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In this work, the relationship among accumulation of selenium, auxin, and some nutrient elements [magnesium (Mg2+), iron (Fe3+), manganese (Mn2+), copper (Cu2+), zinc (Zn2+)] in tissues of roots, mesocotyls, and leaves of Zea mays L. plants was studied. Seeds of maize were cultivated for 4 days in the darkness at 27 °C on moist filter paper, then the individual seedlings were transferred into an aerated solution containing the macro‐ and microelements and were cultivated in a greenhouse for 12 h in the light and 12 h (12‐h photoperiod) in the dark at 25 °C. The seedlings were exposed to the solution containing sodium hydrogen selenite (NaHSeO3), indole‐3 acetic acid (IAA), or IAA+NaHSeO3 for approximately 96 h before chemical analysis. The concentration of IAA in the external medium was 10?4 mol dm?3, concentration of selenite (NaHSeO3) was 10?6 mol dm?3, and the pH of the medium was 6.5.

The accumulation of the probed elements in seedlings of maize was measured by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP‐OES). It was determined that the selenite and IAA, present in the external medium of growing plants, changed the uptake and accumulation of some cations in tissues of leaves, mesocotyls, and roots. The change of transport conditions of these nutrient elements is probably one of the first observed symptoms of selenium effects on plants.  相似文献   


To examine the distribution of DTPA‐extractable Fe, Zn, and Cu in clay, silt, and sand fractions; surface soils were collected from cultivated fields of North Dakota, South Dakota, West Virginia, Iowa, Ohio, and Illinois. Clay, silt, and sand fractions were separated after sonic dispersion of soil water suspension and analyzed for DTPA‐extractable Fe, Zn, and Cu. In general, clay had the highest and sand the lowest amount of DTPA‐extractable metals. Consequently, clay had the highest and sand the lowest intensity and capacity factors for these metals since DTPA micronutrient test measures both these factors.  相似文献   


Lead arsenate was extensively used to control insects in apple and plum orchards in the 1900s. Continuous use of lead arsenate resulted in elevated soil levels of lead (Pb) and arsenic (As). There are concerns that As and Pb will become solubilized upon a change in land use. In situ chemical stabilization practices, such as the use of phosphate‐phosphorus (P), have been investigated as a possible method for reducing the solubility, mobility, and potential toxicity of Pb and As in these soils. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of calcium carbonate (lime), P, and iron (Fe) amendments in reducing the solubility of As and Pb in lead‐arsenate‐treated soils over time. Under controlled conditions, two orchard soils, Thurmont loam (Hapludults) and Burch loam (Haploxerolls), were amended with reagent‐grade calcium carbonate (CaCO3), iron hydroxide [Fe(OH)3], and potassium phosphate (KH2PO4) and incubated for 16 weeks at 26°C. The experimental results suggested that the inorganic P increased competitive sorption between H2PO4 ? and dihydrogen arsenate (H2AsO4 ?), resulting in greater desorption of As in both Thurmont and Burch soils. Therefore, addition of lime, potassium phosphate, and Fe to lead‐arsenate‐contaminated soils could increase the risk of loss of soluble As and Pb from surface soil and potentially increase these metal species in runoff and movement to groundwater.  相似文献   


Profiles of semi‐arid–zone soils in Punjab, northwest India, were investigated for different forms of zinc (Zn), including total, diethylenetriamine penta‐acetic acid (DTPA)-extractable, soil solution plus exchangeable (Zn), Zn adsorbed onto inorganic sites, Zn bound by organic sites, and Zn adsorbed onto oxide surfaces. Irrespective of the different fractions of Zn present, its content was higher in fine‐textured Alfisols and Inceptisols than in coarse‐textured Entisols. In general, the higher content of Zn was observed in the surface horizon and then decreased in the subsurface horizons. However, none of the forms of Zn exhibited any consistent pattern of distribution. Organic matter and size fractions (clay and silt) had a strong influence on the distribution of different forms of Zn. Based upon the linear coefficient of correlation, the soil solution plus exchangeable Zn, adsorbed onto inorganic sites, and DTPA‐Zn increased with increase in organic carbon but decreased with increase in pH and calcium carbonate content. Total Zn increased with increase in clay and silt content. Among the different forms, Zn bound by organic sites, water soluble plus exchangeable Zn and Zn adsorb onto oxide (amorphous surfaces) were all correlated with DTPA extractable Zn. The uptake of Zn was more in recent floodplain Entisols than very fine textured Alfisols and Inceptisols. Among the different forms soil solution +exchangeable and DTPA‐extractable Zn was positively correlated with total uptake of Zn.  相似文献   

