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A new garbage processing technology has been developed that sterilizes and separates inorganic and organic components of municipal solid waste. The non-composted byproduct of this process, Fluff®, has the potential to be utilized as a soil amendment to improve soil conditions in highly degraded soils. A study was initiated to evaluate Fluff as a soil amendment for establishing native grasses on disturbed US Army training lands. The Fluff was incorporated into a sandy loam soil at Fort Benning Military Reservation, GA on two sites: a moderately degraded and a highly degraded soil. The Fluff was incorporated at rates of 0, 18, 36, 72, and 143 Mg ha? 1 to assess the effects on soil properties for two growing seasons. The addition of Fluff improved available plant nutrients and soil pH levels at both sites. Also, Fluff reduced the level of soil bulk density and increased soil concentration of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N). Because no adverse environmental effects were detected and Fluff improved soil physical and nutrient conditions as well as improving perennial grass establishment with increasing application rates, land application of Fluff to degraded US Army training grounds could be considered a viable and beneficial alternative to current waste management practices.  相似文献   

为从源头控制垃圾填埋场渗滤液污染,以广州市番禺区猛涌村生活垃圾处理示范基地为研究对象,以猛涌村中转站分选得到的有机垃圾为试验材料,采用生物稳定和淋溶试验研究方法,以未经生物稳定处理的垃圾淋溶试验模拟渗滤液产生为对照(CK),以生物稳定预处理36d的垃圾淋溶试验模拟渗滤液产生为处理1(T1),以生物稳定预处理12d的垃圾淋溶试验模拟渗滤液产生为处理2(T2)。通过分析渗滤液pH、氨氮、总磷、COD、水溶性碳等指标的变化,考察生物预处理方法对渗滤液的污染控制效果。结果表明,在10d淋溶试验过程中,T1、T2渗滤液产量比CK分别减少33、28;CK渗滤液pH一直呈酸性,而T1、T2介于在7.0~8.5;T1、T2渗滤液氨氮、总磷、COD、水溶性碳平均浓度分别比CK降低77、63,75、69,73、66,74、69,明显降低了垃圾的污染潜力,垃圾生物稳定程度越高,污染潜力越低。研究成果从生态控制的角度为垃圾填埋场渗滤液污染防治提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

秸秆与生物质炭施用对土壤温室气体排放的影响差异   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
采用室内培养试验,向土壤中添加小麦秸秆和不同量生物质炭,同时比较探究秸秆与生物质炭施用对土壤温室气体排放及微生物活性的影响差异。试验共设5个处理:土壤(S)、土壤+1%小麦秸秆(WT)、土壤+1%生物质炭(BC1)、土壤+2%生物质炭(BC2)和土壤+4%生物质炭(BC4)。在培养期内,施秸秆处理土壤CO2排放量比对照处理S显著增加约12.60%~2005.63%,而施生物质炭处理降低约51.49%~97.93%。施秸秆处理的温室气体增温潜势(GWP)是对照处理S的1.12~19.24倍,而施生物质炭处理,即处理BC1、BC2和BC4的GWP分别降低了0.27%~64.06%,15.78%~94.01%和29.43%~92.28%。小麦秸秆施用会明显增加土壤温室气体排放,增加温室效应;而添加生物质炭对土壤CO2、N2O排放表现出一定的抑制作用,并明显减弱温室气体增温潜势,即生物质炭能明显减弱温室效应。添加小麦秸秆促进土壤微生物生物量碳的增加,提高FDA水解酶、脲酶、过氧化氢酶、磷酸酶活性;生物质炭施用一段时间后对土壤过氧化氢酶活性表现为显著激活作用。  相似文献   

试验设对照、尿素、尿素+草甘膦和尿素+丁草胺4个处理,尿素氮用量为200mg·kg-1干土,除草剂用量为10mg有效成分·kg-1干土。在实验室恒温培养条件下,研究除草剂对菜田土壤温室气体排放的影响。结果表明,菜田土壤中施用氮肥显著增加了温室气体N2O、CO2和CH4的排放。尿素氮肥中添加草甘膦显著抑制N2O、CO2的排放,分别比尿素处理降低48.4%和20.2%;添加丁草胺显著抑制N2O排放,比尿素处理降低23.2%,对CO2排放略有减少但不显著;草甘膦和丁草胺对CH4排放都无明显影响。这说明除草剂对土壤温室气体的排放具有显著影响,但不同除草剂品种的效应也存在明显差异。因此,在农田温室气体排放估算时应考虑除草剂的施用对温室气体减排所产生的效果。  相似文献   

