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The establishment of the incidence of different agricultural management practices on soil microbiological quality has become an issue of wide concern. This study was aimed to (i) determine the effect of different agricultural management practices (ecological, integrated, conventional, and conventional with the addition of pig slurry) on the microbial activity of a semi‐arid soil at two different stages (cropped and fallow) and (ii) adapt an existing quantitative method to assess the microbiological soil quality in the different management systems. Several microbial and biochemical parameters, as well as two water‐soluble carbon (C) fractions, were measured in the soil samples. Significant differences (P<0.05) were found between the different agricultural management systems for most of the microbiological parameters during the cropped period. Factorial analysis indicated that adenosine triphosphate (ATP), microbial biomass C, diphenol oxidase activity, urease activity, and water‐soluble carbohydrates had a high weight in factor 1. These parameters were selected to form part of the equation for calculating a microbiological quality index. During the cropped period, the ecological management yielded the highest score of the microbial quality index, whereas, during the fallow period, no differences were found among the index scores of the different agricultural management systems.  相似文献   

Sulfur (S) is one of the severely limited nutrients in rainfed semi‐arid tropical Alfisols. Its application plays an important role in improving the yield and quality of oilseed crops. To identify the optimum level of sulfur for greater yield and oil content in the sunflower crop (MSFH‐8) through suitable sources, a field experiment involving varying levels of S through two sources (gypsum and elemental S) in combination with standard levels of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) was conducted on a sandy loam soil (Typic Haplustalf) at Hayathnagar Research Farm of Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, situated at an altitude of 515 m above mean sea level and on 78° 36′ E longitude and 17° 18′ N latitude. The response to S application in sunflower crop in terms of growth parameters, yield components, nutrient uptake, and seed oil content was conspicuous. The application of graded levels of sulfur at rates of 20, 40, and 60 kg ha?1 applied through elemental S significantly increased the seed yield of the sunflower crop over the control by 5.4, 10.7, and 18.1% respectively, whereas the corresponding increases in case of gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O) were 25.1, 28.8, and 33.9% respectively. The greatest seed yield of sunflower (1175 kg ha?1) and percentage oil content (39.7%) was obtained with 60 kg S ha?1 through gypsum under rainfed conditions. Our study clearly indicated that the application of S at relatively high levels significantly increased the uptake of N, P, and S. The percentage oil content in seed recorded a positive and highly significant relationship with the uptake of N (r = 0.958**), P (r = 0.967**), and S (r = 0.951**), signifying the importance of balanced nutrition in influencing the oil content of seed in sunflower. The application of S through gypsum at rate of 60 kg S ha?1 along with 40 kg N and 30 kg P2O5 ha?1 was most superior in enhancing the seed yield and percentage oil content in seed.  相似文献   

Co‐application of biosolids and water treatment residuals (WTR) land has not been extensively studied but may be beneficial by sorbing excess biosolid‐borne or soil phosphorus (P) onto WTR, reducing the likelihood of off‐site movement. Reduction of excess soil P may affect the role of specific P‐cleaving enzymes. The research objective was to understand the long‐term effects of single co‐applications and the short‐term impacts of repeated co‐applications on soil acid phosphomonoesterase, phosphodiesterase, pyrophosphatase, and phytase enzyme activities. Test plots were 7.5 × 15 m with treatments consisting of three different WTR rates with a single biosolids rate (5, 10, and 21 Mg WTR ha?1; 10 Mg biosolids ha?1) surface co‐applied once in 1991 or reapplied in 2002. Control plots consisted of those that received no WTR–biosolids co‐applications and plots that received only 10 Mg biosolids ha?1. Plots were sampled to a 5‐cm depth in 2003 and 2004, and soil phosphatases and phytase enzyme activities were measured. Soil phosphodiesterase activity decreased in WTR‐amended plots, and pyrophosphatase activity decreased with increasing WTR application rates. In contrast, acid phosphatase and phytase activity increased with WTR addition, with WTR application possibly triggering a deficiency response causing microorganisms or plants to secrete these enzymes. Biosolids and WTR co‐applications may affect enzymatic strategies for P mineralization in this study site. Reductions in phosphodiesterase activity suggest less P mineralization from biomass sources, including nucleic acids and phospholipids. Increased acid phosphatase and phytase activities indicate that ester‐P and inositol‐P may be important plant‐available P sources in soils amended with WTR.  相似文献   