Some knowledge concerning soil heavy‐metal content and its availability to plants is essential to evaluate the risk of potentially toxic elements in the alimentary chain. Assessment of heavy‐metal availability to plants was achieved by a simple extraction method. The goal of this work was to determine the contents of copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb), soluble in 2% citric acid solution (chelating agent), in dystrophic red latosol soil (RLd) and humic red‐yellow latosol soil (RYLh). We focused on relating the contents of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb to the production of dry matter and grains by bean plants cultivated in a glasshouse. Heavy‐metal contents extracted by citric acid increased with increasing dosage increments, mainly in RLd; production of dry matter by bean plant was negatively affected by the studied metals. However, in some cases, grain production was increased.  相似文献   


In this study, a strong association between cobalt (Co) and manganese (Mn) in different geochemical soil phases (fractions) was evaluated using a continuous‐flow sequential extraction technique employing a modified Tessier extraction scheme. With the flow system, detailed extraction profiles of Co and Mn in soils could be obtained by plotting concentrations of the elements extracted against extraction time (plots referred to as extractograms). Extractograms may be used as an indicator of whether the elements dissolving in the same extraction step are closely associated, or are merely extractable with the same reagent. From the soil samples studied, the coincidence of Co and Mn peaks seems to indicate a close association of these elements in the exchangeable, reducible, and oxidizable fractions. Analysis of flow extraction data suggested that the association between Co and Fe is not as strong as reported in previous studies based on the statistical analysis of batch fractionation data.  相似文献   


Samples of seven controlled‐release fertilizers, Nutricote Total 13–13–13, Nutricote Total 18–6–8, Osmocote Plus 15–9–12, Osmocote 13–13–13, Polyon 18–6–12, Polyon 14–14–14, and Plantacote 14–8–15, were placed in leaching columns containing acid‐washed sand. Samples of all leachates were analyzed weekly to determine release rates of ammonium‐nitrogen (N), nitrate‐N, phosphorus (P), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), and iron (Fe). Release rates for P from all products were slower than those for NH4‐N, NO3‐N, and K. Release of Mg, Mn, and Fe was very poor, with less than 50% of the total amount of each of these elements ever being released from the prills for some products. Nutricote products released Fe and Mn more effectively than did Osmocote or Plantacote.  相似文献   

Abstract: The fraction distributions of heavy metals have attracted more attention because of the relationship between the toxicity and their speciation. Heavy‐metal fraction distributions in soil contaminated with mine tailings (soil A) and in soil irrigated with mine wastewater (soil B), before and after treatment with disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), were analyzed with Tessier's sequential extraction procedures. The total contents of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) exceeded the maximum permissible levels by 5.1, 33.3, 3.1, and 8.0 times in soil A and by 2.6, 12.0, 0.2, and 1.9 times in soil B, respectively. The results showed that both soils had high levels of heavy‐metal pollution. Although the fractions were found in different distribution before extraction, the residual fraction was found to be the predominant fraction of the four heavy metals. There was a small amount of exchangeable fraction of heavy metals in both contaminated soils. Furthermore, in this study, the extraction efficiencies of Pb, Cd, and Cu were higher than those of Zn. After extraction, the concentrations of exchangeable Pb, Cd, Cu, and Zn increased 84.7 mg·kg?1, 0.3 mg·kg?1, 4.1 mg·kg?1, and 39.9 mg·kg?1 in soil A and 48.7 mg·kg?1, 0.6 mg·kg?1, 2.7 mg·kg?1, and 44.1 mg·kg?1 in soil B, respectively. The concentrations of carbonate, iron and manganese oxides, organic matter, and residue of heavy metals decreased. This implies that EDTA increased metal mobility and bioavailability and may lead to groundwater contamination.  相似文献   


