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The potassium status of soils developed over talc overburden in a southern Guinea savanna of Nigeria was evaluated using exchangeable, acid extractable, total and residual potassium values in particle-size fractions. Soil samples collected from genetic horizons of six profile pits at Kampe Forest Reserve were separated into sand, silt and clay fractions. Exchangeable K, acid-extractable K, total K and residual K were determined in these fractions. Reserved K values were similar to those of mobile K, but lower than total and residual K, whereas exchangeable K showed the lowest values. Total K was >25 cmol kg?1 in all the profiles; reserved K ranged from 9.26 to 24.45 cmol kg?1 and mobile K ranged from 5.12 to 29.57 cmol kg?1. Exchangeable K accounted for <1% of total K and ranged from 0.20 to 0.50 cmol kg?1. In most cases, the clay fraction of the soils had the highest values for all potassium forms, followed by the silt fraction, while the sand fraction had the lowest values for these forms of potassium.  相似文献   

Biochar has been suggested as a possible means for enhancing soil fertility, including soil potassium (K). However, understanding of the effects of biochar on soil K dynamics remains limited. In this study, a pot trial was conducted to investigate the influence of biochar application (0, 5, 10, and 25 g kg?1 soil) on soil K dynamics and crop K uptake under a winter wheat–maize rotation in two types of soil (an Alfisol, which contained a high initial available K and an Entisol, which contained a high abundance of 2 : 1 K‐bearing minerals). Changes in soil K in various forms following biochar application and cropping were determined, and their contributions to plant K uptake were evaluated. Soil microbial activity, especially the development of K‐dissolving bacteria (KDB), was evaluated to obtain insights into its effects on the weathering of K‐bearing minerals in the soils. During the wheat growth period, crop K uptake was more enhanced (13.6–40.5% higher) in the Alfisol than in the Entisol due to the higher availability of water‐soluble and exchangeable K, while K fixation occurred in the Entisol because of the higher content of 2 : 1 K‐bearing minerals. During the maize period, crop K uptake was generally higher in the Entisol soil due to the release of non‐exchangeable K. In addition, biochar application enhanced the growth of KDB in both soils, which was associated with changes in soil pH and water‐soluble K. However, improved mineral K release was observed only in the Entisol. It is concluded that biochar application could be a feasible soil amendment to improve soil K availability, but crop K uptake responses may vary depending on soil types. Soils abundant in 2 : 1 K‐bearing minerals tend to prolong biochar effects on crop K uptake. Biochar application enhanced the growth of KDB, which may facilitate mineral K weathering in soils with abundant K‐bearing minerals.  相似文献   

This study aimed at quantifying nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) released from winery solid waste (WSW) composts during laboratory incubation to address deficiency in two texturally distinct soils. Composts had 4, 10, 20, 30, 40% (w/w) of filter materials (FMs) mixed with grape marc and pruning canes. The composts were mixed with the soils at equivalent rate of 200 kg N ha?1 and incubated for 42 days. Quantitatively higher (p < 0.05) ammonium N content was recorded in sandy than sandy loam soil during the incubation duration while exchangeable K was increased in K-deficient sandy soil. Cumulative total mineralized N (TMN) measured during the incubation duration ranged from 59 mg kg?1 to 672 mg kg?1 depending on compost type and soil texture while a 10-fold increase in compost FMs content resulted in 144% and 139% increases in cumulative mineralized K in sandy and sandy loam textured soil, respectively. Percent N mineralized from the composts relative to the amount applied during the incubation duration was less than 54% reflecting the composts and soils inherent characteristics. The high ammonium N and K mineralized suggests that farmers must be cautious in utilizing these composts for field crops production due to the potential environmental risks.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicated that potassium (K) deficiency is an important soil‐related factor for yield decline of the sweet potato gardens in the Central Highlands of Papua New Guinea, where sweet potato is an important staple food crop. An effort was made to characterize various fractions of K in the diverse soils of this region under sweet potato, to ascertain the probable reasons behind the observed K deficiency and its relationship to decreasing yield trends. Soils from two depths (0–10 cm) and (10–20 cm) in two types of gardens (old and new gardens) were assessed for different fractions of soil potassium in volcanic and non‐volcanic soil groups. Volcanic soils (Hydrandepts and Andaquepts) were significantly lower (P < 0.05) in exchangeable K than the non‐volcanic soils (Dystropepts, Tropoqualfs and Eutropepts). Mean exchangeable K content of the non‐volcanic soils was 95.5 mg/kg, whereas that of volcanic soils was 72.4 mg/kg. Similarly, new gardens had an average exchangeable K content of 94.1 mg/kg, which was significantly greater than 71.6 mg/kg soil of older gardens. Non‐exchangeable K content differed significantly (P < 0.001) between the soil types; mean K content was 85.9 mg/kg for the volcanic soils, whereas in non‐volcanic soils, it was 184.9 mg/kg. Garden types also differed significantly (P < 0.05) with respect to non‐exchangeable K content; new gardens registering higher average values (by almost 20%) than the older gardens. Multiple regression analysis showed that variability in the tuber yield was as a result of variability of water soluble and exchangeable K (up to 22%), non‐exchangeable K (2%), mineral K (4%) and leaf K concentrations (10%). Older gardens, which are in volcanic soil groupings, are more susceptible to the K depletion problem because of continuous sweet potato cultivation, possibly owing to their lower K reserves. Such gardens should be managed either with sufficient fallow periods for regeneration of soil fertility or with suitable application of mineral K fertilizers to enhance productivity.  相似文献   

