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为探究微喷灌水肥一体化条件下小麦氮磷钾肥的合理用量及施用方式,以小麦品种良星99为试验材料,在磷钾肥减量30%和常规施肥量条件下各设置3种施肥方式,以传统大水漫灌撒施肥料的方式及用量为对照(CK),研究磷钾肥减施及施用方式对产量及养分利用的影响。结果表明,常规施肥(CK)相比,微喷灌水肥一体化磷钾肥减施30%(氮肥70%底施+30%拔节期追施、钾肥全部底施、磷肥50%底施+50%拔节期追施)条件下产量提高11.33%,成熟期植株氮、磷、钾积累量分别提高21.86%、10.02%和10.23%。与传统栽培模式及微喷灌常量施肥相比,利用微喷灌水肥一体化技术生育期灌水3次(越冬水+拔节水+灌浆水),灌水量1 500 m3·hm-2,磷钾肥减施30%条件下,磷肥50%底施+50%拔节期追施能够提高小麦产量、成熟期植株氮磷钾积累量、偏生产力及产投比。本研究结果为山西省南部小麦节水节肥稳产高效栽培技术提供了理论依据。  相似文献   


Phosphorus (P) deficiency and low P-use efficiency are induced by soil properties, especially in calcareous soils, which are dominant in semi-arid regions of the world such as the Mediterranean region. Alternative approaches to P fertilization involve exploiting plant genetics in order to achieve more efficient use of P by the growing crop. Accordingly, in a greenhouse pot experiment, we evaluated P-efficiency in wheat genotypes grown in typical calcareous soils in southern Turkey. Ten common local genotypes were grown in six soil series for eight weeks using five P application rates (0, 25, 50, 100, and 200 mg P kg?1). Dry matter (DM) yield and P content were significantly increased by increasing P rates, with significant differences between soils. Some genotypes performed better under P stress because of better P utilization efficiency. Shoot DM was the most sensitive indicator of genetic variability under P-deficient conditions. Genotypes classified as efficient-responsive (Adana-99, 1014, Golia, Balatilla) had above average DM yield when P was not added, and responded well to P applications; efficient-non-responsive genotypes (Firat-93, Seri-82, Genc-99, Panda) had below average DM yield, but responded to P applications; inefficient-non-responsive genotypes (Fuat Bey and Ceyhan-99) had below average DM yield; and no genotypes were in the inefficient responsive category. Such P response categorization is needed for better breeding programs for nutrient-use efficiency. The study may aid in selecting P-efficient genotypes in low-P soils, especially where little P is used. The use of P-efficient genotypes should be seen as complement to, rather than a substitute for, chemical P fertilization depending on local conditions.  相似文献   

The objective was to differentiate and estimate phosphorus (P)-uptake and P-utilization efficiency among several winter wheat accessions. Twenty-two accessions were characterized for their ability to uptake and utilize P in two low P soils (acid and calcareous). Plants were grown for 28 days in two different sized pots and analyzed for biomass and total P concentration. Total P uptake and biomass was greater in the large pot and calcareous soil. However, there were no significant correlations between the small and large pot for biomass, P uptake, and P concentration, indicating that rooting conditions were different for the two pots, which allowed differentiation between P-utilization and P-uptake efficiency. Possession of ALTM1 gene for malate excretion did not appear to be related to P-uptake efficiency. Several accessions were found to be either P-uptake or P-utilization efficient in both soils. Phosphorus use efficiency mechanisms may contribute to acid soil tolerance.  相似文献   


Considerable variation exists among wheat cultivars for phosphorus (P) acquisition and utilization to produce higher yields. We investigated critical P requirements for optimum grain yield of two wheat cultivars contrasting in P-use efficiency, i.e., NIA-Sunder (P-efficient) and NIA-Saarang (P-inefficient). Grain yield, P accumulation, and other P-efficiency relations of both cultivars increased with progressive addition of P, but at variable rates. NIA-Sunder exhibited higher grain yield, grain P concentration, harvest index, and P-use efficiency at all P levels as compared to NIA-Saarang. Internal P requirement for achieving 95% relative grain yield in NIA-Sunder and NIA-Saarang was obtained when P concentration in their grains was 4.07 and 3.48 mg g?1 recorded at external P levels of 57.2 and 78.1 mg kg?1 soil, respectively. Overall, NIA-Sunder accumulated 15% more grain P and required 27% less external P for attaining 95% relative yield than P-inefficient cultivar. Results suggested that internal and external P requirements aiming at optimum grain yield are associated with genotypic variations in wheat cultivars for P-utilization efficiency.  相似文献   