Two pot experiments under greenhouse condition were carried out to study the influence of vermicompost and zinc‐enriched compost with two levels of iron and zinc on the productivity of geranium (Pelargonium graveolens). Joint application of vermicompost and zinc‐enriched compost was effective in increasing the herb and oil yield over sole application of iron and zinc. Combined application of vermicompost and zinc‐enriched compost gave better herb and oil yield in both the experiments. With application of vermicompost and zinc‐enriched compost with two graded levels of iron, higher N, P, and K concentrations were observed with application of vermicompost (5 g kg?1), vermicompost (5 g kg?1), and Fe 12.5 ppm+Zn‐enriched compost 2.5 g kg?1 soil, respectively, over control. Highest reduction in soil pH was observed with an application of vermicompost at 5 g kg?1 soil; maximum soil organic carbon content was also recorded in the same treatment. In experiment II, joint application of vermicompost, zinc‐enriched compost, and graded levels of zinc recorded highest N, P, and K concentration with treatments of Zn (15 ppm)+vermicompost (2.5 g kg?1), vermicompost (5 g kg?1), and Zn (15 ppm)+vermicompost (2.5 g kg?1 soil), respectively. Nitrogen, P, and K content increased by 36, 125, and 305%, respectively, with these treatments over the control.

Chemical constituents of geranium oil such as cis‐rose oxide, isomenthone, linalool, citronellyl, geranylformate, geranyl, and epi‐γ‐eudesmol were significantly improved by combined application of Zn with vermicompost and Zn‐enriched compost as compared to sole application of Zn. Similar effects were observed with Fe in combination with vermicompost and Zn‐enriched compost on most of the chemical constituents of geranium oil. Physicochemical properties of the soil were also improved as macro‐ and micronutrient availability markedly increased in both the experiments because of combined application of vermicompost and Zn‐enriched compost with two levels of Zn and Fe.  相似文献   


Extracting sludge‐amended soil with DTPA does not always give a reliable measure of plant‐available heavy metals. The major purpose of this greenhouse pot study was to help explain why. Two anaerobically digested sludges from sewages treated with either Ca(OH)2or FeCl3were applied to 3‐kg samples of a Mollic Albaqualf previously limed with Ca(OH)2rates of 0, 2.5, and 10g/pot that resulted in pHs in the check pots of 5.4, 6.2, or 7.7 after the first harvest. Sludge rates provided 0, 200, 40, 800, and 1600 mg Zn kg‐1of soil. Two consecutive crops of soybeans (Glycine MaxL.) were grown for 42 d each in the greenhouse. DTPA‐extractable, soil‐solution, and plant concentrations of Cu2+, Ni2+, and Zn2+were measured.

Dry matter yields were depressed due to salt toxicity, while DTPA‐extracted Cu2+correlated with plant uptake of Cu2+for both sludges. DTPA‐extracted Ni2+also correlated with plant Ni2+from the Ca(OH)2‐sludge‐amended soil, although DTPA‐extracted Ni2+did not correlate with plant uptake of Ni2+from the FeCl3‐sludge‐amended soil, DTPA‐extracted Zn did not correlate with plant uptake of Zn2+from any sludge‐amended soil. Soil‐solution composition correlated with plant uptake of Cu2+and Ni2+in both sludges; it also correlated with plant uptake of Zn2+from FeCl3‐sludge‐amended soil but not from Ca(OH)2‐sludge‐amended soil. DTPA extraction probably failed with Ni2+and Zn2+because of (i) its ineffectiveness at low pH, (ii) the inability of DTPA to buffer each soil extract near pH 7.3, and (iii) increased amounts of soluble chelated micronutrients at higher sludge rates and higher soil pHs. Soil‐solution composition seemed to fail only where micronutrient cations in solution probably were present largely as organic chelates  相似文献   