Some physical and chemical properties of the two common termite mounds in southeastern Nigeria, Macrotermes (MM) and Cubitermes (CM) mounds, were compared and their relationships with the surrounding top and subsoils investigated. Percentage sand, silt, pH, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, and organic carbon were higher and clay and penetrometer resistance lower in the CM than the MM. Sand, silt, organic carbon, and calcium decreased and clay increased from the forest to the derived savanna in the CM, but no clear trend was shown with the other properties in both the CM and the MM. Most of the nutrients were higher in the CM than in the adjacent top or subsoil but the reverse was the case with the MM. More nutrients are associated with the inorganic fractions of the soil than with the organic carbon in the mounds and the soils surrounding them. The Ca:Mg ratio in the mounds and the top and subsoils adjacent to them was low for most crops but the K:Mg ratio was mostly adequate. Because of these differences in properties and sizes of the mounds, different management strategies are recommended for them and the soils around them.  相似文献   

Previous papers [Soil Use and Management (2004) vol. 20, 410; (2007) vol. 23, 162] derived relationships for different soil types in south England of change in topsoil K (ΔKex) or P (ΔPres) against K or P balance over 3–5 years for fields in commercial farms given variable rates of fertilizer but no manure. Shown here is how ΔKex or ΔPres on manured fields can be converted to a fertilizer equivalent (fertilizer substitute) K or P value of the manure (FEK or FEP). There were significant increases in Pres and Kex when animal manures were applied, and in Pres using sewage sludge cake or liquid. Median FEP and FEK values for one application were – cattle farm yard manure (FYM) 36 kg P per hectare and 153 kg K per hectare, pig manure 70 and 149, digested sludge cake 62 P and digested liquid 31 P. Poultry manures and slurries also showed a significant benefit. When <12 months (only one cultivation) elapsed between application and soil sampling, FEP was much lower than in the second year and further increased over 4 years, whereas the maximum FEK was attained within a year of manure application. Release of P is slow compared with K. After 2–4 years FEP and FEK per tonne of FYM calculated as 0.95 kg P and 4.5 kg K, but farmer-reported application rates may be inaccurate. For biosolids <60% of the total P showed as FEP within 4 years. Even single manure applications register a large benefit in soil P and K supply (currently worth >£225 per hectare as fertilizer), but are variable in effect, which must be evaluated by soil analysis: at least one season and two cultivations should elapse before sampling; ideally more than a 2-year interval.  相似文献   


Results from 2 pastoral field lime trials showed that liming reduced exchangeable Mg. This effect increased with increasing rate of lime and with time following lime application, and was greatest in the top 0–50 mm depth. Soil solutions, sampled 2 years after liming, showed that solution Mg increased in increasing rate of lime. This effect was greatest in the top 20 mm of soil.

Lime incubation studies indicated that Mg fixation did occur on some of the soil studied, at pH >6.2. However, this did not account for the size of the observed effects of liming on exchangeable Mg in the field or explain the observed effects of liming at pH <6.2.

It is suggested therefore, that the major mechanism by which liming reduces exchangeable Mg, on these soils, is through displacement of exchangeable Mg into solution by the added Ca in lime, and subsequent leaching.

