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Frequency of boron (B) deficiency is increasing in rainfed systems, and hence there is a need to diagnose the deficiency. Colorimetric methods are still widely used in soil-testing laboratories in India for measuring B. Little information is available on the comparative evaluation of the colorimetric and inductively coupled plasma (ICP) methods for determining extractable B in soils. We describe results of the comparative evaluation of these methods for measuring extractable B in 57 soil samples with pH values ranging from 5.3 to 9.5. There was a significant correlation between B values determined by the two methods, and the correlation coefficient was greater for soil samples with pH in the neutral to alkaline range. Interaction between soil samples and methods (ICP or colorimetric) was significant except for soil samples in the pH range of 8.0 to 9.5. Precision for B determination was greater with the ICP than with the colorimetric method.  相似文献   


Arsenic (As) contamination is widespread in the industrial areas of northwest Ohio. Plant species that both take up As and are appropriate for the climate and growth conditions of the region are needed for phytoremediation to be successfully employed. Actively growing plants from 22 species of native genera were exposed to As in hydroponics systems (either 0, 10, or 50 mg As L?1; 1 week) and commercially available potting mix (either 0, 10, 25, 100, or 250 mg As L?1; 2 weeks), depending on their growth conditions. Aboveground plant tissues were harvested and digested, and concentrations of As were determined by inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry. The highest tissue concentrations of As (mg As kg?1 dw) were recorded in seven plant species: Rudbeckia hirta (661), Helenium autumnale (363 in tissues formed after exposure to As), Lupinus perennis (333), Echinacea purpurea (298), Coreopsis lanceolata (258), Lepidium virginicum (214), and Linum lewisii (214). These seven species are ecologically diverse, which suggests that phytoremediation of As using diverse assemblages of plants may be an option for a variety of environments.  相似文献   

An ultrasonic method using two approaches, A and B, along with a reference Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 3050B [i.e., a mixture of 30 mL of nitric acid–hydrochloric acid–hydrogen peroxide–water (HNO3-HCl-H2O2-H2O)] were contrasted for leaching of a plant matrix. The trace metals were arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, mercury, manganese, nickel, lead, selenium, and zinc (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Se and Zn) and quantified by ICP-OES followed by an investigation into residue formation and the impact of digestion time. Approach B was the most accurate and precise with percent recoveries ranging between 99 and 120%, whereas ultrasonic approach A and the USEPA method 3050B gave similar results with poor accuracies and precisions. In the optimization of the digestion time using approach B, the total metal recovery was fairly the same over a period of 120 min except for Cr and Cu, which showed slight variations.  相似文献   

The determination of several trace elements [arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), and lead (Pb)] in plant samples using inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS) was evaluated. It was established experimentally that moderate amounts (0.2–2%) of dissolved solids decreased the analyte signals significantly. Internal standardization with Rh was efficiently used to compensate for these matrix effects. The accuracy of the method was verified using reference materials digested according to two different procedures: dry ashing and microwave digestion. No significant differences were observed between measured concentrations and certified values. The investigation was next extended for the determination of major elements [aluminum (Al), boron (B), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), sodium (Na), phosphorus (P), and zinc (Zn)] on the same reference materials. The ICP‐MS values agree well with the values supplied. However, it appeared that Sc was the most useful internal standard for major elements.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of the available potassium (K+) supplied by calcareous soils in arid and semi‐arid regions is becoming more important. Exchangeable K+, determined by ammonium acetate (NH4OAc), might not be the best predictor of the soil K+ available to crops in soils containing micaceous minerals. The effectiveness of different extraction methods for the prediction of K‐supplying capacities and quantity–intensity relationships was studied in 10 calcareous soils in western Iran. Total K+ uptake by wheat grown in the greenhouse was used to measure plant‐available soil K+. The following methods extracted increasingly higher average amounts of soil K+: 0.025 M H2SO4 (45 mg K+ kg?1), 1 M NaCl (92 mg K+ kg?1), 0.01 M CaCl2 (104 mg K+ kg?1), 0.1 M BaCl2 (126 mg K+ kg?1), and 1 M NH4OAc (312 mg K+ kg?1). Potassium extracted by 0.01 M CaCl2, 1 M NaCl, 0.1 M BaCl2, and 0.025 M H2SO4 showed higher correlation with K+ uptake by the crop (P < 0.01) than did NH4OAc (P < 0.05), which is used to extract K+ in the soils of the studied area. There were significant correlations among exchangeable K+ adsorbed on the planar surfaces of soils (labile K+) and K+ plant uptake and K+ extracted by all extractants. It would appear that both 0.01 M CaCl2 and 1 M NaCl extractants and labile K+ may provide the most useful prediction of K+ uptake by plants in these calcareous soils containing micaceous minerals.  相似文献   


Different chemical reagents are used to assess plant‐available nutrients from soils with similar properties. The use of different extractants is a serious limitation when comparing results between different soil‐testing laboratories, often leading to large differences in fertilizer recommendations for similar crops.

