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Effects of factors such as slope, surface soil texture, fertilization and crop cover with different rainfall intensitieson phosphorus (P) losses in farmland runoff of the Dianchi Lake Watershed in Yunnan Province of China were studiedthrough a rainfall simulation test using a red soil, one of the most widely distributed soils of the study area. Resultsshowed that the runoff concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) and P losses differed with the slope, being highest whenthe slope was 18~. At two different rainfall intensities, the runoff TP and P losses had a similar decreasing trend asthe surface soil texture became coarser, therefore applying the grit would decrease P in runoff from soils of farmland onslopes with heavier textures. With wheat as a crop cover the runoff TP concentrations and P losses were significantlylower than those of the bare soil. This showed that plant cover would greatly decrease P in runoff from the farmland ofthe study area. The TP concentration in runoff from the soil two days after fertilization doubled when compared withthat from the non-fertilized soil, indicating that fertilization could mean a dramatic rise in P runoff if irrigation or heavyrainfall occurred immediately after application and that no fertilization before a rain and no irrigation immediately afterfertilization would reduce runoff P loss from the farmland of the study area.  相似文献   


The effectiveness of the application of raw (PR‐1), and partially acidulated phosphate rock (PR), at 25% (PR‐25) and at 50% (PR‐50), was investigated to reduce extractability and plant uptake of Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn in three calciorthids soils.Furthermore, the effects of soil treatments on metal extractability were evaluated by sequential extraction. Similarly, such effects were assessed on the phytoavailability of metals of maize (Zea mays L.) through a pot experiment. Water‐soluble and exchangeable metal fractions (the bioavailable fractions) were influenced distinctively by PR treatments and soil properties. In addition, decrease of soluble and exchangeable metal fractions was compensated by an increase in metal extracted from other fractions. Most bioavailable soil metals correlated significantly with their associated level in plant tissue. Finally, plant metal uptake decreased with PR treatments, suggesting that PR application was likely to be effective in controlling metal immobilization in these soils.  相似文献   


Knowledge of the distribution of soil organic matter (SOM) fractions is important in managing soils toward a sustainable agricultural system in a tropical environment. However, data on Histosols is limited. This study developed 19 profiles of Histosols and soils with high organic-matter content from different regions of Brazil. Soil organic matter was fractionated into fulvic acids (FAF), humic acids (HAF), and humin (HUM). The ratios HAF/FAF and AE (alkaline extract)/HUM were calculated. The objectives were to evaluate the method for SOM fractionating in Histosols and related soils and to correlate the distribution of organic fractions with other soil attributes. The humic fractions presented significant correlations with other soil attributes, the best being the correlation between FAF and nutrient level. The HAF and HUM presented high correlation with cationic exchange capacity, active acidity (H+) and pH. Humin and the alkaline extract absorbance measured at 380 nm and 465 nm and presented good correlation with total organic carbon.  相似文献   

A pot experiment evaluated the growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgar) and accumulation of molybdenum (Mo) in plants and soils following amendments of Mo compost (1.0 g kg?1) to a Truro sandy loam. The treatments consisted of 0 (control), 12.5, 25, and 50% Mo compost by volume. The Mo compost did not affect dry‐matter yield (DMY) up to 25% compost, but DMY decreased at the 50% compost treatment. The 50% compost treatments increased the soil pH an average of 0.5 units and increased the nitric acid (HNO3)–extractable Mo to 150 mg kg?1 and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable Mo to 100 mg kg?1 in the growth medium; the same treatment increased tissue Mo concentration to 569 and 478 mg kg?1 in the lettuce and barley, respectively. Plants grown in the 25% compost produced about 55 mg kg?1 of total Mo in the growth medium; this resulted in tissue Mo concentration of 348 mg kg?1 in lettuce and 274 mg kg?1 in barley without any phytotoxicity. Our results suggested that 55 mg Mo kg?1 soil would be an appropriate limit for Mo loading of soil developed from compost additions, a value which is presently greater than the Canadian Council for Ministers of the Environment (CCME) Guidelines for the use of type B compost in Canada.  相似文献   


