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The present long-term study was initiated to quantify the long-term effects of conjunctive nutrient management on soil quality, identify key indicators, and assess soil quality indices under a rainfed maize–wheat system in marginal Inceptisol soils in India. Results of the study revealed that soil organic carbon was significantly influenced by the conjunctive nutrient-management treatments. Among the nine treatments, the application of 100% recommended dose of nitrogen (RDN) (80 kg N ha?1), 15 kg N (compost) + 20 kg N ha?1 (inorganic), 25 kg N (compost), and 15 kg N (compost) + 10 kg N ha?1 (green leaf) resulted in greater organic carbon contents of 5.57, 5.32, 5.27, and 5.26 g kg?1, which were greater by 29.5%, 24%, 23%, and 22%, respectively, over the control. The greatest soil quality index (1.61) was observed with application of 25 kg nitrogen (N; compost) as well as with application of 15 kg N (compost) + 10 kg N ha?1 (green leaf). The order of percentage contribution of key indicators toward soil quality indices was available potassium (K) (34%) > available phosphorus (P) (32%) > available N (13%) > microbial biomass carbon (12%) > exchangeable calcium (Ca) (9%). The linear regression equation revealed the principal role of soil quality indicators in maize crop yield. The methodology and the results of the study could be of great relevance in improving and assessing soil quality not only for the study locations but also for other climatically and edaphically identical regions across the world.  相似文献   

The current study addressed the spatial variation of soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (TN), extractable phosphorus (EP), and extractable potassium (EK) in agricultural soils of a representative region, northeast China. Soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) and the effects of landscape attributes and land use were also investigated. The techniques used included conventional statistics, geostatistics, and geographic information systems (GIS). Our study demonstrated that EP had the greatest coefficient of variation (CV), and CEC had the least CV. The experimental semivariograms of the five soil chemical properties included in this study were all fitted with exponential models. The five soil variables all showed moderate spatial dependence. The SOM, EK, and CEC decreased with increasing altitude. Significant negative relationships were found between the slope gradient and EP, EK, and CEC. Relatively steeper slopes might result in greater soil erosion, which leads to a decline in soil nutrients. Soil types had significant impacts on all soil chemical properties, which reflect the effect of the parent soil material. In general, the mean values of soil variables for vegetable land were statistically greater than those for upland and paddy fields. After being divided into two parts along the Yinma River, soil samples of the western part have statistically greater SOM, EP, EK, and CEC values than those collected from the eastern part.  相似文献   


Soil fertility and water use are two important aspects that influence rice productivity. This study was conducted to evaluate the performance of in-situ (sesbania and rice bean) and ex-situ (subabul) green manuring along with zinc fertilization on water productivity and soil fertility in rice under rice–wheat cropping system at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, India. Sesbania incorporation recorded higher total water productivity (2.20 and 3.24 kg ha?1 mm?1), available soil nutrients, organic carbon, alkaline phosphatase activity, microbial biomass carbon and increased soil dehydrogenase activity by 39.6 and 26.8% over subabul and rice bean respectively. Among interaction of green manures and zinc fertilization, subabul × foliar application of chelated zinc-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid at 20, 40, 60 and 80 days after transplanting recorded highest total water productivity (2.56 and 3.79 kg ha?1 mm?1). Foliar application of chelated Zn-EDTA at 20, 40, 60 and 80 days after transplanting recorded significantly higher water productivity than other Zn treatments, however it was statistically similar with foliar application of zinc at active tillering + flowering + grain filling. Sesbania × 5 kg Zn ha?1 through chelated Zn-EDTA, recorded highest available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, manganese, copper and iron than other green manure and Zn fertilization interactions, although it was statistically similar with rice bean × 5 kg Zn ha?1 through chelated Zn-EDTA as soil application. Sesbania × foliar application of 5 kg Zn ha?1 through chelated Zn-EDTA as soil application recorded highest soil enzymatic activities and microbial biomass carbon.  相似文献   

