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Compost amendment is considered as a practical tool to increase the soil organic matter (SOM), which contributes to agricultural sustainability. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the impacts of organic soil management over 5 years on orchard prune production (Prunus salicina), microbial activity, soil carbon (C) fraction, and stabilization degrees of soil humification. Plot experiment was designed with two different soil managements: i) for minimizing anthropogenic disturbances, only mulching of orchard residues derived from prune tree plot area was applied to soil surface (S + V); and ii) the amendment of composted manure was annually practiced in addition to the utilization of orchard residues inside the plot area (S + V + C). After 5 years, the soil with the continuous compost application (S + V + C) showed higher productivity of Prunus salicina (21.4%), greater fruit diameter (7.8%), and heavier fruit weight (22.4%) than the soil without compost application (S + V). Nutrient content in foliar analysis showed no difference between the two treatments (S + V and S + V + C). By contrast, the amended soil by compost (S + V + C) increased the SOM and water-soluble C fraction in parallel with the increase of microbial parameters (microbial biomass C, adenosine triphosphate (ATP), basal respiration, and dehydrogenase). Analyzing soil humic acid character by chemical spectra techniques of Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (13C-NMR), gradual reformation of a more stabilized structure was shown in both soils (S + V and S + V + C), due to the selective biodegradation and humification process after the amendments over 5 years. Especially, in the soil treated with compost application (S + V + C), the increase of functional C groups (aromatic and carboxylic groups), which reinforce the recalcitrant character of soil humified fraction, was clearly observed. The continuous application of composted manure for the duration of 5 years improved the orchard soil fertility as well as productivity.

Abbreviations: ATP, adenosine triphosphate; CPMAS, cross-polarization magic angle spinning; EC, electrical conductivity; FT-IR, Fourier-transform infrared; HA, humic acid; HS, humic substance; INTF, iodonitrotetrazolium formazan; K, Potassium; LSD, least significant differences, N, nitrogen; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance; O, oxygen; OM, organic matter; MBC, microbial biomass C; P, phosphorous; SD, standard deviation; SE, standard error; SOM, soil organic matter; TOC, total organic carbon; WSC, water-soluble C; WS-Ch, water-soluble carbohydrate  相似文献   


This study was developed on 52 soil profiles, 61 surface diagnostic horizons, and 26 subsurface diagnostic horizons classified according to the Soil Taxonomy and Brazilian Soil Classification System (SiBCS) as Mollisols (Chernossolos), Spodosols (Espodossolos), Entisols (Gleissolos), Oxisols (Latossolos), and Histosols (Organossolos). The objective was to quantify the carbon (C) in organic matter fractions and to correlate it with soil chemical attributes. Soil organic matter was fractionated into fulvic acids (C‐FAF), humic acids (C‐HAF), and humin (C‐HUM), and the ratios C‐HAF/C‐FAF and AE (alkaline extract)/C‐HUM were calculated. Humin was the predominant fraction in Mollisols and Oxisols, which showed values of AE/C‐HUM and C‐HAF/C‐FAF lower than 1.0. The humin fraction was also predominant in surface horizons of Spodosols and Entisols, whereas a higher content of C‐FAF and C‐FAH was observed in the subsurface horizons, with values higher than 1.5 for the AE/C‐HUM ratio. C‐HAF was predominant in the Histosols, and C‐HAF/C‐FAF ratio values were higher than 2.0. The highest correlation values with soil attributes were observed for C‐HAF, C‐HUM, and total organic C with pH, sum of bases, and cation exchange capacity. The differences in humic substances distribution was a useful parameter to characterize soil orders in the Brazilian soil classification system and to understand pedogenic processes.  相似文献   

