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Potassium (K) fixation and release in soil are important issues in long‐term sustainability of a cropping system. Fixation and release behavior of potassium were studied in the surface and subsurface horizons in five benchmark soil series, viz. Dhar, Gurdaspur, Naura, Ladowal, and Nabha, under rice–wheat cropping system in the Indo‐Gangetic plains of India. Potassium fixation was noted by adding six rates of K varying from 0 to 500 mg kg?1 soil in plastic beakers while K release characteristics were studied by repeated extractions with 1 M HNO3 and 1 M NH4OAc extractants. The initial status of K was satisfactory to adequate. Potassium fixation of added K increased with the rate of added K irrespective of soil mineralogy and soil depth. Soils rich in K (Ladowal and Nabha) fixed lower amounts (18–42%) of added K as compared to Gurdaspur, Dhar, and Naura (44.6–86.4%) soils low in K. The unit fertilizer requirement for unit increase in available K was more in low‐K soils. The study highlights the need for more studies on K fixation in relation to the associated minerals in a particular soil. Potassium‐release parameters such as total extractable K, total step K, and CR‐K varied widely in different soil series, indicating wide variation in the K‐supplying capacity of these soils. K released with 1 M NH4OAc extractant was 20–33% of that obtained with 1 M HNO3. Total extractable K using 1 M HNO3 varied from 213 to 528 mg kg?1 and NH4OAc‐extractable K ranged from 71 to 312 mg kg?1 soil in surface and subsurface layers of different soil series. The Ladowal and Nabha series showed higher rates of K release than Gurdaspur, Dhar, and Naura series, indicating their greater K‐supplying capacity.  相似文献   


Profiles of semi‐arid–zone soils in Punjab, northwest India, were investigated for different forms of zinc (Zn), including total, diethylenetriamine penta‐acetic acid (DTPA)-extractable, soil solution plus exchangeable (Zn), Zn adsorbed onto inorganic sites, Zn bound by organic sites, and Zn adsorbed onto oxide surfaces. Irrespective of the different fractions of Zn present, its content was higher in fine‐textured Alfisols and Inceptisols than in coarse‐textured Entisols. In general, the higher content of Zn was observed in the surface horizon and then decreased in the subsurface horizons. However, none of the forms of Zn exhibited any consistent pattern of distribution. Organic matter and size fractions (clay and silt) had a strong influence on the distribution of different forms of Zn. Based upon the linear coefficient of correlation, the soil solution plus exchangeable Zn, adsorbed onto inorganic sites, and DTPA‐Zn increased with increase in organic carbon but decreased with increase in pH and calcium carbonate content. Total Zn increased with increase in clay and silt content. Among the different forms, Zn bound by organic sites, water soluble plus exchangeable Zn and Zn adsorb onto oxide (amorphous surfaces) were all correlated with DTPA extractable Zn. The uptake of Zn was more in recent floodplain Entisols than very fine textured Alfisols and Inceptisols. Among the different forms soil solution +exchangeable and DTPA‐extractable Zn was positively correlated with total uptake of Zn.  相似文献   