Results from other field trials suggest that liming will decrease exchangeable Mg if the change in pH‐dependent CEC (?ECEC) per unit change in soil pH is <15 me 100 g‐1.  相似文献   

Available iron, zinc, copper and manganese were determined in six pedons located in upper slope, middle slope and valley bottom soils derived from Abeokuta geological materials in Nigeria. The soils had an average of 639.8 g kg?1 sand, 241.8 g kg?1 clay and 118.4 g kg?1 silt. The fertility status of the soils was low–medium with a strongly acid–neutral reaction, 1.3–15.1 g kg?1 organic carbon contents, moderate–high exchangeable bases and 1.38 mg kg?1 available phosphorus. Both Fe (122.50 mg kg?1) and Mn (111.40 mg kg?1) occurred at toxic levels, whereas the mean Cu (1.27 mg kg?1) and Zn (2.56 mg kg?1) contents were found to be adequate for most crops grown in the region. There were significant positive correlations among the micronutrients and also between soil pH, organic carbon, particle size fractions and micronutrients. The high levels of Fe and Mn were probably due to the presence of oolitic ironstone in the parent material.  相似文献   

R. Lal 《Geoderma》1983,31(3):185-193
The effects of 5, 10, 15 and 20 m slope lengths were investigated on runoff for natural slope gradients of about 1, 5, 10 and 15%. These studies were conducted on field runoff plots on natural slopes and under natural rainfall conditions at Ibadan in western Nigeria. The runoff, based on individual rainfall events, was not significantly correlated with either of three erosivity indices (EI30, KE > 1, AIm) and only a maximum of 36% of variability in runoff could be attributed to rainfall erosivity. Runoff per unit area decreased with increase in slope length. The mean annual runoff was of the order of 100, 87, 80 and 69 for 1977 and 100, 66, 49 and 35 for 1978 for 5, 10, 15 and 20 m slope lengths, respectively. Regression analyses indicated that the annual runoff was related to slope length according to the regression equation W = 773 L?0?53, where W is annual runoff in mm and L is slope length in meters. When fitted to data from all plots on a given slope steepness, for individual years the numerical value of length exponent b ranged from 0.153 to ?0.865.  相似文献   

以长期定位试验为平台,夏玉米品种郑单136为材料,设置CK(不施肥),NP(施氮、 磷肥),NPK(施氮、 磷、 钾肥)和1.5MNPK(小麦季施高量氮、 磷、 钾肥+有机肥,玉米季仅施用化肥)4个处理,研究夏玉米钾素吸收规律及生育期内土壤钾素动态变化。结果表明,生育期内施钾与不施钾处理夏玉米干物质积累量均一直增加,在成熟期达到最大值; 在施用氮、 磷肥的基础上增施钾肥不但可以提高夏玉米地上部干物质积累量,同时也可以提高叶片及茎秆中的钾素含量,进而提高夏玉米整个地上部吸钾量;而在氮、 磷、 钾肥基础上增施有机肥,对夏玉米干物质积累无显著影响,但可显著提高茎秆及叶片的钾素含量和地上部钾素吸收总量。夏玉米钾素吸收主要集中在灌浆期之前,在灌浆期达到最大值,之后钾素出现回流现象。夏玉米收获后与播种前相比,土壤水溶性钾和交换性钾含量无明显下降或者略有增加,而非交换性钾明显下降,非交换性钾是夏玉米钾素吸收的主要形式。夏玉米吸钾量与播种前土壤3种形态的钾素含量呈显著正相关。因此,增施钾肥对于改善夏玉米生产,维持土壤钾素平衡及实现农业可持续发展具有深远意义。  相似文献   

The organic carbon (OC) fractions and micronutrient status of soil under cashew (Anacardium occidentale), plantain (Musa spp), oil-palm (Elaeis guineensis) and gmelina (Gmelina arborea) plantations were studied to determine their effectiveness for managing converted forest in the derived savanna ecology of southwestern Nigeria. The control secondary forest soil had statistically similar OC (2.11%) at 0–15 cm with gmelina but significantly higher than those of the remaining plantation crops. At deeper depths, however, the OC content of the control forest was lower than those of other plantation crops. Apart from gmelina, other plantation crops had carbon enrichment ratio (CER) <1 at 0–15 cm. Only gmelina sequestered as much non-hydrolysable carbon (NHC) as the control at 0–15 cm depth. Also it was observed that plantain plantation sequestered higher NHC than the control at 15–30 cm depth. At >30 cm depth, however, none of the plantation crops sequestered as much NHC as the control. Using the average NHC at all the soil depth as a quality index, gmelina has a better potential to sequester NHC than the other plantation crops used in this study.  相似文献   


