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Iron (Fe) deficiency is one of the serious nutritional disorders in aerobically grown rice on upland alkaline and calcareous soils, which leads to a decline in productivity. With a view to resolve the Fe-deficiency syndrome in aerobic rice, the influence of soil moisture regimes, farmyard manure (FYM) and applied Fe on the release of Fe was assessed under an incubation study. A field experiment was also conducted to evaluate the relative effectiveness of soil and foliar applications of Fe in alleviating Fe deficiency using four rice cultivars (‘IR 36’, ‘IR 64’, ‘IR 71525-19-1-1’ and ‘CT 6510-24-1-2’). Results of incubation study indicated that the application of FYM marginally improved the diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)-Fe status of soil over control. However, application of iron sulfate (FeSO4 · 7H2O) at 14 mg Fe/kg with FYM released as much Fe as did the application of 27 mg Fe/kg as FeSO4 7H2O alone. Comparatively higher amounts of Fe were released under water saturation than that under drier soil moisture regimes and the effect of incubation period in releasing Fe was pronounced only under water saturation.

Under field study, supplementation of Fe through integrated or inorganic source caused improvement in the DTPA and ammonium acetate (NH4OAc) extractable Fe similar to that recorded under incubation. The foliar application of Fe (3% FeSO4 7H2O solution, thrice at 40, 60, and 75 days after sowing of rice, i.e., 45 kg FeSO4.7H2O/ha) was most effective and economical in correcting Fe deficiency in aerobic rice, followed by soil application of 150 kg FeSO4.7H2O + 10 t FYM/ ha and 305 kg FeSO4.7H2O/ha. Among the rice cultivars, ‘CT 6510-24-1-2’ and ‘IR 71525-19-1-1’ performed better under aerobic condition compared to ‘IR 36’ and ‘IR 64’. Differential response of rice cultivars to applied Fe was not related to Fe-nutrition; rather it was apparently related with inherent ability of cultivars to grow under water-stress condition. Ferrous iron (FeII) content in rice plants proved to be a better index of Fe-nutrition status compared to total plant Fe and chemically extractable soil Fe. The FeII concentration of ≥ 37 mg kg?1 in plants (on dry weight basis) appeared to be an adequate level at 60 days after sowing for direct seeded rice grown under upland aerobic condition.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) uptake by rice plants and its toxicity to human beings have caused worldwide concerns. Investigating the characteristics of As accumulation in rice in relation to root surface iron plaque during the whole growth of rice would provide important information for devising measures to mitigate rice As uptake in As-polluted areas. Uptake and accumulation characteristics of As in rice at different growth stages as well as iron plaque on rice root surfaces were investigated in a pot culture experiment in a greenhouse. The results showed that As concentrations in roots, stems, and leaves increased with rice growth, while As concentration in spikelets decreased with grain development: 53.63% of As content in leaves, 61.51% in spikelets, and 82.09% in stems were found at both the jointing and booting stages, which suggested that the two stages were the key stages of As uptake. Root surface iron plaque at different growth stages was extracted by DCB (dithionite-citrate-bicarbonate). DCB-extractable iron (Fe) and DCB-extractable As were significantly increased with rice growth (P < 0.001), and there was a significant positive correlation between DCB-extractable Fe and As (P < 0.001), indicating that iron plaque was very important to sequester As on rice root surfaces.  相似文献   