畜牧业温室气体排放影响因素及其减排研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全球变暖是人类共同关注的话题,其中仅由畜牧业引起的温室气体排放量占全球总排放量的18%,成为导致全球变暖的主要因素之一,因而对畜牧业温室气体排放机制及其影响因子的研究具有十分重要的意义。本文对动物肠道甲烷排放、动物粪便管理系统甲烷及氧化亚氮排放研究进展进行了综述,并在分析不同方法估算我国畜牧业温室气体排放量的基础上,针对各排放因子提出了相应的减排措施。  相似文献   

添加客土配比的不同对铁矿废石复垦土壤的改良效果和经济成本有重要影响,为明确不同配比客土处理下铁矿废石混合土碳排放的动态特征并揭示其驱动因子,于2019年1—12月采用田间试验与室内分析相结合的方法,在自然修复状态下,设置铁矿废石与客土体积比分别为T1(1:1)、T2(1:2)、T3(1:4)和T4(0:1)4个处理,监...  相似文献   

厌氧土壤灭菌(ASD)作为替代化学农药熏蒸灭菌技术在各地逐渐推广,但不同土壤类型、不同添加物厌氧土壤灭菌效果具有较大差异,田间条件下明确当地不同添加物厌氧灭菌对土壤性质及微生物群落效应,为日光温室绿色环保的土壤灭菌方法提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)除添加碳酸氢铵(AB)处理外,其他处理均可以显著降低0—20 cm土层电导率(EC),但仅灌水不添加物料(CK)处理20—40 cm土层NO_3~--N和EC显著增加,且AB处理显著增加0—20 cm土层NH_4~+-N及20—40 cm土层NO_3~--N;添加鸡粪(CM)处理0—20 cm土层NH_4~+-N极显著增加,NO_3~--N极显著降低,EC显著降低,土壤有机质、全氮和有效养分亦显著增加。(2)添加鸡粪(CM)显著降低细菌丰富度和均匀度,但土壤中植物促生菌(PGPR)芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)及假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)的相对丰度极显著增加。对真菌群落,不同处理真菌丰富度和均匀度与处理前差异均不显著,但添加碳酸氢铵(AB)、木醋液(PS)和鸡粪(CM)处理病原菌-镰刀菌属(Fusarium)的相对丰度均显著降低;同时,鸡粪(CM)处理有益属曲霉属(Aspergillus)丰度显著增加。(3)综合土壤理化性质、细菌和真菌群落变化,鸡粪作为有机碳源添加厌氧土壤灭菌效果较好,既可以厌氧灭菌同时也腐熟鸡粪,且各地原料来源方便,可同时实现化肥农药双减。  相似文献   

秸秆还田是水稻生产中普遍采用的一项措施,具有固碳和促进养分元素循环、减少生产中的化肥施用等生态环境功能,但亦存在温室气体排放问题。鉴于秸秆还田对稻田产生固碳和温室气体增排的双重效果,本文综述了稻田生态系统秸秆资源利用现状,探讨了秸秆还田的土壤增碳效应,总结了秸秆还田下的温室气体(CO2、N2O和CH4)排放过程及其微生物过程机理。提出了应加强秸秆还田增碳过程中的物理–化学过程与微生物过程的耦合机理及其对固碳功能的作用机理、稻田温室气体产生机制与控制途径的研究,以实现稻田土壤固碳减排增汇和增产的共轭双赢作用。  相似文献   

为研究菌剂、余热及其联合作用对堆肥腐熟度的影响,采用强制通风静态堆肥系统,以现有堆肥工艺为对照(CK),比较研究了添加菌剂(T1)、余热利用(T2)、添加菌剂并利用余热(T3)3种工艺垃圾对堆肥过程中腐熟度的影响。结果表明:从温度、pH、电导率(EC)、腐植酸光学特性(E4/E6)、水溶性碳(WSC)、固相C/N和发芽率指数(GI)来看,4个处理均达到腐熟;添加菌剂(T1)对EC、E4/E6、WSC、C/N和GI有显著影响;除E4/E6、WSC和C/N外,循环热风(T2)对其余腐熟度指标有显著影响,菌剂和余热的联合作用可显著提高堆肥的腐熟度,且二者对堆肥腐熟度的影响是一种协同作用。  相似文献   


