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The suitability of two composted solid urban wastes for crop production was evaluated in a pot experiment with sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) that focused on the geochemical fractions, bioavailability, and phytotoxicity of copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn). Total concentrations of Cu, Mn, and Zn in soil increased with increasing waste application, ranging from 1.6 to 48.2 mg kg?1 for Cu, 84 to 474 mg kg?1 for Mn, and 13.8 to 597 mg kg?1 for Zn. Waste application significantly increased pH and electrical conductivity (EC) of the soil. Copper, Mn, and Zn in the waste-amended soil were speciated into mobile (F1), easily mobilizable (F2), occluded in Mn oxides (F3), organically bound (F4), occluded in amorphous Fe oxides (F5), occluded in crystalline Fe oxides (F6), and residual (F7) fractions to assess the lability of the metals. On the average, the F4 was the most dominant Cu and Zn fraction, accounting for between 37 and 60% of total Cu and from 14 to 40% of total Zn concentrations, whereas F3 was the dominant Mn fraction closely followed by F4. The concentrations of Cu, Mn, and Zn in sorghum dry matter (DM) decreased with increasing waste application, probably induced by osmotic stress and ionic toxicity. Tissue Zn (Y-Zn) and Mn (Y-Mn) correlated significantly with the F1 and F2 fractions, but pH was an overriding factor in predicting Cu and Zn bioconcentration. Used as soil amendments, the application rate for these Zaria urban wastes should be limited to ≤10% (w/w basis), as Zn in the sorghum tissue reached the toxic limit just from one application of the waste to soil.  相似文献   

气相色谱-质谱法分段测定土壤中的可提取总石油烃   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文建立了用气相色谱-质谱法分段分析土壤中可提取总石油烃的检测方法,并对该方法进行了质量控制研究。土壤中的总石油烃的检测范围是C8(C7.6)~C34(C34.01)。用索氏提取,柱层析分离方法进行前处理,用C8(C7.6),C10(C10.1),C12(C11.7),C16(C15.5),C21(C20.8),C34(C34.01)标准品分别作为C8~C10(C7.6~C10.1),C10~C12(C10.1~C11.7),C12~C16(C11.7~C15.5),C16~C21(C15.5~C20.8),C21~C34(C20.8~C34.01)每段馏分的"替代物"定量,将C8~C34之间所有波峰面积分段积分,以"替代物"的线性关系计算每段馏分的浓度。该方法的质控结果:脂肪烃:相关系数为0.990 3~0.999 8;最低检出限为0.011~0.373 ng/μl;回收率为50.3%~109.3%;相对标准偏差为1.5%~11.3%;芳香烃:相关系数为0.991 3~0.997 6;最低检出限为0.004~0.047 ng/μl;回收率为53.6%~107.7%;相对标准偏差为3.2%~12.2%。本方法检测结果能准确反映土壤的污染程度并有助于生物毒性计算。  相似文献   

Soil properties including micronutrients and their balanced use can significantly affect plant growth and crop production. Hence, the objective of this research was to evaluate the spatial variation of different soil properties including micronutrients in the Dasht-e-Tabriz in the northwest of Iran. Ninety-eight soil sampling sites were selected to collect soil samples from the soil surface layer at a 1000-m distance according to the grid sampling method and analyzed. Soil physical and chemical properties, including the micronutrient concentrations of iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn), were measured. Spatial variabilities of soil properties were determined using the statistical software packages Grow and SPSS. The spatial variabilities of micronutrients in the region were a function of sequenced soil sedimentation, high level of underground water, and the differences in the pedogenesis and hydrological processes. Using such analyses, it is possible to plan appropriate soil management practices, including fertilization.  相似文献   

Pyrite (FeS2) is usually a waste from complex sulfide ores. Yet, it may be a remediation additive for calcareous soils deficient in iron (Fe) and other micronutrients such as copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and manganese (Mn). In this study, leaching experiments were conducted under laboratory conditions and a 30-day pot trial (with wheat) to evaluate the effect of applying different amounts of pyritic tailings on micronutrient and heavy-metal concentrations in a calcareous soil and on crop growth (dry-matter production). The application of pyritic tailings to the calcareous soils improved the levels of Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn, and dry-matter biomass of wheat also significantly increased. The heavy-metal contents in soil and plant were well below the permissible limit for soil and plants.  相似文献   