不同有机肥输入量对黑土密度分组中碳、氮分配的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为阐明不同有机肥施用量对黑土密度组分中碳、氮分配特征的影响,探讨合理调控土壤质量的施肥模式。以黑龙江省海伦国家野外科学观测研究站上进行了10年的田间定位试验土壤为研究对象,采用密度分组和腐殖质化学分组相结合的方法,探讨和分析不同有机肥施用量下土壤各密度组分中有机碳、氮的消长变化以及重组中腐殖物质的组成特征。结果表明:与试验初期相比,经过10年单施化肥处理,土壤总有机碳和全氮、各密度组分中有机碳氮以及腐殖物质各组分的含量均显著下降,而有机无机配施能够提升土壤总有机碳和全氮的含量水平,改善密度组分中有机碳氮的分配特征,土壤总有机碳、全氮和各密度组分中有机碳氮对不同有机肥施用量的响应有所差异。随着有机肥施用量的增加,土壤总有机碳和全氮的含量呈逐渐升高的趋势,二者与有机肥施用量之间达到极显著的线性相关(P<0.01);低量有机肥(7.5,15t/(hm2.a))配施化肥仅增加了土壤游离态轻组有机碳、氮的含量,并未造成闭蓄态轻组和重组中有机碳、氮的积累,而高量有机肥(22.5t/(hm2.a))配施化肥后,促进了土壤各密度组分中有机碳、氮的形成和积累;此外,低量有机肥有利于土壤富里酸的积累,高量有机肥有助于胡敏酸和胡敏素的积累,从而提高了土壤有机质的腐殖化程度,增强了土壤有机质的稳定性。在东北黑土区,加大有机肥的施用量是提高土壤肥力和土壤固碳能力的有效途径。  相似文献   

Diuron is frequently detected in surface- and groundwater under the vineyards, where organic amendments are often used, in Burgundy of France. Undisturbed column experiments were conducted to study the influence of three composted organic amendments on diuron leaching through columns of two vineyard soils from Vosne-Roman′ee(VR, calcareous Cambisol) and Beaujolais(Bj, sandy Leptosol), France. Bromide(used as non-reactive tracer) and diuron breakthrough curves(BTCs) were analyzed using convectivedispersive equation(CDE), two-region(mobile-immobile, MIM) and two-site models. No influence of the composts was observed on the bromide recovery rates. The CDE model described well the bromide BTCs for all columns of the Bj soil and seven of the VR soil, suggesting a homogeneous water flow. However, for five VR soil columns, the MIM model fitted better, suggesting a partition of the water flow(15%–50% of matrix flow). The texture, the coarse material content and the tillage of the VR soil could explain this heterogeneity. However, for all columns, diuron leaching was greater through the Bj soil(46%–68%) than the VR soil(28%–39%). The compost addition resulted in a contrasting effect on diuron leaching: no difference or a decrease was observed for the VR soil, probably due to an increase of adsorption sites, whereas no difference or an increase was observed for the Bj soil possibly because of interactions and/or competition of diuron with the compost water-extractable organic matter which could facilitate its transport. All the diuron BTCs were best described using the two-site model, suggesting a large proportion of time-dependent sorption sites(30%–50%). The soil type and the nature of the amendments had contrasting influences on diuron transport. Composts with a high water-soluble fraction must be avoided in sandy soils to reduce the risk of groundwater contamination.  相似文献   

Carbon of humus acids (HSAC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) are the most active forms of soil organic carbon (SOC) and play an important role in global carbon recycling. We investigated the concentrations of HSAC, water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC), hot water-extractable organic carbon (HWOC) and SOC in soils under different vegetation types of four copper mine tailings sites with differing vegetation succession time periods in Tongling, China. The concentrations of HSAC, WSOC, HWOC and SOC increased with vegetation succession. WSOC concentration increased with the accumulation of SOC in the tailings, and a linearly positive correlation existed between the concentrations of HSAC and SOC in the tailings. However, the percentages of HSAC and DOC in the SOC decreased during vegetation succession. The rate of SOC accumulation was higher when the succession time was longer than 20 years, whereas the speeds of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition and humification were slow, and the concentrations of HSAC and DOC increased slowly in the tailings. The percentage of carbon of humic acid (HAC) in HSAC increased with vegetation succession, and the values of humification index (HI), HAC/carbon of fulvic acid, also increased with the accumulation of HSAC and SOC in soils of the tailings sites. However, the HI value in the each of the tailings was less than 0.50. The humification rate of SOM was lower than the accumulation rate of SOM, and the level of soil fertility was still very low in the tailings even after 40 years of natural restoration.  相似文献   