Profiles of semi‐arid–zone soils in Punjab, northwest India, were investigated for different forms of zinc (Zn), including total, diethylenetriamine penta‐acetic acid (DTPA)-extractable, soil solution plus exchangeable (Zn), Zn adsorbed onto inorganic sites, Zn bound by organic sites, and Zn adsorbed onto oxide surfaces. Irrespective of the different fractions of Zn present, its content was higher in fine‐textured Alfisols and Inceptisols than in coarse‐textured Entisols. In general, the higher content of Zn was observed in the surface horizon and then decreased in the subsurface horizons. However, none of the forms of Zn exhibited any consistent pattern of distribution. Organic matter and size fractions (clay and silt) had a strong influence on the distribution of different forms of Zn. Based upon the linear coefficient of correlation, the soil solution plus exchangeable Zn, adsorbed onto inorganic sites, and DTPA‐Zn increased with increase in organic carbon but decreased with increase in pH and calcium carbonate content. Total Zn increased with increase in clay and silt content. Among the different forms, Zn bound by organic sites, water soluble plus exchangeable Zn and Zn adsorb onto oxide (amorphous surfaces) were all correlated with DTPA extractable Zn. The uptake of Zn was more in recent floodplain Entisols than very fine textured Alfisols and Inceptisols. Among the different forms soil solution +exchangeable and DTPA‐extractable Zn was positively correlated with total uptake of Zn.  相似文献   

Profiles of arid and semi‐arid zones soils of Punjab, northwestern India, were investigated for different forms of iron (Fe): total Fe, diethylenetriamine penta‐acetic acid (DTPA)–extractable Fe, soil solution plus exchangeable Fe, Fe adsorbed onto inorganic sites and oxide surfaces, and Fe bound by organic sites. Irrespective of the different fractions of Fe present, its content was higher in the fine‐textured Alfisols and Inceptisols than in the coarse‐textured Entisols and Aridisols. Lower content of total Fe was observed in the surface horizon and then increased in the subsurface horizons, whereas no set pattern was observed in Entisols. Also, irrespective of the soil orders, the contents of different forms of Fe were higher in the surface horizon and then decreased by depth. None of the forms of Fe exhibited any consistent pattern of distribution.

Organic matter and the content of clay and silt fractions had a strong bearing on the distribution of forms of Fe. Based on a linear coefficient of correlation, the soil solution plus exchangeable Fe adsorbed onto inorganic sites and DTPA‐extractable Fe increased with increase in soil organic carbon but decreased with increase in soil pH and calcium carbonate content. Total Fe increased with increase in cation exchange capacity (CEC) and clay and silt content. The results also revealed that there was equilibrium in different fractions of this element. Among the different Fe forms, Fe bound by organic sites, water‐soluble plus exchangeable Fe, and Fe adsorbed onto oxides (amorphous surfaces) were positively correlated with the DTPA‐extractable Fe. Though some forms are interrelated, none of the forms had any relationship with the total Fe.  相似文献   

A reliable soil test is needed for estimating mercury (Hg) availability to crop plants. In this study, four extraction procedures including 0.1 M hydrochloric acid (HCl), 1 M ammonium acetate (NH4OAc) (pH 7.0), 0.005 M diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA), and 0.1 M calcium chloride (CaCl2) (pH5.0) were compared for their adequacy in predicting soil Hg availability to crop plants of a rice–cabbage–radish rotation system. The amounts of Hg extracted by each of the four procedures increased with increasing equilibrium time. The optimal time required for extraction of soil Hg was approximately 30 min, though it varied slightly among the four extractants. The amounts of Hg extracted decreased with increasing soil/solution ratio, and a soil/solution ratio of 1:5 appeared to be adequate for soil Hg availability tests. The amounts of Hg extracted increased in the order of NH4OAc < CaCl2 < DTPA < HCl in silty loam soil (SLS) soil, and the order was NH4OAc < CaCl2 ≈ DTPA < HCl in yellowish red soil (YRS) soil. Significant positive correlations among the four extractants were obtained in SLS soil. In contrast, the correlations were poor in YRS soil, especially for HCl. There were significant correlations between concentrations of Hg in edible tissue of three plants and the amounts of soil Hg extractable to the four extractants for soil–rice system and soil–radish system, but not for soil–Chinese cabbage system. The 0.1M HCl extraction overall provided the best estimation of soil‐available Hg and could be used to predict phytoavailability of Hg in soil–crop systems.  相似文献   


