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Lime is used as a soil amendment to achieve the optimum pH suitable for good crop growth. Buffer pH (BpH) measurements have been calibrated to relate the linear drop in pH of the soil–buffer system to the amount of lime needed to neutralize soil to a certain pH level. The amount of lime required to neutralize soil acidity, called the lime requirement (LR), is obtained from soil–limestone (CaCO3) incubations. In this study, 13 soils from Ohio were incubated with CaCO3 for a period of 1 month to determine the LR to achieve different target pHs. This LR was then regressed with the different BpHs of four buffer solutions [(1) Shoemaker, McLean, and Pratt (SMP), (2) Sikora, (3) Mehlich, and (4) modified Mehlich] to obtain calibration equations. The Sikora and modified Mehlich buffers are variations of the SMP and Mehlich buffers, respectively, but they are designed to promote buffering without use of any hazardous constituents [i.e., chromium(VI) in SMP buffer and barium in the Mehlich buffer]. This study was done to verify the applicability of the buffers that do not contain any hazardous constituents and to calibrate these buffers for predicting lime requirement needs for Ohio soils. Comparing the calibrated equations of the SMP and Sikora buffers with CaCO3‐incubation LR recommendations revealed that the SMP and Sikora buffer solutions were not significantly different, and a single calibrated equation can be used for these two buffers to determine LR predictions in Ohio. The Mehlich and modified Mehlich calibration equations differed significantly from the SMP calibration equations and were not as highly correlated with CaCO3‐incubation LR recommendations using a linear model (r2 < 0.54). Thus, it is possible to use the Mehlich and modified Mehlich for determining lime recommendations, but they require a correction factor such as inclusion of the initial soil pH to improve the precision of the LR prediction. We also found the various buffers tested in this study were better able to predict LR rates for greater LR soils than low LR soils. In conclusion, successful laboratory tests to predict LR for Ohio soils are possible using alternative buffers that do not contain hazardous constituents.  相似文献   


Lime requirements (LR) of 26 agricultural acid soils were estimated using the following buffer methods: Shoemaker‐McLean‐Pratt (SMP) single buffer (SMP‐SB), SMP double buffer (SMP‐DB), Mehlich buffer method for crops with high LR (MEHLICH I), and Mehlich buffer methods for crops with low LR (MEHLICH II). The LR were determined to three pH targets (6.5, 6.0 and 5.5). The LR values were then evaluated through regression analysis using LR values obtained by the Ca(OH)2 titration (for the 6.5 pH target) and moist CaCO3‐incubation (for the 6.0 and 5.5 pH targets) as reference methods. All the buffer methods were well correlated with the reference methods but the SMP‐DB gave the best results for both high and low LR soils, and was particularly impressive at the lowest pH target.  相似文献   


Rapid, accurate identification of the lime required to attain a desired pH is essential for the coarse‐textured soils of the Atlantic coastal plain to avoid micronutrient deficiencies (Mn, Zn) in sensitive crops and to insure herbicide efficacy. The University of Delaware Soil Testing laboratory is one of only seven of the 25 states in the Northeastern and Southern regions that does not use a buffer solution to make lime requirement determinations. The present method bases lime recommendations on soil pH in water, combined with an estimate of buffering capacity obtained by hand texturing soils. This approach is time‐consuming and includes the potential for considerable operator variability in obtaining the textural estimate. A study was initiated to compare four buffer solutions (Adams‐Evans, Mehlich, SMP‐single buffer, SMP‐double buffer) with the current approach and the actual lime requirement as determined by incubation of 19 Delaware soils with six rates of CaCO3 for six months. Soil pH effects on Mn and Zn availability were determined by extraction of all samples from the incubation study with the Mehlich I (.05M HCl + .0125M H2SO4) soil testing solution. Results indicated that organic matter was the primary soil component responsible for pH buffering in Delaware soils, and that the Adams‐Evans or Mehlich buffers were the best predictors of actual lime requirement. The appropriate target pH range for the coarse‐textured soils of Delaware, based on Mn and Zn availability, was determined to be 5.5–6.0. Liming soils to pH values greater than 6.0 is, for most crops, unnecessary and will reduce Mn availability below critical levels for sensitive crops such as soybeans and small grains.  相似文献   


