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Plant availability of potassium (K) in soils is controlled by dynamic interactions among its different pools. Potassium quantity–intensity (Q/I) parameters were determined to relate them to bean plant indices in a pot experiment. The results showed that the activity ratio at equilibrium (ARk) ranged from 0.015 to 0.358 (mmol L?1)0.50, the potential buffering capacity (PBC) ranged from 7.54 to 26.32 mmol kg?1/(mmol L?1)0.50, the labile K (Δk°) ranged from 9.1 to 112.2 mg kg?1, and the K adsorbed at specific sites (Kx) ranged from 6.51 to 69.69 mg kg?1. The results of pot experiment showed that some K Q/I parameters were significantly correlated with some plant indices. Also, the correlation study showed that readily exchangeable K was significantly correlated with K Q/I parameters except Kx. The results of this research show that the K Q/I method can be used for estimating of soil K availability for bean.  相似文献   

Quantity–intensity relations of potassium (K) were worked out for guava orchard soils. Equilibrium activity ratio of potassium (ARe k) ranged from 0.46?×?10?3 to 21.30?×?10?3 (mol L?1)0.5. The majority of the samples had less than 1?×?10?3 (mol L?1)0.5, indicating K depletion in these soils due to continuous K mining. ARe k was significantly and positively correlated with available forms of K, K saturation percentage, labile K (KL), and specific-site K (KX) and negatively correlated with free energy of exchange (–ΔG). The potential buffering capacity (PBC0 K) of K varied from 8.8 to 286.2 cmol kg?1/(mol L?1)0.5. PBC0 K was positively and significantly correlated with clay content. Sixty percent of the soils had ΔK0 values of less than 0.1 cmol kg?1. High KG (Gapon selectivity coefficent) indicated high affinity for K in these soils. Leaf K was positively and significantly correlated with ΔK0, KL, and KX and negatively correlated with –ΔG.  相似文献   


No studies have been conducted to evaluate the potassium (K) quantity‐intensity (Q/I) relationships that exist in eastern South Dakota soils and how that may affect K fertility interpretations. The objectives of this study were to i) evaluate the K status of smectite‐dominant soils through quantity‐intensity relationships and (ii) relate the findings to current research on soil K release and plant availability. Soil and plant tissue samples were collected from eight different corn production fields across east‐central South Dakota. Samples were collected from areas where corn plants did or did not exhibit K deficiency symptoms. Quantity‐intensity plots were developed and used to derive the typical Q/I parameters. Little difference existed in Q/I parameters and the form of Q/I plots among field sites. The ARe K and ΔK0 values ranged from 0.0013 to 0.0113, and ?0.47 to 0.18 cmolc kg?1, respectively, and most sites were considered K insufficient. The predominant phyllosilicate present in the clay‐sized fraction was montmorillonite with an estimated 17% tetrahedral charge. These soils would not be expected to contribute much plant‐available, nonexchangeable K and would be in need of frequent K fertilization. Presumably, these and similar soils, upon K exhaustion, rely heavily on K released from K‐bearing silt‐sized particles and may be highly dependent on surface‐controlled dissolution processes for labile K replenishment. Additional research needs to be conducted concerning the release kinetics of K from K‐bearing minerals of these soils.  相似文献   

In the present study, Olsen [0.5 M sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), pH 8.5] and resin–bicarbonate (HCO3) tests underestimated available phosphorus (P) in calcareous soils treated with gypsum (CaSO4). The reaction of CaSO4 and HCO3 ? ion or resin–HCO3 to form calcium carbonate (CaCO3) precipitate reduced the strength of the Olsen NaHCO3 extractant and resin–HCO3 strip for P extraction. The iron (Fe) oxide–impregnated filter paper (Pi strip) was independent of CaSO4 influence and thus correctly estimated soil‐available P with respect to plant response to soil‐available P. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted with maize and wheat grown on calcareous soils treated with different rates of CaSO4. The results confirmed that Olsen and resin–HCO3 tests should not be used to measure available P or labile P in the P fractionation scheme in the calcareous soils containing significant amounts of gypsum.  相似文献   