In this study, 80 samples from acid soils from Galicia (Spain) were used to compare several soil nutrient extractants. Traditional and tested extractants for acid soil such as Bray 2 and ammonium acetate were used to evaluate multielement extractants such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid–ammonium acetate (EDTA‐aa), ammonium bicarbonate–diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (AB‐DTPA), and Mehlich 3.

Linear regression analyses were performed to relate the amount of each nutrient obtained by traditional soil extractants to the amount obtained by multielement extractants. Strong correlation was found between extractable Bray 2 P and Mehlich 3 P (r2=0.97, slope=0.87, and intercept=?0.48). The slope of the regression line between EDTA‐aa‐extractable calcium (Ca) and that from ammonium acetate (Aa) approached 1∶1 (r2=0.86). Similar results were obtained for magnesium (Mg) (r2=0.99). Soil zinc (Zn) concentrations extracted by Mehlich 3 and EDTA‐aa were similar; slope of the regression line was 0.95 (r2=0.88). With regard to copper (Cu), Mehlich 3 extracted approximately 20% more Cu than EDTA‐aa.

The results showed that Mehlich 3 and EDTA‐aa are suitable for assessment of plant available phosphorus (P), potassium (K), Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn, and iron (Fe) in acid soils.  相似文献   

In the present study, a method based on dispersive liquidliquid microextraction (DLLME) followed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) determination was proposed for the determination of selenium by using ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (APDC) as the chelating reagent. The main factors influencing the DLLME were investigated systematically. Under the optimal conditions, the limit of detection for Se(IV) was 0.02 ng mL?1. The relative standard deviation was 4.1% (CSe(IV) = 0.2 ng mL?1, = 8) with an enhancement factor of 135.8-fold from only 5 mL of the water sample. The proposed method was successfully applied to the determination of Se(IV) in anodic slime and electrolyte samples. In order to validate the proposed method, a Certified Reference Material (trace elements in water, 1643e, NIST) was analyzed, and the determined value obtained was in good agreement with the certified value.  相似文献   


Quantitative assessment of soil nitrogen (N) that will become available is important for determining fertilizer needs of crops. Nitrogen‐supplying capacity of soil to rice and wheat was quantified by establishing zero‐N plots at on‐farm locations to which all nutrients except N were adequately supplied. Nitrogen uptake in zero‐N plots ranged from 41.4 to 110.3 kg N ha?1 for rice and 33.7 to 123.4 kg N ha?1 for wheat. Availability of soil N was also studied using oxidative, hydrolytic, and autoclaving indices, salt‐extraction indices, light‐absorption indices, and aerobic and anaerobic incubation indices. These were correlated with yield and N uptake by rice and wheat in zero‐N plots. Nitrogen extracted by alkaline KMnO4 and phosphate borate buffer and nitrogen mineralized under aerobic incubation were satisfactory indices of soil N supply. For rice, 2 M KCl and alkaline KMnO4 were the best N‐availability indices. Thus, alkaline KMnO4 should prove a quick and reliable indicator of indigenous soil N supply in soils under a rice–wheat cropping system.  相似文献   


In this study, a strong association between cobalt (Co) and manganese (Mn) in different geochemical soil phases (fractions) was evaluated using a continuous‐flow sequential extraction technique employing a modified Tessier extraction scheme. With the flow system, detailed extraction profiles of Co and Mn in soils could be obtained by plotting concentrations of the elements extracted against extraction time (plots referred to as extractograms). Extractograms may be used as an indicator of whether the elements dissolving in the same extraction step are closely associated, or are merely extractable with the same reagent. From the soil samples studied, the coincidence of Co and Mn peaks seems to indicate a close association of these elements in the exchangeable, reducible, and oxidizable fractions. Analysis of flow extraction data suggested that the association between Co and Fe is not as strong as reported in previous studies based on the statistical analysis of batch fractionation data.  相似文献   