A greenhouse pot culture study was conducted to evaluate the agronomic efficiency of two rock phosphates from Mussoorie (MRP) and Purulia (PRP) in two acidic soils from Dapoli (Maharashtra) and Aruvanthklu (Karnataka), India, by growing maize (cv. Ganga) as the test crop and using 32phosphorus (P) single superphosphate (32P=SSP) as a tracer (A‐value technique). Dry‐matter yield and P uptake increased significantly with the application of P fertilizers compared to control treatment (without P) in both the soils. There was no significant difference with respect to dry‐matter yield among the P fertilizer treatments. However, P uptake by the shoots was found to be significantly higher in the PRP treatment in only Dapoli soil compared to other P fertilizer treatments. Phosphorus derived from fertilizer decreased in rock phosphate treatments compared to standard 32P‐SSP treatment in both the soils, indicating an excess availability of P from the rock phosphates. A‐values of soil and rock phosphate indicate a relatively higher P availability from Aruvanthklu soil compared to Dapoli soil; A‐values for the rock phosphates were in the order PRP>MRP. The substitution ratio showed that the availability of P from both the rock phosphates were less than SSP in both the soils.  相似文献   


Most agricultural soils in the Indian River area, South Florida, are sandy with minimal holding capacity for moisture and nutrients. Phosphorus (P) leaching from these soils has been suspected of contributing to the eutrophication of surface waters in this region. Dolomite phosphate rock (DPR) and N‐viro soil are promising amendments to increase crop production and reduce P loss from sandy soils. Soil incubation and greenhouse pot experiments were conducted to examine the effects of Florida DPR–N‐viro soil mixtures on the growth of a horticultural crop in an acidic sandy soil and to generate information for developing a desired formula of soil amendments. Dolomite phosphate rock and N–viro soil application increased soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC), extractable P, calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg). N–viro soil had greater effect on soil pH, organic matter content, and microbial biomass than the DPR. Comparatively higher nitrification rates were found in the N–viro soil treatment than the DPR treatment. A systematic decrease in soil‐extractable P was found with increasing proportions of N‐viro soil from the combined amendments. Greenhouse study demonstrated that the application of DPR and N‐viro soil significantly improved dry‐matter yield and increased plant P, Ca, and Mg concentrations of radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Based on dry‐matter yield and plant N uptake, the combined amendments that contained 30% or 20% of DPR materials appear to be optimal but remain to be confirmed by field trials.  相似文献   


The effectiveness of intensively milled gneiss and potassium (K-feldspar) as K fertilizers was evaluated through a glasshouse experiment with ryegrass. Plant were grown on two soil types for 12 months. Results show that the agronomic effectiveness of milled gneiss was nearly as great as potassium sulfate (K2SO4), but milled K‐feldspar was much less effective because of the relatively small extent of dissolution of K‐feldspar in the soil. The positive effects of K‐silicate rock fertilizers (K‐SRFs) included increases in plant biomass, uptake of K and silicon (Si), and soil pH with increasing application rate of the K‐SRFs. The application of K‐SRFs will be most advantageous for amending K‐deficient soils, and high‐energy milling provides a simple method for manufacturing effective multinutrient SRFs.  相似文献   


Accurate analyses of large numbers of soil samples are needed in order to reduce the uncertainty of carbon inventories. Loss‐on‐ignition (LOI) is still considered the most convenient assessment method, but its accuracy and precision for predicting total organic carbon (TOC) is questioned. However, our estimation of measurement precision for different samples showed comparable relative standard deviations (RSDs) for LOI and TOC determinations. Highest precision was found in forest floor samples (RSD<1.2%) and lowest (RSD 5–10%) in sandy soil samples low in organic matter. Forest floor samples (n=66) and non‐calcareous mineral soil samples (n=654) were used to calibrate and validate predictive equations. Excellent linear relationships were found. For a wide range of soils the bivariate predictive equation TOC=?0.1046 Clay+0.5936 LOI (r2=0.98) was developed and validated. After correction for clay content, slopes averaged remarkably close to the traditional 0.58 conversion factor.  相似文献   


