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选择宁夏引黄灌区中等肥力灌淤土,设置施肥与不施肥处理,在相距约5km的3个试验点进行了肥料田间试验,研究春小麦不同生育期氮、磷、钾养分的吸收特点。结果表明,在供试土壤条件下,施肥可明显提高小麦产量、干物质累积量、体内氮、磷、钾含量及其累积量。施肥或不施肥,小麦地上部干物质的累积量随生育期呈典型S型曲线增长,其中拔节期和灌浆期出现两个高峰期,各占总累积量的30%左右。植株氮、磷、钾含量随生育期呈曲线下降趋势,特别是从拔节到灌浆中期下降幅度较大;而在分蘖期以前和灌浆中期以后变化幅度较小。植株氮、磷、钾累积吸收量随生育期的延长和施肥水平的提高而增加,但各生育期相对累积吸收比例,施肥与否差异不大。苗期氮、磷、钾的吸收量约占总吸收量的4%~5%,分蘖期占20%~23%,拔节期分别占30%、41%、34%,抽穗期分别占14%、12%、10%,灌浆期分别占29%、20%、26%,成熟期占1%~3%,其中拔节期是养分吸收的高峰时期。不论施肥与否,地上部氮、磷、钾累积吸收量与其干物质累积量之间均呈极显著正相关,而与植株氮、磷、钾含量之间呈极显著负相关。  相似文献   


Cultivars of triticale, wheat, and rye were grown with different N‐fertilizer rates and sampled at various maturity stages in 1975 to 1977. ‘6TA 131’ triticale, ‘Arthur’ wheat, and ‘Abruzzi’ rye were used as checks. Increasing N fertilizer rates increased dry matter and N accumulation in the above‐ground plant parts. However, after flowering losses of dry matter and N from the plants increased with N fertilizer rates. Triticale and rye generally absorbed more N from the soil than wheat. Triticale and wheat straw had higher P concentrations than rye. The head/straw concentration ratios were: triticale and rye>wheat for P, wheat>triticale and rye for K while Ca and Mg ratios were triticale>wheat>rye.  相似文献   


Leguminous crops, particularly winter annuals, have been utilized in conservation systems to partially meet nitrogen (N) requirements of succeeding summer cash crops. Previous research also highlights the benefits of utilizing summer annual legumes in rotation with non-leguminous crops. This study assessed the N contribution of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) residues to a subsequent cotton (Gossypium hirsitum L.) crop in a conservation system on a Dothan sandy loam (fine-loamy, kaolinitic, thermic Plinthic Kandiudults) at Headland, AL during the 2003–2005 growing seasons. Treatments were arranged in a split plot design, with main plots of peanut residue retained or removed from the soil surface, and subplots as N application rates (0, 34, 67, and 101 kg ha? 1) applied in fall and spring. Peanut residue did not influence seed cotton yields, leaf N concentrations, or plant N uptake for either growth stage or year of the experiment. There was a trend for peanut residue to increase whole plant biomass measured at the first square in two of three years. Seed cotton yields and plant parameters measured at the first square and mid-bloom responded favorably to spring N applications, but the recommended 101 kg N ha? 1 did not maximize yields. The results from this study indicate that peanut residue does not contribute significant amounts of N to a succeeding cotton crop, however, retaining residue on the soil surface provides other benefits to soils in the southeastern U.S.  相似文献   