Alley cropping may promote greater sequestration of soil organic carbon. The objective of this study was to examine spatial variability of soil organic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) fractions relative to tree rows in established alley cropping systems in north central Missouri. Soils were collected to a depth of 30 cm from two alley cropped sites, a 19‐yr‐old pecan (Carya illinoinensis)/bluegrass (Poa trivialis) intercrop (pecan site) and an 11‐yr‐old silver maple (Acer saccharinum)/soybean (Glycine max)–maize (Zea mays) rotation (maple site). Particulate organic matter (POM) C constituted 15–65% and 14–41% of total organic C (TOC) at the pecan and maple sites respectively, whereas POM N comprised 3 to 24% of total N (TKN). TOC and TKN were on average 13% and 18% higher at the tree row than at the middle of the alley for surface soils (0–10 cm) at the pecan site, respectively. Similarly, POM C was two to three times higher at the tree row than the alley for subsurface soils at the maple site. No differences in microbial biomass C and N between positions were observed. Observed results suggest the existence of spatially dependent patterns for POM C, TOC, and TKN, relative to tree rows in alley cropping.  相似文献   

Evaluation of fertility sources for certified organic greenhouse vegetable production is necessary for further industry growth. Two experiments tested the effects of municipal solid waste compost (MSWC) and water extract tea made from it on potted greenhouse tomatoes. The first used MSWC alone (two levels) and soil tea drench alone (three application frequencies). The second used MSWC and tea in factorial combination at three levels (0, 1×, and 2×). The greatest yield and leaf tissue potassium (K) were obtained using the greatest level combinations of compost and foliar tea spray, and this was significantly greater than conventional nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (NPK) fertilizer yield. Tissue magnesium (Mg) was affected by compost because of the antagonism from compost K. Tea increased tissue sodium (Na). No significant differences in heavy-metal tissue concentrations were found between treatments. While MSWC is an effective soil fertility amendment, the benefits of using tea may be increased with more frequent application.  相似文献   

饮用水使用氯化消毒产生的消毒副产物给人类健康带来了极大危害。利用XAD树脂与阴、阳离子交换树脂对贵州红枫湖水体中溶解有机质进行了富集分离,分成腐植酸、富里酸、疏水中性物质及亲水酸性、碱性及中性物质6种组分,比较了各组分在加氯消毒过程中卤代活性的大小及其三卤甲烷的生成情况,揭示了有机组分卤代活性与其结构之间的关系,并探讨了它们可能的来源,提出了相应的控制措施。结果表明,红枫湖水体溶解有机质以富里酸组分为主,占分离出总有机碳的56%。氯化消毒实验发现消毒副产物以三氯甲烷和一溴二氯甲烷为主,富里酸的卤代活性最强。结构分析显示各有机组分的卤代活性与紫外吸光系数和酚羟基含量之间具有显著相关性。6种分离组分的消毒副产物生成量中,富里酸是生成三卤甲烷的主要前驱物质,占消毒副产物总量的76%。有机组分的碳稳定同位素值与C/N比值表明,富里酸主要来自陆源有机物,其余组分兼有陆源和内源两种来源。因此,控制陆源污染是减少红枫湖消毒副产物前驱物的有效途径。  相似文献   

A laboratory incubation study was conducted to examine the effects of exogenous humic acids on the forms of organic phosphorus (P) in three contrasting soil types: red soil, brown soil, and drab soil. Results indicated that the Olsen P concentration increased in all the three types of soil with addition of the humic acid extracts, with the magnitude of increment ranked in a sequence of brown soil > drab soil > red soil. For the soil organic P fractions, addition of the humic acid extracts increased the labile organic P and moderately labile organic P concentrations while reducing the moderately resistant organic P and highly resistant organic P concentrations, suggesting that the exogenous humic acids could enhance transformation of organic P from resistant forms to labile forms. The activation of organic P by addition of the humic acid extracts varied with soil type, and this variation was related to soil characteristics.  相似文献   


Humic acids were extracted from the surface horizon Yu 1 and buried humic horizons (Yu 2, 800-864 AD; Yu 4, ca. 4,000 years B.P.; Yu 6, 7,000 years B.P.; Yu 7, ca. 10,000 years B.P.). The humic acids were filtered with ultramembranes with 20, 10, 5, 1 or 0.1 × 10' M.W. in this order and separated into five fractions; (>20), (20-10), (10-5), (5-1) and (1-0.1) × 104 M.W. fractions. The elementary composition, functional groups, optical properties, and hydrolyzable total- and sugar-carbon contents of each humic acid fraction were determined, and the changes in properties of the humic acid with age after burial were discussed.

