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Knowledge of the change in soil extractable phosphorus (P) as a consequence of soil P fertilization could be useful in discriminating soils with a potential for soil P release to runoff or movement of P along the soil profile. In this research, soils with low to medium P retention capacity were equilibrated for 90 days with soluble P (KH2PO4) at rate of 100 mg P kg‐1 soil. After this period, soil samples both with and without the P addition were analyzed using six conventional methods: 1) Olsen, 2) Bray 1,3) Mehlich3,4) Egner, 5) Houba, dilute CaCl2 solution, and 6) distilled water, and three “innovative”; P‐sink methodologies: 1) Fe oxide‐coated paper strip, 2) anion exchange resin membrane, and 3) cation‐anion exchange resin membrane. The soils without P addition had low levels of extracted P as determined by all nine procedures. Net increases in the amount of P extracted from the soils with added P ranged from 4.2 mg kg‐1 (CaCl2 extraction) to 57.6 mg kg‐1 (cation‐anion resin membrane extraction). Relationships between change in extracted P and i) physical and chemical characteristics, and ii) soil P sorption properties are also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. The phosphorus (P) sorption and desorption dynamics of eleven major agricultural grassland soil types in Ireland were examined using laboratory techniques, so that soils vulnerable to P loss might be identified. Desorption of P from soil using the iron-oxide paper strip test (Pfeo), water extractable P (Pw) and calcium chloride extractable P (Pcacl2) depended on soil P status in all soils. However, soil types with high organic matter levels (OM), namely peat soils (%OM >30), had lower Pfeo and Pw but higher Pcacl2 values compared to mineral soils at similar soil test P levels. Phosphorus sorption capacity remaining (PSCr) was measured using a single addition of P to soils and used to calculate total P sorption capacities (PSCt) and degree of P saturation (DPS). Phosphorus sorption capacities correlated negatively with % OM in soils indicating that OM may inhibit P sorption from solution to soil. High organic matter soils exhibited low P sorption capacities and poor P reserves (total P, oxalate extractable P) compared to mineral soils. Low P sorption capacities (PSCt) in peat soils were attributed to OM, which blocked or eliminated sorption sites with organic acids, therefore, P remained in the soil solution phase (Pcacl2). In this work, peat and high organic matter soils exhibited P sorption and desorption characteristics which suggest that these soils may not be suitable for heavy applications of manure or fertilizer P owing to their low capacities for P sorption and storage.  相似文献   

The availability of fertilizer P in six P-deficient tropical soils from Brazil, Kenya, Malaysia and Indonesia was assessed by grass in a pot experiment. Grass dry matter yield (D) and fertilizer P(F) were fitted to a Mitscherlich equation: D= a?b exp(?cF), and P uptake (U) and F to the linear equation: U=α+βF. Fitted parameter β equals the proportion of P recovered in one crop and it varied widely between soils, ranging from 12 to 51%. Quantitative assessments of fertilizer-P availability could also be made using dry-matter data alone if the rates of fertilizer used were well distributed along the response curve, when Mitscherlich parameter c was correlated well with β. Chemical measurements were made on uncropped soil. Phosphate sorption isotherms were measured, using 32P to assess exchangeable and non-exchangeable phosphate. The availability parameters c and β were correlated best with parameter be, the phosphate buffer capacity derived from the fitted Freundlich isotherm for exchangeable phosphate, suggesting that the mobility of exchangeable phosphate is a major influence on P availability. Al and Fe were extracted with acid oxalate, citrate-dithionite and pyrophosphate reagents, and parameters c and β correlated best with Al extracted by acid oxalate. These relationships were inverse, showing that Al in disordered mineral forms lowers the availability of fertilizer P.  相似文献   