Profiles of arid and semi‐arid zones soils of Punjab, northwestern India, were investigated for different forms of iron (Fe): total Fe, diethylenetriamine penta‐acetic acid (DTPA)–extractable Fe, soil solution plus exchangeable Fe, Fe adsorbed onto inorganic sites and oxide surfaces, and Fe bound by organic sites. Irrespective of the different fractions of Fe present, its content was higher in the fine‐textured Alfisols and Inceptisols than in the coarse‐textured Entisols and Aridisols. Lower content of total Fe was observed in the surface horizon and then increased in the subsurface horizons, whereas no set pattern was observed in Entisols. Also, irrespective of the soil orders, the contents of different forms of Fe were higher in the surface horizon and then decreased by depth. None of the forms of Fe exhibited any consistent pattern of distribution.

Organic matter and the content of clay and silt fractions had a strong bearing on the distribution of forms of Fe. Based on a linear coefficient of correlation, the soil solution plus exchangeable Fe adsorbed onto inorganic sites and DTPA‐extractable Fe increased with increase in soil organic carbon but decreased with increase in soil pH and calcium carbonate content. Total Fe increased with increase in cation exchange capacity (CEC) and clay and silt content. The results also revealed that there was equilibrium in different fractions of this element. Among the different Fe forms, Fe bound by organic sites, water‐soluble plus exchangeable Fe, and Fe adsorbed onto oxides (amorphous surfaces) were positively correlated with the DTPA‐extractable Fe. Though some forms are interrelated, none of the forms had any relationship with the total Fe.  相似文献   


Humic acids have many benefits for plant growth and development, and these effects may be maximized if these materials are combined with micronutrient applications. In the present study, pot experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of zinc (Zn) humate and ZnSO4 on growth of wheat and soybean in a severely Zn‐deficient calcareous soil (DTPA‐Zn: 0.10 mg kg?1 soil). Plants were grown for 24 (wheat) and 28 days (soybean) with 0 or 5 mg kg?1 of Zn as either ZnSO4 or Zn humate. Zinc humate used in the experiments was obtained from Humintech GmbH, Germany, and contained 5% of Zn. When Zn was not supplied, plants rapidly developed visible symptoms of Zn deficiency (e.g., chlorosis and brown patches on young leaves in soybean and necrotic patches on middle‐aged leaves in wheat). Adding Zn humate eliminated Zn‐deficiency symptoms and enhanced dry matter production by 50% in soybean and 120% in wheat. Zinc‐humate and ZnSO4 were similarly effective in increasing dry matter production in wheat; but Zn humate increased soybean dry matter more than ZnSO4. When Zn was not supplied, Zn concentrations were 6 mg kg?1 for wheat and 8 mg kg?1 for soybean. Application of Zn humate and ZnSO4 increased shoot Zn concentration of plants to 36 and 34 mg kg?1 in wheat and to 13 and 18 mg kg?1 in soybean, respectively. The results indicate that soybean and wheat plants can efficiently utilize Zn chelated to humic acid in calcareous soils, and this utilization is comparable to the utilization of Zn from ZnSO4. Under Zn‐deficient soil conditions, plant growth and yield can be maximized by the combined positive effects of Zn and humic acids.  相似文献   


The study reported herein was intended to determine the effect of (i) wet‐incubation and subsequent air‐drying, and (ii) oven‐drying on DTPA‐Fe, Zn, Mn, and Cu.