The Shoemaker–McLean–Pratt (SMP) buffer test is commonly used in Pennsylvania and throughout the United States to determine the lime requirement (LR) of acid soils. The buffer contains potassium chromate, a carcinogen, and all waste must be collected for disposal in a hazardous waste facility. An alternative to the SMP buffer is the Mehlich buffer. Although the Mehlich buffer contains barium chloride (BaCl2), also a hazardous and regulated compound, calcium chloride (CaCl2) has been shown to be an effective substitute. The goal of this study was to compare the SMP buffer and the modified Mehlich buffer (CaCl2 substituted for BaCl2) for estimating LR on PA soils and to determine if the modified Mehlich buffer could provide an effective alternative to the SMP test. Twenty‐two agriculturally important Pennsylvania soils with pH values ranging from 4.5 to 6.4 were collected, and the actual LR of each soil was determined by incubating soils for 3 months with calcium carbonate. The modified Mehlich buffer was a more accurate predictor of the lime required to raise soils to either pH 6.5 (r2=0.92) or 7.0 (r2=0.87) in comparison to the SMP buffer (r2=0.87 and 0.82, respectively). Comparison of calibration equations for Mehlich buffer versus lime requirement derived in this study were similar to those developed on soils from other states and geographic regions.  相似文献   

Routine use of the Shoemaker, McLean, and Pratt (SMP) lime buffer method resulted in chronic problems with electrode reference junction degradation, stability of readings relative to contact time, and generation of hazardous waste. During method recalibration, the Mehlich buffer was chosen for parallel evaluation with SMP, with the goal of improving method performance and eliminating of hazardous waste. The Mehlich buffer was modified by substituting calcium (Ca) for barium (Ba). The modified Mehlich (MM) buffer was found to be identical to the original with respect to buffering power and linearity over an extended pH range of 3.0–6.6. Seven agronomic soils were incubated with eight rates of calcium carbonate for 90 days. Regression analysis was performed to predict lime requirement (LR) to several target pH levels, based on pH measured in each buffer alone or in both water and buffer. Slightly better predictability was obtained using multiple regressions, with R2>0.95 in all cases. Significant but minor differences occurred between the newly calibrated buffers in extended comparisons. The MM buffer was superior to the SMP during routine usage, with fewer adverse effects on electrodes and the elimination of hazardous waste.  相似文献   

Liming is one of the key agronomic practices to improve crop yields in acid soils because, among other things, it reduces aluminum toxicity and creates favorable conditions for crop growth. For an effective liming program, the methods to determine lime requirement should be as precise as possible. This paper reviews the existing lime requirement methods and discusses the potential of a new one suitable for routine use in the laboratory to test most agricultural soils. The most widely used lime requirement methods can be categorized into four groups: titration, incubation, buffer, and field methods. Other methods such as spectroscopy method or the use of empirical equations have also been adopted. Although some methods are highly reliable, they are not optimal for routine use because they are inconvenient during the laboratory procedures or cannot be validated for all conditions. Based on the linearity between soil pH and the added base in the pH range from 4.5–6.5 in most agricultural soils, a titration-based method on 1:1 soil:0.01 M CaCl2 slurry of a single sample appears to be a promising candidate for routine use. In further studies, this generally applicable method should be evaluated to provide a better comparison to established methods for lime requirement determination.  相似文献   