磷肥和有机肥对不同磷水平土壤磷吸附-解吸的影响   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
采用培养试验结合Langmuir吸附等温方程进行拟合求出吸附、解吸的相关参数的方法,研究了磷肥和有机肥对不同磷水平土壤磷吸附和解吸特性的影响。结果表明,随土壤磷水平和磷肥和有机肥用量的增加,土壤最大吸磷量、土壤磷最大缓冲能力显著降低;土壤易解吸磷和土壤磷的解吸率显著增加。土壤易解吸磷和土壤磷的解吸率与土壤Olsen-P呈显著正相关;土壤最大吸磷量、土壤磷最大缓冲容量与土壤Olsen-P呈显著负相关。单位量磷肥所增加的土壤易解吸磷随着磷肥用量和土壤磷水平的增加而增大;土壤磷水平和磷用量是影响土壤磷最大吸磷量和土壤磷最大缓冲能力的重要因素。  相似文献   


The transformation of added phosphorus (P) to soil and the effect of soil properties on P transformations were investigated for 15 acid upland soils with different physicochemical properties from Indonesia. Based on oxide-related factor scores (aluminum (Al) plus 1/2 iron (Fe) (by ammonium oxalate), crystalline Al and Fe oxides, cation exchange capacity, and clay content) obtained from previous principal component analyses, soils were divided into two groups, namely Group 1 for soils with positive factor scores and Group 2 for those with negative factor scores. The amounts of soil P in different fractions were determined by: (i) resin strip in bicarbonate form in 30 mL distilled water followed by extraction with 0.5 mol L?1 HCl (resin-P inorganic (Pi) that is readily available to plant), (ii) 0.5 mol L?1 NaHCO3 extracting Pi and P organic (Po) (P which is strongly related to P uptake by plants and microbes and bound to mineral surface or precipitated Ca-P and Mg forms), (iii) 0.1 mol L?1 NaOH extracting Pi and Po (P which is more strongly held by chemisorption to Fe and Al components of soil surface) and (iv) 1 mol L?1 HCl extracting Pi (Ca-P of low solubility). The transformation of added P (300 mg P kg?1) into other fractions was studied by the recovery of P fractions after 1, 7, 30, and 90 d incubation. After 90 d incubation, most of the added P was transformed into NaOH-Pi fraction for soils of Group 1, while for soils of Group 2, it was transformed into resin-Pi, NaHCO3-Pi and NaOH-Pi fractions in comparable amounts. The equilibrium of added P transformation was reached in 30 d incubation for soils of Group 1, while for soils of Group 2 it needed a longer time. Oxide-related factor scores were positively correlated with the rate constant (k) of P transformation and the recovery of NaOH-Pi. Additionally, not only the amount of but also the type (kaolinitic) of clay were positively correlated with the k value and P accumulation into NaOH-Pi. Soils developed from andesite and volcanic ash exhibited significantly higher NaOH-Pi than soils developed from granite, volcanic sediments and sedimentary rocks. Soil properties summarized as oxides-related factor, parent material, and clay mineralogy were concluded very important in assessing P transformation and P accumulation in acid upland soils in Indonesia.  相似文献   

土壤性质对砂土亚表层磷迁移的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
ZHANG Ming-Kui 《土壤圈》2008,18(5):599-610
The soil factors influencing the potential migration of dissolved and particulate phosphorus (P) from structurallyweak sandy subsoils were evaluated by means of soil column leaching experiments. Soil colloids were extracted from two types of soils to make the colloid-bound forms of P solution. Eight sandy soils with diverse properties were collected for packing soil columns. The effects of influent solutions varying in concentrations of colloids, P, and electrolyte, on the transport of P and quality of leachates were characterized. P migration in the soils was soil property-dependent. High soil electrical conductivity values retarded the mobility of colloids and transportability of colloid-associated P (particulate P). Soil electrical conductivity was negatively correlated with colloids and reactive particulate P (RPP) concentrations in the leachates, whereas, the total reactive P (TRP) and dissolved reactive P (DRP) concentrations in the leachates were mainly controlled by the P adsorption capacity and the P levels in the subsoil. The reactive particulate P in the leachates was positively correlated with the colloidal concentration. Increased colloidal concentration in the influent could significantly increase the colloidal concentration in the leachates. Elevated P concentration in the influent had little effect on P recovery in the leachates, but it resulted in significant increases in the absolute P concentration in the leachates.  相似文献   