Soil color is a soil property that may be used as an interpreting index in estimating processes and properties. Quantifying color allows one to obtain information for rapidly estimating the related processes in soils. CIELAB color parameters L*, a*, and b* of ground (air‐dried and sieved) soil samples and aggregate surfaces of four soil profiles formed in calcareous colluviums in northern Turkey were analyzed. Values of color parameters measured in ground and intact soils were compared and related to soil properties by the regression technique. Results revealed that the L* value obtained with a ground soil sample was a significant predictor of organic matter in A horizons (p < 0.001). Although calcic horizons yielded the highest L* values, no significant relationship was obtained between calcium carbonate contents and lightness of soils in any of horizons studied. The parameters of b* could adequately be used to quantify dithionite‐extractable iron oxide contents in soils studied. The results further showed that the CIELAB color parameters obtained with ground samples were more informative than that of aggrevated samples in relating color parameters to soil properties.  相似文献   

In Sudan, tree plantations remain the first choice and are widely used in protecting arable lands from sand movement. Decomposition and nutrient changes from leaves of some agroforestry trees (Eucalyptus microtheca, Ficus spp., and Leucaena leucocephala) and litter fall from guava (Psidium guajava) and mango (Magnifera indica) were monitored (in a 12‐week litter‐bag experiment). Rate of dry‐matter weight loss from guava (0.098 wk?1) was significantly (P < 0.01) faster than from mango residues (0.04 wk?1). Corresponding values for Leucaena, Eucalyptus, and Ficus were 0.0533, 0.0524, and 0.0438 wk?1, respectively. In general, micronutrients tend to accummulate during a decomposition period. Potassium (K) was the only element found to be consistently lost by leaching very rapidly from all litters. Nitrogen (N) was released at a significantly (P < 0.03) higher rate from Leucaena (0.0558 wk?1) compared to Ficus (0.0399 wk?1) and Eucalyptus (0.0301 wk?1). Mobility of nutrients from the litters was in the order of K > phosphorus (P) = N > calcium (Ca) > magnesium (Mg). It is concluded that ficus and mango leaves are suitable for improving quality of arid soils through buildup of soil organic matter and supplying easily released organic sulfur (S) (environmentally sound management practice) whereas litter from guava is suitable for temporary nutrient correction. Mixing of guava and mango residues may slow fast decomposition of the former.  相似文献   


The nitrate distribution in the soil profile varies with fertilization and tillage practices in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) production. Band‐applied fertilizers localized near the seed at planting must diffuse through the bulk soil during the growing season. The hilling operation transforms soil surface into an undulating field landscape and redistributes the split‐applied nitrogen fertilizers between the hill and the interrow. The soil sampling procedure during the growing season thus becomes extremely tedious when searching to quantify nitrate accumulation in the entire soil volume. The objective of this study was to assess seasonal nitrate accumulation in a soil volume from a single boring in the potato hill. An intensive sampling was conducted at four places in the 0‐ to 50‐cm profile in potato fields receiving three rates of split-applied nitrogen (N) before hilling. Treatment and time effects provided a large range of nitrate concentrations throughout the soil profile. Nitrate content increased with N fertilization and organic‐matter mineralization and decreased as a result of plant uptake and nitrate leaching. Averaged across the season, nitrate accumulation in the 0‐ to 50‐cm profile represented 78% of that accumulated in the center of the hill on a per ha basis (r2=0.90). A single boring in the center of the hill considerably reduced sampling time and cost and provided a fair estimate of seasonal nitrate accumulation in the 0‐ to 50‐cm soil profile.  相似文献   

