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Agricultural productivity is increasingly becoming dependent upon soil fertility, which is generally thought to be supplemented through the application of nutrients mainly through inorganic fertilizers. The present study aims to characterize the soil physical environment in relation to long-term application of farmyard manure (FYM) and inorganic fertilizers in a maize–wheat cropping system. The treatments in both the maize and wheat systems included a control (without any fertilizer or FYM), FYM (farmyard manure at 20 t ha?1), N100 (nitrogen at 100 kg ha?1), N100P50 (nitrogen and phosphorus at 100 and 50 kg ha?1), and N100P50K50 (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potash at 100, 50, and 50 kg ha?1). The treatments were replicated four times in a randomized complete block design in sandy loam soil. The root mass density in surface layers of both the crops was lower in FYM and higher in inorganic fertilizer plots. The root length density was found to be highest in FYM-treated plots and lowest in control plots. The periodic soil matric suction during wheat following maize remained highest in FYM plots followed by that in N100 plots in all the layers. The soil water storage of wheat at harvest (rice–wheat) was highest (21.1 cm) in control and lowest (17.8 cm) in FYM-treated plots. The soil water status, root growth, and crop performance improved with balanced fertilization.  相似文献   

Crop Yield, N Uptake and Nitrates in a Fluvo-Aquic Soil Profile   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

A reliable soil test is needed for estimating mercury (Hg) availability to crop plants. In this study, four extraction procedures including 0.1 M hydrochloric acid (HCl), 1 M ammonium acetate (NH4OAc) (pH 7.0), 0.005 M diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA), and 0.1 M calcium chloride (CaCl2) (pH5.0) were compared for their adequacy in predicting soil Hg availability to crop plants of a rice–cabbage–radish rotation system. The amounts of Hg extracted by each of the four procedures increased with increasing equilibrium time. The optimal time required for extraction of soil Hg was approximately 30 min, though it varied slightly among the four extractants. The amounts of Hg extracted decreased with increasing soil/solution ratio, and a soil/solution ratio of 1:5 appeared to be adequate for soil Hg availability tests. The amounts of Hg extracted increased in the order of NH4OAc < CaCl2 < DTPA < HCl in silty loam soil (SLS) soil, and the order was NH4OAc < CaCl2 ≈ DTPA < HCl in yellowish red soil (YRS) soil. Significant positive correlations among the four extractants were obtained in SLS soil. In contrast, the correlations were poor in YRS soil, especially for HCl. There were significant correlations between concentrations of Hg in edible tissue of three plants and the amounts of soil Hg extractable to the four extractants for soil–rice system and soil–radish system, but not for soil–Chinese cabbage system. The 0.1M HCl extraction overall provided the best estimation of soil‐available Hg and could be used to predict phytoavailability of Hg in soil–crop systems.  相似文献   

Although many studies have examined the effect of different application rates of cattle manure, swine manure, and urea fertilizer on the distribution of phosphorus (P) fractions in soil, few studies have correlated P fractions in soil with inorganic P (Pi) and organic P (Po) in leachates. As part of a long-term field study, cattle and swine manures were applied to a loamy soil based on a nitrogen (N) content equivalent of 100 (low) and 400 (high) kg total N ha?1 yr?1 and were compared to urea fertilizer at 100 kg N ha?1 yr?1 and an unamended control soil. Readily available Pi [resin and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)] was significantly greater in cattle manure– and swine manure–amended soil at a high application rate than in the control. With some exceptions, urea did not significantly affect P fractions in sequentially extracted P pools. Leaching of Pi and Po was at levels of environmental concern when cattle and swine manures were applied at the high application rate but not at the low application rate. Cattle manure had significantly greater concentrations of Pi and Po removed by leaching compared to swine manure, most likely because of its narrow N/P ratio and greater amount of P added. Positive correlations were observed between resin Pi and total leachate Pi and between NaHCO3-Pi and total leachate Pi, indicating the value of these measurements in predicting P mobility. The results suggest that a threshold (40 μg P g?1 of soil) must be exceeded before a positive correlation occurs.  相似文献   

