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In a lysimeter study it was found that moderate rates of ammonium nitrate increased utilization percentages in spring wheat, and the leaching was 10% or less of added N. Over-optimal rates reduced utilization percentages and increased leaching to almost 50% of the highest doses. Late split application of calcium nitrate increased the percentage of N in grain. Furthermore, leaching of N was not reduced, but occurred somewhat later in the fall and winter seasons. Leaching of Cl? was more rapid and that of SO4 2- was delayed relative to the leaching of NO3 ?. Rather large negative N balances were obtained, also after over-optimal application rates, and total N content of the soil was reduced. Compared with the N0 treatment, differences in soil N residues amounted to 15–25% of added N in seven years. Gaseous losses had apparently taken place both from the added N and from soil N according to the total-N analysis.  相似文献   

Twenty genotypes of wheat resulting from different crossings between some wheat parental lines were compared for salt stress (control and gradually increasing salinity). Ion content in root, shoot, and flag leaves and also the root and shoot dry weights were measured. Based on these results, eight genotypes among the twenty were selected as susceptible, semi-tolerant, and tolerant genotypes for evaluating their biochemical characteristics. Results indicated that concentration of sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) in shoot, root, and flag leaves of stressed plants were, respectively, higher and lower than that in the non-stressed plants. Overall, salinity stress caused reductions in root and shoot dry weights and relative water content (RWC), but enhancement in pigments content. Concentrations of the total carbohydrate, total protein, and soluble proline were higher in plants under salt stress condition. Salinity stress induced higher production in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA) and also higher activity of catalase (CAT) and ascorbic peroxidase (APX) as antioxidant enzymes, but lower activity of peroxidase (POD). Genotypes 4s, Arg, and 386dh had generally higher enzymatic activity and other tolerant indices, and hence they can be introduced as tolerant genotypes for more study by the plant breeders. On the other hand, genotype 278s was most susceptible based on the most results.  相似文献   

通过水培试验探讨了NO-3胁迫下K+、Ca2+对黄瓜幼苗膜质过氧化及活性氧清除酶系统的影响。结果表明,在相同NO-3浓度胁迫7d后, Ca2+浓度越大,膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量越高,而K+浓度越大,电解质相对渗透率越高,由此说明K+、Ca2+对细胞膜造成伤害的机理不同。黄瓜幼苗活性氧清除酶系统对K+、Ca2+的响应亦不同,在一定程度上,K+和Ca2+ 可提高SOD、POD和CAT活性,保护植物免受自由基伤害,继而可增强植物对逆境的适应能力。  相似文献   

The improvement of water and nutrient efficiency leads to a production model that is more sustainable with less water, fewer fertilizer inputs, and less environmental damages. High-technology fertigation equipment permits high precision in the nutrient solution application. Besides, the field measurement of soil water content by tensiometers and the extraction of soil solutions by suction cups allow a dynamic methodology management in agreement with real crop requirements. This trial was carried out to compare this dynamic fertigation management method (using tensiometers and suction cups) for tomato crops (Lycopersicum sculentum Mill. Forteza) under Mediterranean greenhouse conditions with other methods: the local traditional model, based only on technical consulting, and the classical model, by means of estimation of Kc and nutrient extractions references. The parameters studied were tomato yield, water, and fertilizer amounts applied during the cultivation as well as water- and fertilizer-use efficiency. The water used to prepare the nutrient solution was classified as C4-S3 following the Riverside classification system. Plants were grown from 15 August to 20 April. The results show that the supply of fertilizers during the cultivation has been significantly lower with classical and dynamic models. Dynamic method shows greater efficiencies for all the elements, except for potassium, and also decreases the water consumption, not affecting total yield.  相似文献   

Mineral regulation of two soybean varieties Jackson and Lee was investigated in long term water culture experiments using saline solutions. The effects of extreme K:Na ratios using chloride and sulfate as counterions were studied in the early stages of salinity.

