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Long‐term effects on plant and soil‐profile chemical composition imposed by a residential sewage sludge were studied on an Oxisol from Hawaii. Sludge was applied at 0, 45, 90, and 180 Mg/ha in 1983. An NPK‐fertilized treatment was included for comparison. Sudangrass (Sorghum bicolorL. Moench) was grown as a test crop in the 1983–84 and 1986–87 seasons. Soil samples for chemical analysis were taken in 1987 at three depths: 0–23 cm, 23–46 cm, and 46–69 cm.

Beneficial effects of sludge, measured 3 years after application (beginning of the 1986's planting), were evident by large yield increases on sludge‐amended soils relative to the unamended and the NPK‐fertilized soils. The first cutting produced approximately 5 Mg/ha of dry matter from the sludge treatments, regardless of rate, as compared with 3 and 1.5 Mg/ha from the NPK and the 0 treatments. Regrowths showed similar effect, though less dramatic; average yields were 2.6 Mg/ha with sludge and 1.6 Mg/ha without.

Heavy‐metal concentrations in plants were generally unaffected by sludge applications; probably because (i) heavy‐metal contents of the sludge were low, and (ii) soil pH was increased by sludge.

Remarkable increases in pH, exchangeable Ca and extractable P, and resultant decreases in exchangeable Al, in all three soil layers of sludge‐amended soils suggest that surface application of a low heavy‐metal sludge could serve to correct subsoil acidity and enhance subsoil P availability.  相似文献   


This study was to determine the effect of soil amendments on the fractionation of selenium (Se) using incubation experiments under simulated upland and flooded conditions. The treatments were as follows: 1) control [soil + sodium selenite (Na2SeO3) (1 mg Se kg‐1)]; 2) control + calcium carbonate (CaCO3) (5 g kg‐1); 3) control + alfalfa (40 g kg‐1); and 4) control + CaCO3 (5 g kg‐1) + alfalfa (40 g kg‐1). After a 90‐day incubation, soil was sampled and fractionated into five fractions: 1) potassium sulfate (K2SO4)‐soluble fraction (available to plants); 2) potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4)‐exchangeable fraction (potentially available); 3) ammonium hydroxide (NH3H2O)‐soluble fraction (potentially available); 4) hydrochloric acid (HCl)‐extractable fraction (unavailable); and 5) residual fraction (unavailable). Compared with the control, CaCO3 increased the K2SO4 fraction at the expense of the NH3H2O fraction. Alfalfa increased both the K2SO4 and residual fractions but reduced the KH2PO4 and NH3H2O fractions. The CaCO3‐alfalfa treatment had a similar effect to the alfalfa treatment alone. The comparison between the upland and flooded conditions showed that the flooded condition generally increased the residual fraction and decreased the potentially‐available fractions. In general, CaCO3 was a better amendment because it not only increased the available fraction but also maintained the potentially available fractions at a high level. The application of Na2SeO3 and use of appropriate soil amendments can improve Se availability in soil.  相似文献   


Moldboard plowing, chisel plowing and no‐till methods were used to produce field corn (Zea mays) in an old grass sod. Grain yields were similar ranging between 13,100 and 14,186 kg/ha. The greatest spread in soil temperatures was only 2.1 C with the plowed soil always being warmest. Mean soil organic matter levels of the surface soil ranged between 1.9 percent on the moldboard plowed plots and 3.3 on the no‐till plots. Ten species of soil Collembola were identified. Collembola and Acarina populations were concentrated in the surface 5 cm of soil and were present in greatest numbers in the No‐Till soil.  相似文献   

The suitability of loss‐on‐ignition (LOI) as an alternative to direct measurement of organic carbon (OC) has been debated for decades without resolution. The literature contains an abundance of different linear regression models to describe the LOI–OC relationship, most based on untransformed values of LOI and OC. Such regression is suspect because the variables are unable to occupy Euclidean space. Logratio transformation—based on relative rather than absolute differences—eliminates this constraint. Re‐analysis of the relationship on new and 10 previously published datasets using logratio techniques reveals that the relationship is nonlinear and that the profusion of regression models is in part a function of the range of LOI. Although LOI may offer a crude estimate of OC at high LOI levels, OC/LOI ratios when LOI is less than about 25% are too variable for reliable OC estimation, and interstudy comparisons remain dubious. Direct measurement of OC is recommended.  相似文献   

Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench cv RTX430, SC214, SC574, SC599, TAM428, and SC326xSC103] were grown on soils of pH 4.2 or 6.2–6.5. Leaf and nonexserted juvenile panicle tissues were collected at 75 days after planting. Fresh and dry weights were measured and element contents [sulfur (S), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), potassium (K), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), and copper (Cu)] were measured by atomic absorption. Significant cultivar differences in ion concentration (μmol/g dry weight) were found. Juvenile panicles had higher ion concentration (μmol/g dry weight) [S, P, Mg, Ca, K, Zn, and Cu) than leaves. Within leaf tissue, ion concentration (μmol/g dry weight) was correlated with tissue water content (g water/g dry weight).  相似文献   


Forest floor and mineral soils were collected from 169 conifer and hardwood forested plots across Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Regression equations were developed between LOI and organic C for 20% of the samples (n=337), and LOI was then used to predict organic C on all of the samples. Results indicated that LOI is a good estimator of organic C in these soils, but that separate equations were needed for different soil strata. Percent organic C in forest floors was greater in conifer stands compared to hardwood (means of 35.1 and 30.1%, respectively)  相似文献   


The determination of soil organic matter by wet digestion techniques is a slow and laborious analysis. Loss‐on‐ignition (LOI) provides a simple alternative technique for the estimation of soil organic carbon in non‐calcareous A horizon soils of the Natal midlands and Zululand forestry regions. Using multiple regressional techniques, the relationships between loss‐on‐ignition, Walkley organic carbon and soil texture for 55 soils were determined over a range of ignition temperatures. The relationships hold best for soil samples with relatively low organic carbon contents (< 5%). The optimum temperature for ignition was found to occur at 450°C and resulted in the relationship: Soil organic carbon = 0.284*LOI percent. No advantage is gained through ignition at higher temperatures due to the loss of clay mineral structural water, even if the soil texture is accurately known.  相似文献   

To calculate the biomass from the size of the flush that follows fumigation, the fraction (k) of the killed biomass C that is respired as CO2 must be known. This was measured for a range of organisms: two yeasts Succharomyces cerevisiae and Candida utilis), two fungi (Cylindrocarpon sp. and Penicillium chrysogenum), an actinomycete (Streptomyces clavuligerus), seven bacteria (Aerobacter aerogenes, Bacillus subtilis, Clostridium histolyticum, Escherichia coli, Microccus lysodeikticus, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Nitrosomonas europaea) and a soil invertebrate (Lumbricus terrestris). The organisms were mixed with soil and fumigated; the consumption of O2, evolution of CO2 and mineralization of N were then measured under the standard conditions used to measure the flush. Control values obtained with fumigated soil alone were deducted, assuming that the added organisms did not cause a priming action. Taking all the organisms together, 50·0 ± 8·2% of the C originally present was mineralized in the 10 days following fumigation, giving a mean value of 0·5 for k.Experiments with earthworms showed that fumigation with CHCl3 did not appreciably increase the amounts of C and N mineralized from organisms that were already dead and that k was independent of the amount of organism added.From a consideration of the results in this and in the preceding three papers, it is concluded that the flush following fumigation can be used to give a rough measure of the amount of biomass in a soil.  相似文献   


Production of methane gas from coal seams generates well water that is slightly to moderately saline. Since land application is a potential method of disposal for this water, a greenhouse study was conducted to evaluate plant response and changes in soil chemical properties resulting from irrigation with coalbed methane‐produced water. The soil was a Montevallo (Typic Dystrochrepts)‐Nauvoo (Typic Hapludults) association located in northern Alabama. Two irrigation methods used in the initial greenhouse test were 1) continuous, irrigation 24 h d‐1 and 2) intermittent, irrigation for 12 h and off for 24 h. In a second greenhouse test, three irrigation methods were used: 1) continuous, irrigation for 24 h d‐1, 2) intermittent, irrigation for 12 h and off for 48 h, and 3) irrigation to maintain field capacity, by daily additions of the respective irrigation water. The flow rate for continuous and intermittent irrigation treatments was 3.75 mm h‐1. In each greenhouse test, 5 levels of salinity were generated by mixing well‐produced water with deionized water to give solutions containing 0, 10, 20, 40, and 100% well‐produced water (specific conductance (second greenhouse test) of 0.2, 1.4, 2.2, 4.4, and 9.3 dS m‐1, respectively). Corresponding sodium adsorption ratios were 0.1, 27, 36, 55, and 81, respectively. Sorghum‐sudangrass [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Monech] was harvested for forage yields and chemical analysis at 14–30 days after initiation of irrigation treatments. Results from these preliminary short term, greenhouse studies show that coalbed methane produced water that is typical for Alabama (total dissolved solids ≤2000 mg L‐1) can be applied to highly weathered soils. The results indicate that plant growth of summer annual grasses will be optimized if an irrigation system is used to apply produced water at a rate to maintain soil moisture at or near field capacity.  相似文献   


