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A BASIC computer program was used to calculate the results of microbiological vitamin assays. The program, which incorporates the official AOAC guidelines for microbiological methods, reduces the uncertainty inherent in manual curve plotting and interpolation and minimizes the human error of repetitive calculations. Because the BASIC programming language is well suited for use on self-contained personal computers, it can be easily adapted by small laboratories.  相似文献   

In Spain, there are more than 250,000 tractors built before 1980, when it became mandatory for all new tractors to be equipped with a rollover protective structure (ROPS). A similar situation is found in the European Union, but the situation is worse in the U.S. and in developing countries. Directive 2003/37/EEC establishes that tractors over 800 kg weight can be homologated by using the OECD standard code for the official testing of protective structures on agricultural and forestry tractors (static test), called Code 4. A ROPS attachable to the rear axle of different tractor models has been designed, and a computer program for the calculation of the ROPS design has been developed. The program, named ESTREMA, is available at: www.cfnavarra.es/insl. Using this program, it has been possible to design a ROPS for the Massey Ferguson model 178 tractor, one of the most common tractor models without a ROPS in Spain. After the tractor was equipped with the designed ROPS, it was tested at the Spanish Authorized Station for testing ROPS and passed the homologation test (OECD Code 4), the main results being a maximum distortion of 21.3 cm when the absorbed energy was 5437 N and the maximum force applied was 34 kN during loading from the side. The ROPS was improved, redesigned, and remounted on the tractor, the tractor was tested in a real overturn, and no part of the structure intruded on the driver's clearance zone during the test. In conclusion, the ESTREMA program worked correctly, and the designed ROPS was able to pass the authorized test and provide adequate protection to the operator during a real overturn.  相似文献   

基于触摸屏的温室环境监控系统的人机界面实现   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
随着温室智能控制技术的不断推广,如何使操作人员更加方便地操作温室监控系统成为亟待解决的问题.该研究用嵌入式实时操作系统及触摸屏实现温室监控系统的人机界面.该人机界面采用Amulet系列触摸屏开发套件来实现,同时给出了用开发套件内嵌的HTML语言编写的界面控制语句.通过此人机界面,温室监控系统摆脱了传统人机界面的界面复杂、不友好及成本高等缺点,操作容易,具有很强的使用价值.  相似文献   

嵌入式USB主机接口在温室环境监控中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了满足温室环境监控中大量信息存储的需要,研究了基于嵌入式USB主机接口的数据存储技术。该技术以51系列单片机为核心器件,嵌入了主/从双工作模式USB接口芯片SL811HS,并根据USB1.1协议和U盘文件系统格式,编制了USB接口驱动程序和数据存储应用程序。把该技术集成到自主开发的温室环境监控系统中进行了应用,实现了对目前市面上通用的64M、128M容量U盘的读写操作,解决了海量数据的存储问题。如果对驱动程序和应用程序做适当的修改,还可通过USB主机接口实现对USB接口打印机、USB接口扫描仪等外设的控制。结果表明,该数据存储方案具有成本低、通用性强、可扩展性强、可靠性高等特点,可方便地集成到各种监控系统中,从而满足用户的不同需要。  相似文献   


A digital computer program was written for the determination of particle size distribution and textural classification of soil samples. The textural classification is based on the South African texture‐triangle.  相似文献   

本程序图文并茂,直观性强。而且,引入常数k的曲线模拟模型可提高精确度百倍以上,使其更适合理化特性或理论曲线的模拟分析。  相似文献   


A computer program was developed to calculate bulk density(BD), coefficient of linear extenslbility(COLE), linear extensibility(LE), and linear shrinkage(LS) in the presence or absence of coarse fragments (>2mm). When coarse fragments are present in a soil clod, COLE and linear extensibility calculations become more complex, requiring additional equations and correction factors. The calculation of linear shrinkage is not sensitive to coarse fragments, thus requiring a single equation. This BASIC computer language program is accommodating to various parameter imputs and correction factors for fast calculation of BD, COLE, LE and LS in soil clods with and without coarse fragments.  相似文献   

Currently used instruments for the measurement of O3, SO2, and the oxides of nitrogen are briefly described. The first utilizes the chemiluminescence of the gas phase reaction of O3 with ethylene, the second uses the chemiluminescence of excited diatomic sulfur formed in the cool hydrogen flame by reaction between SO2 and H atoms, while the third depends upon the chemiluminescent reaction NO+O3. Nitrogen dioxide is thermally dissociated into NO and measured as such. Newer instruments, now under development, that are described include (1) a photofragment detector for NO2, operating on photolytic cleavage to yield O atoms, which are then measured via the luminescence of their reaction with an excess of added NO, and (2) the UV fluorescence instrument of Okabe.  相似文献   

应用VB6可视化编程软件,设计较先进的最佳线性无偏预测估计种畜育种值(BLUP法)程序,增强了软件的功能,使其更具易用性、广泛性。  相似文献   

A sample of aflatoxin M1-contaminated lyophilized cow's milk was analyzed by 80 laboratories in 30 countries. Sufficient data were obtained to permit a statistical comparison of the performance of laboratories using AOAC methods I and II and those using high performance liquid chromatography for quantitation. A significant difference was noted between means for laboratories using AOAC method I as opposed to those using HPLC methods. Overall reproducibility (between- plus within-laboratory precision) was best for laboratories using HPLC methods and poorest for those using AOAC method II.  相似文献   