The growth rates of both varieties were not affected by salinization. A K+ stimulated, intensive acropetal Cl translocation was observed in the salt sensitive variety Jackson. The varieties did not differ in Na+ translocation and in the suppression of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the leaves. But the effect of the nature of salinization indicates already differences in Na uptake and translocation of the cultivars.

The avoidance of Cl, but also of Ha+, in connection with influences of the resulting ionic imbalance on metabolic pathways are probably the most causative factors for the different tolerance to salinity of the two soybean varieties.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to test the effect of Ca2+ and Mg2+ upon ATPases (E.C. from barley roots (Hordeum distichon L. cv. MULTUM) that had or had not taken up Al3+. Furthermore, the effect of the uptake period was examined. With longer duration of the Al3+ uptake, the activity of the ATPases dropped, independently of whether they were activated by Ca2+ or by Mg2+. Mg2+ stimulated the activity of the ATPases if no Al3+ had been taken up with lacking Ca2+ in the assay. If Al3+ had been taken up no additional activation by Mg2+ to the Ca2+ stimulation could be observed, and in some cases Mg2+ decreased the Ca2+ stimulation.  相似文献   


The effects of three sodium chloride (NaCl) levels (0, 1200, and 2400 mg kg? 1 soil) and three irrigation intervals (3, 7, and 14 d) on the growth and chemical composition of two Pistacia vera rootstocks (‘Sarakhs’ and ‘Qazvini’) were investigated under greenhouse conditions. Eight-week-old pistachio seedlings were gradually exposed to salt stress which afterward, water stress was initiated. At any irrigation interval, plant height and shoot and root dry weights of both rootstocks were reduced with increasing salinity. However, increasing irrigation intervals alleviated the adverse effects of soil salinity. A negative relationship observed between relative shoot growth and electrical conductivity of soil saturation extract (ECe) confirmed the above findings. Under 3-d irrigation interval, the ECe required to cause a 50% growth reduction was lower than those under 7- and/or 14-d irrigation intervals. Shoot and root chemical analyses indicated that the salinity as well as irrigation regime affected the concentration and distribution of sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), and chloride (Cl?) in pistachio. The concentration of Na+, K+ and C1? ions increased with a rise in NaCl level, and was generally declined with increasing irrigation interval. Based on plant height, shoot and root dry weights and the concentrations of Na+, K+, and C1? in the plant tissues, at lowest irrigation intervals ‘Sarakhs’ shows a higher sensitivity to soil salinity than ‘Qazvini’, but with increasing irrigation interval, ‘Sarakhs’ and ‘Qazvini’ can be classified as resistant and sensitive to salinity, respectively.  相似文献   

The relation between activity of soluble acid invertase and sucrose content in leaves of young bushbeans (salt sensitive) and sugarbeets (salt tolerant) and ion‐specific effects of salinity environment were investigated. For comparison the response of isolated invertase from both plant species to ion combination and ion concentration was investigated. The plants were grown in water culture under controlled conditions.

In busbean leaves invertase activity decreased while sucrose increased. K+ with Cl as counterion was most effective “in vivo”;. However, there was little change in invertase activity or sucrose content in sugarbeet leaves. Independent of the origin of the enzyme, invertase activity was not affected by either ion concentration or ion combination “in vitro”;. Acid invertase might be a key enzyme in the utilization of carbohydrates. The ionic effect on acid invertase activity and carbohydrate content in intact plant tissue could be a possible indicator of salt tolerance of crops.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of information on the critical content, threshold levels, uptake, transport, and accumulation of sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl?) ions in young sunflower plants. Effect of salinity was analyzed in root, stem, leaves, and buds by raising plants in fine sand irrigated with Hoagland's solution and supplemented with 10–160 mM sodium chloride (NaCl) for 30 days. Maximum sensitivity index, reduction in growth, and water content were observed in buds. Maximum Na+ and Cl? contents were obtained in old leaves and stems under low salinity but in roots at high salinity. Uptake, transport, and accumulation rate of Cl? were more than those of Na+, and for both ions they increased with increasing NaCl concentration but decreased with increasing exposure time. Growth reduction at low salinity seems to be because of Cl? toxicity, but Na+ toxicity and water deficiency could also be the causes at high salinity.  相似文献   