Two field experiments were conducted to compare 15 wheat genotypes at two phosphorus (P) levels (zero-P control or low P level—without application of P fertilizer on soil with 8 mg extractable P kg?1, and adequate P level—with P fertilizer applied at 52 kg P ha?1) for yield, P uptake, and P utilization efficiency (P efficiency ratio—PER, P harvest index—PHI, and P physiological efficiency index—PPEI). On the average of two experiments, substantial and significant differences were observed among wheat genotypes for both grain and straw yields at both P levels. Grain yields ranged from 2636 to 4455 kg ha?1 in the zero-P control, and from 2915 to 4753 kg ha?1 at adequate P level. Genotype 5039 produced the maximum grain yield, while 6529-11 had the minimum grain yield at both P levels. Relative reduction in grain yield due to P deficiency stress (PSF) ranged from none to 32%, indicating differential P requirements of genotypes. Genotypes 4943, Pasban 90, Inqlab 91, PB 85, Lu 26s, 4770, Chakwal 86, 4072, 6544-6, and 5039 had little or no response to P application. Phosphorus responsive genotypes included FSD 83, Kohinoor 83, Parvaz-94, Pak 81, and 6529-11. A non-significant correlation (r = ?0.466, P > 0.05) between grain and PSF in zero-P control treatment also indicated the least effect of P deficiency on some wheat genotypes. A wide range of PPEI (270–380 kg grain kg?1 P absorbed in grain + straw at control P level, and 210–330 kg grain kg?1 P absorbed in grain + straw at adequate P level) indicated differential utilization of absorbed P by the genotypes for grain production. This indicated that wheat genotypes differed considerably in their P requirement for growth and responsiveness to P application. The findings also suggested that PPEI was a better parameter for measuring P efficiency than other parameters, and can be used for selecting P efficient genotypes, because it relates to the internal concentration of a nutrient and genetic makeup of plant. It is concluded that genotypes having ability to produce relatively high grain yield, good command to tune P within plant and high PPEI are suited to low P soil conditions. Genotypes 4072, Inqlab 91, 4943, Pak 81 and 5039 were P efficient and had above mentioned abilities, while genotypes FSD 83, 6544-6, and 6529-11 were P inefficient. It should be noted that traits related to P efficiency are inheritable and can be used to improve P use efficiency of a genotype through back cross breeding programs.  相似文献   

Fertilization management is an important technique to alleviate the adverse effects of salinity stress on plants. A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the ameliorative role of inorganic phosphorus (P) and organic P sources on wheat grown under salt stress in three soil types deficient in available P. Wheat (Triticum asetivum L. cv. Shakha 93) was grown on alluvial, sandy, and calcareous soils under salinity levels of 4, 8, and 12 dS m?1 of saturated paste extract (ECe) and supplied with constant rate of 30 mg P2O5 kg soil?1 as superphosphate (SP), cattle manure (CM), and 1:1 mixture of SP and CM. The results revealed that plants grown on the sandy soil were more susceptible to the adverse effects of salinity compared with those planted on the alluvial one, especially at zero P. Plants grown on the calcareous soil were moderately affected. Varying soil type caused significant differences in the aboveground biomass and uptake of nitrogen (N), potassium (K), P, and zinc (Zn). It was obvious that P ameliorated wheat growth under salt stress, and this role was greater under moderate and high salinity. The increases in N, P, K, and Zn uptake appeared driven by P application were more conspicuous in the sandy and calcareous soils. Results also indicated that combined application of inorganic and organic P sources surpassed both when applied solely under all soil types and salinity levels.  相似文献   