为探究半干旱地区雨养春小麦旗叶的光合作用限制因素、不同生育期差异及其适应策略,分析了大田条件下春小麦旗叶在抽穗期和灌浆期光合生理特征的动态变化规律,探讨了自然条件下光合作用的气孔与非气孔限制特征。结果表明:净光合速率日变化趋势在抽穗期和灌浆期分别为单峰型和双峰型,峰值相当,为18.5μmol(CO2)·m-2·s-1左右。气孔导度具有与净光合作用几乎相似的日变化规律,胞间CO2浓度大致为上午下降、下午回升。胞间CO2浓度变化除受光合作用消耗和气孔限制共同作用外,下午时段叶肉导度增大,也影响胞间CO2浓度变化。在抽穗期和灌浆期,春小麦旗叶光合作用速率与气孔导度相关性十分显著,相关系数分别达0.916(P=0.000)和0.945(P=0.000)。并且2个生育期均出现明显的光合气孔限制,抽穗期达0.64,灌浆期为0.53。其中,抽穗期气孔导度对饱和水汽压差响应十分敏感,下午出现较为明显的气孔限制;灌浆期中午出现较为明显的光合"午休"现象,其主要原因是半干旱区较大饱和水汽压差和强烈辐射致使气孔关闭,气孔限制达到极大值,并且非气孔限制因素也较为突出。抽穗期至灌浆期,由于气孔对饱和水汽压差敏感性的下降以及"午休"策略,光合气孔限制逐渐减小,是春小麦在半干旱地区维持较高光合速率和保证产量的重要自适应机制。  相似文献   

Previous trials have revealed variable responses of sago palm ( Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) to fertilizer application, particularly nitrogen (N). In the present study, we quantified the fertilizer use efficiency (FUE) of sago palm for the first time using 15N-labeled fertilizer in pot and field experiments. The pot experiment was conducted in Japan using a 2:1 mixture of sand to Philippine soil. The field experiment was conducted in Leyte in the Philippines. Both experiments consisted of three replicates in each of three treatments: control, 15N urea at 50 kg N ha−1 and 15N urea at 100 kg N ha−1. The N uptake of sago palm increased significantly, but inconsistently with increasing N application. The few instances of a significant increase in N uptake did not translate into significant improvements in growth parameters, except for the number of leaflets in the pot experiment. The FUE values for sago seedlings (< 6 months) in the pot experiment treated with 50 and 100 kg N ha−1 were 10.5 and 13.2%, respectively, whereas for the 2-year-old sago palms in the field, the corresponding FUE values were 14.8 and 12.0%. The FUE values were similar at the two levels of N application in both experiments. Sago growth parameters appeared to be insensitive to N application, suggesting that the form of N and the timing of N fertilization are important factors for sago palms. Therefore, the use of N fertilizer in sago production can only be justified after determining and fully understanding the response of sago palm to N application.  相似文献   

不同氮效率水稻生育后期氮代谢酶活性的变化特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以不同氮效率水稻基因型为供试材料,研究了两个供氮水平下水稻生育后期功能叶和茎秆的氮、可溶性蛋白浓度和氮转运量以及氮代谢关键酶的变化。结果表明:与对照相比,施氮处理能显著增加不同氮效率水稻功能叶和茎秆的氮、可溶性蛋白的浓度和氮转运量。在不同的施氮水平下,水稻从齐穗至成熟顶三叶的氮浓度降低了60%~67%;而茎秆氮在生育后期对籽粒氮的贡献取决于环境供氮水平,与对照相比施氮处理水稻从茎秆转运出的氮大幅提高,在不同的供氮水平下南光的叶片和茎秆氮转运量显著高于Elio。与对照相比,施氮处理增加齐穗期时硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)、谷氨酸合成酶(GOGAT)和谷氨酸脱氢酶(GDH)的活性。随生育期的推进,四种氮代谢酶活性随之降低。南光的NR和GS酶活性显著高于Elio,但NR活性受水稻生育期和环境供氮水平的影响较大;南光的GOGAT和GDH的活性显著低于Elio。相关分析表明,NR和GS活性与功能叶和茎秆的氮转运量呈显著正相关。这就意味着水稻生育后期功能叶和茎秆的NR和GS活性高,尤其是GS活性高是筛选水稻氮高效的重要指标。  相似文献   


Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) grown during the wet season in the Ord Irrigation Area of Western Australia was sampled at five growth stages. The samples were separated into bark, wood, tops plus foliage and, where applicable, seed. Each fraction was analysed for zinc, manganese, iron, copper, sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium by atomic absorption spectroscopy, and for nitrogen and phosphorus by colorimetry. Concentrations of these elements in each plant fraction are presented. Calculation of total above‐ground nutrient content of the crop indicated a high content of potassium throughout the growth cycle (up to .280 kg/ha), an initially high content of nitrogen (150 kg/ha) stabilising at a lower level (about 75 kg/ha) up to maturity, and an increasing content of zinc (150 g/ha to 350 g/ha) and calcium (65 kg/ha to 105 kg/ha) with age. A higher content of iron at maturity was also apparent (up to 1400 g/ha). A comparison with other reported data is made.  相似文献   

针对目前基于计算机视觉估算冬小麦苗期长势参数存在易受噪声干扰且对人工特征依赖性较强的问题,该文综合运用图像处理和深度学习技术,提出一种基于卷积神经网络(convolutional neural network, CNN)的冬小麦苗期长势参数估算方法。以冬小麦苗期冠层可见光图像作为输入,构建了适用于冬小麦苗期长势参数估算卷积神经网络模型,通过学习的方式建立冬小麦冠层可见光图像与长势参数的关系,实现了农田尺度冬小麦苗期冠层叶面积指数(leaf area index,LAI)和地上生物量(above ground biomass, AGB)的准确估算。为验证方法的有效性,该研究采用以冠层覆盖率(canopy cover, CC)作为自变量的线性回归模型和以图像特征为输入的随机森林(random forest, RF)、支持向量机回归(support vectormachinesregression,SVM)进行对比分析,采用决定系数(coefficientofdetermination,R2)和归一化均方根误差(normalized root mean square error, NRMSE)定量评价估算方法的准确率。结果表明:该方法估算准确率均优于对比方法,其中AGB估算结果的R2为0.7917,NRMSE为24.37%,LAI估算结果的R2为0.8256,NRMSE为23.33%。研究可为冬小麦苗期长势监测与田间精细管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Drought affects not only nutrient cycling but also the internal cycling in the plant. We conducted a greenhouse experiment with lucerne at low, moderate and high soil water levels (LW, MW and HW). Green-leaf N:P (N:Pgr) decreased at squaring and flowering stages as water supply increased, while senesced-leaf N:P (N:Psen) increased mostly. N:Pgr increased with the growth at LW and MW, while hardly changed at HW. N:Psen increased and then decreased with the growth at LW and HW, but increased at MW. Water supply may affect soil N or P limitation in a growth stage-specific way. Water supply barely affected leaf N resorption of lucerne, while enhanced leaf P resorption. P resorption was positively correlated with soil P limitation, while there was no relationship of N resorption with N limitation. Therefore, increased water supply would lead to enhanced P resorption to ameliorate the restriction of soil P limitation to lucerne growth.  相似文献   

Three tomato cvs., Blizzard, Liberto, and Calypso, were grown hydroponically in a controlled temperature (C.T.) room for six weeks at three zinc (Zn) concentrations (0.01, 0.5, and 5.0 mg Zn L‐1) in the nutrient solution. There were significant reductions in the dry matter and chlorophyll contents of all three cultivars grown at both low (0.01 mg L‐1) and high (5 mg L‐1) Zn as compared to 0.5 mg Zn L‐1. The concentration of Zn at 0.01 mg L‐1 was not sufficient to provide for optimal plant growth, while 5 mg Zn L‐1 in the nutrient solution was detrimental to plant growth for all three cultivars. The best results for all parameters tested were for the plants grown at 0.5 mg Zn L‐1. The concentration of phosphorus (P) was at an excess level in leaves of plants grown in 0.01 mg Zn L‐1, while it was deficient in the 5 mg Zn L‐1 treatment. Acid Phosphatase Enzyme [EC.] (APE) activity was significantly higher in both the leaves and roots of P‐deficient plants, i.e., plants receiving high (5 mg L‐1) Zn. Acid Phosphatase Enzyme activity was slightly higher in the mature leaves than those in developing leaves, where P concentration was higher. Concentration of P and, in particular Zn, increased in the roots with increasing Zn in the nutrient solution. The APE activity increased in the roots of P‐deficient plants receiving high Zn (5 mg L‐1).  相似文献   


White yam (Dioscorea rotundata cv. Olonko) was grown consecutively for three growing seasons, i.e. from February to October of 1975, 1976 and 1977, and treated with six levels of nitrogen, viz: 0, 40, 60, 120, 160 and 200 kg N/ha in the field. Leaf samples were taken at four stages of growth as follows: vegetative, tuber formation, tuber development and tuber maturation, and analyzed for NO3‐N, P, K, Ca and Mg.

