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Incinerating turkey manure is a new option in the USA to generate renewable energy and to eliminate environmental problems associated with manure stockpiling. Incineration produces turkey manure ash (TMA) with a nutrient content of 43 g phosphorus (P) kg?1 and 100 g potassium (K) kg?1. We conducted a greenhouse pot study using a low P (6 mg kg?1) and high K (121 mg kg?1) soil/sand mixture with a 7.0 pH to evaluate early growth response of corn (Zea mays L.) to TMA. A control and five rates based on P (5.6, 10.9, 16.5, 21.9, and 27.2 mg kg?1) and respective K contents in TMA were compared with triple-superphosphate and potassium chloride fertilizer. Plant height and stalk thickness at 24 and 31 days after emergence (DAE) were greatest with the fertilizer, but no differences were detected at the final sampling (52 DAE). Regardless of nutrient source, plant biomass increased with P rate. Because of faster initial plant development, corn dry matter 52 DAE was 15 to 20% greater with fertilizer than with TMA. Corn tissue P concentration was greater with TMA than with fertilizer, but P uptake was similar. Tissue micronutrient concentrations were greatest for the control. Bray 1 P appeared to extract excessive amounts of P in TMA-amended soil, whereas soil P levels with the Olsen extractant provided an estimate of plant-available P that was consistent with plant response. Based on this first approximation, we conclude that TMA is a potential source of P for field crops. Field studies are required to determine recommended application rates.  相似文献   

A power plant that utilizes turkey manure as fuel to produce energy was built in Benson, Minnesota, and started full energy production in 2007. The plant was built to meet legislative requirements governing the use of renewable sources to generate energy in Minnesota. Although the use of turkey manure as biofuel generates energy, it also results in turkey manure ash (TMA) as a by‐product that contains phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sulfur (S), and zinc (Z) as well as other essential and nonessential elements. A 2‐year study was conducted to compare TMA with triple‐superphosphate and potassium chloride fertilizers as a source of nutrients for alfalfa (Medicago sativa) at three locations: Lamberton, Morris, and Appleton, Minnesota. The soils at Lamberton and Appleton were acidic with P and K concentrations ranging from medium‐high to very high, whereas the soil at Morris was alkaline with high concentrations of P and K. The experiment consisted of a control (0 P and 0 K) and annual and split applications of TMA and fertilizer. Annual TMA and fertilizer rates were 84 kg P2O5 ha?1, 118 kg K2O ha?1, and 34 kg S ha?1. Split rates were 42/42 kg P2O5 ha?1, 59/59 kg K2O ha?1, and 17/17 kg S ha?1. However, because of an overestimation of citrate‐soluble P in 2005 for the TMA, the total amount of available P applied with the TMA for the 2‐year study was 168 kg P2O5 ha?1 compared with 286 kg P2O5 ha?1 for the fertilizer. In the first year, fertilizer resulted in greater alfalfa biomass yield than TMA and the control, whereas in the second year, alfalfa yields with TMA and fertilizer were similar and both more than the control. In 2005, TMA resulted in more copper (Cu) and S tissue concentrations than the fertilizer. In 2006, application of both sources increased tissue P and S concentrations compared with the control. The TMA increased tissue Cu concentration and Zn plant uptake compared with fertilizer. Bray P1–extractable soil P concentrations were less with TMA and control treatments than with the fertilizer treatments. Ammonium acetate–extractable soil sodium (Na) concentrations were greater with TMA than with fertilizer and the control. By the second year, both ash and fertilizer treatments resulted in more K uptake than the untreated control with no difference in K uptake between the two sources or time of application. Both sources were effective in increasing P uptake compared with the untreated control. TMA was shown to be an effective source of nutrients for alfalfa production.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) from manure can become an environmental pollutant if applied to soil at rates in excess of plant uptake. This research examined the effects of composted beef cattle manures from two feeding regimens on soil P storage and forms. Composted manures were applied in the spring before planting (preplant) with incorporation, in spring after planting (postplant) without incorporation, or in winter without incorporation. Soils were sampled following 1 and 2 years of treatment at depths to 15.0 cm. All P fractions from both composted manures increased over pre-amended levels. High-P composted manure increased total P (TP) and inorganic P (IP) more than low-P composted manure. Total P and IP were greater in soils receiving low-P composted manure postplant than in those receiving manure preplant. Accumulation of TP and IP in uppermost depths was greater in the second year of composted manure application than in the first year. Appropriately managing composted manure requires integrating P concentration, time of application, and incorporation.  相似文献   