为探明滴灌、微喷灌和磷钾肥减施对小麦产量、品质及水肥利用效率的影响,通过田间试验,以漫灌常量施肥为对照(CK),设滴灌(W1)和微喷灌(W2)2种节水灌溉方式,生育期均灌水4次,即越冬水+返青水+拔节水+灌浆水(越冬水、拔节水灌水量600 m3/hm2、返青水和灌浆水灌水量300 m3/hm2);W1和W2下设磷钾肥常量(RPK)和磷钾肥减施20%(RPK-20),30%(RPK-30)和40%(RPK-40),施用方式均底肥撒施50%,返青期和拔节期水肥一体化各施25%;以磷钾肥常量全部底施为相对对照(CK),11个处理,调查分析产量及其构成、品质特性和水肥利用效率等。结果表明,W1和W2减施处理的产量均随磷钾肥减施量增加而减少,其中滴灌在磷钾肥减施20%时显著增产,较CK增产15.49%,增产主要与成穗数和穗粒数增加有关;相同减施处理W2产量低于W1;W1、W2处理的蛋白质含量、沉降值及稳定时间均较CK显著提高,RPK和减施处理的沉降值W1>W2。相同减施处理生育期耗水量W12,水分利用效率则相反,其中W1较CK提高42.35%~105.24%,W2较CK提高36.06%~56.18%。磷钾肥底施+水肥一体化追施的水分利用效率高于CK;W1、W2较CK氮磷钾肥偏生产力提高,相同减施处理氮磷钾肥偏生产力W1>W2,滴灌在磷钾肥减施20%时氮肥偏生产力显著提高;滴灌磷钾肥减施对0—40 cm土壤养分含量影响较小,但使有效磷含量有所提高。综合分析,山西省南部麦区,冬小麦采用滴灌浇水,生育期灌4水(1 800 m3/hm2),磷钾肥减施且采用50%底施+返青期和拔节期水肥一体化追施25%时,减施20%产量、水分利用效率和氮肥偏生产力最高,是高产高效水肥管理模式,减施30%虽产量次高,但品质性状最好,是稳产提质水肥管理模式。  相似文献   

Most fertilizer phosphorus (P) rate recommendations for the north-central United States are based on combination of a critical soil-test P value and a mass-balance calculation of fertilizer P required to maintain critical soil-test P. Accurate estimates of grain P removal are an essential component of P mass-balance calculation. Current north-central extension service guidelines recommend that estimates of corn and soybean grain P removal should be calculated using constant grain P concentrations. We reviewed research from the north-central region to determine the extent to which variation in grain P concentration accounts for differences in crop P removal and to determine whether predictions of grain P concentration can be improved through consideration of soil-test P, crop yield, and fertilizer P application. We found that soil-test P, grain yield, and fertilizer P are predictor variables that may significantly improve estimates of grain P concentration for corn and soybeans.  相似文献   

黄土旱塬冬小麦磷素含量累积动态与磷肥利用效率研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用旱作长期定位施肥试验,研究施用磷肥对冬小麦植株磷素含量的动态变化以及磷肥利用效率的影响。结果表明,磷肥对冬小麦植株体内含磷量的影响呈V型,冬前期最高,随着作物生长逐渐降低,灌浆期达到最小值,随后又有回升。冬小麦磷素累积主要集中在拔节期—开花期,和灌浆期—成熟期2个阶段进行,保证这2个阶段磷素供应对小麦的良好生长有重要作用。从磷肥利用效率、产量等指标来看,在施用氮肥90 kg/hm2的情况下,磷肥用量应该控制在45~90 kg/hm2的合理范围内。  相似文献   