The objectives of this research were to determine inorganic phosphorus (P) fractions in calcareous soils of southern Khorasan and find their relationship with sorghum‐available P. Eighty soil samples were obtained and analyzed for some physical and chemical characteristics, among them 24 samples that varied in plant‐available P and soil properties were used for soil testing. From 24, 8 samples were selected for P fractionation as well. Five extraction procedures were used for soil testing. Results indicate that the extracted plant‐available P by the Olsen et al. (1954 Olsen, S. R., Cole, C. V., Watanabe, F. S. and Dean, L. A. 1954. Estimation of available phosphorus in soils by extraction with sodium bicarbonate (USDA Circ. 939), Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.  [Google Scholar]) and Paauw (1971 Paauw, F. V. 1971. An effective water extraction method for the determination of plant available phosphorus.. Plant and Soil, 34: 497481.  [Google Scholar]) methods show the greatest correlation coefficients with plant P uptake and sorghum dry matter. The sequential inorganic P extraction analyzing indicated that the abundance of various inorganic fractions was in the order Ca10‐P > Al‐P > Ca8‐P > Ca2‐P > Oc‐P > Fe‐P. The results also indicate Olsen P correlates positively and significantly with Ca2‐P and Fe‐P fractions and positively but not significantly with the Al‐P fraction.  相似文献   

The relationships between potential laboratory indices for plant‐available nitrogen (N) and the plant N uptake in a pot experiment with ryegrass were assessed for 13 mineral soils and 2 peat soils. The methods included aerobic soil incubation, soil incubation in a bioreactor, hot potassium chloride (KCl)–extractable mineral N, 0.01 M calcium chloride (CaCl2)–extractable N, and N loss at heating. The indices for total plant‐available N accounted for 63–93% of the variance in N uptake in a statistical analysis with all soils (n = 15) and 27–89% for the mineral soils (n = 13). Most indices were not a direct quantitative measure of the plant N uptake. The N mineralization indices accounted for 57–86% of the variance in N mineralization for all soils and 5–50% for the mineral soils. Hot KCl‐extractable mineral N and 0.01 M CaCl2–extractable N were the most promising rapid indices for plant‐available N.  相似文献   

The stability of aggregates in the surface soil is crucial to soil erosion and runoff generation. Thus, to understand the stability and the breakdown mechanisms of soil aggregates as well as the relationship between aggregate stability and selected soil chemical properties, such as different forms of Fe and A1 oxides, organic matter, CEC and clay content, the aggregates of slightly and severely eroded red soils derived from Quaternary red clay in subtropical China were analyzed using the routine wet sieving and the Le Bissonnais methods. The results indicated that the aggregates of the severely eroded soils were more stable than those of the slightly eroded soils. Different aggregate breakdown mechanisms resulted in different particle size distribution. The slaking from entrapped air in aggregates severely destroyed the soil aggregates,especially in the slightly eroded soils. Meanwhile, mechanical breakdown and microcracking had little effect on the aggregates compared to slaking. The fragments resulting from slaking were mainly microaggregates that increased in size with increasing clay content. The main fragment size of the slightly eroded soils was 1.0-0.2 mm, while for the severely eroded soils it was 5.0-2.0 mm and 1.0-0.5 mm. Overall, more than 20% of the fragments were smaller than 0.2 mm.In addition, aggregate stability was positively and often significantly correlated with Fed, Ald, Feo and clay content, but significantly and negatively correlated to SOC.  相似文献   