We used a GIS approach to test a conceptual soil-landscape model which integrates topographic, geologic and soil information for predicting the distribution of phosphatic soils. The hypothesis was that phosphatic soils occur on erosional landscapes where phosphatic geologic materials are exposed at or near land surface. Areas of high (scarp), medium (plain), and low (plateau) likelihood of such exposure were delineated based on topographic and geologic information. An initial predictive phosphatic soils map was created and validated by field sampling. Samples were taken at two depths: upper (0–25 cm) and lower (100–125 cm); and the total phosphorus (TP) was determined. Mean TP concentration for the lower depth was 6195 mg kg?1 for the scarp, 2485 mg kg?1 for the plain, and 193 mg kg?1 for the plateau. The initial map was revised to show that the probability of finding a phosphatic soil was highest for the scarp region (73%), medium for the plain region (33%), and lowest for the plateau region (7%).  相似文献   

Reports of sugarcane yield responses to silicon (Si), coupled with mounting evidence that elevated crop Si levels reduce both biotic and abiotic stresses, account for the interest in the Si nutrition of this crop. In terms of managing Si supplies to sugarcane in South Africa, uncertainties exist regarding, first, the reserves of plant-available Si in soils, and second, the reliability of soil-test methods for predicting Si availability. In this study, extractable Si was measured in 112 soils collected from sugarcane-producing fields in South Africa. Soils were selected on the basis of dominant soil types and included Inceptisols, Alfisols, Mollisols, Vertisols, Oxisols, Entisols, and Ultisols, varying widely in chemical properties, texture, and extent of weathering. Extractants employed were 0.01 M calcium chloride (CaCl2) and 0.02 N sulfuric acid (H2SO4). Silicon extracted with 0.02 N H2SO4 ranged from 2 to 293 mg kg?1, whereas with 0.01 M CaCl2 the range was 5 to 123 mg kg?1. With both extractants, extractable Si decreased significantly with decreasing pH, exchangeable calcium (Ca), and total cations. In soils with potassium chloride (KCl)–extractable Al+H levels of greater than 0.5 cmolcL?1, extractable Si levels were consistently low, suggesting that soluble Al is implicated in reducing plant-available Si levels. Extractable Si levels were not related to the Bache and Williams P-sorption indices of soils. In the second part of the investigation, sugarcane leaf Si concentrations from 28 sites were related to soil extractable Si levels. The CaCl2 soil test proved markedly superior to H2SO4 as a predictive test for leaf Si levels.  相似文献   

Available iron, zinc, copper and manganese were determined in six pedons located in upper slope, middle slope and valley bottom soils derived from Abeokuta geological materials in Nigeria. The soils had an average of 639.8 g kg?1 sand, 241.8 g kg?1 clay and 118.4 g kg?1 silt. The fertility status of the soils was low–medium with a strongly acid–neutral reaction, 1.3–15.1 g kg?1 organic carbon contents, moderate–high exchangeable bases and 1.38 mg kg?1 available phosphorus. Both Fe (122.50 mg kg?1) and Mn (111.40 mg kg?1) occurred at toxic levels, whereas the mean Cu (1.27 mg kg?1) and Zn (2.56 mg kg?1) contents were found to be adequate for most crops grown in the region. There were significant positive correlations among the micronutrients and also between soil pH, organic carbon, particle size fractions and micronutrients. The high levels of Fe and Mn were probably due to the presence of oolitic ironstone in the parent material.  相似文献   


Effects of long-term use of phosphate fertilizers on extractable soil Cd in relation to its concentrations in plants were investigated. “Paired” soil samples were collected from newly and long-term cultivated fields and analyzed for Cd by extraction with NH4OAc, DTPA, NH4OAc-EDTA, NH4NO3, HCl and CaCl2. Plant samples were also collected and analyzed for Cd. Significant differences in extractable Cd by all the extractants except NH4NO3 were observed between the newly and long-term cultivated soils. The Cd concentrations in plants were not increased by the elevated extractable Cd. Although significant relationships were observed between plant Cd and extractable soil Cd, none of the extractants used alone gave a good assessment of plant-available Cd for all the samples used in this study.  相似文献   