The residual values of fertilizer P in six tropical soils were assessed from the response of grass in a pot experiment. The comparison was made between residues of P that had been applied to a previous crop (also grass) and fresh P applied to uncropped soil. Yields of dry matter and P uptakes were fitted to Mitscherlich and linear equations respectively, and the availabilities of fresh and residual P were assessed by fitted parameters of these equations. With sufficient residual P, the maximum yields were close to those obtained with fresh P, but residual P always had a lower availability than fresh P. The residual value was assessed by the ratio of the availability parameters for residual and fresh P and these values showed that there were differences between soils in the decline of P availability. Residual value was not directly related to the initial availability of P. The P uptake responses to both fresh and residual P were correlated significantly with buffer capacity for exchangeable sorption of phosphate and Al extracted by acid oxalate. This suggested that there is an available fraction of residual P, the uptake of which is influenced by the sorption and mobility of phosphate in soil, in the same way as for fresh fertilizer P.  相似文献   


Soil phosphorus (P) forms have been practically defined as chemically fractionated pools. A knowledge of the abundance and diversity of P forms in soil, and the factors affecting them, will lead to better soil management. However, little is known about the differences in P forms among soils with different geological properties in tropical Africa. The aim of this study was to investigate the P forms in soils with different physicochemical properties formed under different geological conditions in southern Tanzania and to identify the factors affecting the P forms in these soils. In total, 37 surface soil samples were collected from three geological groups; the plutonic (mainly granite) rock (PL) group, the sedimentary and metamorphic rock (SM) group, and the volcanic ash (V) group. Soil P was sequentially extracted by NH4Cl, NH4F, NaHCO3, NaOH + NaCl, and HCl, and inorganic (Pi) and organic P (Po) in each fraction were determined. The lowest total P was in the PL group (average, 360 mg P kg-1) because of the high sand content. Iron (Fe)-P (NaOH-Pi) was the major form in this group, accounting for 8.4% of total P. In the SM group (average total P, 860 mg P kg-1), Fe-P was the major form in most, accounting for 7.8% of total P. Soils in the SM group occasionally had high calcium (Ca)-P due to application of chemical fertilizer at the collection site. The V group had the highest total P (average, 1600 mg P kg-1) and its major P form was Ca-P, which was possibly derived from primary minerals (i.e., apatite), accounting for 14% of total P. In addition, the high oxalate-extractable Al possibly caused the accumulation of Al-P in the V group. Oxalate-extractable Fe generally increased with increasing Fe-Pi, while oxalate-extractable Al increased with increasing organic P and Al-Pi in soils in all three geological groups. These results demonstrate that the soil P forms differ greatly among sites in southern Tanzania with different geological conditions and associated soil properties.  相似文献   

土壤磷有效性及其与土壤性质关系的研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
选取我国14个不同地点土样,测定理化性质、全磷、速效磷、水溶性磷含量,采用通径分析研究土壤磷有效性与土壤性质的关系。结果表明,土壤磷有效性是各个土壤性质综合作用的结果。土壤CEC、有机碳、粘粒、砂粒、碳酸钙含量对土壤速效磷比例影响显著,土壤CEC、粘粒、砂粒含量对土壤速效磷比例贡献为正值,而土壤有机碳对土壤速效磷比例贡献为负值;土壤pH和CEC含量对土壤水溶性磷含量影响显著,土壤pH对水溶性磷比例贡献为正值,土壤CEC对土壤水溶性磷比例贡献为负值。本文所选土样基本符合土壤磷有效性与土壤性质之间通径分析的结果。  相似文献   