Potassium (K) fixation and release in soil are important factors in the long-term sustainability of a cropping system. Changes in K concentration and characteristics of K fixation and release in rhizosphere and nonrhizosphere soils in the rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)–rice (Oryza sativa L.) rotation were investigated using a rhizobox system. The concentrations of different forms of K in both rhizosphere and nonrhizosphere soils decreased with plants compared to without plants, regardless of K fertilizer application. Potassium uptake by crops mainly came from the rhizosphere soil. In the treatment without K fertilizer (–K), the main form of K supplied by the soil to the crops was 1.0 mol L?1 nitric acid (HNO3) nonextractable K, followed by nonexchangeable K, and then exchangeable K. In the treatment with K fertilizer (+K), the main K forms supplied by the soil to the crops were exchangeable K and nonexchangeable K. The amount and rate of K fixation after one cycle of the rapeseed–rice rotation was greater in rhizosphere soil than in nonrhizosphere soil. The amount and rate of K fixation of soil in the +K treatment were significantly less than in the –K treatment. The cumulative amounts of K released with 1.0 mol L?1 ammonium acetate (NH4OAc) and 1.0 mol L?1 HNO3 extraction increased with the increasing numbers of extractions, but the K-releasing power of soil by successive extraction decreased gradually and finally became almost constant. The release of K was less in rhizosphere soil than in nonrhizosphere soil. The release of K in the +K treatment was similar to that in the –K treatment in rhizosphere soil, but the K release in nonrhizosphere soil was greater with the +K than the –K treatment. Overall, the information obtained in this study will be helpful in formulating more precise K fertilizer recommendations for certain soils.  相似文献   

A thermostatic incubation experiment was carried out to estimate the effects of flooding periods,stalk application and P addition of Fe transformation and P availability in calcareous soils.Submergence increased amorphous Fe,especially in the case of stalk application.The newly formed amorphous Fe with a great surface area played an important role in Psorption;and submergence also stimulated the dissolution of inorganic P,thus increasing the availability of soil P in calcareous soils.Meanwhile,a part of soluble P was absorbed and fixed again on the surface of newly formed amorphous Fe,thus resulting in a decrease of P availability.Soil rapidly available P increased after 150-day incubation.There existed significantly negative correlations between soil amorphous Fe content and soil Fe-P and rapidly available P contents.Submerged conditions promoted the transformation of inorganic P added toward Fe-P in calcareous soils,especially in the case of stalk application.  相似文献   


Different chemical reagents are used to assess plant‐available nutrients from soils with similar properties. The use of different extractants is a serious limitation when comparing results between different soil‐testing laboratories, often leading to large differences in fertilizer recommendations for similar crops.

In this study, 80 samples from acid soils from Galicia (Spain) were used to compare several soil nutrient extractants. Traditional and tested extractants for acid soil such as Bray 2 and ammonium acetate were used to evaluate multielement extractants such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid–ammonium acetate (EDTA‐aa), ammonium bicarbonate–diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (AB‐DTPA), and Mehlich 3.

Linear regression analyses were performed to relate the amount of each nutrient obtained by traditional soil extractants to the amount obtained by multielement extractants. Strong correlation was found between extractable Bray 2 P and Mehlich 3 P (r2=0.97, slope=0.87, and intercept=?0.48). The slope of the regression line between EDTA‐aa‐extractable calcium (Ca) and that from ammonium acetate (Aa) approached 1∶1 (r2=0.86). Similar results were obtained for magnesium (Mg) (r2=0.99). Soil zinc (Zn) concentrations extracted by Mehlich 3 and EDTA‐aa were similar; slope of the regression line was 0.95 (r2=0.88). With regard to copper (Cu), Mehlich 3 extracted approximately 20% more Cu than EDTA‐aa.

The results showed that Mehlich 3 and EDTA‐aa are suitable for assessment of plant available phosphorus (P), potassium (K), Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, and iron (Fe) in acid soils.  相似文献   


Iron oxide–coated strips (Pi) can serve as a sink to continuously remove phosphorus (P) from solution. In this way, P extraction is analogous to the P absorption by plant roots. The objective of this study was to compare the iron oxide–coated paper strips with other chemical extraction methods to estimate the plant P availability for corn (Zea mays) growing in the greenhouse in some soils of Hamadan province of Iran. Sixteen soil samples with different physicochemical properties were analyzed for available P using Olsen, Colwell, Mehlich‐1, 0.01 M CaCl2, AB‐DTPA, and 0.1 M HCl methods and pi. Furthermore, the effects of two P levels (0 and 200 mg P kg?1) on the plant indices (P uptake, relative yield, and plant responses) were studied in a greenhouse experiment using 10 soil samples. The results showed that the amount of extractable P decreased in the order of 0.01 M CaCl2<AB‐DTPA<pi<Olsen<Colwell<Mehlich‐1<0.1 M HCl. The amount of P extracted by the pi method was significantly correlated with other extractants. The amounts of P extracted by all chemical methods were significantly correlated. The results of a pot experiment showed that the amount of P extracted by the pi method was significantly correlated with the plant P uptake. However, the other methods were not significantly correlated with P uptake. The results of this experiment showed that pi method was able to predict the plant availability of soil P.  相似文献   