The status of available macronutrients [phosphorus (P) and potassium (K)] and soil organic carbon (SOC) of the surface soil under a rice–wheat cropping system was studied in 40 districts of the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) of India. The soil samples were collected from the farmers' fields in four transects (Trans-, Upper, Middle, and Lower Gangetic Plains) of the IGP. The selection of farmers, villages, blocks, and districts within an agro-climatic zone (ACZ) was done on the basis of a multistage statistical approach. The available macronutrients were characterized as low, medium, and high. In Trans-Gangetic Plains, SOC, available P, and available K were in the ranges of 0.06–0.86%, 6.7–85.1 kg ha?1, and 50–347 kg ha?1, respectively. In Upper Gangetic Plains, the respective values were in the ranges of 0.05–2.55%, 4.5–155.0 kg ha?1, and 45 to 560 kg ha?1. Similarly, in Middle Gangetic Plains, these values were in the ranges of 0.04–2.01%, 4.7–183.7 kg ha?1, and 72–554 kg ha?1, respectively. In Lower Gangetic Plains, respective values were 0.12–1.78%, 2.2–112.0 kg ha?1, and 83–553 kg ha?1. In Trans-Gangetic plains, the majority of the soils in the midplains ACZ representing intensively cultivated rice–wheat system area were low to medium in SOC and available P, whereas available K status was medium to high. Irrespective of the agroclimatic variations, more than 90% of the soils were low to medium in SOC and available P with a marginal deficiency of K. The majority of the coarse-textured soils in Shiwaliks were found to have low to medium SOC and available P, whereas less intensively cultivated arid zone soils were high in SOC, available P, and available K. In Upper and Middle Gangetic Plains, the majority of the soils tested medium for SOC and medium to high in available P and K. The dominance of medium status of available P in these soils could be due to mining of soil P by the rice–wheat cropping system practiced in these regions for more than 300 years. In Lower Gangetic Plains, the SOC was medium to high in most of the soils, whereas available P and K were high. Recent introduction of the rice–wheat system on intensive scale in these traditionally rice-growing areas resulted in less mining of SOC, P, and K.  相似文献   


Plant‐available phosphorus (P) measured by routine soil‐test methods is poorly correlated with rice grain yield in Arkansas. Our objective was to determine whether soil water pH (pHw) and Mehlich‐3 P were correlated with growth and yield of rice grown on silt loam soils. Data from 35 field studies were used to correlate Mehlich‐3 P and pHw with relative yield, dry matter accumulation, and P concentration at the midtillering stage. Significant linear or nonlinear relationships between pHw or Mehlich‐3 P with rice growth parameters were delineated but explained less than 27% of the variability in dry matter and P concentrations at the midtillering stage and grain yield at maturity. Mehlich‐3 P and pHw together explained 61% of the variability in midtillering P concentrations. Midtillering whole‐plant P concentrations were positively related to relative grain yield and dry matter production and will be used to identify soils with limited P availability for rice in Arkansas.  相似文献   

A sandy soil was amended with different types of sewage sludge (digested, dried, and composted) and pig slurry. The composted sludges displayed higher organic‐matter stability (39–45%) than only digested sludge (26–39%) or digested + dried sludge (23–32%). The microbial biomass of the dried sludge was undetectable. Digested and composted sludges and pig slurry displayed microbial biomasses (12492–13887 µg g?1, 1221–2050 µg g?1, and 5511 µg g?1, respectively) greater than the soil (108 µg g?1). The wastes were applied at seven doses, ranging from 10 to 900 g kg?1. Soils were incubated for 28 days. Substrate‐induced respiration (SIR) was measured for 12 consecutive hours on day 1 and on day 28. The results showed that SIR increased with the dose of organic amendment. However, SIR decreased when moderate doses of pig slurry or high doses of digested + dried sludge were tested. The possibility of using this inhibition as an ecotoxicological indicator is discussed.  相似文献   