The widespread use of glyphosate‐resistant (GR) cropping systems may impact rhizosphere microbial associations and crop productivity. It was previously reported that glyphosate accumulation in the rhizosphere may stimulate colonization of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] roots by soilborne Fusarium. Field studies often reveal inconsistent root colonization by Fusarium, especially during growing seasons characterized by contrasting rainfall patterns. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the impact of different soil moisture contents on root colonization of glyphosate‐treated soybean by Fusarium species. Glyphosate (0.84 kg ae ha?1) was applied to greenhouse‐grown glyphosate‐resistant (GR) soybean at the two to three trifoliate-leaf (V2–V3) growth stage growing in a Mexico silt loam at 27%, 13%, and 10% soil moisture contents. Soil and plant samples were sampled periodically after herbicide application and selectively cultured for Fusarium. Highest Fusarium colonization was associated with the glyphosate treatment, with maximum levels occurring at the highest soil moisture level. Thus, glyphosate interactions with root colonization by Fusarium in glyphosate‐resistant soybean are greatly influenced by soil moisture content.  相似文献   

Yu  Kun  Duan  Yang  Zhang  Maosheng  Dong  Ying  Wang  Luchen  Wang  Ye  Guo  Xu  Hu  Fusheng 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2020,20(4):1943-1959
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Land subsidence has caused serious geological damage in many countries, including China. Soil pore number, size, shape, and pore size distribution affect soil...  相似文献   


Soil compaction is a significant production problem for agriculture because of its negative impact on plant growth, which in many cases has been attributed to changes in soil N transformations. A laboratory experiment was conducted to study the effect of soil compaction and water‐filled pore space on soil microbial activity and N losses. A hydraulic soil compaction device was used to evenly compress a Norfolk loamy sand (fine‐loamy, siliceous, thermic Typic Kandiudults) soil into 50 mm diameter by 127 mm long cores. A factorial arrangement of three bulk density levels (1.4, 1.6, and 1.8 Mg/m3) and four water‐filled pore space levels (60, 65, 70, 75%) was used. Fertilizer application of 168 kg N/ha was made as 1.0 atom % 15N as NH4NO3. Soil cores were incubated at 25°C for 21 d. Microbial activity decreased with both increasing water‐filled pore space and soil bulk density as measured by CO2‐C entrapment. Nitrogen loss increased with increasing bulk density from 92.8 to 334.4 g N/m3 soil at 60% water‐filled pore space, for 1.4 and 1.8 Mg/m3, respectively. These data indicate that N loss and soil microbial activity depends not only on the pore space occupied by water, but also on structure and size of soil pores which are altered by compaction.  相似文献   


The influence of soil particle size and soil fine grinding on Bray‐2 extractable phosphorus (Bray‐2P) was studied. Air‐dried and 2‐mm mesh‐sieved soil was separated into six particle size classes: <0.075, 0.075–0.106, 0.106–0.25, 0.25–0.425, 0.425–0.85, and 0.85–2 mm. The lowest amounts of Bray‐2P were found in the 0.425–0.85 and 0.85–2 mm fractions and the highest in <0.075 mm fraction. When ground for 3 min, the amount of Bray‐2P increased in the fractions larger than 0.25 mm, whereas it decreased in the fractions smaller than 0.25 mm. In the large fraction (0.425–0.85 mm), grinding for 1 to 3 min led to an increase in the amount of Bray‐2P, but grinding for 9 to 18 min caused a decrease. In contrast, in the small fraction (<0.075 mm), the amount of Bray‐2P decreased by grinding for 1 min. The large and small fractions that were ground absorbed P in proportion to the grinding time during the extraction‐filtration period.  相似文献   

A new method for the determination of biomass in soil is described. Soil is fumigated with CHCl3 vapour, the CHCl3 removed and the soil then incubated. The biomass is calculated from the difference between the amounts of CO2 evolved during incubation by fumigated and unfumigated soil. The method was tested on a set of nine soils from long-term field experiments. The amounts of biomass C ha?1 in the top 23 cm of soil from plots on the Broadbalk continuous wheat experiment were 530 kg (unmanured plot), 590 (plot receiving inorganic fertilizers) and 1160 (plot receiving farmyard manure). Soils that had been fallowed for 1 year contained less biomass than soils carrying a crop. A calcareous woodland soil contained 1960 kg biomass C ha?1, and an unmanured soil under permanent grass 2020. The arable soils contained about 2% of their organic C in the biomass; uncultivated soils a little more—about 3%.  相似文献   


