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Abstract The lime and N requirements for triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) have not been established because of the relatively short history of the crop. This study was designed to evaluate the effects of lime and high N rates on triticale, wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.), barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.), and rye ( Secale cereale L.) on Dickson silt loam ( Typic Paleudult) and Decatur silty clay loam ( Rhodic Paleudult) in 1974–1976. The soils had pH values of 4.9 and 5.5 with no lime and 5.4 and 5.8, respectively, when limed as recommended. The fertilizer rates were 112, 140, and 170 kg N/ha. Yields and N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Al, Zn, Cu, and B were determined in straw and grain. Liming the Dickson soil increased the straw yields of barley at 112 kg N/ha and grain yields of the cultivars generally at the 170 kg N/ha rate. Liming the Decatur soil did not have consistent effects on straw yields but increased the grain yields of the wheat and rye cultivars. Increasing N rate increased the straw yields of wheat on Dickson but decreased the grain yields of barley in the same soil with no lime. Nitrogen fertilization did not have consistent effects on the Decatur soil. The N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and Mn compositions suggested that more differences occured at the species level than at the cultivar level. 相似文献
This study was conducted to determine relationships between Al toxicity and mineral uptake of triticale ( X Triticosecale, Wittmack), wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.), and rye ( Secale cereale L.). Two culti‐vars of each species were grown in 1/5‐strength Steinberg solution with 0, 3, 6, or 12 ppm Al added. The solutions were adjusted to pH 4.8 at transplanting and were not adjusted thereafter. The plants were grown in a growth chamber for 19 days before harvesting to determine nutrient solution pH, dry weights, and Al, Ca, Mg, K, and P levels in plants. Increasing Al concentration reduced the final pH of solutions. The addition of 12 ppm Al severely reduced the growth and increased Al concentration of plant tops. The Al levels in roots generally increased with increments of added Al up to 6 ppm. Increasing Al decreased the uptake of Ca, Mg, and P by plant tops more than that of K. Regression analyses indicated that Al toxicity was associated with increasing K/Ca + Mg equivalent ratios and decreasing P concentration in plant tops. Differences between species were: higher Al concentration in rye than wheat with 6 and 12 ppm Al, higher translocation of Ca from roots to tops in wheat than in rye and Mg in triticale and wheat than rye; K/Ca + Mg equivalent ratios associated with 50% reduction in top growth followed the order: triticales > tolerant wheat > sensitive wheat > rye. Differences in mineral uptake associated with Al toxicity in wheat were more indicative of differential Al sensitivity in wheat than in triticale and rye which have higher internal Al tolerance. 相似文献
The hypothesis that a relatively high Ca content in the fruit associated with relatively low K/Ca, K/Ca and K + Mg/Ca ratios are indicators of a slow ripening and a delayed senescence has been confirmed by analysing the sound and greenback fruits of two tomato varieties. The elemental changes characterizing a retardation of ripening are associated with the greenback disorder not only in the diseased calyx end of the fruit but also in the apex end where the fruit seems to ripen and colour uniformly. 相似文献