Frequency of boron (B) deficiency is increasing in rainfed systems, and hence there is a need to diagnose the deficiency. Colorimetric methods are still widely used in soil-testing laboratories in India for measuring B. Little information is available on the comparative evaluation of the colorimetric and inductively coupled plasma (ICP) methods for determining extractable B in soils. We describe results of the comparative evaluation of these methods for measuring extractable B in 57 soil samples with pH values ranging from 5.3 to 9.5. There was a significant correlation between B values determined by the two methods, and the correlation coefficient was greater for soil samples with pH in the neutral to alkaline range. Interaction between soil samples and methods (ICP or colorimetric) was significant except for soil samples in the pH range of 8.0 to 9.5. Precision for B determination was greater with the ICP than with the colorimetric method.  相似文献   


The present study was conducted in a dry region in southern Iran to evaluate the effects of different Atriplex species on the salinity, soluble ions, and some of the other chemical properties of under‐ and intercanopy soils. The research region was divided into five separate sites with vegetation cover of the range plants Atriplex lentiformis, A. nummularia, and A. halimus (all newly introduced species) and A. leucoclada and Salsola rigida (both native species). Four 1‐kg soil samples (from under‐ and interspaces of the canopy of tested plants, each in two depths of 0–10 and 10–40 cm, were taken from each of the plant sites and analyzed for different determinations. The study was conducted as a factorial experiment in a complete random design with six replicates.

Regardless of distance and depth, different plant species resulted in different salinity (based on the EC values of saturation paste) and soluble cation contents in the tested soils. The results showed that the increase in EC values were associated with decreases in pH values of the tested soils.

The SAR values followed exactly the same pattern as EC values and Na+ concentrations. In the case of soluble anions, the Cl? contents followed exactly the same pattern as the EC values of the tested soils, which indicates that the salts are predominantly chlorides of various cations (especially Na+). The OM and total nitrogen (N) contents of the undercanopy were greater than those of the interspace and those of the surface layer were greater than those of the sublayer. Moreover, although the phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) contents of undercanopy and interspace were not significantly different from each other, the P and K contents of the surface layer were greater than those of the subsurface layer. As seen from the results, except for the effect of depth of Mn contents and the interactive effect of distance and depth on Fe contents, neither the single effects (other than plant species) nor the interactive effects were significant on microminerals of the tested soils.

Moreover, copper (Cu) was particularly antagonistic toward iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn).  相似文献   

A study was conducted for comparative evaluation of atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS) and inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) for determining extractable zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and iron (Fe) in sixty diverse soil samples having a wide range in pH and organic carbon (C). The results were significantly affected by the method of analysis and soil type but generally did not follow a definite trend. Results for extractable Fe in Alfisol samples were significantly greater when using ICP-OES than AAS; and the results for Zn, Cu, and Mn were not significantly different for the two methods. For Vertisol samples, the results for extractable Cu were significantly greater by ICP-OES than by AAS, whereas extractable Fe and Zn were significantly greater by AAS than by ICP-OES, and the results for Mn were not significantly different for the two methods. The results are discussed relative to soil type and differences in soil organic carbon and pH of the samples used in the study.  相似文献   


