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Management practices have significant effects on crop micronutrient contents. This study examined effects of applying chemical fertilizers of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) (NPK), alone or supplemented with straw or manure, under a wheat-maize cropping system in a 18-year experiment, on the crops’ iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) contents throughout the crops’ development. The micronutrient contents of both wheat and maize were above critical values during vegetative development, but Zn contents of maize ear leaves were sub-sufficient under all treatments. The wheat grain Mn, Cu, and Zn contents were lower under fertilized treatments than in unfertilized controls. Nutrient balance calculations showed that NPK application alone or with straw resulted in deficits of the four micronutrients, but not application of NPK supplemented with manure. Hence, application of micronutrients, such as Zn, through organic or inorganic fertilizers is recommended for this cropping system.  相似文献   


A summary of four micronutrient surveys conducted between the years 1961 and 1967 revealed that one or more of the six micronutrient elements are recommended in every state. Micronutrient recommendations may be found for all the major field, forage, vegetable, fruit and nut crops grown in the United States. Forty‐three .states recognize and make recommendations for B, 16 for Cu, 23 for Fe, 31 for Mn, 24 for Mo and 39 for Zn. Most of the recognized micronutrient deficiencies occur in specific areas and on specific crops. Cu seems to be the only micronutrient for which this is not true. The tonnage of all micronutrient fertilizers sold in 1968 represents only 0.25% of the total NPK tonnage, although its dollar value is about 2% of total dollar value of all NPK fertilizers sold.  相似文献   

The programmed nutrient addition technique was used in a series of 5 experiments to determine the response in growth and micronutrient content of cassava (Manihot esaulenta Crantz) cv. M Aus 10, to 8 supply levels of boron, copper, iron, manganese and zinc respectively. The experiments were of 9 weeks duration and utilized 22 litre pots of nutrient solution. The supply levels for each micronutrient covered the range from severe deficiency to toxicity. Critical tissue concentrations for deficiencies determined by relating total dry matter production to the nutrient concentration in the youngest fully expanded leaf blades were (μg/g): boron 35, copper 6, manganese 50, and zinc 30. Likewise, critical concentrations for toxicities in the same index tissue were (μg/g): boron 100, copper 15, manganese 250, and zinc 120. In the iron experiment, the data were too variable to allow precise determination of critical concentrations for deficiency and toxicity. Critical micronutrient concentrations in the petioles of the youngest fully expanded leaves were also determined, but offered no advantage over the leaf blades.  相似文献   


Sulfur, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, and boron application did not affect the seed yield or oil percentage of sunflower (Hilianthus annuus L.) on both dryland and irrigated soils in North Dakota in 1981. Field averages indicated significant Zn, Mn, and B uptake by sunflower at the 12‐leaf stage as a result of fertilization with these elements. Increased Zn uptake was also observed in the uppermost mature leaf at anthesis from zinc fertilization.

Although sunflower yield from boron fertilization was not significantly different from the check, a trend was observed in which boron fertilization seemed to decrease sunflower yield. Sunflower yields from the boron treatment were the lowest out of seven treatments in three out of four fields. Also, sunflower yield from the boron treatment was significantly lower than both iron and sulfur treatments when all fields were combined.  相似文献   

Analysis of soils from 421 farmers’ fields in eastern districts of Rajasthan, India, revealed widespread deficiencies of sulfur (S; 43 to 87% fields deficient), boron (B; 25 to 100%), and zinc (Zn; 0 to 94%) in addition to phosphorus (P; 10 to 73%) and soil organic carbon (1 to 84%). An integrated approach of application of deficient S, B, and Zn along with N and P to high-yielding crop cultivars increased yield over farmers’ practice of N and P application to local cultivars by 92 to 204% in maize, 115 to 167% in pearl millet, and 150% in groundnut. Benefit-to-cost ratio of the integrated strategy varied from 3.33 to 8.03 in maize, 2.92 to 3.40 in pearl millet, and 1.15 in groundnut. The integrated approach effectively utilized scarce water in food production and increased rainwater-use efficiency at 67 to 145 kg mm?1 ha?1 from 21 to 50 kg mm?1 ha?1 under farmers’ practice.  相似文献   

