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Zinc (Zn) deficiency is widespread in calcareous soils. Therefore, we conducted a 2-year field experiment to investigate the impact of graded Zn levels on growth, yield, and fiber and oil quality of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., cv. CIM-473) grown in a calcareous Aridisol having 0.54 mg diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extractable Zn kg?1 soil. Zinc use increased boll bearing, boll weight, seed index, and seed cotton yield (P ≤ 0.05). Maximum yield increase was 15%, with 7.5 kg Zn ha?1; however, greater Zn levels depressed yield. Leaf chlorophyll, membrane permeability, seed protein, and oil content and quality improved (P ≤ 0.05), and fiber quality remained unaffected with Zn use. Critical Zn concentration in cotton leaves was 36 mg kg?1. Positive relationships of leaf Zn concentration were observed with boll weight, protein content, total unsaturated fatty acids, and fiber characteristics. Thus, Zn fertilization of low-Zn Aridisols is suggested for improving cotton productivity and seed quality.  相似文献   


The growth of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) was evaluated in a 6 × 5 factorial experiment with 6 boron (B) levels (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0 mg dm?3), 5 cultivars (‘CNPA 8H’, ‘BRS Aroeira’, ‘BRS Antares’, ‘BRS Sucupira’, ‘BRS Ipe’), and 3 replications. As B increased in the soil, leaf B concentrations increased linearly in ‘BRS Aroeira’ and ‘CNPA 8H’, and quadratically in ‘BRS Ipe’ and ‘BRS Sucupira’. The concentrations of B in the leaves and in the soil increased with the B increasing in the soil. The agronomic characteristics evaluated showed ‘BRS Aroeira’ and ‘BRS Sucupira’ responding more and BRS responding less to the B doses applied. The variation in the effFiciency of B utilization was: ‘BRS Aroeira’ > ‘CNPA 8H’ = ‘BRS Antares’ > ‘BRS Sucupira’ > ‘BRS Ipe’. Cultivar ‘BRS Aroeira’ had the greatest potential to respond positively to the addition of B to the soil.  相似文献   


In a greenhouse study, boron (B) application significantly increased dry-matter yield of sweet pepper (Capsicum annum L.) cultivars (‘California Wonder,’ ‘Anahein,’ ‘Narwala,’ and ‘2573’) grown in a B-deficient (hot-water extractable, 0.28 B mg kg?1), calcareous soil of the Shujabad series (Typic Ustochrepts). Five rates of B, ranging from 0 to 8 mg B kg?1 soil, were applied as H3BO3 along with adequate basal fertilization of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and zinc (Zn). Four plants of sweet pepper were transplanted in each pot, two of which were harvested after three weeks of transplanting and the other two after six weeks. Maximum crop biomass was produced with ~1 mg B kg?1, but application of higher rates proved toxic, resulting in dry-matter yield reductions. The four cultivars significantly differed in relative growth rate (RGR) and relative accumulation rate of B (RARB). Cultivar ‘2573’ showed the highest RGR while ‘Anahein’ showed the highest RARB. Relative accumulation rate was positively correlated (R2 = 0.83) with dry-matter yield of four cultivars. Critical B concentration in sweet pepper whole shoots was 69 mg B kg?1 for three-week-old plants and 49 mg B kg?1 for six-week-old plants.  相似文献   