India imports large amounts of rock phosphate (RP) and potassium (K) fertilizers from other countries; hence, research priorities have been directed toward finding alternative sources of phosphorus (P) and K fertilizers. This study focuses on the transformations of P and K in soil amended with RP and waste mica–enriched compost. The enriched compost had greater total P, K, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), micronutrients, and biological properties than ordinary compost. In a wheat–soybean rotation, application of 5 t ha?1 enriched compost along with 50% of the recommended rate of inorganic fertilizer resulted in increased concentrations of saloid P, iron (Fe) P, aluminum (Al) P, Ca-P, occluded P, water-soluble K, exchangeable K, and nonexchangeable K over unfertilized plots. In addition, plots that received enriched compost had greater microbial biomass and phosphatase activities than unfertilized plots. Thus, enriched compost could be an alternative source of water-soluble P and K fertilizers for crop production.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted in a phosphorus (P)–deficient acidic alfisol of the northwestern Himalayas using three vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) cultures: a local culture developed by CSK Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University, Palampur (Glomus mosseae), VAM culture from Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi (Glomus mosseae), and a culture from the Centre for Mycorrhizal Research, The Energy Research Institute (TERI), New Delhi (Glomus intraradices). These were applied alone or in combination with 25 to 75% of recommended P2O5 and recommended nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) based on soil-test crop response (STCR) precision model with an absolute control, farmers’ practice, and 100% of recommended P2O5 dose based on the STCR model. The results revealed that sole application of either of the three VAM cultures have produced 2.68 to 9.81% and 25.06 to 28.62% greater grain yield than the control in soybean and wheat crops, respectively. Besides greater straw yield, NPK uptake as well as soil nutrient buildup increased. Increase in P fertilization from 25 to 75% of recommended P2O5 dose coupled with VAM inoculation with either of the three VAM cultures resulted in consistent and significant improvement in crop productivity (grain and straw yields), NPK uptake, and improved soil nutrient status, though significantly greatest magnitude was obtained with sole application of 100% of the recommended P2O5 dose. The targeted grain yields of soybean (25 q ha?1) and wheat (30 q ha?1) were achievable with 75% of recommended P2O5 dose along with mycorrhizal biofertilizers, thereby indicating that application of efficient VAM fungi with 75% of recommended P2O5 dose can economize the STCR precision model fertilizer P dose by about 25% without impairing crop yield targets or soil fertility in a soybean-based cropping system in an acidic alfisol.  相似文献   

This work aims to evaluate the soil physical properties affected by cover crop rotation and soil management in a long-term experiment in southern Brazil. The experiment was established in 1986, with treatments combining six winter treatments and two tillage systems (conventional and no tillage). Bulk density, porosity, aggregate-size class distribution, and organic carbon content of the aggregates were determined at six depths. Bulk density was not affected by tillage systems and winter treatments. The soil disturbance by plowing enhanced the macroporosity, decreased the microporosity, and promoted the formation of smaller aggregate size, in comparison to no tillage. Apart from the soil management, all winter species increased the greater aggregate-size classes, mean weight diameter, geometric mean diameter, and aggregate stability index compared to the fallow treatments. At the no-till treatments, the greater part of sequestered carbon into the soil was stored into the lower and bigger soil aggregates.  相似文献   


Most agricultural soils in the Indian River area, South Florida, are sandy with minimal holding capacity for moisture and nutrients. Phosphorus (P) leaching from these soils has been suspected of contributing to the eutrophication of surface waters in this region. Dolomite phosphate rock (DPR) and N‐viro soil are promising amendments to increase crop production and reduce P loss from sandy soils. Soil incubation and greenhouse pot experiments were conducted to examine the effects of Florida DPR–N‐viro soil mixtures on the growth of a horticultural crop in an acidic sandy soil and to generate information for developing a desired formula of soil amendments. Dolomite phosphate rock and N–viro soil application increased soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC), extractable P, calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg). N–viro soil had greater effect on soil pH, organic matter content, and microbial biomass than the DPR. Comparatively higher nitrification rates were found in the N–viro soil treatment than the DPR treatment. A systematic decrease in soil‐extractable P was found with increasing proportions of N‐viro soil from the combined amendments. Greenhouse study demonstrated that the application of DPR and N‐viro soil significantly improved dry‐matter yield and increased plant P, Ca, and Mg concentrations of radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Based on dry‐matter yield and plant N uptake, the combined amendments that contained 30% or 20% of DPR materials appear to be optimal but remain to be confirmed by field trials.  相似文献   