Sludge derived from cow manure anaerobically digested to produce biogas (methane; CH4) was applied to maize (Zea mays L.) cultivated in a nutrient-low, alkaline, saline soil with electrolytic conductivity 9.4 dS m?1 and pH 9.3. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emission increased 3.1 times when sludge was applied to soil, 1.6 times when cultivated with maize and 3.5 times in sludge-amended maize cultivated soil compared to the unamended uncultivated soil (1.51 mg C kg?1 soil day?1). Nitrous oxide (N2O) emission from unamended soil was -0.0004 μg nitrogen (N) kg?1 soil day?1 and similar from soil cultivated with maize (0.27 μg N kg?1 soil day?1). Application of sludge increased the N2O emission to 4.59 μg N kg?1 soil day?1, but cultivating this soil reduced it to 2.42 μg N kg?1 soil day?1. It was found that application of anaerobic digested cow manure stimulated maize development in an alkaline saline soil and increased emissions of CO2 and N2O.  相似文献   

The different responses of two populations of Suaeda salsa (Linn.) Pall. (saline seepweed) from an intertidal zone and a saline inland zone to salinity [1 or 500 mM sodium chloride (NaCl)] and nitrogen [N; 0.05, 1, or 10 mM nitrate (NO3 ?)‐N] were investigated. Greater NO3 ?‐N supply (10 mM) increased shoot dry weight for the two populations of S. salsa, especially for S. salsa from the saline inland zone. Greater NO3 ?‐N supply (10 mM) increased the concentrations of chlorophyll and carotenoid in leaves and the NO3 ? and potassium (K+) concentrations in shoots for both populations. Greater NO3 ?‐N supply (10 mM) increased shoot Na+ in S. salsa from the intertidal zone. In conclusion, S. salsa from the saline inland zone is more responsive to NO3 ?‐N supply than the intertidal population. Greater NO3 ?‐N supply can help the species, especially the intertidal population, to grow and to mediate ion homeostasis under high salinity.  相似文献   

K+/Na+ and Cl effects on activity of amylases as well as on their isoenzyme pattern in leaves of bushbeans and sugarbeets at the beginning of salinity stress were investigated, in plants grown in water culture under controlled environmental conditions. Alpha‐ and beta‐amylase activity in beans increased, particularly due to K+ and Cl supplied. In sugarbeets amylase activity remained unchanged as a result of K/Na treatment in combination with Cl and decreased using SO4 2‐ as counterion. A direct correlation of amylase activity to the starch content of both species was not detctable. Particularly α‐but also ß‐amylase was most strongly inhibited by KCl “in vitro”. Independent on their origin, amylases from bushbeans and sugarbeets did not show any differences in ionic inhibition “in vitro”. The isoenzyme pattern of the species was different, but no clear ionic effect was detectable. Amylolytic activity is evidently not a causative factor for restricted starch mobilization in leaves under an early salinity stress. It is suggested that amylases are indirectly involved in starch formation via degradation due to a lack of a carbohydrate sink under salinity stress. Differences in salt tolerance of the investigated crops are obviously not related to different “in vitro” properties of amylases.  相似文献   