Genetic differences among crop genotypes can be exploited for identification of genotypes more suited to a low‐input agricultural system. Twenty wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes were evaluated for their differential yield response, phosphorus (P) uptake in grain and straw, and P‐use efficiency at the zero‐P control and 52 kg P ha?1 rates. Substantial and significant differences were obvious among genotypes for both grain and straw yields at stress (8 mg P kg?1 soil, native soil P, no P addition) and adequate (52 kg P ha?1) P levels. Genotype 5039 produced maximum grain yield at both P levels. Relative reduction in grain yield due to P‐deficiency stress [i.e., P stress factor (PSF)] ranged between none and 32.4%, indicating differential P requirement of these genotypes. Pasban 90, Pitic 62, Rohtas 90, Punjab 85, and line 4943 did not respond to P application and exhibited high relative yield compared to those at adequate P level. FSD 83 exhibited the best response to P with maximum value for PSF (32.4%). Genotypes were distributed into nine groups on the basis of relationship between grain yield and total P uptake. Rohtas 90 and lines 4072 and 5039 exhibited high grain yield and medium P uptake (HGY‐MP). However, line 5039 with high total index score utilized less P (12.2 kg P ha?1) than line 4072 and Rohtas 90 (13.5 and 13.6 kg P ha?1, respectively). Moreover, this genotype also had greater P harvest index (PHI, %) and P physiological efficiency index (PPEI) at stress P level. Pasban 90, Pitic 62, and Pak 81 had the greatest total index score (21), mainly due to high total P uptake, but yielded less grain than lines 5039 and 4072 under low available P conditions. Line 6142 had minimum total index score (15) and also produced minimum grain yield. A wide range of significant differences in PPEI (211 to 365 kg grain kg?1 P absorbed at stress and 206 to 325 kg grain kg?1 P absorbed by aboveground plant material at adequate P) indicated differential utilization of absorbed P by these genotypes for grain production at both P levels. It is concluded from the results that wheat genotypes differed considerably in terms of their P requirements for growth and response to P application. The findings suggest that PSF, PHI, and PPEI parameters could be useful to determine P‐deficiency stress tolerance in wheat.  相似文献   

Economic and political challenges impact agricultural practices, production efficiency, and crop yields. We hypothesize that increased conversion efficiency of fertilizer to crop yield resulted from changes in fertilizer management in Central and Eastern European countries. Efficient nutrient management depends on fertilizer applied, management practices, and weather, which impact uptake, utilization efficiency, and crop yield. Trends in fertilizer consumption and wheat yields from 1986 to 2005 were studied for five countries. There were significant differences in yield gap, defined as the difference between potential and actual yields. Partial factor productivity of applied nitrogen fertilizer (N) is calculated from real and modified indices. A predictive metric is introduced based on the quantity of unworked, or nonproductive, N (Nuw). Sustainable cropping practices reduce Nuw and yield gap. Improved knowledge of crop responses to balanced plant nutrition at the country level contribute to improved agricultural and environmental policies and enhance production sustainability.  相似文献   


Lucerne or alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is grown as a forage crop on many livestock farms. In calcareous soils in eastern Turkey, lucerne production requires phosphorus (P) additions as the soils are naturally P deficient. Phosphorus sorption isotherms were used to estimate P fertilizer needs for lucerne grown for two years in a 3-cut system on a calcareous P deficient Aridisol in eastern Anatolia, Erzurum province, Turkey. Annual P applications ranged from 0–1200 kg P ha?1. The Langmuir two-surface adsorption equation was used to derive the maximum P sorption capacity of unamended soil and to determine soil solution P, maximum buffer capacity (MBC), equilibrium buffer capacity (EBC), and P saturation at the optimum economic P rate (OEPR) for dry matter (DM) production. Soils were tested for Olson P at the onset of the study and after two years of P applications. In both years, tissue was analyzed for P content at flowering prior to first cutting. The OEPR (2-year average) was 754 kg P ha?1 yr?1 corresponding with a soil solution P concentration of 0.30 mg L?1, a DM yield of 8725 kg DM ha?1, and $528 ha?1 annual profit. The P content of leaves at flowering increased linearly with P application beyond 100 kg P ha?1 and was 3.2 g kg?1 P at the OEPR. The unfertilized soil had an EBC, MBC, P saturation, and Xmax of 3304 mL g?1, 3401 mL g?1, 6%, and 1086 mL g?1, respectively, whereas two years of fertilization to the OEPR decreased EBC and MBC to 358 mL g?1 and 540 mL g?1, and increased P saturation and Olsen P to 56% and 32 mg kg?1, respectively. These results suggest a P saturation >50% or Olsen P >30 mg kg?1 are needed to maintain an optimum soil solution concentration of 0.30 mg L?1 in this calcareous Aridisol. Similar studies with different soils and initial soil test P levels are needed to conclude if these critical soil test values can be applied across the region.  相似文献   