Iron (Fe) deficiency chlorosis (FeDC) results in extensive reduction in yield of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) grown on high pH calcareous soils. Three cultivars differing in response to FeDC were grown on a high pH (8.2) calcareous soil (25.4% calcium carbonate equivalent in surface 20 cm) in the field (Choueifat, coastal area of Lebanon) to determine the effects of FeDC on fruit yield of cultivars sprayed with FeEDDHA [ferric ethylene‐diiminobis (2‐hydroxyphenyl) acetate]. The unsprayed plots were used as a control. No significant interaction (P<0.05) between cultivars x FeEDDHA spray treatment, and no significant differences (P<0.05) between one and two FeEDDHA spray(s)/week treatment was noted for visual FeDC, fruit number, and fruit yield. Sprayed cultivars once a week produced higher yields than unsprayed ones; overall increases were 33% (13% for ‘Motto’, 30% for ‘Chandler’, and 56% for ‘Douglas'). Even though only slight FeDC was noted on the ‘Motto’ cultivar receiving no Fe EDDHA spray, fruit yields were increased when sprayed with FeEDDHA. However, significant increases in yield for ‘Chandler’ and ‘Douglas’ cultivars with severe FeDC ratings were rioted when sprayed with FeEDDHA.  相似文献   


Long‐term tillage and crop management studies may be useful for determining crop production practices that are conducive to securing a sustainable agriculture. Objectives of this field study were to evaluate the combined effects of crop rotation and tillage practices on yield and changes in soil chemical properties after 12 years of research on the Clyde‐Kenyon‐Floyd soil association in northeastern Iowa. Continuous corn (Zea mays L.) and a corn‐soybean [Glycine max L. (Herr.)] rotation were grown using moldboard plowing, chisel plowing, ridge‐tillage, or no‐tillage methods. Tillage and crop rotation effects on soil pH, Bray P1, 1M NH4OAc exchangeable K, Ca, and Mg, total C, and total N in the top 200 mm were evaluated. Profile NO3‐N concentrations were also measured in spring and autumn of 1988. Crop yields and N use efficiencies were used to assess sustainability. Bray P1 levels increased, but exchangeable K decreased for all cropping and tillage methods. Nutrient stratification was evident for no‐tillage and ridge‐tillage methods, while the moldboard plowing treatment had the most uniform soil test levels within the 200 mm management zone. Chisel plowing incorporated fertilizer to a depth of 100 mm. Soil pH was lower with continuous corn than with crop rotation because of greater and more frequent N applications. Profile NO3‐N concentrations were significantly different for sampling depth and among tillage methods in spring 1988. In autumn the concentrations were significantly different for sampling depth and for a rotation by tillage interaction. Estimated N use efficiencies were 40 and 50 kg grain per kg N for continuous corn, and 48 and 69 kg grain per kg N for rotated corn in 1988 and 1989, respectively. The results suggest that P fertilizer rates can be reduced, but K rates should probably be increased to maintain soil‐test levels for this soil association. Crop rotation and reduced tillage methods such as ridge‐tillage or chisel plowing appear to meet the criteria for sustainable agriculture on these soils.  相似文献   


Humic acids have many benefits for plant growth and development, and these effects may be maximized if these materials are combined with micronutrient applications. In the present study, pot experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of zinc (Zn) humate and ZnSO4 on growth of wheat and soybean in a severely Zn‐deficient calcareous soil (DTPA‐Zn: 0.10 mg kg?1 soil). Plants were grown for 24 (wheat) and 28 days (soybean) with 0 or 5 mg kg?1 of Zn as either ZnSO4 or Zn humate. Zinc humate used in the experiments was obtained from Humintech GmbH, Germany, and contained 5% of Zn. When Zn was not supplied, plants rapidly developed visible symptoms of Zn deficiency (e.g., chlorosis and brown patches on young leaves in soybean and necrotic patches on middle‐aged leaves in wheat). Adding Zn humate eliminated Zn‐deficiency symptoms and enhanced dry matter production by 50% in soybean and 120% in wheat. Zinc‐humate and ZnSO4 were similarly effective in increasing dry matter production in wheat; but Zn humate increased soybean dry matter more than ZnSO4. When Zn was not supplied, Zn concentrations were 6 mg kg?1 for wheat and 8 mg kg?1 for soybean. Application of Zn humate and ZnSO4 increased shoot Zn concentration of plants to 36 and 34 mg kg?1 in wheat and to 13 and 18 mg kg?1 in soybean, respectively. The results indicate that soybean and wheat plants can efficiently utilize Zn chelated to humic acid in calcareous soils, and this utilization is comparable to the utilization of Zn from ZnSO4. Under Zn‐deficient soil conditions, plant growth and yield can be maximized by the combined positive effects of Zn and humic acids.  相似文献   