In Poland, assessment of the content of micronutrients in soil is performed using 1 M hydrochloric acid (HCl) as an extractant. The objective of this study has been to check whether 1 M HCl can be replaced by Mehlich 3. In total, 330 soil samples were taken from fields cropped with winter wheat. Each sample was accompanied by a sample of wheat plant. The samples were from four groups of soils having various pH values—from acidic to alkaline soils. The suitability of the extractants was evaluated separately for each soil group based on the significance and power of correlation between soil microelements extracted by both methods, soil and plant microelements, and the bioaccumulation factor. The HCl extractant was a better predictor of the availability of microelements to wheat than Mehlich 3 in all tested soil groups. Mehlich 3 can be applied for extraction of boron (B) and, in some cases, copper (Cu) and manganese (Mn).  相似文献   

Soil micronutrients were studied on loess soil with an 18-year long-term experiment. The results indicated that total soil iron and copper contents were similar under all treatments, but total soil manganese and zinc contents were significantly greater at the surface soil in the fertilized plots than in the controls, and total manganese contents were significantly greater in the whole soil profile under manure plus inorganic fertilizers than under controls. Generally, application of inorganic fertilizers had no effects on available soil micronutrient contents. The straw plus inorganic fertilizers significantly increased available manganese content at surface soil and available iron in subsurface soils. However, manure plus inorganic fertilizers significantly augmented soil-available iron contents throughout the profile, and raised available manganese, copper, and zinc contents, respectively, at surface soil relative to controls. The results suggest that long-term input of organic amendments alter the properties of soil and increase its plant-available micronutrient contents.  相似文献   

探索用分光光度法测定有机肥料中的微量元素铜(Cu)、铁(Fe)、锌(Zn)、锰(Mn)含量,并研究了显色反应的酸度条件、干扰因素及消除方法。该检测方法简单快速,可应用于有机肥生产企业中微量元素铜、铁、锌、锰的测定。  相似文献   


The relative zinc (Zn) efficiencies of 33 wheat and 3 barley cultivars were determined by growing them in chelate‐buffered culture solutions. Zn efficiency, determined by growth in a Zn‐deficient solution relative to that in a medium containing an adequate concentration of Zn, was found to vary between 10% and 63% among the cultivars tested. Out of the 36 cultivars tested, 12 proved to be Zn efficient, 10 were Zn inefficient, and the remaining 14 varieties were classed as intermediate. The most Zn‐efficient cultivars included Bakhtawar, Gatcher S61, Wilgoyne, and Madrigal, and the most Zn inefficient included Durati, Songlen, Excalibur, and Chakwal‐86. Zn‐efficient cultivars accumulated greater amounts of Zn in their shoots than inefficient cultivars, but the correlation between shoot Zn and shoot dry matter production was poor. All the cultivars accumulated higher concentrations of iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and phosphorus (P) at deficient levels of Zn, compared with adequate Zn concentrations. The Zn‐inefficient cultivars accumulated higher concentrations of these other elements compared to efficient cultivars.  相似文献   

采用营养液培养方法,以改良毛粉802F1番茄为材料, 研究外源一氧化氮(NO,SNP为供体)对铜(Cu)胁迫下番茄幼苗铁(Fe)、 锌(Zn)、 锰(Mn)吸收分配的影响。结果显示, 50 mol/ L的 Cu2+ 胁迫下,番茄幼苗的生物量和株高显著降低了33.7% 和23.1%,外施100 mol/L SNP可显著缓解这种抑制作用, 提高Cu 胁迫下番茄幼苗根系、 茎中Fe、 Mn含量及叶柄、 叶片中Fe、 Zn含量,降低茎中Zn含量及叶柄、 叶片中Mn含量; 根系、 茎、 叶柄、 叶片Fe、 Zn及根系和茎中Mn的累积相应增加; 根系吸收的Fe、 Zn、 Mn向地上部的转运降低。Cu 胁迫下, 外源NO可显著提高番茄液泡、 细胞器的Fe、 Zn 含量, 降低根系和叶片细胞壁Fe、 Zn、 Mn含量。在作为转运组织的茎和叶柄中,Mn主要分布在细胞壁上,而在叶柄和叶片液泡、 细胞器中也有增加。表明外源NO可以调控番茄幼苗各部位及亚细胞中Fe、 Zn、 Mn的合理分布,维持胞质离子稳态和矿质营养元素平衡,缓解铜胁迫,保证番茄幼苗正常的生理代谢。  相似文献   