A 2-year field experiment was conducted to study the influence of three planting methods (Happy Seeder, Straw Chopper + Zero Tillage, and Conventional tillage) and four nitrogen rates (control, 75, 100, and 125% of recommended nitrogen) on the chemical and biological properties of soil. The results revealed that after soybean harvest, dehydrogenase activity and population of Bradyrhizobium sp. (LSBR 3) and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) were increased significantly in Happy Seeder sowing and Straw Chopper + Zero Tillage sowing than conventional sowing and population of Bradyrhizobium sp. significantly increased up to the 100% nitrogen level. There was no significant effect of different planting methods on soil chemical properties. Organic carbon and available nitrogen were increased significantly with an increase in the nitrogen level up to 100% nitrogen (N).  相似文献   

India imports large amounts of rock phosphate (RP) and potassium (K) fertilizers from other countries; hence, research priorities have been directed toward finding alternative sources of phosphorus (P) and K fertilizers. This study focuses on the transformations of P and K in soil amended with RP and waste mica–enriched compost. The enriched compost had greater total P, K, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), micronutrients, and biological properties than ordinary compost. In a wheat–soybean rotation, application of 5 t ha?1 enriched compost along with 50% of the recommended rate of inorganic fertilizer resulted in increased concentrations of saloid P, iron (Fe) P, aluminum (Al) P, Ca-P, occluded P, water-soluble K, exchangeable K, and nonexchangeable K over unfertilized plots. In addition, plots that received enriched compost had greater microbial biomass and phosphatase activities than unfertilized plots. Thus, enriched compost could be an alternative source of water-soluble P and K fertilizers for crop production.  相似文献   

Rice husk ash (RHA) and bagasse ash (BA) are available in large quantities in South Asian countries growing rice and sugarcane. Land application of RHA and BA is likely to influence chemistry of soil phosphorus (P) and thereby P adsorption and desorption. Laboratory studies were carried out to investigate the short-term and long-term effects of RHA and BA application on P adsorption and desorption in an alkaline soil under a wheat–rice system. Addition of RHA or BA (10 Mg ha?1) resulted in a significant decrease in P adsorption compared to the control. The decrease in P adsorption was lower when RHA and BA were applied to either rice or wheat as compared with when applied to both the crops. The BA was more effective in reducing P adsorption than RHA because of its greater P concentration. Fresh addition of RHA and BA at 1% (dry-weight basis) showed a small effect on P adsorption as compared to their long-term application. The Frendulich isotherm equation gave better fit with the experimental data than the Langmuir equation and is reliable to describe the P quantity/intensity relationships of this soil as affected by the additions of RHA and BA. The P-adsorption capacities (revealed from the Langmuir isotherms) of the unamended control, RHA, and BA (applied to both wheat and rice) were 256, 313, and 385 mg kg?1, respectively; the corresponding bonding energies for the three treatments are 0.0085, 0.0041, and 0.0026 L kg?1, respectively. Desorption of P was minimum in the control plots and maximum with BA followed by RHA, especially when applied to both the crops.  相似文献   

In this study, efficacies of mined gypsum and phosphogypsum (PG), when applied at equivalent doses, were compared for sodic soil reclamation and productivity of rice–wheat system. Application of PG, followed by karnal grass as first crop, resulted in the greatest reduction of soil pH and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) followed by PG applied at 10 Mg ha?1 alone. Application of PG at 10 Mg ha?1 resulted in greater yields of both rice and wheat than other treatments. Ditheylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable micronutrients of PG-treated soil were greater than in mined gypsum–treated soil. A greater portion of applied P entered the calcium (Ca)–phosphorus (P) fraction in PG-treated soil, which also resulted in more soluble P than the mined gypsum–treated soil. Phosphogypsum effected greater increase in aggregation, soil organic carbon, microbial biomass carbon, and aggregate associated carbon and decrease in zeta potential, leading to increased hydraulic conductivity and moisture retention capacity in soil over mined gypsum–treated soil.  相似文献   

