolic compounds. Hence, crambe, peanut, and sorghum are species that may be of interest to increase P use efficiency in cropping systems.  相似文献   

长期地膜覆盖与施肥对土壤磷素和玉米吸磷量的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用比较法对长期连续覆膜(17年)后土壤磷素的变化以及玉米吸收量的变化进行了研究。结果表明:经过17年的耕作,无论是施有机肥还是磷肥均能显著增加土壤中速效磷以及全磷的含量;覆膜栽培与裸地栽培比较结果,覆膜对于土壤中速效磷以及全磷含量的变化影响不大;对植株的籽粒、轴、叶片、茎的全磷进行了测定后显示:覆膜可以促进籽粒、轴、茎对磷的吸收,抑制了叶片对磷养分的吸收;从成熟期地上部分累积磷的总量来看,覆膜可以明显提高作物对磷的吸收。  相似文献   

Effect of different manures and pine needles application on soil biological properties and phosphorus availability was evaluated in sandy loam soils. Fertilizers nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK); Sesbania aculeata green manure (GM); farm yard manure (FYM); and vermicompost (VC) were applied alone or in combination with pine needles. Microbial biomass carbon, dehydrogenase, and alkaline phosphatase activity increased significantly due to manures and NPK. Pine needles reduced the microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and dehydrogenase activity in FYM and VC but increased in NPK and GM. Acid phosphatase activities were found to be significantly increased by pine needles application in NPK, FYM, VC, and GM as compared to without pine needles counterparts. No significant differences were found in soil solution phosphorus in manure treated soil due to pine needle application, but phosphorus uptake was reduced significantly in these treatments. Pine needles application clearly influenced the soil biological properties without any perceptible effect on nutrient release from the manures.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article was to compare soil phosphorus (P) extraction by sodium bicarbonate solution (Olsen P) and by ammonium lactate (AL P) and to create a model for prediction of Olsen P using ordinary soil‐fertility control data. The soils data used in this study included Olsen P, pHKCl, pHH2O, organic matter, AL P, and AL K. Soil pHKCl ranged from 3.5 to 8, organic matter up to 5%, AL K up to 400 mg kg?1, and AL P up to 200 mg kg?1. Olsen P and AL P were significantly correlated, and the difference between them was influenced by soil pH. Regression models included all soil data grouped by soil pH range, which significantly decreased the difference between predicted and measured Olsen P. The validation of the model was conducted on new data sets from field fertilization trials. The results show that Olsen P can be related to AL P and used for fertilizer recommendations instead of AL P.  相似文献   


Elevated soil phosphorus (P) content is common in the central coastal valleys of California, the result of decades of the intensive vegetable production. Undesirably high P concentration in surface water in this region stimulated interest in evaluating techniques to rank the potential for soil P loss to the environment. Phosphorus availability of 25 representative soils from fields in vegetable rotations were evaluated by the following techniques: bicarbonate‐extractable P (Pbc)–calcium chloride, extractable P (Pcc), P extractable by iron‐impregnated paper (PFe), P extractable by anion exchange resin (Pae), and the degree of P saturation (Psat). A column study was conducted in which these soils were evaluated for soluble P concentration in runoff and leachate from two simulated irrigation events. There were strong correlations among all measures of soil P availability (r=0.66–0.90). Runoff soluble P was most strongly correlated with Pcc, Pae, and Pbc (r=0.98, 0.93, and 0.91, or 0.98, 0.90, and 0.85 in the first and second irrigation, respectively). The relationship of runoff soluble P to Pbc, Pae, and Pcc was characterized by a change point; runoff soluble P from soils <50 mg kg?1 Pbc was minimal, whereas at higher Pbc runoff P reached levels of environmental concern. Leachate soluble P was also correlated with Pcc, Pae, and Pbc (r=0.84–0.99). Across soils, leachate soluble P averaged 1.4 mg L?1, compared to 0.11 mg L?1 for runoff P. We conclude that Pcc, Pae, and Pbc are useful tests to rank the potential for P loss in irrigation runoff or drainage. Given the relative complexity of the Pae technique, Pbc and Pcc appear to be the most practical soil tests for this purpose.  相似文献   