The uptake of micronutrient cations in relation to varying activities of Mn2+ was studied for barley (Hordeum vulgare L. var. Thule) and oat (Avena sativa L. var. Biri) grown in chelator buffered nutrient solution. Free activities of Mn2+ were calculated by using the chemical speciation programme GEOCHEM-PC. Manganese deficient conditions induced elevated concentrations of Zn and Fe in shoots of both species. The corresponding antagonistic relationship between Mn and Cu could only be seen in barley. The observed antagonistic relationships were only valid as long as the plant growth was limited by Mn deficiency. The Mn concentration in both plant species increased significantly with increasing Mn2+ activity in the nutrient solution. The concentration of Mn in the shoots of oat was higher than for barley except under severe Mn deficiency where it was found equal for both species. Manganese was accumulated in the roots of barley at high Mn2+ activity. The different shoot concentrations of Mn between barley and oat are therefore attributed to the extent of Mn translocation from roots to shoots. Manganese deficiency induced a significant increase in the shoot to root ratio in both species.  相似文献   


A 9‐kg quantity of Yolo loam soil was contaminated in sequence with (In μg/g soil) 100 Cd, 100 Zn, 100 Co, 12.5 Li, and 100 Ni. Corn (Zea mays L. C. V. Golden Cross N. C. ) was grown together in the soil for 22 days from seed. Seventy‐two harvested plants were assayed separately. Several different trace metals were tested for normal and loge frequency distribution patterns. Some followed loge normal distribution more closely than a normal distribution as indicated by kurtosis values. Two followed normal distribution more closely than loge normal distribution. Some negative skewness was observed with the loge normal distribution, but only that for Co was significant. The yields of the plants were significantly and negatively correlated with the concentrations of Ni, Co, Cu, and Cd in shoots. Stepwise regression analysis indicated that it was reasonably Possible to determine which of the trace metals of the mixture caused phytotoxicity. Some pairs of trace metals were highly and positively correlated: Zn‐Cu, Zn‐Cd, Cu‐Cd, Mn‐Li, Co‐Ni, Co‐Cd are examples. The mixed trace metals decreased shoot concentrations of P and Mo and increased Al and Ti relative to control plants not receiving added metals. The Si was also decreased by trace metals and was positively related to yields.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted in a greenhouse to evaluate the effects of different levels of cadmium (Cd) on Cd accumulation and their effects on uptake of micronutrients in Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.]. Cadmium accumulation in shoots and interactions among other metals [manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn)] were investigated. Ten levels of Cd ranging from 0 to 200 mg kg–1 soil were tested. The crop was grown for 60 days in a loamy sand soil with adequate basal fertilization of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), and dry-matter yield (DMY) was recorded. The plants were analyzed for total Cd and micronutrients, and the soil was analyzed for diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable Cd. Experimental results showed that the DTPA-extractable Cd in the soil increased consistently and significantly with increase in rates of Cd application up to 200 mg Cd kg–1 soil. Significant reduction in the DMY of Indian mustard occurred with application of 5 mg Cd kg–1 soil and greater. The content as well as uptake of Cd by Indian mustard increased significantly over the control at all rates of its application. It increased from 5.95 μg pot–1 in the control to 150.6 μg pot–1 at Cd application of 200 mg kg–1 soil. Application of Cd to soil though decreased the content of micronutrients in plants, but significant reduction occurred only for Fe at rates beyond 50 mg Cd kg–1 soil. However, the total removal of Fe, Zn, and Cu registered a significant decline over the control at and above Cd application of 10 mg kg–1 and that of Mn beyond 10 mg kg–1. In loamy sand soil, a DTPA-extractable Cd level of 3.8 mg kg–1 soil and in plant content of 28.0 μg Cd g–1 DMY was found to be the upper threshold levels of Cd for Indian mustard. Considerable residual content in the soil suggests that once the soil is contaminated by Cd it remains available in the soil for decades, and food crops grown on these soils may be a significant source of Cd toxicity to both humans and grazing animals.  相似文献   