Potassium (K) fixation and release in soil are important factors in the long-term sustainability of a cropping system. Changes in K concentration and characteristics of K fixation and release in rhizosphere and nonrhizosphere soils in the rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)–rice (Oryza sativa L.) rotation were investigated using a rhizobox system. The concentrations of different forms of K in both rhizosphere and nonrhizosphere soils decreased with plants compared to without plants, regardless of K fertilizer application. Potassium uptake by crops mainly came from the rhizosphere soil. In the treatment without K fertilizer (–K), the main form of K supplied by the soil to the crops was 1.0 mol L?1 nitric acid (HNO3) nonextractable K, followed by nonexchangeable K, and then exchangeable K. In the treatment with K fertilizer (+K), the main K forms supplied by the soil to the crops were exchangeable K and nonexchangeable K. The amount and rate of K fixation after one cycle of the rapeseed–rice rotation was greater in rhizosphere soil than in nonrhizosphere soil. The amount and rate of K fixation of soil in the +K treatment were significantly less than in the –K treatment. The cumulative amounts of K released with 1.0 mol L?1 ammonium acetate (NH4OAc) and 1.0 mol L?1 HNO3 extraction increased with the increasing numbers of extractions, but the K-releasing power of soil by successive extraction decreased gradually and finally became almost constant. The release of K was less in rhizosphere soil than in nonrhizosphere soil. The release of K in the +K treatment was similar to that in the –K treatment in rhizosphere soil, but the K release in nonrhizosphere soil was greater with the +K than the –K treatment. Overall, the information obtained in this study will be helpful in formulating more precise K fertilizer recommendations for certain soils.  相似文献   

Co,Ni,Cr and V in 25 typical soils of China were fractionated into exchangeable,carbonate bound (calcareous soils),Mn oxide bound,organically bound,amorphous Fe oxide bound,crystalline Fe oxide bound and residual forms using a seven-step sequential extraction procedure,so as to study the distribution of chemical forms of these metals as well as the effects of soil proiperties on the distribution.The results showed that most of soil Co,Ni,Cr and V were present in residual forms,and the distribution ratio averaged 48.2% for Co,53.0% for Ni,81.5% for Cr and 68.7% for V.The speciation of heavy metals was greatly influenced by soil physico-chemical properties and the chemistry of elements.The results also indicated that the recovery of metal elements by the sequential extraction procedure was satisfactory,with the relative difference between the sum of seven forms and the total content in soils averaging 9.5% for Co,12.8% for Ni,6.6% for Cr and 7.2% for V.  相似文献   

A pot trial was conducted to investigate the single, dual, and triple inoculation of earthworms or plant growth–promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), including nitrogen-fixing bacteria (NFB) (Azotobacter chroococcum HKN-5) and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) (Bacillus megaterium HKP-1), on the growth of Brassica parachinenesis and nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) availability in soils. All of the five inoculation treatments significantly (P < 0.05) increased the shoot growth of B. parachinenesis. The greatest shoot and root biomass were recorded in the triple inoculation of earthworm, NFB, and PSB. All of the five inoculation treatments significantly (P < 0.05) increased the concentrations of ammonium (NH4 +)-N, NOx-N, and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3)–extractable P in soils. Based on plant growth and availability of N and P in soils, the present study suggested that the triple inoculation may be a promising approach for reducing the need for chemical fertilizers in growing vegetables.  相似文献   

Eurasian Soil Science - A comparative assessment of the carbon stock in loamy soils (Albic Retisols) of coniferous–broadleaved forests on the Moskvoretsko-Oksky Plain and sandy soils (Albic...  相似文献   

Press mud cake (PMC) is an important organic source available for land application in India. Adequate information regarding availability of nitrogen and phosphorous contained in PMC to rice–wheat (RW) cropping system is lacking. In field experiments conducted for 4 years to study the effect of PMC application to rice as N and P source in RW system, application of 60 kg N ha−1 along with PMC (5 t ha−1) produced grain yield of rice similar to that obtained with the 120 kg N ha−1 in unamended plots. In the following wheat, the residual effects of PMC applied to preceding rice were equal to 40 kg N and 13 kg P ha−1. Immobilization of soil and fertilizer N immediately after the application of PMC was observed in laboratory incubation. The net amount of N mineralized from the PMC ranged from 16% at 30 days to 43% at 60 days after incubation. Available P content in the soil amended with PMC increased by about 60% over the unamended control within 10 days of its application. The P balance for the no-PMC treatment receiving recommended dose of 26 kg P ha−1 year−1 was −13.5 kg P ha−1 year−1. The P balance was positive (+42.3 to 53.5 kg P ha−1 year−1) when PMC was applied to rice. Application of PMC increased total N, organic carbon, and available P contents in the soil.  相似文献   