We investigated whether nitrification inhibitor nitrapyrin can reduce nutrient leaching and increase nutrient uptake by corn (Zea mays L.) in cattle manure amended soil. Amendments included non-amended check (CK), urea (Urea), REG (manure from cattle fed barley grain), and DDGS (manure from cattle fed 60% dried distillers grains with solubles), co-applied with or without nitrapyrin and leached or unleached with water. Nitrapyrin reduced (P < 0.01) leaching of nitrate by 56, 32, and 24% from DDGS, REG, and Urea treatments, respectively, and also reduced (P < 0.05) leaching of phosphate (58%), potassium (39%), calcium (39%), and magnesium (39%) from DDGS treatment. While nitrapyrin reduces the rate of ammonium conversion to nitrate, higher magnesium and phosphate levels in DDGS-amended soil favor struvite formation and reduce their leaching. Corn biomass and nutrient uptake were higher (P < 0.01) in DDGS and Urea than CK and REG treatments, but remained unaffected by nitrapyrin. The benefits of nitrapyrin should be further investigated under field conditions.

Abbreviations: DCD, dicyandiamide; DDGS, dried distillers grains with solubles; NI, nitrification inhibitor; TP, total P; TN, total N.  相似文献   

Inorganic phosphorus (P) fractions and their availability under subsurface irrigation were investigated in a greenhouse planted for 5 years with tomato. Irrigation was applied when soil water conditions reached the predefined maximum allowable depletion (MAD) for different treatments, e.g., ?10 kPa, ?16 kPa, ?25 kPa, ?40 kPa, and ?63 kPa. Concentrations of five inorganic P fractions, which include of soluble / loosely bound P, aluminum (Al) P, iron (Fe) P, calcium (Ca) P, and occluded P, were obtained by following a sequential chemical fractionation procedure. Results showed that the effect of subsurface irrigation and schedules on inorganic P fractions was more pronounced in topsoil layers than in deep soils. The concentrations of soluble / loosely bound P, Al P, and Fe P generally decreased with soil depth, having the largest values at the depths of 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm. In all the irrigation treatments, Al P and Fe P were the dominant fractions at the depths of 0–10 cm, 10–20 cm, and 20–30 cm, whereas Ca P and occluded P were most predominant at the depths of 30–40 cm and 40–60 cm. Soluble or loosely bound P, Al P, and Fe P were the main sources contributing to plant-available P, whereas Fe P and Al P were the two most important sources for contribution to plant-available P. Frequent irrigation with small amounts of water (e.g., irrigation with MAD of ?16 kPa and ?25 kPa) yielded larger concentrations of soluble / loosely bound P, Al P, and Fe P, which are the main sources of plant-available P. However, infrequent irrigation with larger amounts of water in each irrigation event led to greater concentrations of Ca P and occluded P, which are relatively less available to plants.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of microbial inoculants in a loess soil amended with various phosphorus (P) sources on pea growth and P uptake (PU). Treatments included factorial combinations of three treatments (noninoculation, NI; bacteria, BA; and fungi, FU) and three P sources (no P, NP; calcium superphosphate, SP; and rock phosphate, RP). Compared with NI, soils inoculated with BA and FU and receiving NP and SP increased pea shoot and total biomass, with greater increases with BA than with FU. Both BA and FU stimulated root growth, regardless of P addition. Compared to NI, PU with BA increased by 26, 59, and 83% in soils amended with RP, SP, and NP, respectively, whereas with FU it increased by 25% with SP and 48% with NP, with no effects with RP. The results indicate that BA can increase bioavailability of soil P, whereas FU may promote plant utilization of bioavailable P existing in soil.  相似文献   

通过模拟试验及田间试验研究不同磷肥施用后对土壤磷有效性的动态变化和分布特点,以及玉米磷吸收和产量响应的影响。田间和模拟试验包括4个处理,分别为对照(不施磷肥)、MAP(磷酸一铵)、UP(磷酸脲)和AAP(水溶性聚磷酸铵)。模拟试验中,不同磷肥均提高土壤中有效磷含量,APP处理10—15 cm土层有效磷含量增加最多。在均匀的养分投入和管理水平下,3种磷肥品种均有土壤酸化效果,其中UP处理最为显著。田间试验中,玉米生长后期,APP处理的土壤有效磷含量在深层土壤分布较高,UP处理土壤pH较低,均有利于改善土壤的供磷能力,提高土壤有效磷含量;APP处理对根系发育有显著的促进作用,玉米组织磷含量和磷吸收量最大,产量最高(14.40 t/hm^2)。3种磷肥中,APP处理移动性较好,土壤深层有效磷含量增加,利于根系生长和养分的吸收,提高产量。水溶性聚磷酸铵(APP)是一种适合于玉米灌溉施肥的肥料。  相似文献   

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