The large variation in phosphorus acquisition efficiency of different crops provides opportunities for screening crop species that perform well on low phosphorus (P) soil. To explain the differences in P efficiency of winter maize (Zea mays L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), a green house pot experiment was conducted by using P‐deficient Typic ustochrept loamy sand soil (0.5 M NaHCO3‐extractable P 4.9 mg kg?1, pH 7.5, and organic carbon 2.7 g kg?1) treated with 0, 30, and 60 mg P kg?1 soil. Under P deficiency conditions, winter maize produced 76% of its maximum shoot dry weight (SDW) with 0.2% P in shoot, whereas chickpea and wheat produced about 30% of their maximum SDW with more than 0.25% P in shoot. Root length (RL) of winter maize, wheat, and chickpea were 83, 48, and 19% of their maximum RL, respectively. Considering relative shoot yield as a measure of efficiency, winter maize was more P efficient than wheat and chickpea. Winter maize had lower RL/SDW ratio than that of wheat, but it was more P efficient because it could maintain 2.2 times higher P influx even under P deficiency conditions. In addition, winter maize had low internal P requirement and 3.3 times higher shoot demand (i.e., higher amount of shoot produced per cm of root per second). Even though chickpea had 1.2 times higher P influx than winter maize, it was less P efficient because of few roots (i.e., less RL per unit SDW). Nutrient uptake model (NST 3.0) calculations satisfactorily predicted P influxes by all the three crops under sufficient P supply conditions (CLi 48 µM), and the calculated values of P influx were 81–99% of the measured values. However, in no‐P treatment (CLi 3.9 µM), under prediction of measured P influx indicated the importance of root exudates and/or mycorrhizae that increase P solubility in the rhizosphere. Sensitivity analysis showed that in low P soils, the initial soil solution P concentration (CLi) was the most sensitive factor controlling P influx in all the three crops.  相似文献   

A field experiment with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was established over two growing seasons where farmyard manure and sewage sludge, along with conventional fertilizer, were added to soil. We found that ammonium N was at greater concentrations in the organic amendments treatments, indicating more beneficial dynamics (i.e., it can be taken up by plants for a greater amount of time) and thus a longer lasting effect as a nutrient for the test crop. We found that nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) uptake increased with added organic amendments. This means that when organic matter along with nutrients are added to soil, productivity may increase beyond preset targets because soil conditions greatly improve, not only chemically but also physically. Nitrates left over at the end of the growing season (residual N) were greater in the high sewage sludge and manure treatments, but not proportionally.  相似文献   

In a long‐term maize–wheat rotation at the Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India (subtropical climate), the effects of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) addition on soil fertility and forms of inorganic P and K in the plow layer of an alkaline sandy loam soil were measured after 11 and 22 years of cropping. The treatments comprised four rates of N (0, 60, 120, and 180 kg N ha?1) as urea, three rates of P (0, 17.5, and 35 kg P ha?1) as single superphosphate, and two rates of K (0 and 33 kg K ha?1) as muriate of potash. The treatments selected for the present study were N0P0K0, N120P0K0, N120P17.5K0, N120P35K0, N120P17.5K33, and N120P35K33. A significant year × treatment interaction in decreasing available N [alkaline potassium permanganate (KMnO4)–oxidizable N) status of soils was found in all the treatments. Available P (Olsen P) in the control plot decreased over time whereas in plots with added P, available P increased significantly after years 11 and 22, with the greatest increase in the N120P17.5Ko treatment. Compared to the initial values, continuous P fertilization resulted in greater total P and chloride P concentrations after 11 and 22 years. Although sodium hydroxide (NaOH) P and sulfuric acid (H2SO4) P increased in P‐treated plots from the start of the trial to year 11, they decreased from year 11 to year 22. Among these inorganic P forms, chloride P was significantly positively correlated with P uptake (r = 0.811*). When only N and P were applied, available K [ammonium acetate (NH4OAc)–extractable K] significantly decreased over time. In plots without K addition, water‐soluble and exchangeable K decreased from their initial status. Compared to year 11, water‐soluble K increased, whereas exchangeable K decreased after year 22 in plots receiving no K fertilizer. Compared with NPK treatments, a significant decrease of total K in NP treatment plots suggests the release and uptake of nonexchangeable K. Water‐soluble K and exchangeable K were not correlated with K uptake. These results suggest that long‐term application of P fertilizers resulted in the accumulation of P in the soil, which could have resulted in saturation of P binding sites. Of the soil inorganic P fractions, only chloride P appears to be a good indicator of plant‐available P. The gradual loss in native soil K and release of nonexchangeable K indicates the need for adding K fertilizer to maintain soil fertility.  相似文献   