长江中游农田土壤微量养分空间分布特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张智  任意  鲁剑巍  郑磊  苗洁  李小坤  任涛  丛日环 《土壤学报》2016,53(6):1489-1496
为了更好地掌握长江中游土壤肥力状况,运用地统计学和Arc GIS技术相结合的方法,对湖北、湖南、江西三省41 943个土壤样品的微量养分(铁Fe、锰Mn、铜Cu、锌Zn、硼B)含量的分布特征和空间变异进行研究。结果表明,长江中游土壤有效态Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn、B的平均含量分别为88.0、27.2、3.05、1.71、0.41 mg kg-1。空间分布特征表现为Fe、Mn均以江汉平原区较低,Zn以湖南省较低,Cu、B空间分布较为不均;与第二次土壤普查结果相比,土壤微量养分含量均有所提高,其中Fe、Mn、Cu含量为缺乏或严重缺乏的面积比例分别降至0.1%、2.2%和0.1%,而Zn和B分别为30.8%和17.7%。不同的土地利用类型、土壤类型和成土母质对土壤微量养分均有不同程度的影响。随着微量养分在农业生产中的贡献越来越突出,亟须根据土壤微量养分的分布特征进行分区管理。  相似文献   

Our objective was to survey the phosphorus (P), potassium (K), pH, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and organic-matter (OM) levels of soils in Illinois, including the degree of nutrient vertical stratification. Soil samples were collected from depths of 0–8 and 8–18 cm in 547 randomly chosen fields throughout Illinois and analyzed for nutrients, pH, and OM. Forty-six percent of samples were below the critical range for K (130 to 150 mg K kg?1), and 59% of samples were above the soil P levels, requiring no additional fertilization. Soil pH ranged from 4.7 to 8.1. Mean Ca and Mg levels were nonlimiting for crop production, and OM was correlated (R2 = 0.690) with corn grain yield. Vertical stratification (surface/subsurface ratio) was 2.4:1 for P and 1.5:1 for K. Many fields with greater than needed P levels and less than suggested levels for K present opportunities for improvement in fertilizer management.  相似文献   

[目的]探索不同景观格局对流域土壤侵蚀过程的影响及动态变化,为岷江上游的生态保护和恢复工作提供依据。[方法]应用景观生态学理论与通用土壤流失方程(USLE)分析岷江上游杂古脑流域1990年和2015年的景观格局变化与土壤侵蚀变化。[结果]杂谷脑流域景观类型动态主要表现为草地面积由70 125hm~2增加到82 568hm~2,林地和耕地面积少量增加,未利用的其他地类面积减少了12 542hm~2。该区域25a来植被覆盖度显著提高,土壤侵蚀程度显著下降;2015年中度侵蚀强度以上的土壤侵蚀发生面积均出现下降,极强度侵蚀活动的发生面积下降了36 102.69hm~2。[结论]25a间杂古脑流域以草地为主的植被恢复和景观格局变化,有效降低了该区域的土壤侵蚀强度,减少了水土流失。  相似文献   

Depth distribution of boron (B) extractable by hot calcium chloride (HCC), potassium dihydrogen phosphate (PDP), and tartaric acid (TA) in some typical B‐deficient Inceptisols, Entisols, and Alfisols in relation to soil properties was studied. The magnitude of B extraction followed the order HCC > PDP > TA for Inceptisols, TA > HCC > PDP for Entisols, and PDP > HCC > TA for Alfisols and showed a decrease along soil depth. The low pH of TA and effective desorption of B by phosphate of PDP are attributed to their higher efficiency in extracting B in Entisols and Alfisols, respectively. A decrease in organic carbon (C), clay, and amorphous iron oxide content was responsible for the observed decrease in extractable B along depth of soil profile. The HCC showed more efficiency than PDP and TA for extracting B in soils high in organic C. Multiple regression equations explained only 21, 57, and 59% of the variability in PDP‐, HCC‐, and TA‐extractable B content in soils by the soil properties analyzed, of which organic C and clay were the most important. There were dynamic equilibria among the amount of B extracted by the extractants, indicating B extraction by them from more or less similar pools in the soils.  相似文献   


A hydroponic experiment was conducted in a phytotron at pH 5.5 to study the effects of nickel (Ni) on the growth and composition of metal micronutrients, such as copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn), of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Minorimugi). Four Ni treatments were conducted (0, 1.0, 10, and 100 μM) for 14 d. Plants grown in 100 μM Ni showed typical visual symptoms of Ni toxicity such as chlorosis, necrosis of leaves, and browning of the root system, while other plants were free from any symptoms. Dry weights were the highest in plants grown in 1.0 μM Ni, with a corresponding increase in the chlorophyll index of the plants, suggesting that 1.0~10 μM Ni needs to be added to the nutrient solution for optimum growth of barley plants. The increase of Ni in the nutrient solutions increased the concentrations of Cu and Fe in roots, while a decrease was observed in shoots. The concentrations of Mn and Zn in shoots and roots of plants decreased with increasing Ni supply in the nutrient solution. Shoot concentrations of Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn in plants grown at 100 μ M Ni were below the critical levels for deficiency. Plants grown at 1.0 μ M Ni accumulated higher amounts of Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn, indicating that nutrient accumulation in plants was more influenced by dry weights than by nutrient concentrations. The translocation of Cu and Fe from roots to shoots was repressed, while that of Mn and Zn was not repressed with increasing Ni concentration in the nutrient solution.  相似文献   