Decreasing fresh water availability has intensified the search for alternative rice cultivation systems with reduced water input, but most evidence suggests negative effects on growth of lowland (LL) rice cultivars. Yield in such production systems may be improved by selection of adapted aerobic ‘Han Dao’ (HD) rice cultivars. Lowland and HD rice were compared under sole nitrate or ammonium supply as well as under mixed supply of both nitrogen (N) forms during the seedling and tillering stage; pronounced differences were found in response to the supplied N form. Shoot dry mass (DM) of HD was significantly lower than that of LL under sole and predominant ammonium supply, whereas LL showed the opposite trend, with significantly lower shoot DM under sole-nitrate supply. Nitrogen concentration of LL rice under sole-nitrate supply was significantly lower compared with other treatments at tillering stage. Han Dao rice had a significantly higher potassium (K) concentration than LL rice under sole-nitrate supply, while the opposite result was observed under sole-ammonium supply. At seedling stage, the portion of N that was taken up from nitrate-N varied from 30% to 40% in HD and LL rice in treatments 75N/25A and 50N/50A, while at both growth stages, predominant ammonium supply resulted in a lower portion (20%) of nitrate-derived N in LL than in HD rice. The portion of nitrate-derived N increased at tillering stage (from 40% to 70%). These results further illustrate a synergistic effect of co-provision of nitrate and ammonium on total N fluxes compared with supply of sole nitrate or sole ammonium. It was concluded that the interaction between N form and tiller formation during early growth stages deserves strong attention for the identification of aerobic rice cultivars.  相似文献   

Lowland rice is a staple food for more than 50% world population. Iron toxicity is one of the main nutritional disorders, which limits yield of lowland rice in various parts of the world. The toxicity of iron is associated with reduced soil condition of submerged or flooded soils, which increases concentration and uptake of iron (Fe2 +). Higher concentration of Fe2 + in the rhizosphere also has antagonistic effects on the uptake of many essential nutrients and consequently yields reduction. In addition to reduced condition, increase in concentration of Fe2 + in submerged soils of lowland rice is associated with iron content of parent material, oxidation-reduction potential, soil pH, ionic concentration, fertility level, and lowland rice genotypes. Oxidation-reduction potential of highly reduced soil is in the range of –100 to –300 mV. Iron toxicity has been observed in flooded soils with a pH below 5.8 when aerobic and pH below 6.5 when anaerobic. Visual toxicity symptoms on plants, soil and plant tissue test are major diagnostic techniques for identifying iron toxicity. Appropriate management practices like liming acid soils, improving soil fertility, soil drainage at certain growth stage of crop, use of manganese as antagonistic element in the uptake of Fe2 + and planting Fe2 + resistant rice cultivars can reduce problem of iron toxicity.  相似文献   


It was reported that flooded rice soil was an important source of atmospheric CH4 (Cicerone and Shetter 1981; Sciler et al. 1984). In flooded rice soils, CH4 is produced under strict anaerobic conditions by methanogenic bacteria (Jones et al. 1987; Jones 1991). Rice plants carry the produced CH4 from anoxic sediment and release it to the atmosphere (Cicerone and Shetter 1981; Nouchi et al. 1990). More than 90% of emitted CH4 is released through rice plants and the emission pattern usually shows large seasonal variations (Cicerone et al. 1983; Sciler et al. 1984; Inubushi et al. 1989). Since the number of methanogens did not change throughout the rice growth season (Schutz et al. 1989; Mayer and Conrad 1990), seasonal variations of CH4 emission could be ascribed to the activities of methanogens and the amount of available substrates. However, the changes in the methanogenic activities in response to available substrates especially in relation to the growth period of rice plants are poorly documented.  相似文献   