Mineralization of soil organic nitrogen (N) and its contribution toward crop N uptake is central to developing efficient N‐management practices. Because biological incubation methods are time consuming and do not fit into the batch‐analysis techniques of soil‐testing laboratories, an analytical procedure that can provide an estimate of the mineralizable N would be useful as a soil‐test method for predicting plant‐available N in soil. In the present studies, the ability of boiling potassium chloride (KCl) to extract potentially mineralizable and plant‐available N in arable soils of semi‐arid India was tested against results from biological incubations and uptake of N by wheat in a pot experiment. Mineralization of organic N in soils was studied in the laboratory by conducting aerobic incubations for 112 days at 32°C and 33 KPa of moisture. Cumulative N mineralization in different soils ranged from 8.2 to 75.6 mg N kg?1 soil that constituted 2.7 to 8.8% of organic N. The amount of mineral N extracted by KCl increased with increase in length of boiling from 0.5 to 2 h. Boiling for 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 h resulted in an increase in mineral‐N extraction by 9.3, 12.7, 19.6, and 26.1%, respectively, as compared to mineral N extracted at room temperature. The boiling‐KCl‐hydrolyzable N (ΔNi) was directly dependent upon soil organic N content, but the presence of clay retarded hydrolysis for boiling lengths of 0.5 and 1 h. However, for boiling lengths of 1.5, and 2 h, the negative effect of clay was not apparent. The ΔN i was significantly (P=0.05) correlated to cumulative N mineralized and N‐mineralization potential (N0). The relationship between N0 and ΔN i was curvilinear and was best described by a power function. Boiling length of 2 h accounted for 78% of the variability in N0. Results of the pot experiment showed that at 21‐ and 63‐day growth stages, dry‐matter yield and N uptake by wheat were significantly correlated to boiling‐KCl‐extractable mineral N. Thus, boiling KCl could be used to predict potentially mineralizable and plant‐available N in these soils, and a boiling time of 2 h was most suitable to avoid the negatively affected estimates of boiling‐KCl‐hydrolyzable N in the presence of clay. The results have implications for selecting length of boiling in soils varying widely in clay content, and this may explain why, in earlier studies, longer boiling times (viz. 2 or 4 h) were better predictors of N availability as compared to 0.5 and 1 h.  相似文献   

The status of available macronutrients [phosphorus (P) and potassium (K)] and soil organic carbon (SOC) of the surface soil under a rice–wheat cropping system was studied in 40 districts of the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) of India. The soil samples were collected from the farmers' fields in four transects (Trans-, Upper, Middle, and Lower Gangetic Plains) of the IGP. The selection of farmers, villages, blocks, and districts within an agro-climatic zone (ACZ) was done on the basis of a multistage statistical approach. The available macronutrients were characterized as low, medium, and high. In Trans-Gangetic Plains, SOC, available P, and available K were in the ranges of 0.06–0.86%, 6.7–85.1 kg ha?1, and 50–347 kg ha?1, respectively. In Upper Gangetic Plains, the respective values were in the ranges of 0.05–2.55%, 4.5–155.0 kg ha?1, and 45 to 560 kg ha?1. Similarly, in Middle Gangetic Plains, these values were in the ranges of 0.04–2.01%, 4.7–183.7 kg ha?1, and 72–554 kg ha?1, respectively. In Lower Gangetic Plains, respective values were 0.12–1.78%, 2.2–112.0 kg ha?1, and 83–553 kg ha?1. In Trans-Gangetic plains, the majority of the soils in the midplains ACZ representing intensively cultivated rice–wheat system area were low to medium in SOC and available P, whereas available K status was medium to high. Irrespective of the agroclimatic variations, more than 90% of the soils were low to medium in SOC and available P with a marginal deficiency of K. The majority of the coarse-textured soils in Shiwaliks were found to have low to medium SOC and available P, whereas less intensively cultivated arid zone soils were high in SOC, available P, and available K. In Upper and Middle Gangetic Plains, the majority of the soils tested medium for SOC and medium to high in available P and K. The dominance of medium status of available P in these soils could be due to mining of soil P by the rice–wheat cropping system practiced in these regions for more than 300 years. In Lower Gangetic Plains, the SOC was medium to high in most of the soils, whereas available P and K were high. Recent introduction of the rice–wheat system on intensive scale in these traditionally rice-growing areas resulted in less mining of SOC, P, and K.  相似文献   

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