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Potassium (K) fixation and release in soil are important issues in long‐term sustainability of a cropping system. Fixation and release behavior of potassium were studied in the surface and subsurface horizons in five benchmark soil series, viz. Dhar, Gurdaspur, Naura, Ladowal, and Nabha, under rice–wheat cropping system in the Indo‐Gangetic plains of India. Potassium fixation was noted by adding six rates of K varying from 0 to 500 mg kg?1 soil in plastic beakers while K release characteristics were studied by repeated extractions with 1 M HNO3 and 1 M NH4OAc extractants. The initial status of K was satisfactory to adequate. Potassium fixation of added K increased with the rate of added K irrespective of soil mineralogy and soil depth. Soils rich in K (Ladowal and Nabha) fixed lower amounts (18–42%) of added K as compared to Gurdaspur, Dhar, and Naura (44.6–86.4%) soils low in K. The unit fertilizer requirement for unit increase in available K was more in low‐K soils. The study highlights the need for more studies on K fixation in relation to the associated minerals in a particular soil. Potassium‐release parameters such as total extractable K, total step K, and CR‐K varied widely in different soil series, indicating wide variation in the K‐supplying capacity of these soils. K released with 1 M NH4OAc extractant was 20–33% of that obtained with 1 M HNO3. Total extractable K using 1 M HNO3 varied from 213 to 528 mg kg?1 and NH4OAc‐extractable K ranged from 71 to 312 mg kg?1 soil in surface and subsurface layers of different soil series. The Ladowal and Nabha series showed higher rates of K release than Gurdaspur, Dhar, and Naura series, indicating their greater K‐supplying capacity.  相似文献   

Different fractions of potassium (K) and the kinetics of K release as influenced by 21 cycles of rice–rice cropping with different rates of fertilizers and manuring were investigated on an Aeric Haplaquept (kaolinitic Inceptisol) soil profile from Bhubaneswar, India. The neutral 1 N ammonium acetate–extractable K in the surface soil layer (0–15 cm) increased from its initial value of 11.2 mg K kg?1 to 14.8, 14.2, and 17.5 mg K kg?1 soil in different treatments. However, the nonexchangeable K content in the surface soil layer dropped considerably to a level of 4.8–20.0 mg K kg?1 soil. Cumulative nonexchangeable K release after 121 h of extraction with 0.01 M calcium chloride (CaCl2) was <14 mg K kg?1. The first-order kinetic model best described the nonexchangeable K release. The decrease in pH and increase in iron (Fe) content indicated the possibilities of K supply to plants through the dissolution of soil minerals.  相似文献   

Being divided into three groups-strong,moderate and weak-according to the different kinetic parameters (Fmax,km,Cmin) of potassium uptake by crops,21 cultivars of rice have been studied to find out the relationships between their potassium nutrition and the oxidation-reduction status in the rhizosphere soils. Results show that,with no application of K fertilizer,there were higher contents of active reducing substances and ferrous iron in rhizosphere soils planted with cultivars,such as Zhongguo 91,week in absorbing potassium than in soils cropped with cultivars,Shanyou 64,stronger in absorbing potassium.As a result of K application,however,these toxic substances were decreased appreciably in the soil,particularly in the root zone where weakly K-absorbing sultivars were growing,and the parameter of soil redox (pH pE) was increased,the most striking example of this being found in the rhizosphere soil where the more strongly K-absorbing sultivars were growing.On and close to the root surface in soils where rice plants were supplied with potassium fertilizer,rather more iron oxide had been accumulated compared with rice receiving no potash,and even greater amounts of red iron oxide precipitated on the rice root in neutral paddy soils.As shown by the concentration distribution of active reducing substances and ferrous iron in a microzone of the profile,the redox range of rice roots supplied with potassium may extend as far as several centimeters from the root surface.It can thus be seen that potassium nutrition exerts its effect first on the morphological properties of rice roots and their exudation of oxygen,then on the content of soluble oxygen and the count and species of oxygen-consuming microbes in the rhizosphere soil,and finally on the redox status of the soil.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) is an important index of soil quality because of its relationship with crop yield. The application of organic matter to soil is a significant method for increasing SOM. Different organic materials have varying effects in increasing SOM. This study investigates the effects of combining different sources of organic matter (i.e., compost, leguminous green manure, and peat) with a chemical nitrogen (N) fertilizer on the growth and N accumulation in corn and rice plants. This study examines seven treatments, including a no-fertilization check and a conventional chemical fertilizer treatment. Shoots of corn and rice were sampled at the tasseling (panicle initiation for rice) and maturity stages. The biomass yield was measured and the total N was analyzed. At the maturity stage, the soil samples were collected to determine the chemical properties. The results showed that a small percentage of the N in the compost and peat, after their application, was available to the crop during the growth season; the production of biomass and N absorption among rice and corn plants was minimal compared to that treated with chemical N fertilizer. The application of compost and peat resulted in SOM accumulation, particularly with peat. However, the application of compost combined with chemical fertilizer not only produced sufficient nutrients for crop growth but also resulted in an accumulation of SOM, which is vital for enhancing the soil quality. Most of the N in green manure (GM) was mineralized shortly after application, causing excessive growth of rice and corn plants during the early stage, but reducing their reproductive growth and grain yield.  相似文献   