In Malaysia, soils derived from sedimentary rocks are extensively used for agricultural purposes with oil palm and rubber being the main dwellers. In order to understand the environmental impact of these perennial crops planting, the variability of physicochemical properties of 25 representative soils derived from sedimentary rocks under different ecosystems (agriculture land and natural forest) at six study sites spread across Malaysia was examined. Among the soil physicochemical properties, total soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, and fertility level were found to be generally higher in the forest ecosystems followed by rubber plantation and finally oil palm plantations. Likewise, projection of principal component analysis showed an associative relationship between soil physicochemical properties and microhabitats. Finally, this study showed that soils from different agricultural and natural sites, but derived from similar sedimentary rocks, had distinctive weathering conditions and soil properties. Therefore, site-specific field management according to soil type, soil management techniques as well as fertilizer strategies are required to maximize crop production and to sustain ecosystem services. The output of this study will enable farmers to improve their crop yield via the selection of suitable crops cultivation based on soil characteristics.  相似文献   

Knowledge of K-dynamics in soils can help devise practices for efficient K management in intensive rice-wheat systems. We studied the effect of long-term application of rice straw, farmyard manure (FYM) and inorganic fertilizer on total K and its distribution among different forms in 60-cm soil profile after 14 years of rice-wheat cropping. The exchangeable, the non-exchangeable and the lattice K respectively comprised 1%, 3–10% and 89–95% of total K in surface soil under different treatments. Application of rice straw and FYM positively impacted total K status of soil and its distribution among different forms. The greatest concentrations of total K, lattice K, exchangeable K and NH4OAc-extractable K were observed in plots receiving both rice straw and FYM together and the lowest in inorganic fertilizer treated plots. On the contrary, the non-exchangeable K was the highest in inorganically fertilized plots and the lowest in rice straw amended plots. The exchangeable, the water soluble and the NH4OAc-extractable K decreased with soil depth and did not indicate K movement beyond the rooting zone of the crops. The results showed that incorporation of rice residue in soil, instead of burning, besides reducing environmental pollution led to improved K-fertility of soils.  相似文献   


A pot experiment was conducted to determine most limiting nutrients for maize performance using nutrient omission treatments in three soil types of southwestern Nigeria. There were six treatments; full nutrient [120?kg nitrogen (N)/ha, 40?kg phosphorus (P)/ha, 80?kg potassium (K)/ha, 10?kg molybdenum (Mo)/ha, and 5?kg zinc (Zn)/ha]; full nutrient minus N, P, K, Mo, and Zn including control was replicated thrice. Treatments were arranged as split plot in a complete randomized design. Data were collected on growth parameters, shoot, root dry weights, and NPK uptakes. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and means separated using LSD0.05. Majeroku and Egbeda soils and full nutrient supported better maize growth and NPK uptakes. Shoot weight was higher in Egbeda while root weight was higher in Itagunmodi soil. Phosphorus was the most limiting in Egbeda and Itagunmodi soils, and nitrogen in Majeroku soil. In conclusion, maize growth, nutrient uptake and most limiting nutrient varied with soil types.  相似文献   

Sustainable potassium (K) management at different soil sites requires understanding the relationships between crop productivity and long-term K fertilizations on a regional or national scale.We analyzed responses of grain yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.),K efficiency,and partial balance (difference between K input through fertilizer and K output in the aboveground biomass) during 15-(1990-2005) or 18-year (1990-2008) K fertilizations at five distinctive agroecological zones across China.Compared to the inorganic nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilization,the inorganic NPK fertilization significantly increased grain yields of wheat (21%) and maize (16%-72%) at Qiyang and Changping,where soils have low exchangeable and non-exchangeable K contents,but not at rmqi,Yangling and Zhengzhou,where soils have a high exchangeable and non-exchangeable K and/or low N/K ratio in crop plants.Compared to the inorganic NPK fertilization,the inorganic NPK (30% N) and organic manure (70% N) fertilization (NPKM) increased grain yields of wheat (14%-40%) and maize (9%-61%) at four sites,but not at Zhengzhou.For a productivity of wheat at 2-5 t ha-1 or maize at 3-6 t ha-1,13-26 or 9-17 kg K ha-1 were required to produce 1.0 t wheat or maize.The NP fertilization resulted in the lowest negative partial K balance and accumulated 52 kg K ha-1 year-1 less than the NPK fertilization,which accumulated 28 kg ha-1 year-1 less K than the NPKM fertilization.A re-evaluation of the site-specific fertilization effects on N/K ratio in crop plants and soil K accumulation under current NPK and NPKM fertilization is urgently needed to increase both crop yield and K use efficiency at different agroecological zones across China.  相似文献   