Seventeen Mollisols having pH(1:2) in the range of 6.00 to 8.42 were analyzed with five extractants, and the extractable zinc (Zn) ranges were 0.84 to 2.75 mg Zn kg?1 soil for diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) (pH 7.3), 0.91 to 2.72 mg Zn kg?1 soil for DTPA + ammonium bicarbonate (pH 7.6), 1.82 to 7.18 mg Zn kg?1 soil for Mehlich 3, 1.22 to 3.83 mg Zn kg?1 soil for ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) + ammonium carbonate, and 0.88 to 1.18 mg Zn kg?1 soil for 1 mol L?1 magnesium chloride (MgCl2) (pH 6.0). Zinc extracted by DTPA (pH 7.3) and Mehlich 3 showed significant positive correlation with sand content, whereas only Mehlich 3 showed negative correlation with soil pH. All extractants showed significant positive correlation with each other except for 1 mol L?1 MgCl2‐extractable Zn, which had significant positive correlation with only Mehlich 3– and EDTA + ammonium carbonate–extractable Zn. A greenhouse experiment showed that Bray's percentage yield of rice was poorly correlated to extractable soil Zn but had a significant and negative linear correlation with soil pH (r = ?0.662, significant at p = 0.01). Total Zn uptake by rice had a significant positive correlation with 1 mol L?1 MgCl2– and Mehlich 3–extractable Zn. A proposed parameter (p extractable Zn + p OH?) involving both soil extractable Zn and pH terms together showed significant and positive correlation with Bray's percentage yield and total Zn uptake of rice. The calculated values of critical limits of soil Zn in terms of the proposed parameter were 14.1699 for DTPA (pH 7.3), 13.9587 for DTPA + ammonium bicarbonate, 13.7016 for Mehlich 3, 13.9402 for EDTA + ammonium carbonate, and 14.1810 for 1 mol L?1 MgCl2 (pH 6.0). The critical limits of Zn in rice grain and straw were 17.32 and 22.95 mg Zn kg?1 plant tissue, respectively.  相似文献   


Most agricultural soils in the Indian River area, South Florida, are sandy with minimal holding capacity for moisture and nutrients. Phosphorus (P) leaching from these soils has been suspected of contributing to the eutrophication of surface waters in this region. Dolomite phosphate rock (DPR) and N‐viro soil are promising amendments to increase crop production and reduce P loss from sandy soils. Soil incubation and greenhouse pot experiments were conducted to examine the effects of Florida DPR–N‐viro soil mixtures on the growth of a horticultural crop in an acidic sandy soil and to generate information for developing a desired formula of soil amendments. Dolomite phosphate rock and N–viro soil application increased soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC), extractable P, calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg). N–viro soil had greater effect on soil pH, organic matter content, and microbial biomass than the DPR. Comparatively higher nitrification rates were found in the N–viro soil treatment than the DPR treatment. A systematic decrease in soil‐extractable P was found with increasing proportions of N‐viro soil from the combined amendments. Greenhouse study demonstrated that the application of DPR and N‐viro soil significantly improved dry‐matter yield and increased plant P, Ca, and Mg concentrations of radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Based on dry‐matter yield and plant N uptake, the combined amendments that contained 30% or 20% of DPR materials appear to be optimal but remain to be confirmed by field trials.  相似文献   

The crop production in rainfed semi‐arid tropical (SAT) Alfisols is constrained by low soil organic matter, poor soil fertility, soil structural infirmities, and scarce moisture availability. To offset some of these constraints, a long‐term study of tillage [conventional (CT) and reduced (RT)] and conjunctive nutrient‐use treatments was conducted in SAT Alfisol at Hyderabad, India, under sorghum–mung bean system. The order of performance of the treatments in increasing the sorghum yield was 2 Mg gliricidia loppings + 20 kg nitrogen (N) through urea (T4) (93.2%) > 4 Mg compost + 20 kg N through urea (T3) (88.7%) > 40 kg N through urea (T2) (88.5%) > 4 Mg compost + 2 Mg gliricidia loppings (T5) (82.2%). In the case of mung bean, where half as much N was applied as was to the sorghum, the order of performance of the treatments in increasing the grain yields was T3 (63.6%) >T5 (60.3%) >T4 (58.0%) >T2 (49.6%). Tillage significantly influenced the hydraulic conductivity only, whereas the conjunctive nutrient‐use treatments significantly influenced the predominant physical, chemical, and biological soil‐quality parameters. Among the conjunctive nutrient‐use treatments, T5 was found to be superior in influencing the majority of the soil‐quality parameters and increased the organic carbon by 21.6%, available N by 24.5%, dehydrogenase activity by 56.1%, microbial biomass carbon by 38.8%, labile carbon by 20.3%, and microbial biomass nitrogen by 38.8% over the unamended control and proved superior most in improving soil quality.  相似文献   

