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轮作体系下冬油菜养分利用效率的区域研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fertilization is essential for oilseed rape because it is sensitivity to nutrient deficiency, especially for winter oilseed rape(Brassica napus L.). To investigate regional nutrient efficiency and nutrient uptake-yield relationship of winter oilseed rape in an intensive cropping system, this study used data from 619 site-year on-farm experiments carried out in the winter oilseed rape planting area of the Yangtze River Basin, China from 2005 to 2010, with large yield in the range of 179–4 470 kg ha~(-1). Currently recommended application rates of N, P and K fertilizers increased rapeseed yield at different levels of soil indigenous nutrient supply(INS) in this region. Boundary values of plant nutrient uptake were established to analyze the nutrient uptake-yield relationship of winter oilseed rape(internal nutrient efficiency), i.e., 128 kg N ha~(-1), 24 kg P ha~(-1), and 122 kg K ha~(-1). The internal nutrient efficiency declined by 48.2%–64.1% when nutrient uptake exceeded the boundary value, resulting in excessive nutrient uptake(i.e., low yield response with high nutrient uptake), especially for K. In the intensive cropping system, agronomic efficiencies of N, P, and K were 5.9, 3.4, and3.6 kg kg~(-1), and recovery efficiencies of N, P, and K were 35.6%, 24.1%, and 36.8%, respectively. These findings showed that the fertilization rate should be optimized by considering INS, nutrient status, and nutrient efficiency of winter oilseed rape. In this study,considering the lower yield improvement to high K uptake levels and low K fertilizer efficiency, application rate of K fertilizer should be reduced since soil K deficiency has already been mitigated.  相似文献   

Sweet potato productivity in India is either stagnated or lowering down over the past many years. The main reasons for low yield are conventional blanket recommendation of fertilizers, lower nutrient-use efficiency and imbalance in the use of fertilizers. Recommendation of major nutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK), based on quantitative approaches will augment sweet potato production per unit area by increasing the nutrient-use efficiency. The present study calibrated the Quantitative Evaluation of Fertility of Tropical Soils (QUEFTS) model for the estimation of NPK requirements and fertilizers recommendations for different target yields of sweet potato. The QUEFTS basically works on the principle of NPK nutrient interactions and climate-adjusted yield potential of a region. Published data sets from several field experiments related to NPK carried out till date were collected to reflect the environment variability. The results of the present study showed that to produce one ton tuber, 16:6:18 kg N, P, and K, respectively, would be needed with the internal efficiencies of 61:167:57 kg tubers kg?1 NPK removed. The maximum accumulation and dilution (kg tuber kg?1 nutrient removed) of N (40, 80), P (96, 272), and K (30, 85) were also derived as standard parameters in QUEFTS for optimum fertilizer recommendation in tropical and subtropical regions of India. The observed yields of sweet potato with different amounts of nutrients were in agreement with the values predicted by the model. Therefore, it is utmost important to have the results of the study validated in major growing environments of India for fertilizer recommendation in sweet potato.  相似文献   

Taro yield in many parts of the world is stagnant mainly due to conventional blanket recommendation of fertilizers, lower nutrient use efficiency and imbalance in the use of nutrients. The Quantitative Evaluation of Fertility of Tropical Soils (QUEFTS) model was used for determining the region specific balanced NPK uptake requirements and recommendations for a target yield of taro. The constants for minimum and maximum accumulation (kg cormel kg?1 nutrient) of N (33 and 177), P (212 and 606) and K (25 and 127) were derived as standard model parameters. The results showed that taro requires N, P and K accumulation of 12.97, 2.75 and 17.47?kg t?1 of cormel yield, suggesting an average NPK ratio in the plant dry matter of about 4.7:1:6.4. The NPK fertilizer requirements for different potential yield situations were also calculated. The results need to be validated in major taro growing regions.  相似文献   