施用有机肥对蔬菜生长和土壤磷素累积的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了明确长期施用有机肥对蔬菜生长、土壤速效磷累积淋溶规律的影响,以番茄、结球甘蓝和芹菜为研究对象,于2011年开始进行田间小区轮作栽培试验,设置不施肥(CK)、肥料用量52.5 t·km~(-2)(CM1)、肥料用量105 t·km-2(CM2)、肥料用量210 t·km~(-2)(CM3)4个处理,对蔬菜产量、土壤剖面速效磷累积和分布进行监测和分析。结果表明,随施肥量增加,蔬菜增产不明显,植株磷素吸收量呈增加趋势。随土层深度增加,土壤速效磷含量下降,二者呈显著负相关。表土层(0~30 cm)和心土层(30~60cm),土壤速效磷含量表现为:CM3CM2CM1CK;60~90 cm土层,土壤速效磷整体不高。0~90cm土壤剖面速效磷累积量随有机肥用量增加呈直线和指数形式增加,肥料投入量的"双速率转折点"为100.4~118.5 t·hm~(-2)。随种植年限延长,30~60 cm土壤速效磷含量呈直线形式增加,且随施肥量增加,土壤速效磷淋溶速率加快;60~90 cm土壤速效磷表现出与30~60 cm土壤类似的规律。因此,加强有机肥在蔬菜生产中的合理利用对于减少磷素在土壤中的累积和淋溶、降低环境污染风险具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Flexibility in crop rotation planning allows canola and pea producers to adapt to changing management practices and marketing opportunities. Current recommendations in western Canada are to follow a 1 in 4-yr rotation for canola or pea on a particular field, but producers are interested in increasing frequency of these crops. The objective of this study was to determine the impacts of frequency of broad-leaf crops canola and pea and fungicide application in various crop rotations on accumulation and distribution of nitrate nitrogen (N) and extractable phosphorus (P) in the soil profile after 8 yr on a Dark Brown Chernozem (Typic Boroll) loam at Scott, Saskatchewan. The field experiment (from 1998 and 2005) contained monoculture canola and monoculture pea compared with rotations that contained these crops every 2, 3, and 4 yr with wheat and/or flax. Two cultivars of canola were included, an herbicide-tolerant and blackleg-resistant hybrid, and a conventional (not herbicide tolerant) open-pollinated, blackleg-susceptible (OP) cultivar. Subplots were fungicide treatments that attempted to control both blackleg and sclerotinia stem rot in canola and mycosphaerella blight in pea. Residual soil nitrate N in most layers and extractable P in many layers were significantly affected by crop rotation or rotation length, with the greatest amounts after monocultures. Fungicide application resulted in decreased amount of residual soil nitrate N, but it had no effect on soil extractable P. Crop phase (i.e., individual crops that make up the rotation) had a significant effect on soil nitrate N in many crop rotations; for example, residual soil nitrate N tended to be greatest after pea or OP canola and also after flax in the 4-yr rotation with flax. Crop phase had no effect on soil extractable P in any crop rotation. The lower amounts of residual soil nitrate N were usually associated with greater cumulative seed yields, and more so with greater cumulative N removal in seed in various crop rotations and phases within rotations. In conclusion, the findings suggest that accumulation of residual nutrients in soil, especially nitrate N, can be minimized by extending crop rotations, using high-yielding disease-resistant canola cultivars, and applying fungicides in years with weather conditions conducive to diseases.  相似文献   