In a greenhouse study, a significant increase in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L., cv. Hysun 33) dry matter yield was observed with boron (B) application to a B-deficient (hot water-extractable, 0.23 mg B kg?1) calcareous soil of Missa series (Typic Ustochrept). Six rates of B, ranging from 0 to 8 mg B kg?1 soil, were applied as H3BO3 along with adequate basal fertilization of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and zinc (Zn). Four plants of sunflower were grown in each pot; two were harvested after 4 weeks of germination and the other two after 8 weeks. Maximum crop biomass was produced with 1.0 mg B kg ?1, and application of ≥2.0 mg B kg?1 proved toxic, resulting in drastic yield suppressions. Critical B concentration range for deficiency diagnosis in 4‐week‐old sunflower whole shoots appears to be 46–63 mg B kg?1. However, critical concentration in 8‐week‐old plants was much less (i.e., 36 mg B kg?l), presumably due to a dilution effect. As plant's internal B requirement can vary, in fact manifold, depending on the species, plant part, and plant age, only a relevant criterion can help in diagnosing the deficiency effectively.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to study the influence of boron (B) application on yield and B uptake of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in B-deficient calcareous soil of south-west Punjab. The treatments comprise six levels of soil-applied B (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 mg B kg?1soil) and two levels of foliar-applied B (0.1% and 0.2% borax and granubor solution) along with the common control (no B application). The experiment was laid out in RBD factorial design with three replications. The seed cotton yield and its attributing characters (plant height, number of sympodial and monopodial branches, boll weight, and number of boll per plant) and root biomass increased significantly with increasing levels of boron up to 1.0 mg B kg?1 level over the control and then remained nonsignificant with further higher levels of soil-applied boron. Among foliar-applied boron levels, 0.1% borax solution was better than 0.2% borax solution. Soil-applied boron was at par with foliar-applied boron. The efficiency of borax and granubor was found to be equal in both sources of boron. The mean B content and its uptake by seed cotton and roots increased significantly up to 1.0 mg B kg?1 soil-applied B level and then recorded nonsignificant with further higher levels of boron. For the foliar method of B application, the mean B content and its uptake by seed cotton increased significantly over the control. The mean available B content in soils (0–15 cm) at 45, 75, 105, and 145 days after sowing increased significantly over the control for all soil-applied B levels, while it remained nonsignificant over the control for all growth stages of cotton in foliar method of B application. Further, it was positively correlated with root biomass (r = 0.91), boron uptake by root (r = 0.98), and sympodial branch per plant (r = 0.81). The interaction of B application levels and sources was not significant for all studied traits. Regardless of B sources, B application had a significant effect on yield, yield attributes, and B uptake up to 1.0 mg B kg?1 level for soil-applied B and 0.1% borax or granubor solution for foliar-applied B.  相似文献   

硼作为一种植物必需元素,在土壤中过量存在会对植物产生毒害,硼对植物的毒害作用以及利用植物修复高硼土壤已经日益受到关注。目前,硼对不同类型植物的毒害特点,植物的耐受机制还不十分清楚。特别是对于硼污染的植物修复,其研究还处于起步阶段。本文分别从植物的表观症状、生理生化和基因水平等层次,综述了过量硼对植物的毒害,并从高耐受性、超富集能力植物筛选,以及转基因技术应用等角度回顾了硼污染的植物修复研究进展。在此基础上,提出了当前相关研究存在的主要问题,并对未来的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Limited information is available on the effect of slow-release boron (B) fertilizer on Pinus radiata growth and physiological properties and soil microbiological activities. A 7-month-long pot experiment was carried out under glasshouse conditions to investigate the response of Pinus radiata to different rates (0.0222, 0.0446, 0.089, and 0.178 mg B g?1 soil), equivalent to 0, 4, 8 16, and 32 kg B ha?1 of ulexite, a slow-release B fertilizer. Hot 0.02 M calcium chloride (CaCl2)–extractable soil B, soil dehydrogenase activity, plant B concentration, growth, and photosynthesis were measured at the time of harvest. The B concentrations in the soil and plant organs (needles, stem, and roots) significantly increased with increasing rates of B fertilizer. The optimum B fertilizer rates of 4–8 kg B ha?1 produced the greatest plant growth and net photosynthetic rate. However, the B rates of 16 and 32 kg B ha?1 significantly reduced net photosynthetic rate, and the rate of 32 kg B ha?1 significantly reduced stem diameter growth when compared to the optimum B rates. Soil dehydrogenase activity, an indicator of soil microbiological activities, was significantly reduced by B application at the rates of 16 and 32 kg ha?1. This study confirms the narrow range between B deficiency and toxicity in a tree crop and stresses the need for selection of the optimum rate of B fertilizer application.  相似文献   


