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体积置换法直接测量土壤质量含水率及土壤容重   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
土壤含水率直接测量是相关研究和应用的基础,在土壤力学、作物栽培、农田灌溉、生态环境等研究和实践中十分重要。该文提出了一种与传统烘干称质量法相当的体积置换法直接测量土壤质量含水率及土壤容重。该方法在假设一定土壤颗粒密度的前提下,用一定体积的标准取样环刀取得土样后,通过向待测量土体补充水分使土壤达到饱和,用一定体积的水置换土壤中的充气空隙,直到土样达到饱和状态;再通过测量得到的初始/原始土样质量、饱和后土壤的质量以及已知土壤颗粒密度和水密度,计算得到被置换的充气空隙的体积,进而由此计算得到土壤质量含水率和土壤容重。采用3种不同土壤,即陕西杨凌黏黄土、北京粉壤土和江西黏红土,分别预配制成7种不同初始土壤体积含水率,含水率约为:风干土(含水率2%~3%)、5%、10%、15%、25%、30%和饱和含水率,以及3种不同土壤容重:1.25、1.35和1.45g/cm3进行室内试验。用类似的土样,采用传统方法烘干土样8、12、24、48h后,测量确定土壤的质量含水率,通过延长烘干时间测得数据表明,传统方法烘干8h所测得的质量含水率仍有1%~3.2%的含水率误差。最终试验结果表明体积置换方法测得的土壤含水率比传统烘干土样8h所测得的结果大2%~3%,比烘干土样48h所测得的结果大1%左右。体积置换方法测量操作过程简单,耗时较少,节约能源,测量结果具有较高精度。  相似文献   

不同土壤含水率、体积质量及光谱反射率的关系模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了准确、快速地检测湿胀干缩型土壤含水率,该文提出了基于近红外光谱技术的土壤含水率分析方法。该文以湖北省黄棕壤、潮土、水稻土为研究对象,利用美国Ocean Optic公司的NIR256-2.5微型光纤光谱仪在暗室环境下对不同含水率下的土壤样本进行光谱反射率的测定和特征分析,并同时测量相应的土壤体积质量,研究土壤含水率、体积质量、光谱反射率之间的相关关系,通过采用2种土壤含水率表示方法与3种土壤光谱反射率表示方法反映土壤含水率与光谱反射率之间关系的对比试验分析,消除土壤其它性状对土壤反射率反演土壤含水率的影响,得到较适宜地进行土壤光谱反射率反演土壤含水率的匹配表示方法,构建三者之间关系的曲面模型和体积质量变化的土壤体积含水率与土壤光谱反射率的关系指数模型。研究结果表明,构建的3种土壤的曲面回归模型,决定系数均大于0.977,F值均达极显著水平,光谱反射率与体积质量的偏回归系数检验亦达显著或极显著水平。采用指数模型表述1 400、1 900 nm波长处的归一化减土光谱反射率与体积质量变化的土壤体积含水率的关系,其决定系数均在0.9以上,对模型进行验证,其预测误差在0.3左右,精度较高,所建模型拟合效果好。该研究可为用近红外光谱检测体积质量变化的土壤含水率提供科学资料。  相似文献   

Bulk density (BD) is an important soil physical property and has significant effect on soil water conservation function. Indirect methods, which are called pedotransfer functions (PTFs), have replaced direct measurement and can acquire the missing data of BD during routine soil surveys. In this study, multiple linear regression (MLR) and artificial neuron network (ANN) methods were used to develop PTFs for predicting BD from soil organic carbon (OC), texture and depth in the Three-River Headwater region of Qinghai Province, China. The performances of the developed PTFs were compared with 14 published PTFs using four indexes, the mean error (ME), standard deviation error (SDE), root mean squared error (RMSE) and coefficient of determination (R2). Results showed that the performances of published PTFs developed using exponential regression were better than those developed using linear regression from OC. Alexander (1980)-B, Alexander (1980)-A and Manrique and Jones (1991)-B PTFs, which had good predictions, could be applied for the soils in the study area. The PTFs developed using MLR (MLR-PTFs) and ANN (ANN-PTFs) had better soil BD predictions than most of published PTFs. The ANN-PTFs had better performances than the MLR-PTFs and their performances could be improved when soil texture and depth were added as predictor variables. The idea of developing PTFs or predicting soil BD in the study area could provide reference for other areas and the results could lay foundation for the estimation of soil water retention and carbon pool.  相似文献   

Diffusion coefficients of chlorde ions in four soils of different exture with varying effective moisture content and varying bulk density from 1.1 to 1.6 g cm^3 under three different temperatures were determined by the diffusion-cell method using ^36Cl-labelled CaCl2 solution.The result showed that activation energy decreased with water content,which indicated that the threshold fro diffusion was lower at a higher soil moisture rate .Therefor,the diffusion coefficient(D) of chloride ions in soil increased consistently with soil moisture,Although a near linear increase in the diffusion coefficient with increasing soil moisture or bulk density in all the soils was observed,the increase rate in different soils was not the same.The D value increased with teperature,and with temperature increased by 10℃ in the range from 5℃to 45℃ the D valve increased by 10%-30%,averaging about 20%.  相似文献   