India imports large amounts of rock phosphate (RP) and potassium (K) fertilizers from other countries; hence, research priorities have been directed toward finding alternative sources of phosphorus (P) and K fertilizers. This study focuses on the transformations of P and K in soil amended with RP and waste mica–enriched compost. The enriched compost had greater total P, K, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), micronutrients, and biological properties than ordinary compost. In a wheat–soybean rotation, application of 5 t ha?1 enriched compost along with 50% of the recommended rate of inorganic fertilizer resulted in increased concentrations of saloid P, iron (Fe) P, aluminum (Al) P, Ca-P, occluded P, water-soluble K, exchangeable K, and nonexchangeable K over unfertilized plots. In addition, plots that received enriched compost had greater microbial biomass and phosphatase activities than unfertilized plots. Thus, enriched compost could be an alternative source of water-soluble P and K fertilizers for crop production.  相似文献   


No studies have been conducted to evaluate the potassium (K) quantity‐intensity (Q/I) relationships that exist in eastern South Dakota soils and how that may affect K fertility interpretations. The objectives of this study were to i) evaluate the K status of smectite‐dominant soils through quantity‐intensity relationships and (ii) relate the findings to current research on soil K release and plant availability. Soil and plant tissue samples were collected from eight different corn production fields across east‐central South Dakota. Samples were collected from areas where corn plants did or did not exhibit K deficiency symptoms. Quantity‐intensity plots were developed and used to derive the typical Q/I parameters. Little difference existed in Q/I parameters and the form of Q/I plots among field sites. The ARe K and ΔK0 values ranged from 0.0013 to 0.0113, and ?0.47 to 0.18 cmolc kg?1, respectively, and most sites were considered K insufficient. The predominant phyllosilicate present in the clay‐sized fraction was montmorillonite with an estimated 17% tetrahedral charge. These soils would not be expected to contribute much plant‐available, nonexchangeable K and would be in need of frequent K fertilization. Presumably, these and similar soils, upon K exhaustion, rely heavily on K released from K‐bearing silt‐sized particles and may be highly dependent on surface‐controlled dissolution processes for labile K replenishment. Additional research needs to be conducted concerning the release kinetics of K from K‐bearing minerals of these soils.  相似文献   

Available micronutrient status of zinc, copper, manganese, and iron (Zn, Cu, Mn, and Fe) in surface soil samples under a rice–wheat system collected from farmers' fields in 40 districts representing different agroclimatic zones of the Indo‐Gangetic Plain (IGP) were determined. The selection of farmers, villages, blocks, and districts within an agroclimatic zone was made on the basis of a multistage statistical approach. In Trans‐Gangetic Plains, the diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable Zn ranged from 0.11 to 5.08, Cu ranged from 0.22 to 4.72, Mn ranged from 2.9 to 101.2, and Fe ranged from 1.05 to 97.9 mg kg?1. In the Upper Gangetic Plains, the DTPA‐extractable Zn ranged from 0.04 to 2.53, Cu ranged from 0.06 to 4.32, Mn ranged from 11.1 to 421.0, and Fe ranged from 3.48 to 90.2 mg kg?1. In the Middle Gangetic Plains, the DTPA‐extractable Zn ranged from 0.17 to 8.60, Cu ranged from 0.09 to 7.80, Mn ranged from 3.0 to 155.1, and Fe ranged from 9.22 to 256.7 mg kg?1. In the Lower Gangetic Plains, the DTPA‐extractable Zn ranged from 0.04 to 3.46, Cu ranged from 0.21 to 4.38, Mn ranged from 9.54 to 252.2, and Fe ranged from 3.60 to 182.5 mg kg?1. The intensively cultivated Trans‐Gangetic transect representing the midplain and Siwalik had more available micronutrients than the arid plain. Midplain and arid plain showed 17 to 20% of soil samples were low to medium in Zn and 5 and 8% were low in Fe. In the Upper Gangetic Plains, only 25% samples were deficient in Zn, especially in central and southwest plains. In the Middle Gangetic Plains, 20 to 30% of samples were deficient in Zn, and very few samples were deficient in other micronutrients. In the Lower Gangetic Plains, a majority of the samples were medium to high in micronutrients except in Barind and Rarh Plains where 30% of samples were deficient in Zn. In the Lower Gangetic Plains, the available micronutrients were plentiful. Available micronutrients increased with increase in organic C content and decreased with increase in sand content, pH, and calcium carbonate. These soils are alluvial in nature, and there was no definite pattern of micronutrient distribution with depth in the profile. However, there was more accumulation in the Ap horizon than in the B horizon.  相似文献   