Leaching of copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and manganese (Mn) from a soil contaminated by metallurgy waste (used as a micronutrient source) was carried out in a column experiment. The main objective was to evaluate the effect of the chelates ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid (EDDS), and citrate at doses of 2, 4, and 8 mmol kg?1. The two synthetic chelating agents increased metal contents in the lower part of the column, which was filled with an uncontaminated sample of the same soil. No Cu or Zn was present in the leachates. Although Mn could be detected, values were not related to treatments. Water by itself was also able to mobilize metal inside the soil column. The retention of metals by the uncontaminated soil layer was explained by its large adsorptive capacity, as demonstrated by the corresponding adsorption isotherms.  相似文献   


Micronutrients are applied alone to soils or with macronutrient fertilizers. Foliar application of Fe and other micronutrients is also practiced, and Mo is usually applied as a seed treatment. Since the soil application rates of B, Cu, Mn, and Zn are low, they are usually applied with macronutrient fertilizers by incorporation during the manufacturing process, bulk blending with or coating onto granular fertilizers, or with fluid fertilizers.

Chemical reactions between the micronutrient source and the macronutrient fertilizer may occur in the manufacturing process, in storage, or after soil application. These reaction products may vary widely, so care must be taken in selecting and processing micronutrient sources and macronutrient carriers so the resulting products will be available to plants. In general, plant availability of B sources is not affected during reaction. Care must be taken to apply boronated fertilizers uniformly and to avoid excessive rates, because the range between B deficiency and toxicity is very narrow. Crop response to Cu, Mn, and Zn varies with the micronutrient rate and source, macronutrient carrier, and method of application.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) availability is low in calcareous soils of southern Iran. The chelate Fe-ethylenediamine di (o-hydroxy-phenylacetic acid) (Fe-EDDHA), has been used as an effective source of Fe in correcting Fe deficiency in such soils. In some cases, however, its application might cause nutritional disorder due to the antagonistic effect of Fe with other cationic micronutrients, in particular with manganese (Mn). A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of soil and foliar applications of Fe and soil application of manganese (Mn) on dry matter yield (DMY) and the uptake of cationic micronutrients in wheat (Triticum aestivum L. var. Ghods) in a calcareous soil. Results showed that neither soil application of Fe-EDDHA nor foliar application of Fe sulfate had a significant effect on wheat DMY. In general, Fe application increased Fe uptake but decreased that of Mn, zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu). Application of Mn increased only Mn uptake and had no significant effect on the uptake of the other cationic micronutrients. Iron treatments considerably increased the ratio of Fe to Mn, Zn, Cu, and (Mn + Zn + Cu). Failure to observe an increase in wheat DMY following Fe application is attributed to the antagonistic effect of Fe with Mn, Zn, and Cu and hence, imbalance in Fe to (Mn + Zn + Cu) ratio. Due to the nutritional disorder and imbalance, it appears that neither soil application of Fe-EDDHA nor foliar application of Fe-sulfate is appropriate in correcting Fe deficiency in wheat grown on calcareous soils. Hence, growing Fe-efficient wheat cultivars should be considered as an appropriate practice for Fe chlorosis-prone calcareous soils of southern Iran.  相似文献   