Soil micronutrients have different degrees of residual effect to crops; again crops differ in their sensitivity to micronutrient requirement. Evaluation of residual effects of micronutrient application to cauliflower, okra, and transplant aman rice in a pattern was studied in piedmont soil of Bangladesh. In this study, seven treatment combinations including a control treatment were tested, and the treatments were designed taking the micronutrients following the additive element trial technique. The rates of micronutrients were 3 kg zinc (Zn), 2 kg boron (B), 2 kg Cu, 3 kg manganese (Mn), 5 kg iron (Fe), and 1 kg molybdenum (Mo) per hectare. Both Zn and B were found responsive for the first crop. As second crop, okra responded to both residual Zn and B, whereas in the third crop, residual effects of only Zn were reported. Zn fertilizer need not to apply in each crop of a cropping pattern.  相似文献   

流域土壤侵蚀过程与景观格局的关系是评价流域景观格局合理性的关键问题。以GIS软件为分析平台,以最新提出的"源""汇"景观理论为基础,以水蚀风蚀交错区典型流域——六道沟流域1995,2010年土地利用/覆被格局为分析对象,以淤地坝淤积量作为土壤侵蚀监测信息,利用景观空间负荷对比指数分别分析了这2个时期各景观类型随空间要素配置、贡献权重和组成比例对土壤侵蚀过程的影响,最后对该指数的变化与土壤侵蚀模数的变化进行相关性分析。结果表明:2010年与1995年相比,六道沟流域各集水区的相对高度、坡度、投影距离、运移距离负荷对比指数均呈减小趋势,景观格局分布更加合理,水土流失危险性降低,与同期土壤侵蚀模数变化趋势相同。坡度负荷对比指数增量与土壤侵蚀模数增量相关性较弱,相对高度、投影距离、运移距离负荷对比指数增量与土壤侵蚀模数增量呈显著正相关,运移距离负荷对比指数反映土壤侵蚀过程对景观格局变化响应的效果最好。景观格局负荷对比指数与土壤侵蚀实测值之间均存在较大差异,应进一步改进模拟方法以达到准确量化的目标。坡度负荷对比指数不能很好地解释景观格局对土壤侵蚀过程的影响,需要在坡度取值方式上加以改进。  相似文献   


Eight pedons representing the major soils found within the Guinea Savanna region of northern Nigeria were studied with respect to their important morphological, physical, chemical, and other characteristics, and their suitability for sustainable agricultural production was evaluated. The most important soil characteristics observed for separating the soils into mapping units include presence or absence of petroferric contact, effective soil depth especially to hardpan layer, gravel and subsoil clay content. Dominant pedogenic processes, which influence the rate of soil development in the area, include plinthization, clay eluviation‐illuviation, iron (Fe)‐oxyhydroxide release (lateral movement and enrichment), eolian deposition, and leaching. According to the USDA system of classification, the soils (MU‐EDA) in the summit to upper slope are classified as Lithic Haplustepts, those (MU‐EDB) at the midslope are Typic Haplustepts, the MU‐EDC (lower slope soils) as Dystric Haplustepts, and the MU‐EDD (soils at the valley floors) as Oxyaquic Haplustepts. In the FAO/UNESCO system, a typical toposequence in the area consists of Dystric Cambisols (CMd) petroferric phase (MU–EDA and EDB), Dystric Cambisols (MU‐EDC), and Gleyic Cambisols (CMg) for the MU‐EDD mapping unit. The land capability and fertility capability classes of the soils were also established. The MU‐EDA, EDB, EDC, and EDD soil units were grouped into land capability class IVes, IIIes, IIs, and Vw and fertility capability class L”Rdk (6–8%), Ldehk (3–5%), Ldh, and Lgehk, respectively.  相似文献   