In Indian Punjab, rice–wheat is a dominant cropping system in four agro‐ecosystems, namely undulating subregion (zone 1), Piedmont alluvial plains (zone 2), central alluvial plains (zone 3), and southwestern alluvial plains (zone 4), varying in rainfall and temperature. Static and temporal variabilities in soil physical and chemical properties prevail because of alluvial parent material, management/tillage operations, and duration of rice–wheat rotation. A detailed survey was undertaken to study the long‐term effect of rice–wheat rotation on soil physical (soil separates, bulk density, modulus of rupture, saturated and unsaturated hydraulic conductivities, soil water content, and suction relations) and chemical (organic carbon, pH, electrical conductivity) properties of different textured soils (sandy clay loam, loam, clay loam, and silty clay loam) in these four zones of Punjab. Soil samples (of 0‐ to 30‐cm depth) from 45 sites were collected during 2006 and were analyzed for physical and chemical properties. The results showed that sand content and pH increased whereas silt and organic carbon decreased significantly from zones 1 to 4. Compared to other textures, significantly greater organic carbon, modulus of rupture, and pH in silty clay loam; greater bulk density in clay loam, and greater saturated hydraulic conductivity in sandy clay loam were observed. Irrespective of zone and soil texture, in the subsurface soil, there was a hard pan at 15–22.5 cm deep, which had high soil bulk density, modulus of rupture, more silt and clay contents (by 3–5%) and less organic carbon and hydraulic conductivity than the surface (0–15 cm) layer. These properties deteriorated with fineness of the soil texture and less organic carbon content. Continuous rice–wheat cropping had a deleterious effect on many soil properties. Many of these soils would benefit from the addition of organic matter, and crop yields may also be affected by the distinct hardpan that exists between 15 and 22.5 cm deep.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(12):2343-2364

A two‐year study (1997–1999) was conducted on a sandy clay loam (Typic Paleudult) at the experimental farm of the Universiti Putra to determine the effects of application of crop residues on changes of some soil properties in a maize (Zea mays L.)–groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) crop rotation system. Five crops of a rotation of sweet corn–groundnut–sweet corn–groundnut–sweet corn were sown with three treatments: recommended inorganic fertilizer [nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)] with crop residue (T1), recommended inorganic fertilizer without crop residues (T2) or one‐half of the recommended inorganic fertilizer with crop residues combined with 10 t ha?1 of chicken manure (T3). Soil organic carbon (OC), soil water content and soil bulk density were not significantly changed. Application of crop residues for two years increased cation exchange capacity (CEC) whereas supplementing crop residues with CM had significantly increased soil pH of the topsoil. Phosphorous in manure treatment had moved down the soil profile, which might cause eutriphication of under ground water, particularly during the rainy season. Based on this work, incorporation of crop residues could be a beneficial practice for improving the fertility of acid soils.  相似文献   

The research aimed to study the effect of presown application of primary biomethanated spentwash (PBSW) on soil properties, nutrient availability, uptake and yield of soybean–wheat sequence on Inceptisol. The field experiment with randomised block design was initiated during 2007–8 and present observation was recorded during 2009–10 and 2010–11.The five treatments were, recommended dose (RD) of NPK (T1), 100% RD of N through PBSW without (T2) and with P chemical fertilizer (T3), 50 and 25% RD of N through PBSW + remaining N and P through chemical fertilizers (T4,T5), respectively. The results revealed that the soil physical properties and microbial populations were improved in T2 and T3. The lowest soil pH and pHs were observed in T2. The soil electrical conductivity, organic carbon, exchangeable sodium percentage and sodium adsorption ratio of soil extracts and available K were increased with the increase in PBSW as compared to RD-NPK. The soil available N and P were decreased as PBSW increased at all the soil depths. The greatest yields and total N,P,K uptake of soybean and wheat were observed in T5.  相似文献   