Suction measurement has a vital role in unsaturated soil analysis. However, measuring soil suction remains a challenging task due to a number of issues such as the limited range of suction measurement, cavitation, or long equilibrium time. It is even more challenging when the suction measurement is to be carried on the field. Hence, the development of a new suction measurement device which is able to measure high suction range for a long duration without tedious maintenance and yet portable enough for site measurement is required. In this study, a new sensor which is referred to as NTU Osmotic Tensiometer was developed along with the method to correct for decay and temperature. The NTU osmotic tensiometer is based on polymer swelling capacity in order to measure in-situ soil suction in real time for a very long duration. It requires minimum maintenance as the polymer-based sensor is not affected by the cavitation phenomenon. However, correction for decay and temperature is of paramount importance and therefore explained in this paper. Verification of the NTU osmotic tensiometer was carried out by comparing the field measurement results from the NTU osmotic tensiometer and the small tip tensiometer. The performance of the NTU osmotic tensiometer was found to be comparable with that of the small tip tensiometer, but the NTU osmotic tensiometer is able to measure more than 100 kPa soil suction. Therefore, it is possible to obtain the field soil-water characteristic curve by combining the measured in-situ soil suction from the NTU osmotic tensiometer with the measured in-situ water content from the moisture sensor as illustrated in the paper.  相似文献   

基于虚拟仪器技术的风机性能自动测试系统   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对我国风机性能检测多以手工为主,存在试验手段落后,劳动量大和测试结果不准确等缺点,采用先进的虚拟仪器技术,将传感器技术、计算机技术和测试技术结合起来,建立了基于虚拟仪器技术的风机性能自动测试系统,实现了试验数据的自动采集、风机转速的自动调节、风机运行工况的自动控制、试验数据的正确处理及性能曲线的自动绘制。整个系统具有界面友好、操作方便、功能齐全等优点。试验结果表明本系统增加了试验过程的稳定性,避免了人为的读数误差、计算误差以及相关数据不能同时记录所引起的试验结果偏差,提高了测试精度和试验效率。可广泛应用于科研院所和风机生产厂家,具有较高的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

苹果擦伤拉曼光谱无损检测虚拟系统研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
为检测苹果品质并依据擦伤进行分级,研发了一个基于拉曼光谱的实时无损自动检测分类虚拟仪器分级系统样机。采用一台Nicolet傅氏变换拉曼光谱仪进行苹果擦伤光谱检测。测试集和训练集的苹果光谱用WinDAS的典型变量分析(CVA)和主成分分析法(PCA)进行分类处理。分析得出的模型经UNEQ分类检验,‘马氏平方图’和χ2检验结果该分类模型。其次, 应用LabVIEW 设计苹果虚拟仪器分级控制系统,并制作了样机。试验结果表明拉曼光谱分析能用于苹果擦伤无损检测和类别确定;虚拟仪器分级系统能对苹果进行准确分级处理。  相似文献   

Land and water interface zones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports analyses of C pools and fluxes in land-water interface zones completed at the International Workshop: Terrestrial Biospheric Carbon Fluxes; Quantification of Sinks and Sources of CO2 (Bad Harzburg, Germany, March 1–5, 1993). The objective was to determine the role of these zones as global sinks of atmospheric CO2 as part of a larger effort to quantify global C sinks and sources in the past (ca. 1850), the present, and the foreseeable future (ca. 2050). Assuming the world population doubles by the year 2050, storage of atmospheric C in reservoirs will also double, as will river loads of atmospheric C and nutrients. It is estimated that C sinks in temperate and boreal wetlands have decreased by about 50%, from 0.2 to 0.1 Gt C yr?1 since 1850. The total decrease for wetlands may be considerably larger when tropical wetlands are taken into account, however, the area and C density of tropical wetlands are not well known at this time. Changes in cultivation practices and improved sampling of methaneogenesis have caused estimates of CH4 emissions from ricelands to drop substantially from 150 to 60 Tg yr?1. Even with doubled N and P loads, rivers are unlikely to fertilize more than about 20% of the new primary production in the coastal ocean. The source of C for this new production may not be the atmosphere, however, because the coastal ocean exchanges large quantities of DIC with the open ocean. Until the C fluxes from air-sea exchange of CO2 and DIC are better quantified, the C-sink potential of the coastal ocean will remain a major uncertainty in the global C cycle. Analysis of model simulations of oceanic C uptake reconfirmed that the open ocean appears to take up about 2.0 Gt C yr?1 from the atmosphere and that model estimates are in better accord now, ±0.5 Gt C yr?1, than ever before. Land use management must consider the unique C sinks in coastal and alluvial wetlands in order to minimize the future negative impacts of agriculture and urban development. Long-term monitoring will be essential to prove the success, or failure, of management practices to sustain wetlands in the future. Relative to the other systems examined at the workshop, the C-sink capacity of the ocean (excluding estuaries) is not likely to be measurably affected in the foreseeable future by the management scenarios considered at the workshop.  相似文献   

高校计算机基础教学改革的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机技术是现代信息科学技术的基础,计算机技术的发展,对高校计算机基础教育也提出了新的挑战和要求。本文就计算机基础教学的现状进行了分析和探讨,并对如何提高计算机基础的教学质量进行了深入的思考。  相似文献   

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