The To Lich and Kim Nguu Rivers, laden with untreated waste from industrial sources, serve as sources of water for irrigating vegetable farms. The purposes of this study were to identify the impact of wastewater irrigation on the level of heavy metals in the soils and vegetables and to predict their potential mobility and bioavailability. Soil samples were collected from different distances from the canal. The average concentrations of the heavy metals in the soil were in the order zinc (Zn; 204 mg kg?1) > copper (Cu; 196 mg kg?1) > chromium (Cr; 175 mg kg?1) > lead (Pb; 131 mg kg?1) > nickel (Ni; 60 mg kg?1) > cadmium (Cd; 4 mg kg?1). The concentrations of all heavy metals in the study site were much greater than the background level in that area and exceeded the permissible levels of the Vietnamese standards for Cd, Cu, and Pb. The concentrations of Zn, Ni, and Pb in the surface soil decreased with distance from the canal. The results of selective sequential extraction indicated that dominant fractions were oxide, organic, and residual for Ni, Pb, and Zn; organic and oxide for Cr; oxide for Cd; and organic for Cu. Leaching tests for water and acid indicated that the ratio of leached metal concentration to total metal concentration in the soil decreased in the order of Cd > Ni > Cr > Pb > Cu > Zn and in the order of Cd > Ni > Cr > Zn > Cu > Pb for the ethylenediaminetetraaceitc acid (EDTA) treatment. The EDTA treatment gave greater leachability than other treatments for most metal types. By leaching with water and acid, all heavy metals were fully released from the exchangeable fraction, and some heavy metals were fully released from carbonate and oxide fractions. The concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn in the vegetables exceeded the Vietnamese standards. The transfer coefficients for the metals were in the order of Zn > Ni > Cu > Cd = Cr > Pb.  相似文献   


Nitrate‐nitrogen (NO3‐N) soil tests have been instituted by several Great Plains States to aid in making nitrogen fertilizer recommendations. The NO3‐N soil test is useful in the Great Plains because climatic conditions are such that NO3‐N leaching is low and soil rooting depths are great.

Essentially four basic approaches to the use and interpretation of the NO3‐N soil test have been developed and are discussed. They are: (1) total amount of NO3‐N extracted from a two foot soil profile is available to the growing crop; (2) only a portion of the extractable NO3‐N is available to the growing crop; (3) other mineral nitrogen, such as NH4‐N, is just as available to the growing crop and (4) some nitrogen becomes available from the soil organic matter. The NO3‐N soil test requires that deep samples (two feet or more) be taken and that they are air‐dried as rapidly as possible. Late fall or early spring soil samples are necessary for interpretation of the NO3‐N soil test.  相似文献   


In 1992 the Journal of Extension's Board of Directors authorized a pilot project to test the feasibility of producing and distributing the Journal electronically as a means of reducing the direct and indirect costs of publication. The University of Wisconsin-Extension headed the pilot test and the University of Missouri-Extension was asked to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the electronic Journal of Extension. This article describes the purposes, methods, content, and preliminary findings of the evaluation of this pilot project.  相似文献   


A single biosolids application was made to 1.5×2.3 m confined plots of a Davidson clay loam (Rhodic Kandiudult) in 1984 at 0, 42, 84, 126, 168, and 210 Mg ha?1. The highest biosolids application supplied 750 and 600 kg ha?1 of Cu and Zn, respectively. Corn (Zea mays L.), from 1984 to 2000, and radish (Raphanus sativus L.) and romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. longifolia), from 2001 to 2004, were grown at the site to assess heavy‐metal bioavailability. Extractable (0.005 diethylenetriamine (DTPA) and Mehlich 1) Cu and Zn were determined on 0 to 15‐cm depth samples from each plot. Corn yield increased with biosolids rate each year until 1993 to 1997, when yield decreased with biosolids rate because of phytotoxicity induced by low (<5.0) soil pH. The corn yield reduction was reversed between 1998 and 2000 upon raising the soil pH to approximately 6.0 by limestone addition following the 1997 season. Between 2001 and 2004, radish and lettuce yields were either not affected or slightly increased with biosolids rate, even as soil pH declined to below 5.5. Plant‐tissue metal concentrations increased with biosolids rate and as pH declined but were always within the normal range of these crops. Mehlich 1 and DTPA extractable metals increased linearly with biosolids rate. Extractability of Cu and Zn decreased approximately 50% over the past 20 years despite a decrease in soil organic matter concentration and greater than 95% conservation of the metals.  相似文献   