不同铵钾比对高铵下拟南芥地上部和根系生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋海燕  李光杰  施卫明 《土壤》2016,48(6):1077-1084
钾在缓解植物铵毒害的过程中起着重要的作用。本文研究了高铵(30 mmol/L)条件下,不同铵钾比(7.5︰1和150︰1)对拟南芥(Col-0)主根、侧根以及地上部生长的影响。结果表明:30 mmol/L NH4+条件下,高铵钾比(150)处理显著加重了拟南芥铵毒害现象,地上部和根系生长所受的抑制作用更为明显并导致更严重的氧化胁迫。相比低铵钾比水平,在高铵处理下,高铵钾比使得拟南芥主根伸长量降低57.4%,侧根数量减少33.3%,而地上部鲜重减轻69.9%。DAB(3,3¢-二氨基联苯胺,3,3¢-diaminobenzidine)叶片染色结果表明,不加铵处理下,外源不同钾水平(0.2和4.0 mmol/L)对拟南芥叶片的氧化胁迫作用没有显著差异;而高铵处理下,相比低铵钾比处理,高铵钾比显著增加了叶片中过氧化氢的含量,加重了其氧化胁迫。伊文思蓝(Evans blue,EB)染色结果表明,不加铵处理下,外源不同钾水平对拟南芥地上部和根部的膜透性没有显著差异,而高铵处理下,高铵钾比显著增强了拟南芥地上部和根部的膜透性,表明其对细胞的伤害程度加重。可见,高铵抑制拟南芥根系和地上部生长,高铵钾比则会加重这种抑制,其原因除了高浓度钾能减少植物对铵的吸收外,可能与高铵钾比条件加剧了植物的氧化胁迫有关。因此,适宜的铵钾比在植物应对铵毒害的过程中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   


Four extractants for soil Mn were compared for their sensitivity to changes in Mn availability caused by rates and sources of added soil Mn and soil pH variations. Their ability to extract amounts of Mn correlated with plant Mn concentrations was also determined. Two field experiments were conducted on a sandy, high water table soil (Ultic Haplaquod‐Arenic Plinthaquic Paleudult) which included 5 Mn rates, 4 Mn sources and 3 soil pH levels. Soybeans [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cultivar Ransom] were grown and leaf tissue and soils sampled at the late pod‐fill stage. All four extractants separated the high‐ Mn rates, but the small exchange method did not separate the low Mn rates. Few differences were observed among extractants due to Ma sources. The DTPA method was the only procedure to correctly distinguish soil pH levels by showing decreasing extractable Ma with increasing soil pH. Including pH in multiple regressions significantly increased the plant Mn‐soil Mn correlation coefficients. The DTPA method and the 0.1N H3PO4 method had the highest correlation coefficients and the double acid method the lowest. The small exchange method was intermediate. Considering all the results, the DTPA was the most promising method for extracting Mn from this sandy, southern Coastal Plain soil.  相似文献   

Two varieties of Cucumis melo (Resisto and Arava) were grafted onto three hybrids of Cucurbita maxima and Cucurbita moschata cultivars (Shintoza, RS-841 and Kamel). Ungrafted Cucumis melo var. Resisto and var. Arava plants were used as controls. Plants were grown under controlled greenhouse conditions and were constantly fertilized with macro- and micronutrients, supplied with irrigation water rich in Na+ and Cl- Contents of chlorophylls a and b, carotene pigments, Cl- and total and soluble Na+ and K+ ions were measured in all the scion parts of the plants. The results showed that grafted plants exhibited differences in the leaf content of Na+ and especially Cl- in comparison with ungrafted plants. In addition, yield as well as leaf pigments appeared to be good indicators of Cl- levels in scion parts. It is assumed that grafted plants developed various mechanisms to avoid physiological damage caused by the excessive accumulation of these ions in leaf, including the exclusion of Cl- ion and/or decrease in Cl- absorption by the roots and the replacement or substitution of total K+ by total Na+ in the foliar parts.  相似文献   