Liming is necessary for good nutrient availability and crop growth. Lime use in Ireland is now the lowest in half a century. A recent study shows that grassland mineral soils in Ireland has a mean pH of 5.4 and mean lime requirement (LR) of 9.3 t/ha ground limestone. There have been a number of studies in the USA to re-evaluate LR, but little activity in the European Union (EU) in recent years. The primary aim of our research was to compare five methods for estimating LR, which included the Shoemaker–McLean–Pratt (SMP) buffer method currently used in Ireland (IRL), the Sikora buffer method used at the University of Kentucky (UKY), Ca(OH)2 titration used at University of Georgia (UGA), the modified Mehlich buffer method used at Penn State University (PSU) and the UK RothLime model, using 57 representative grassland mineral soils from Ireland with a pH range from 4.8 to 6.6. The secondary aim was to explore an alternative to the SMP buffer that does not involve the use of toxic chemicals. The results show good agreement between the pH measured by the Irish and three US laboratories and reasonably good agreement in LR estimated by five methods. The main conclusions are: (1) a significant proportion of grassland on mineral soils in Ireland would benefit from liming to increase soil pH, (2) on average, LRs as recommended in Ireland are higher than those advised elsewhere , ( 3) the target pH in Ireland is high compared with that in other countries and should be reduced from pH 6.5 to 6.2, (4) the SMP buffer method should be replaced by a suitable alternative and, in principle, any of the four methods studied would be suitable, (5) to find the most suitable alternative for accurate LR advice it would be necessary to compare the different methods to the actual LR from incubation of representative soils with calcium hydroxide.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to study the influence of liming on changes in different forms of acidity in relation to soil properties. Thirty-six surface (0–15 cm deep) soil samples were collected from different soil orders, namely Entisols, Inceptisols, Alfisols, and Entisols of coastal saline zone of West Bengal, India, and incubated for 21 days with three doses of lime [i.e., no lime (L0), half lime (L1/2), and full lime (L1)]. Results of analysis of soil showed that there were significant increases in pH in water (pHw) and pH in 0.02 M calcium chloride (CaCl2) (pHCa) (1.3 and 1.5 units) and decrease in total acidity, hydrolytic acidity, exchange acidity, electrostatically bound aluminium (EBAl3+), and electrostatically bound hydrogen (EBH+) upon liming being from 1.53 to 0.57, 1.40 to 0.54, 0.13 to 0.03, 0.08 to 0.01, and 0.06 to 0.02 cmol (p+) kg?1, respectively. The decrease in values of all the forms of acidity was greater in L1 than in L1/2 treatment under Entisols of the terai zone, followed by Entisols of coastal saline zone, Inceptisols, and Alfisols. The forms of acidity showed significant positive correlation with each other but negative correlation with pHw and pHCa, except for EBH+.  相似文献   

Availability and plant uptake of nutrients were evaluated in three tropical acid soils (Kandiudult) amended with paper pulp and lime under greenhouse conditions. Amendments were applied to attain target pH values of 5.5, 6.0, and 6.5. A control treatment (no paper pulp or lime added) was also included. Rye grass (Lolium perenne L.) as a test plant was grown for three successive cycles of 40 days each. Extractable nutrients and cumulative nutrient uptake were determined. The application of paper pulp or lime resulted in a significant increase in exchangeable Ca and K and a decrease in exchangeable Mg and extractable Fe, Mn, and Zn. Amendment of soils with paper pulp or lime increased plant uptake of Ca and Mg and decreased that of K, Mn, and Zn. Both amendments behaved similarly, but the effect of lime seemed generally greater than that of paper pulp. Paper pulp in tropical acid soils behaved as a liming agent rather than an organic amendment. Similar to lime, amendment of soils with paper pulp resulted in an increase in availability of Ca and Mg and in a decrease in availability of K, Mn, and Zn for plants. Soil extractions appeared to be appropriate for assessing the availability of Ca, Mn, and Zn. Soil pH and effective cation exchange capacity positively influenced the availability of Ca and negatively the availability of Mn and Zn. Thus, the precision of predicting nutrient availability in paper pulp amended tropical acid soils could be improved by including soil pH or effective cation exchange capacity in relevant regression equations.  相似文献   


This work aimed to calibrate Mehlich 1, Mehlich 3, Bray 1, Olsen, and ion‐exchange resin extraction methods with maize phosphorus (P) responses in a pot study with lowland and upland soils with different P‐buffer capacities and to evaluate whether the calibration can be enhanced through the knowledge of remaining P. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replications in a factorial arrangement involving five P concentrations and four lowland or seven upland soils. The remaining P for each soil was determined, P‐buffer capacity was estimated, and the soils were grouped according to the results. Correlation coefficients showed that the remaining P is strongly dependent on clay and soil organic‐matter content, and its determination was useful to the evaluation of the extractants. The classification and grouping of soils according to their P‐buffer capacity improved the correlations between extracted P and plant response for Mehlich 1 and Bray 1 extractants. The Mehlich 3, Olsen, and resin methods presented better performances, independent of soil grouping.  相似文献   