Loss‐on‐ignition (LOI) and concentration of organic carbon (Cc) were determined on pristine forest soils and soils from afforested arable fields. The objectives were to investigate the relation between the Cc of soil estimated indirectly from LOI and true Cc from dry combustion (CLECO) and further to evaluate how the applied analytical method affects the carbon pool estimates. According to results, LOI was a good indicator of Cc in the organic layer. As regards mineral soil, however, CLECO/LOI ratio significantly decreased with increasing depth, and the ratio changed differently in soils underlying forest sites as opposed to the soils from former fields. The results indicate that estimation of carbon pools from conversion factors would lead to considerable bias and that direct measurement of Cc is preferable to the use of any Cc/LOI ratio. The results also emphasize the need for elimination of carbonate carbon when measuring Cc from the soil of arable fields.  相似文献   


Sewage‐sludge‐amended soils generally contain elevated levels of organic matter and heavy metals compared to control soils. Because organic matter is known to complex with heavy metals, the solubility behavior of the organic matter in such soils may exert a significant influence on the solubility of the metals. Little is known about such a process. Using batch experiments in which the solubility of organic matter in a heavily sludge‐amended soil was artificially manipulated, we show that the solubilities of the heavy metals copper (Cu), nickel (Ni), and lead (Pb) show a strong positive relationship to the solubility of organic matter, particularly at high pH. The results suggest that under field conditions, spatiotemporal variations in the solid–solution partitioning of organic matter may have a bearing on the environmental significance (mobility and bioavailability) of these heavy metals.  相似文献   

The relatively low solubility and availability of phosphorus (P) from indigenous phosphate rock could be enhanced by legumes in the acid soils of humid forest agroecosystems. Crotalaria micans L. was grown in a screenhouse without P or with P from triple superphosphate (TSP) and Malian Tilemsi Rock P. The P response of 20 cover crops was field‐evaluated using TSP and Rock P. In both experiments, the fertilized cover crops were followed by upland rice without mineral N or P application. Mean rice grain yield and agronomic residual P‐use efficiency were similar for both P sources. In the field, 1‐year fallow treatment of Canavalia ensiformis (velvet bean) supplied with Mali Rock P gave the highest rice grain yield of 3.1 Mg ha?1, more than 180% that of 2‐year continuous unfertilized rice (cv. ‘WAB 56‐50’). Among continuous rice plots, ‘NERICA 2’ (interspecific rice) supplied with Rock P produced the highest yield (2.0 Mg ha?1), suggesting that ‘NERICA 2’ might have greater potential to solubilize rock P. Results indicate that when combined with an appropriate legume, indigenous rock‐P can release sufficient P to meet the P requirement of the legume and a following upland rice crop in rotation.  相似文献   


The present study was conducted in a dry region in southern Iran to evaluate the effects of different Atriplex species on the salinity, soluble ions, and some of the other chemical properties of under‐ and intercanopy soils. The research region was divided into five separate sites with vegetation cover of the range plants Atriplex lentiformis, A. nummularia, and A. halimus (all newly introduced species) and A. leucoclada and Salsola rigida (both native species). Four 1‐kg soil samples (from under‐ and interspaces of the canopy of tested plants, each in two depths of 0–10 and 10–40 cm, were taken from each of the plant sites and analyzed for different determinations. The study was conducted as a factorial experiment in a complete random design with six replicates.

Regardless of distance and depth, different plant species resulted in different salinity (based on the EC values of saturation paste) and soluble cation contents in the tested soils. The results showed that the increase in EC values were associated with decreases in pH values of the tested soils.

The SAR values followed exactly the same pattern as EC values and Na+ concentrations. In the case of soluble anions, the Cl? contents followed exactly the same pattern as the EC values of the tested soils, which indicates that the salts are predominantly chlorides of various cations (especially Na+). The OM and total nitrogen (N) contents of the undercanopy were greater than those of the interspace and those of the surface layer were greater than those of the sublayer. Moreover, although the phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) contents of undercanopy and interspace were not significantly different from each other, the P and K contents of the surface layer were greater than those of the subsurface layer. As seen from the results, except for the effect of depth of Mn contents and the interactive effect of distance and depth on Fe contents, neither the single effects (other than plant species) nor the interactive effects were significant on microminerals of the tested soils.

Moreover, copper (Cu) was particularly antagonistic toward iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn).  相似文献   


Four procedures were employed to extract phosphorus (P) from volcanic soils for 31P‐NMR experiments. The procedures involve 0.5 M NaOH extraction, 0.5 M NaOH and Chelex 100 cation exchange resin extraction, NaOH‐EDTA extraction, and HCl‐NaOH two step sequential extraction with Chelex 100 clean up. Results showed that inorganic‐P, monoester‐P, diester‐P and pyrophosphate were present. Their detection was dependent on the extraction procedure used.