The integrated nutrient management with organic manure and chemical fertilizers can improve rice (Oryza sativa L.) production, soil health, and fertility. Hence, this study aimed to evaluate the combined effects of organic manures and chemical fertilizers on the yield and nutrient content of wetland rice under field conditions. It was conducted in northern Iran in two consecutive years, 2015 and 2016 as a factorial experiment based on a randomized complete blocks design (RCBD) with three replications. Two local rice cultivars, Tarom Hashemi and Tarom Mahalli, were chosen as the first factor; mineral fertilizers in four levels: 100% recommended nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (NPK), 75% recommended nitrogen with 100% phosphorus-potassium (PK), 75% recommended phosphorus with 100% nitrogen-potassium (NK), and 75% recommended potassium with 100% nitrogen-phosphorus (NP), were selected based on soil analysis and were arranged as the second factor; and three levels of organic manures, namely zero and eight tons of vermicompost per hectare, and 10 tons of rotted manure per hectare was the third factor. Results revealed that the highest paddy yield occurs with vermicompost and manure consumption for both cultivars. Moreover, the highest paddy yield (3962 kg ha?1) occurs with 100% recommended NPK and vermicompost consumption. For both cultivars, the most chlorophyll a and chlorophyll ab content was produced with application of 100% recommended NPK. The most grain nitrogen content, grain nitrogen uptake, protein content, and protein yield were observed with 100% recommended NPK applied with 10 tons of rotted manure and eight tons of vermicompost usage per hectare. Therefore, in view of the ever-increasing use of chemical fertilizers and irreversible damage thereby, the additional use of these compounds can benefit the environment and human health. The global attention to sustainable agricultural concepts and organic manure can, in addition to producing reasonable yields, be considered as an appropriate alternative to chemical fertilizers.  相似文献   

Citrus production in Florida is ranked first in the United States. Success of the citrus industry in the state relies heavily on sound water and nutrient management practices. Recently, citrus production has been declining due to the escalating prevalence of the citrus greening (Liberibacter asiaticus) and canker (Xanthomonas axonopodis) diseases. One option being explored is the manipulation of nutrient management scenarios to increase and enhance tree productivity. The paper presents a review of the management, analytical and application methods of three major nutrients Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K) on Florida's sandy soils with low organic matter (OM) and high leaching potential due to heavy annual rains (~1200 mm). The NPK management options for Florida citrus are compared with those of other citrus producing regions around the world. Also, the critical tissue and soil nutrient concentrations for optimal and high citrus production are discussed. The review paper should provide important nutrient management guidelines to citrus growers in Florida and other regions with similar climatic and soil conditions.  相似文献   

Thirteen-day-old maize (Zea mays L.) plants were exposed hydroponically to sulfur (S)-deprivation and their nutritional status was monitored for ten days. Sulfur (S) -deprivation altered the allocation of nutrients between roots and shoots in a differential manner and the effect was approached in terms of a power function. The experimental curvature was analyzed through the value of the exponent of the function and two formulations of the approach were tested through regression analysis. In the shoot, the impact of the S-deprivation relative to that on dry mass was: calcium (Ca) (45.3%) > nitrate (NO3) (18.9%) > magnesium (Mg) (17.2%) > manganese (Mn) (14.1%) > water (W) = phosphorus (P) = potassium (K) = iron (Fe) = copper (Cu) > nitrogen (N) (?4.3%) > ammonium (NH4) (?4.7%) > zinc (Zn) (?12%) > boron (B) (?21.4%) > S (?75.2%). In the root, the relative impact was: N = K = Ca = Zn = B > P (?12.7%) > NO3 (?14.7%) > NH4 (?18.4%) > W (?27.8%) > Mn (?34.4%) > Mg (?37.5%) > Fe = Cu (?40.5%) > S (?126.6%). Both models produced the same conclusions.  相似文献   

本文研究了黄土丘陵区紫花苜蓿与沙打旺在施入大量和微量营养元素后的生物量效应,以及植株中的化学元素的浓度和摄入量。结果表明:凡含有P素的试验处理,两种牧草地上部生物量均有显着增加,对紫花苜蓿根系增加的作用尤其突出。沙打旺施Mo地上部与根系生物量明显增加;各处理紫花苜蓿地上部K、Fe、Mo的浓度均高于沙打旺,而Ca、Mg、Mn、B的浓度几乎都低于沙打旺。含P处理紫花苜蓿的P浓度高于无P处理,同时伴随Zn浓度的降低。两种牧草由于施P虽然导致Zn浓度的降低,但Zn的摄入量却高于无P处理;施Mo处理地上部N、P、K、Cu、Fe、B、Mo的浓度。紫花苜蓿大于沙打旺,而摄入量则有相反趋势。  相似文献   


A pot experiment investigated the response of two maize inbred lines with contrasting root morphology and phosphorus (P) efficiency to inoculation with Glomus mosseae or Glomus etunicatum compared with non-mycorrhizal controls. Soil phosphorus was supplied at rates of 10, 50, and 100 mg P kg ?1 soil. Root length, specific root length, and specific phosphorus uptake of maize line 178 (P-efficient) were significantly higher than of line Hc (P-inefficient). Percentage of root length colonized showed the opposite trend regardless of soil P supply level. The two maize lines did not differ significantly in growth response to mycorrhizal colonization. Root colonization rate decreased with increasing soil phosphorus supply. The beneficial effect of the two AM fungi on plant growth and P uptake was greatest at low soil P level and the responses were negative at high P supply. Mycorrhizal responsiveness also decreased with increasing P supply and differed between the two mycorrhizal fungal isolates.  相似文献   