The relationship between pyroxasulfone bioactivity and soil properties has not been investigated in a wide range of soils typical of western Canada. In this study, 47 soils from Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Alberta, with varying organic matter content (1.5%–22.1%), pH (5.0–7.9), and clay content (6.8%–59.4%) were used to evaluate the effect of soil properties on pyroxasulfone bioactivity and its relevance to field application rates. Bioactivity was assessed by measuring the reduction of sugar beet shoot length after 7 days in response to 0, 92, 184, and 368 µg?ai?kg?1 pyroxasulfone concentration in soil. Multiple regression analysis showed that pyroxasulfone bioactivity was related to soil organic matter content, pH and clay content. Grouping the soils according to these properties allowed for a summarization of pyroxasulfone field application rates required to achieve bioactivity based on the magnitude of sugar beet shoot length inhibition (%). The estimated field application rates ranged from less than 120–480 g?ai?ha?1.  相似文献   

Short-term effects of high axle load traffic on soil total porosity and pore size distribution were examined in field experiments on a clay (Vertic Cambisol) and an organic soil (Mollic Gleysol) for 3 years after the heavy loading. The clay soil had 48 g clay (particle size less than 2 μm) per 100 g in the topsoil and 65 g per 100 g in the subsoil. The organic soil consisted of well-decomposed sedge peat mixed with clay below 0.2 m depth down to 0.4–0.5 m and was underlain by gythia (organic soil with high clay content). The experimental traffic was applied with a tractor-trailer combination in autumn 1981. The trailer tandem axle load was 19 Mg on the clay and 16 Mg on the organic soil. There were three treatments: one pass with the heavy axle vehicle, with wheel tracks completely covering the plot area, four repeated passes in the same direction, and a control treatment without experimental traffic. During loading, the clay was nearly at field capacity below 0.1 m depth. The organic soil was wetter than field capacity.

One and four passes with the high axle load compacted both soils to a depth of 0.4–0.5 m. On the clay soil the total porosity was reduced by the heavy loading nearly as much as macroporosity (diameter over 30 μm) to 0.5 m depth. On the organic soil, macroporosity was reduced and microporosity (under 30 μm) increased in the 0.2–0.5 m layer by the heavy loading. Total porosity did not reveal the effects of compaction on the organic soil. The compaction of the clay below 0.1 m persisted for 3 years following the treatment despite annual ploughing to a depth of 0.2 m, cropping and deep cracking and freezing. Likewise, in the subsoil (below 0.2 m) of the organic soil, differences in pore size distribution persisted for a period of at least 3 years after the heavy loading.  相似文献   