One would expect foliar applied phosphorus (P) to have higher use efficiencies than when applied to the soil, but limited information is available concerning this. Experiments were conducted in 2002, 2003, and 2004 to determine the effect of foliar applications of P on winter wheat grain yields, P uptake, and use efficiency. Twelve treatments containing varying foliar P rates (0, 1, 2, and 4 kg ha? 1 in 2002 and 2003 and additional 8, 12, 16, and 20 kg ha? 1 in 2004) with and without pre-plant rates of 30 kg ha? 1 were evaluated. Foliar applications of P at Feekes 7 generally increased grain yields and P uptake versus no foliar P. Use efficiency was higher when P was applied at Feekes 10.54. Results from this study suggested that low rates of foliar applied P might correct mid-season P deficiency in winter wheat, and that might result in higher P use efficiencies.  相似文献   


Effects of application of zinc (Zn) (0, 1, 5, 10 mg kg?1 soil) and phosphorus (P) (0, 10, 50, 100 mg kg?1 soil) on growth and cadmium (Cd) accumulations in shoots and roots of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings were investigated in a pot experiment. All soils were supplied with a constant concentration of Cd (6 mg kg?1 soil). Phosphorus application resulted in a pronounced increase in shoot and root biomass. Effects of Zn on plant growth were not as marked as those of P. High Zn (10 mg kg?1) decreased the biomass of both shoots and roots; this result may be ascribed to Zn toxicity. Phosphorus and Zn showed complicated interactions in uptake by plants within the ranges of P and Zn levels used. Cadmium in shoots decreased significantly with increasing Zn (P < 0.001) except at P addition of 10 mg kg?1. In contrast, root Cd concentrations increased significantly except at Zn addition of 5 mg kg?1 (P < 0.001). These results indicated that Zn might inhibit Cd translocation from roots to shoots. Cadmium concentrations increased in shoots (P < 0.001) but decreased in roots (P < 0.001) with increasing P supply. The interactions between Zn and P had a significant effect on Cd accumulation in both shoots (p = 0.002) and roots (P < 0.001).  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is an endemic soil constraint to crop production in rainfed semi-arid regions like the 1.82-Mha Pothohar Plateau in Pakistan, where we monitored the P status of rainfed wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and determined crop responses to P application by broadcast and banding methods. Nutrient indexing of young whole shoots and associated soils revealed severe to moderate P deficiency in most fields. In a 3-year field trial on P-deficient soils, grain yield increases were 130–233% with broadcast and 175–239% with banded P; fertilizer requirement for optimum crop yield was twice as high for broadcasting than banding. Fertilizer use was highly profitable, especially with banding, and increased both available soil P and organic matter. This comprehensive approach of soil–plant nutrient indexing and selective field trials provided a rational economic basis for P fertilizer use in rainfed agriculture and serves as a model strategy for stimulating crop productivity in developing countries.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of phosphorus (P) fertilizer levels on inorganic P fractions. Wheat cultivars (Azadi and Marvdasht) were grown in the soils amended with the four rates of P fertilizer levels (no fertilizer, 10, 15, and 25 mg available P kg?1 soil). Soils were sampled from rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere areas after 6 weeks. The mean of all P fractions was significantly different in various P fertilizer levels. The smallest and the largest amounts of all P fractions were observed in the soil with no P and in 25 mg kg?1 soil P level, respectively. The Azadi cultivar, as P-efficient, showed the smallest increase in soil P fractions with increasing soil P levels. The means of all P fractions except Al-phosphates (Al-P) were significantly higher in non-rhizosphere soil. There were differences between these cultivars associated with the more inaccessible fractions at the 15 mg P kg?1 soil level.  相似文献   

研究旨在探讨不同磷肥品种对玉米生长发育和土壤无机磷组分的影响,以期为磷肥高效利用提供参考.采用盆栽试验,设置6个处理:磷酸一铵(MAP)、过磷酸钙(SSP)、聚磷酸铵(APP)、氮磷复合肥硝酸磷肥(NiP)、硫酸铵+过磷酸钙混施(SA+P),试验60天后测定了玉米的生物学指标和玉米植株磷素含量,同时测定了土壤有效磷与土...  相似文献   