The essential trace elements Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and B in high concentrations can produce phytotoxicities. Iron toxicity resulted from 5 × 10‐4 M and 10‐3 M FeSO4, but not from equivalent amounts of FeEDDHA (ferric ethylenediamine di (o‐hydroxyphenylacetic acid) ). Leaf concentrations in bush beans of 465 μg Mn/g, 291 μg B/g, and 321 μg Zn/g all on the dry weight basis resulted in 27%, 45%, and 34% reduction in yields of leaves, respectively. Zinc was concentrated in roots while Mn and B concentrated in leaves. Solution concentrations of MnS04 of 10‐3 and 10‐2 M depressed leaf yields of bush beans by 63% and 83%, respectively, with 5140 and 10780 μg Mn/g dry weight of leaves. Copper concentrations were simultaneously increased and those of Ca were decreased. Bush bean plants grown in Yolo loam soil with 200 μg Cu/g soil had a depression in leaf yield of 26% (with 28. 8 μg Cu/g leaf); plants failed to grow with 500 μg Cu/g soil. A level of 10‐3 M H2MoO4 was toxic to bush beans grown in solution culture. Leaves, stems, and roots, respectively, contained 710, and 1054, and 5920 μg Mo/g dry weight.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC), macro- and micronutrient status, and nitrogen (N) mineralization were studied in a soil profile managed with organic (OMP), chemical (CMP), and integrated (IMP) management practices for 3 years (2004–7) under a soybean–durum wheat cropping sequence. The most significant buildup of SOC and nutrients was in OMP, followed by IMP and then CMP. The OMP had 15.8 and 7.3% more SOC content than the CMP and IMP, respectively. The concentration of nitrate N was significantly greater in the OMP and IMP than in the CMP. The amount of ammonium N was less than nitrate N in OMP and IMP, indicating the high nitrification ability of the soil. A buildup of the micronutrient cation content was also noticed in the surface layer in the OMP and IMP plots. The OMP and IMP had a significantly greater mineralization rate of N than did CMP, and it was greatest in the top 0- to 15-cm soil layer.  相似文献   

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plants were grown hydroponically in a greenhouse for 14 d under Fe-deficient conditions before treatment for 3 h with excess Mn (25 µM) and equimolar amounts of plant-borne (phytosiderophores, PS) or synthetic (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid, EDTA) metal chelators. The xylem sap was collected for 3 h and analyzed for PS, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and citrate concentrations. Excess Mn in the feeding medium decreased the concentrations of PS, Fe, Zn, and Cu in the xylem sap. Addition of 25 µM Mn and an equimolar amount of PS to the feeding medium increased the concentrations of PS, Fe, and Cu in the xylem sap, while EDTA decreased the concentrations of PS and the above nutrients. Excess Mn in the feeding medium increased the Mn concentration in the xylem sap and this increase was more pronounced with the addition of PS to the feeding medium, while EDTA had a depressing effect. These findings suggested that the roots of Fe-deficient barley plants can enhance the absorption and/or translocation of both Mn2+ and a PS-Mn complex. Addition of excess Mn to the feeding medium, irrespective of chelators, did not affect the xylem citrate concentration, indicating that citrate may not contribute to the translocation of metal micronutrients. In the xylem sap of Fe-deficient barley plants, the concentrations of metal micronutrients were positively correlated with the concentrations of PSG  相似文献   


The Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) was used to identify nutrient status of mango fruit trees in Punjab, India. Standard norms established from the nutrient survey of mango fruit trees were 1.144, 0.126, 0.327, 2.587, 0.263, 0.141% for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S), and 15, 3.5, 145, 155, and 30 mg kg?1, respectively, for zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and boron (B) in dry matter. On the basis of DRIS indices, 16, 15, 12, 17, and 16% of total samples collected during nutrients survey of mango trees were low in N, P, K, Ca, and Mg, respectively. For micronutrients, 19, 18, 12, 20, and 6% samples were inadequate in Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, and B, respectively. DRIS‐derived sufficiency ranges from nutrient indexing survey were 0.92–1.37, 0.08–0.16, 0.21–0.44, 1.71–3.47, 0.15–0.37, and 0.09–0.19% for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S and 11–19, 1–6, 63–227, 87–223, and 16–44 mg kg?1 for Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, and B, respectively.  相似文献   

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