Soils under no‐tillage gradually increase in organic matter and phosphorus (P) content from the top layer. Because of lack of knowledge about the organic phosphorus fraction contribution to plant nutrition, this research was conducted to estimate the availability of phosphorus fractions to plants. Soil samples of a very clayey Rhodic Hapludox that received 0, 156 and 312 kg P ha?1 were submitted to 15 successive crops in pots without replacing P extracted by plants. 31P nuclear magnetic resonance analysis was performed to detect P fractions before cultivation and after the sixth, ninth and fifteenth crops. Inorganic phosphorus was the unique P fraction acting as P source to plants in soils with previous P addition. Contribution of organic P was observed only when inorganic P content was extremely low, with plants showing severe P stress. Contribution of organic P was not enough to supply the required P for normal plant growth.  相似文献   

Profiles of arid and semi‐arid zones soils of Punjab, northwestern India, were investigated for different forms of iron (Fe): total Fe, diethylenetriamine penta‐acetic acid (DTPA)–extractable Fe, soil solution plus exchangeable Fe, Fe adsorbed onto inorganic sites and oxide surfaces, and Fe bound by organic sites. Irrespective of the different fractions of Fe present, its content was higher in the fine‐textured Alfisols and Inceptisols than in the coarse‐textured Entisols and Aridisols. Lower content of total Fe was observed in the surface horizon and then increased in the subsurface horizons, whereas no set pattern was observed in Entisols. Also, irrespective of the soil orders, the contents of different forms of Fe were higher in the surface horizon and then decreased by depth. None of the forms of Fe exhibited any consistent pattern of distribution.

Organic matter and the content of clay and silt fractions had a strong bearing on the distribution of forms of Fe. Based on a linear coefficient of correlation, the soil solution plus exchangeable Fe adsorbed onto inorganic sites and DTPA‐extractable Fe increased with increase in soil organic carbon but decreased with increase in soil pH and calcium carbonate content. Total Fe increased with increase in cation exchange capacity (CEC) and clay and silt content. The results also revealed that there was equilibrium in different fractions of this element. Among the different Fe forms, Fe bound by organic sites, water‐soluble plus exchangeable Fe, and Fe adsorbed onto oxides (amorphous surfaces) were positively correlated with the DTPA‐extractable Fe. Though some forms are interrelated, none of the forms had any relationship with the total Fe.  相似文献   

The objectives of this research were to determine inorganic phosphorus (P) fractions in calcareous soils of southern Khorasan and find their relationship with sorghum‐available P. Eighty soil samples were obtained and analyzed for some physical and chemical characteristics, among them 24 samples that varied in plant‐available P and soil properties were used for soil testing. From 24, 8 samples were selected for P fractionation as well. Five extraction procedures were used for soil testing. Results indicate that the extracted plant‐available P by the Olsen et al. (1954 Olsen, S. R., Cole, C. V., Watanabe, F. S. and Dean, L. A. 1954. Estimation of available phosphorus in soils by extraction with sodium bicarbonate (USDA Circ. 939), Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.  [Google Scholar]) and Paauw (1971 Paauw, F. V. 1971. An effective water extraction method for the determination of plant available phosphorus.. Plant and Soil, 34: 497481.  [Google Scholar]) methods show the greatest correlation coefficients with plant P uptake and sorghum dry matter. The sequential inorganic P extraction analyzing indicated that the abundance of various inorganic fractions was in the order Ca10‐P > Al‐P > Ca8‐P > Ca2‐P > Oc‐P > Fe‐P. The results also indicate Olsen P correlates positively and significantly with Ca2‐P and Fe‐P fractions and positively but not significantly with the Al‐P fraction.  相似文献   