The influence of dual inoculation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and Rhizobium was assessed on garden pea productivity, root morphology and soil fertility during 2011–2012 at Palampur, India, in a medium phosphorus (P) acid Alfisol. Field experimentation comprised 13 treatments involving Rhizobium, AMF and inorganic fertilizers in (RBD) replicated thrice. The dual inoculation of Rhizobium and AMF exhibited nominal effect on pea pod length, pod girth and number of seeds per pod. However, average pod weight (APW) and productivity increased by 14.1 and 20% following dual inoculation, respectively, over generalized recommended nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) dose general recommended dose (GRD). Dual inoculation of pea seed with both symbionts sharply increased the root volume (RV), root dry weight (RDW), root weight density (RWD) and root nodules per plant by 34.5, 13.3, 13 and 44%, respectively. Similarly, the highest AMF root colonization was registered under dual-inoculated plots compared to sole application of Rhizobium or AMF. Different treatments including dual-inoculated ones did not alter the soil organic carbon (SOC), available N, K and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extractable micronutrients iron, zinc, copper and manganese (Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn) status significantly; however, a nominal buildup in the above-mentioned parameters was registered under dual inoculation. Available P status increased to the tune of 6.7 and 8.7% following dual inoculation with Rhizobium and AMF over their respective sole inoculations. Overall, the current study suggests that Glomus–Rhizobium symbiosis has great potential in enhancing productivity through better proliferation of the root system and improved soil fertility status. Furthermore, dual inoculation of AMF and Rhizobium can save up to 25% fertilizer N and P in garden pea in acid Alfisol of the northwestern Himalayas (NWH).  相似文献   

This work was undertaken to study the influence of soil type and its physical and chemical properties on uranium sorption and bioavailability, in order to reduce the uncertainty associated with this parameter in risk assessment models and safe food production. The tests were conducted on three types of Serbian soils: alluvium, chernozem, and gajnjaca, from which 67 samples were taken. Dominant factors of uranium mobilisation: the specific content of total/available form of uranium and phosphorus, the degree of acidity (pHKCl), and humus content and their correlation, were analysed. Content of available uranium form, according to the type of soil decreases in the following order: gajnjaca > alluvium > chernozem. It was found the medium correlation between pH values and available content of uranium in chernozem and gajnjaca, statistically significant at the level of significance of 99% and the alluvium at the level of significance of 95%. Correlation coefficients in all cases were negative, indicating that the reduction in pH increases the mobility of uranium and thus its availability for the adoption of the plants. Soil pH was the only dominant factor that significantly controlled the uranium value with no further significant contribution of other soil parameters.  相似文献   


There is a need to improve the way in which crop residues and industrial organic wastes are managed and also to study their potential use in agriculture for improving soil fertility and biological activity. This study evaluated the effects of integrated use of organic (sewage sludge (SS) and rice straw compost (RSC)) and inorganic fertilizers on crop yield, soil enzymes activity, macro- and micro-nutrients availability under rice–wheat cropping system after three consecutive years of cropping in a subtropical semi-arid area. Different combinations of inorganic nitrogen and two doses of organic sources (SS and RSC) were applied to the soil. The results revealed that substitution with 50% N through RSC significantly increased the yield and biochemical properties as compared to inorganic fertilizers (NPK) alone. Micronutrients availability was found increased in treatment having substitution of 50% N through SS @10 t ha?1. All the enzymatic activities viz. dehydrogenase, fluorescein diacetate (FDA), phosphatase, phytase, and urease) were found to be maximum by substitution of 50% N through RSC. Also, a significant positive correlation was found between soil enzymes (dehydrogenase and FDA) and organic carbon as well as crop yield. Thus, the study demonstrated that substitution of 50% inorganic nitrogen through organic sources will be a better alternative for improving soil quality and productivity.  相似文献   