A field experiment established in 1997 was conducted to study the effect of long-term N fertilizer application on N mineralization in a paddy soil determined using a laboratory anaerobic incubation followed with a field incubation and to measure the relationship between in situ N mineralization and crop N uptake. To estimate N mineralization in the laboratory, soil samples were collected from plots with N application at different rates for six years and were incubated. Soils treated with fertilizer N mineralized more N than unfertilized soils and mineralization increased with N application rates. Also, the fraction of total N mineralized increased with increasing N fertilizer application. These findings meant that a substantial portion of previously applied N could be recovered slowly over time in subsequent crops. The field incubation of the plot receiving no fertilizer N showed that the NH4^+-N concentration varied greatly during the rice-growing season and seasonal changes of N mineralization were due more to accumulation of NH4^+-N than NO3^-N. Hice N uptake increased up to a maximum of 82 kg N ha^-1 during the season. The close agreement found between in situ N mineralization and rice N uptake suggested that the measurement of in situ N mineralization could provide useful recommendations for adequate fertilizer N application.  相似文献   

Labile fractions of soil organic C (SOC) can respond rapidly to changes in C supply and are considered to be important indicators of soil quality. An attempt is made in this paper to investigate into the dynamics of total organic C (C tot), oxidisable organic C (C oc), very labile C (C frac 1), labile C (C frac 2), less labile C (C frac 3), non-labile C (C frac 4), microbial biomass C (C mic), mineralizable C (C min) and particulate organic C (C p) in relation to the system productivity of a 20-year-old rice (Oryza sativa L)–berseem (Trifolium alexandrium L) cropping system with different management strategies [no fertilization, only NPK and NPK + FYM (farmyard manure) applied in different seasons] in the hot humid, subtropics of India. Cultivation over the years caused a net decrease, while balanced fertilization with NPK maintained the SOC. About 62% of the C applied as FYM was stabilized into SOC. The passive pool (C frac 3 + C frac 4) constituted about 55% of the C tot. A larger proportion (63%) of applied C was stabilized in the passive pool of SOC. Of the analysed pools, C frac 1, C mic, C p and C min were influenced most by the treatments imposed and explained higher per cent variability in the yield of the crops.  相似文献   

Climate warming and increased climate variability are both predicted to increase the frequency of soil freeze–thaw cycles in temperate regions. We exposed intact soil-plant mesocosms to freeze–thaw cycles and examined the effects on nitrogen leaching losses. Freezing treatments were performed by incubating the mesocosms in the soil with their tops exposed to air to impose freezing from the top down, such that realistic freezing rates and cycle amplitudes were experienced across the soil profile. Leaching events were then initiated by water addition the following day for both the freezing treatment and control mesocosms. While water addition alone explained the major part of soluble organic nitrogen leaching, nitrate leaching approximately doubled in response to freeze–thaw cycles, and nitrogen leaching remained high after 11 freeze–thaw cycles. In a second experiment, pulses of warming were applied in situ to mesocosms over fall, winter or spring, in order to melt snow, and thereby increase freeze–thaw cycling by exposing soils to diurnal fluctuations in air temperature. Warming pulses had little effect on sub-surface soil temperatures and no effect on soil nitrogen leaching. However, warming pulses over spring severely reduced the abundance of the legume Coronilla varia in the following growing season. Overall, the results of these experiments indicate that while increased soil freeze–thaw cycles combined with leaching events are capable of increasing soil nitrogen losses, warming pulses will only promote increased freeze–thaw cycles if they are followed by cold, snow-free weather. The strong effect of warming on the N-fixer C. varia highlights that changes in plant species composition in response to warming may have stronger implications for soil nitrogen dynamics than the direct effects of freeze–thaw cycles on soil nitrogen leaching losses.  相似文献   


In this article, the responses of three important crops (rice, wheat, and soybeans) to applied phosphorous (P) were examined and economically optimum P fertilizer recommendations using the Mitscherlich–Bray model were derived for the three crops at four locations in India. Crop‐yield responses were related to extractable P concentrations estimated by the Olsen method, employing a modification of Mitscherlich's equation. The parameters were considered reliable enough to use for the estimation of fertilizer recommendations at different fertilizer cost–price ratios (p) and marginal rate of return (R). The b parameter value explains how much soil P can substitute for fertilizer P. Thus, for each incremental unit of extractable P, fertilizer P could be reduced by 2.0, 2.9, 1.5, and 1.5 kg P/ha for rice (Periyar), rice (Bhubaneswar), wheat (Hisar), and soybean (Raipur), respectively. Optimum fertilizer rates for rice, wheat, and soybean were generated for different soil P fertility levels. There is also need for such information for other soils and crops.  相似文献   