Soil water content (SWC) and soil temperature (ST) are important indicators of environmental change in permafrost regions. In this study, we conducted soil sampling at 89 locations in the Three Rivers Headwaters Region (TRHR) to investigate the individual and synergistic effects of environmental factors on SWC and ST. We used multivariable regression and random forest modelling to analyse the data. The results show that SWC and ST were higher in the southeast TRHR than in the northwest and higher in surface layers than deeper soil layers. The most important factors affecting SWC in the 0–20 cm and 20–40 cm soil layers were soil bulk density and precipitation, while bulk density was the most important factor in the 40–60 cm layer, and soil bulk density and steppe vegetation were the most important factors in the 60–80 cm layer. For ST, altitude, temperature and slope gradient were the drivers in the 0–20 cm surface layer, while altitude and temperature were the most critical drivers in the 20–40 cm, 40–60 cm and 60–80 cm layers. Overall, bulk density and altitude were the key environmental factors influencing SWC and ST values, respectively. The outcomes of this study provide valuable insights into the environmental factors that impact the SWC and ST in permafrost regions, which can guide decision-making processes for sustainable soil management in the context of climate change.  相似文献   


A digital computer program was written for the determination of particle size distribution and textural classification of soil samples. The textural classification is based on the South African texture‐triangle.  相似文献   

Among the numerous pedotransfer functions (PTFs) published, class‐PTfs have received little attention because their accuracy is often considered limited. However, recent studies show that performance of class‐PTFs can be similar to the more popular continuous‐PTFs. In this study, we compare the performance of PTFs that were derived from a set of 456 horizons collected in France grouped by combinations of texture, bulk density and type of horizon (topsoil and subsoil). The performance of these class‐PTFs was validated against water retained at ?33 and ?1500 kPa. Our results show that the best performance was obtained with class‐PTFs that used both texture and bulk density (texture‐structural class‐PTFs). They also showed that incorporation of horizon type into the PTF did not improve prediction performance. Comparison of performance at ?33 and ?1500 kPa showed very little difference, thus indicating no bias according to the value of water potential. Finally, the class‐PTFs developed are well suited for predicting water retention properties at the continental and national scales because only very basic soils data are available at these scales. A map of the available water capacity (AWC) was established for France using the 1:1 000 000 Soil Geographical Database of France and an averaged AWC of 104 mm was computed for France.  相似文献   


Soil Samples (72) were collected from the Delta, Hill, and Northeast Blackland areas of Mississippi. Chemical analyses for manganese, magnesium, and calcium were made using the Mississippi Soil Test Solution (MSTS) and several other extracting solutions chosen for comparison. For the determination of available soil manganese, the MSTS proved to be as effective as either the Double Acid (0.025 N HCl in 0.05 N H2SO4) or 0.1 N H3PO4. The acid extractants removed more manganese than 1 N NH4OAc (pH 7.0) and therefore included forms that are not exchangeable. The methods studied for magnesium determinations were equilibrium extraction with 1 N NH4OAc, MSTS, Double Acid, 0.25 N CaCl2, and leaching with 1 N NH4OAc. All methods were highly correlated and therefore would be equally effective in determining available soil magnesium. Since MSTS and equilibrium extraction with 1 N NH4OAc removed similar amounts of magnesium from the soil, the same calibration can be used. Calcium determinations were made using equilibrium extraction with 1 N NH4OAc, MSTS, and Double Acid, and by leaching with 1 N NH4OAc. All methods proved effective in measuring available soil calcium on acid soils.  相似文献   

Identifying the vulnerability of soils to compaction damage is becoming an increasingly important issue when planning and performing farming operations. Soil compaction models are efficient tools for predicting soil compaction due to agricultural field traffic. Most of these models require knowledge of the stress/strain relationship and of mechanical parameters and their variations as a function of different physical properties. Since soil compaction depends on the soil's water content, bulk density and texture, good understanding of the relations between them is essential to define suitable farming strategies according to climatic changes. In this work we propose a new pedotransfer function for 10 representative French soils collected from cultivated fields, a vineyard and forests. We investigate the relationship between soil mechanical properties, easily measurable soil properties, water content and bulk density. Confined compression tests were performed on remoulded soils of a large range of textures at different initial bulk densities and water contents. The use of remolded samples allowed us to examine a wide range of initial conditions with low measurement variability. Good linear regression was obtained between soil precompression stress, the compression index, initial water content, initial bulk density and soil texture. The higher the clay content, the higher the soil's capacity to bear greater stresses at higher initial water contents without severe compaction. Initial water content plays an important role in clayey and loamy soils. In contrast, for sandy soils, mechanical parameters were less dependent on initial water content but more related to initial bulk density. These pedotransfer functions are expected to hold for the soils of tilled surface layers, but further measurements on intact samples are needed to test their validity.  相似文献   