Vegetables are a large source of nitrate (NO3?) in our diet. As NO2? is toxic to humans, it is undesirable to consume vegetables with high NO3? content. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of supplementing of red- and blue-LED lighting to B. alboglabra grown in the tropical greenhouse in terms of moderating NO3? accumulation, improving photosynthesis, and enhancing productivity. All plants were grown hydroponically in full nutrients under prevailing greenhouse conditions for 20?days (full sunlight). Thereafter, plants were subjected to three different light treatments for 12?days: full sunlight, shade, and shade supplemented with LEDs. The average midday photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) during the light treatment periods were 220?μmol m?2 s?1 (full sunlight), 55?μmol m?2 s?1 (shade), and 220?μmol m?2 s?1 (shade supplemented with LEDs). Shoot nitrate (NO3?) concentration increased significantly in plants grown in the shade. However, shoot NO3? concentration was reduced when plants were supplemented with red- and blue-LED lighting. Photosynthetic CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance, and productivity also improved in these plants. Our results suggest that supplemental red- and blue-LED lighting in a tropical greenhouse during periods of cloudy and hazy weather could improve productivity and nutrient quality of Chinese broccoli.  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of potassium (K+) on the salinity tolerance of Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekinensis Rupr.) seedlings, the plants were cultured at three K+ levels (0, 5, or 10?mM), under normal (0?mM NaCl) and high-salt (100?mM NaCl) conditions. The results indicated that the dry weight of Chinese cabbage increased with the application of K+ under salt stress. Addition of K+ increased K+ concentrations and suppressed sodium (Na+) concentration, which eventually increased the K+/Na+ ratios in roots or shoots. Application of K+ enhanced the uptake of K+ and suppressed the uptake of Na+. Moreover, the ratios of shoot-K+/root-K+ increased considerably, but the ratios of shoot-Na+/root-Na+ decreased in response to K+ application. It was concluded that the application of K+ could enhance the salt stress tolerance in Chinese cabbage because more K+ than Na+ was absorbed and translocated from roots to shoots.  相似文献   

祁连山东段青海云杉林土壤有效氮研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过野外取样和实验室分析,对祁连山东段青海云杉林的土壤有效氮状况进行了研究。结果表明:(1)青海云杉林0—40 cm土层土壤总有效氮(铵态氮+硝态氮)的变化范围为17.26~20.76 mg/kg,铵态氮是土壤有效氮的主要存在形态,其含量占到总有效氮的66.72%以上;(2)土壤铵态氮含量随土层深度的增加而较少,硝态氮则无明显的变化规律,而且土壤硝态氮较土壤铵态氮对土壤微环境敏感;(3)土壤铵态氮与有机质相关关系显著(p<0.05),土壤硝态氮与有机质无显著相关性。研究区铵态氮为土壤有效氮的主要赋存形式,它在很大程度上取决于该区土壤pH中性值,较低温度和较高的水分含量。  相似文献   

Depth distribution of boron (B) extractable by hot calcium chloride (HCC), potassium dihydrogen phosphate (PDP), and tartaric acid (TA) in some typical B‐deficient Inceptisols, Entisols, and Alfisols in relation to soil properties was studied. The magnitude of B extraction followed the order HCC > PDP > TA for Inceptisols, TA > HCC > PDP for Entisols, and PDP > HCC > TA for Alfisols and showed a decrease along soil depth. The low pH of TA and effective desorption of B by phosphate of PDP are attributed to their higher efficiency in extracting B in Entisols and Alfisols, respectively. A decrease in organic carbon (C), clay, and amorphous iron oxide content was responsible for the observed decrease in extractable B along depth of soil profile. The HCC showed more efficiency than PDP and TA for extracting B in soils high in organic C. Multiple regression equations explained only 21, 57, and 59% of the variability in PDP‐, HCC‐, and TA‐extractable B content in soils by the soil properties analyzed, of which organic C and clay were the most important. There were dynamic equilibria among the amount of B extracted by the extractants, indicating B extraction by them from more or less similar pools in the soils.  相似文献   

Soil salinity is a concern in the wake of climate change challenges due to rising sea levels and coastal salinity in Papua New Guinea. A greenhouse experiment was conducted in Split Plot design, with five elite sweet potato genotypes (main-plot factors) and three levels of sodium chlroide (NaCl) concentrations (sub-plot factors) replicated six times. The vine cuttings of genotype RAB 45 showed very low mortality percentage (33%) at 600 mM NaCl concentration. At salinity level of 200 mM NaCl, aerial dry biomass of the genotypes was inversely but significantly (r = –0.40; p < 0.05) related to the accumulation of sodium (Na+) in the tissues. The Na+ accumulation in the tissues was antagonistic to the potassium (K+) and calcium (Ca2+) ions. Among the sweetpotato genotypes, Na+/K+ ratio decreased in the following order: RAB 45> KAV 11 > Northern Star > DOY 2 > L 46, which was more or less corroborated with the trend in the aerial dry matter.  相似文献   

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