Stand establishment in crusting soils is one of the most critical stages in the production of crops with delicate seedlings. This becomes more difficult in hard‐setting soils of arid lands where dispersion of aggregates due to irrigation results in the formation of a hard layer as the soil dries from the surface downwards and impedes seedling emergence. However, seeds planted near to natural cracks manage to emerge through them. The aim of this study was to improve seedling emergence of irrigated crops in arid and semi‐arid conditions by devising methods to create longitudinal cracks in the vicinity of the seed rows during the subsequent drying phase. Laboratory experiments were conducted in soil boxes containing air‐dried clay soils to investigate the influence of different mechanical effects on the cracking pattern after flooding. Promising results were achieved by compacting a 7–15‐mm wide strip along the seed row. Monitoring the effect of compaction on water release characteristics and tensile strength of soil revealed that the greater water loss of the surrounding non‐compacted soil caused a suction gradient towards the points of lower water content resulting in movement of water and particles towards the drier zones. The compacted soil with a greater tensile strength did not permit the flow of water and particles to the loose soil and a discontinuity occurred. A field experiment in central Iran proved the feasibility of the technique in a semi‐arid area. This was achieved by lightly compacting a narrow strip of soil by applying 17–35 kg on a 22‐mm wide, 558‐mm diameter wheel covered by a layer of flexible rubber which ran over the pre‐compacted soil.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between the form of iron and the tillability (defined as the degree of ease of pulverizing a soil into small clods) of soils in upland fields that had been converted from paddy fields. The amount of iron (Fe.e) extractable with acetate buffer (pH 3.0) decreased from 0.959 g kg-1 in a field that has been continuously used as a paddy field to 0.104 g kg-I in a field that had been converted into an upland field for a period of 5 y. There was no significant change in the free iron oxide content under upland conditions. These results indicate that ferric iron oxides are gradually crystallized to less reactive forms after the conversion of a paddy field into upland conditions. Both soil tillability (represented by the mean clod diameter after tillage) and the stability of the soil microstructure (represented by the sediment volume) also increased during the 3-y period after conversion and then remained constant for the last 2-y period of the study. On the basis of these results, two mechanisms for the improvement of soil tillability can be proposed as follows: crystallization of ferric iron oxides increased their resistance to microbiological reduction and due to this stabilization the iron oxides as a cementing reagent that contributed to the soil microstructure, which in turn affected the soil tillability. During the first year after drainage, however, there was no significant correlation between the soil tillability and amount of Feac, presumably because the soil was not sufficiently dry in the first year after conversion, and the iron oxides did not affect appreciably the soil structure.  相似文献   

In an attempt to investigate variations in availability of native and applied phosphorus (P) with time, twenty five calcareous soil samples were treated with 0, 50 and 500 mg P kg?1 soil and incubated at 80–90% of field capacity moisture content in an open door glasshouse for a period of one year. Soil samples were taken out at certain intervals for P extraction with Olsen extractant under moist condition. Results indicated that following wetting the mean value of native Olsen-P decreased initially and then increased gradually with time of incubation. Generally, the short term (24 h) recoveries were not correlated with long term ones. The recovery of added P with time was described properly by the following new proposed model: R = 100/(1 + ktb), where R is percent recovery at time t, and k and b are empirical parameters. The values of k constant at 50 and 500 mg P kg?1 were in the ranges of 0.40 to 1.22 (0.84 ± 0.25, on average) and 0.04 to 0.52 (0.23 ± 0.14, on average), respectively. The corresponding respective values of b constant also ranged from 0.05 to 0.32 (0.15 ± 0.06, on average) and 0.12 to 0.92 (0.46 ± 0.23, on average).  相似文献   

不同降雨强度下土壤结皮强度对侵蚀的影响   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
为定量分析土壤结皮对坡面侵蚀的影响,该文选择塿土、黄绵土、黑垆土和黄墡土4类土壤,分析其在3种雨强(60、90、120 mm/h)下的结皮强度变化规律。结果表明,当土壤含水率高于30%时,不同降雨强度下结皮强度差异不显著(P0.05),当含水率小于30%时,结皮强度随降雨强度增大而增强。以杨凌塿土10°坡面为例,进行坡面人工模拟降雨试验,分析计算不同强度结皮坡面的侵蚀产沙、径流剪切力、阻力系数以及流速,结果表明:结皮对坡面产流的影响并不显著,但其存在有效地减少坡面的侵蚀产沙量。结皮存在能有效地减少坡面产沙量,无结皮坡面的产沙量是结皮坡面产沙量的1.24~8.72倍。相同降雨条件下,结皮强度越大,其产沙量越小。进一步通过灰色关联分析得出:随着坡面结皮强度增加,水流功率对坡面侵蚀的作用效益不断减小,而阻力系数的作用效益增加,即水流增加产沙的正效应不断减弱;另一方面,结皮强度增大使得坡面土壤抗蚀性增强,因此,结皮强度越大,坡面侵蚀量将大幅度减少。研究可为准确有效预报坡面土壤侵蚀提供重要依据。  相似文献   