The effect of boron (B) on cotton growth and fruit shedding may be due not only to physiological or biochemical effects, but also to vascular tissue malformation. This experiment investigated petiole and floral peduncle anatomical alterations and growth of cotton supplied with deficient and sufficient B in nutrient solution. Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum cv. ‘Delta Opal’) plants were grown in solutions containing 0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, and 6.0 μmol L?1 of B from 22 to 36 d after plant emergence (DAPE). From 36 to 51 DAPE, B was omitted from the nutrient solution. Petioles from young leaves and floral bud peduncles (first position of the first sympodial) were sampled and the cross-section anatomy observed under an optical microscope. The number of vascular bundles of the petiole was decreased in B-deficient plants and the xylem was disorganized. Phloem elements in the peduncle vascular cylinder of B-deficient plants did not show clear differentiation. The few xylem elements that were formed were also disorganized. Modifications caused by B deficiency may have impaired B and photosynthate translocation into new cotton growth. Boron accumulation in the shoot of B-deficient plants suggested that there was some B translocation within the plant. It could be inferred that cotton growth would be impaired by the decrease in carbohydrate translocation rather than by B deficiency in the tissue alone.  相似文献   

Rapeseed (Brassica napus) is one of main oil crops in the world and also a potential bioenergy crop. Because of the sensitivity of Brassica napus to boron (B) deficiency and the wide distribution of low available-B soils in main areas of rapeseed production, more and more attention is being paid to the effect of B nutrition on yield and quality of rapeseed and its regulation mechanism. In this study, a field plot trial was conducted to examine the effects of B on dynamic changes of seed yield and quality formation in developing rapeseed. The results showed that B significantly increased seed yield compared with the low B control, which was attributed to an increase in the number of seeds per pod and pods per plant. During the seed development period, dry matter accumulation of seed followed a typical S-shaped curve at the two B treatments, but seed weight accumulated faster in plants supplied with sufficient B than those with low B. The dry weight of the podwall in high B treatment showed rapid increase at the early stage of seed development and decreased rapidly in later periods compared with low B. This suggested that applying B improved the accumulation of seed dry matter in early stages of seed development and substance transport from podwall to seed in later stages, which resulted in high seed yield. No significant effect of B on oil content, erucic acid and glucosinolate contents was found. However, B maintained a lower level of erucic acid and glucosinolate contents at whole seed development process and resulted in a lower ratio of erucic acid (22:1)/oleic acid (18:1) compared with that of low B treatment. These results suggested that application of B could heighten seed yield and improve oil quality for rapeseed in soils with low available B.  相似文献   


Leguminous crops, particularly winter annuals, have been utilized in conservation systems to partially meet nitrogen (N) requirements of succeeding summer cash crops. Previous research also highlights the benefits of utilizing summer annual legumes in rotation with non-leguminous crops. This study assessed the N contribution of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) residues to a subsequent cotton (Gossypium hirsitum L.) crop in a conservation system on a Dothan sandy loam (fine-loamy, kaolinitic, thermic Plinthic Kandiudults) at Headland, AL during the 2003–2005 growing seasons. Treatments were arranged in a split plot design, with main plots of peanut residue retained or removed from the soil surface, and subplots as N application rates (0, 34, 67, and 101 kg ha? 1) applied in fall and spring. Peanut residue did not influence seed cotton yields, leaf N concentrations, or plant N uptake for either growth stage or year of the experiment. There was a trend for peanut residue to increase whole plant biomass measured at the first square in two of three years. Seed cotton yields and plant parameters measured at the first square and mid-bloom responded favorably to spring N applications, but the recommended 101 kg N ha? 1 did not maximize yields. The results from this study indicate that peanut residue does not contribute significant amounts of N to a succeeding cotton crop, however, retaining residue on the soil surface provides other benefits to soils in the southeastern U.S.  相似文献   