The NaOH procedure gives only a broad and vaguely defined signal with poor signal to noise ratio. The incorporation of Chelex 100 in the extraction enhanced the signal to noise ratio and allowed the distinction of inorganic‐P, monoester‐P, diester‐P and pyrophosphate. The two step sequential extraction involving HCl, NaOH, and Chelex 100 significantly improve the signal to noise ratio. The NaOH‐EDTA extraction procedure is efficient only in samples with low OC contents.

When soils have low OC content, any of the four extraction procedures can be successfully used. If the OC and the Fe concentration in the extracted solutions are high, the Chelex 100 became essential in clean up the metallic ions. Both the NaOH and Chelex 100 and the HCl‐NaOH‐Chelex produced satisfactory results and the later procedure by far the best resolved spectra.  相似文献   


This article describes a modified compulsive exchange method suitable for the determination of cation exchange capacity (CEC) over a pH range on solid, separated organic‐matter fractions. The method is demonstrated to be a reproducible and relatively simple means of measuring CEC on fractions separated by physical means in conjunction with hydrofluoric acid (HF) treatment. By including a modification for measuring the residual magnesium (Mg2+) content by dilution and conductivity, the method is simplified to measure CEC versus pH using a single sample; the only laboratory instruments required are pH and conductivity meters and a balance. The lack of agreement between this method and the silver thiourea (AgTU) method for some fractions at low pH is attributed to the uncontrolled variation in solution ionic strength when acid is introduced to effect solution pH changes in the AgTU method.  相似文献   

Seven short‐fallow plant species were evaluated for their aboveground biomass production, nutrient accumulation, and weed suppression potential in Nkolbisson, Cameroon. The fallow species included Arachis pintoi, Vigna radiata, Desmodium intortum, Centrosema pubescens, Indigofera hirsutus, Indigofera spicata, and Pueraria phaseoloides. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications and seven treatments (fallow species). Twelve months after planting, highly significant differences (p < 0.01) were observed among fallow species for phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) concentrations, respectively, in plant tissue. Similarly, highly significant differences (p = 0.0013) occurred among fallow species for aboveground biomass production, which ranged between 3.12 t ha?1 (I. spicata) and 9.16 t ha?1 (A. pintoi). Potassium only showed highly significant differences among plant species for nutrient accumulation (p = 0.0001). However, A. pintoi, C. pubescens, I. hirsutus, and P. phaseoloides yielded substantial amounts of recycled N (>100 kg ha?1 year?1) that can benefit the subsequent crop. For small‐scale producers, these species are likely to supply adequate nitrogen for cereal crops. A total of 26 weed species belonging to 15 botanical families were encountered in the various plots. Weed dry weight differed significantly (p = 0.02) among the fallow plots and ranged from 0.12 t ha?1 (in P. phaseoloides plots) to 2.32 t ha?1 (in A. pintoi plots). Results of this study suggest that there are a wide range of plant species that could be used in improved fallow technologies aimed at improving nutrient‐degraded soils and suppressing weeds.  相似文献   