A transition period of at least 2 years is required for annual crops before the produce may be certified as organically grown. There is a need to better understand the various management options for a smooth transition from conventional to organic production. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of different organic amendments and biofertilizers (BFs) on productivity and profitability of a bell pepper–french bean–garden pea system as well as soil fertility and enzymatic activities during conversion to organic production. For this, the following six treatments were established in fixed plots: composted farmyard manure (FYMC, T1); vermicompost (VC, T2); poultry manure (PM, T3) along with biofertilizers (BF) [Rhizobium/Azotobacter + phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (Pseudomonas striata)]; mix of three amendments (FYMC + PM + VC + BF, T4); integrated nutrient management (FYMC + NPK, T5); and unamended control (T6). The yields of bell pepper and french bean under organic nutrient management were markedly lower (25.2–45.9% and 29.5–46.2%, respectively) than with the integrated nutrient management (INM). Among the organic treatments, T4 and T1 produced greater yields of both bell pepper (27.96 Mg ha?1) and french bean (3.87 Mg ha?1) compared with other treatments. In garden pea, however, T4 gave the greatest pod yield (7.27 Mg ha?1) and was significantly superior to other treatments except T5 and T1. The latter treatment resulted in the lowest soil bulk density (1.19 Mg m?3) compared with other treatments. Similarly, soil organic C was significantly greater in all the treatments (1.21–1.30%) except T2 compared to T6 (1.06%). Plots under INM, however, had greater levels of available nitrogen–phosphorus–potassium (NPK) than those under organic amendments. T1 plots showed greater dehydrogenase and acid phosphatase activities compared with other treatments. However, T4 and T5 plots had greater activities of β-glucosidase and urease activities, respectively. The cost of cultivation was greater under organic nutrient management (except T2) compared with INM. The latter treatment gave greater gross margin and benefit/cost (B/C) ratio for all vegetables, except that T2 gave greater B/C ratio in garden pea compared with other treatments. We conclude that T1 and T4 were more suitable for enhancing the productivity of bell pepper–french bean–garden pea system, through improved soil properties, during transition to organic production.  相似文献   

The crop production in rainfed semi‐arid tropical (SAT) Alfisols is constrained by low soil organic matter, poor soil fertility, soil structural infirmities, and scarce moisture availability. To offset some of these constraints, a long‐term study of tillage [conventional (CT) and reduced (RT)] and conjunctive nutrient‐use treatments was conducted in SAT Alfisol at Hyderabad, India, under sorghum–mung bean system. The order of performance of the treatments in increasing the sorghum yield was 2 Mg gliricidia loppings + 20 kg nitrogen (N) through urea (T4) (93.2%) > 4 Mg compost + 20 kg N through urea (T3) (88.7%) > 40 kg N through urea (T2) (88.5%) > 4 Mg compost + 2 Mg gliricidia loppings (T5) (82.2%). In the case of mung bean, where half as much N was applied as was to the sorghum, the order of performance of the treatments in increasing the grain yields was T3 (63.6%) >T5 (60.3%) >T4 (58.0%) >T2 (49.6%). Tillage significantly influenced the hydraulic conductivity only, whereas the conjunctive nutrient‐use treatments significantly influenced the predominant physical, chemical, and biological soil‐quality parameters. Among the conjunctive nutrient‐use treatments, T5 was found to be superior in influencing the majority of the soil‐quality parameters and increased the organic carbon by 21.6%, available N by 24.5%, dehydrogenase activity by 56.1%, microbial biomass carbon by 38.8%, labile carbon by 20.3%, and microbial biomass nitrogen by 38.8% over the unamended control and proved superior most in improving soil quality.  相似文献   