The charge characteristics of A1 or Ap and B2 horizon samples of total 23 Ultisols, Alfisols and Oxisols in Korea and Thailand were studied by measuring the retention of NH4+ and NO3? at different pH values (4–8) and NH4NO3 concentrations (0.1–0.005 m ). The magnitude of their negative charge (σ?; meq/100g) was dependent on pH and NH4NO3 concentration (C; m ) as represented by a regression equation: log σ?=apH +blogC +c. The values of the coefficient a (0.04–0.226), b (0.03–0.264) and c (–0.676–1.262) were correlated with the kinds of the soil and horizon and with the region where the soil exists. The retention of NO3? was less than 1 and 2–3 meq/100 g for the A1 or Ap and B2 horizon samples, respectively. The sum of exchangeable base and Al (‘effective’ CEC) was close to and higher than the magnitude of permanent charge (=σ? measured at pH = 4.3 and at C = 0.005 m ) for one-third and two-thirds of samples, respectively. A σ? value of 16 meq/100 g clay at pH = 7 and C = 0.01 m was found appropriate to separate the B2 horizons of Thai Ultisols and Oxisols from those of Korean Ultisols and Alfisols. Korean Alfisols and Ultisols and Thai Ultisols were distinguished from each other on the status of exchangeable base and Al  相似文献   

Deficiency of micronutrients is increasing in crop plants in recent years in Oxisols and Ultisols in the tropics. The predominant soils in the coastal tablelands of Brazil are Ultisols and Oxisols, with low cation exchange capacity and kaolinitic clay mineralogy. Soil copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) extracted by the Mehlich 1 solution, currently used in the regional soil-testing laboratories, were compared with those extracted by the Mehlich 3 and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) solutions in a greenhouse experiment with 10 soil samples (0–20 cm deep) collected from representative Ultisols and Oxisols from various locations in the region. Corn was grown as a test crop, and its dry matter and micronutrient uptake was measured at 30 days of growth. Soil Cu, Mn, and Zn extracted with the three solutions were significantly correlated (0.65–0.95 range for r values), with the Mehlich 3 solution extracting greater quantities than the Mehlich 1 and DTPA solutions. Zinc and Cu taken up by corn plants were significantly related to their soil-extractable levels measured at harvest with all three of the solutions, except for Zn DTPA. However, similar relations between plant uptake and soil extractable Mn were poor, except for DTPA extracting solution.  相似文献   


Many soil analysis labs routinely determine lime requirement of acidic soils using different buffer solutions for optimum plant growth. The Adams‐Evans lime determination solution was introduced more than 40 years ago and has been used by many soil analysis labs. Even though many buffer solutions have been developed since then, very little attention has been paid to address the toxic nature of chemicals involved in buffer solutions. The most commonly used buffer solutions, such as the Adams-Evans, Shoemaker‐McLean‐Pratt (SMP), Woodruff, and others, contain p‐nitrophenol, which is toxic to humans and the environment. Use of p‐nitrophenol requires prescribed containment and disposal procedures, that creates extra burden on soil analysis labs that provide their invaluable service at low cost. Replacing p‐nitrophenol with monobasic potassium phosphate (KH2PO4), which has similar buffering capacity but with no known toxicity, is beneficial to soil testing labs and the environment. The original Adams‐Evans buffer solution was compared with the modified Adams‐Evans buffer solution with soils of different pH, cation exchange capacity and lime requirement. The linear regression between the buffer pH values and lime recommendations made by Adams‐Evans and the modified Adams‐Evans solutions were highly significant. Thus, the modified Adams‐Evans buffer solution can be used without loss of established recommendation criteria as the original buffer solution.  相似文献   

A laboratory incubation study was conducted to study the influence of liming on extractable boron (B) in acidic soil. Six soils, three each from the Inceptisols and Alfisols, were incubated for 30 days with combinations of lime and B. The soils were acutely deficient in plant-available B (0.09–0.21 mg kg?1). Only <50 percent of applied B was recovered from the soils in available form. Such recovery was lower in Alfisols than that in Inceptisols due to adsorption of a greater amount of added B with iron (Fe?) and aluminium (Al?) oxides in the former soil group. Required dose of lime showed an increase in availability of native soil B, particularly in Inceptisols (26 percent), and a net decrease in recovery of added B (32.5 percent) as compared to no lime control (41.6 percent). The results thus suggest that liming to acidic soils increases extractable B.  相似文献   