以北京市土壤重金属背景值为标准,对比分析了农业土壤中Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Cd、Ph、Hg 8种重金属的含量及累积情况,并采用单因子污染指数法和综合污染指数法进行了土壤重金属污染评价。结果表明,北京市农业土壤存在着一定的Cr、Cu、Zn、As、Cd累积趋势,其含量的平均值分别为53.61、21.95、65.42、9.14、0.125mg·kg^-1,比相应的背景值高79.9%、17.4%、13.8%、28.9%、5.0%;Ni和Pb的累积则不明显,平均值比相应的背景值低7.9%、29.2%,分别为24.84和19.04mg·kg^-1;而Hg含量的平均值与背景值一致,为0.08mg·kg^-1。从单因子评价结果来说,Cr污染指数在1.06-2.93之间,所有的样点都处于轻度或中度污染状态;As、Cu、Zn、Cd的污染指数相对较小,平均值分别为1.29、1.17、1.13、1.05,有50%以上的样点处于轻度污染状态;而Ni、Ph、Hg的污染指数均小于1,有60%以上的样点处于清洁或尚清洁状态,污染较轻。若从综合评价结果来说,综合污染指数处于0.96~2.16之间,平均值为1.45,几乎所有的土壤样点都属于轻度污染状态。  相似文献   

Greenhouse experiments in a completely randomized block design were conducted to assess the effect of soil salinity on emergence, growth, water status, proline content, and mineral accumulation of seedlings of Tamarindus indica Linn. (Caesalpiniaceae). Sodium chloride (NaCl) was added to the soil, and the salinity was maintained at 0.2, 3.9, 6.2, 8.1, 10.0, 11.9, and 13.9 dS m?1. Salinity lowered water content and water potential of tissues, which resulted in an internal water deficit to plants. Consequently, seedling growth significantly decreased and proline content in tissues increased as salinity increased. There were no effective mechanisms to control net uptake of sodium (Na+) and its transport to shoot. Potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) contents in tissues significantly decreased, while nitrogen (N) content significantly increased as salinity increased. Changes in tissues and whole-plant accumulation patterns of other nutrients, as well as possible mechanisms for avoidance of Na+ toxicity in this species in response to salinity, are discussed.  相似文献   

为了探究宁夏土壤侵蚀的空间差异,识别土壤侵蚀敏感性区域,利用气象、植被、DEM、土壤、土地利用等数据,结合GIS技术和Fragstats 4.2软件,构建土壤侵蚀敏感性和景观生态风险的综合评价模型,对研究区进行了土壤侵蚀和景观的综合生态风险评价与分析。结果表明:(1)在综合风险评价中,宁夏由低到高5个风险等级的面积占比依次为34.97%,33.56%,15.03%,11.57%,4.88%。(2)从县域尺度上看,高风险区集中分布在西吉、彭阳、隆德部分地区; 较高风险区分布在南部山区及盐池最南部; 中等风险区主要分布在海原、同心等地,较低等级以下风险区在各县(区)均有分布。(3)宁夏耕地、草地面积占比最大,共计占比达69.7%,在不同土地利用类型中,各风险等级占比不同。由此可知,宁夏土壤侵蚀敏感性空间分布差异显著,低、较低风险等级区域分布范围广泛。  相似文献   

Cultivation of high-yielding crop varieties and intensive cropping has depleted the soil fertility in Northwest (NW) India, resulting in the appearance of multi-nutrient deficiencies in different crops and cropping systems. In the present investigation, geo-referenced soil samples from Indian Punjab were analyzed to map fertility status using a Geographical Information System (GIS). Soil texture, which affects soil hydraulic properties and soil strength, varied from sandy to clayey loam, with majority (47.3%) of the cultivated area being sandy loam. About 95% of the total area of the state shows pH between 6.5 and 8.5 (40% of the area between pH 6.5 and 7.5 and 54% between 7.5 and 8.5) and electrical conductivity (EC) <0.8 dS m?1. Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) with <5% values represents 97% area of the state. The GIS-based maps indicate that irrespective of the agroclimatic variations, more than 90% of the soils showed low to medium soil organic carbon (OC) content and 50% low to medium (<22.4 kg P ha?1) available phosphorus (P) content with a marginal (7%) deficiency of potassium (K). The dominance of low to medium status of available P in these soils could be due to the mining of soil P by the rice–wheat cropping system practiced in the region. The intensively cultivated soils of Indian Punjab showed 11% of soil samples were low in zinc (Zn), 15% low in manganese (Mn), 2% low in copper (Cu), and 12% low in iron (Fe). Availability of micronutrients increased with increase in OC content and decreased with increase in sand content, pH, and CaCO3. GIS-based maps are effective in identifying hot spots, which need immediate attention and call for strategic planning for sustainable management.  相似文献   

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