A 2-year field experiment was conducted to study the influence of three planting methods (Happy Seeder, Straw Chopper + Zero Tillage, and Conventional tillage) and four nitrogen rates (control, 75, 100, and 125% of recommended nitrogen) on the chemical and biological properties of soil. The results revealed that after soybean harvest, dehydrogenase activity and population of Bradyrhizobium sp. (LSBR 3) and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) were increased significantly in Happy Seeder sowing and Straw Chopper + Zero Tillage sowing than conventional sowing and population of Bradyrhizobium sp. significantly increased up to the 100% nitrogen level. There was no significant effect of different planting methods on soil chemical properties. Organic carbon and available nitrogen were increased significantly with an increase in the nitrogen level up to 100% nitrogen (N).  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(12):2343-2364

A two‐year study (1997–1999) was conducted on a sandy clay loam (Typic Paleudult) at the experimental farm of the Universiti Putra to determine the effects of application of crop residues on changes of some soil properties in a maize (Zea mays L.)–groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) crop rotation system. Five crops of a rotation of sweet corn–groundnut–sweet corn–groundnut–sweet corn were sown with three treatments: recommended inorganic fertilizer [nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)] with crop residue (T1), recommended inorganic fertilizer without crop residues (T2) or one‐half of the recommended inorganic fertilizer with crop residues combined with 10 t ha?1 of chicken manure (T3). Soil organic carbon (OC), soil water content and soil bulk density were not significantly changed. Application of crop residues for two years increased cation exchange capacity (CEC) whereas supplementing crop residues with CM had significantly increased soil pH of the topsoil. Phosphorous in manure treatment had moved down the soil profile, which might cause eutriphication of under ground water, particularly during the rainy season. Based on this work, incorporation of crop residues could be a beneficial practice for improving the fertility of acid soils.  相似文献   


The importance of different soil phosphorus (P) compounds and their transformation influenced by several soil and other factors is well established. However, the dynamics of short‐term processes taking part in the long‐term changes of soil P including immobilization and mobilization is still not completely documented. Laboratory incubation experiments were carried out at 10°C and 40°C for studying the influence of incubation on the availability of residual and freshly applied P in samples of a long‐term fertilization field trial conducted on a brown forest soil (U.S. taxonomy: Orthic Eutrochrept; FAO taxonomy: Eutric Cambisol). Samples showing three levels of P resulting from 10 years of intensive P fertilization (referred as P0, P1 and P2, respectively), were collected 30 years after fertilization ceased. Available P contents of soil samples were determined using three approaches: in water (modified Murphy–Riley method), sodium bicarbonate (Olsen, pH=8.5), and ammonium lactate (AL, pH=3.7) extract. Changes in the amounts of P were determined after 2 and 60 days of incubation in four freshly applied new treatments with increasing additions of P: 0, 100, 500, and 1000 mg of P2O5 per kg of soil, representing agronomic and extreme P rates. From the results of our experiments, it was suggested that after 2 days of incubation, at 10°C, both agronomic and extreme P rates resulted in significant increases in P content in each extract. On the other hand, after 60 days, even higher values were obtained. Decreases found in water‐P values after 60 days of incubation were considerable compared to either the Olsen‐P or the AL‐P values, indicating the decline of water‐soluble P forms and further evidence of immobilization with increasing incubation time and temperature. Correlation between water‐P, Olsen‐P, and AL‐P values were significant at both temperatures.  相似文献   

Poultry manure and nitrogen–phosphorus–potassium (N–P–K) fertilizer application and their residual effects on soil physical properties were investigated with soils drawn from two distinct ecological zones, Agbede (derived savanna) and Obadan (forest), of Edo State of southern Nigeria in 2005 and 2006 rainy seasons. The treatments consisted of three levels of poultry manure (0, 4, and 6 tons/PM/ha) and four levels of NPK 15:15:15 fertilizer (0, 50, 100, and 150 kg NPK ha?1), which were combined factorially, arranged in a randomized complete block design, and replicated three times. Poultry manure, combined application of poultry manure and NPK fertilizer in 2005, and their residual effects in 2006 gave greater degree of saturation and soil moisture content and lower soil bulk density in both locations but were significantly better in the Obadan location in 2006. The lowest bulk densities of 1.16 and 1.15g cm2 were obtained with the application of 6 tons PM ha?1 + 50 kg NPK ha?1 in Obadan soils in 2005 and 2006, respectively. Water-stable aggregate, porosity, void ratio, and air-filled porosity were greater in 2006 due to the residual effects of poultry manure and its combined application with NPK fertilizer than in 2005. In contrast, fertilizer application alone reduced void ratio, porosity, and air-filled porosity of the soils.  相似文献   