Iron (Fe) toxicity is a widespread nutritional soil constraint affecting rice production in the wetland soils of West Africa. Critical levels of total iron in plant causing toxicity is difficult to determine as different rice cultivars respond to excessive Fe2 + in various ways in what is called “bronzing” or “yellowing” symptoms (VBS). An investigation was conducted to evaluate the relationship between plant growth and nutrient ratios at four iron levels (1000, 3000, 4000 μ g L?1) and control. This involved two rice cultivars (‘ITA 212’ and ‘Suakoko 8’), and two soil types (Aeric Fluvaquent and Aeric Tropaquept). The experimental design was a 2 × 2 × 4 factorial in a completely randomized fashion with four replications. The results showed that nutrient ratios [phosphorus (P)/Fe, potassium (K)/Fe, calcium (Ca)/Fe, magnesium (Mg)/Fe, and manganese (Mn)/Fe), Fe content, and Fe uptake vary widely with the iron levels as well as with the age of the cultivars. The iron toxicity scores expressed as VBS increased with increasing Fe2 + in the soils, resulting in simultaneous reduction of the following variables: plant height, tiller numbers/pot, relationships grain yield (GY) and dry matter yield (DMY). There were no significant difference between nutrient ratios, Fe contents, Fe uptake, the GY and DMY of both rice cultivars on both soil types. Multiple stepwise regression analysis showed that Fe uptake and Fe contents contributed 42% and 17% respectively to the variation in the grain yield of ‘ITA 212’ on Aeric Tropaquept. On both soil types and cultivars, Fe uptake and Fe content contributed between 26 and 68% to the variation in the DMY, while the nutrient ratios (P/Fe, K/Fe, Ca/Fe, and Mn/Fe) contributed between 3% and 13% DMY. Thus, it could be concluded that iron toxicity in rice is more a function of a single nutrient (Fe) rather than nutrient ratios.  相似文献   

Zinc (Zn) deficiency has been identified as a major cause of poor yield in rice. Flooding and submergence bring about a decline in available Zn due to pH changes and the formation of insoluble Zn compounds. A field experiment (undisturbed randomized complete block design with three replications) was conducted in farmers’ fields of Kedah state during 2008 and 2009 to determine the direct and residual response of Zn on rice genotypes at the rates of 0 and 15 kg Zn ha?1 in low-Zn-content acidic submerged soil. The genotypes differed significantly in grain yield and its components. Single application of Zn significantly increased the growth and yield of the crop for two seasons. Based on the grain yield efficiency index, the most Zn-efficient genotypes were MR 106 and Seri Malaysia Dua. Two genotypes, MR 220 and MR 219, were moderately efficient, but MR 211 and Bahagia were classified as inefficient.  相似文献   


Nitrogen is one of the most yield–limiting nutrients in lowland rice in Brazil. A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive years to evaluate nitrogen (N) uptake by five lowland rice genotypes and its association with grain yield. The nitrogen rate used was 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg ha?1. The genotypes evaluated were CNAi 8886, CNAi 8569, BRSGO Guará, BRS Jaburu, and BRS Biguá. Grain yield and dry matter yield of shoot were significantly influenced by N rate. However, response varied from genotypes to genotypes. Genotype BRSGO Guará, BRS Bigua, and BRS Jaburu were having linear response, whereas genotypes CNAi 8886 and CNAi 8569 were having quadratic response with the N application rate in the range of 0 to 200 kg ha?1. Overall, genotypes BRSGO Guará and CNAi 8886 were the best because they produced higher yield at low as well as at higher N rates. Nitrogen uptake in shoot was having quadratic relationship with grain yield, whereas nitrogen uptake in the grain was linearly associated with grain yield.  相似文献   

Rice is staple food for more than 50% of the world's population. Nitrogen (N) is one of the most yield-limiting nutrients for lowland rice production around the world. Two field experiments were conducted at two locations for two consecutive years to evaluate N-use efficiency of 12 lowland rice genotypes. Growth, grain yield, and yield components were significantly influenced by N as well as genotype treatments. Location?×?year?×?genotype and location?×?year?×?N interactions were significant for most of the growth, yield, and yield components, indicating influence of these factors on yield and yield components. Overall, the most N-efficient genotypes measured in terms of grain yield were BRA 031032, BRA 031044, and BRA 02654 and the most inefficient genotypes were BRS Jaçana, BRS Fronteira, and BRA 02674. Genotypes had linear and quadratic responses to added N in the range of 0 to 200 kg ha?1. Nitrogen significantly influenced plant height, shoot dry weight, panicle number, and 1000-grain weights. Nitrogen-use efficiency (kg grain per kg N applied) varied from 33 to 49 kg grain per kg N applied, with an average value of 40 kg grain per kg N applied. The genotype BRA 031044 produced the greatest N-use efficiency, and the lowest N-use efficient genotype was BRS Fronteira. There was a significant linear association between N-use efficiency and grain yield.  相似文献   