The present research was conducted to evaluate the effects of salinized water with boron and sodium chloride (NaCl) on seed germination of basil and cress. Treatments were: boron solution (25 and 50 mM), NaCl solution (25 and 50 mM) and distilled water as control. The highest germination percentage and mean daily germination of both plants were obtained in boron 25 mM. The highest mean germination time of basil and the day of 50% emergence of basil and cress were found in boron 50 mM. Radicle length of basil was reduced by increment of all salinity treatments; however, the highest cress radicle length was observed in 50 mM NaCl. It is concluded that these plants can tolerate salinized water during the germination stage to some extent, however, the cress show more tolerance to these salinities than basil.  相似文献   

为探讨不同土壤全氮含量水平下棉花的氮肥施用效应,采用盆栽试验,研究不同土壤全氮含量(0.58、0.64、0.74、0.83、1.29 g·kg~(-1))和施氮水平(每盆施加量分别为0、1.75、3.50 g)对棉花籽棉产量、氮素吸收、氮肥利用率的影响。结果表明,棉花单株籽棉产量和干物重随施氮量增加而显著增加,土壤全氮含量与施氮水平对棉株根、茎、铃壳部位的干物质积累具有显著的互作效应。同一土壤条件下,棉花单株氮素积累量随施氮水平增加而显著增加。氮肥表观回收率随土壤全氮含量上升呈先降后升的变化趋势,且在土壤全氮含量0.74 g·kg~(-1)时较低,但土壤全氮含量在0.58~0.83 g·kg~(-1)内,不同施氮处理间氮肥表观回收率差异不显著。氮肥农学利用率随土壤全氮含量增加呈下降趋势。土壤全氮含量0.74 g·kg~(-1)时的氮肥生理利用率高于土壤全氮含量0.58、0.64和0.83 g·kg~(-1)。土壤全氮含量1.29g·kg~(-1)条件下,低氮水平氮肥利用效率(表观回收率、农学利用率、生理利用率)显著优于高氮水平;土壤全氮含量0.58~0.74 g·kg~(-1)时,高氮可实现增产增效;土壤全氮含量0.83~1.29 g·kg~(-1)时,低氮能维持较高的产量和氮肥利用率。本研究结果为不同土壤全氮条件下棉花氮肥投入提供了参考。  相似文献   

Chickpea plants were grown in arsenic (As)–contaminated soils (5 mg kg?1 of dry soil) and investigated for As uptake, distribution, and effects on growth, yield, and quality of seeds. The roots accumulated the greatest As (7 mg kg?1 dry weight), followed by stem (4.8 mg), leaves (4.0 mg), and seeds (0.7 mg). Arsenic inhibited the growth of the roots and shoots (as dry weight) by 65% and 60%, respectively, over controls. The shoot/root ratio declined from 4.3 in the control to 3.5 in As-treated plants. The seed yield (g) and number of pods plant?1 decreased by 66 and 53%, respectively, over controls. A marked increase in membrane damage coupled with reduction in chlorophyll and relative leaf water content occurred in As-treated plants. The contaminated plants showed 34% and 25% decrease over control in sucrose content in their leaves and seeds, respectively. The accumulation of seed reserves such as starch, proteins, sugars, and minerals was inhibited significantly due to As-treated plants. Storage proteins such as albumins, globulins, glutelins and prolamins decreased significantly with larger effect on glutelins. The contents of minerals such as calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), and iron (Fe) declined greatly in the seeds of As-treated plants. The accumulation of amino acids such as lysine, methionine?+?cystine, phenylalanine?+?tyrosine, proline, threonine, tryptophan, and valine was inhibited significantly in the seeds of As-applied plants compared to the control. The findings indicated that As application markedly reduced the quality of the chickpea seeds, especially in terms of proteins and minerals.  相似文献   