基于田间大棚试验,采用等量养分原则,分析生物有机肥、蚯蚓粪、鸡粪等不同有机肥部分替代化肥对西瓜生长、产量、品质以及养分利用的影响。结果表明,与单施化肥相比,有机肥部分替代化肥均不同程度提高了西瓜叶绿素含量、光合性能、产量及品质,其中以蚯蚓粪与化肥配施效果最佳,其光合性能显著高于单施化肥,产量提高了33.63%,可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白及维生素C含量分别增加了14.07%,14.47%和17.52%。有机肥部分替代化肥施肥处理的肥料利用率高于单施化肥,土壤养分元素依存率低于单施化肥,以蚯蚓粪配施化肥作用效果最为显著,氮、磷、钾肥利用率分别为26.02%,5.67%和29.89%,土壤氮、磷、钾素依存率分别为20.96%,20.32%和31.55%。熏蒸处理的西瓜枯萎病发病率整体低于未熏蒸处理,其中熏蒸条件下蚯蚓粪部分替代化肥施肥处理西瓜发病率最低,仅为4.76%。  相似文献   

The disadvantages of using utilization quotient (biomass per unit amount of nutrient present in biomass) in comparing nutrient utilization efficiencies of different varieties and species are discussed. A modified approach to the estimation of utilization efficiency is presented. A comparison of efficiencies of two plants calculated by this method gives an index which is the ratio of biomass ratio: tissue nutrient concentration ratio. Theoretical validity and advantages in practical application of this approach are discussed.  相似文献   

Rainfed agriculture in the dry regions is affected by water shortages. Our earlier research showed that the deficiencies not only of major nutrients but also those of sulfur (S) and micronutrients are holding back the potential of agricultural production systems. The objectives of this article are to discuss the efficacy of soil testing to diagnose nutrient deficiencies using 28,270 diverse soil samples collected from farmers' fields in the semi-arid tropical (SAT) regions of India and to confirm the efficacy of the soil test-based balanced nutrient management in enhancing productivity of a range of crops in on-farm farmer participatory trials under rainfed conditions. Results of a large numbers of on-farm trials demonstrated that soil testing is indeed an effective tool for on-farm fertility management, a prerequisite for sustainably enhancing the productivity in rainfed areas in the SAT regions of India. The need to strengthen the soil-testing infrastructure in the country is emphasized.  相似文献   


The effects of nitrogen (N at 0, 100 and 180 kg N ha-1) and sulfur (S at 0, 20, 40 and 60 kg S ha-1) on crop yield, nutrient uptake, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), and amino acid composition of two bread wheat cultivars, ‘Shehan’ and ‘Enkoy,’ grown in Andisols and Cambisols in randomized blocks with three replications were evaluated. Both cultivars responded significantly (P < 0.05) to N and S applications and S application with N improved the NUE by 28%. The yield increase for the two cultivars by N and S application ranged between 0.8 to 2.4 Mg ha?1. The N concentration increased significantly from N0 to N2 in both cultivars. Sulfur fertilization increased the concentration of cysteine and methionine by 27% and 14%, respectively, as compared to N alone. The grain yield, NUE, N, and S uptake, and the S-amino acid concentration of ‘Enkoy’ were significantly higher than ‘Shehan’ cultivar.  相似文献   

彭懿  杨国江  国秀丽  王晓凤  ERELRan  冯固 《土壤学报》2023,60(5):1480-1492
探讨了通过目标产量需磷量确定磷肥用量并在棉花生长早期集中施用的磷肥管理方法以维持适宜的土壤供磷强度、实现作物高产和磷肥高效利用目标的可行性,为磷肥减施增效提供依据。在新疆石河子选择中等供磷强度的农田(有效磷23.6 mg·kg-1),以覆膜水肥一体化棉花(Gossypium hirsutum)种植体系为对象,根据该区域2.7 t·hm-2皮棉产量的需磷量确定试验的磷肥用量(52.4 kg·hm-2,以P计),开展了两年田间试验。试验选用三种不同性质的水溶性磷肥,设置不施磷肥(CK)、滴施磷酸一铵(MAP)、滴施磷酸脲(UP)和滴施聚磷酸铵(APP)4个处理。通过测定不同处理棉花的产量与磷吸收量,计算磷肥偏生产力(PFP)、磷肥农学效率(AEP)、磷肥当季利用率(PUE)与当季磷肥回收率(即作物吸磷量与磷肥施用量的比值);通过棉花不同生育期分层取样,分析了不同磷肥品种处理引起的土壤有效磷供应强度和无机磷形态组成的变化,以期阐明不同磷肥的空间有效性与棉花生长需求的匹配程度。研究结果表明:(1)施磷处理两年的皮棉产量平均为2....  相似文献   