In the Canadian prairies, current recommendations allow growing of canola or pea once every 4 years on a particular field to effectively mange diseases, insects, and weeds, but producers are interested in increasing frequency of these crops to optimize economic returns. A 4-year (from 1999 and 2002) field experiment, with treatments consisting of rotations of monoculture canola and pea to rotations that contained these crops every 2, 3, and 4 years with wheat and flax, was conducted on a Black Chernozem (Udic Boroll) silty clay at Melfort, Saskatchewan, to determine the impact of frequency of broad-leaf crops canola and pea in various crop rotations on accumulation and distribution of nitrate nitrogen (N) and extractable phosphorus (P) in the soil profile after 4 years. Two cultivars of canola, an herbicide-tolerant blackleg- resistant variety (hybrid) and a conventional (not herbicide tolerant) open-pollinated, blackleg-susceptible variety (OP), were included. Mean effects of crop rotation or rotation length on soil nitrate N were not significant, though the amount of soil nitrate N in different soil layers tended to be greatest with monocultures and least in the 4-year rotation with flax. Effects of crop phase (i.e., individual crops that make up the rotation)?×?crop rotation interactions on soil nitrate N were significant for all layers in the soil profile. The amounts of nitrate N in soil after canola, especially hybrid canola, were lowest in most crop rotations, suggesting the importance of canola in minimizing downward movement of nitrate N in the soil profile. Soil extractable P in the 0- to 15-cm layer was least with monocultures and greatest in the 4-year rotation with flax. There was a significant effect of crop phase on soil extractable P, but soil P levels varied with crop phase in different rotations. In conclusion, residual nitrate N in soil can be reduced by extending crop rotations and using high-yielding disease-resistant canola cultivars, most likely by improving crop yields.  相似文献   

以单施氮磷肥为对照,研究设施栽培条件下秸秆灰、秸秆灰配施生物菌肥、生物菌肥、碳酸钾及碳酸钾配施生物菌肥对碱蓬嫩茎叶产量、品质、养分形态及土壤养分的影响。结果表明,+K、+KM、+A、+AM及+M处理使碱蓬3次收获的嫩茎叶总产量显著增加14.3%~41.1%,其中,以+A与+AM处理增产效果最显著。+A与+AM处理碱蓬嫩茎叶中Vc含量提高14.3%~28.3%,氨基酸含量提高5.4%~27.3%,硝酸盐含量降低13.3%~14.8%,营养品质得到明显改善。碱蓬嫩茎叶中磷、钾养分形态均以非蛋白态为主,氮素养分形态比较均衡。+AM与+A处理提高了碱蓬嫩茎叶中非蛋白态养分含量,且+A与+AM处理使土壤有效磷、有效钾及有机质含量增加21.3%~128.0%,显著高于施用化肥的处理。  相似文献   

采用土柱培养的模拟试验方法研究了在不同磷水平土壤上大量施用磷肥和有机肥对土壤测试磷、土壤磷渗漏的影响及影响机理。结果表明,不同磷水平土壤施用磷肥或有机肥土壤CaCl2-P、Olsen—P和土壤渗漏液中可溶性磷均显著增加;单位量磷肥或有机肥所增加土壤各形态磷量随土壤磷水平的增加而增大;随着磷肥或有机肥用量的增加,单位量磷肥或有机肥所增加各形态磷量也逐渐增大,差异均达到显著和极显著水平。在施用磷肥的基础上增施有机肥可以提高土壤CaCl2-P、Olsen—P含量和土壤渗漏液中可溶性磷的增长幅度。土壤磷的渗漏量与土壤测试磷呈显著正相关;单位量磷肥或有机肥所增加的土壤渗漏磷量随着磷肥或有机肥用量以及土壤磷水平的增加而增加。Olsen—P含量与土壤磷吸持指数(PSI)呈显著负相关关系,与土壤磷的吸附饱和度(DPS)呈显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

Biomass ashes from energy production are a source of phosphorus (P), and their reutilization in agriculture could help to close nutrient cycles and save natural P resources. To analyze the P fertilizing effect of biomass ashes, a pot experiment with a loamy sand, originated from a long-term field experiment without any P supply, was carried out. As P source, poultry litter ash was compared with high soluble mineral P (potassium phosphate; KH2PO4). Four catch crops, in particular phacelia, buckwheat, ryegrass, and oil radish, were cultivated. The soil P-fractionation method was used to follow the transformation process of ash P in the soil. Oxalate-soluble P, iron (Fe), and aluminium (Al) were determined to assess the effect of ash on P sorption parameters. In general, a high P-fertilizing effect of biomass ashes was found. Ash application resulted in an increase of plant P uptake and the most bioavailable resin P fraction and was even comparable to a high soluble mineral P source. No enrichment of ash P in hardly plant-available P fractions could be detected. Crops mainly influenced the readily available P fractions. Buckwheat and oil radish exhausted the resin P and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) P fractions most. Phacelia cultivation led to an increase of the highly available resin P content, which is probably due to mobilization processes from the hardly available residual P fraction. The obtained results indicate that ashes may have a high P availability to plants and may provide an adequate substitute for commercial P fertilizers.  相似文献   