India imports large amounts of rock phosphate (RP) and potassium (K) fertilizers from other countries; hence, research priorities have been directed toward finding alternative sources of phosphorus (P) and K fertilizers. This study focuses on the transformations of P and K in soil amended with RP and waste mica–enriched compost. The enriched compost had greater total P, K, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), micronutrients, and biological properties than ordinary compost. In a wheat–soybean rotation, application of 5 t ha?1 enriched compost along with 50% of the recommended rate of inorganic fertilizer resulted in increased concentrations of saloid P, iron (Fe) P, aluminum (Al) P, Ca-P, occluded P, water-soluble K, exchangeable K, and nonexchangeable K over unfertilized plots. In addition, plots that received enriched compost had greater microbial biomass and phosphatase activities than unfertilized plots. Thus, enriched compost could be an alternative source of water-soluble P and K fertilizers for crop production.  相似文献   

In a long‐term maize–wheat rotation at the Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India (subtropical climate), the effects of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) addition on soil fertility and forms of inorganic P and K in the plow layer of an alkaline sandy loam soil were measured after 11 and 22 years of cropping. The treatments comprised four rates of N (0, 60, 120, and 180 kg N ha?1) as urea, three rates of P (0, 17.5, and 35 kg P ha?1) as single superphosphate, and two rates of K (0 and 33 kg K ha?1) as muriate of potash. The treatments selected for the present study were N0P0K0, N120P0K0, N120P17.5K0, N120P35K0, N120P17.5K33, and N120P35K33. A significant year × treatment interaction in decreasing available N [alkaline potassium permanganate (KMnO4)–oxidizable N) status of soils was found in all the treatments. Available P (Olsen P) in the control plot decreased over time whereas in plots with added P, available P increased significantly after years 11 and 22, with the greatest increase in the N120P17.5Ko treatment. Compared to the initial values, continuous P fertilization resulted in greater total P and chloride P concentrations after 11 and 22 years. Although sodium hydroxide (NaOH) P and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) P increased in P‐treated plots from the start of the trial to year 11, they decreased from year 11 to year 22. Among these inorganic P forms, chloride P was significantly positively correlated with P uptake (r = 0.811*). When only N and P were applied, available K [ammonium acetate (NH4OAc)–extractable K] significantly decreased over time. In plots without K addition, water‐soluble and exchangeable K decreased from their initial status. Compared to year 11, water‐soluble K increased, whereas exchangeable K decreased after year 22 in plots receiving no K fertilizer. Compared with NPK treatments, a significant decrease of total K in NP treatment plots suggests the release and uptake of nonexchangeable K. Water‐soluble K and exchangeable K were not correlated with K uptake. These results suggest that long‐term application of P fertilizers resulted in the accumulation of P in the soil, which could have resulted in saturation of P binding sites. Of the soil inorganic P fractions, only chloride P appears to be a good indicator of plant‐available P. The gradual loss in native soil K and release of nonexchangeable K indicates the need for adding K fertilizer to maintain soil fertility.  相似文献   