In horizons Yu 1 to Yu 6, the patterns of M.W. distribution of the >20 × 104 to (1- 0.1) × 104 fractions were rather similar. In contrast, Yu 7 was characterized by the predominance of (1-0.1) x 10' M.W. fraction and the presence of a small amount of <0.1 × 104 M.W. fraction.

The chemical properties of humic acid (HA) fractions of each humic horizon and their changes with age after burial were as folIows:

1) Elementary composition of HA fractions of each humic horizon was rather similar to each other. The C% and C/N ratio increased, and the H%, N% and H/C ratio decreased in all HA fractions with age.

2) Total acidity and carboxyl contents of HA fractions of Yu 1 were higher in the lower M.W. fractions. These values increased with age up to Yu 4 or Yu 6 horizons, then decreased in the Yu 6 or Yu 7 horizon. The contents of carbonyl groups in all the HA fractions which were very low in Yu 1, showed a wide range of variations in Yu 2, intermediate values from Yu 4 to Yu 6 horizons then decreased in the HA fractions of Yu 7, except for the (>20) fraction.

3) The degree of humification of the HA fractions of Yu 1 judging from the RF and \sDlogK values, tended to be higher in higher M.W. fractions, and increased in all the HA fractions with age after burial.

4) Hydrolyzable total- and sugar-carbon contents were high in the HA fractions of Yu 1 and decreased with age.

5) Changes of elementary composition, degree of humification and hydrolyzable total- and sugar-carbon contents were conspicuous from the Yu 1 to Yu 2 horizons, and less significant afterwards.

6) The 0%, C/O ratio and phenolic OH content did not show any consistent change with age after burial.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of macroaggregation, carbon dynamics, and carbon sequestration were investigated in degraded mine tailings. Humic substances (HSs), wheat straw, lime, and their various combinations were added to the mine tailings and then incubated at 20 °C for 24 weeks. A significant increase (up to 79%) of water‐stable macroaggregates was observed in the HS‐amended tailings after the incubation. During the macroaggregation, 20–33% sand of the mine tailings was bound by HS‐derived active carbon pool. The organic carbon concentration of the macroaggregates significantly increased in the HS‐amended mine tailings compared to the control. Mineral‐associated organic matter carbon derived from the HSs was mainly responsible for the increased concentration of macroaggregate carbon and the increased amount of macroaggregates as well. This active pool of added organic matter was sequestered in aggregates during the process of macroaggregation and thus improved the structure of the mine tailings.  相似文献   

The effects of continuous application of cattle manure on the quantity and quality of soil organic matter (OM) were investigated in an Ando soil (Melanudand). Surface soil samples were periodically taken from NPK and NPK+ manure (80, 160, and 320 Mg ha-1 y-1) plots over a period of 20 y. Particulate (>53 µm) and mineral-associated <53 µm) OM fractions were separated from the soil samples by sieving after:mechanical dispersion. For the NPK treatment, both the organic C and total N concentrations of the whole soil continued to decrease, the reduction reaching about 10% after 20 y. Manure application at the rate of 80 Mg ha-1 y-1 did not lead to an increase in the amounts of organic C and total N in the whole soil. In contrast, both the organic C and total N concentrations increased by the application of 160 and 320 Mg ha-1 y-1 manure. Manure application at the rate of 320 Mg ha-1 y-1 increased the organic C concentration by 30% and total N concentration by 48% after 20 y. The decrease in the organic C and total N concentrations in soil with NPK fertilization was attributed to a decrease in the amount of mineralassociated OM. Manure application increased significantly the amount of particulate OM, while it did not affect the amount of mineral-associated OM. It also resulted in a decrease in the C/N ratio of soil OM, especially of the particulate OM. The analysis of humic acids showed that manure application induced a decrease in the degree of humification and an accumulation of high molecular weight components. The quantitative'and qualitative changes of OM in the Ando soil upon manure application were mainly due to the accumulation of manure-derived particulate OM.  相似文献   