Analysis of wet‐incubated soils showed significant decreases in DTPA‐Fe, Mn, and Cu at the 1% and Zn at the 10% level of probability. Air‐drying of these moist‐incubated soils increased the levels of Fe, Zn, and Cu to values close to their original levels. Levels of Mn sharply deviated from their original values after air‐drying of incubated soils. Correlation coefficients (r) between the amounts of extractable nutrients in original air‐dry soils and wet‐incubated soils were 0.54, 0.87, 0.91, and 0.13 for Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn, respectively. Oven‐drying increased the levels of DTPA‐extractable micronutrients from 2 to 6 fold.  相似文献   

The ages of organic matter of some dark-colored horizons and calcareous concretions in some Vertisols from tropical,subtropical and warm-temperate zones of China were studied using radiocarbon dating method.The relationship between soil age and genesis of Vertisols was also expounded based on the study of their genetic characteristics and micromorphological features.The results show that although Vertisols have developed for a relatively long time,their weathering and soil forming process are weak and young with little horizonation.This is closely related to their special grochemical soil forming environment.Low-lying terrain,heavy texture,clay minerals dominated by montmorillonites and alternative drying-wetting climate give rise to the vertic features expressed in intense swelling-shrinking and cracking-closing in soils.As a result,the soil development and soil leaching process are resisted,and the climatic effect on the horizonation is impeded.Moreover,pedoturbation eliminates the horizonation in the upper part of soil profile,and postpones their evolution into zonal soils.So vertisols show certain pedogenic inertia and stay at relatively young developmental stage.Therefore,Vertisols are intrazonal soils dominated by local soil forming factors such as the relief and parent materials.  相似文献   


Goethite, aluminum‐(Al)‐substituted goethite (GA2), and a system of kaolinite–goethite were examined for their ability to adsorb copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and cadmium (Cd) as a function of pH, in two ionic strengths and two different metal concentrations. Specific surface area was determined by BET‐N2, whereas the charge development on the solid surface was studied in the pH range ~3.5 to ~10.0 by potentiometric titration under continuous flow of argon.

Constant capacitance (CCM) and the double‐layer model (DLM) were used to fit the titration and adsorption data with the help of the least‐square optimization program FITEQL32. In both models, surface site density was fixed at Ns=2.31 sites nm?2, whereas for CCM capacitance density was set at C=1.06. Alternatively, bibliographic suggestions for these two parameters were examined.

Aluminum‐substituted goethite exhibited higher specific surface area and adsorbed all three metals in lower pH values than the other solids. Moreover, GA2 exhibited point of zero salt effect (PZSE) higher than goethite, approaching that corresponding to Al2O3, possibly due to Al‐substitution, and the system exhibited PZSE values much higher than kaolinite, approaching that corresponding to goethite. The adsorption order for all three solids was Cu>Zn>Cd in any case, thus more Cu is adsorbed at a certain pH than Zn and even more than Cd, whereas the increase of metal concentration shifts the adsorption curve toward higher pH values.

Constant capacitance described the titration data satisfactorily, but by altering the Ns and C values, the fit became worse. Adsorption data are described by CCM, by emphasizing the formation of monodentate surface complex. Bidentate complex, in most of the cases, was of no importance in describing the data despite the evidence of its presence in recent spectroscopic studies for Cu and Cd on goethite. Alteration of Ns and C values worsened the fit in any case, and bidentate complex vanished. The DLM exhibited the worse fit in any case.  相似文献   


Effect of incubation and microbial inhibition at field capacity level on changes in DTPA‐extractable Mn in acidic, neutral, and alkaline soils was examined. Incubation decreased and microbial inhibition increased the level of Mn in soils with high pH (>5.7) and high microbial activity. The change was apparently partially associated with microbes since the level of Mn did not change in soils with low microbial activity and/or low pH.  相似文献   


Although numerous soil‐test methods for estimating extractable phosphorus (P) have been developed around the world, their results are difficult to compare because of the very different scale levels used. In the present study, the Bray–Kurtz method (Bray‐P) is used as a reference value. Two other methods [lactate‐P and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)‐P] were modified to facilitate the comparison of extractable‐P determinations, mainly by adjusting the shaking time. These three methods were applied to 101 soil samples from an extensive region of Argentina with soil pH values ranging from 5.5 to 8.5. The results confirm that the Bray‐P and the two modified methods (lactate‐P and NaHCO3‐P) determine similar contents of extractable P but are not applicable to all types of soils and conditions. Equations that minimize the statistical error were selected for soil properties such as organic carbon (OC) content, pH, soluble salts, and calcium carbonate content. Correlation coefficients between Bray‐P and NaHCO3‐P increased to 0.91 and 0.95 in soils with high and low OC levels, respectively. It was also demonstrated that the lactate‐P test is not suitable for soils rich in calcium carbonate or soluble salts. These two modified methods are expected to be useful for testing P values that impact agricultural production.  相似文献   