Delayed sowing and imprecise application of irrigation water to cotton has been the major hurdle in sustaining cotton yield in north-western India. Therefore, studies were initiated to ascertain the impact of heavy or normal level of presowing irrigation (PSI), scheduling time of first postsowing irrigation (POSI) under two sowing dates (SDs) on cotton arranged in a split block design replicated thrice. PSIh (100 mm) recorded 23.2% higher seed cotton yield over PSIn (70 mm) owing to better yield attributes and higher stand. First POSI at 4 weeks after sowing (WAS) resulted the highest yield (3072 kg ha?1), while one at 6 WAS (POSI6) recorded least due to poor population and reduced yield attributes. Water productivity under POSI6 was lesser by 29.1%, 25.2%, and 16.2% as compared to POSI3, POSI4, and POSI5, respectively. April sown crop out yielded the May sown cotton crop by 939 kg ha?1 due to better yield attributes. Nitrogen factor productivity (NFP) among SD remained higher by 23.3% for April as compared to May sowing. PSIh exhibited better NFP over PSIn. POSI6 recorded least NFP by 24.4%, 28.5%, and 16.3% as compared to POSI3, POSI4, and POSI5, respectively and was indicative of relatively poor utilization of N under delayed schedules. Therefore, planting in April after heavy PSI and scheduling first POSI at 4 WAS is best strategy for sustaining cotton yield and maximizing farmer profitability.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to study the response of cotton genotypes (G. arboreum Bt cv. RCH 650 BGII; non-Bt cv. F 2228; G. herbaceum cv. FDK 124) and wheat and triticale genotypes (T. aestivum cv. PBW 622; T. durum cv. PDW 314; triticale cv. TL 2908) to direct and residual B application (0, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 kg B ha?1 as borax) using a Typic Ustrochrept, neutral, noncalcareous, loamy sand and B-deficient soil. A significant response of 218 and 231 kg ha?1 in seed cotton yield was recorded with an application of 1.0 kg B ha?1 to cotton and 2.0 kg B ha?1 to wheat. A significant response of 152 kg ha?1 grain yield of wheat was observed with the application of 0.5 kg B ha?1 to wheat, while no residual effect of B was observed when B was applied to cotton. On the basis of agronomic and B uptake efficiency, genotypes of cotton (RCH 650 BG II > FDK 124 > F 2228) and wheat (PDW 314> TL 2908> PBW 621) responded differentially to B application, thus indicating that yield of Bt cotton and durum wheat will be reduced more than the other cultivars under B deficiency.  相似文献   

In Indian agriculture, nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilizers are predominantly used by the farmers, often ignoring secondary and micronutrients. Significance of boron (B) in nutrient management studies has been increasingly underlined under intensive cropping systems particularly in acid soils. In order to understand the distribution of soil native B in different fractions and their contribution to plant B uptake as influenced by nutrient management, soil samples collected after wheat (2009–2010) from a long-term experiment (LTE) continuing since 1972–1973 on Typic Paleustalf of Ranchi were subjected to sequential fractionation of soil B. Treatments included N alone, NP, NPK, 150% of recommended NPK, NPK + farmyard manure (FYM), NPK + lime, and an unfertilized-control. Five soil B fractions were determined along with hot CaCl2-extractable (available) B. Averaged across the treatments, the soil had low organic carbon (C), pH and cation exchange capacity (CEC), and high free sesquioxides. Total B content was 21.7 mg kg?1. Among different B fractions, residual B was the major contributor to total B and other fractions collectively shared 7% of total B only. Application of N alone depleted readily soluble, specifically adsorbed and organically bound B bringing the contents even below unfertilized-control. Conjoint use of lime or FYM with NPK increased significantly these fractions, whereas a decrease in oxide bound B was noticed under these treatments. Available B was positively correlated with these fractions indicating their significance in controlling B availability in the soil. The study revealed that use of lime or FYM helped modifying the distribution of soil B in different fractions by way of changing soil pH and organic C content, resulting in enrichment of plant available pool. A drastically low available B content in different treatments receiving fertilizers alone, however, suggested the necessity of B fertilization at prescribed rates for maintaining soil B fertility as also high crop yields.  相似文献   