The status of available macronutrients [phosphorus (P) and potassium (K)] and soil organic carbon (SOC) of the surface soil under a rice–wheat cropping system was studied in 40 districts of the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) of India. The soil samples were collected from the farmers' fields in four transects (Trans-, Upper, Middle, and Lower Gangetic Plains) of the IGP. The selection of farmers, villages, blocks, and districts within an agro-climatic zone (ACZ) was done on the basis of a multistage statistical approach. The available macronutrients were characterized as low, medium, and high. In Trans-Gangetic Plains, SOC, available P, and available K were in the ranges of 0.06–0.86%, 6.7–85.1 kg ha?1, and 50–347 kg ha?1, respectively. In Upper Gangetic Plains, the respective values were in the ranges of 0.05–2.55%, 4.5–155.0 kg ha?1, and 45 to 560 kg ha?1. Similarly, in Middle Gangetic Plains, these values were in the ranges of 0.04–2.01%, 4.7–183.7 kg ha?1, and 72–554 kg ha?1, respectively. In Lower Gangetic Plains, respective values were 0.12–1.78%, 2.2–112.0 kg ha?1, and 83–553 kg ha?1. In Trans-Gangetic plains, the majority of the soils in the midplains ACZ representing intensively cultivated rice–wheat system area were low to medium in SOC and available P, whereas available K status was medium to high. Irrespective of the agroclimatic variations, more than 90% of the soils were low to medium in SOC and available P with a marginal deficiency of K. The majority of the coarse-textured soils in Shiwaliks were found to have low to medium SOC and available P, whereas less intensively cultivated arid zone soils were high in SOC, available P, and available K. In Upper and Middle Gangetic Plains, the majority of the soils tested medium for SOC and medium to high in available P and K. The dominance of medium status of available P in these soils could be due to mining of soil P by the rice–wheat cropping system practiced in these regions for more than 300 years. In Lower Gangetic Plains, the SOC was medium to high in most of the soils, whereas available P and K were high. Recent introduction of the rice–wheat system on intensive scale in these traditionally rice-growing areas resulted in less mining of SOC, P, and K.  相似文献   

An experiment using rhizobox was conducted to study Si,Fe and Mn distributions in rice rhizosphere of red earths and paddy soils.It was found that Si,Fe and Mn diftributions in rhizosphere of the paddy soils were characterized by a depleted zone around root suface,beyond which the concentrations gradually rost.From lmm layer to 2mm layer the concentrations dropped and then rose again.Whereas Si and Fe in red earths showed no depleted zone but even accumulated zone around root surface.Mn showed an approximately even distribution in each layer and no depletion was found in root surface layers.This indicated that during rice (Oryza sativa L.)plantation,depletion and accumulation of Si,Fe and Mn in rhizosphere were important features of matured red earths by water culture.The distribution changes of Si,Fe and Mn in relation to soil-root interaction are also discussed.  相似文献   


Quantitative assessment of soil nitrogen (N) that will become available is important for determining fertilizer needs of crops. Nitrogen‐supplying capacity of soil to rice and wheat was quantified by establishing zero‐N plots at on‐farm locations to which all nutrients except N were adequately supplied. Nitrogen uptake in zero‐N plots ranged from 41.4 to 110.3 kg N ha?1 for rice and 33.7 to 123.4 kg N ha?1 for wheat. Availability of soil N was also studied using oxidative, hydrolytic, and autoclaving indices, salt‐extraction indices, light‐absorption indices, and aerobic and anaerobic incubation indices. These were correlated with yield and N uptake by rice and wheat in zero‐N plots. Nitrogen extracted by alkaline KMnO4 and phosphate borate buffer and nitrogen mineralized under aerobic incubation were satisfactory indices of soil N supply. For rice, 2 M KCl and alkaline KMnO4 were the best N‐availability indices. Thus, alkaline KMnO4 should prove a quick and reliable indicator of indigenous soil N supply in soils under a rice–wheat cropping system.  相似文献   