A study was conducted to calibrate and evaluate five buffers for the lime requirement (LR) determination of tropical peat soil. The buffers tested were the Shoemaker‐McLean‐Pratt (SMP); Mehlich; 0.1M ammonium acetate (NH4OAc); 0.1M barium acetate [(Ba(OAc)2]; and 0.1M calcium acetate [Ca(OAc)2]. Calibration was done by comparing the precision of linear regression equations adjusted to the relationships between the LR rates required to achieve pH 5.0 measured in a 1: 4 (soiltwater) ratio as determined by incubation and soil‐buffer pH values. Incubation LR using calcium carbonate (CaCO3) to achieve pH 5.0 by peat soil was utilized to calibrate each buffer. Evaluation was carried out by assessing the LR from the calibrated buffers which estimate the LR nearest to the target pH of 5.0. The calibration study showed that the SMP and Mehlich buffers were less precise than the Ba(OAc)2, NH4OAc, and Ca(OAc)2 buffers. The evaluation study indicated that the Ba(OAc)2 buffer is the most accurate, followed by NH4OAc and Ca(OAc)2 buffers. The Ba(OAc)2 buffer method is recommended for LR determination of tropical peat soil and NEUOAc or Ca(OAc)2 as an alternative method.  相似文献   

No‐till (NT) system with crop rotation is one of the most effective strategies to improve agricultural sustainability in tropical and subtropical regions. To control soil acidity in NT, lime is broadcast on the surface without incorporation. The increase in soil pH due to surface liming may decrease zinc (Zn) availability and its uptake by crops. A field experiment was performed in Paraná State, Brazil, on a loamy, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Hapludox to evaluate Zn bioavailability in a NT system after surface liming and re‐liming. Dolomitic lime was surface applied on the main plots in July 1993 at the rates of 0, 2, 4, and 6 Mg ha?1. In June 2000, the main plots were divided in two subplots to study of the effect of surface re‐liming at the rates of 0 and 3 Mg ha?1. The cropping sequence was soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] (2001–2 and 2002–3), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (2003), soybean (2003–4), corn (Zea mays L.) (2004–5), and soybean (2005–6). Soil samples were collected at the following depths: 0–0.05, 0.05–0.10, and 0.10–0.20 m, 10 years after surface liming and 3 years after surface re‐liming. Soil Zn levels were extracted by four extractants: (i) 0.005 mol L?1 diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) + 0.1 mol L?1 triethanolamine (TEA) + 0.01 mol L?1 calcium chloride (CaCl2) solution at pH 7.3 (DTPA–TEA), (ii) 0.1 mol L?1 hydrochloric acid (HCl) solution, (iii) Mehlich 1 solution, and (iv) Mehlich 3 solution. Zinc concentrations in leaves and grains of soybean, wheat, and corn were also determined. Soil pH (0.01 mol L?1 CaCl2 suspension) varied from 4.4 to 6.1, at the 0‐ to 0.05‐m depth, from 4.2 to 5.3 at the 0.05‐ to 0.10‐m depth, and from 4.2 to 4.8 at the 0.10‐ to 0.20‐m depth, after liming and re‐liming. Zinc concentrations evaluated by DTPA–TEA, 0.1 mol L?1 HCl, Mehlich 1, and Mehlich 3 solutions were not changed as a result of lime rate application. Re‐liming increased Zn concentrations extracted by 0.1 mol L?1 HCl at 0–0.05 m deep and by DTPA–TEA at 0.05–0.10 m deep. Surface‐applied lime promoted a decrease in Zn concentrations of the crops, mainly in grains, because of increased soil pH at the surface layers. Regardless of the liming treatments, levels of Zn were sufficient to soybean, wheat, and corn nutrition under NT.  相似文献   