Water extracts were obtained from four types of soils (Brown Lowland soil, Yellow soil with manure application for 6 years, non-allophanic Andosol, and allophanic Andosol), and the organic matter in the water extracts was fractionated according to the solubility in acid and adsorption onto polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). For the water extracts and their fractions, the amounts of organic C, total N, and anthrone-reactive C (ARC) were analyzed, and high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) was carried out. The PVP-non-adsorbed fulvic acid (FA) fraction accounted for the largest proportion of the total water-soluble organic C, ranging from 52% for the Yellow soil to 96% for the allophanic Amdosol, followed by the PVP-adsorbed FA and humic acid (HA) fractions. The water extract of the allophanic Andosol was characterized by the lack of HA fraction and a small proportion of PVP-adsorbed FA fraction. For all the water extract samples, more than 90% of the ARC was recovered in the PVP-non-adsorbed FA fraction. The proportion of ARC in the total organic C in the fraction was also highest in the PVP-non-adsorbed FA fraction. The molecular weight (MW) of the humic substances (HS) at peak maximum was estimated at 1,300 Da for the water extracts and their fractions from the Brown Lowland soil and non-allophanic Andosol samples by HPSEC using polyethylene glycols as MW standards. Manure application increased the MW of HS in the HA and PVP-adsorbed FA fractions. On the other hand, only a small amount of HS was found in the water extract of the allophanic Andosol by HPSEC.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to make a physical, physicochemical, and biological characterization of compost obtained from crop residues of horticultural plants grown in greenhouses and to assess the physical and chemical responses of a soil tested after the applications of this organic amendment. The compost showed a high percentage of inorganic material because the source of this compost includes not only crop residues but also soil; for this reason, it had high coarseness index (CI), electrical conductivity (EC), and pH. The application of the organic amendment to a soil with reduced bulk density (BD) increased the percentage of particles with large diameters, as well as increased the nutritional status and organic matter (OM). However, nitrogen and potassium levels in soil were low. Compost addition provoked an increase in soil EC, which restricts its use to salt-tolerant plants.  相似文献   

有机物料对不同作物根系土壤腐殖质组成和结构的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为探讨施用有机物料后不同作物根系土壤腐殖质各组分含量和胡敏酸元素组成的变化情况,以吉林农业大学试验田培肥2a的黑土为研究对象,试验选取3种作物(玉米、大豆、白菜),每种作物设4种施肥处理,包括化肥(CK)、玉米秸秆配施化肥、树叶配施化肥和鸡粪配施化肥。采用腐殖质修改法提取水溶性物质(WSS)、胡敏酸(HA)、富里酸(FA)、胡敏素(HM),利用重铬酸钾外加热法测定腐殖质各组分有机碳含量,采用分光光度计法测定HA和FA的光学性质,通过光密度E_4/E_6值和元素组成分析HA的结构变化。结果表明:土壤总有机碳(TOC)和腐殖质各组分有机碳含量均表现为白菜玉米大豆。相比CK,配施有机物料后作物根系土壤TOC、WSS、HA含量分别显著增加5%~8%,34%~55%,8%~20%,FA含量变化不明显。相比树叶和鸡粪,秸秆可显著提高TOC含量;WSS在各物料之间差异不明显;HM含量表现为秸秆树叶鸡粪CK。有机物料对PQ值的影响因作物而异,秸秆和鸡粪对玉米、大豆根系土壤PQ值(HA占腐殖酸的比率)的影响相似,而鸡粪对白菜根系土壤PQ值的影响显著高于玉米秸秆。施用有机物料后HA的E_4/E_6未发生明显改变,FA的E_4/E_6显著提高。有机物料使根系土壤HA缩合度升高,分子结构更加复杂,且有利于HA含氮基团的形成,以秸秆处理作用最好。由此可见,有机物料具有良好的培肥效果,其中鸡粪对白菜根系土壤培肥效果最显著,秸秆与鸡粪对玉米、大豆根系土壤培肥效果相似,均显著高于化肥。  相似文献   