Radish (Raphanus sativus cv. Akamaru‐Hatsukadaikon) was grown for several experiments in a glasshouse with zinc (Zn) supply in the nutrient solution. Lack of Zn resulted in stunted growth and reduced leaf of radish shoots were observed. Two‐dimensional thin layer chromatography (TLC) and gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry (GC‐MS) analysis revealed the presence of endogenous indole‐3‐acetic acid (IAA) in Zn‐deficient radish shoots. An estimate has been made of alkali‐labile (1 and 7N NaOH) IAA in Zn‐deficient radish shoots with the use of gas chromatography (GC). The level of 7N NaOH‐labile IAA (peptidic + ester + free) and IN NaOH‐labile IAA (ester + free) in Zn‐deficient radish shoots was almost the same as that of control radish shoots. These results suggest that Zn nutrition did not affect the level of endogenous IAA in radish shoots.  相似文献   


Surface‐applied manures create a potential phosphorus (P) runoff hazard, especially when unincorporated. In such cases, the concentration of water‐extractable P in the manure has been correlated to soluble P concentrations in runoff. This study evaluated the influence of holding time, sample‐handling procedure, and filtration method on measurement of the water‐extractable P content of manures in a 3×3×2 factorial arrangement of treatments. A two‐way interaction between holding time and sample‐handling procedure occurred for most samples. Six samples had water‐extractable P concentrations that were less than or equal to dried and dried/ground treatments. Only one sample had higher water‐extractable P concentrations for fresh than for dried and dried/ground treatments. When significant differences occurred as a result of the filtration method, results for Whatman No. 40 filters, with a larger pore size than 0.45 µm nitrocellulose membranes, were usually higher. There was no significant difference in the coefficient of variation across sample‐handling procedures, suggesting that efforts to dry and/or grind samples were not needed. These results support the adoption of a standardized protocol for measuring water‐extractable P in manures that represents the appropriate balance between the ease of implementation and the strength of the correlation to P runoff concentrations.  相似文献   


Individual soil tests are used to assess plant nutrient element needs. Separate soil tests, however, are time consuming and costly. Our objective was to develop a 0.5M sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) soil phosphorus (P) test in combination with 0.005M diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) so macronutrient dements: ammonium‐nitrogen (NH4‐N), nitrate‐nitrogen (NO3‐N), P, potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg); and micronutrients: iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) could be quantified in one extraction. The NaHCO3‐DTPA extracting solution is a combination of 0.5M NaHCO3 and 0.005M DTPA and has a pH of 7.60±0.05. Sodium in the solution enhances the NH4, K, Ca, and Mg extraction; bicarbonate (HCO3) is for P extraction; DTPA chelates Ca, Mg, and micronutrients; and the water is for NO3 extraction. Soil samples (0–15 cm depth) came from two sources. The first set was from 12 N x P dryland proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) experiments, conducted from 1985 through 1987 in eastern Colorado. These soils were extracted with potassium chloride (KCl), NaHCO3, ammonium acetate (CH3‐COONH4), DTPA, ammonium bicarbonate DTPA (AB‐DTPA), and with the NaHCO3‐DTPA solutions. The second set included 25 soils from Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina and were analyzed only for available P with the NaHCO3 and NaHCO3‐DTPA methods. Simple linear correlations for macronutrient elements and micronutrients were highly significant. Critical levels for the macronutrient elements: NO3‐N, P, and K were 27, 11, and 144 mg kg‐1, respectively; and the critical levels for the micronutrients: Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu were 3.9, 0.35, 0.97, and 0.24 mg kg‐1, respectively.  相似文献   

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