Rice–wheat cropping system covers about 24 million hectares in China, India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh, and zinc deficiency is widespread in rice–wheat belts of all these five countries. The current practice of applying zinc sulfate heptahydrate (ZnSO4 · 7H2O) to soil is problematic because of the poor quality of the nutrients available in the market to the farmers. Zinc (Zn)–coated urea is therefore being manufactured to guarantee a good‐quality Zn source. This article reports the results from a field study conducted to study the relative efficiency of zinc sulfate and zinc oxide (ZnO)–coated ureas in rice–wheat cropping system. The highest grain yield of rice–wheat cropping system was obtained with 2.0% coating of urea. Zinc sulfate was also a better coating material than ZnO. Partial factor productivity, agronomic efficiency, apparent recovery, and physiological efficiency of applied Zn decreased as the level of Zn coating was increased.  相似文献   

In this study, efficacies of mined gypsum and phosphogypsum (PG), when applied at equivalent doses, were compared for sodic soil reclamation and productivity of rice–wheat system. Application of PG, followed by karnal grass as first crop, resulted in the greatest reduction of soil pH and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) followed by PG applied at 10 Mg ha?1 alone. Application of PG at 10 Mg ha?1 resulted in greater yields of both rice and wheat than other treatments. Ditheylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable micronutrients of PG-treated soil were greater than in mined gypsum–treated soil. A greater portion of applied P entered the calcium (Ca)–phosphorus (P) fraction in PG-treated soil, which also resulted in more soluble P than the mined gypsum–treated soil. Phosphogypsum effected greater increase in aggregation, soil organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon, and aggregate associated carbon and decrease in zeta potential, leading to increased hydraulic conductivity and moisture retention capacity in soil over mined gypsum–treated soil.  相似文献   

A study was conducted at Hyderabad during 2009–11 to determine phosphorus (P) dose for ricerice and rice–sunflower. Available P increased when 100% recommended P dose (RDP) was applied. P applied to rice gave at par yield under 100 or 75% RDP. In rice–rice, grain yield of 5668 and 5775 kg ha?1 in kharif (5654 and 5760 kg ha?1 in rabi) were attained with P@75 and 100% RDP. Kharif P residual effect in rabi affected rice yield. P@100/75% RDP in kharif and rabi gave grain of 5916/5973 and straw 6230/6673 kg ha?1. P applied to sunflower revealed that yield was similar with 100 or 75% RDP. Sunflower yield was at par with P@100 or 75% RDP. 25% RDP in rice and sunflower may be reduced to attain similar yield of 100% RDP. In rice–rice, grain yield attained by 100% RDP in both seasons was 11.42t ha?1 yr?1, while 75% RDP gave yield of 11.45t ha?1yr?1.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of the available potassium (K+) supplied by calcareous soils in arid and semi‐arid regions is becoming more important. Exchangeable K+, determined by ammonium acetate (NH4OAc), might not be the best predictor of the soil K+ available to crops in soils containing micaceous minerals. The effectiveness of different extraction methods for the prediction of K‐supplying capacities and quantity–intensity relationships was studied in 10 calcareous soils in western Iran. Total K+ uptake by wheat grown in the greenhouse was used to measure plant‐available soil K+. The following methods extracted increasingly higher average amounts of soil K+: 0.025 M H2SO4 (45 mg K+ kg?1), 1 M NaCl (92 mg K+ kg?1), 0.01 M CaCl2 (104 mg K+ kg?1), 0.1 M BaCl2 (126 mg K+ kg?1), and 1 M NH4OAc (312 mg K+ kg?1). Potassium extracted by 0.01 M CaCl2, 1 M NaCl, 0.1 M BaCl2, and 0.025 M H2SO4 showed higher correlation with K+ uptake by the crop (P < 0.01) than did NH4OAc (P < 0.05), which is used to extract K+ in the soils of the studied area. There were significant correlations among exchangeable K+ adsorbed on the planar surfaces of soils (labile K+) and K+ plant uptake and K+ extracted by all extractants. It would appear that both 0.01 M CaCl2 and 1 M NaCl extractants and labile K+ may provide the most useful prediction of K+ uptake by plants in these calcareous soils containing micaceous minerals.  相似文献   