长期施肥条件下潮土有效磷的演变及其对磷盈亏的响应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为探明土壤有效磷的演变规律与磷平衡状况,在河南潮土区冬小麦-夏玉米轮作制度下,于1998年始在河南省不同区域开展田间定位试验,共设置常规施肥(CF)和不施肥(CK)2个处理,对土壤全磷、速效磷累积和土壤有机质等进行监测和分析。结果表明,长期不施肥,土壤磷素常年处于亏缺状态,有效磷处于耗竭状态;长期施肥即常规施肥,有12个监测点的有效磷随年份显著上升,2个监测点显著下降,其余持平。土壤有效磷的变化量与磷的盈亏量呈极显著正相关(P0.01),不施肥条件下,土壤每亏缺100 kg P·hm-2,土壤有效磷下降2.7 mg·kg-1;常规施肥下,土壤每盈余100 kg P·hm-2,土壤有效磷可以增加1.2 mg·kg-1。土壤有机质含量与有效磷随磷盈亏的变化量呈极显著正相关(P0.01,CF的R2=0.5542,CK的R2=0.4039)。由此可见,通过施肥措施来调控土壤有效磷含量,可达到培肥地力和作物高产的效果。本研究结果为指导磷肥施用以及土壤磷素管理提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Widely popular Mehlich-3 phosphorus (P) was not used in the estimation of the intrinsic status of soil P. The objectives of this study were to develop the state-space model to determine the intrinsic soil P pools, a weakly adsorbed P pool, and a tightly adsorbed P pool, from the Mehlich-3 P. A linear relationship between Mehlich-3 P and the intrinsic soil P pools was derived from theoretical analysis of the extraction process of adsorbed P as competitive exchange by aqueous fluoride. Adsorption experiments of soil P were carried out to determine the dynamics of Mehlich-3 P after fertilizer phosphate was applied to soils. The results showed that state-space models of the two soil P pools could describe the dynamics of soil Mehlich-3 P in P adsorption experiments. Mehlich-3 P was a fraction of the weakly adsorbed P, and this fraction showed a linear relationship with soil P-sorption site density.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) availability in soil is closely related not only to soil P content but also to soil physicochemical and biological properties, which are closely associated with P sorption and biochemical transformation. The aims of this study were to determine the effects of pig manure compost (PMC) or decaying rice straw (DRS) added to a paddy soil on soil pH, soil organic carbon (SOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), acid phosphatase, microbial biomass P, soil test P (Olsen P), and P uptake by rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. ‘Liaoyan’). Phosphorus adsorption characterization affected by PMC‐ or DRS‐derived DOC was also studied. Compared with the control, both PMC and DRS treatments increased soil pH, SOM, DOC, microbial biomass P, and Olsen P, and the activity of acid phosphatase during the 110‐day incubation period. Phosphorus adsorption in soil decreased with DOC extracted from PMC and DRS and was well fit by the Langmuir equation. The Olsen P in the PMC‐ and DRS‐treated soil was correlated with both DOC content and acid phosphatase activity. Both PMC and DRS treatments significantly increased dry‐matter yield and P uptake in rice shoot. In conclusion, the increased P availability in the paddy soil was not only a result of direct P supplied following organic manure incorporation, but also an indirect result of reduction in P sorption on the solid phase of the paddy soil by DOCs which were derived from DRS or PMC.  相似文献   