Soil and plant samples were collected from on-going long-term experiment at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi farm to study the distribution of various forms of copper (Cu) and their contribution to availability and plant uptake in maize (Zea mays L.)—wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) sequence. The optimum dose-based treatments selected for the study were nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (NPK), NPK + Farmyard manure (FYM), NPK+ zinc (Zn) and control (no fertilizer or manure). Uptake of Cu by maize and wheat varied from 17.0 to 37.5 and 60.8 to 149.3 g ha?1, respectively, under different treatments. Copper uptake by wheat was significantly higher under 100% NPK + FYM than that with 100% NPK. There was no significant difference among the treatments with respect to diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extractable Cu in 0–15, 15–30, 30–45, and 45–60 cm soil layers. However, with increasing depth of soil, it showed declining trend under all the treatments. Mean value of total Cu was 28, 32, 25, and 21 mg kg?1 in 0–15, 15–30, 30–45, and 45–60 cm depths, respectively. Major part of the total Cu was present as residual form. Sorbed copper (SORB–Cu) contributed directly towards its availability both in pre-sowing maize and post-harvest wheat soil samples. SORB–Cu and organic matter bound Cu (OM–Cu) contributed directly towards the uptake by the component crops. Copper associated with easily reducible manganese, carbonate, and iron and aluminum oxides were most recalcitrant forms present in soil and their effects on availability and crop uptake were adverse.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted in alluvial sandy loam soil to assess the impact of amendments and hydrogel application on soil hydrophysical properties. Soil physical environment was characterized and quantified using soil physical quality index (S). The main treatments include farmyard manure (FYM) and tank soil applied at 5 t ha?1 and no amendment, and subtreatments included three rates of hydrogel: 5, 2.5, and 0 kg ha?1. Hydrogel was applied at 5–7 cm deep just below the seed in rows. Results revealed that FYM along with gel application at 5 kg ha?1 significantly increased mean weight diameter, field capacity moisture content, plant-available water content and relative field capacity, retention pores (Ret P), water-stable structural units, and structural coefficient and reduced transmission pores (TP), penetration resistance, and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks). Significantly greater values of S in hydrogel-treated plots and close associations of S with other soil physical parameters were obtained.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of directly, residually, and cumulatively applied mixed sludge generated by the soft-drink industry on rice and wheat yields, soil fertility, grain heavy-metal uptake, depthwise distribution of micronutrients and heavy-metals after 3 years of application. Crop (rice/wheat) yield (grain/straw) increased significantly with direct sludge application at 10.0 t ha?1 year?1, either alone or jointly with fertilizers, over the absolute control. Interestingly, the effects of sludge application on crop (rice/wheat) yield either applied directly at 10.0 t ha?1 year?1, residually at 30.0 t ha?1 year?1, and/or cumulatively at 15.0 t ha?1 were nonsignificant. Direct sludge application at 5.0/10.0 t ha?1 year?1 resulted in significant increase in heavy-metal uptake over the absolute control. The micronutrient/heavy-metal contents in surface soil were significantly greater with sludge application than those in subsurface layers. The results thus show that sludge application results in significant improvement in yield and soil fertility.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted in a phosphorus (P)–deficient acidic alfisol of the northwestern Himalayas using three vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) cultures: a local culture developed by CSK Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University, Palampur (Glomus mosseae), VAM culture from Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi (Glomus mosseae), and a culture from the Centre for Mycorrhizal Research, The Energy Research Institute (TERI), New Delhi (Glomus intraradices). These were applied alone or in combination with 25 to 75% of recommended P2O5 and recommended nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) based on soil-test crop response (STCR) precision model with an absolute control, farmers’ practice, and 100% of recommended P2O5 dose based on the STCR model. The results revealed that sole application of either of the three VAM cultures have produced 2.68 to 9.81% and 25.06 to 28.62% greater grain yield than the control in soybean and wheat crops, respectively. Besides greater straw yield, NPK uptake as well as soil nutrient buildup increased. Increase in P fertilization from 25 to 75% of recommended P2O5 dose coupled with VAM inoculation with either of the three VAM cultures resulted in consistent and significant improvement in crop productivity (grain and straw yields), NPK uptake, and improved soil nutrient status, though significantly greatest magnitude was obtained with sole application of 100% of the recommended P2O5 dose. The targeted grain yields of soybean (25 q ha?1) and wheat (30 q ha?1) were achievable with 75% of recommended P2O5 dose along with mycorrhizal biofertilizers, thereby indicating that application of efficient VAM fungi with 75% of recommended P2O5 dose can economize the STCR precision model fertilizer P dose by about 25% without impairing crop yield targets or soil fertility in a soybean-based cropping system in an acidic alfisol.  相似文献   

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