Recently, many studies related to carbon (C) sequestration by soils have been reported. However, little information has been reported related to the need for and effects of grinding soils on C analysis by high‐temperature combustion. We studied the effects of grinding five glacially derived soils of varying textural composition and organic matter content to 2‐mm, 1‐mm, 0.5‐mm, 0.25‐mm, and 0.15‐mm particle sizes on the measurement of total, inorganic, and organic C content using a high‐temperature combustion technique. Medium‐textured soils showed significantly higher total and organic C values for the 2‐, 1‐, and 0.5‐mm particle sizes than for the 0.25‐ and 0.15‐mm particle sizes compared to soils that were high in sand or clay. Grinding did not appear to affect inorganic C values. Grinding the soils to 0.15 mm, in all cases, greatly reduced the variability of C values by as much as two‐ to six‐fold when compared to 2‐mm soils. We recommend that soils be ground to pass a 0.15‐mm (100‐mesh) screen prior to C analysis by high‐temperature combustion.  相似文献   

The current study addressed the spatial variation of soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (TN), extractable phosphorus (EP), and extractable potassium (EK) in agricultural soils of a representative region, northeast China. Soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) and the effects of landscape attributes and land use were also investigated. The techniques used included conventional statistics, geostatistics, and geographic information systems (GIS). Our study demonstrated that EP had the greatest coefficient of variation (CV), and CEC had the least CV. The experimental semivariograms of the five soil chemical properties included in this study were all fitted with exponential models. The five soil variables all showed moderate spatial dependence. The SOM, EK, and CEC decreased with increasing altitude. Significant negative relationships were found between the slope gradient and EP, EK, and CEC. Relatively steeper slopes might result in greater soil erosion, which leads to a decline in soil nutrients. Soil types had significant impacts on all soil chemical properties, which reflect the effect of the parent soil material. In general, the mean values of soil variables for vegetable land were statistically greater than those for upland and paddy fields. After being divided into two parts along the Yinma River, soil samples of the western part have statistically greater SOM, EP, EK, and CEC values than those collected from the eastern part.  相似文献   


Greenhouse experiments were carried out to study the influence of gyttja, a sedimentary peat, on the shoot dry weight and shoot concentrations of zinc (Zn) and boron (B) in one bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Bezostaja) and one durum wheat (Triticum durum L., cv. Kiziltan) cultivar. Plants were grown in a Zn‐deficient (DTPA‐Zn: 0.09 mg kg?1 soil) and B‐toxic soil (CaCl2/mannitol‐extractable B: 10.5 mg kg?1 soil) with (+Zn = 5 mg Zn kg?1 soil) and without (?Zn = 0) Zn supply for 55 days. Gyttja containing 545 g kg?1 organic matter was applied to the soil at the rates of 0, 1, 2.5, 5, and 10% (w/w). When Zn and gyttja were not added, plants showed leaf symptoms of Zn deficiency and B toxicity, and had a reduced growth. With increased rates of gyttja application, shoot growth of both cultivars was significantly enhanced under Zn deficiency, but not at sufficient supply of Zn. The adverse effects of Zn deficiency and B toxicity on shoot dry matter production became very minimal at the highest rate of gyttja application. Increases in gyttja application significantly enhanced shoot concentrations of Zn in plants grown without addition of inorganic Zn. In Zn‐sufficient plants, the gyttja application up to 5% (w/w) did not affect Zn concentration in shoots, but at the highest rate of gyttja application there was a clear decrease in shoot Zn concentration. Irrespective of Zn supply, the gyttja application strongly decreased shoot concentration of B in plants, particularly in durum wheat. For example, in Zn‐deficient Kiziltan shoot concentration of B was reduced from 385 mg kg?1 to 214 mg kg?1 with an increased gyttja application. The results obtained indicate that gyttja is a useful organic material improving Zn nutrition of plants in Zn‐deficient soils and alleviating adverse effects of B toxicity on plant growth. The beneficial effects of gyttja on plant growth in the Zn‐deficient and B‐toxic soil were discussed in terms of increases in plant available concentration of Zn in soil and reduction of B uptake due to formation of tightly bound complexes of B with gyttja.  相似文献   

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