Abstract White yam ( Dioscorea rotundata cv. Olonko) was grown consecutively for three growing seasons, i.e. from February to October of 1975, 1976 and 1977, and treated with six levels of nitrogen, viz: 0, 40, 60, 120, 160 and 200 kg N/ha in the field. Leaf samples were taken at four stages of growth as follows: vegetative, tuber formation, tuber development and tuber maturation, and analyzed for NO 3‐N, P, K, Ca and Mg. Increasing nitrogen fertilization consistently increased leaf‐NO 3‐N, particularly at the vegetative stages of growth, while no consistent trend was established for leaf‐P. Leaf‐K was increased at low rate of nitrogen fertilization during tuber formation and maturation whereas leaf‐Ca increased only at tuber maturation in the presence of higher rates of nitrogen fertilization. There was a marked increase in leaf‐Mg at all stages of growth when N treatment was increased to 200 kg N/ha. A positive correlation (r = 0.84???) was obtained for leaf‐K at the vegetative growth stage with tuber yield, while leaf‐Mg was positively correlated with tuber yield at vegetative (r = 0.46?), tuber formation (r = 0.50?) and tuber development (r = 0.67??) stages. All other elements were negatively correlated with yield at all stages of growth. Tuber yield was highest at the 200 kg N/ha treatment. 相似文献
选择宁夏引黄灌区中等肥力灌淤土,设置施肥与不施肥处理,在相距约5km的3个试验点进行了肥料田间试验,研究春小麦不同生育期氮、磷、钾养分的吸收特点。结果表明,在供试土壤条件下,施肥可明显提高小麦产量、干物质累积量、体内氮、磷、钾含量及其累积量。施肥或不施肥,小麦地上部干物质的累积量随生育期呈典型S型曲线增长,其中拔节期和灌浆期出现两个高峰期,各占总累积量的30%左右。植株氮、磷、钾含量随生育期呈曲线下降趋势,特别是从拔节到灌浆中期下降幅度较大;而在分蘖期以前和灌浆中期以后变化幅度较小。植株氮、磷、钾累积吸收量随生育期的延长和施肥水平的提高而增加,但各生育期相对累积吸收比例,施肥与否差异不大。苗期氮、磷、钾的吸收量约占总吸收量的4%~5%,分蘖期占20%~23%,拔节期分别占30%、41%、34%,抽穗期分别占14%、12%、10%,灌浆期分别占29%、20%、26%,成熟期占1%~3%,其中拔节期是养分吸收的高峰时期。不论施肥与否,地上部氮、磷、钾累积吸收量与其干物质累积量之间均呈极显著正相关,而与植株氮、磷、钾含量之间呈极显著负相关。 相似文献
Abstract Diagnosis of N deficiency in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is important in the North Central region because it is the principal grain crop and N is the nutrient most often limiting its growth. Plant analysis may provide a means by which this objective can be realized. This study was undertaken to establish N levels of sufficiency and deficiency in spring wheat at several growth stages. Five cultivars of spring wheat were grown in the field at rates of 0, 40, 80, and 160 kg/ha of N on a Maddock sandy loam (sandy, mixed Udorthentic Haploborolls) for two years. Plant samples were collected at Feekes growth stages 3, 5–6, 9–10, and 10.5–10.5.1. Nitrogen concentration trends in the plant tissue showed a rapid drop between stages 3 and 10.5–10.5.1. Nitrogen concentration growth curves exhibited a curvilinear pattern at stages 5–6, 9–10 and 10.5–10.5.1, and a linear relationship at stage 3. For the whole plant samples N concentrations of 5.2–5.6%, 4.2–5.1%, 2.4–3.5% and 1.8–2.6% at stages 3, 5–6, 9–10 and 10.5–10.5.1 were sufficient. For leaf blade samples N concentrations of 4.1–5.0% and 3.6–4.5% at stages 9–10 and 10.5–10.5.1 were sufficient. Cultivar effects on N concentration were sometimes significant but the effects were inconsistent between two seasons or within a given season. 相似文献