Rice is a staple food for more than 50% of the world's population and nitrogen (N) is one of the most yield limiting nutrients in lowland rice ecosystems. A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive years to evaluate dry matter production and grain yield of 12 lowland rice genotypes (BRS Jaçanã, CNAi 8860, BRS Fronteira, CNAi 8879, CNAi 8880, CNAi 8886, CNAi 8885, CNAi 8569, BRSGO Guará, BRS Alvorada, BRS Jaburu, and BRS Biguá) at five N rates (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg ha? 1). Genotypes showed significant variation in grain yield and shoot dry weight. Genotype BRSGO Guará was highest yielding, whereas genotype BRS Jaburu was lowest yielding and the remaining genotypes were intermediate in grain yielding potential. Grain yield and shoot dry weight were having significant quadratic increase with increasing N rates in the range of 0 to 200 kg ha? 1. However, 90% of the maximum yield is often considered as an economical rate, which was 120 kg for shoot dry weight and 136 kg N ha? 1 for grain yield. Shoot dry matter was having significant positive quadratic association with grain yield across 12 genotypes.  相似文献   

Moisture conditions in rice paddies play an important role in phosphorus (P) cycling and may affect P loss to nearby water bodies. This study seeks to identify factors that contribute to P-fraction transformations in flooded rice paddies on Cambosols and Anthrosols using Zhangjiagang County of the Yangtze River delta region, China, as a study area. Soil samples preserved under flooded and aerobic conditions (n?=?60) were collected, and P fractions and soil properties were measured. Under flooded conditions, soluble and loosely bound P significantly decreased to half of aerobic levels, aluminum/iron-bound P increased by 66%, and organic-bound P decreased by 64%. Soil organic matter, cation exchange capacity, pH, and active iron were well correlated with soil P fractions under both moisture conditions across two soil orders despite a disparity in soil properties. Further research goals that would aid in specific fertilizer recommendations and management strategies are identified.  相似文献   

甲烷的减排问题已成为各国政府和科研人员关注的焦点。稻田是温室气体甲烷的重要排放源,甲烷产生是排放的前提条件,主要有乙酸发酵和CO2/H2还原两条途径。常年淹水稻田甲烷排放量高,减排潜力大,但关于这类稻田甲烷产生途径的季节变化规律尚少见报道。于四川省资阳市的常年淹水稻田,采集水稻4个重要生育期(分蘖期、孕穗期、抽穗期、成熟期)的新鲜土样,通过室内厌氧培养试验观测了甲烷产生潜力,并采用稳定性碳同位素方法和氟甲烷(CH3F,2%)抑制法,量化CO2/H2产甲烷的碳同位素分馏系数(α(CO2/CH4)),从而定量评估乙酸产甲烷途径的相对贡献率(?乙酸)。结果表明:添加CH3F显著降低甲烷产生,甲烷产生潜力在成熟期最大,变化范围为3.22~12.71μg·g–1·d–1;产生CH4的δ13C值(δ13CH...  相似文献   