Potassium (K)‐release characteristics (PRC) of soil play a significant role in supplying available K. Information about PRC in the Hamadan soils is limited. The objective of this research was to study the PRC in nine soils from the Hamadan province by successive extraction with 0.01 M CaCl2 over a period of 2000 h. The correlation of kinetic equation rate constants with soil properties and garlic indices was also studied. The release of K was initially rapid. More than 60% of the total K released during the first 168 h. The amount of K released after 168 h varied among soils and ranged from 292.8 to 736.8 mg kg?1. The amount of K released after 2000 h was significantly correlated with K extracted by 1 M HNO3, 0.01 M CaCl2, and 0.1 M BaCl2, whereas it was not significantly correlated with other soil properties. Potassium‐release characteristics were evaluated using five kinetic equations. Statistical analysis showed that the Elovich equation described the K‐release kinetics. A plot of other equations shows a discontinuity in slope at 168 h. Thus, two equations were applied to segments of the total reaction time (2 to 168 and 168 to 2000 h). The release‐rate constants (slope) in segment 1 are higher than in segment 2. The release‐rate constant of the Elovich equation and the zero‐order equation in two segments were significantly correlated with 1 M HNO3, 0.01 M CaCl2, and 0.1 M BaCl2. Rate constants of the other equations were not significantly correlated with soil properties. The release‐rate constants of the Elovich equation and release‐rate constants of the zero‐order equation in two segments were significantly correlated with garlic indices. Rate constants of other equations were not significantly correlated with garlic indices. The results of this research showed that the Elovich and zero‐order equations can be used to describe K‐release characteristics.  相似文献   


Mineralization of soil organic nitrogen (N) and its contribution toward crop N uptake is central to developing efficient N‐management practices. Because biological incubation methods are time consuming and do not fit into the batch‐analysis techniques of soil‐testing laboratories, an analytical procedure that can provide an estimate of the mineralizable N would be useful as a soil‐test method for predicting plant‐available N in soil. In the present studies, the ability of boiling potassium chloride (KCl) to extract potentially mineralizable and plant‐available N in arable soils of semi‐arid India was tested against results from biological incubations and uptake of N by wheat in a pot experiment. Mineralization of organic N in soils was studied in the laboratory by conducting aerobic incubations for 112 days at 32°C and 33 KPa of moisture. Cumulative N mineralization in different soils ranged from 8.2 to 75.6 mg N kg?1 soil that constituted 2.7 to 8.8% of organic N. The amount of mineral N extracted by KCl increased with increase in length of boiling from 0.5 to 2 h. Boiling for 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 h resulted in an increase in mineral‐N extraction by 9.3, 12.7, 19.6, and 26.1%, respectively, as compared to mineral N extracted at room temperature. The boiling‐KCl‐hydrolyzable N (ΔNi) was directly dependent upon soil organic N content, but the presence of clay retarded hydrolysis for boiling lengths of 0.5 and 1 h. However, for boiling lengths of 1.5, and 2 h, the negative effect of clay was not apparent. The ΔN i was significantly (P=0.05) correlated to cumulative N mineralized and N‐mineralization potential (N0). The relationship between N0 and ΔN i was curvilinear and was best described by a power function. Boiling length of 2 h accounted for 78% of the variability in N0. Results of the pot experiment showed that at 21‐ and 63‐day growth stages, dry‐matter yield and N uptake by wheat were significantly correlated to boiling‐KCl‐extractable mineral N. Thus, boiling KCl could be used to predict potentially mineralizable and plant‐available N in these soils, and a boiling time of 2 h was most suitable to avoid the negatively affected estimates of boiling‐KCl‐hydrolyzable N in the presence of clay. The results have implications for selecting length of boiling in soils varying widely in clay content, and this may explain why, in earlier studies, longer boiling times (viz. 2 or 4 h) were better predictors of N availability as compared to 0.5 and 1 h.  相似文献   