Mineralization of soil organic carbon (C) plays a key role in supplying nutrient elements essential to plant growth. Changes of C mineralization of mixed stands of Chinese fir and Michelia macclurei (a broadleaf tree), pure M. macclurei stands, and pure Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) stands established in 1983 after clear‐felling of a first‐generation Chinese fir forest were analyzed in Huitong, Hunan Province, China, and compared with those of a stand of native secondary evergreen broadleaf forest (NBF). The results showed that NBF soil had the greatest C mineralization. Mixture of Chinese fir and M. macclurei had no effect on total soil organic C in comparison with pure Chinese fir plantation, but significantly increased C mineralization from soils was detected in this study. This positive influence on C mineralization could be explained by the increase of soil labile C pools and soil microbial biomass and activity. From the analysis of C mineralization, soil microbial properties, and labile organic C, mixtures of broadleaf and Chinese fir can be considered to be an effective sustainable management model for a Chinese fir plantation. Given strong correlations with microbiological and biochemical characteristics of soils and an easier process of determination, hot water extraction, hot water–extractable C (HWC) could be used as an integrated measure of forest soil quality in mid‐subtropics.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to study the changes in nutrient contents during preparation of enriched organomineral fertilizers using rice straw, low‐grade rock phosphate (RP), waste mica, and phosphate‐solubilizing microorganism (Aspergillus awamori). Composting reduced the total carbon (C) but increased total nitrogen (N) content with the progress of composting. This was reflected in the decrease of the C/N ratio. Significant increases in total phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) were also observed where both RP and waste mica was added along with Aspergillus awamori. Ammonium N (NH4 +‐N) decreased while nitrate N (NO3 ?‐N) increased at the end of composting. Olsen P content increased up to 90 days, thereafter decreased up to day 150, whereas ammonium acetate K (NH4OAc‐K) increased gradually with the progress of composting. The study thus revealed that crop residue could be converted into a value‐added product through composting technology using low‐grade rock phosphate and waste mica along with phosphate‐solubilizing microorganisms.  相似文献   

The organic matter (OM) quantity in soils is of fundamental importance for agriculture. The indirect determination of the OM through the Total Organic Carbon (TOC) quantity is performed by most soil laboratories in Brazil using the Walkley–Black (WB) method. This procedure involves oxidation with potassium dichromate which is a cancerous reagent. The objective of this study is to optimize the parameters for OM determination by the gravimetric method and to estimate the van Bemmelen factor for the studied soil. The studied region is the second and third plateau of Parana State, Brazil, from which 50 agricultural soil samples were analyzed. The temperature and exposition time in muffle were determined after a thermal analysis. The optimized parameters for the gravimetric method were 3 h at 420°C in the muffle furnace. The results for WB and gravimetric methods presented a good correlation and the van Bemmelen factor for the studied soil was 4.37.  相似文献   


Different chemical reagents are used to assess plant‐available nutrients from soils with similar properties. The use of different extractants is a serious limitation when comparing results between different soil‐testing laboratories, often leading to large differences in fertilizer recommendations for similar crops.

In this study, 80 samples from acid soils from Galicia (Spain) were used to compare several soil nutrient extractants. Traditional and tested extractants for acid soil such as Bray 2 and ammonium acetate were used to evaluate multielement extractants such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid–ammonium acetate (EDTA‐aa), ammonium bicarbonate–diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (AB‐DTPA), and Mehlich 3.

Linear regression analyses were performed to relate the amount of each nutrient obtained by traditional soil extractants to the amount obtained by multielement extractants. Strong correlation was found between extractable Bray 2 P and Mehlich 3 P (r2=0.97, slope=0.87, and intercept=?0.48). The slope of the regression line between EDTA‐aa‐extractable calcium (Ca) and that from ammonium acetate (Aa) approached 1∶1 (r2=0.86). Similar results were obtained for magnesium (Mg) (r2=0.99). Soil zinc (Zn) concentrations extracted by Mehlich 3 and EDTA‐aa were similar; slope of the regression line was 0.95 (r2=0.88). With regard to copper (Cu), Mehlich 3 extracted approximately 20% more Cu than EDTA‐aa.

The results showed that Mehlich 3 and EDTA‐aa are suitable for assessment of plant available phosphorus (P), potassium (K), Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, and iron (Fe) in acid soils.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(10-11):2081-2091

Iron deficiency induces accumulation of a transferrin‐like protein, TTf, in plasma membranes of the halotolerant alga Dunaliella salina. In vivo iron binding and uptake studies provided evidence for the role of TTf in iron acquisition in Dunaliella. In this report, we characterized the iron binding activity of solubilized TTf, purified from plasma membrane vesicles of iron‐starved cells. The characteristics of iron binding to TTf generally resembled those of animal transferrins (Tfs) in an obligatory requirement for bicarbonate as a co‐ligand, specificity for ferric ions and pH dependence of both binding and release. Unlike animal Tfs, Fe binding activity of TTf was stimulated by high NaCl concentrations. The stimulation was not associated with changes in Fe binding affinity. The results unequivocally confirm the role of TTf in Fe binding and uptake in Dunaliella and demonstrate its uniqueness as a membrane‐associated, salt‐stimulated transferrin.  相似文献   

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