安徽省农作物秸秆资源丰富,充分利用秸秆养分资源对于农田养分投入的合理分配具有重要意义。评估全省主要农作物秸秆还田当季有效养分替代化肥潜力,可为安徽省减肥增效提供科学依据。本研究以安徽种植面积较大的主要农作物水稻、小麦、玉米、大豆、花生和油菜为研究对象,通过查阅安徽省统计数据和公开发表的文献资料,对2017年安徽省主要农作物秸秆数量、秸秆还田率以及还田当季养分利用率进行估算,明晰了全省化肥减施潜力。结果表明:2017年安徽省主要农作物秸秆资源量为4 699.9万t,秸秆资源分布上呈北部和中部较多、南部最少的特征。秸秆养分资源总量为124.8万t,N、P_2O_5和K_2O分别为38.1万t、11.4万t和75.3万t,分别占全省主要农作物养分需求的40.1%、32.1%和68.9%。理论上,秸秆全量还田,且养分充分利用的情况下,秸秆养分替代化肥潜力大。但秸秆养分N、P_2O_5和K_2O当季利用率分别为38.9%、52.3%和69.9%,实际秸秆N、P_2O_5和K_2O养分还田量仅占主要农作物养分需求的15.6%、16.8%和48.2%,分别占农田养分总投入量的8.6%、6.4%和41.4%。通过秸秆还田,全省可减施化肥63.3万t,减施比例为19.8%, N、P_2O_5和K_2O减施比例分别为11.4%、17.2%、40.7%。进一步提高秸秆还田率和当季养分释放率,是推进全省化肥减施增效的有利手段。  相似文献   

The reserve of nonexchangeable potassium (K), threshold levels for release and fixation of intermediate K, and the Gapon exchange selectivity coefficient for K to calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) exchange were studied in soils of widely varying properties, with a view to optimize the efficiency of native as well as added fertilizer K for plant uptake. The illite-dominated soils recorded greater reserve of nonexchangeable K and showed greater cumulative K release. The threshold values of soil K parameters for release and fixation of intermediate K were found to vary with the change in background electrolyte concentration. The soils dominated by illite were found to possess greater K threshold release and fixation values. In general, the fixation threshold level was greater than release threshold level. The Gapon exchange selectivity coefficient for K to Ca exchange revealed that K ions were more tightly held in the specific sites than in planar sites.  相似文献   

Reforestation of agricultural lands is an important means of restoring land and sequestering carbon (C). At large scales, the labour and costs of direct measurement of ecosystem responses can be prohibitive, making the development of models valuable. Here, we develop a new sampling scenario‐based modelling approach coupled with Bayesian model averaging to build predictive models for absolute values in mixed‐species woody plantings and differences from their adjacent pasture, for litter stocks, soil C stocks and soil C:N ratios. Modelling scenarios of increasing data availability and effort were tested. These included variables that could be derived without a site visit (e.g. location, climate and management) that were sampled in the adjacent pasture (e.g. soil C and nutrients) or were sampled in the environmental planting (e.g. vegetation, litter properties, soil C and nutrients). The predictive power of models varied considerably among C variables (litter stocks, soil C stocks and soil C:N ratios in tree plantings and their differences to their adjacent pastures) and the model scenarios used. The use of a sampling scenario‐based approach to building predictive models shows promise for monitoring changes in tree plantings, following reforestation. The approach could also be readily adapted to other contexts where sampling effort for predictor variables in models is a major potential limitation to model utilization. This study demonstrates the benefit of exploring scenarios of data availability during modelling and will be especially valuable where the sampling effort differs greatly among variables. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract. Effective use and recycling of manures together with occasional and judicious use of supplementary fertilizing materials forms the basis for management of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) within organic farming systems. Replicated field trials were established at three sites across the UK to compare the supply of P and K to grass–clover swards cut for silage from a range of fertilizing materials, and to assess the usefulness of routine soil tests for P and K in organic farming systems. None of the fertilizing materials (farmyard manure, rock phosphate, Kali vinasse, volcanic tuff) significantly increased silage yields, nor was P offtake increased. However, farmyard manure and Kali vinasse proved effective sources of K to grass and clover in the short to medium term. Available P (measured as Olsen-P) showed no clear relationship with crop P offtake in these trials. In contrast, available K (measured by ammonium nitrate extraction) proved a useful measurement to predict K availability to crops and support K management decisions.  相似文献   

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