A two-year field study (2003–2004 and 2004–2005) on the effects of four sulfur (S) levels (0, 15, 30, and 45 kg ha?1) in an onion–maize system revealed that S application in onion up to 30 kg ha?1 significantly increased fresh and dry bulb and foliage yield over the previous levels of 0 and 15 kg ha?1 (direct effect). In maize (residual effect) and onion–maize sequence as a whole (direct?+?residual effects), the same trend was visible. Sulfur additions beyond 30 kg ha?1 reduced the yields (economic yields as well as foliage/straw yields) of individual crops of onion, maize, and sequence (onion?+?maize) to the level of either 15 kg ha?1 or even the control. Sulfur-use efficiencies (kg yield kg?1 S) at S doses of 15, 30, and 45 kg ha?1, over no S, were 373, 303, and 109; 43, 63, and 2; and 413, 367, and 111 in onion, maize, and onion?+?maize, respectively. The utilizations of S added at three rates by onion, maize and onion?+?maize were 21.3, 16.7, and 9.1%; 2.0, 10.7, and –0.4%; and 23.3, 27.3 and 8.4%, respectively.  相似文献   


Potassium (K)‐release characteristics (PRC) of soil play a significant role in supplying available K. Information about PRC in the Hamadan soils is limited. The objective of this research was to study the PRC in nine soils from the Hamadan province by successive extraction with 0.01 M CaCl2 over a period of 2000 h. The correlation of kinetic equation rate constants with soil properties and garlic indices was also studied. The release of K was initially rapid. More than 60% of the total K released during the first 168 h. The amount of K released after 168 h varied among soils and ranged from 292.8 to 736.8 mg kg?1. The amount of K released after 2000 h was significantly correlated with K extracted by 1 M HNO3, 0.01 M CaCl2, and 0.1 M BaCl2, whereas it was not significantly correlated with other soil properties. Potassium‐release characteristics were evaluated using five kinetic equations. Statistical analysis showed that the Elovich equation described the K‐release kinetics. A plot of other equations shows a discontinuity in slope at 168 h. Thus, two equations were applied to segments of the total reaction time (2 to 168 and 168 to 2000 h). The release‐rate constants (slope) in segment 1 are higher than in segment 2. The release‐rate constant of the Elovich equation and the zero‐order equation in two segments were significantly correlated with 1 M HNO3, 0.01 M CaCl2, and 0.1 M BaCl2. Rate constants of the other equations were not significantly correlated with soil properties. The release‐rate constants of the Elovich equation and release‐rate constants of the zero‐order equation in two segments were significantly correlated with garlic indices. Rate constants of other equations were not significantly correlated with garlic indices. The results of this research showed that the Elovich and zero‐order equations can be used to describe K‐release characteristics.  相似文献   

Plant availability of potassium (K) in soils is controlled by dynamic interactions among its different pools. Potassium quantity–intensity (Q/I) parameters were determined to relate them to bean plant indices in a pot experiment. The results showed that the activity ratio at equilibrium (ARk) ranged from 0.015 to 0.358 (mmol L?1)0.50, the potential buffering capacity (PBC) ranged from 7.54 to 26.32 mmol kg?1/(mmol L?1)0.50, the labile K (Δk°) ranged from 9.1 to 112.2 mg kg?1, and the K adsorbed at specific sites (Kx) ranged from 6.51 to 69.69 mg kg?1. The results of pot experiment showed that some K Q/I parameters were significantly correlated with some plant indices. Also, the correlation study showed that readily exchangeable K was significantly correlated with K Q/I parameters except Kx. The results of this research show that the K Q/I method can be used for estimating of soil K availability for bean.  相似文献   