钾细菌制剂对土壤钾素的影响探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
试验K细菌制剂在控制条件和大田下对土壤难溶性K的转化作用,特别是土壤速效钾和缓效钾的动态变化表明,缺K土壤适当施用K细菌制剂,可增加土壤速效钾含量,成熟植株体内K增加32.3%,拔节孕穗期土壤速效钾含量比对照高128.6%,而土壤、磷矿粉、沙子等3种基质平均速效钾含量比对照高160.6%。K细菌制剂不板结土壤和不污染水源。  相似文献   

We evaluated the influence of several organic matter management practices on the characteristics of carbohydrates in water-stable aggregates and soil aggregate stability at three Nigerian locations (Abakiliki, Nsukka and Umudike) where forests had been converted to arable farming. The effect of management practices to enhance aggregate stability was site-specific. The highest aggregate stability was obtained with Gliricidia sepium at Abakiliki, with Cajanus cajan followed by rice mill wastes (RW) at Nsukka and with the forested soil at Umudike. While none of the treatments at all sites was able to enhance the C and N contents of the soils to the levels obtained in the forested sites, a net improvement in carbohydrate and organic carbon (OC) content was found for some management practices. The carbohydrate status increased with G. sepium at Abakiliki, and with Dactylodenae bacterii alone or in combination with Pentaclethra species at Umudike, while at Nsukka all organic inputs increased carbohydrate content over the control and forested soils. However, neither total OC nor the carbohydrate content were significantly correlated to the variability in aggregate stability of these soils. The δ13C values found for acidic hydrolysates were constant within the soil aggregate sizes and generally distributed around −29 to −30‰, suggesting that the OC from these sites originated from C3 plants. Our results indicate that in these tropical Nigerian soils, aggregate stability and OC content are generally preserved by alley-cropping in well structured soil, whereas treatments with organic wastes are sustainable management practices in more fragile soils.  相似文献   

Tillage is expected to influence growth, yield and nutrient status of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum, Mill.) plant, but there is scarcity of research to investigate the relationship between tillage and performance parameters of tomato. Hence the variation in soil physical and chemical properties, tomato growth, plant nutrient contents and fruit yield in response to different tillage methods and seedling bed types and positions, were investigated on an alfisol (Ferric Luvisol) at Akure in the rainforest zone of Nigeria. Different bed types for transplanted tomato seedlings were created using herbicide-based zero tillage, manual clearing (a form of zero tillage), top, side and base positions of ridges and mounds for planting seedlings of early and late season tomato crops. The soil at the top, side and base positions of ridges and mounds had lower bulk densities that was associated with greater root length, plant height, number of stems, branches and number of leaves and weight of tomato fruits, and leaf nutrient contents compared with zero tillage and manually cleared soils. Planting on ridge or mound positions increased the number of fruits and fruit weight by 200 and 100%, respectively, compared with planting on untilled soils. Soil bulk density was negatively correlated with root growth and leaf nutrient content. Tomato requires tillage for optimum productivity.  相似文献   

Maintaining the quality of groundwater is a major consideration when developing management practices to effectively use cow dung manure (CDM) as a nutrient source and soil conditioner in agricultural production systems. This study examines the effect of CDM on the solubility of copper (Cu), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) in urban garden fields from Kaduna under long-term vegetable production. Soil samples were collected from Kakau, Kakuri, Trikaniya, and Romi in Kaduna metropolis in northern Nigeria. Soil–manure mixtures at the rate of 100 g CDM kg?1 soil were incubated for 2 weeks and analyzed for exchangeable [0.1 M calcium chloride (CaCl2)–extractable], mobile [1 M ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3)–extractable], and potentially labile [0.05 M ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)–extractable] copper (Cu), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn). Addition of CDM increased exchangeable Cu in Kakuri and Romi and exchangeable Pb in Kakau and Kakuri, but decreased exchangeable Zn across the sites. The addition of CDM increased mobile Cu and Pb in all the sites. Although there was a decrease in mobile Zn in Kakau and Romi after the soil–manure incubation period, mobile Zn increased in Trikaniya and Kakuri. Furthermore, CDM decreased potentially labile Cu, Pb, and Zn in all the sites except for Romi, which increased labile Cu. To sustain the quality of soil and minimize groundwater pollution and food chain contamination, use of CDM in urban garden soils polluted with Cu, Pb, and Zn should be regulated or discouraged entirely to reduce the mobility of these metals.  相似文献   

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