A solution culture experiment was conducted to determine the response of 15 wheat genotypes for growth, phosphorus (P) uptake, and P utilization efficiency, and their adaptability to P stress conditions using adequate [250 μM P in nutrient solution as ammonium phosphate (NH4H2PO4)] and stress (powdered rock phosphate suspended in nutrient solution) P supply levels. Shoot dry matter (SDM) and total plant DM (shoot + root) and P uptake were generally higher for most genotypes in adequate P than stress P level treatment, but the opposite was true for root dry matter (RDM), root: shoot ratio (RSR), and root P uptake. Relative reduction in SDM due to P deficiency stress ranged from none to 54%. Genotypes Kohinoor 83, PB 85, Parvaz 94 and 4770 did not respond to P deficiency stress for SDM production, while genotypes FSD 83, Chakwal 86, Pasban 90, 4072, 4943, 5039, 6529-11, and 6544-6 were highly responsive to P application for SDM. Shoot P uptake in genotypes at adequate P level was about 3-times higher than those genotypes grown at stress P level. Differences in P concentration of shoot ranged between 2.00 to 3.06 mg P g?1 in stress P level treatment, and had a significant positive correlation with P harvest index (PHI) (r = 0.558?, P < 0.05) and root efficiency ratio (RER) (r = 0.611?, P < 0.05) and negative correlation with P efficiency ratio (PER) (r = ?0.909??, P < 0.01). A significantly positive correlation of P utilization index (PUI) and SDM (r = 0.784??, P < 0.01) and non-significant negative correlation (r = ?0.483) of PUI with P concentration in shoot implies that wheat genotypes with higher PUI may be selected for P deficient milieu. Genotypes with higher PUI (>0.8 g mg?1 P) in rook phosphate treatment were Inqlab-91, Pak-81, Lu 26s, Parvaz 94, 4072, 4770, 4943, and 5039. There was no interrelationship observed between shoot P uptake and P efficiency in stress P level treatment. However, highly significant and positive correlation (r = 0.720??, P < 0.01) between PHI and RER suggested that shoot P uptake depended upon root efficiency and it increased with the increase in P uptake per unit RDM. Consequently, this resulted in increased SDM which is evident from the significant positive correlation (r = 0.833??, P < 0.01) between SDM and shoot P uptake. In summary, the findings suggest that PUI and RER may be used for selecting P efficient wheat genotypes (e.g., 4072, 4770, 4943, Pak 81, and Inqlab 91) for dry matter production and P use.  相似文献   

不同水肥组合对冬小麦产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验于2007/2008年度在北京市昌平区进行,采用5因子4水平的田间试验方案研究不同氮磷钾、有机肥和灌水量的组合对小麦产量的影响。方差分析表明,各因素对产量的影响顺序为氮肥灌水钾肥有机肥磷肥,同时存在交互作用;水分和产量成较好的正相关,有机肥对产量的提高虽然不如氮肥、钾肥和灌水,但是对产量的影响也达到了极显著水平;在各种组合中,以施氮量为75kg.hm-2配合12000kg.hm-2的有机肥、75kg.hm-2的磷肥、150kg.hm-2的钾肥以及3000kg.hm-2灌水量处理的产量较高,为本年度最佳水肥组合。  相似文献   

旱地麦田水肥关系及对产量的影响试验研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
用微区隔离遮雨棚法研究结果分析回归得出,氮肥用量、磷肥用量、供水量与冬小麦产量之间关系。固定肥料用量,在试验供水范围内水分和小麦产量呈近似直线关系;固定供水量,施肥量和小麦产量呈抛物线关系。氮肥用量和供水量之间有明显的正交互作用,磷肥用量与供水量之间交互作用不明显。大田不同降雨年份试验结果表明,施肥增产效果是降雨多>降雨中>降雨少的年份,在蓄墒期、生育期降雨量为355、411和523 mm的低、中、高降雨年份,冬小麦达最高产量时的氮、磷肥用量分别为每hm2施N 64.5 kg、P2O552.5 kg;N 27.5 kg、P2O5105.0 kg和N 192.0 kg、P2O5157.5 kg。  相似文献   

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