Increasing nitrogen fertilization consistently increased leaf‐NO3‐N, particularly at the vegetative stages of growth, while no consistent trend was established for leaf‐P. Leaf‐K was increased at low rate of nitrogen fertilization during tuber formation and maturation whereas leaf‐Ca increased only at tuber maturation in the presence of higher rates of nitrogen fertilization. There was a marked increase in leaf‐Mg at all stages of growth when N treatment was increased to 200 kg N/ha. A positive correlation (r = 0.84???) was obtained for leaf‐K at the vegetative growth stage with tuber yield, while leaf‐Mg was positively correlated with tuber yield at vegetative (r = 0.46?), tuber formation (r = 0.50?) and tuber development (r = 0.67??) stages. All other elements were negatively correlated with yield at all stages of growth. Tuber yield was highest at the 200 kg N/ha treatment.  相似文献   

通过分析水浇地与不同类型旱地春小麦红边参数变化规律,利用与春小麦叶绿素含量相关性最好的红边位置,分别建立水浇地与旱地春小麦叶绿素含量最佳估测模型。结果表明:春小麦的红边位置表现出水浇地阴坡旱地半阴/阳坡旱地阳坡旱地的特点。起身期到扬花期,各地类春小麦红边位置均偏向长波方向,扬花至乳熟期,又偏向短波。水浇地与阴坡旱地春小麦的红边在起身期和乳熟期存在"单峰"现象,而在其他各期均为"双峰";半阴/阳坡旱地在抽穗和扬花期"双峰"明显,在起身、拔节和乳熟期表现出"单峰"现象;阳坡地在各生育期均为"单峰"现象。整个生育期,水浇地春小麦的红边面积最大,阳坡地的最小。起身期至乳熟期,水浇地与旱地春小麦叶绿素含量线性模型的拟合R2和检验R2均大于0.81,RMSE均小于1.70,说明可以利用红边位置预测各地春小麦叶绿素含量。  相似文献   

干旱区春小麦发育期反照率变化及其不对称性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反照率是影响农田热量平衡的一个关键因子,也是作物生长监测和产量估测的一个重要参数.为了研究反照率随春小麦发育期的变化规律,探讨地表反照率日变化的不对称性及其影响因子,运用辐射仪对春小麦分蘖、拔节、抽穗、灌浆及成熟等不同发育期的地表反照率日变化进行了观测.结果表明,地表反照率变化的整体趋势是随春小麦发育期的变化而先升(分蘖期至抽穗期)后降(灌浆期和成熟期).地表反照率的日变化随太阳高度角变化呈现上、下午不对称特征,当太阳高度角小于40°时,上午地表反照率要明显大于下午同样太阳高度角时的反照率,当太阳高度角大于40°时,上、下午地表反照率则逐渐对称.分析推测早晨春小麦叶片表面存在露珠是造成地表反照率日变化不对称的主要原因.研究结果为准确确定干旱区地表反照率及运用地表反照率进行作物生长临测提供一定参考依据.  相似文献   

Dupontia fisheri plants, derived from a clone, were propagated in plant growth chambers by the open‐pot nutrient solution technique, with vermiculite as the solid phase. The plants were illuminated continuously at 21, 500 lux (2,000 f.c.) by a combination of fluorescent and incandescent lamps. Air temperature was kept constant at 20°C. The plants, after transplanting to 20‐liter pots (closed‐pot system), were nourished by a modified half‐strength Hoagland solution, supplied with a one time addition of nitrogen at the rate of zero, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 and 8.0 me/1 derived from (NH4)2SO4, Ca(NO3)2 or NH4NO3. They were harvested 49 days after transplanting at a time when those in the three lowest treatments were distinctly deficient in nitrogen. Critical nitrate‐N values (the concentration at a 10% reduction in vegetative growth) were found to be identical, at 100 μg/g (dry basis), in the stem, blade‐1 and blade‐3 tissues, and those for total‐N at 0.901, 2.251, and 2.501, respectively.