Comparison of Iron Availability in Leaves of Barley and Rice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Iron (Fe) is an essential trace element in all eukaryotes. In higher plants, Fe deficiency causes interveinal chlorosis in young leaves. However, in barley and rice, both of which are "Strategy II" plants, the degree and the pattern of Fe-deficiency symptoms differ. In the present study, barley and rice plants were grown in the same container, i.e., by "coculturing," to compensate for the amount of mugineic acids in rice in the nutrient solution. We examined the differential availability of Fe for distribution and retranslocation in shoots between barley and rice without considering the difference in the iron acquisition ability, which is affected by the differential mugineic acid secretion between barley and rice. Although the Fe concentration of young barley leaves had decreased under the coculture conditions, the SPAD value was similar to that in monocultured barley. In contrast, although there was an increase in the Fe concentration of the young leaves of cocultured rice, the SPAD value decreased, as in the case of monocultured rice. Rice accumulated Fe in old leaves, whereas in barley Fe was efficiently distributed to young leaves. Therefore, the SPAD value of the second leaf in rice remained constantly high. The Fe concentration of the second leaf in barley decreased under Fe-deficient coculture conditions, the SPAD value decreased and the senescence of the second leaf become accelerated. 59Fe pulse-labeling experiments suggested that in barley Fe was more efficiently retranslocated from old leaves to young leaves than that in rice. As a result, the level of Fe present in the fraction with a molecular weight lower than the 10,000/water-soluble Fe ratio was higher in the old leaves of barley than in the old leaves of rice under Fe-deficient conditions. Based on the results obtained, we suggest that the distribution and retranslocation characteristics of internal Fe in barley may be well adapted to Fe deficiency.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) is an essential trace element in all eukaryotes. In higher plants, Fe deficiency causes interveinal chlorosis in young leaves. However, in barley and rice, both of which are “Strategy II” plants, the degree and the pattern of Fe-deficiency symptoms differ. In the present study, barley and rice plants were grown in the same container, i.e., by “coculturing,” to compensate for the amount of mugineic acids in rice in the nutrient solution. We examined the differential availability of Fe for distribution and retranslocation in shoots between barley and rice without considering the difference in the iron acquisition ability, which is affected by the differential mugineic acid secretion between barley and rice. Although the Fe concentration of young barley leaves had decreased under the coculture conditions, the SPAD value was similar to that in monocultured barley. In contrast, although there was an increase in the Fe concentration of the young leaves of cocultured rice, the SPAD value decreased, as in the case of monocultured rice. Rice accumulated Fe in old leaves, whereas in barley Fe was efficiently distributed to young leaves. Therefore, the SPAD value of the second leaf in rice remained constantly high. The Fe concentration of the second leaf in barley decreased under Fe-deficient coculture conditions, the SPAD value decreased and the senescence of the second leaf become accelerated. 59Fe pulse-labeling experiments suggested that in barley Fe was more efficiently retranslocated from old leaves to young leaves than that in rice. As a result, the level of Fe present in the fraction with a molecular weight lower than the 10,000/water-soluble Fe ratio was higher in the old leaves of barley than in the old leaves of rice under Fe-deficient conditions. Based on the results obtained, we suggest that the distribution and retranslocation characteristics of internal Fe in barley may be well adapted to Fe deficiency.  相似文献   

水稻旱作条件下土壤水分对红壤磷素的影响   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:14  
通过温室盆栽和大田试验研究旱作水稻在施用中量磷肥条件下,土壤水分对红壤中几种磷的含量和动态的影响。研究表明:土壤水分水平和采样时间对红壤全磷、有效磷、有机磷和不同形态的无机磷含量都有极显著的影响,且相互间的交互作用明显。栽种水稻后总体来说,土壤全磷、有机磷和O-P含量均有一定的提高,有效磷和Al-P、Fe-P、Ca-P含量则下降;土壤中不同形态无机磷含量为O-P>Fe-P>Al-P>Ca-P;大田和盆栽实验相比,在4种形态的无机磷、全磷和有机磷的排列顺序、演变趋势等方面基本一致,但有效磷则出现相反的结果,同时,大田试验土壤中各种磷的含量要比盆栽试验高得多,表明盆栽条件下,由于根系密度大,使土壤磷素消耗更快。  相似文献   