Surface‐applied manures create a potential phosphorus (P) runoff hazard, especially when unincorporated. In such cases, the concentration of water‐extractable P in the manure has been correlated to soluble P concentrations in runoff. This study evaluated the influence of holding time, sample‐handling procedure, and filtration method on measurement of the water‐extractable P content of manures in a 3×3×2 factorial arrangement of treatments. A two‐way interaction between holding time and sample‐handling procedure occurred for most samples. Six samples had water‐extractable P concentrations that were less than or equal to dried and dried/ground treatments. Only one sample had higher water‐extractable P concentrations for fresh than for dried and dried/ground treatments. When significant differences occurred as a result of the filtration method, results for Whatman No. 40 filters, with a larger pore size than 0.45 µm nitrocellulose membranes, were usually higher. There was no significant difference in the coefficient of variation across sample‐handling procedures, suggesting that efforts to dry and/or grind samples were not needed. These results support the adoption of a standardized protocol for measuring water‐extractable P in manures that represents the appropriate balance between the ease of implementation and the strength of the correlation to P runoff concentrations.  相似文献   

采用室内模拟培养试验,研究随畜禽粪便进入土壤的马尿酸含量的变化情况,不但可以预示马尿酸的环境风险,而且可以指导畜禽粪便的科学施用。结果表明,随畜禽粪便进入土壤的马尿酸能很快进入降解期,不同种类和用量处理均表现为前期迅速下降,中后期减缓的规律,但变化速率和幅度不同。180d时,鸡粪和猪粪处理马尿酸减少率分别可达88.51%~91.03%、91.23%~92.67%,鸡粪处理最后的含量较少。减少率同用量呈负相关,同时间呈正相关且与时间的关系可以较好地用v=A+Blnt回归方程拟合;马尿酸进入土壤后,微生物降解和土壤颗粒吸附共同作用使其含量降低,微生物的降解作用是马尿酸含量降低最主要的原因。综上所述,随畜禽粪便进入土壤的马尿酸在短期内可能产生环境危害,但随着时间的延长,其含量会随自身分解和被土壤颗粒吸附而逐渐减少。为了降低环境风险,畜禽粪便最好经过腐熟再使用。  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to study the kinetics of phosphorus (P) desorption in different calcareous soils of Hamadan Province of Iran. Soils were fertilized with poultry manure at 50 ton ha–1 and incubated at 25 ± 1 °C at 15% moisture for 6 months. The release rate of P was studied by successive extraction with 0.5 M sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) over a period of 1–1752 h. Also, available P was determined. The results showed that available P in fertilized and unfertilized soils ranged from 13.3 to 55.1 and 10.0 to 50.1 mg kg–1, respectively. Phosphorus desorption from the fertilized and unfertilized soils began with a fast initial reaction, followed by a slow secondary reaction. The amount of P released after 1752 h in fertilized and unfertilized soils ranged from 319.2 to 623.9 and 309 to 586.7 mg kg–1, respectively. The amount of P released was significantly correlated with available P. The kinetics of cumulative P release were evaluated using the five kinetic equations. Phosphorus desorption kinetics were best described by the parabolic diffusion law, first order, and power function equations. Rate constants of these equations different in fertilized and unfertilized soils.  相似文献   

绿肥翻压对烟田土壤理化性状及土壤微生物量的影响   总被引:66,自引:3,他引:66  
试验于2003年9月至10月河南烟区的襄城县、舞阳县、叶县、罗山县4个试验点种植绿肥,2004年3月进行翻压,以研究绿肥对土壤容重、土壤pH值等理化性质的影响以及对土壤微生物的影响。试验结果表明,绿肥翻压可以有效地降低土壤的容重和土壤的pH值,提高土壤的有机质,同时能促进土壤中微生物数量的大量增加。与空白对照相比,各个处理土壤容重降幅为0.03~0.1 g/cm3,土壤pH值的降幅一般都在0.1~0.6,土壤有机质含量提高0.08%~0.1%。因此利用烟田冬季休闲空间种植和翻压绿肥,可作为提高土壤肥力、改善烟田土壤环境、实现烟叶生产可持续性发展的一个重要措施。  相似文献   