Absence of nitrate in stem tissue indicated a nitrogen deficiency while the total‐N value indicated the degree of deficiency: the lower the value the greater the deficiency. Nitrogen also influenced the mineral composition of stem and blade tissues directly, mainly by ionic competition, and possibly indirectly, by decreasing dry matter content as the plants became less deficient in nitrogen. Transitions from nitrogen deficiency to sufficiency caused relatively large changes in the concentration of other nutrients in both stems and blades, but sometimes in opposite directions. For example, soluble‐P and total‐P in stems increased dramatically with increases in total‐N, but decreased greatly in the blade‐1 and blade‐3 tissues. Potassium, on the other hand, increased greatly in all tisues with increases in total‐N. These effects were much smaller for phosphorus with ammonium‐N as a nitrogen source than with nitrate, but for potassium there was no appreciable effect of nitrogen source in stems, a larger effect in blade‐1 and an erratic effect in blade‐3. Additionally, there were rather large decreases in manganese concentration with increases in nitrogen while effects on other nutrients were either small (Mg and Zn) or not significant (Ca, Fe, Cu and Na). All values were above critical concentrations.  相似文献   

The leaf nutrient concentrations and the N‐to‐nutrient ratios were analyzed to evaluate the nutritional status of holm oaks (Quercus ilex L.) experiencing various anthropogenic pressures. Leaves (1 year old) of Q. ilex and surface soil (0–5 cm) surrounding the trees were collected at seven natural and seven urban sites in Campania Region (Southern Italy) and analyzed for the concentrations of macro (C, N, P, S) and micronutrients (Mn, K, Na, Cu, Mg, Ca, Fe, Zn). The available soil fraction of micronutrients was also evaluated. The nutrients showed different concentration ranges for the natural and the urban sites in the soil (total and available) and in the leaves, that we reported separately. Organic‐matter content and macronutrient concentrations were higher in the natural soils, while the highest leaf N, S, and P concentrations were found at some urban sites. Concentrations of Cu, Na and Zn both in leaves and soil, and Mg and Fe in leaves from the urban sites appeared to be affected by air depositions. Manganese was the only micronutrient to show higher concentrations at the natural than at the urban sites, both in soil and leaves. For this nutrient, in addition, a relationship between leaf and available soil concentrations was found at the natural sites. The ratios between the concentrations of N and each studied nutrient in the leaves highlighted a different nutritional status between the plants from the natural and urban sites.  相似文献   