In the present study, Olsen [0.5 M sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), pH 8.5] and resin–bicarbonate (HCO3) tests underestimated available phosphorus (P) in calcareous soils treated with gypsum (CaSO4). The reaction of CaSO4 and HCO3 ? ion or resin–HCO3 to form calcium carbonate (CaCO3) precipitate reduced the strength of the Olsen NaHCO3 extractant and resin–HCO3 strip for P extraction. The iron (Fe) oxide–impregnated filter paper (Pi strip) was independent of CaSO4 influence and thus correctly estimated soil‐available P with respect to plant response to soil‐available P. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted with maize and wheat grown on calcareous soils treated with different rates of CaSO4. The results confirmed that Olsen and resin–HCO3 tests should not be used to measure available P or labile P in the P fractionation scheme in the calcareous soils containing significant amounts of gypsum.  相似文献   

A reliable soil test is needed for estimating mercury (Hg) availability to crop plants. In this study, four extraction procedures including 0.1 M hydrochloric acid (HCl), 1 M ammonium acetate (NH4OAc) (pH 7.0), 0.005 M diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA), and 0.1 M calcium chloride (CaCl2) (pH5.0) were compared for their adequacy in predicting soil Hg availability to crop plants of a rice–cabbage–radish rotation system. The amounts of Hg extracted by each of the four procedures increased with increasing equilibrium time. The optimal time required for extraction of soil Hg was approximately 30 min, though it varied slightly among the four extractants. The amounts of Hg extracted decreased with increasing soil/solution ratio, and a soil/solution ratio of 1:5 appeared to be adequate for soil Hg availability tests. The amounts of Hg extracted increased in the order of NH4OAc < CaCl2 < DTPA < HCl in silty loam soil (SLS) soil, and the order was NH4OAc < CaCl2 ≈ DTPA < HCl in yellowish red soil (YRS) soil. Significant positive correlations among the four extractants were obtained in SLS soil. In contrast, the correlations were poor in YRS soil, especially for HCl. There were significant correlations between concentrations of Hg in edible tissue of three plants and the amounts of soil Hg extractable to the four extractants for soil–rice system and soil–radish system, but not for soil–Chinese cabbage system. The 0.1M HCl extraction overall provided the best estimation of soil‐available Hg and could be used to predict phytoavailability of Hg in soil–crop systems.  相似文献   

The status of available macronutrients [phosphorus (P) and potassium (K)] and soil organic carbon (SOC) of the surface soil under a rice–wheat cropping system was studied in 40 districts of the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) of India. The soil samples were collected from the farmers' fields in four transects (Trans-, Upper, Middle, and Lower Gangetic Plains) of the IGP. The selection of farmers, villages, blocks, and districts within an agro-climatic zone (ACZ) was done on the basis of a multistage statistical approach. The available macronutrients were characterized as low, medium, and high. In Trans-Gangetic Plains, SOC, available P, and available K were in the ranges of 0.06–0.86%, 6.7–85.1 kg ha?1, and 50–347 kg ha?1, respectively. In Upper Gangetic Plains, the respective values were in the ranges of 0.05–2.55%, 4.5–155.0 kg ha?1, and 45 to 560 kg ha?1. Similarly, in Middle Gangetic Plains, these values were in the ranges of 0.04–2.01%, 4.7–183.7 kg ha?1, and 72–554 kg ha?1, respectively. In Lower Gangetic Plains, respective values were 0.12–1.78%, 2.2–112.0 kg ha?1, and 83–553 kg ha?1. In Trans-Gangetic plains, the majority of the soils in the midplains ACZ representing intensively cultivated rice–wheat system area were low to medium in SOC and available P, whereas available K status was medium to high. Irrespective of the agroclimatic variations, more than 90% of the soils were low to medium in SOC and available P with a marginal deficiency of K. The majority of the coarse-textured soils in Shiwaliks were found to have low to medium SOC and available P, whereas less intensively cultivated arid zone soils were high in SOC, available P, and available K. In Upper and Middle Gangetic Plains, the majority of the soils tested medium for SOC and medium to high in available P and K. The dominance of medium status of available P in these soils could be due to mining of soil P by the rice–wheat cropping system practiced in these regions for more than 300 years. In Lower Gangetic Plains, the SOC was medium to high in most of the soils, whereas available P and K were high. Recent introduction of the rice–wheat system on intensive scale in these traditionally rice-growing areas resulted in less mining of SOC, P, and K.  相似文献   