Boron (B) deficiency is widely reported in alkaline calcareous soils of the world, including Pakistan. High calcium (Ca) content in such soils can affect the availability and utilization of B by plants. Effect of applied B at different levels of Ca addition on maize was studied in hydroponics. Four maize cultivars (‘EV-5089’, ‘SWL-2000’, ‘EV-6089’, and ‘Sultan’) were grown at three levels of Ca (0.25 mM, 1 mM, and 2 mM) and two levels of B (0 and 25 μ M). Application of both the nutrients increased shoot dry matter production. However, application of Ca antagonized the B concentration in shoot of four maize cultivars. A curvilinear relationship existed between Ca/B ratio in shoot and relative shoot dry matter of maize cultivars. Implication of using of Ca/B ratio for managing commonly occurring B deficiency in calcareous soils is suggested.  相似文献   

为探究在非灌溉季节施加生物炭对滴灌棉田耕层土壤水热特性和三相结构的调控效应。设置生物炭15(B1),30(B2),45(B3),60(B4),0(B0) t/hm25个施加量,分析其对新疆滴灌棉田非灌溉季节耕层土壤(0—40 cm)三相结构、总孔隙度、土壤温度和土壤含水率的影响。结果表明:与对照处理相比,施炭处理使土壤固相体积降低2.58%~10.74%,总孔隙度增加3.38%~12.05%;同时,施炭处理的融后土壤质量含水率较对照处理提高1.07%~2.65%;施炭处理的土壤导热系数降低,土壤耕层最低温度增加0.34~2.15℃,最大温差缩小0.47~2.14℃。基于以上土壤结构和水热特性指标进行主成分分析得出,综合得分最高的处理为B3,其次为B2。非灌溉季节施加生物炭有利于改善土壤三相结构,增加土壤总孔隙度,增强土壤保墒保温能力。新疆滴灌棉田非灌溉季节生物炭最佳施用量为30~45 t/hm2。  相似文献   

A field trial was conducted between 2006 and 2009 in order to quantify the effect of boron (B) application on the yield and quality of chestnuts. The trial was established in an acid soil derived from siliceous schist and two levels of B were applied. Fruit abortion and nut yield per tree were measured, and nut quality parameters and chemical composition of the kernel were determined. Foliar B concentration was 8.6 mg kg?1 in the control trees and 48.4 mg kg?1 in fertilized chestnuts. Boron improved fruit setting and promoted nut production by 77%. In 2008, the occurrence of cold temperatures enhanced the effect of B on fruit setting, which was four-fold, whereas with the normal temperatures of 2009 the increase was lower. The drought of 2009 was responsible for the ruinous chestnut caliber and shell cracking. Boron induced a significant increase in the crude fat of chestnut kernel.  相似文献   

通过研究金安桥水电站废弃渣场种子库和周边群落种子库以及渣场地面和周边群落地面植被的变化特征,结果表明:①周边群落土壤种子库和地面植物的物种丰富度大于渣场,从地面与种子库的物种组成分析得出,渣场植被恢复正处于由一年生草本植物向多年生草本植物过渡的阶段;②周边群落地面植物与土壤种子库的物种丰富度(30,33)及数量(186,1962),渣场地面植物与土壤种子库的物种丰富度(10,12)及数量(35,1784);③由于植物种子寿命短,加之土壤环境差,导致周边群落地面植物与种子库相似度(0.09)和渣场地面植物与种子库的相似度(0)差异性大。  相似文献   

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