Although land use clearly modifies soil properties, the intensity of the modifications depends on the management procedures and also on the soil properties themselves. To enable construction of models that describe soil nutrient losses, extensive databases corresponding to soils under different land use must be made available. Analysis of 404 samples of soils (from Galicia, NW Spain), under different types of use revealed that most of the soil properties underwent changes in the following order: forest use (least modified) ‐ grassland ‐ arable (most modified). Decreases in the contents of organic matter, extractable oxides and P‐adsorption capacity followed the same order, as did increases in the contents of available P (total, inorganic and organic), P desorbed with distilled water, and degree of P saturation. In general, in all of the soils, independently of their use, the amount of P desorbed (whether total P, molybdate reactive P or particulate P) was more closely related to the degree of P saturation than to the levels of P extracted with bicarbonate. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of different sizes, amounts, and positions of rock fragments on soil properties and erosion were studied in experimental plots (10 treatments including bare soils and soils under natural vegetation, with 3 replicates each) installed on a hillslope.
Over five events, the largest amounts of runoff were from bare soils containing abundant rock fragments, either partially embedded on the surface or incorporated in the upper part of the soil. Stoneless soils gave smaller amounts, and the smallest runoffs were measured on soils under natural vegetation. Generally, large rock fragments (cobbles) caused greater runoff than smaller fragments (coarse gravel). However, soils with appreciable amounts of coarse gravel on the surface generated considerable runoff under rainfalls of low intensity and long duration, but smaller amounts at greater rainfall intensities.
Sediment loss was greater from soils with cobbles than from soils containing coarse gravel; vegetation greatly decreased sediment loss from both.
In a 12-month period, the organic matter content of the soils decreased by 15.5 to 23.0%, decreasing soil aggregate stability. The organic matter content was greater in the collected sediments than in the soil.  相似文献   

Plants in which growth was reduced by low and high Al applications were designated as Al-sensitive plant (Hordeum vulgare) and Al-medium tolerant plants (Leucaena leucocephala, Ischaemum barbatum, Stylosanthes guianensis, and Fagopyrum esculentum), respectively, while plants in which growth was not affected or was stimulated by Al application were designated as Al-tolerant plant (Brachiaria ruziziensis) and Al-stimulated plants (Melastoma malabathricum, Melaleuca cajuputi, Acacia mangium, Hydrangea macrophyila, Vaccinium macrocarpon, Polygonum sachalinense, and Oryza sativa), respectively. Plants tolerant to or stimulated by Al were further classified based on the criteria of Al accumulation: 1) Al-excluders such as M. cajuputi, A. mangium, L. leucocephala, I. barbatum, S. guianensis, and O. sativa, 2) Al root-accumulators such as V. màcrocarpon, B. ruziziensis, and P. sachalinense, and 3) Al-accumulators such as M. malabathricum, H. macrophylla, and F. esculentum. The growth and N, P, and K uptake in M. malabathricum, M. cajuputi, A. mangium, L. leucocephala, H. macrophylla, V. macrocarpon, I. barbatum, P. sachalinense, F. esculentum, and O. sativa were stimulated by Al application, especially P uptake, while in H. vulgare (Al-sensitive plant) they were reduced by Al application. Ca and Mg uptake of many plants was inhibited by Al application, while that of some plants adapted to low pH soils was not affected at all (Ca and Mg: M. cajuputi, H. macrophylla, V. macrocarpon, I. barbatum, and S. guianensis; Mg: B. ruziziensis and P. sachalinense). In M. malabathricum, the relationship between Al and Ca (or Mg) was antagonistic because the Ca and Mg contents decreased by Al application even though dry matter, N, P, and K accumulation was stimulated by Al application. Plants adapted to low pH soils grew poorly in the no-Al treatment. Since the effect of the pH on plant growth was less conspicuous than that of Al, growth stimulation by Al application was ascribed not only to the alleviation of H+ toxicity but also to the increase of root activity such as P uptake.  相似文献   

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