Paper mill residuals may beneficially be used to improve the fertility of tropical acid soils. The effects of paper pulp on soil pH, exchangeable Al and soil solution composition of three acid tropical soils were compared with the effects of equivalent rates of lime in two batch experiments. Paper pulp was more effective than lime in increasing soil pH. However, both amendments were equally effective in decreasing exchangeable Al. Paper pulp and lime similarly influenced the composition of the soil solution by increasing soil solution pH, dissolved organic carbon, inorganic carbon, NO3, SO4, Ca and Mg. The supply of nitrate by the soil, however, was reduced in paper pulp treatments compared to lime treatments. Nitrate had a major role in controlling nutrient concentrations in the soil solution. Reduced NO3 concentrations in paper pulp treated soils compared to limed soils could therefore result in lower nutrient availability and limited losses by leaching.  相似文献   


Buffers for determining a soil's lime requirement (LR) sometimes contain hazardous chemicals. Our objective was to implement a single‐addition titration with calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] to determine the LR of soils. The soil pH buffering capacity is calculated from the rise in pH from a single addition of base. The LR is calculated from the soil pH buffering capacity, the target pH, and initial soil pH. The LR of 531 randomly selected client samples determined by single‐addition titration were slightly higher than by the Adams–Evans (AE) buffer procedure when LRs were less than 1800 lb per acre. The new procedure recommended about 11% less lime than AE at LRs greater than 1800 lb per acre. Independent evaluations of samples that gave the most widely different LR revealed that the single‐addition titration was more accurate and more precise than the AE buffer.  相似文献   

Twenty acid soils of West Bengal, India, representing Alfisols, Entisols and Inceptisols orders, were studied to characterize their acidity in relation to physicochemical properties. Total potential acidity (TPA), pH-dependent acidity (PDA), total acidity (TA), hydrolytic acidity (HA) and exchange acidity (EA) ranged from 2.02–6.90, 1.75–6.05, 1.18–2.75, 0.98–1.90 and 0.06–0.85 cmol(p+) kg?1, respectively. Relative order for all forms of acidity was: Entisols>Alfisols>Inceptisols. Average contribution of EA to TPA and TA was 9.7% and 19.7%, respectively, and that of PDA to TPA was 90.1%. Contribution of electrostatically bound H+ to EA was highest for Inceptisols followed by Entisols>Alfisols, and reverse was true for electrostatically bound aluminum (Al3+). All forms of acidity showed significant positive correlations with organic carbon (C) forms of Al but negative correlations with pH of soil. They also showed significant correlations with each other. Soil pH, organic C and exchangeable Al caused most of the variations in different forms of soil acidity.  相似文献   

石灰和绿肥对不同种植制度植烟酸性土壤改良效果   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为寻求酸性植烟土壤可持续改良方法,采用大田试验研究了石灰、石灰+绿肥在烤烟连作、烤烟与玉米轮作方式上对酸性植烟土壤物理特性、主要养分和酸度特征指标的影响,并分析了土壤pH与土壤理化指标的相关性。结果表明:在烤烟连作方式下,施用石灰并结合种植绿肥还田改良酸性土壤比单施石灰效果好,能使土壤容重、水解性酸、交换性酸、交换性氢和交换性铝分别降低11.97%,25.00%,18.46%,21.74%和16.67%,土壤孔隙度、有机质、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾含量、pH、阳离子交换量、盐基饱和度和土壤缓冲容量分别提高42.26%,57.02%,11.86%,16.39%,50.65%,5.97%,8.05%,13.17%和81.90%。施用石灰并结合种植绿肥对烤烟与玉米轮作方式的酸性土壤修复效果较烤烟连作更好,土壤容重、水解性酸、交换性酸、交换性氢和交换性铝可分别降低4.00%,20.51%,27.92%,10.00%和37.14%,土壤孔隙度、有机质、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾含量、pH、阳离子交换量、盐基饱和度和土壤缓冲容量可分别提高9.17%,13.97%,7.22%,12.06%,5.08%,5.15%,35.27%,15.44%和28.05%。石灰+绿肥协同改良酸性土壤的效果比单施石灰好,烤烟与玉米轮作较烤烟连作更有利于酸化土壤的修复。研究结果为采用石灰和种植绿肥还田改良酸性土壤提供了理论依据和实践指导。  相似文献   

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