在人工智能领域(AI)中,Ontology作为知识表示和知识组织的主要工具,能有效地对知识进行系统化的组织和表示,这种结构化知识表示有利于解决信息检索、资源组织等。以构建水稻栽培学知识库为依托,研究了本体在该领域的构建原则、方法等,通过对相关的分类体系确立、属性定义、实例确定,以及本体存储等各个部分进行研究,详细地阐述了本体信息的结构组织体系的确立与相关知识及其应用的全过程。  相似文献   

In iron toxic wetlands, ferric hydroxide is commonly deposited on rice roots. This study aims to to evaluate the differences in iron plaque formation in rice cultivars from different cropping systems. Thirty days old seedlings of Brazilian rice cultivars from the lowland cropping system (‘BRS Atalanta’ and ‘Epagri 107’) and upland cropping system (‘Canastra’) or both systems (‘BRSMG Curinga’) and the cultivar ‘Nipponbare’ were exposed to iron excess [4 mM iron sulfate heptahydrate (FeSO4.7H2O)] for seven days in nutrient solution. It was observed iron plaque formation and ruptures of the root epidermal cells. The lowland cultivars showed higher Fe content in iron plaque. Iron stain was detected in the root hairs, epidermis, hypodermis, and exodermis. The root exodermis may be contributed to prevent the deposit of iron in the cortex of the lowland cultivars and in the cultivar ‘BRSMG Curinga’. It was observed in plants with iron plaque formation significant reductions in the shoot content of phosphorous, manganese and magnesium due to different causes. The differences in iron plaque formation among the cultivars might be an indicative of variations in exodermis selectivity, root oxidative capacity, and iron nutrition mechanisms.  相似文献   


Through unflooded mulching in field plots and 15nitrogen microplot tracer experiments, nitrogen (N) uptake of rice and N utilization have been studied compared with normal irrigation cultivation. The results showed that N uptake of unflooded rice and N derived from fertilizer (NDFF) of root, stem, and grain under mulching cultivation were lower than that under cultivation without mulching. However, the NDFF of rice under unflooded cultivation was higher than that under normal irrigation cultivation. The N utilization has been greatly enhanced under unflooded cultivation without mulching and unflooded plastic film cultivation with mulching as compared with normal irrigation. At the same time, there was no significant difference on the N uptake of unflooded rice among different ways of mulching cultivations. During the growth period of rice, no prominent differences were found in the soil residue, recovery, and N losses of fertilizer except the N uptake of rice between unflooded mulching and normal irrigation. The yield of rice under film mulching and straw mulching cultivation was higher than that of cultivation without mulching in the condition of unflooded cultivation, whereas the yield of rice under irrigation cultivation was higher than that under unflooded cultivation.  相似文献   

A pot experiment investigated the effects of iron (Fe) fertilization on cadmium (Cd) uptake by rice seedlings irrigated with Cd solution. Shoot dry weight was significantly affected by Fe addition, and root dry weight was affected by Cd addition. Iron supply was the dominant factor affecting the length of the longest leaf and the soil and plant analyzer development (SPAD) value. Cadmium concentrations were much greater in roots than in dithionite–citrate–bicarbonate (DCB) extracts or shoots, and a significant correlation was found between shoot Fe and Cd concentrations. Enhanced Cd uptake observed at high Fe supply implies that enhanced Fe nutrition may counteract the adverse effects of Cd on plants.  相似文献   

水稻节水栽培的生态和环境效应   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  
综述了节水栽培对稻田生态条件及温室气体生成和排放、肥料流失污染、稻田矿质营养平衡与水肥耦合效应以及病虫草害发生动态等方面的影响。在此基础上,提出了今后应加强水稻节水栽培对农田生态的综合效应、水稻节水栽培的高效灌溉指标及水肥耦合效应、水稻节水栽培对农田病虫草害发生的影响、对土壤中盐分运移及再分布的影响以及无公害可降解的地膜覆盖旱作配套栽培技术等方面的研究  相似文献   

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