Fine root biomass can be estimated from the quantity of DNA of a target plant extracted from fine root samples using regression analysis. However, the application of this method to fine root samples mixed with soil particles (mixed samples) is difficult due to the high DNA adsorption capacity of some clay minerals. Our aim in this study was to clarify the enhancement level of the DNA extraction efficiency of an improved method, and to obtain a regression line between the amount of DNA and the root biomass from a mixed sample with similar reliability as for fine roots alone (pure root sample). We examined the amount of DNA extracted from a mixture of Zea mays L. fine roots and highly adsorbent Kanuma soil using various concentrations of a skim milk solution, which acts as an adsorption competitor for the soil particles during the DNA extraction process. The amount of DNA of Zea mays extracted from the mixed sample using 0% skim milk was lower than from the pure root sample. However, the amount of DNA extracted from the mixed sample increased with increasing concentrations of skim milk, reaching the same level as for the pure root samples and resulting in a regression line that was similar to the pure root samples. Optimal DNA extraction levels were obtained with the addition of 20?µL of a 20% skim milk solution to 30?mg of a mixed sample. We also discuss the applicability of this method to other plant species and soil types.  相似文献   

Soil degradation is a serious problem and an important environmental issue in many ecosystems. Without integrative, interdisciplinary and historical approaches, understanding the effects of long‐term soil degradation is difficult. According to this idea it is hypothesized that in order to study long‐term natural and human‐induced soil degradation, it is necessary to use interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches with respect to temporal and spatial landscape changes. The results of the investigation of colluvial sediments and soils in research area in Schleswig‐Holstein (Germany) with a high resolution in space and time—using the four‐dimensional landscape analysis—indicated the temporal and spatial variation of soils and sediments from the Mesolithic until Modern times. Intensive soil degradation occurred as a result of the land clearance and agricultural land use in the investigation areas since the Neolithic time. The general results of this investigation show that the use of an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach with pedological and geomorphological perspectives for different times and places can help to reconstruct the long‐term natural and human‐induced soil degradation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Soil loss is a major concern for land managers due to its influence on biomass production, surface water quality and landscape beauty. In Somalia, the risk of soil loss is accelerated by the removal of vegetation, bad land use practices and negative impacts of urbanization. The political upheavals and consequent insecurity in the country are major limitations for detailed database and research in soil loss. This study tested opportunities in pedometrics, remote sensing, limited field data collection and the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) to model the risk of soil loss in northwestern Somalia. The approach successfully predicted the risk of soil loss with accuracy of 79 per cent. It also showed that RUSLE is only relatively accurate and stable in identifying areas with low risk of soil loss and therefore is useful in modelling early warning signs of erosion. About 24 per cent of northwestern Somalia was depicted to have no significant human‐induced soil loss while 68 per cent of the region is in threat of soil loss if no action is taken against the removal of vegetation, land use practices and policies on land tenure systems. About 8 per cent of the area is at high risk of soil loss due to negative effects of urbanization and lack of proper management of steep slopes. It is anticipated that this approach can be integrated in the assessment of soil erosion in areas with poor database. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The mechanism of atmospheric,surface and soil water interactions( water transformation) in hillslope under natural conditions was analyzed,and a dynamic model was developed to simulate infiltration,overland flow and soil water movement during natural rainfall in hillslope,by bringing froward concepts such as rainfall intensity on slope and a correction coefficient of saturated soil water content for soil surface seal.Some factors,including slope angle,slope orientation and raindrop inclination,which affect the rainfall amount on slope, were taken into account while developing the dynamic model.The effect of surface seal on infiltration and water balance under a boundary condition of the second kind was aslo considered. Application of the model in a field experiment showed that the model simulated precisely the infiltration,overland flow and sol water monvement in hillsope under natural rainfall conditions.  相似文献   

为了充分发挥山区旅游公路水土保持措施的景观功能,以湖北神农架木鱼坪至兴山县昭君桥旅游公路为例,从景观美化功能和景观协调功能2方面进行水土保持设计。景观美化功能方面,根据项目沿线的自然、人文和公路本身的特点,分为3类景观特色带、3个景观过渡带和8个景观特色点,并配置相应的水土保持措施。景观协调功能方面,依据沿线的具体情况,使用渐缩式(阶梯式)空心砖护面墙、上挡墙L形种植槽、路基外侧悬墙式植槽和木桩栅栏式挡墙等绿化技术,进行公路沿线的绿化和美化。  相似文献   

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