Abstract Six legume species and several varieties within the species were grown in a greenhouse pot experiment using the Bt horizon of a Lily (Typic Hapludult) soil. Lime treatments were 0 and 2.2 g Ca(OH) 2/kg soil. Liming increased the soil pH from 4.6 to 6.2. The species and varieties responded differentially to lime. Both shoot and root growth of legumes showed a significant species and lime interaction effect. Based on tolerance index groups for shoot growth, alfalfa varieties were classified as very sensitive, red clovers and white clovers as sensitive and Essex soybean and Carroll birdsfoot trefoil as tolerant to the acid soil. The remaining legumes were grouped as moderately tolerant to the acid soil. Liming increased shoot concentrations of Ca in all the legumes and reduced concentration of Mg, K, and Zn. Species and varieties within species differed significantly in concentrations of all mineral elements studied except Mg. Further significant differences in elemental composition were observed due to both lime and lime species interactions. In the limed soil, the Ca concentration of the shoots increased as the tolerance index decreased. 相似文献
采用盆栽试验研究了肥料(氮、钾、钼)互作对菠菜不同生长阶段硝态氮积累的影响。结果表明,施肥对菠菜硝态氮积累的影响整体表现为:柄叶,老叶新叶;与生长前期相比,收获期各部位中硝态氮含量均有下降趋势。不施氮条件下,施钼极显著或显著地降低了菠菜生长前期和收获期叶片中硝态氮含量,降幅分别为19.3%和21.4%;施氮条件下,施钼仅显著降低了菠菜生长前期叶片中硝态氮含量,降幅达21.2%。在本试验条件下,单施钼比钼钾配施更有利于降低菠菜叶片中硝态氮的含量;钾与钼营养的相互效应,以及钾与钼之间如何平衡,似乎是影响施钼效果的关键。 相似文献
Abstract Magnesium and Ca concentrations in smooth bromegrass ( Bromus inermis L) were not affected by late‐winter applications of N. Magnesium concentrations were constant until rapid growth in mid‐May then they declined until early June harvest. Highest seasonal concentrations were found in the fall regrowth. Calcium concentrations declined as plants matured in spring. Highest seasonal Ca concentrations were found in the fall regrowth. Nitrogen, P, and K concentrations and K/(Ca+Mg) ratios were increased by N applications during early spring but did not differ significantly by early June harvest. Nitrogen and P concentrations decreased as plants matured in spring and fall. K concentrations and K/(Ca+Mg) ratios changed inconsistently from sampling date to sampling date. Forage yields were approximately doubled by 67 kg N/ha and tripled by 202 kg N/ha. Significant yield differences were related to different N carriers. 相似文献
Abstract Leaf samples from cranberry plants in Wareham, Massachusetts were collected during the 1980–82 growing seasons and analysed for N, P, K, Ca and Mg. The seasonal patterns which emerged allowed the proposal of normal ranges for the elements and optimum times for sampling. The foliar nutrient levels obtained were compared to those for cranberries grown in other areas as well as to those for crops which are grown under similar conditions. 相似文献
以富士、金冠苹果树为试材,分析了同一花序不同部位的果实重量,Ca、Mg、K含量和果柄结构的变化,以期探讨果柄发育和幼果Ca、Mg、K吸收之间的关系及其在幼果脱落中的作用。结果表明,随幼果的发育,单个幼果重量和Ca、Mg、K含量呈增加趋势;与发育不正常的边果相比,发育正常的中心果和边果的鲜重、干重、果柄直径、维管束数目、木质部厚度、韧皮部维管束面积和单果Ca、Mg、K总含量较高,而以干重为单位的果柄Ca、Mg含量较低。相关分析表明,苹果幼果的单果重和Ca、Mg、K含量与果柄的直径、维管束数目、木质部厚度、韧皮部维管束面积呈显著正相关,说明幼果发育与Ca、Mg、K吸收和果柄结构密切相关,Ca、Mg、K吸收率低和果柄发育不良可能是导致落果的重要原因。 相似文献
Nutrient requirements o£ plants during their various phases of growth are affected by several internal and external factors. The changes in rate of uptake by root with age are an important factor to meet the increasing plant demand for nutrients. Nutrient culture experiments were carried out under controlled greenhouse conditions with corn ( Zea Mays L.) and alfalfa ( Medicago sativa L.) to investigate the relationship of stage of growth to changes in plant parameters and nutrient uptake properties. With advancement of age. both plant species increased their ambient growth medium pH towards neutrality. With increasing age in alfalfa there was very little change in observed S:R ratio and root growth rate. On the other hand in corn plants the S:R ratio increased and growth rate for root and shoot decreased with age. Alfalfa contained higher concentrations of N, K, Na, and Ca than corn; while ion concentrations in both crops decreased with plant age. At all stages of growth, alfalfa absorbed less nutrients than corn. The rates of nutrient influx, I n in both the crops showed various degrees of correlation with age and rate of shoot growth. In corn. I n for ions reached a maximum at 25 days growth; whereas, in alfalfa, I n reached maximum at 30 days of growth. The differences in influx rates for different ions in the two species are probably due to the difference in development of shoot and root parameters and shoot demand for the ions. 相似文献