中国黑土上腐殖酸和腐殖物质的提取及其描述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Twenty-three progressive extractions were performed to study individual humic acids (HAs) and humin fractions from a typical black soil (Mollisol) in Heilongjiang Province, China using elemental analysis and spectroscopic techniques. After 23 HA extractions the residue was separated into high and low organic carbon humin fractions. HA yield was the highest for the first extraction and then gradually decreased with further extractions. Organic carbon (OC) of the humin fractions accounted for 58% of total OC even after 23 successive HA extractions. In addition, the atomic C/H ratio decreased during the course of extraction while C/O increased; the E4/E6 ratio from the UV analysis decreased with further extraction while E~/E3 increased; the band assigned to aliphatic carbon (2 930 cm-1) in the diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) spectra gradually increased with progressive extraction; the calculated ratio of the sum of aromatic carbon peak heights to that of aliphatic carbon peak heights from DRIFTS spectra declined with extractions; and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data suggested that HA aliphatic carbons increased with extractions while aromatic carbons decreased. Thus, hydrophobicity and aliphaticity of HAs increased with extractions while polarity and aromaticity decreased. These data showed substantial chemical, structural, and molecular differences among the 23 HAs and two humin fractions. Therefore, these results may help explain why soil and sediment humin fractions have high sorption capacity for organic contaminants.  相似文献   

Winter lettuce response to the application of composts from the solid fraction of dairy cattle slurry was assessed in combination with mineral nitrogen (N) fertilizer throughout a randomized block experiment under greenhouse conditions. Lettuce yield did not increase with mineral N fertilizer, possibly because the lettuce was preceded by a heavily fertilized tomato crop, and the amount of mineral N (114 kg ha?1) in the soil at the beginning of the experience was greater than the amount of N (64–89 kg ha?1) accumulated in the lettuce shoots of all of the treatments. In contrast, lettuce yield and N uptake increased with compost application, suggesting other benefits in addition to N availability resulting from its use as a soil amendment. Therefore, dairy cattle slurry solid fraction mature compost can be recommended for vegetable production, and mineral N recommendation is suggested to pursue previous soil mineral N analysis.  相似文献   

东北黑土活性有机碳、氮分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对东北黑土区不同地点、不同层次的土壤样品的分析,探索活性有机碳(轻组有机C,N、颗粒有机C,N和易氧化有机C,N)在东北地区的分布情况。结果表明,随着纬度的增加,土壤活性有机C、N含量增加;随着深度的增加,土壤活性有机C、N含量减少。说明纬度低的地区,活性有机碳库转化较快,库容较小,而耕作措施相近的情况下,植物残体和根残体在有机C积累方面应予以重视。  相似文献   

重金属影响下有机物料分解与转化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过室内培养实验,初步研究了重金属Cd、Pb影响下。猪粪和玉米秸秆在土壤中的分解与转化规律。结果表明;添加重金属后。有机物料的分解与转化和有机物料种类、用量以及重金属类型有关。一般来看,与不添加重金属的非污染土相比。有机物料低用量(1%用量)条件下。单加Cd有抑制其分解的趋势,单加Pb则有促进其分解的趋势.同时加Cd、Pb也有抑制其分解的趋势;而高用量(5%用量)条件下,无论单加还是同时加Cd、Pb都有抑制其分解的趋势。有机物料低用量时更有利于胡敏酸(HA)形成,而高用量时则更有利于富里酸(FA)形成。有机物料低用量使HA、FA的分子结构都变得复杂化。从环境保护和提高经济效益两方面综合考虑,重金属污染土壤中有机物料施用量不宜过高。  相似文献   

The effect of fertilizers and amendments on organic matter dynamics in an acid Alfisol was studied in a long-term field experiment initiated during 1972 at experimental farm of Department of Soil Science, CSK HPKV, Palampur (India). Continuous application of chemical fertilizers either alone or in combination with farmyard manure (FYM) or lime for 42 years significantly influenced water-soluble organic carbon (WS-OC), water-soluble carbohydrate (WS-CHO), soil microbial biomass carbon, soil microbial biomass nitrogen, soil microbial biomass phosphorus, soil microbial biomass sulfur, humic acid (HA), and fulvic acid (FA). Continuous cropping without fertilization resulted in depletion to the order of 17, 21, 24, 23, 22, 26, 12, and 18% in WS-OC, WS-CHO, microbial biomass carbon, microbial biomass nitrogen, microbial biomass phosphorus, microbial biomass sulfur, HA, and FA, respectively. Different fractions of soil organic matter were found to be positively and significantly correlated with grain and straw/stover yield of wheat and maize crops.  相似文献   

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