Root proliferation and greater uptake per unit of root in the nutrient‐rich zones are often considered to be compensatory responses. This study aimed to examine the influence of plant phosphorus (P) status and P distribution in the root zone on root P acquisition and root and shoot growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in a split‐root soil culture. One compartment (A) was supplied with either 4 or 14 mg P (kg soil)–1, whereas the adjoining compartment (B) had 4 mg P kg–1 with a vertical high‐P strip (44 mg kg–1) at 90–110 mm from the plant. Three weeks after growing in the split‐root system, plants with 4 mg P kg–1 (low‐P plants) started to show stimulatory root growth in the high‐P strip. Two weeks later, root dry weight and length density in the high‐P strip were significantly greater for the low‐P plants than for the plants with 14 mg P (kg soil)–1. However, after 8 weeks of growth in the split‐root system, the two P treatments of compartment A had similar root growth in the high‐P strip of compartment B. The study also showed that shoot P concentrations in the low‐P plants were 0.6–0.8 mg g–1 compared with 1.7–1.9 mg g–1 in the 14 mg P kg–1 plants after 3 and 5 weeks of growth, but were similar (1.1–1.4 mg g–1) between the two plants by week 8. The low‐P plants had lower root P concentration in both compartments than those with 14 mg P kg–1 throughout the three harvests. The findings may indicate that root proliferation and P acquisition under heterogeneous conditions are influenced by shoot P status (internal) and soil P distribution (external). There were no differences in the total root and shoot dry weight between the two P treatments at weeks 3 and 5 because enhanced root growth and P uptake in the high‐P strip by the low‐P plants were compensated by reduced root growth elsewhere. In contrast, total plant growth and total root and shoot P contents were greater in the 14 mg P kg1 soil than in the low‐P soil at week 8. The two P treatments did not affect the ratio of root to shoot dry weight with time. The results suggest that root proliferation and greater P uptake in the P‐enriched zone may meet the demand for P by P‐deficient plants only for a limited period of time.  相似文献   


The growth of nitrate‐supplied and dinitrogen‐fixing pea plants was studied in a pot experiment with a sandy soil in a pH‐H?O range from 3.4 to 5.6. Optimum growth in both treatments occurred at pH 5.0. At low pH, N2‐plants yielded significantly less than NO3‐plants. Planting of nodulated seedlings did not enhance yield in comparison with sowing in inoculated soil, indicating that nodulation was not the most sensitive process in restricting yield. Comparison of the nitrogen contents of shoots of planted and sown N2‐plants allowed the suggestion that the synthesis of nitrogenous compounds was also not limiting yield. At low pH, root growth was severely reduced in dinitrogen‐fixing plants in comparison with nitrate‐supplied plants. This difference could be explained by the influence of the form of nitrogen nutrition on the cation‐anion uptake pattern of the plant and the resulting pH‐shift in the rhizosphere. It is to be expected that in an acid soil under field conditions the indirect effect of nitrate on root growth and nodulation via increase of the pH is more extensive than its direct negative effect on nodulation.  相似文献   

Dry matter (DM) partitioning into root, leaf, stem, shoot dry weight plant?1 response in four cool season C3-cereals viz. wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), rye (Secale cereale L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and oats (Avena sativa L.) was investigated at 30, 60 and 90 days after emergence (DAE) under eight nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) sources: S1 = 20-20-20, S2 = 20-27-5, S3 = 7-22-8, S4 = 10-10-10-20S, S5 = 11-15-11, S6 = 31-11-11, S7 = 24-8-16, and S8 = 19-6-12 in pot experiment at Dryland Agriculture Institute, West Texas A&;M University, Canyon, Texas, USA during winter 2009-10. A considerable variation in DM partitioning into various plant parts was observed in the four crop species at different growth stages and NPK source. At 30 DAE, 27% of the total DM per plant (TDMPP) was partitioned into roots and 73% into shoots (19% stems + 54% leaf). Only16 % of the TDMPP was partitioned into roots and 84% into shoots (18 % stem + 66 % leaf) at 60 DAE. At 90 DAE, 29% of TDMPP was partitioned into roots and 71 % into shoots (33 % stems + 38 % leaf) at 90 DAE. Percent DM partitioning into stems ranked first (33%) at 90 DAE > at 30 DAE (19%) > at 60 DAE (18 %). With advancement in crops age, DM partitioning into various crop parts increased. The root DM plant?1 (RDMPP) increased from 11.5–722 mg plant?1; stem DM plant?1 (STDMPP) from 8.3–889.0 mg plant?1; leaf DM plant?1 (LDMPP) from 23.1–1031.0 mg plant?1; shoot DM plant?1 (SHDMPP) from 31.3–1921 mg plant?1, and TDMPP increased from 42.9–2693.0 mg plant?1 at 30 and 90 DAE, respectively. Because of the higher N contents in S7 (24:8:16) and S6 (31:11:11) reduced the DM partitioning into various plants parts as well as TDMPP at all three growth stages. The adverse effects of S6 and S7 on DM partitioning was more on oats > rye > wheat > barley. The S4 with 10:10:10 (NPK) and :20S was not toxic at 30 DAE, but at 60 and 90 DAE it became toxic that adversely affected the DM partitioning as well as TDMPP probably may be due its high sulfur (20%) content which lacking in other NPK sources. The DM partitioning to various parts of barley and wheat was more than oats and rye at different growth stages (barley > wheat > rye > oats). Since the DM portioning values were determined on the average of five plants in pot experiment under organic soil at field capacity; in case of field experiments more research is needed on various crop species/varieties under different environmental conditions particularly under moisture stress condition.  相似文献   