Abstract Tomato plants were grown in sand culture with NH + 4, and NO ? 3, forms of N and three levels of light. Plants supplied with NH + 4, nutrition under high light intensity had symptoms of stunting, leaf roll, wilting, interveinal chlorosis of the older leaves, and one third the dry weight of N0 3‐fed plants. In contrast, growth of plants receiving NH + 4, nutrition under shade appeared normal although dry weight was reduced. NH 4‐N nutrition suppressed K, Ca and Mg accumulation in tissues and increased P contents as compared to NO 3‐N nutrition. 相似文献
Tomato plants were grown in sand culture with NO 3 or NH 4 N at two levels of light. Foliar sprays at three levels of N as well as combinations of foliar and root feeding were used. Shade increased NH4 toxicity in plants sprayed with NH4 but decreased the toxicity in plants receiving NH4 through the roots. NH4‐N greatly reduced growth and cation uptake when supplied through the roots but not with foliar application. Plants sprayed with NH4 showed better growth, higher K, Ca, and Mg content and lower free NH4 in shoot, compared to plants receiving NH4 through the roots. The overall free amino acid contents of shoots was higher for NH4‐fed plants regardless of how the N was applied. Plants sprayed with NH4 incorporated a greater amount of N into insoluble compounds compared with NO3 nutrition. The N uptake per unit of leaf area was higher for plants grown under full sun light whereas N content was higher for plants grown under hade. N content in tissue increased with N concentration in foliar spray, although plants supplied with N through the roots had higher levels of free amino acids and total nitrogen. 相似文献
Abstract The changes with time in the growth and total content of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S in the whole above‐ground part of Vioia faba plants have been studied throughout their development. These bean plants were indeterminate and fruit growth commenced before shoot extension growth ceased. The total dry weight of mature fruit (pods plus beans) exceeded that of the combined leaves and stems at any time. The distribution patterns of the elements fell into two groups; with N, P, K and S the fruit content was large and dominant, while only a modest proportion of the Ca and Mg was in the fruit. There was evidence that some N, P, K and S was re‐distributed from other tissues, but by far the greatest part moved directly into the bean during their expansion stage. These results are discussed in relation to previous reports of the origin of the nutrients of other grain legumes, with particular emphasis on the differences between indeterminate and determinate species. 相似文献
采用两种基因型冬小麦种子为试验材料,研究了盐胁迫对小麦种子萌发过程中Na 的吸收和累积及其对C、N代谢的影响及外源Ca(NO3)2和CaCl2对小麦萌发过程中盐害的缓解效应。结果表明,150mmol/L NaCl胁迫明显抑制小麦种子的萌发。种子萌发过程中,"小偃6号"的耐盐性优于"陕229"。外源钙对两种小麦盐胁迫效应的缓解作用不同。6mmol/L钙离子可明显减轻"陕229"的盐害作用,对"小偃6号"作用不大。盐胁迫对种子萌发过程中的蛋白酶和淀粉酶活性具有明显抑制作用。盐胁迫下,"小偃6号"种子的蛋白酶和淀粉酶活性明显高于"陕229"。钙离子对盐胁迫下小麦萌发过程胚乳内蛋白酶的活性有较大调节作用,对淀粉酶活性影响较小。盐胁迫下小麦种子中Na 含量显著增加,K/Na比显著降低。钙离子对盐胁迫下小麦种子中Na 累积的影响较大,盐胁迫和外源钙处理对K 含量影响较小。 相似文献