As a means of economic disposal and to reduce need for chemical fertilizer, waste generated from swine production is often applied to agricultural land. However, there remain many environmental concerns about this practice. Two such concerns, contribution to the greenhouse effect and stratospheric ozone depletion by gases emitted from waste‐amended soils, have not been thoroughly investigated. An intact core study at Auburn University (32 36′N, 85 36′W) was conducted to determine the source‐sink relationship of three greenhouse gases in three Alabama soils (Black Belt, Coastal Plain, and Appalachian Plateau regions) amended with swine waste effluent. Soil cores were arranged in a completely random design, and treatments used for each soil type consisted of a control, a swine effluent amendment (112 kg N ha?1), and an ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) fertilizer amendment (112 kg N ha?1). During a 2‐year period, a closed‐chamber technique was used to determine rates of emission of nitrous oxide (N2O)–nitrogen (N), carbon dioxide (CO2)–carbon (C), and methane (CH4)–C from the soil surface. Gas probes inserted into the soil cores were used to determine concentrations of N2O‐N and CO2‐C from depths of 5, 15, and 25 cm. Soil water was collected from each depth using microlysimeters at the time of gas collection to determine soil‐solution N status. Application of swine effluent had an immediate effect on emissions of N2O‐N, CO2‐C, and CH4‐C from all soil textures. However, greatest cumulative emissions and highest peak rates of emission of all three trace gases, directly following effluent applications, were most commonly observed from sandier textured Coastal Plain and Appalachian Plateau soils, as compared to heavier textured Black Belt soil. When considering greenhouse gas emission potential, soil type should be a determining factor for selection of swine effluent waste disposal sites in Alabama.  相似文献   

研究不同施肥措施下东北黑土区玉米农田温室气体(CO_2、N_2O和CH_4)的排放量及其增温潜势,将为制定农业温室气体减排措施提供理论依据。本研究以国家(公主岭)黑土长期定位试验为平台,采用静态箱-气相色谱法对不同施肥措施下玉米农田土壤温室气体排放通量进行了监测,并分析了不同施肥处理间玉米田的综合温室效应差异。结果表明:各施肥处理土壤温室气体CO_2和N_2O的排放高峰均出现在玉米拔节期。农家肥和化肥配施(M_2NPK)处理土壤CO_2、N_2O排放通量和CH_4吸收量均显著高于施化肥处理(P0.05);施用化肥处理土壤CO_2、N_2O排放通量高于不施肥处理;撂荒区土壤CO_2排放通量最高,而土壤N_2O排放通量显著低于施肥处理;等施氮量条件下,化肥(NPK)处理土壤N_2O排放通量明显高于秸秆还田(SNPK)处理,而土壤CH4净吸收量结果则截然相反。从土壤综合温室效应和温室气体强度可分析出,与不施肥(CK)比较,偏施化肥N和NPK处理的综合温室效应(GWP)分别增加了142%和32%,SNPK综合温室效应降低了38%;尤其是有机无机配施(M_2NPK)处理的综合温室效应为负值,为净碳汇。平衡施肥NPK和有机无机肥配施(SNPK和M_2NPK)温室气体排放强度(GHGI)较弱,显著低于不施肥(CK)和偏施化肥(N)处理,其中M2NPK为-222 kg CO_2-eq·t~(-1)。因此,为同步实现较高的玉米产量和较低的温室气体排放强度,有机无机肥配施是东北黑土区较为理想的土壤培肥方式。  相似文献   

生物黑炭及其增汇减排与改良土壤意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际上对将农田废弃物制成生物黑炭施用于土壤作为农业增汇减排的一种关键途径的呼声越来越高。通过文献资料调研,介绍了生物黑炭的基本性质及其碳稳定性,对农田土壤的改良效应,并讨论其在农业增产和增汇(碳)中的作用。结果表明,作物秸秆无氧高温热解制备的生物炭具有高度的芳香化、物理的热稳定性和生物化学的抗分解性。施用于土壤大幅度提升土壤碳库,并因其结构性质有利于农田土壤固持养分,提高养分利用率,改善微生物生境,从而达到提高土壤质量而促进作物增产的双赢效果。  相似文献   