The aim was to investigate different organic fertilizers derived from plant materials with respect to their nitrogen and carbon turnover in soil in comparison with organic fertilizers derived from animal‐waste products. In a 64‐day incubation study at 5°C and 15°C, the following fertilizers were used: coarse faba bean–seed meal (Vicia faba L.), coarse meals of yellow and white lupin seeds (Lupinus albus L. and Lupinus luteus L.), Phytoperls® (waste products of maize [Zea mays L.] processing), coarse meal of castor cake (Ricinus communis L.) as a widely used organic fertilizer, and horn meal as a reference fertilizer‐derived from animal waste products. At 15°C, horn meal showed the highest apparent net N mineralization of fertilizer‐derived N, followed by castor cake and the two lupin meals. At 5°C, apparent net N mineralization of fertilizer‐derived N from horn meal and coarse meal of yellow lupin seeds was nearly identical, followed by castor‐cake meal. Net N mineralization from legume‐seed meals showed no or even a negative temperature response, at least temporarily. In contrast, the other fertilizers showed a positive temperature response of net N mineralization. The content in recalcitrant structural components and the decoupling of decomposition of N‐rich and C‐rich tissue components in time are discussed as controlling factors of fertilizer‐N turnover at low temperature. Microbial residues seem to be an important temporary sink of fertilizer‐derived C and N. Legume‐seed meals induced considerable N‐priming effects. Temperature induced differences in the decomposition of total fertilizer C, indicated by changes in the sum of cumulative CO2‐C evolution, total K2SO4‐soluble organic C and microbial‐biomass C were much smaller than indicated by cumulative CO2‐C evolution alone. Our results indicate that legume‐seed meals have the potential to replace horn meal and castor‐cake meal in organic vegetable production, especially when soil temperatures in early spring are still low.  相似文献   

We investigated the functions and ecological traits of seven individual ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal species derived from a Pinus thunbergii-dominated (nitrogen-poor) and a Robinia pseudoacacia-dominated (nitrogen-rich) area. P. thunbergii seedlings were inoculated with seven individual ECM fungal species and cultured under high nitrogen (nitrogen group) and low nitrogen (control group) conditions. Control seedlings were not inoculated with any ECM fungus. Seedlings harvested were examined for the numbers of non-mycorrhizal and ECM root tips, growth, nutrient status (nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon) and the activity of dehydrogenase and phosphomonoesterase in the root tips. The relationships among the growth, nutrient status and the enzymatic activity in the seedlings inoculated with each ECM fungal species were also analyzed by canonical discriminants. As the results, inoculation of ECM fungi made the plant growth significantly higher than those of non-inoculated seedlings. Plant growth significantly correlated with the phosphorus content, N:P ratio and phosphomonoesterase activity, especially in the nitrogen group. Dehydrogenase and phosphomonoesterase activities in the seedlings were higher when the ECM fungi from a nitrogen-rich area were inoculated than when those from a nitrogen-poor area were inoculated. The canonical discriminant analyses separated seedlings by inocula: no fungus, ECM fungi from a nitrogen-poor area, and those from a nitrogen-rich area. These results suggested the possibility that nitrogen deposition caused P shortage and the P absorbing ability was higher in the ECM fungi in nitrogen-rich forests than those in nitrogen-poor forests.  相似文献   

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