Abstract Accumulation of Ca, Mg, K and Na in each individual leaf, petiole and stem of the cucumber plant ( Cucumis sativus L. cv. Kasairaku) was investigated in relation to the growth of these organs under water culture condition. Growth of each individual organ followed a sigmoidal curve showing two distinctive phases, the exponential and stationary phases. Accumulation patterns of these major cations showed a elose relationship with the growth characteristics of the organs. 1) Leaf Although the rate of accumulation of the cations declined during the stationary phase of growth, both Ca and Na accumulated in all the leaves throughout the whole period of growth. A higher Ca content was observed in the older leaves while the younger leaves showed a higher Na content. Mg and K accumulated during the exponential phase, whereas no appreciable accumulation was observed during the stationary phase. 2) Petiole and stem. Accumulation of Ca, Mg and Na continued throughout the whole period of growth. No deeline in the rate of accumulation of these cations was observed during the stationary phase unlike in the leaf, whereas K accumulation was observed only during the exponential phase of growth, as in the leaf. All three organs showed that the content of these cations in each individual organ decreased during the exponential phase of growth. The rate of decrease was greater in younger organs than in older ones. 相似文献
Abstract Incidence of grass tetany on small grain pastures has been related to forage Mg content and K/Ca + Mg ratio. The objective of this study was to relate P, K, Ca, Mg, and the K/Ca + Mg ratio in winter forage to specie and variety. In one year on unlimed soil with low pH, rye forage tended to be higher in P than oats, barley, or wheat. P content increased the next year on higher pH soil with less specie differences. K differed little with specie, and was higher in November than later harvests. Rye tended to be higher in Ca both years, especially in the early harvest. Percent Mg was lower for wheat the first year on the low pH soil than the other species, and percent Mg increased in all species at all harvests the next year on higher pH soil with wheat having similar Mg levels to the other species. The K/Ca + Mg ratio of wheat was higher than rye, oats, and barley on the low pH soil. Liming reduced this ratio to near 2.2 on all species. Grass tetany has been reported more likely to occur when K/Ca + Mg is over 2.2, and this study suggests rye, followed closely by oats and barley, would maintain lower ratios than wheat under conditions of low Mg availability. 相似文献
在田间试验条件下利用15N示踪技术,于有机质含量为25.7 g.kg-1的黄壤上,研究了烤烟在移栽后5、7、9周小麦秸秆还田对烤烟氮积累、肥料氮积累、肥料氮分配以及氮肥利用率,结果表明,当地常规施肥条件下,烤烟于移栽后13周肥料氮积累达到高峰,氮供应拖后,随烤烟生育期的增加,烟株来自肥料氮比例逐渐减低,烤烟生育前期主要吸收肥料氮,后期以吸收土壤氮为主。秸秆于烤烟移栽后5~9周期间还田后,烟株氮积累、肥料氮积累量和来自肥料氮比例及氮利用率均表现降低,并随秸秆还田时间的推迟,对肥料氮的影响逐渐减少。 相似文献
Abstract Growth and chemical composition of crop plants may be subject to alteration by systemic compounds employed for pest control. A field study was implemented to examine the effects of aldicarb on growth, chemical composition, and nutrient diagnosis of a potato crop at various growth stages. Aldicarb use resulted in increased dry matter production of leaves, stems, and tubers, and final fresh tuber weight during the second year of the study. Higher tuber yields were likely due to greater photosynthetic capacity because the increase in leaf dry matter production with time was greater in the aldicarb treatment than in control. Leaf nutrition was not influenced by aldicarb; however, leaf nutrient content varied greatly with growth stage. Similar nutrient status evaluations were generated by DRIS, regardless of pesticide treatment or growth stage. DRIS was able to diagnose nutrient limitations as early as tuber initiation 相似文献