This research was conducted within Uyo metropolis, Nigeria. Three designated dumpsites of municipal solid waste (MSW) were randomly selected for the collection of samples for analysis of the physical and macronutrient contents of their organic fraction. After the waste was sorted, its physical components were determined to be: organic materials (73.7%), plastics/polythene (12.9%), cans/metals (4.3%), bottles/glasses (4.2%), clothes/shoes (4.3%), and ceramics (0.6%). Laboratory analysis of the organic components of the waste indicated that the mean nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) contents were 11.0, 3.2, and 10.7 g kg?1, respectively. The mean contents of other elements were calcium (Ca) (87.7 g kg?1), sodium (Na) (18.4 g kg?1), and sulfur (S) (2.3 g kg?1). The mean organic-matter content of the organic components of the waste was 223.7 g kg?1. Both the physical and macronutrient contents of the waste differed from one location to another within the municipality. The high content of organic matter and some essential macronutrients in the waste suggest its high value for use in the production of organic and organo-mineral fertilizers for sustainable agricultural development.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted in sandy clay loam saline-sodic soil to assess the effects of farm yard manure (FYM), municipal solid waste (MSW) composts and gypsum application on nitrate leaching, soil chemical properties and crop productivity under rice-wheat cropping system. It also aims at establishing the correlation between soil phsico-chemical properties and yield response using principle component analysis and Pearson correlation analysis. The MSW was decomposed aerobically, an-aerobically and co-composted. Maximum nitrate leaching was observed during rice (75.9 mg L?1) and wheat (37.2 mg L?1) with an-aerobically decomposed MSW as compared with control treatment. Results revealed a decrease in soil pH (?6.95% and ?8.77%), electrical conductivity (EC) (?48.13% and ?51.04%), calcium carbonate (CaCO3) (?40.30% and ?48.96%), and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) (?40.27% and ?45.98%) with an-aerobically decomposed MSW compost during rice and wheat, respectively. In this treatment, organic matter (OM) (93.55% and 121.51%) and cation exchange capacity (CEC) (19.31% and 31.79%) were the highest as compared with control treatment during rice and wheat, respectively. Rice and wheat growth were significantly (p≤ 0.05) increased by an-aerobically decomposed MSW followed by co-compost, aerobically decomposed MSW, FYM, gypsum and control. Furthermore, Pearson correlation coefficients predicted significant positive correlation of yield with soil OM, and CEC while inverse relationship was observed with EC, pH, CaCO3, and nitrogen use efficiency. Soil amelioration with organic and gypsum amendments was further confirmed with principal component analysis. This study has proved an-aerobically decomposed MSW as an effective solution for MSW disposal, thereby improving soil chemical properties and crop productivity from sandy clay loam saline-sodic soil.  相似文献   


Municipal waste compost can improve the fertility status of tropical soils. The redistribution of iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) in tropical soils after amendment with solid municipal waste compost was investigated. Four tropical agricultural soils from Mali characterized by poor trace‐element status were amended with compost and incubated for 32 weeks at 35°C. The soil were analyzed at the beginning and the end of the incubation experiment for readily available fractions, organic fractions, and residual fractions as operationally defined by sequential extraction. Readily available Fe increased significantly with compost application in most soils. Readily available Mn was mostly unaffected by compost application. After 32 weeks, readily available Zn had increased, and readily available Cu had decreased. Readily available levels of the elements remained greater than deficiency levels in the compost‐amended soils. Organic fractions of the elements increased after compost addition. The organic fractions and residual forms, depending on the element and the soil, remained constant or increased within the duration of the experiment.  相似文献   

黑土坡耕地土壤侵蚀对土壤性状的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黑土作为东北地区主要的耕作土壤,其结构性状对土地生产力影响极大。土壤侵蚀使肥沃的黑土层减薄,土壤理化性状不同程度地受到破坏和影响。根据黑土侵蚀现状,对不同侵蚀程度黑土坡耕地的养分状况、土壤田间持水量和渗透速度、抗蚀抗冲性能指标的测定分析发现,黑土侵蚀程度由轻度到重度,土壤有机质等养分含量越来越低;土壤蓄渗水能力逐渐减小;土壤抗蚀抗冲性能亦逐渐降低。黑土坡耕地土壤侵蚀程度的加剧,使得土壤有机质含量减少,保肥供肥能力降低,土壤黏度加重,结构变劣,保水能力减弱,影响农作物的生长发育,势必对我国东北黑土区商品粮基地的重要地位构成严重威胁。  相似文献   