A simple and rapid procedure for the determination of organic matter content in mineral soils by loss‐on‐ignition without pretreatment was studied. Attention was given to the possible effect of inorganic compounds abundant in mineral soils on the estimation of organic matter content by this method. Both fast heating (DTA‐TGA type) studies and prolonged heating procedures were employed on natural and “synthetic”; soils. The results were compared to those obtained by the dichromate wet‐oxidation method widely used in soil laboratories for organic matter determination. In a group of 91 soils collected from various mineral soils in Israel, and having OM contents between 0.09 and 13.23%, a correlation coefficient of 0.972 was obtained for the linear regression between organic matter content measured by the proposed method and organic carbon measured by the dichromate wet‐oxidation method.  相似文献   


No studies have been conducted to evaluate the potassium (K) quantity‐intensity (Q/I) relationships that exist in eastern South Dakota soils and how that may affect K fertility interpretations. The objectives of this study were to i) evaluate the K status of smectite‐dominant soils through quantity‐intensity relationships and (ii) relate the findings to current research on soil K release and plant availability. Soil and plant tissue samples were collected from eight different corn production fields across east‐central South Dakota. Samples were collected from areas where corn plants did or did not exhibit K deficiency symptoms. Quantity‐intensity plots were developed and used to derive the typical Q/I parameters. Little difference existed in Q/I parameters and the form of Q/I plots among field sites. The ARe K and ΔK0 values ranged from 0.0013 to 0.0113, and ?0.47 to 0.18 cmolc kg?1, respectively, and most sites were considered K insufficient. The predominant phyllosilicate present in the clay‐sized fraction was montmorillonite with an estimated 17% tetrahedral charge. These soils would not be expected to contribute much plant‐available, nonexchangeable K and would be in need of frequent K fertilization. Presumably, these and similar soils, upon K exhaustion, rely heavily on K released from K‐bearing silt‐sized particles and may be highly dependent on surface‐controlled dissolution processes for labile K replenishment. Additional research needs to be conducted concerning the release kinetics of K from K‐bearing minerals of these soils.  相似文献   


The extractant Mehlich‐1 is routinely used in Brazil for determination of soil nutrients, whereas Mehlich‐3 has been suggested as a promising extractor for soil fertility evaluation. Both were used for extraction of molybdenum (Mo) in Brazilian soils with Mo dosage by the KI+H2O2 method. The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were used to study soil Mo adsorption. Mehlich‐1 extracted more Mo than Mehlich‐3 in soils with high contents of organic matter, clay, and iron (Fe) oxides. Mehlich‐3 and Mehlich‐1 extractions correlated positively and significantly with amorphous Fe oxides, crystalline Fe oxides, and organic matter. Molybdenum recovering rates correlated to crystalline Fe oxides and clay contents but not to organic matter, pH, and Mo adsorption capacity. Amorphous and crystalline Fe oxides, clay, and organic matter were responsible for most of the Mo adsorption. The Langmuir isotherm described better the Mo adsorption to soil amorphous Fe oxides and organic matter than the Freundlich isotherm.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(10-11):2031-2041

In this study we have tested the hypothesis that lime‐induced Fe deficiency chlorosis of kiwifruit may be prevented by the application of a synthetic iron(II)‐phosphate analogous to the mineral vivianite [(Fe3(PO4)2·8H2O)]. Two experiments, under greenhouse and field conditions, were performed. In the greenhouse, 1‐year old micropropagated plants (Actinidia deliciosa, cv. Hayward), grown in 3‐L pots on a calcareous soil, were treated in early autumn with soil‐applied: (1) synthetic vivianite (1.35 g plant?1) and (2) Fe‐EDDHA (24 mg Fe plant?1). The synthetic vivianite suspension, prepared by dissolving ferrous sulfate and mono‐ammonium phosphate, was injected into the soil as a sole application whereas the Fe‐EDDHA solution was applied four times at weekly intervals. The field experiment was conducted in a mature drip‐irrigated kiwifruit orchard located on a calcareous soil in the Eastern Po Valley (Italy). Treatments were performed in early autumn by injecting synthetic vivianite (1.8 kg tree?1) and Fe‐EDDHA (600 mg Fe tree?1) into four holes in the soil around each tree, at a depth of 25–30 cm. The Fe‐chelate application was repeated at the same rate in the following spring. Untreated (control) plants were used in both experiments. Autumn‐applied Fe fertilisers significantly prevented development of Fe chlorosis under greenhouse conditions whereas in the field only vivianite was effective. In conclusion, these 1‐year results show that vivianite represents an effective alternative to soil‐applied Fe chelates for preventing Fe chlorosis in kiwifruit orchards.  相似文献   

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