Eurasian Soil Science - The biomass of prokaryotes and fungi, organic carbon stocks, and CO2 emission were studied in the Cryosols and Leptosols of Franz Josef Land. The highest carbon stocks were...  相似文献   


Soil pot culture experiment was conducted on 22 soils of Balewal‐Phaguwala‐Narike (BPN) and 24 soils of Isri‐Langrian‐Narike (ILN) associations using rice (PR 106) as test crop at 0 and 7.5 ppm Zn levels. Chelating extractants 0.005M DTPA, 0.01M EDTA‐(NH4)2CO3 and 0.05M EDTA, extracted more soil Zn than double‐acid and were significantly correlated with each other as well as with soil pH and clay in BPN and only with clay in ILN soil association. Soil CaCO3 governed the double‐acid extractable Zn in these soils. Dry matter yield and Zn uptake by rice significantly increased with 7.5 ppm Zn application. The response was higher in ILN than BPN soil association, The DTPA method gave the highest correlation with Bray's yield and Zn uptake (r =0.72 and 0.55) followed by 0.05M EDTA (r ‐ 0.75 and 0.61) or EDTA‐(NH4)2CO3 (r =0.70 and 0.61). The predictability of rice yield improved from 18–27 to 27–35, 32–43, 34–44 and 51–55 percent as a result of stepwise inclusion of pH, CaCO3, organic carbon (OC) and clay respectively in the regression equation alongwith Zn extracted by chelating agents.

The critical levels of DTPA, EDTA‐(NH4)2CO3 and EDTA extractable Zn significantly differed in the two associations and were 0.69, 0.82 and 1.24 ppm in BPN and O.BC, 1.09 and 1.42 ppm in ILN soil association. Soil properties further affected the critical levels. This for DTPA available Zn was 0.80 and 1.03 ppm in soil containing less and greater than 2% CaCO3, 1.03 and 0.80 ppm in soils containing less and greater than 0.25% OC. These values for EDTA‐(NH4)2CO3 available Zn were 1.09 and 0.91 ppm Zn in soils containing less and greater than 15% clay suggesting that critical levels of Zn for each category of soil properties should be considered while making recommendations of Zn fertilization of crops.,  相似文献   

Two humic preparations of different origins have been compared as washing agents for oil-contaminated soils and peat under model experimental conditions using a sample from the plow horizon of soddypodzolic soil artificially contaminated with oil or diesel fuel and a sample of high-moor peat contaminated with crude oil because of a spill occurred 15 years ago. Soil and peat were washed by shaking with solutions of the humic preparations Gumat Sakhalinskii and Lignogumat in a 1: 10 (m/v) ratio. Control samples were washed with distilled water. Washing with a synthetic surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate) was also added to the experimental design. After washing, soil and peat samples were air-dried and used for the determination of the total content of petroleum hydrocarbons; the characterization of their hydrocarbon composition; and the assessment of hydrophobicity from the contact angle and the efficiency of colonization by oil-destructing microorganisms Rhodococcus sp. and Candida sp., which are components of the preparation Bioros recommended for oil contaminations. It has been shown that the extraction efficiency of petroleum hydrocarbons by humic preparations did not differ from the extraction efficiency by water and was less than that by sodium dodecyl sulfate in all cases. No appreciable changes in the contact angles of soil and peat have been observed at the use of water and humic preparations as washing agents, while the contact angle decreased to less than 90o after washing with sodium dodecyl sulfate, which indicated the hydrophobicity of the surface of substrate particles. It has been found that humic preparations favor the colonization of soil and peat by oil-destructing microorganisms Rhodococcus sp. and Candida sp. Based on the obtained results, humic preparations have been recommended for further study as preparations favoring the ability of oil-destructing microorganisms to colonize oil-contaminated substrates.  相似文献   

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