随着畜禽粪便农田施用量的增加,畜禽粪便中磷流失也越来越引起人们的重视。采用取样分析和室内土柱模拟的方法,研究了猪粪和鸡粪中磷在水、0.5mol·L^-1NaHCO3和土体中的释放运移特点。结果表明,猪粪经H2O和NaHCO3连续提取后,H2O提取液中无机磷(P)i占猪粪全磷(TP)的21.58%,NaHCO3提取液中Pi占猪粪TP的28.92%;鸡粪经H2O和NaHCO3连续提取后,H2O提取液中Pi占鸡粪TP的18.09%,NaHCO3提取液中Pi占鸡粪TP的17.88%;施用猪粪和鸡粪处理土柱淋溶液中水溶性总磷(TDP)、水溶性无机磷(DRP)和水溶性有机磷(DOP)浓度均随着淋溶次数的增加呈先上升后降低的趋势,施用猪粪处理磷释放速率比施用鸡粪处理快;大量施用猪粪和鸡粪后,0~30cm土体中土壤全磷(TP)和0~60cm土体中土壤速效磷(Olsen-P)的含量显著增加。  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the soil–plant phosphorus (P) correlation at different growth stages of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). Treatments consisted of three levels of phosphorus [0 20, and 60 mg kg?1 as Ca(H2PO4)2] and two levels of organic matter (0% and 2% w/w as feedlot cattle manure). Plant and soil samples were taken at 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 weeks after seedling emergence and were analyzed for plant nutrients. Results showed that correlation between soil and plant P concentration was significant and positive at the 4th week but significant and negative later on. Plant P concentration was the greatest at the 4th week. During all growth stages, dry-matter yield of plant increased with increase in soil P concentration, suggesting the importance of maintaining adequate levels of phosphorus in soil, especially during the early stages of growth. Application of organic matter significantly increased soil and plant P concentrations.  相似文献   

采用短期和长期恒温培养的方法,研究巨大芽孢杆菌、胶质芽孢杆菌及两菌混合液对土壤DTPA提取态Cd的影响.结果表明,短期试验中巨大芽孢杆菌对土壤Cd有一定的活化作用,不同Cd污染水平条件下,巨大芽孢杆菌使土壤DTPA提取态Cd增加比例在3.8%~24.4%之间,其中50 mg/kg CdCO3污染水平条件下,巨大芽孢杆菌加菌量为2 ml时活化效果最好,而胶质芽孢杆菌和混合菌则对土壤Cd无显著影响或有一定的钝化作用.长期培养试验中,巨大芽孢杆菌也表现出了对土壤Cd的活化作用,未添加Cd条件下,巨大芽孢杆菌加菌量为10,20 ml时,土壤DTPA提取态Cd较对照分别增加了44.0%,28.9%,而胶质芽孢杆菌和混合菌对土壤Cd无显著影响或有一定的钝化作用.  相似文献   

杨健伟  周志高  张迪  李仁英  吴洪生 《土壤》2019,51(2):305-315
本文采用盆栽试验,在自然降雨条件下,监测了不同化肥用量与猪粪梯度用量配施条件下,两种不同肥力红黏土母质红壤在花生-萝卜轮作模式下的氮、磷渗漏淋失特征,土壤养分积累和作物产量变化,据此估算不同肥力红壤的猪粪安全消纳量。结果表明,养分渗漏淋失以NO_3~–-N为主,基本无磷素淋失风险。渗漏水中NO_3~–-N高峰值出现在播种施肥一个月以后,此时表现出随着猪粪用量增加而增加的趋势,其后NO_3~–-N浓度迅速下降且均低于地下水(III类)质量标准限值。在渗漏水NO_3~–-N高峰期,高肥力红壤渗漏水NO_3~–-N浓度一般都显著高于低肥力红壤,在配施化肥和高用量猪粪条件下,容易出现超标风险。猪粪施用容易引起土壤有效磷积累,且高肥力红壤的积累明显高于低肥力红壤,但无机氮积累不明显。随着猪粪用量的增加,低肥力红壤的花生产量一直呈增加的趋势,但高肥力红壤花生产量在猪粪用量达到一定水平后趋于稳定。综合考虑猪粪施用对地下水环境、土壤环境和作物产量的影响,得出在不配施化肥条件下,低肥力与高肥力红黏土红壤的猪粪磷安全消纳量分别为P 400、100 kg/(hm~2·a)(相当于含水量750 g/kg堆腐猪粪91.2、22.8 t/(hm~2·a));在常规化肥用量减半条件下,低肥力和高肥力红壤的猪粪磷安全消纳量分别为P 400、25 kg/(hm~2·a)(相当于含水量750 g/kg堆腐猪粪91.2、5.7 t/(hm~2·a))。在南方红壤地区,猪粪应多施用于低肥力红黏土红壤。  相似文献   

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