The long-term crop residue retention coupled with external nutrient inputs are crucial for maintaining soil phosphorus (P) and soil organic carbon (SOC) in Vertisols of Central India. A study was conducted to evaluate the long-term effect of three wheat residue management practices (residue burning, incorporation, and surface retention) in combination with three supplementary nutrient inputs (SNI) [control, fertilizer, and farmyard manure (FYM)] on stratification of P and SOC in the soybean–wheat system in Vertisol. The wheat residue either incorporated or retained on the soil surface increased the availability of P and SOC content as compared to the common practices of residue burning. Residue retention or incorporation increased stratification of P and soil organic carbon over the residue burning. Irrespective of the nutrient treatments, greater stratification ratio of SOC and P were registered under wheat residue incorporation or retention compared to residue burning. It is evident from the study that wheat residue incorporation or retention plus addition of FYM could be an effective strategy for increasing the soil fertility in a soybean–wheat system of Vertisols of Central India.  相似文献   

Considerable amounts of phosphorus (P) fertilizer will be required on soils in the proposed Ord Stage II area of northwestern Australia if a sustainable dry‐season cotton production system is to be established, because in their virgin state the soils are known to be inherently low in P. This study aimed to determine P fertilizer requirements on these soils to optimize cotton yield as well as nutrient uptake. Five rates of P fertilizer were applied to soil recently cleared of trees and prepared for irrigation. In the second year, these same rates were imposed over the trial. We conclude that the application of 60 kg ha?1 of P was sufficient to allow maximum yield and quality for dry‐season cotton grown in the first season on virgin soils in the Ord River Irrigation Area, whereas a total of 80 kg ha?1 of P was required when cotton was grown over two seasons.  相似文献   


Considerable amounts of phosphorus (P) fertilizer will be required on soils in the proposed Ord Stage II area of northwestern Australia if a sustainable dry‐season, cotton‐production system is to be established, because in their virgin state, the soils are known to be inherently low in P. This study aimed to determine P‐fertilizer requirements on these soils to optimize cotton yield as well as nutrient uptake. Five rates of P fertilizer were applied to soil recently cleared of trees and prepared for irrigation. In the second year, these same rates were imposed over the trial. It was concluded that the application of 60 kg ha?1 of P was sufficient to allow maximum yield and quality for dry‐season cotton grown in the first season on virgin soils in the Ord River Irrigation Area (ORIA), and a total of 80 kg ha?1 of P was required when cotton was grown over two seasons.  相似文献   


Although numerous soil‐test methods for estimating extractable phosphorus (P) have been developed around the world, their results are difficult to compare because of the very different scale levels used. In the present study, the Bray–Kurtz method (Bray‐P) is used as a reference value. Two other methods [lactate‐P and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)‐P] were modified to facilitate the comparison of extractable‐P determinations, mainly by adjusting the shaking time. These three methods were applied to 101 soil samples from an extensive region of Argentina with soil pH values ranging from 5.5 to 8.5. The results confirm that the Bray‐P and the two modified methods (lactate‐P and NaHCO3‐P) determine similar contents of extractable P but are not applicable to all types of soils and conditions. Equations that minimize the statistical error were selected for soil properties such as organic carbon (OC) content, pH, soluble salts, and calcium carbonate content. Correlation coefficients between Bray‐P and NaHCO3‐P increased to 0.91 and 0.95 in soils with high and low OC levels, respectively. It was also demonstrated that the lactate‐P test is not suitable for soils rich in calcium carbonate or soluble salts. These two modified methods are expected to be useful for testing P values that impact agricultural production.  相似文献   

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