Incorporating deep litter cow and deep litter poultry manures with the top 30-cm soil improved orchard soil chemistry, including nutrient availability, soil organic matter, electrical conductivity (EC), pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and biological activity in a ‘Golden Delicious’ apple (Malus domestica Bork) orchard in Zanjan, Iran. Application of deep litter cow manure at 30 t ha?1 or deep litter poultry manure at 10 t ha?1 resulted in a higher rate of nitrogen (N) release, and thus increased yield and fruit size, but decreased fruit color. The least leaf minerals were found in the untreated control trees. The control trees showed minor symptoms of N, iron (Fe), and magnesium (Mg) deficiencies during the following season. Positive correlation existed between the rate of manure applied and the content of soil organic matter (OM). The deep litter poultry manure at 10 t ha?1 increased the soil K, Mg, calcium (Ca), ammonium-N, and EC levels.  相似文献   

Available micronutrient status of zinc, copper, manganese, and iron (Zn, Cu, Mn, and Fe) in surface soil samples under a rice–wheat system collected from farmers' fields in 40 districts representing different agroclimatic zones of the Indo‐Gangetic Plain (IGP) were determined. The selection of farmers, villages, blocks, and districts within an agroclimatic zone was made on the basis of a multistage statistical approach. In Trans‐Gangetic Plains, the diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable Zn ranged from 0.11 to 5.08, Cu ranged from 0.22 to 4.72, Mn ranged from 2.9 to 101.2, and Fe ranged from 1.05 to 97.9 mg kg?1. In the Upper Gangetic Plains, the DTPA‐extractable Zn ranged from 0.04 to 2.53, Cu ranged from 0.06 to 4.32, Mn ranged from 11.1 to 421.0, and Fe ranged from 3.48 to 90.2 mg kg?1. In the Middle Gangetic Plains, the DTPA‐extractable Zn ranged from 0.17 to 8.60, Cu ranged from 0.09 to 7.80, Mn ranged from 3.0 to 155.1, and Fe ranged from 9.22 to 256.7 mg kg?1. In the Lower Gangetic Plains, the DTPA‐extractable Zn ranged from 0.04 to 3.46, Cu ranged from 0.21 to 4.38, Mn ranged from 9.54 to 252.2, and Fe ranged from 3.60 to 182.5 mg kg?1. The intensively cultivated Trans‐Gangetic transect representing the midplain and Siwalik had more available micronutrients than the arid plain. Midplain and arid plain showed 17 to 20% of soil samples were low to medium in Zn and 5 and 8% were low in Fe. In the Upper Gangetic Plains, only 25% samples were deficient in Zn, especially in central and southwest plains. In the Middle Gangetic Plains, 20 to 30% of samples were deficient in Zn, and very few samples were deficient in other micronutrients. In the Lower Gangetic Plains, a majority of the samples were medium to high in micronutrients except in Barind and Rarh Plains where 30% of samples were deficient in Zn. In the Lower Gangetic Plains, the available micronutrients were plentiful. Available micronutrients increased with increase in organic C content and decreased with increase in sand content, pH, and calcium carbonate. These soils are alluvial in nature, and there was no definite pattern of micronutrient distribution with depth in the profile. However, there was more accumulation in the Ap horizon than in the B horizon.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the soil–plant phosphorus (P) correlation at different growth stages of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). Treatments consisted of three levels of phosphorus [0 20, and 60 mg kg?1 as Ca(H2PO4)2] and two levels of organic matter (0% and 2% w/w as feedlot cattle manure). Plant and soil samples were taken at 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 weeks after seedling emergence and were analyzed for plant nutrients. Results showed that correlation between soil and plant P concentration was significant and positive at the 4th week but significant and negative later on. Plant P concentration was the greatest at the 4th week. During all growth stages, dry-matter yield of plant increased with increase in soil P concentration, suggesting the importance of maintaining adequate levels of phosphorus in soil, especially during the early stages of growth. Application of organic matter significantly increased soil and plant P concentrations.  相似文献   

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