Soil fertility and water use are two important aspects that influence rice productivity. This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of in-situ (sesbania and rice bean) and ex-situ (subabul) green manuring along with zinc fertilization on water productivity and soil fertility in rice under rice–wheat cropping system at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India. Sesbania incorporation recorded higher total water productivity (2.20 and 3.24 kg ha?1 mm?1), available soil nutrients, organic carbon, alkaline phosphatase activity, microbial biomass carbon and increased soil dehydrogenase activity by 39.6 and 26.8% over subabul and rice bean respectively. Among interaction of green manures and zinc fertilization, subabul × foliar application of chelated zinc-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid at 20, 40, 60 and 80 days after transplanting recorded highest total water productivity (2.56 and 3.79 kg ha?1 mm?1). Foliar application of chelated Zn-EDTA at 20, 40, 60 and 80 days after transplanting recorded significantly higher water productivity than other Zn treatments, however it was statistically similar with foliar application of zinc at active tillering + flowering + grain filling. Sesbania × 5 kg Zn ha?1 through chelated Zn-EDTA, recorded highest available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, manganese, copper and iron than other green manure and Zn fertilization interactions, although it was statistically similar with rice bean × 5 kg Zn ha?1 through chelated Zn-EDTA as soil application. Sesbania × foliar application of 5 kg Zn ha?1 through chelated Zn-EDTA as soil application recorded highest soil enzymatic activities and microbial biomass carbon.  相似文献   

A comparison was made between a long-term rice–wheat cultivation with fertilizer nitrogen–phosphorus–potassium (NPK) or added organics [farmyard manure (FYM), paddy straw (PS), green manure (GM)] and a permanent fallow on bulk density (BD), saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), available water capacity (AWC), maximum water-holding capacity (MWHC), aggregation, and soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics on an Inceptisol of humid subtropics of eastern India. Continuous cropping caused a net decrease in SOC content. Undisturbed fallow was comparable to soils with FYM, PS, and GM amendments in structural and hydrophysical properties. Maximum WHC and AWC values were in the order of FYM followed by PS, GM, fallow, NPK, and control. The relative efficacy of the organics for physical buildup was FYM > PS > GM, which increased structural indices. This study represents further steps toward understanding the ecological importance of fallow management and integrated use of balanced fertilizer and organics.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for 3 years during 2006–2009 in India to study the effects of plant nutrient recycling through crop residue management, green manuring, and fertility levels on yield attributes, crop productivity, nutrient uptake, and biofertility indicators of soil health in a rice–wheat cropping system. The study revealed that soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) and carbon dioxide (CO2) evolution were significantly greatest under crop residue incorporation (CRI) + Sesbania green manuring (SGM) treatment and were found at levels of 364 μg g?1 soil and 1.75 μg g?1 soil h?1, respectively; these were increased significantly by recycling of organic residues. Activities of dehydrogenase and phosphatase enzymes increased significantly after 3 years, with maximum activity under CRI + SGM treatment. The CRI with or without SGM significantly influenced the plant height, number of tillers m?2, number of grains panicle?1 or ear?1, and 1000-grain weight. Mean yield data of rice and wheat revealed that CRI or crop residue burning (CRB) resulted in slightly greater yield over crop residue removal (CRR) treatment. The CRI + SGM treatment again observed significantly greatest grain yields of 7.54 and 5.84 t ha?1 and straw yields of 8.42 and 6.36 t ha?1 in rice and wheat, respectively, over other crop residue management treatments. Total nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) uptake in rice–wheat system was greatest with amounts of 206.7, 37.2, and 205.6 kg ha?1, respectively, in CRI + SGM treatment. Fertility levels significantly influenced the rice and wheat yield with greatest grain yields of 6.66 and 5.68 t ha?1 and straw yields of 7.94 and 5.89 t ha?1 in rice and wheat, respectively, with the application of 150% of recommended NPK. Total NPK uptake in rice–wheat system also increased significantly with increase in fertility levels with greatest magnitude by supplying 150% of recommended NPK. Overall, nutrient recycling through incorporation of crop residues and Sesbania green manuring along with inorganics greatly improved the crop productivity, nutrient uptake, and biofertility indicators of soil health with substantial influence on SMBC, CO2 evolution, and dehydrogenase and phosphatase enzyme activities. This indicates that crop residue management along with Sesbania green manuring practice could be a better option for nutrient recycling to sustain the crop productivity and soil health in intensive rice–wheat cropping system in India as well as in similar global agroecological situations, especially in China, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.  相似文献   

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