以广东省东南沿海某开放式生活垃圾焚烧场为研究对象,用高分辨气相色谱/高分辨质谱同位素稀释法测定了垃圾焚烧场底灰、焚烧残余物及周边土壤中的多氯代二苯并对二嗯英和多氯代二苯并呋喃(PCDDs/PCDFs)。结果表明,PCDDs/PCDFs的总浓度为161~4670ng·kg^-1,毒性当量为1.10~45.8ngWHO1998-TEQ·kg^-1,其中采自垃圾焚烧场的3个样品浓度为30~45ngWHO1998-TEQ·kg^-1,剩余的土壤样品中有3个样品其浓度为4~35ngWHO1998-TEQ·kg^-1,其余的2个样品浓度〈4ngWHO1998-TEQ·kg^-1。对比加拿大的土壤指导性标准,75%的测定样品浓度高于该标准,即土壤背景浓度,有25%的样品低于此背景浓度。将垃圾焚烧场焚烧残余物作为土壤改良剂造成受施土壤的PCDDs/PCDFs污染严重,需引起有关部门的高度重视。  相似文献   


Attempts were made to ameliorate sodic black calcareous soils by using different crop residues (composted cotton stalk and biomulch 5 t ha?1, respectively) and green manures (in-situ Crotalaria juncea, Sesbania aculeata, Vigna unguiculata, Vigna radiata, and ex-situ Leucaena leucocephala loppings 5 t ha?1) and gypsum 2.5 t ha?1. The organic amendments were outperformed with respect to improvement in soil microbial biomass carbon and dehydrogenase activity, not gypsum. The application of dhaincha significantly improved the mean weight diameter by 14% over control. The application of gypsum and dhaincha recorded a significant drop in pHs (0.1 and 0.07 units) and exchangeable sodium percentage (26.7% and 20.6%) over control. After 2 years of experiments, dhaincha (14.8%) and sunhemp (15.5%) also showed the commensurable potential of improving yields of chickpea as compared to gypsum (14.8%) over control. Hence, dhaincha and sunhemp can be a better alternative choice to gypsum in sodic soils.  相似文献   

为了满足日益增长的垃圾处理发展的需要,解决城市生活垃圾产生与消纳、处理之间的矛盾,以北京市南宫堆肥厂垃圾堆肥工艺和密闭隧道发酵仓为研究对象,以马家楼转运站筛分出的15-80mm粒径垃圾作为堆肥原料,以14d高温隧道发酵(不倒仓不破碎)→21d后熟化发酵→21d最终熟化发酵工艺为对照,以8d高温隧道发酵(不倒仓不破碎)→12d后熟化发酵→12d最终熟化发酵工艺为处理1,8d高温隧道发酵(第3d倒仓破碎1次)→12d后熟化发酵→12d最终熟化发酵工艺为处理2。通过不同发酵阶段采样和各类指标的测定,探求缩短堆肥发酵周期后倒仓破碎工艺对于生活垃圾堆肥腐熟度的影响。结果表明,处理1产品的腐熟度较差,处理2与对照处理的堆肥产品腐熟度差异不明显。将高温隧道发酵时间由14d缩短为8d,并且第3d倒仓破碎1次,后熟化与最终熟化时间分别由21d缩短为12d,可以在保证堆肥产品品质的基础上显著提高堆肥效率,使南宫堆肥厂的垃圾处理能力得到大幅提高,该成果为南宫堆肥工艺优化的实施和改进及其推广应用提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

通过湖南双季稻区温室气体排放差异的水稻品种田间试验,研究了不同品种温室气体排放与根系特征的相关性。结果表明,早稻分蘖盛期CH4排放通量与根干重、伤流量均呈显著负相关(P〈0.05);晚稻CH4排放通量与根伤流量呈极显著负相关(P〈0.01);早稻N2O排放通量在分蘖盛期与根伤流量相关性极显著(P〈0.01),在齐穗期与根体积、干重、根伤流量均呈极显著负相关(P〈0.01);晚稻分蘖盛期,根系干重与体积均与N2O排放通量呈显著正相关(P〈0.05);齐穗期,根系体积与N2O排放通量呈显著负相关(P〈0.05);早稻分蘖盛期CO2排放通量与根系干重和根伤流量呈显著正相关关系(P〈0.05),晚稻齐穗期根系伤流量与CO2排放通量负相关性达到极显著水平(P〈0.01)。因此,根系特性是影响水稻温室气体排放的重要因素。  相似文献   

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